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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 277 KB, 2200x2200, 1589983981013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6502417 No.6502417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It is time for a revolution, my brothers! I speak on behalf of those who demand that sixth gen consoles and games be considered a part of /vr/! It has now been TWENTY YEARS since the PS2 was released, and in one year the Xbox and Gamecube will catch up to it. Equality is demanded! #SixthGenMatters

But seriously, what the fuck, they're old enough to post on this board and the sticky is over six years old.

>> No.6502423

6th gen will never be /vr/. This board needs to be renamed Golden Age Video games. The generation you are advocating for is trash, and was the begining of the end or video games that are now, at this point, only surviving because the Switch exists.

>> No.6502425

The big problem with what you are asking for is that it'll open the floodgates to Xbox people, and discussion of that line of consoles will absolutely positively never be acceptable in any way shape or form.

>> No.6502427

They just need to rename the board to Pre-2K Games or something and then no one can argue what is and what is not retro.

>> No.6502429

>sixth gen was the beginning of the end
>not seventh gen
The Wii and its casualfag market and stupid DLC bullshit is what started the beginning of the end for video games.

>> No.6502430

OG Xbox was the best console of its generation, deal with it.

>> No.6502431

reminder that it's literally 2-3 autists who hate Gen 6. They'll even open up VMs and samefag their own anti-gen 6 threads.

>> No.6502432

Only the Dreamcast is retro. Everything else in the pic, nope.

>> No.6502434

>pre-2k games
>ps1 released games until the mid 2000s
guess again retard

>> No.6502436
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Not going to happen. be happy you can slip in a few threads here and there, or else GTFO.

>> No.6502438

The Xbox is older than the Dreamcast was when the sticky was updated.

>> No.6502459

My cock is getting super hard at the prospect of discussion Gears of War on a retro game board eventually.

>> No.6502469
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agreed gentlesir

>> No.6502473
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That doesn't even make sense, dipshit

>> No.6502476

if we classify them as retro games, which they are, then my crippling existentialism will overcome me and realize that these games i adore came out so fucking long ago and make me feel that much more detached from childhood memories

pls let me have this OP

but fo real they are retro, my favorites you can't even access that easily. might as well be a god damn 30-40 year old game.

>> No.6502479

>can't read
>lashes out at the white man
a tale as old as time

>> No.6502481

ur retarded for 1) believing what that image says at full face value / agreeing with it

2) ruining the sanctity of this thread and probably others by bait posting

can we just enjoy this thread for what it is mate

>> No.6502482


The more you cry, the less we want to talk to you.

>> No.6502483

Dreamcast age in February 2014: 15 years old
Xbox age as of June 2020: 18 years old

>> No.6502489

hilarious coming from someone as lonely as you, anon.

>> No.6502490

It's doesn't mean it's retro, it's a moot point, dipshit. Why would that even be relevant besides trying to create a false argument. Pre 2k is pre 2k, doesn't matter if you create some stupid "point", it's irrelevant.

>> No.6502491

>arguing in bad faith
why is it always the same guy, (You), who acts like you simply don't understand the argument?

>> No.6502493
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Read the sticky and quit using the bad faith argument, because you're arguing in bad faith. Youre projecting and by using the bad faith rhetoric, we all know you're the same dumbass who keeps pushing 6th gen into /vr/. It's not going to happen, so take your bad faith bullshit and shove it in your cocksucker.

>> No.6502494

I'm gonna laugh when the next gen consoles come out and you have a major autism meltdown over the rest of the sixth generation being considered retro on this board. It's already long overdue.

>> No.6502495

your average /vr/ poster doesn't want to feel old on top of fears that this place will just become another /v/ are why 6th gen will never be fully allowed.

i'd rather merge all the video game boards back together at that point.

>> No.6502496

I can't wait until this board is nothing but 50% DOOM threads and 50% Halo threads.

>> No.6502498
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I'm laughing that you keep making these threads in desperation, when you always get shut down for good reasons. Just post with your name as "bad faith", so we know it's going to be the same bullshit from the same faggot op (you).

>> No.6502502

I agree but only for PS2 games released before 9/11. After that we started seeing games like GTA 3 and FF10 which have far more in common with what came after than what came before.
As for GC and Xbox, they're pretty non-retro barring a few exceptions like Melee. Did you know Melee came out one day before Mega Man X6?

>> No.6502503

better than 50% DOS and home computer shovelware threads

>> No.6502504

Already starting to sperg I see. You'll have plenty of time to throw a tantrum once the mods finally update the sticky.

>> No.6502506

I knew it was you anon, thanks for outing yourself once again as the lone autist.

>> No.6502507
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You better suck gook moots cock good for that to happen, kek. You're the one who keeps making these threads cause you're so fucking obsessed. I'll see you next time you whine to the mods, bad faith anon. Filtered.

>> No.6502510

Judging by the sticky which added the Dreamcast being created in 2014, this sets a precedent for 15 years being the amount of time needed to pass in order for a console to be considered retro. By this precedent, not only is 6th gen already retro but since the Xbox 360 was released on November 22, 2005, this means that on November 22 of this year, 7th gen discussion will officially be allowed.

>> No.6502512

>he thinks he’s talking to just one person again
It’d be nice to believe that your opposition is as lonesome as you are, wouldn’t it?

>> No.6502513

What we really need is a /vr2k/ board, because 6th gen stuff would absolutely down the rest of the board with quantity alone. Maybe by 2024 mods could allow 7th gen there too.

>> No.6502514
File: 157 KB, 1295x309, 1583432162788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that PS1/N64/Saturn weren't considered retro enough when the board first started, but were soon allowed not long afterwards.
And then a year later Dreamcast was allowed because of the release of 8th gen consoles.
9th generation of gaming is just around the corner, PlayStation 5s coming out later this year

>> No.6502516

Look at it this way; the term 'classic rock' has been around since pearljam or nickelback and referred to music from around 20 years ago. Even though those bands are as old as the classic rock bands, they cannot be considered classic rock despite their age.

I think there should be a board for strictly legacy consoles, those being consoles that have already been superseded and are at least two generations old. PS3 would be too new when the PS4 was out, but would be once the PS5 comes out.

There were some interesting games that came out during 7th gen nonetheless, though a lot of folks would agree that 2013 was the absolute end. All sorts of infamous, shady shit was going around, all sorts of mediocre games, the whole "customers are entitled" mindset was growing, and how could we forget I'M YOUR PROM DATE YOU UGLY SACK OF SHIT. The only good thing that 2013 offered was Metal Gear Rising.

>> No.6502517

There are 15 IPs in this thread, only one of them is you desperately clinging to the idea that decades old consoles are somehow not retro with no actual arguments to back up such a notion. The rest are sensible people waiting patiently for your autism outbreak with popcorn handy.

>> No.6502518

>we need a board to only discuss 6th and 7th gen
>thinks 6th gen will ruin a dinosauric slow board like /vr/
What’s wrong with you?

>> No.6502520

I'll never understand why DC is considered retro while the rest are not besides muh year number autism. Yeah it had a shorter lifespan than the rest and died before the generation really got into full swing but it was definitely next gen. If it had lived as long as the PS2, surely it wouldn't be considered retro and the rules of this board would have been at a clear 5th gen cutoff.
Besides, the PS2 wasn't exactly doing anything the DC couldn't while the DC was on the market.
Also, it had widespread support for DLC and online gaming, which makes it even more similar to the Xbox and everything after.

>> No.6502521

i dont want dmcautists, meleestinkos or khfags running rampant here.

>> No.6502524

We are enjoying what the thread is: an offtopic shitfest.
I give it another year or so before we start getting regular LOL threads here on /vr/.

And seeing as the mods aren't doing anything about this, the only way to get results at this point is to just cause more bitching and offtopic shitflinging. We need more Twitter caps and /pol/ shit. Someone make a few posts about half life as well so we can get that one obsessed retard in here too.

>> No.6502525

>i'd rather merge all the video game boards back together at that point.
Oh god please no.

>> No.6502526

So find a new board, those systems are all officially retro.

>> No.6502527
File: 88 KB, 700x700, 5f26d8fe75fad10f9cd23944868390db3961f316b7d37adee6029019336c574d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halo and Grand Theft Auto threads finally on /vr/
Holy fucking shit my dick

>> No.6502528

We should move the cutoff from 1999 to 2000 with 6th gen games released while the Dreamcast was on the market being allowed and everything else not allowed.
Goddamnit I just wanna talk about the PS2's launch lineup and that soulful soulful BIOS and memory card icons but /v/ is too busy bitching about how the girls in the latest fotm interactive movies on the PS4 look like dudes.

>> No.6502530

Might as well. There's less retro talk here, I've been rooting for the removal of this board for a year now. This place is getting more and more like /v/, I say delete the board and be done with it.

>> No.6502531

>PS2 is retro, but not GCN or XBOX
That's just plain fucking retarded and you know it. Even GTA3 could trace back it's design lineage to Body Harvest on the 64, not some magical post 9/11 mindset that changed the nature of some writing but not game design itself.

>> No.6502534


>> No.6502536

cringe since you posted this 6th gen will never be added to the board

>> No.6502538

Holy shit guys we have actual 4chan mods posting in this thread! Better update that sticky!

>> No.6502539
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It's time to RISE UP

>> No.6502540

Just expand it from 1999 to 2004. 2005's when 7th gen officially started with the X360
I want my N-Gage threads

>> No.6502541

>the autist is spamming the thread again to create the illusion of consensus
Is there anything sadder

>> No.6502543
File: 414 KB, 600x800, __madotsuki_yume_nikki_drawn_by_emia_castilla__c1433ca2d30b090e9af50dfdab1cbf8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care for the consoles, but allowing 2000-2010 PC games would be ace. I don't care if you get butthurt by wow threads.

>> No.6502545

>I want my N-Gage threads
You speak to my heart, but please no. /V2k/ is the best solution, and Dreamcast can be moved to there as well.

>> No.6502547

Reminder that it’s literally one autist who advocates for /v2k/ and he usually posts with Multiple VMs to agree with himself.

>> No.6502552

>Wanting yet another /v/ board
For fucks sake dude, this site already has 5 gaming boards, that's already a bit too much. We don't need another for just a single generation of gaming. Just get with the times and implement early 2000s gaming into /vr/

>> No.6502557

>6 generations are now older on 4chan than what /vr/ considers retro consoles when 4chan was first created

>> No.6502558

Or you could make a thread in /vg/ about sixth gen. That's a pretty simple solution.

>> No.6502560
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>> No.6502562

>he’s still going
Glad you came anon I think I’ll just sit back and enjoy the autism for now.

>> No.6502564
File: 115 KB, 1024x824, omg check out my nintendo switch (in a roman osteria).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only surviving because the Switch exists

>> No.6502571

Why don't you make a 6th gen general in /vg/?

>> No.6502573

Did you read the post you replied to or are you just blind with impotent rage by now

>> No.6502576

What is Retro is based purely on the amount of time that has passed. There is fundamentally no difference whatsoever between games like Super Mario Bros 3, The Last of Us and Gone Home. Discussion of 7th gen games on /vr/ would fit seamlessly despite the autistic whining of a couple boomers.

>> No.6502578

>Start a general 6th gen thread on /vg/
>Dies with almost no posts in under an hour because it's not gatchashit or thread #3946 of a big franchise like Sonic that always has a general up
/vg/ is shit-tier, especially when it comes to starting a new general

>> No.6502580

In the end it doesnt matter. In a few years we'll be in the middle of the 9th gen and by then if sixth gen consoles are still not allowed to be talked about in /vr/ (despite being 3 generations ago by then) then we'll all know that the mods of /vr/ and everyone who frequents here are little baby bitches too afraid to accept the passage of time. Stay mad.

>> No.6502582

Why don't you just make a 6th gen general in /vg/?

>> No.6502583

I don’t think you need to wait until the middle of gen 9 to comfortably confirm that.

>> No.6502585

Did you break anon?

>> No.6502586

>Dies with almost no posts in under an hour
It won't if everyone who wants to discuss 6th gen migrates there.

>> No.6502589

But then itll only be you left on the board, still talking to yourself.

>> No.6502590
File: 20 KB, 596x892, generals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a board for generals seemed like a good idea at the start, but then everything went to shit and now /vg/ is only good to keep the worst games away from other boards.

>> No.6502593

Yeah but FF10 was far more similar to 13 in scope, atmosphere and especially production value than to 9 and earlier. Also GTA3 is much more similar to Vice City and onwards than some N64 shovelware.
Also what about PS2 games that released while the Dreamcast was still on the market? They weren't exactly doing anything the Dreamcast couldn't, hell, some of them were ports of Dreamcast games.
Also it's kinda stupid that due to board rules Twisted Metal Small Brawl can be discussed on this board but not Twisted Metal Black that predates it by 5 months, so that's an issue too.
>but not GCN
Did you not read the part where I specified Melee?

>> No.6502594

6th gen will never be /vr/, deal with it zoomer

>> No.6502597

This is all baseless and unexplained conjecture, it’s amusing you think it’s an argument.

>> No.6502598
File: 332 KB, 1372x1372, 3D5ED5A2-0D3A-4454-A619-9DE0749773AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Allow for Disc Based PS2 Compatibility So I can Play My:
Blade 2 (PS2), Spawn: Armageddon, Ghost Rider (PS2), BloodRayne, BloodRayne 2, Primal (PS2), Van Helsing (PS2), Spider-Man 1 (2002 for PS2), Spider-Man 2, Ultimate Spider-Man (2005, PS2), Jet Li: Rise to Honor, Marvel Nemesis: Rise of The Imperfects, Ty The Tasmanian Tiger, Fantastic Four (2005 for PS2), X-Men 3: The Official Game, Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe, Soul Reaver 2
on the Next Gen System in The Living Room hooked Up to a Badass Sony TV, all upscaled to Glorious 4K or at least at traditional 1080P (Like my Backwards Compatible PS3).
Optional: Make PS2 Compatibility Region Free So I can Play My Underworld (2003 for PS2) Movie Tie In Game on the System (Like how my Test Model For Developer Fat PS3 I got from eBay can play PS2 Games Region Free) and Give PS5 the PS1 Backwards Compatibility too So I can Play: Blade 1 (Movie Game, 2000), Spawn: The Eternal, Jackie Chan: Stunt Master, The Crow: City of Angels, Soul Reaver
GOD I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF GAY LAME ASS NERDY DORKY GAMES FRANCHISES SUCH AS: COD, BATTLEFIELD, ASSASSINS CREED, BIOSHOCK, BORDERLANDS, DRAKES UNCHARTED, E.T.C... OTHER THAN THE AMAZING DEVIL MAY CRY FRANCHISE, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO SUPERNATURAL KUNG-FU ACTION HORROR HEAVY METAL BADASS VIDEO GAMES??? IF YOU WILL NOT HAVE DEVELOPERS MAKE THOSE KINDS OF GAMES ANYMORE ATLEAST ALLOW US TO PLAY THOSE GAMES ON NEXT GEN SYSTEMS VIA THROUGH PS2 BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY. SONY IF YOU DO NOT ADD PS2 BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY/LAUGH IT OFF, MICROSOFT HAS YOU BEAT AND YOU WILL LOSE... and cry about not having a profitable division afterwards Serves you Right. You’ve Been Coasting on the Marketing Scheme that was the PS4 long enough. PS4 was shit hardware throughout its entire life cycle and you know it. Success/Profit from PS4 won’t apply since people have wisened up and realized the PS4 generation was so boring because the games were the same old same old rehashed shit.

>> No.6502601

get this faggot hashtag shit out of here too you fucking loser

>> No.6502602
File: 349 KB, 597x456, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard somebody doesn't like cornflakes.

>> No.6502605
File: 2.45 MB, 336x252, I WON!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like someone who lost the argument.

>> No.6502606

You missed a few... Hundred

>> No.6502608

Dreamcast says hi.

>> No.6502609

To prove myself right, I started one as a test

>> No.6502610

While I would like a place to talk about that gen, /vr/ isn't it. What they should do is make another board called /vr2k/ that covers that gen then everyone would be happy.

>> No.6502612

We were arguing? Here I thought I was just enjoying your autism attack.

>> No.6502614
File: 116 KB, 730x770, 1510292669_5a4bd695-34a1-4f97-abd4-641b69c4b9de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All brans are better for my transit.

>> No.6502615

Reminder that it’s a single autistic “man” child who suggests that gookmoot makes a new board for just gen 6 and 7.

>> No.6502616

Firing up the VPN again I see.

>> No.6502617

The fuck? this is literally my first post on this subject as I rarely come to /vr/ thanks for reminding me why.

>> No.6502620

No it's not, idiot. /V2k/ has been discussed for quite a few years.

>> No.6502623
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>> No.6502625

Seems like the only autistic "man" child is the faggot spamming this same exact tantrum over and over again.
He's just a schizo. Maybe if he spams that shit enough the mods will ban him and he'll metamorphosis into a new Barneyfag.

>> No.6502629

>talking to yourself
Even more pathetic than the “life” you come on /vr/ to escape.
Room temp IQ

>> No.6502630
File: 528 KB, 1762x2828, D781D45E-2CCA-498E-9726-94B98B66C683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More power to you and whatever PS2 Games you like. We’re all in this shit “No Backwards Compatibility in The Modern Day and Age” Policy Situation Together my Brother. And Emulation on Microsoft Windows PC will never provide the smooth backwards compatible experience like the one on old school fat Launch Model PS3’s which played PS1 AND PS2 Games all upscaled to full 1080P HD and with Smoothing. Let’s hope Snoy Creates an PS2 Emulator for PS5.

>> No.6502631

And it's been said lots of times for a few years that it's a terrible idea, because it is. We don't need another gaming board. We don't need a board for specifically one console gen. The age of GameCube and PS2 being considered retro is upon us, the future is near old man

>> No.6502635

I own a ps2 with an hdd loaded with games. I'm good.

>> No.6502636
File: 2.16 MB, 400x224, (You) getting absolutely btfo'd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called it an argument bud, not me.

>> No.6502637

Spamming the same shit over and over again, eh autismo?

>> No.6502638

I'm literally this guy>>6502635

>> No.6502640

The only PS2 games going to PS5 will just be full priced remasters that take a lot of artistic liberties

>> No.6502643

I tells ya, it'll be the end of /vr/ proper when that happens. Maybe it would be a good thing since you got mostly faggots lingering on this board now, but it'll be an end all the same.

>> No.6502646
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 03a5fa063ca0d8bafbc7f2e4419b87a4a967bf36a0cc637bbf23c57a65572c15.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ degrades into nothing but DOOM, Halo, WoW, GTA generals and Kingdom Hearts autism
>Actual Retro discussion 404s immediately
O boy I can't wait.

>> No.6502647

Yes but you don’t get the upscaled modern 1080P or 4K resolution with that set up, let’s face it, 480p looks like hot garbage on modern TV’s.

>> No.6502649

It’s about the console release date not the games you dumbass.

>> No.6502653

Name 10 good PS2 games that aren't RPG cancer or normalfag garbage

>> No.6502656

>another 6th gen thread where boomers make their bad faith arguments for why it isn't retro
It's getting pathetic. Most people who grew up with 6th gen are pushing 30 years old. /vr/ is a board about old games, not games for your specific childhood in the 80s and 90s.

>> No.6502658

Right, and it’s by design, because being sensible about release dates would completely invalidate the boards rules.

>> No.6502661

Why would they need VMs to samefag on a board without IDs?

>> No.6502662

Yeah, that's why I play on a crt. This is /vr/

>> No.6502663

>he doesn’t know about the poster count
How /new/ are (You)?

>> No.6502665

VMs? Maybe he means proxys, but he's too stupid.

>> No.6502667

>Name 10 good SNES games that aren't RPG cancer or normalfag garbage
See anyone can do it
>Actual Retro discussion 404s immediately
Already is happening. I love constant console shit flinging threads and threads where OP asks dumbass questions you could figure with a google search

>> No.6502671
File: 602 KB, 1879x1409, 6325F192-E142-41FE-A22E-A04AD116CC3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those PS2 gen games were way better than modern titles. When Upscaled On A Backwards Compatible PS3 to 1080P Or to 4K on PC Emulation, PS2 Games Have Much Better Graphical Realism Due To Better Lighting, Contrast, Detailing, Shading, Sharpness / Crispness, Focused Image, Shadow Effects, Textures, and Detail; albeit with less polygons from this era but that’s barely noticeable when the best looking games are upscaled from that era. The Main Thing is PS2 Games Had DEPTH PERCEPTION. See Pic Related. Left Looks 2D Compared To Right.
PS5 Shills BTFO. Left (PS5 Demo) Has No Depth Perception. Right (PS2 Gen Game) Has Depth Perception. By comparison, Pic on the Left (The PS5 Demo) Looks Like an oil painting or some Disney Pixar / Dreamworks looking Crap as Opposed to the PS2 Game on the Right. The Old School Spidey Game on the Right Almost Looks Like a Live Action Scene From The Movie Itself, making it seem much more photorealistic.

>> No.6502672

>See anyone can do it
nah, I'm legit curious. Which PS2 games would you wanto to discuss here

>> No.6502674

480i games look great on my 720p plasma

>> No.6502680

>nah, I'm legit curious
You're not., considering your criteria for discounting normalfag and RPG cancer. Which is found on old retro systems. If you're curious you can look for yourself niche games on the PS2 which were in abundance. In the meantime, lynch yourself for making another shit argument.

>> No.6502681
File: 639 KB, 1811x1414, 813F7A73-8725-492C-922A-A89AD124FC24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those PS2 gen games were way better than modern titles. When Upscaled On A Backwards Compatible PS3 to 1080P Or to 4K on PC Emulation, PS2 Games Have Much Better Graphical Realism Due To Better Lighting, Contrast, Detailing, Shading, Sharpness / Crispness, Focused Image, Shadow Effects, Textures, and Detail; albeit with less polygons from this era but that’s barely noticeable when the best looking games are upscaled from that era. The Main Thing is PS2 Games Had DEPTH PERCEPTION. See Pic Related. Left Looks 2D Compared To Right.
>PS5 Shills BTFO. Left (PS5 Demo) Has No Depth Perception. Right (PS2 Gen Game) Has Depth Perception. By comparison, Pic on the Left (The PS5 Demo) Looks Like an oil painting or some Disney Pixar / Dreamworks looking Crap as Opposed to the PS2 Game on the Right. The Old School Spidey Game on the Right Almost Looks Like a Live Action Scene From The Movie Itself, making it seem much more photorealistic.

>> No.6502682

Here, this is the place
>>>/vg/294948025 #

>> No.6502683

>If you're curious you can look for yourself niche games on the PS2
I did, 90% are shitty RPGs and the rest of the games on those lists are always the same few """obscure""" JP titles
I just want some good games for my PS2

>> No.6502684

>he doesn’t open up virtual machines to be able to talk across multiple IPs when he’s spamming against gen 6
Are you /new/?

>> No.6502685

Not him, but i'll list some from my collection:

Steambot Chronicles
God Hand
Way of the Samurai 2
Nebula: Echo Night
Gradius V
Ace Combat 4,5 and 5.5
Disaster Report
Haunting Ground

>> No.6502689

I'm not an autistic creep, how do you even know how to do this???

>> No.6502690

>steamboat chronicles
Based and popeye pilled

>> No.6502691


>> No.6502693

This. I'm sick and tired of bands like Slipknot and Marilyn Manson not being considered Classic Rock, they're over 20 years old now, dumbfuck boomers need to get with the times already.

>> No.6502694

Maybe you have a shit modern TV. 480p looks great on my set.

>> No.6502696

Fine you fucking nigger
-Ace Combat games
-Katamari Damacy games
-Armored Core games
-Zone of the Enders 2
-Michigan Report from Hell
-Gradius V
-R type Final
If you seriously you couldn't find any of those games, you didn't look hard enough.

>> No.6502697

I invented the virtual machine anon, it’s my pride and joy.

>> No.6502698

Why Do You Write Like This, Retard?

>> No.6502705

>I'm sick and tired of bands like Slipknot and Marilyn Manson not being considered Classic Rock
Nice shitpost boomer, classic rock stations have been playing 90s bands on their stations for years now. Feel free to try any of your other refuted non-arguments.

>> No.6502706

So should classical music also encompass Jimi Hendrix and Lynyrd Skynyrd alongside Chopin and Mozart?

>> No.6502707

1. Blood Will Tell
2. God Hand
3. Katamari Damacy
4. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
5. Way of the Samurai
6. Gungrave
7. Disaster Report
8. Punisher
9. Robot Alchemic Overdrive
10. Sky Gunner

>> No.6502713

>compares a release difference of literally 1 year to music from separate centuries
Nigger tier

>> No.6502715

Ok, schizo

>> No.6502716

>though a lot of folks would agree that 2013 was the absolute end.
Literal underage faggots, the end happened 2007-8

>> No.6502717

>being this mad that someone delineated your shitposting method
You can’t have thought you were fooling anyone, no less myself, the inventor of the virtual machine.

>> No.6502719

When does it end. Do you think Mozart, Chopin and Bach lived in the same century?

>> No.6502725

That's what we would call "the beginning of the end".

>> No.6502726

Nice shitposting, but literally nobody knew what you were talking about until you outed yourself.

>> No.6502727

>when does it end
The 19th century is usually pushing it, the 20th century is usually dubbed some variation on “modern classical.” Are you done now?

>> No.6502729

Developed OCD a Couple years back so now I subconsciously Capitalize Words For Emphasis

>> No.6502731

>you outed yourself
Very obvious damage control, sad to see, anon. Seek help.

>> No.6502732

GTA IV was the last good game ever made
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

>> No.6502738

I would honestly rather have a /v2k/ thread for gen 6 and 7 gams.

>> No.6502740
File: 242 KB, 481x249, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind GBA, because in truth, it's like a SNES on cracks and its game feel closer to 16bit.

but otherwise the 6th gen looks to close to what we have today in modern gaming. And I don't mean graphically speaking, I mean in terms of game design philosophy.

Although the 7th gen was the big turning point in that regard, the 6th gen was already heading towards those new philosophies.

>> No.6502741

>he thinks local network IP's change jack shit
I kind of think either gen 6 should be okay, or gen. 5 should be considered not /vr/. 5 and 6 share a lot more than 4 and 5. 5 was the beginning of the end for me, and 7 marked the actual point of utter shit.

How about we make a rule where PS2 is allowed to join the Dreamcast as /vr/, but xbox is forced to sit in a corner and eat a jar of paste where it belongs? Xbox live was the beginning of the end; the PS2 was actually pretty decent.

>> No.6502742

Meh. /vr/ is already slow. Adding a few more consoles couldn’t hurt.

>> No.6502746

(I actually think GCN should be allowed as well; just not xbox)

>> No.6502748

Allowing GTAniggers and Gamecubekiddies here would be a disaster

>> No.6502751

some things were changed in GTA 3 due to 9/11, but nothing that major, just some small details and maybe a mission
it's certainly not a "post 9/11" game by any stretch, it was mostly done before 9/11

>> No.6502753

Slow boards are good though

>> No.6502756

Hello Chris-Chan

>> No.6502757

>How about we make a rule where PS2 is allowed to join the Dreamcast as /vr/
Bump the cutoff to the year 2000, the year PS2 released. Faggots here already break the 1999 cutoff by trying to force Deus Ex threads.
Xbox was decent, sorry you fell for the Halo machine meme.

>> No.6502759

Slow boards aren't bad and i'd rather not see gen 1 and 2 to get buried by the influx of zoomers who finally got their childhood consoles approved here.

>> No.6502760

I think even near the end of sixth gen things started going downhill. Started seeing more rehashes, games innovating gameplay less, more cutscenes and cinematic gameplay, etc.

I've wanted a place to discuss early 2000s PC games for a while, and I see others saying the same thing as well. /v/ is too fast and focused on current games for that. Every time I make a thread about an early 2000s PC game it gets maybe 20 replies then archives. I'm actually not using the site as much anymore since I have no good place to discuss what I'm mostly interested in. They might be closer to what's currently being released then fourth gen games, but there is still quite a bit about them that makes it obvious they're from a different era.

I understand people not wanting /vr/ to change and that it could drown out the older games people want to talk about here. A /v2k/ board would probably be a better idea, but it doesn't seem like anyone in charge of the site cares. Might have to just try and make a general sixth gen thread on /v/ to help keep it alive and hope it doesn't get sent to the /vg/ graveyard.

>> No.6502761

>IP count still profoundly low
Based gatekeeper autist

>> No.6502762

Nobody gives a fuck now about gen 1 and 2 grampa

>> No.6502764

Nah, the GBA definitely doesn't have the same feels as the SNES. The game design aped the contemporary Gamecube games and the artstyles in GBA games were substantially more modern as well.

>> No.6502767

>typing all this to plug /v2k/ bullshit

>> No.6502769

>a fourth fucking video game board should be made because a handful of autistic boomers refuse to admit that consoles from 20 years ago are old

>> No.6502771

And thus my point is proven

>> No.6502772

Xbox was indeed decent, but decidedly not retro. It's more of a gen 6.5 console desu

>> No.6502774
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>> No.6502775

That's a horrible idea. Just go to /v/ if you wanna talk about post-2000 consoles.

>> No.6502776

Go ahead and make a thread about them, nobody cares.

>> No.6502778

Unironically use 8kun, it's better and you can talk about all gens there

>> No.6502780

>still profoundly low
Surprise surprise

>> No.6502781

So, musical eras have obviously been shorter with the dawn of the 20th century. Bach, Chopin and Mozart are all much more similar in style than Bob dylan, Nirvana and slipnot are.

>> No.6502782

But they're too busy bitching about BLM and trannies and how the latest FotM interactive movie from Sony has a girl that looks like a dude

>> No.6502783

>A /v2k/ board would probably be a better idea
>a board for one generation meme for the billionth time
Just to go to fucking reddit, you /v2k/ fags are even bigger faggots than the fags who let 6th gen on /vr/
>released literally days within the Gamecube
>gen 6.5
Nope. Also reminder Dreamcast had paid online, so that was the beginning of the end.

>> No.6502786

What the fuck point are you trying to make, aside from how little you know about music? Suggesting classic rock and classical music are the same genre was always nigger tier.

>> No.6502787

**who won't let

>> No.6502791

Not Chris Chan, Chris Chan is Autistic, I’m Not Autistic. OCD is Not Autism. I developed OCD a few years back actually, but it’s because of the shit state of the world, however the OCD causes me to see details normies are ignorant to. If I get to fulfill my childhood passions of Chinese acrobatic Kung fu, Boxing, and heavy/rap/numetal as opposed to always having to go to work worrying about money, my OCD will go away (I’ve got a lot of repressed anger and not letting it out supercharges my mind to the point of becoming OCD about the tiniest things)

>> No.6502793

Reminder to ignore all /v2k/ fags.

>> No.6502797

Classic rock will be classical music is akin to saying post 5th gen is going to be allowed in /vr/. That's my point, it's fucking nigger tier. You absolute fucking dipshit.

>> No.6502802

What you are describing is not OCD. That’s autism, faggot.

>> No.6502805

No it’s not, it’s a retarded premise from a retarded person, and I don’t think anyone should suffer you to explain why. Is that really your best retort to being called a manchild who won’t share his toys?

>> No.6502806

Three small paragraphs?

It is old but there's still some merit in saying that PS2 games aren't really the same as NES games. There should probably be some kind of distinction, calling sixth gen semi-retro or 2k-retro or something.

I've been thinking about that, but it seems even slower than /vr/ for the main vidya boards. And I doubt a lot of the people here who want the same thing will move rather than just put up with whatever happens here. More splits might not help.

>hate sixth gen on /vr/
>hate anyone who wants an area to discuss sixth gen so it doesn't have to go on /vr/

>> No.6502808

N64 games are more different from NES games than N64 games are from Gamecube games.

>> No.6502813

I never had autism faggot, I developed repetitive behavior like 3 years ago when my life went to financial crises and started losing a lot of my hair. I have even been diagnosed with OCD.

>> No.6502814

You won't accept the passage of times effect on music, but it's somehow fine for videogames? But that's not even it, because you think modern music like slipnot should be lumped together with Bob Dylan and Neil young. You're the dumbest sack of shit I've ever encountered here.

>> No.6502815

Don’t bother, he posts every tantrum tier, specious reason for why he doesn’t want to share his board with people 2-3 years younger than him.

>> No.6502816

Whatever you say you autistic bastard.

>> No.6502817

>you /v2k/ fags are even bigger faggots than the fags who let 6th gen on /vr/
The fact that they are willing to go quarantine themselves elsewhere means they are way less faggots than those that want to piss and shit all over the place here.

>> No.6502820

>It is old but there's still some merit in saying that PS2 games aren't really the same as NES games.
Nigger shut up. There's no merit in that in the same way there isn't merit in saying Dreamcast and NES games aren't similiar.
>There should probably be some kind of distinction, calling sixth gen semi-retro or 2k-retro or something.
Or, they'e just fucking retro, because it's a console generation that's about to old enough to drink.

Seriously fuck off, you /v2k/ niggers always derail these threads in an attempt to keep 6th gen from being allowed, not because you actually care about discussion of it.

>> No.6502821

Why shouldn’t it? Besides, the fact you think Neil young is incompatible with metal shows you’ve never listened to Neil young, either. There’s also an entire structural argument I could get into to explain how similar those artists actually are, but judging by the superficial, duh-duh examples you chose, I figure it’ll be well over your head and spill out into a much longer lesson than your stupid argument really merits.

>> No.6502823

I actually misposted >>6502787
6th gen is retro, deal with it.

>> No.6502827

>BLM living RENTFREE title

>> No.6502829

Fucking retard arguing music in a video game thread.

>> No.6502831

I’m not arguing music, I’m telling anon how retarded his music analogy is. Plus there are music threads all the time on /vr/, some sick fucks on here actually buy hardware just to play MIDI with.

>> No.6502834

If you said that in my face I would mash it to a fuckin jelly, just be glad your anonymous. Don’t fuck with a psychotic. Hey, maybe your autistic since you can’t discern between things, like the difference between OCD and Autism (not being able to identify differences between things is category for autism, as I mentioned, I notice the tiniest of details including differences which is the opposite). What do you think OCD is faggot?

>> No.6502836

Yes. It's not retro and neither is the Gamecube although you could argue that the Cube's design philosophy is the most antiquated of the entire generation.

>> No.6502837

>Seriously fuck off, you /v2k/ niggers always derail these threads in an attempt to keep 6th gen from being allowed, not because you actually care about discussion of it.
I'm not trying to derail anything. The only games I've really been playing lately are early 2000s PC games. I've actually been looking through myabandonware for more of that stuff because I love it. Played Severance Blade of Darkness three times in a row recentely because it was amazing.

I want a place to discuss sixth gen but it feels wrong for some reason to force it onto /vr/. Wouldn't it eventually just turn into an old version of /v/ if it continually allows everything that's 20~ years old? That doesn't seem like the best solution either.

>> No.6502838

>Besides, the fact you think Neil young is incompatible with metal shows you’ve never listened to Neil young, either
Crazy horse is far from metal. I'd argue metal has more in common with classical music like Mozart than rock groups like Neil young and crazy horse who is based off of the blues. You don't know shit about what you're talking about, whether it comes to music or videogames, kek.

>> No.6502839

Seethe harder faggot.

>> No.6502840

Stupid laborer

>> No.6502841

> mash it
Mash you*
You got me pissed off, can’t even say shit right

>> No.6502845

>getting pissed off over a 4channel post
Nigger you autistic as fuck

>> No.6502849

>based off the blues
The blues is only a small detail, the rest of what makes American music “American” is British traditional folk, Central European folk (German mostly), bingo bongo west African music/work chants, gospel music, academics, Tin Pan Alley songwriters, bar music, etc.
>crazy horse is far from metal
Neil recorded several metal albums, he even recorded a new wave album on the synclavier/vocoder/dx7

>> No.6502850

Fuckin Zoomer Keyboard Warriors. Go back to playing Beyond Two Souls Or The Last of Us or some other indie shit while listening to katy perry and drinking your diet coke big gulp while wishing to lose weight yet still being fat and looking forward to the next Gay Disney MCU installment and your next helping of zionist dick. Then go kill yourself Normie
The absolute state of you
Absolutely Fucking Worthless

>> No.6502854
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All this bitching and moaning about whether or not 6th gen should be allowed but not one soul is discussing 6th gen games.
How about we change that? Discuss your favorite 6th gen games.
Mine's Midnight Club. That game is the bitch's tits.

>> No.6502853

What’s that? I think it’s the sound of your back going out at 40 just before you take your second mortgage out

>> No.6502856

>I'm not trying to derail anything.
You are.
>I want a place to discuss sixth gen but it feels wrong for some reason to force it onto /vr/.
No, that's you capitulating to a handful autistic boomers who don't want 6th gen because it reminds them of being old fucks. Every fucking one of these threads gets some shill for a /v2k/ board that's completely unwarranted.
>Wouldn't it eventually just turn into an old version of /v/ if it continually allows everything that's 20~ years old? That doesn't seem like the best solution either.
No, and thanks for proving my point you're just cow-towing to anti-6th gen autists by making another stock refuted boomer argument that this board would turn into /v/ from 6th gen discussion even though /v/ doesn't give a shit about it.

>> No.6502858

who are you? WHO ARE YOU? I watched Bob Dylan walk on stage in 1975

>> No.6502859

Respect ur elders zoomed faggot

>> No.6502861

it was grammatically correct anyways, now you just made yourself look more like a dumbass

>> No.6502862

for me it's TimeSplitters 3

>> No.6502863

And you could argue OG Xbox was the second iteration of the Dreamcast (even had planned compatibility with GDROMs at one point), so if you allow 6th gen, you allow Xbox.

I say we dip our toes in the water by allowing PS2 discussion first; all you have to do is bump the cutoff to 2000. Then allow GC and Xbox a couple of years later.

>> No.6502864

Damn that looks like a borderline 64 game

>> No.6502868
File: 29 KB, 386x386, NotDumbHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board gets flooded with smash, wow and gta threads
>any thread discussing anything under 6th gen gets bumped off in a couple minutes
That sounds great...

In all seriousness, /vr/ is meant to be a slow board and it's already getting fast enough to bump pinball threads off.

I'm sure you'd be more successful if you kept asking for your own board on /qa/ instead of desperately trying to force anons here into accepting stuff that doesn't belong here.

>> No.6502869

I was a Project Gotham guy myself.

>> No.6502870

>Then allow GC and Xbox a couple of years later.
and three years after that xbox 360 since itll be 20

>> No.6502872
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The zombie levels in this game are the only levels in any video game set in my state.

>> No.6502873

>very fucking one of these threads gets some shill for a /v2k/ board that's completely unwarranted.
I've been seeing people making threads for it on /v/ too though. Maybe people just realize there is something different about sixth gen and throwing it onto /vr/ doesn't exactly do it justice. I'm not sure.

Whenever I make a thread for a sixth gen game I get some responses from people saying they love the game and it seems like people want to talk about it. It's just that the board moves too fast for the threads to have a chance. I don't really know what the best solution is, but I really do love sixth gen games and hope something can be figured out soon to please everyone.

>> No.6502875

>IP count has been stagnant
>autist keeps chiming in pretending he’s new posters
Very interesting lens into the human condition.

>> No.6502876

>already getting fast enough to bump pinball threads off.
And that's a good thing
Nobody gives a shit about 2nd gen or anything earlier

>> No.6502878

been readin the exchange between this ocd guy and all of you. Hey if he says he got diagnosed with ocd couple years back then it’s clearly not autism since ur born with that. I know cause I had ocd 2 years ago while workin part time and goin to school, but now it’s resolved itself since I’m done with school & am financially sound (for the time being)

>> No.6502879

>kept asking for your own board on /qa/
I did that too but it doesn't seem like anyone cares. I don't know if it's just because they don't want to split some of the most popular boards or because the site is just stable enough to where they don't have to do anything, but asking for that doesn't seem to be working.

>> No.6502880

Crazy horse is not a technical band, they don't incorporate advanced chord progressions, it's all fairly standard easy stuff. And while I agree with you about American rock can get pretty varried, Neil young and Bob Dylan are simplistic song writers with simple folk and blues melodies. Psychosocial and duality are far from anything you posted, most metal especially contemporary metal is more technical than most classic rock except say yes or rush. My point wasn't to get into a music argument, but to be an analogy of trying to lump things together that shouldn't be. But you kept arguing saying stupid shit like Neil young is a metal artist and it's ok to compare and put slipnot in the same category. You are an autist to the max and you couldn't even prove me wrong, kek.

>> No.6502881

Launch title 360 games were on par with PS2/Xbox games of the time so yeah I see no problem

>> No.6502883

So you think Bob Dylan and slipnot should be lumped together under one umbrella term?

>> No.6502885

>boards already flooded with console wars, OPs asking dumb questions that could be answered with a google search, threads asking incredibly specific BEST [THING] IN RETRO VIDYA that only get a handful posts with no actual discussion
Yeah, fuck having some brand new fodder for actual discussion, I want the 5 billionth thread where OP asks if he should buy a shitty mini console for his wife's son.
>I'm sure you'd be more successful if you kept asking for your own board on /qa/
Nice try nigger, you fags always migrate over and tell us quit asking there instead. 6th gen is retro, sorry.

>> No.6502887

>standard easy stuff
>simple melodies
You aren’t a musician, are you? And I said Neil young wasn’t “incompatible” with metal as you suggested. He’s not. It’s a silly hill for you to die on anon.

>> No.6502889

>already getting fast enough to bump pinball threads off.
gotta be quicker on them flippers

>> No.6502890

Sure, it’s called “pop music” and it’s one of the most sensible umbrella labels out there, along with “classical music” “jazz” and “ecclesiastical music”

>> No.6502891

I had autism one summer

>> No.6502896

>I've been seeing the /v2k/ shills making threads for it on /v/ too though.
>I don't really know what the best solution is
It's retro, so it should be discussed here. You can stop trying to come off as the level headed fag in this discussion. No one wants more fractured vidya boards.

>> No.6502897

that's pretty cool, but i don't really like horror stuff, so i only played them to tick off the difficulties
you can find me hiding inside the painting area the deerhaunter comes out of, waving a bat and crying. it can't hit you in there

>> No.6502901

an artist respects the silence that serves the foundation of creativity.

>> No.6502902

The same boomer autists against 6th gen shitpost in the /qa/ threads, so it's pointless there too.

>> No.6502903
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I had a blast with Ar Tonelico

>> No.6502906

I am a musician actually, I play a few Neil tunes and some crazy horse and Neil young is not a metal artist, but that's still besides my point. Slipnot and Neil young are not the same either is bon Dylan. Bob Dylan would be like pac man, Neil young is like mario/donkey Kong and slipnot is like call of duty.

>> No.6502907

7th gen had an unusually long life span (7-8 years) so it won't be retro till the late 2020s at the earliest.

>> No.6502908
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>Or, they'e just fucking retro, because it's a console generation that's about to old enough to drink.
So 6 years from now we will have Gears of War and Last of Us threads on /vr/. How wonderfully retro.

>> No.6502909

You really think slipnot is pop music? Ok this conversation is over, kek.

>> No.6502910

Not retro, never will be.
You still do

>> No.6502912

See >>6502907

>> No.6502913

How? As I said autism is something your born with, ocd is something you develop from excessive stress, depression, repressed anger and it can be resolved. You sure you didn’t have ocd that summer?

>> No.6502915

I didn’t say he was a metal artist, I said his music and slipknot aren’t “incompatible” with eachother. Bob Dylan fits alongside both of those. Let me guess, you play guitar, don’t you?

>> No.6502917

Yeah, they're retro, have been for the last few years.

>> No.6502919

when you the shit thats coming you are going to be greatful for those games

>> No.6502920

Yes, it even uses tried and true pop song structures like every other artist who plays on the radio does.
>inb4 slipknot doesn’t make radio rock
Grow up and see it for what it is, a product oriented touring metal band.

>> No.6502921

Probably. I saw the same arguments about music in the /v/ thread about this so it seems like the same people migrate around. Very strange.

>> No.6502924

no it was autism. I think I caught it from the retard kid at camp.

>> No.6502926

I play a few instruments, guitar is one of them. Bob Dylan is compatible with Neil young, but not slipnot. Please stop trying to push this, you know you're wrong.

>> No.6502927

You already have a thread faggot:

>> No.6502928

I didn’t go in the /v/ thread but I autistically post about music on /vr/ a bit, like in that midi thread I mentioned earlier.

>> No.6502929

This is the fastest thread I've ever seen on /vr/, keep it up goys

>> No.6502934

No they're not you deluded moron no matter how much you want it to happen.

>> No.6502935

You get autism from exposure to aspergillis, which can hide in the fat folds of retards.

>> No.6502936

>I saw the same arguments about music in the /v/ thread
Thanks for confirming what I said here >>6502896
There's no shared consensus on 6th gen getting its own board and 6th gen not being on /vr/. It's literally the same autistic boomers shilling against it.
>rabid autism across different boards
>Very strange.
how new r u

>> No.6502937

I play percussion. in my pants

>> No.6502942

Also in neckbeards.

>> No.6502946

Why not? Because they use amps and distortion? Structurally their music is very similar, it just doesn’t scan the same because of how it’s mixed/delivered/presented. And don’t lie, you use those other instruments, but you don’t “play” them in a conventional sense. You’re a guitar player, after all.

>> No.6502947

thats what I thought. they always want to give you a hug the doofy bastards do.

>> No.6502948

Yes there are you illiterate nigger no matter how hard you try to convince yourself you're not angry at feeling old.

>> No.6502949

>in the future, new things will be old
wow what an observation

>> No.6502952

Change is coming grampa, tick tock tick tock. Playstation 2 is twenty years old this year, N64 was only eighteen when the sticky was updated.

>> No.6502954

It was already about to be archived in 30 minutes since the last reply. That's about as bad as trying to make a thread on /v/. Trying to discuss five different platforms in a single thread also seems asinine.

>> No.6502958

>Playstation 2 is twenty years old this year
Again, this needs to be the first step. Bump the cutoff to 2000.

>> No.6502959

>this year
the ps2 came out in march 2000, it's already over 20 years old

>> No.6502960

>Trying to discuss five different platforms in a single thread also seems asinine.
That should give it the reach it needs to survive on /vg/.

>> No.6502962

Once again: ignore /v2k/ shills.

>> No.6502963

Slipnot could be considered pop to metal elitists, sure, but they're are nowhere as "pop" as Cindy lauper, Britney spears, taylor swift etc... nobody would classify skipnot as what traditionally has been pop music since the end of pop standards (which wouldn't even be considered pop today). You're splitting so many hairs we might as well throw out all genres and anything that's ever been a hit is pop music now,. No that's not metal or rock or jazz it's all pop, because I heard it on the radio.

>> No.6502964

Gotta keep your distance since retards won’t respect personal space once they’re close enough to go in for the hug, because that’s how the tards breed.

>> No.6502965

KEK and Based OCD diagnosed anon. Put that zoomer faggot in their place lmao

>> No.6502967

OK zoomer.
Doesn't matter
This isn't /mu/

>> No.6502968

I'm a drummer, that plays guitar and trombone. You assume to much. Go listen to how the guitarist and drummer for slipnot make songs, it's nothing like Bob Dylan or Neil young.

>> No.6502969

I’m not deriding them as pop, pop is simply the best catch all term to describe modern music that falls outside the realm of academic music, Procedural music and jazz. It’s not splitting hairs, you’re just too illiterate to see how similar all that music actually is. Apparently playing a melody on a synthesizer instead of a guitar is a new genre to you. It’s a clown shoes tier opinion anon

>> No.6502973

It should but it's not. I don't think people are going to enjoy the mess of a thread that would be trying to discuss all five platforms at once with no real order. Imagine if /vr/ was just one big thread, it would be tedious to navigate. I didn't know /vg/ was that fast though, but I don't see the sixth gen thread there lasting long.

>> No.6502975

The songs they make are built with structure/logic that’s entirely derivative of the same stock of music that bob Dylan and Neil young pull from. It’s presentation oriented radio product, it’s that to a t, down to the runtime of their tracks and packaging.

>> No.6502976

Because when people want to listen to Classic Rock they want something of a specific style. If someone enjoys a Classic Rock style band and ask you for a recommendation and you give them fucking Slipknot they will be extremely disappointed. When you broaden the scope of what a genre/word means to such extremes it stops meaning anything substantial. If someone likes Super Mario and asks for more retro games like that and you recommend Gears of War they will be extremely disappointed because they are so wildly different.

>> No.6502978

>"You go first."

>> No.6502980

>This isn't /mu/
I'm sorry anon, my original analogy was about not lumping things together that shouldn't be, but the analogy was lost on the few I was arguing with and it spiraled into a hair splitting contest.

>> No.6502982

>If someone likes Super Mario and asks for more retro games like that and you recommend Gears of War they will be extremely disappointed because they are so wildly different.
Maybe don't recommend games from completely different genres, retard.

>> No.6502987

Genres hardly mean anything in music, things are classified that way strictly for marketing once you get below the broadest terms. Genres mean more in games, I suppose, but even then not really.

>> No.6502989

Maybe don't recommend music from entirely different genres, retard.

>> No.6502991

Slipnot is not very similar at all to Neil young or Bob Dylan, go listen to slipnots song structure and time signatures. They are not 4/4 songs with simple changes.

>> No.6502994

Slipnot uses odd time signatures and multiple key changes, it's nothing like Bob Dylan and Neil young

>> No.6502995

>Time signature autism
So if I play the same chord sequence in 4 4 and then in 12 8, is it suddenly a different genre?

>> No.6502996
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based dreamcast fag. not even a segadrone

>> No.6502998
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>"Hey I really enjoyed listening to Depeche Mode do you have anything similar?"
>Yeah sure have some Miles Davis
>"What the goddamn fuck man"

>> No.6503001

If it's all classic rock, then it doesn't matter. That was why this whole conversation started it was supposed to be an analogy for not lumping things together that shouldn't be

>> No.6503002

There are Neil Young songs that modulate, I don’t listen to enough bob dylan but I’m sure he has plenty that modulate. Time signature changes are silly to hold in esteem like that too, marching bands change time quite a bit and nobody creams themselves over how they use them.

>> No.6503004
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>retarded for believing court documents anyone can get access to.
lol okay retarded pajeet, I know its a rarity where you come from but shart in marts can read.

>> No.6503007

That's not the same as 5/4 or 6/8. You're really trying, but failing.

>> No.6503013

Neil young doesn't do runs and arpegios in odd time signatures while changing keys. That's like saying super Mario 64 is 3d it's exactly like the elder scrolls

>> No.6503017

>3 hours
>300 replies
>thread still up
based jannies.

>> No.6503018
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>"Hey I really enjoyed playing DOOM do you have anything similar?"
>Yeah sure have some Halo and Call of Duty
>"What the goddamn fuck man"

>> No.6503019

Sure, those time signatures have opposing feels to them, but if I don’t change any of the harmonic or melodic content, you’d suggest playing the piece in a different time signature would create a fundamentally different/opposing genre? 6 8 fits great over 4 4 either way.

>> No.6503020

I sense a very low musical literacy in this thread

>> No.6503026

Now go from 5/4 to 6/8 in a cohesive manner while changing keys and shredding all over the place. It's nothing like striking chords on 4/4 with a similar chord progression for the chorus and a simple pentatonic solo.

>> No.6503028

He asked for something similar and you purposefully named something different to be a cunt. What an asshole. Goldeneye is also different from Doom but considered retro by even the biggest boomer autist in 2020.

>> No.6503029

>T. I have no argument so I'll insult instead

>> No.6503031

>worshipping playing fast
>still doesn’t know what “modulate” meant in that other post
>”in a cohesive way”
>striking chords
>simple pentatonic
I was right in this post I guess:

>> No.6503034

Remember that recent HotS thread that was mistakenly posted here and stayed alive for days?

>> No.6503036

You didn’t make an argument either so we’re even retard.

>> No.6503037

I never said either is better or worse, my whole point was to not lump them together, I've been saying this the entire time. You really are a dunce

>> No.6503039

No your point is that one is harder to play and is thus different, while I’m saying they have enough structural similarities to both safely be called pop music.

>> No.6503040

Yes my argument was not to lump things together that shouldn't be. Not at any time did you refute that

>> No.6503041

i can only assume this thread is about odd meters in ps2 games, so here you go

>> No.6503043

Yes I did, I refuted it in the first reply when I pointed out how stupid, presumptuous and incomplete your metaphor was, nigger. Since then I’ve been getting a laugh about you “flexing” your musical “knowledge”

>> No.6503047

And I'm saying you're wrong on both accounts. You obviously created some alternative reality where this is /mu/ and never did you see my actual points, you just tried really hard to make Neil young and slipnot become a similar product. But you didn't do that either.

>> No.6503049
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I dont want halofags here.

>> No.6503051

I support the transition to the sixth gen.

>> No.6503052

They’re both pop music anon, they use pop song structures, they handle ideas and exposition like pop music, they format their lyrics the same way, they’re both aimed at the radio market. They’re both pop, deal with it.

>> No.6503054

gives me goosebumps every time i hear it

>> No.6503057

well too bad, halo 1 is already so old that it's possible to run it on windows 98 with a 1999 cpu and gpu

>> No.6503059
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For me, it's Urban Chaos

>> No.6503061

Then we came full circle to my other analogy of saying Neil young is similar to slipnot is like saying sm64 is just like yes. Then you insulted me cause you couldn't refute it, now you're pretending like that never happened. Even though I walked you all the way back to the original argument and you still can't refute it

>> No.6503062

>to me saying sm64 is just like yes
What are you talking about?

>> No.6503063
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>PS2 zoomers want to be retro

Just take your shit to /v/.

>> No.6503064

No I already gave you numerous examples of how they are not they same and slipnot is not pop. Then you accused me of glorifying fast music, now here we are and you still haven't given me any examples of how a Neil young song is structured anything like a slipnot song. You just keep saying they are with no evidence

>> No.6503065

>PS2 zoomers
i'm 5 years too old to be a zoomer, and the ps2 came out when i was 9
the ps2 is a bit too old for zoomers

>> No.6503068

TES, typo. You know what I'm talking about. It was only a few posts back, quit acting dumb

>> No.6503069

>This place is getting more and more like /v/
I don't see soijack, smash toxicity tier list, goobergates nor twitter screencap threads here though.

Hiro and the mods just need to do a purge on /v/ and get actual moderation there so people can have actual vidya discussion.

>> No.6503071

It’s pop music, you’re only having trouble accepting that because to you it’s a naughty word and you don’t like referring to them with any term except for wrestlerfagmetal or whatever you decided they were. And the evidence is strictly in how you talk anon, how you speak, how you construct your posts, it’s all very juvenile and exposes a low musical literacy.

>> No.6503073

It’s okay anon just slow down and calm down so you stop getting confused.

>> No.6503074

not him but i was a bit confused as well, there is a band called "yes"

>> No.6503076

Go get coronavirus and then hang yourself

>> No.6503078

Prove it. Ohh wait you can't, you can only exert a position with no evidence but "because I said so and you are musically illiterate." That's not a good hill to die on, but here you are.

>> No.6503080

It seems the chadbox superiority has caused some controversy.

>> No.6503082

Yeah, I actually mentioned yes much earlier, so I could see how confusing that came off as.

>> No.6503083

What do you expect me to do, pull sheet music of both artists and analyze it for you?

>> No.6503085

a too broad reach makes for a shit general, that's why the indie general is such crap where people wildly stuff every game into it from Yume Nikki to Divinity Original Sin 2

>> No.6503087

I gave a quit rundown of how they structure their songs and how different they are, but you just said "pop music" like it's an end all be all rebuttal.

>> No.6503090


>> No.6503091
File: 86 KB, 810x448, dilemna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you realize how stupid that argument is?

>> No.6503093

Could we have it so gta/smash/halo/etc arent allowed? I wanna discuss muh hidden gems from 2004 and earlier, nothing later and /v/ is a rancid shit pile

>> No.6503095

I’ve explained above why I use “pop music” the way I do and listed some other similarly broad labels I use to explain what I wouldn’t consider pop music. I’m sorry you have a tough time wrestling with umbrella terminology like that, but you have to accept that both are pop music at least based on my own explanation, even if you don’t agree with my definition of pop music yourself. Time to grow up, anon. And yes, I’ll defend my argument as an objective definition of the genre as I’m referring to the compositional form, approach and writing technique and not necessarily the harmonic/rhythmic content, even if I’d say those are important aspects of the above factors.

>> No.6503102

This. Discussion of Smash or Halo a 30 day ban. Everything else allowed.

>> No.6503103
File: 15 KB, 362x372, brucelee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey I really enjoyed listening to Katy Perry do you have anything similar?"
>Yeah sure have some Slipknot
>"What the goddamn fuck man"

>> No.6503105
File: 26 KB, 205x300, 41XGWK253WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another woke gen 6 game that predicted the current state of the United States

>> No.6503107

It's a state of mind, you're a zoomer who want to eat at the adults' table.

>> No.6503108

>Discussion of Smash or Halo a 30 day ban. Everything else allowed.
>Smash and Halo fags start making threads about the board's rules being arbitrary
I've already seen this before...

>> No.6503109

It's easy. Choose the left, the right doesn't even have an ESRB rating so it's probably unlicensed garbage or eurojank

>> No.6503112

They don't compose music similarly at all, nor do they write similarly. I don't even think Neil young writes his music at least not in any musical notation. You're wrong about all of it. Go ahead and have you're head canon of slipnot being pop music, but you're objectively wrong about the other stuff.

>> No.6503113

>adults table
Why is the “adult” table full of people throwing tantrums and screaming gen6 hate?

>> No.6503114

Fuck off zoomer niggers

>> No.6503115

A too broad reach also makes for a shitty board. When Gears of War and Last of Us are allowed to posted here alongside Super Mario Bros 3, Thunder Force and Ocarina of Time, the term Retro will have lost all meaning.

>> No.6503116

There are thousands of games from that gen alone, more than gen 5/7/8 combined probably. Ps2 alone has 4k titles, a board could easily be devoted to just gen 6 and itd be fast. Tons of hidden gems. Gen 6 is a millennial gen, not zoomee. Gen 5 and earlier is for gen x.

t. Millennial but gaming since age 4 so played plenty of psx games

>> No.6503117

>they don’t compose similarly at all
Slipknot still writes radio songs my friend, they have verses, they have choruses, just because they add modulations doesn’t change the fundamental order of their ideas, or how they tackle exposition. I like to see it as a similar loose intuitive framework to how classical dance forms or jazz soloing are structured.
>they don’t write similar
Again, I disagree, and it’s interesting that you lopped off the part where I said that I consider harmonic/rhythmic content less important to “genre” labels than the mechanical aspects of their writing, when that’s undoubtedly the line you’re drawing to say that their writing is dissimilar.

>> No.6503118

The Dreamcast is allowed because of its release date but also because its extremely short lifespan.

Had it been as successful as its other 6th gen counterparts, it wouldn't be allowed here at all.

>> No.6503119
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>> No.6503121

based dino

>> No.6503124

Im starting to support and like the idea of /v2k/. This place would be flooded with gen 6 ONLY if it let in gen 6. I don't want that, i like the charm it has now and would never have discovered something like Brightis if it allowed gen 6

>> No.6503130

Nah he's correct, what 4chan likes to call autism is often really OCD

>> No.6503131
File: 2.61 MB, 400x400, ohwell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen being allowed isn't the problem at all, I would be totally fine with it if it wasn't for one thing: That it sets a precedent for 7th gen and later to be added to /vr/. Nobody wants braindead cinematic walking simulators and AAA console FPS trash to be allowed here they are the antithesis to Retro gaming. It really sucks that the line in the sand has to be drawn here (Ninja Gaiden Black and the Ace Combat holy trinity are some of my favorite games of all time) but it has to be this way. Maybe have a board dedicated to 2000s nostalgia in general where it can be posted? It can't be here though, I absolutely do not want Zoomer twats discussing "the good old days" playing Modern Warfare 2 over Xbox live on /vr/. This board would become an absolute joke.

>> No.6503135

Well you obviously don't listen to much slipnot. As of now you just call pretty much everything pop music. It's pretty stupid and still you got so stuck on defining nearly every type of music as pop, that you never even refuted my original point.

>> No.6503137
File: 163 KB, 1024x695, ES0StC1XQAECTlX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen is analogic like the previous gen, because retro.
6th gen games are expensive like the previous gen, because retro.
6th gen games don't have online update like the previous gen, because retro.
6th gen isn't HD like the previous gen, because retro.
6th gen pads are with wires like the previous gen, because retro.
6th gen still has a lot of small and medium developpers studio like the previous gen, because retro.
6th don't have "indées" studio like the previous gen, because retro.
6th games are alls physics like the previous gen, because retro.

But "nat reetro"

>> No.6503138

>you just call pretty much anything pop music
Correct anon, it’s a broad label and it certainly applies here. I’d say genres more specific than that are “stupid” and that your original point was refuted because you’re suggesting gen 6 doesn’t belong because it’s different, but I’m suggesting that your analogy (da rock bands hurr) is easy to disagree with on an academic level and even on a layperson’s level. I’m not sure what you think there is to refute. All I said was your analogy was stupid because you think you’re including a universal opinion (thing don’t belong here!) but instead your premise is easy to outright disagree with. You’re a nigger anon, your skin is as black as the mold in your shower.

>> No.6503141
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>> No.6503141,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't let the revolution end here!