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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6490218 No.6490218 [Reply] [Original]

What made the old RE games so fun?

>> No.6490261

Restrictions and sense or urgency.

>> No.6490356

Your childhood

>> No.6490379

t. casual

>> No.6490390

Pure nostalgia.

>> No.6490392

Resident Evil 4 is awesome, and Resident Evil 3 is worse than 2.

>> No.6490393

RE 2 was already action shit

>> No.6490401

>Resident Evil 3 is worse than 2.
By how much? It's the only one I haven't played yet.

>> No.6490402

Try to play re1 for the first time and found it was pretty stressful so i gave up. I know im supposed to earn the rewards, im a casual and i got filtered, but i just want to relax and enjoy the story not stress out on how many ink saves before having to restart the entire game and i have too much pride to look up a game on youtube

>> No.6490416

Just use save states if you're playing on an emulator. Use gameshark to give you infinite tapes if you're playing on a console.

>> No.6490425

The western release only having the hardmode on, thus warping a lot of people's view of the game

>> No.6490461

Have you played the non-remake version

>> No.6490569

>i played a survival horror and was put off by the survival and horror

>> No.6490609
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>old RE games

>> No.6490621
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>> No.6490623

Did you play Jill? How is Jill easy not easy enough for you? I played Jill normal and completed the game just fine.

>> No.6490629

>imagine enjoying re4+
maybe /v/ is more your speed

>> No.6490948

The original game was an action game. Jill gets a grenade launcher 15 minutes into the game.

>> No.6490956

there is enough ink saves and ammo in re1 but knowing that would spoil the fun

>> No.6491020

a key or a lighter probably shouldn’t take up as much room as an assault rifle

>> No.6491189

not hunters

>> No.6491259

i play the old ones with that mindset and end up with a fuckton of ammo and realize i could blasted almost everything instead of dodging.

>> No.6491278

first comparison's unfair because the smallest items take at least two slots in re4. the space-based inventory isn't really comparable to the purely grid-based original especially since shit like grenades each took physical space so in a way it's more cramped than the original where you can hold them all in one slot. the complexity of the puzzles doesn't really make re3 better as a survival horror and i think re is more generally known for pretty easy puzzles. might as well bitch about re1 if you're going to go there. also this is just from memory but i don't remember getting much ammo or herbs especially from the villagers. they'd mostly drop gold which was only useful for the dealer which appeared about as often ammo/herb-ridden safe rooms would appear in earlier resident evils anyway. i sort of agree that the risk of dying was pretty gimped in re4 but making saving a scarcity along with the instadeath qtes would've been pretty frustrating so i see why they casualized it somewhat

>> No.6491307

Nothing says double digit IQ like liking Gears of Evil 4 and onward.

>> No.6491315

>first comparison's unfair
Most of that image is running on troll logic. The only salient point there is about the ammunition. The water puzzle in RE3 is an anomaly in the series, so it's hilarious that someone is using it as an example when all the other RE3 puzzles are piss easy.

>> No.6491327

Oh and the saving.

>> No.6491510
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>old resident evils
>ammo conservation
if you didnt have 30 magnum and 20 shotgun going into the tyrant fight in re1 after killing EVERYTHING you were playing wrong
and then re2 and 3 give you even MORE ammo
if anything i ran out of ammo for everything but my pistol in re4 constantly on professional difficulty

>> No.6491573

this, 4 on professional if you dont exploit the capacity upgrade reload and knife some dudes, you end up with less ammo than the old ones.

>> No.6491582

They really weren't. They were alright, and provided a sense of vulnerability and tension.
But the gameplay was shit, and you honestly only had to kill enemies in rooms with puzzles and boss fights.
Every other enemy could be avoided with ease.

>> No.6492008
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>Different games are different
Also not retro, go back to /v/ and don't come back

>> No.6492567

the fact that you hadn't already played the same game 3 times

>> No.6492581

It's not about the ammount of ammo, it was never the case.

If you know what you're doing in RE1 you have enough ammo to kill everything in the game (minus infinite respawns, obviously), even on the harder versions.

However it's all about how that ammo is presented

>you have to look for the weapons/ammo
>enemies don't drop them
>they're most often hidden, sometimes you need keys to get them or even solve puzzles
>you can't carry all guns and ammo at once, you have to make choices. You can carry 2 guns with you, at best, when playing as Jill, and you shouldn't have more than 1 with Chris, and some guns take up several slots.

Meanwhile, in RE4
>ammo and herb drops from enemies
>the drops are literally programmed so that the less of an ammo type or the fewer herbs you carry on you, the more likely they are to spawn from as a drop so you can't run out. It's BETTER to use up the ammo and herbs so you can get more.

>> No.6492583

Atmosphere and an unintrusive hud.

>> No.6492591

Half the fun is not knowing on you're first playthrough, then the other half is trying to use the least amount in subsequent playthroughs

>> No.6492946

>the drops are literally programmed so that the less of an ammo type or the fewer herbs you carry on you, the more likely they are to spawn from as a drop so you can't run out. It's BETTER to use up the ammo and herbs so you can get more.
That's wrong though. The spawn rate will only increase when your ammo reserve is empty or when you have no healing item.

>> No.6492953

It has only 1 playable character, the game is designed around streets and alleys (so feels more restrictive and linear at times) and is more action paced. The plot also doesn't continue from 2, but is amwritten like another scenario during 2 instead. It's a really great game in it's own right though. It has tons of replay value and has the best controls and pure gameplay of the original 6 REs (1, 2, 3, CVX, REmake and Zero). It also introduced a metric fuck ton of features that are now standard for the series.

Idiots try and play it off as being a nothing entry, but in terms of gameplay it's the single most impactful entry (a lot of it's new features survived into the action entries and even RE7 and onwards) and from a plot standpoint, it's the end of the first arc. It's a pretty pivotal game in the series, honestly.

The replay value I mentioned comes from alternate paths, the ability to make your own ammo and randomized elements such as weapon, item, enemy locations and puzzle solutions being variable.

If you play RE3make, keep in mind it's just a generic survival horror game with more action based puzzles (hitting switches while spiders attack you for example) it has very little in common with the original.

>> No.6492960

To an extent, yes. But it was still structured like an action/adventure game. Meaning that the meat of the gameplay was exploration, puzzle solving and inventory management. The action was secondary, IMO.
This is also why when RE7 had a house with 1 enemy in most of it, a lot of people called it a return to form for the series. Because while the action in the early game was lacking, the exploration, puzzles and inventory shit was all back in full swing.

Plus, compare RE2 to 4, 5 and 6 and tell me RE2 is as much of an action game as those.

>> No.6492964

Play directors cut. It has an easy mode with twice as much ammo and ink ribbons. REDC also has auto aim, unlike the original US release.

>> No.6492971

Classic RE came out in 1996 you retarded oaf. If something 24 years old on totally outdated hardware isnt retro to you, then you need to get the penises out of your eyes, stop being SO gay and look again.

>> No.6492972

Even then it's not wrong. If you use the ammo for a certain weapon, you'll get more, vs conserving it.

>> No.6492978

"action" is part of the definition of survival horror.
A survival horror with no action doesn't exist, that would be an adventure game with a horror theme, like point&click horror adventure games.

As far as "survival" is concerned, what's important is the type of "action". Running around, dodging, and fleeing is "action" as long as it involves twitch based controls.
Shooting stuff with twitch based controls is also action, but it becomes survival horror when various gameplay mechanics make you feel like the odds are stacked against you.

>> No.6492980

RE can be split in three eras.

>classic era
>action era
>new era

>> No.6492984

All RE1 versions have autoaim, except the original American PS1 release and the PC version.

>> No.6492989

Saturn PAL has no automain

>> No.6493170

sucks that chris autoaim is borked on some enemies like the tyrant