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6496480 No.6496480 [Reply] [Original]

Was this really “too edgy” for when it came out?
I’ve heard it was tone deaf at the time but...why?
Because it was delayed so many times? Something in the news?
It’s not the best ad ever but surely it wasn’t -that- bad was it? What happened?

>> No.6496492

people with any kind of self-irony (like extrovert Romero) could laugh at this commercial and not take it too seriously, but the PC gaming fanbase around 2000 consisted mainly of insecure manchildren and they became easily frustrated by such a to-the-face, vulgar commercial.

>> No.6496578

>Was this really “too edgy” for when it came out?
It was "too edgy" for the reception the game got when it finally came out. If the game was fondly remembered, things may have been different.

>> No.6496597


It wasn't too edgy, but an ad like this obviously hypes up the game as the best thing since sliced bread made by Jesus. So when the game then actually came out the fall was the more deep.

>> No.6496598

They way I remember it this only became a joke after Daikatana blew ass. People laughed at the irony of the balls to the wall marketing for what amounted to a polished turd.

>> No.6496683

It's not edgy, it's bold. Better be sure to back up your claim.

>> No.6496726

This is very edgy, especially for advertising.

>> No.6496730

And keep in mind, since this is /vr/ and not the rest of 4chan, I'm using the normal definition of the word "edgy" and not the buzzwordy "throw it at everything" even remotely transgrassive.

>> No.6496731

No. It was just another ad.

>> No.6496792

Yeah. Telling your customers to eat cum wasn't very common back then.

>> No.6496934
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The only thing wrong with it is it's false advertising.

>> No.6496943

Romero didn't realize that restrictions are actually good in the long run.

>> No.6496973

To roughly quote civvie 11(that commie fag):
He had all the bragging rights in the world because he basically made the video game equivalent of Thriller with Doom. Naturally that went to his head.

I don't agree with Romero and his political views, but the man did something right.

>> No.6497007
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>John Romero and his fabulous hair will never make you his bitch

>> No.6497437

This. If Daikatana was actually any good people would revere this ad and have it framed on their walls

>> No.6497440 [DELETED] 

What are his political views?

>> No.6497519

Unremarkable centrist opinions, but any positive thing towards women is a slight against posters like him

>> No.6497647

It was a knee-jerk response to how shit the game was, but yes; it wasn't considered "proper" for print advertisements to have cursing in them. There was a cocurrent commercial of Ocarina of Time that was pulled that called you a little girl if you couldn't beat it. It would be tantamount to if the original print ad for Duke Nukem Forver was "You'll want the Duke so bad; you'll beg him to call you a faggot"

>> No.6497840
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Romero got punked by Paul Steed, pic related

>> No.6497841
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>> No.6497842
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>> No.6497851

It could be laughed off as 90s tough guy humor if the game didn't suck. Imagine if Bubsy 3D had hype around it and advert that said "Bubsy is going to make you suck his dick" and then you play the game and you realize it sucks dick. If Daikatana turned out to be a masterpiece like Deus Ex, that line from the advert would be all over the place as a beloved meme.

>> No.6497884

It was probably better for Romero to fall this hard before he completely lost his mind. Also, it made the advert much more funny knowing what happened after. Like a big joke that turns against you.

>> No.6497885

Game developers sort of wanted to have a rock star image, when in truth most people don't really seem to care who makes their games.

>> No.6497935

Would have been fine if the game was at least good, but Daikatana basically exposed Romero as a blowhard who was over-inflating his own talent and importance on Doom's success.

>> No.6497983

It's good to show contempt for your audience, at least in some circumstances which include having made Doom a few years prior. Actually insulting your audience is not good and there really isn't even a fine line between the two. We'll never know exactly what they were playing at because afaik Romero isn't interested in discussing the ad in interviews and probably is geniunely embarassed about it still.

>> No.6497997

He’s half Mexican and half Native American. What do you think?

>> No.6498172
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>"Fuck Romero and his company!", he said. "Lets just show up at his office and see what happens!"
>"Dude," Paul wrote to Romero, "don't fuck with me because I'll grab you by your ludicrously long hair and kick your ass back into the Doom days where you wish you were."

>> No.6498201 [DELETED] 

Showed latent signs of liberal thinking and "CAPITALISM BAD" and "MUH RACISM" despite structuring his online presence around games that would have never existed in any other economical & sociopolitical setting.

>> No.6498217

The exact opposite of what Cancer Mouse says.

>> No.6498238

Stfu snowflake

>> No.6498278

I love how it isn't held back how everyone involved here is an absolute manchild.

>> No.6498307
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Reading Comprehension Issues: The Silent Killer

>> No.6498343

I don't have any reading comprehension issues. If someone's a little bitch, they're a little bitch, no matter how "based and upvotepilled" you think they are.

>> No.6498346

Fabio and Romero will never have a Hair-Off

>> No.6498353

So basically you?

>> No.6499308
File: 580 KB, 662x633, 78c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John carmack calls getting tired of everyones petty BS and publicly calling them out on it in time magazine "an experiment in mood manipulation"
lol he truly has transcended us smoothbrained mortals.

>> No.6499345

Hi John

>> No.6499376

Ads for Command and Conquer, Unreal Tournament, and Quake 3 especially were pretty much just as polarizing as Daikatana's ad campaign. Daikatana was unsuccessful so people act like it was a real line crosser. So to answer your question, no. not too edgy

>> No.6499458

Show me some Quake 3 ads.

>> No.6499526
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Loved these back then, caused monumental butthurt.

>> No.6499554
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>> No.6501274
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>> No.6501970
