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File: 179 KB, 1190x889, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6490686 No.6490686 [Reply] [Original]

bravo capcom

>> No.6490690

what is heels retard

>> No.6490705
File: 1.45 MB, 200x325, 1329898723456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy wearing heels is taller than guy who's barefoot
Strange, isn't it OP?

>> No.6490734

Even considering heels Remy should be like 6'0 at least. But his bio was written long after the fact and probably no one thought to check because Remy is never coming back.

>> No.6490742

Ken's sprite is 414px, Remy's is 464px
If we do px/cm for Ken, we get 2.65 cm per px
Remy therefore should be 458px tall without heels, therefore his heels are 6px tall, or 15.9cm

Remy is wearing 6.25 inch heels

>> No.6490750
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>> No.6490796

So you agree? I'm glad we're on the same page then.

>> No.6490823

It wasn't about agreeing or not for me
I enjoy data analysis

>> No.6490861

can we talk about the street fighter III: New Generation N64 port that was cancelled? Some IGN employees witnessed a demonstration in 1997.
>In January 1997, IGN witnessed a demonstration of the game in development on Nintendo 64 and 64DD, so IGN and its anonymous insider speculated that the game might join the launch of the upcoming 64DD peripheral in Japan, which was scheduled for late 1997.
Man I hope some build leaks eventually. Sorry for posting ign links.

>> No.6490867

Boy this thread sure didnt turn out like you wanted huh op?

>> No.6490881

When will they learn?

>> No.6490886

The official stats have rarely ever refletced the characters' in-game graphics.

>> No.6490894

Ports of Capcom's 90s fighting games likely could have been much better on the N64 than the Playstation, it's a shame they never actually bothered.

>> No.6490935

yeah, at least there's good saturn ports.

>> No.6491021

cygnus hyoga!

>> No.6491096

It just goes to show how much of a shit character Remy is that even Capcom couldn't be bothered to take two seconds to look up his sprite when they made their bios. Nobody cares. Nobody will ever like Remy. He will die in the streets like the gutter trash he is, forgotten by time and all of humanity.

>> No.6491117

I like Remy...

>> No.6491126


>> No.6491251
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Tony Stark's boots

>> No.6491256
File: 200 KB, 1190x889, 1591196781081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491269

Remy is such a weird design. Thin AF, skin tight black shirt with an omega symbol for some reason, skin tight pants, high heel boots, long blue hair. Even gays don't go for this right? And why they made him the Guile function I have no idea, since he could not look more opposite than Guile and it would undoubtedly turn off old Guile players.

>> No.6491282

He's basically Iori being completely phoned in. Black leather hipster top, bright red pants, bright colored hair. I'd say maybe they were trying to subvert the Guile type the way Iori did with shotos, but his toolkit is very plain and standard. Getting a followup after a neutral grab is pretty cool I guess.

>> No.6491285

Capcom was pissed at Nintendo for a while, by the time they patched things up it was too late to do much more than do some random PS1 ports and call it a day.

>> No.6491314

>SF3 with the 3-handed controller
That would've sold dozens!

>> No.6491351

it has face 6 buttons and you would only use the D-pad retard

>> No.6491365

The unfortunate reality is they would have included analog stick controls as well as d-pad controls and lots of players would have faced confusion on this.

>> No.6491371

you would still only use one of them, and how is being able to use both the d-pad and the stick "confusing"?

I play fighting games with the analog stick lol

>> No.6491375

>how is being able to use both the d-pad and the stick "confusing"?
It's a console where the default is basically the analog stick, not to mention the most popular console with new gamers. The d-pad being far better for these kinds of games means that you would have so many players playing poorly.

Also since it DD-ied, how cut down would the cart port be?

>> No.6491382

Nah, I agree that it would have been a shit port by all means, but the controller would have been the least of its problems

>> No.6491384

I think it would have caused dreamcast sales of the game to jump significantly.

>> No.6491394

>Also since it DD-ied, how cut down would the cart port be?
less animation frames and low quality soundtrack but no loading times, probably not as good as the dreamcast port but better than the awful ps1 cps-2 ports.

>> No.6491404

>3-handed controller
shut the fuck up retarded zoomer

>> No.6491410

Why are you so hostile?

>> No.6492543

He needs to feel like a big man on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.6493316
File: 375 KB, 840x1180, remy rule 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'd've been interesting if remy was a girl instead. third strike was missing a female villain.

>> No.6493592

It's not too late. It's 2020 after all. If he became a cute girl I'd play him. It worked for Seth.

>> No.6493665

and he is a Iori ripoff

>> No.6493673

why do you bastards still believe the n64 could run arcade faitans like this? member how well clayfighter 63 1/3?

>> No.6493678

let alone the promised KI port which ended up being KIG and it looked like shit?

At least the SNES port of KI1 had an excuse to look so limited.

>> No.6493697

He's a Beni rip off.

>> No.6493737

>This character would be better if I could masturbate to them

>> No.6493810

Ken is also not standing anywhere near as straight as Remy.

>> No.6493883

There is nothing straight about Remy.

>> No.6493934

Remy's bending his knees. During his walk back animation he's even taller.

>> No.6493951
File: 17 KB, 81x118, (remyt).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6493965

You've never played against a good Chun then..

>> No.6493981

i mean, it doesn't hurt. there's a reason why sakura and juri among the most popular characters in street fighter, and birdie and rufus are among the least popular

har har

>> No.6494003

t. sub 6 foot manlets

>> No.6494023

This works too well.

>> No.6494094
File: 717 KB, 850x1180, SecretFile03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one would look at a 15 year old high school tomboy like that, right?

>> No.6494240

Okay, but why are Ken's feet twice the size of his head?

>> No.6494259

Yes, many would.

>> No.6494273

He has a huge dick.

>> No.6494537

Why does everyone hate Remy so much

>> No.6494564

The bitch in the back has to be at least 6'4. Without the heels.

>> No.6494585

only appeared in one game, replaced two popular sonic boom/flash kick characters, iori ripoff, effeminate design, lame backstory, bottom three on tier lists, zoning character in a game that does not reward zoning; dude just didn't stand a chance

yeah the perspective is off; one of the reasons why i dislike people in fighting game backgrounds

>> No.6494591

>muh proportions
It's a Capcom game, every character is a Chernobyl reject. Just look at the size of the characters' feet in your pic.

>> No.6494607

Ken foot porn where?

>> No.6494972 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 672x896, 1591340079032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6494985

Fuck off and die sjw.
KYS foot nutters

>> No.6495116
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6495674

So kicks read more easily on screen. Every SF character has big hands and feet to make attacks read better.

>> No.6496195

I always hear this and I always think it's bullshit. Plenty of characters have small feet and you can still clearly see the attacks. In SFV some characters have big feet in one costume and small feet in another and it's not an issue at all.

>> No.6496203

>there's a reason why sakura and juri among the most popular characters in street fighter
Neither one of those characters are the most popular. Don't base things off of how many coomers are on 4chan.

Hell, neither character has a particularly long history of being good. Sakura was good in CvS2 and one of the 4 revisions, but largely isn't that popular.

>> No.6496229

Sakura just wont EVO Japan in December and cemented her place in the upper echelon of characters.

>> No.6496234

Word? Good on her. I don't keep up with SFV, so I'll admit to being wrong here.

>> No.6496302


i was going off that poll. do i think it's super accurate? not particularly. but it gives a rough idea where characters rank

>> No.6496628

>Makoto this high
>never comes back in V

The greatest tragedy facing our world at the moment

>> No.6496662

I miss that bro, but he's the property of Arika.

>> No.6496669

I disagree, NRS games have realistic proportions by and large and I find those games hard to read, of course they also have awful animation. You don't have to use big hands and feet, SNK is really good at using key poses and clothing to make attacks readable, but it's one tool that works pretty well. Meshes well with Capcom's extremely exaggerated art style too. Do you have an example of costumes in SFV where the extremities change size? I can't think of any.

>> No.6496672

Surprised Oro is that high. I figured he'd be down in the dolrums with Remy and Necro.

>> No.6496851
File: 326 KB, 721x500, ibuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a huge difference, but to me the shoes look smaller than her bare feet.

>> No.6497136

They tried to make their own game with the EX characters but no one cared, I don't know of it was really that bad of not

>> No.6497224

It was on sale for $10. Even for that I couldn't pull the trigger because there is no community. Dead game is dead. Shame, because it looked really cool.

>> No.6497312

Yeah that's true, but her default costume has shoes so that's probably the size they designed her animations around. A costume that significantly reduced the size of hands and feet might pose a minor advantage but in general Capcom has such good key posing and visual effects to accompany strong attacks that it probably wouldn't make a huge difference.
It's more of an art style thing I think. Capcom characters have exaggerated anatomy to fit their fighting style and personality. Big hands, feet, eyes, etc allow the animators to be more expressive. Which also helps with attack readability as a bonus.

>> No.6497335
File: 43 KB, 478x433, Why I play Ibuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6497345

Gross. This is why videogames will always be associated to pathetic idle manchildren.

>> No.6497401

but what Species is Remy?

>> No.6497486

nah let her stay in a good game instead

>> No.6497507 [DELETED] 

Based. This is why videogames will always be associated to pathetic idle manchildren.

>> No.6497525

Based. This is why videogames will always be associated to successful proactive chads.

>> No.6499224


>> No.6499231

wow, nice butt

>> No.6499292

they did the same thing sagat and zangief

>> No.6499450

mortal kombat trilogy runs great on the N64, and if a mediocre studio can make a good game then I would expect a better port from capcom. Also, Magical Tetris Challenge shows many CPS-3-like capabilities and sounds great (and it's composed by the same guy from Vampire Savior)

>> No.6501078

Nobody plays street fighter 2, 3, or Alpha with the analog stick. Ok ok wait.....the MAJORITY of people who actually play these games don't use the analog stick. You should just accept it.

>> No.6501323

That would have been a gimped port, Double Impact is a great version of the game. The question is why Capcom didn't put NG and Red Earth on Saturn? It could handle it with the ram cart and they already had a big install base in Japan with people hungry for more 2D fighters.

>> No.6501329

go back to /v/

>> No.6501331

What does the analog stick have to do with it? You know you can use the outermost prongs and it's basically a SNES controller with two extra buttons...? I've used USB repros of N64 pads to play fighting games out of curiosity's sake, and no joke, the D-pad is actually fucking great.

>> No.6503009

Jesus Christ