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File: 904 KB, 800x800, Resident-Evil-Code-Veronica-X-USA-DC-Coverart-Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6495298 No.6495298 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this game? I just started it. It still feels like Resident Evil, but.. kicked up a notch. I'm told it's harder than the other games.

>> No.6495306

It's not harder than Nemesis in my opinion, it's about on par with 2. It's more a question of orientation than survival, there's quite a bit of backtracking at times.
I love the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the knife, the cheese.
The only downgrade from 3 is the lack of free walking on stairs and dodge (though the latter is hardly dependable).

>> No.6495313

>What are your thoughts on this game?

Quality ranges form painfully average to absolute dog shit. I either dislike or despise pretty much everything about the game and I like to pretend it doesn't exists, so stop remiding me.

>> No.6495331

>Don't get the juicy pre-rendered backgrounds of the classic-games
>At the same time, don't get the more intuitive 3d controls of later games

Worst of both worlds DESU

>> No.6495440

I liked it on PS2, last real RE game, at the time I liked it more than RE3, even though RE3 is just a rehash, I never got back to playing it again.
It genuinely has some scary moments, like the dude with his eyes shut.

And then RE4 came out and any hopes I had for the genre continuing vanished.

RE2 remake I liked though, even though it didn't have static camera and was short.

>> No.6495484
File: 96 KB, 640x480, contender51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the last good and true RE game. Some people like to hate on it but it's a valiant attempt at a story without the Raccoon City crutch. The lack of dodge is due to it being developed at the same time as 3, by a different team. While I think the series should've ended here, the Wesker hook at the end was alright too. Everything past this game plot-wise makes no sense and has no connection to the series, and it should be ignored. Also Claire is redpilled.

>> No.6495495

I love it. It's not that hard as long as you know what you're doing. It takes a couple of play-throughs, but you'll get the hang of it.

>> No.6495527

>Everything past this game plot-wise makes no sense and has no connection to the series, and it should be ignored

Bringing back Wesker was the start of the series slip from camp into outright nonsense camp. If you actually care about the over-arching plot (and I have no idea why anybody would) you might as well strike off Veronica as well so you don't get some restarted "HA HA I MEANT FOR THE TYRANT TO KILL ME" shit.

>> No.6495535


Even when I was a kid the DVD that came with the PS2 port where he said that made no sense at all. How the fuck is your master plan to fucking kill yourself. Get a real plan. Like fuck dude

>> No.6495608

I enjoyed it immensely and don't understand why quite a lot of people knock it

>> No.6495659
File: 48 KB, 832x624, Oh yeah. That's the stuff..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the setting, I love the 3D, I love the enemies. I hate the backtracking, I hate item collection.
God the palace is comfy. I wish I could have a casino room.

>> No.6495675
File: 1.13 MB, 560x420, Claire13.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its when Resident Evil went anime. Matrix Wesker wither Terminator eyes was badass when I was 13, now I wish they kept him dead. I thought the game itself was a lot of fun, though I didn't like Chris' Island section: I hated having to go back to that place when I already escaped and was done with it. But it doesn't last that long. Overall a fun RE.

>> No.6495697

>Its when Resident Evil went anime.
Bitch it was always that way

>> No.6495716

why is there a tiger behind her?

>> No.6495736

Tigers are cool

>> No.6495772

>tfw Wesker captures you and makes you pose for his Umbrella Corp girls calendar

>> No.6496658
File: 82 KB, 640x480, man on fire running on walls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PSX trilogy is a gritty documentary in comparison anon

>> No.6496680

It's the final "true" Resident Evil and more deserving of the franchise than Nemesis. The knife is overpowered compared to previous games. Learn to use it

>> No.6497331

I mean it was ok. Its a competent game which puts it above most of the shitty RE-clones of the era. The villain was memorably weird and the location was kinda cool. Locations themselves weren't too memorable but they served the job. The new enemies and bosses themselves were boring outside of Nosferatu and the final boss. Of all the classic REs this is the only one I managed to get lost in, I feel the level map design of the game was rather unintuitive. Wesker coming back was a dumb twist. The Chris portions feel like padding.
Honestly I guess it is a mixed-bag but its still a Classic RE game so it can't be that bad. I have difficulty figuring out which game is better between CV and RE0.

>> No.6497386

RE0 is the only classic RE I'd call weak. But damn, it looks fucking pristine. Even though RE1 Remake came out the same year, 0 looks even better than that.

>> No.6498078

It's exhausting to play with all the back tracking and the locations are nowhere near as interesting as in the previous games.

>> No.6498124

im hoping for a beta 0N64 to be leaked.

>> No.6498132
File: 50 KB, 640x480, IMG_20190223_091128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV has very comfy save rooms.

>> No.6498134


>> No.6498136
File: 15 KB, 640x480, 2721368-gfs_50735_2_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498171

I adore this graphics style. Games from 1999 to 2000 just have this look to them. Code Veronica, Silent Hill, Hitman Codename 47, Shenmue. Highly detailed, but low resolution.

>> No.6498208

Is this game better on DC or PS2?

>> No.6498229


>> No.6498331

I feel like the backtracking is taken to absurd levels when you have to account for getting the magnum early on by making sure you leave a fire extinguisher in the right place only for it to pay off hours later. It's got some rather time consuming fetchquests that nearly require a guide's foresight to keep on top of.

Steve is hands down the WORST sidekick/ally character, and yes I'm also taking Ashley into account. Fuck him.

But it's not to say this game doesn't have potential, but if remade I'd honestly rather they throw out the stuff in the antarctic and rework the concept of a "straightforward" military complex island with a re-imagined Ashford Mansion with all the puzzles and secret passage bullshit you come to expect-- that you can only access in bits and pieces all through the game. there was nothing in the Antarctic that couldn't have been on Rockfort/part of a much bigger mansion. Have more of the island be available but that also means there's alot more unpredictable shit in the woods or on the roads that you have to take into account.

The weapons in this game were really good--and I got a weird satisfaction of shooting the shit out of zombies with a crossbow hat had more ammo than guns' bullets in prior RE games. However, the 'dual wield' guns, while a good idea, need to be reworked a bit more than just be 9mm pistol replacements that have finite ammo you can never replace.

>> No.6498452


>> No.6498452,1 [INTERNAL] 

Very frustrating:

1. All the zombie are male. I expected to see some female zombies.

2. Bullets are very hard to find, so most of the time i had to use the knife.

3. The only prize is the infinite rocket launcher. In other words: no infinite magnum from the start as a prize or infinite dual pistol from the start as a prize.

>> No.6498537

Yeah, Steve is abysmal, even by this genre's typical standards of retarded characters. Actually manages to be legitimately annoying.

>> No.6498546

The plot was ridiculous camp but at least it was coherent and compelling.

>> No.6498590

>Steve is hands down the WORST sidekick/ally character, and yes I'm also taking Ashley into account. Fuck him.
this so much this.

>> No.6498591

Yeah. And it's not even that concept is bad. "Young man who's dad got him and his family sent to death island prior to the zombie outbreak, only concerned with his own survival" is actually a nice counter to the usual "Holy fuck, ZOMBIES! Let's team up and shoot our way out of this mess!" attitude characters take with each other in RE games up to this point.

FFS, Jill was willing to work with Umbrella mercs to get away from Nemesis.

Throw us a curve and have him be an actual selfish antagonist with a goddamn gun (as in, an actual gun. Or guns. Not a rocket launcher,) who isn't part of umbrella but just someone who cannot work with others; give us a legitimate reason to hate his ass and not just be sickened by a dopeshit brat whose balls haven't dropped yet but he still pervs on Claire, who's probably too good/patient a person to just shoot him in the face and write him off as a liability.

Hell, you could even get a Claire A / Steve B scenario with different endings between who gets off the island and sends the other to their doom, or even multiple Bad, Worse, Normal and Best endings depending on how you deal with him.