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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6502238 No.6502238 [Reply] [Original]

This game or FF6??

>> No.6502251

I have personal nostalgia for SMRPG, so I choose that one.

FF6 seems good if you're more into anime and have personal nostalgia for it. I couldn't finish it but I got a decent way into it.

>> No.6502257

>I have personal nostalgia for SMRPG, so I choose that one.

>> No.6502260

SMRPG is about as close to perfect as a game can get

>> No.6502271
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I'm casting my vote for Super Mario RPG. I played through the entire game multiple with different parties as a young man. It's phenomenal.
I rented Final Fantasy 6, but I was in a phase where I always named the main character after myself, but the party keeps switching around and I got salty about it and never finished. If you absorb yourself into FF6 and let it tell you the story it wants you to tell I'm sure it's awesome though.

>> No.6502274


I love both, but if had to choose one it would be SMRPG for max comfy.

>> No.6502284

They're apples and oranges, choose whichever one appeals to you more then play the other one

>> No.6502302

I've actually played Mario RPG so I'd pick that

>> No.6502312
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Where did you get that picture of my wife?

>> No.6502338
File: 409 KB, 1254x1771, Rydiatease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I just kinda absorbed pictures over time of browsin' the 4chans

>> No.6502348

But how? Rydia's almost never talked about on this godforsaken site, it's always Tifags or Aerisshit

>> No.6502382
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Those are the only two SFW ones I have, and I'm an oldfag. I think one was from a /vg/ general when the final fantasy fighting games came out and the other was by chance.

>> No.6502437

SMRPG is quite possibly the comfiest game of all time. Also, the music is just so fuckin good.


>> No.6502480

well anyways you're highly based

>> No.6502584

SMRPG is fun the entire way through, there's not a dull moment the entire time. It really knew how to cut back on the filler and break up the pace as far as retro JRPGS go. FF6 is an uninteresting slog with 20/10 setpiece moments, but it's fairly mediocre the rest of the time. Mario RPGs like this and PM walk a fine line of not taking themselves super seriously, and that's where they shine. Mario and Luigi overdo it and come across as annoying as a result. FF6 is the other end of that

>> No.6502591

If you want a fun romp through a Mario world but as an RPG with a few fun battle gimmicks, then go for smrpg. If you want a jrpg with fun music and an ok story (for jrpgs) go with ff6.

>> No.6504614

I like platforming, timed hits, and the constant minigames in SMRPG so I choose that over any plain JRPG.

>> No.6504667
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>tfw no princess gf

>> No.6504686

Zelda II

>> No.6504730

FFVI, but they're both favorites of mine.

>> No.6504753

One of the rare moments where it's honestly hard to pick. They're both great for different reasons.

I've only recently played SMRPG but it quickly became one of my favorite SNES games.

I played through FF6 back in the mid 2000's and I thought it was one of the best FF's ever at that point.

>> No.6505276

>SMRPG is fun the entire way through
It helps that it's maybe one-tenth of the length of FFVI. But that does help it be very replayable, as well. Speaking of setpiece moments, SMRPG's are also incredible, and keep the game from getting boring even during repeat playthroughs.

I think what works to FFVI's credit is its storytelling more than the plot itself. Most of the characters are protagonist archetypes; they could each be the main characters of their own respective story, served by the scripted separations that shed light on each of them individually, and the way game rotates its focus. You get to see a lot more of Locke not only by being in his shoes and stealing a soldier's clothes, but also witnessing his response to Rachel's coma through more of a supporting character's lens. Debates used to rage on about who was "really" the protagonist of FFVI before common sense prevailed and everyone chose the starting characters / the ones that crosspromoted the game.

>> No.6505382

is that the blue dude from Smash Bros?

>> No.6505643

That game because ff6/3 has that bullshit hidden staircase issue and without Terra you can't the magical tower and are ultima'd to death every single time.

Then again, Mario RPG has that bullshit pirate puzzle where you guess what's on the bottom of the sea floor or whatever and the puzzles before that even if you solve them don't really help at all, though are fun to solve. I guessed dunes. It was pearls. They don't though, pearls are in clams. Faggot ass Japanese. What part lets you know it's a pearl? Was there a jewelry clue or something? Anyway, that made me mad. Not everyone is good at guessing such things and I actually had to look it up rather than just quit playing, so with both ff6 and mario rpg I got sad after looking up both problems and never finished them. I played past the pirate part on the mario rpg though, but still stopped before beating it because right at the ending my emulator was laggy and jumping over lava was looking to be a pain, and I couldn't stop being indecisive over which door to go through.

Anyway, Chrono Trigger instead. Fuck your a/b. I say c. Then again, catching the rat is hard if you have a shit controller and reflexes and the many endings make me have a fear of missing out etc etc etc so I didn't play through that to the end either the first time I played it after hearing about the many endings. I got up to frog saying "our lives hath for naught" or some such and was feeling depressed and didn't want to get more depressed seeing the ending. I'm like that with games by default. I've to this day never watched the ending of Azumanga Daioh due to fear of the depression. But, after a while I beat Chrono Trigger despite my fear of it endings while dreading having to beat it fifteen times in a row, so, Chrono Trigger.

>> No.6505652

FF6 is objectively far better but autists love them their heckin SMRPGerino

>> No.6506617

Smrpg is way better than ff6. This reimagination of a nintendo classic combined nice elements of platforming and action in a interesting RPG. Ff6 is just cringe boring muh rpg tropes. Started ok finished terrible.

>> No.6506773
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Both are very overrated

>> No.6506794

FFVI is trash

>> No.6506942

FF6 was better.

Only FF game that was better than FF6 was FF4.

I liked SMRPG overall but I disliked the battle system.

>> No.6506948
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Yoshi... EASY on the berries...

>> No.6507557

Can nostalgiafags like you just finally leave the board?

>> No.6509074

>no dont play these babby jrpgs, play this babby jrpg
You may think you're smart, but you're just as stupid as everyone else in this thread.

>> No.6510049

SMRPG was great when I was a little kid but it really is a baby game.

>> No.6510131

If you’re in it for the short-term thrill:

If you want to lose yourself for a week:

>> No.6510201

This is the correct answer

>> No.6510586

>Can nostalgiafags like you just finally leave the board?
no u

>> No.6510705

dude, this is the most retarded post I have read all day. Did you just play FF1, FF4, FF6, and FF7 or what? Plus, the only good things about FF4 were that it had a somewhat better combat system than FF6 due to 5 party members and great music. Otherwise, it's just as mediocre as all of the other FFs, though its story is absolute dogshit. Golbez was such a great fucking character and then they had to ruin it all with this Lunarian, mute fuck who apparently mind-controlled everyone. Also doesn't help that there's absolutely zero customizability in terms of your party. It's literally pre-determined for brain-dead retards who play games "for their story" (in fact, the US release had been even more dumbed down for western gamers). Literal babby's first JRPG.

>> No.6510741
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Why not both? They're both classics that ought to be played. But if you have to pick one:

-Play SMRPG if you want:
>a bright, colorful experience
>with creative gameplay mechanics
>challenge revolving more around skill than strategy
>A straightforward game progression, with some options for "side-questing"/exploration that doesn't distract from getting to the end of the game
>A very off-the-wall art direction that really makes the game stick out compared to other games of it's time
>Action music that sounds like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNADbGeY2vQ

-Play FF6 if you want:
>A more serious, darker overall tone/art direction, but still balanced with plenty of light-hearted humor
>Typical JRPG mechanics, with one or two skill-based gimmicks
>A large world with lots of interesting points to explore especially in the second half of the game
>Art direction that contrasts expressiveness of player characters (simple sprites with lots of animations) with extremely detailed but static enemy portraits
>Action music that sounds like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syeudRZuuMo
>[NOTE: Playing the original SNES version is imperative, as the music is of the highest quality on the original platform; future re-releases, particularly the GBA, significantly ruined the audio experience]

>> No.6510872

I'd argue they are much stupider. Who couldn't solve such simple puzzles in SMRPG? Literal 8 year old could solve this.

>> No.6510905

>Did you just play FF1, FF4, FF6, and FF7 or what?
FF1, FF4, FF6, FF7, FF8, FF10.

>though its story is absolute dogshit.
no. u.

>Also doesn't help that there's absolutely zero customizability in terms of your party.
wow. way to judge a classic game by current gaming options.

>Literal babby's first JRPG.
just because your first console was a PS4, doesn't mean you understand games. also, you're a horrible human being. grow up.

>> No.6511224

FF6 is French cuisine, or a Michelin rated restaurant. It is objectively better in every respect, but one. The writing is better, the characters have actual dialogue, the world is more fleshed out, it's an actual RPG without the timing gimmicks, and it's overall deeper.

But SMRPG is fun.
I don't always want the fancy food. Sometimes I want a a Bratwurst mit Senf und Sauerkraut, or chicken, rice, and broccoli.

Everytime I go to start up FF6 I remember how long it is, and at times it feels like a chore to complete. SMRPG is superior because it remembers that games are supposed to be about fun.

>> No.6511505

>SMRPG is superior because it remembers that games are supposed to be about fun.
This mentality is ruining gaming as a whole. Autistics who played iterations of the same NES game over 30+ years is the reason why Nintendo never change and gaming will never evolve beyond autist-fare.

FF7 was one of the most important video games releases in history because the game broke the stigmatization of jrpgs being nisch in the west. Playstation dominating video game market and gaming gaining social acceptance in right-wing western society was thanks to Nintendo (and SEGA) almost bankrupting.

>> No.6511510


>> No.6511739

>only played FF games that released in the US
of fucking course you like them, nostalgiafag.
>no. u.
not an argument
>wow. way to judge a classic game by current gaming options.
see romancing saga 1, romancing saga 2, etc.
>just because your first console was a PS4, doesn't mean you understand games. also, you're a horrible human being
why are you so mad? FF4 is literally the easiest FF by a large margin.

>> No.6512015

The state of /vr/
> Game A is better to play than B
>But playing game A is a chore, B is fun

Kek is this the power of the hipster? Ff6 never had a chance against the behemoth of fun and storytelling that is SMRPG.

>> No.6512341

It's crazy to me how much these retards praise FF6. It's just a fucking game, comparing it to a "Michelin rated restaurant" is so over the fucking top it's insane.

>> No.6512457

>I have personal nostalgia for [INSERT MEDIOCRE RETRO GAME], so I choose that one

this whole board summed up, at least we're not even pretending to be objective anymore

>> No.6512530

There's no thing such as objective good/better games. Nostalgia and popularity are the criteria used by ranking games (or any art form) for most people.

>> No.6512843

>for most people
there, you said it. Sure, nothing is ever really objective when it comes to reviewing and recommending games, but you could at least explain why you like these games so much compared to other entries. For instance, I do not like FF6's combat system due to the esper system. I believe that if you allow everyone to learn the exact same magic, it essentially homogenizes the characters (especially considering how powerful magic is in that game compared to most special attacks). Moreover, I find the way you learn magic to be stupidly grindy, uncreative, and boring.
Simply saying "I do have nostalgia for that game therefore it's better than the other one" is just stupid.

>> No.6512890

Grew up with an SNES but never played SMRPG and only played FF6 much later.
I'll try out SMRPG this weekend and give my 2 cents if this thread is still up.

>> No.6512937
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Never would have thought /vr would be so SMRPG heavy in preference.

>> No.6513025
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It's not completely shit here, ya know