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File: 157 KB, 340x296, Golden_Statue_%28screen_01%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6485519 No.6485519 [Reply] [Original]

Does the golden statue make sense plotwise?

>> No.6485526

does it have to?

>> No.6485537
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>> No.6485612
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The intro talks about the potential to learn about life-force energy through Metroids. Maybe this guardian lock is a practical application of that for Mother Brain.

>> No.6486039

No, it’s basically the game’s only flaw

>> No.6486046

>the game’s only flaw
that and the controls, the physics and the framerate yeah

>> No.6486174

I'd build one if I was Ridley.

>> No.6486181

Plot holes like this are the bane of cinema, but it's a long way until videogames are considered art.

>> No.6486293
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They are lifeforce-powered locks only disabled by the demise of their respective counterpart. You can see the "soul" of each boss depart from them. However, this happens only when you observe the statues, which raises the question if anything in Metroid truly dies if its death is not observed, if you can have multiple of these life force fragments and if you can raise someone from the dead with them.

>> No.6486321

anyone with a brain already considers video games art, just not the cringey "fine art" way

>> No.6486557
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>can life-force lock unlock when unobserved
This happens in Zero Mission https://youtu.be/k7UVEhie8Rs?t=84

>> No.6486632

the soul can't escape and the chemical change in the statue can't occur unless samus opens the door and lets more air in the room. that's why it doesn't happen until she is there to see it

>> No.6486695

it doesn't make sense gamewise either

>> No.6486709

Who cares. It looks cool and Kimura-san pixel'd his ass off for a week, so it's in the damn game.

>> No.6486712

Ah, Schrodinger’s Zebesian

>> No.6486713

nope, wrong again retard

>> No.6486759

Tier 2 sets were the best by far.

>> No.6486765

Metroid makes no sense plotwise.

There's a bunch of "pirates" who are clearly in reality a rogue state out to murder everybody with ludicrous weapons and some orphan who got gifted power armor is the only one doing anything about it.

>> No.6487051

LMAO plotholes are not "the bane of cinema". They barely even exist in a way that negatively impacts movies in any serious way.

>> No.6487415

OK Hollywood drone

>> No.6487417

Why would they protect Mother Brain?

>> No.6487437

Phantoon is not a space pirate but his statue protects Mother Brain.
Explain me that.

>> No.6487491

and this goofy farting

>> No.6487519

This. It looks cool and mysterious and it's presence doesn't hurt the game badly. Not everything has to have perfect sense.

>> No.6487524

Hey wait, you're right. What about draygon? isnt she just a monster living with her babies?

>> No.6487527

It's a really, really bad defense mechanism.

"You've destroyed my general, my door will now open".

My headcanon is that it's like Metroid 2 remake, Samus Suit hacks the code to unlock these locks when she kills the bosses or something.

>> No.6487547

Both are, supposedly, but the lore is a mess anyway
Reminder that according to original SM manual and script of shalt-not-be-named, Phantoon is the ghost of metroid 1 mother brain. This makes perfect sense of course :^)
Also reminder that Draygon's design was probably originally a literal dick

>> No.6487549

- my masters, look what i made for you
- eugh
- garbage
- throw it in the sewers
- reeeeeee
- ...

>> No.6487556

Remember when video games were video games and people just tacitly accepted certain things without trying to be a prick. I miss those times.

>> No.6487569

There have always been autistic people around, we just didn't have to interact with them as much because they're bad at social interactions. Now that the internet is here they have free reign to ramble about the crazy bullshit in their heads all day. At least this one wasn't about how much she shits or if the Metroids try to rape her, might she enjoy it???

>> No.6487580

Maybe if you had friends you could trust your life to you would know...

>> No.6487581


>> No.6487876

Ill never understand how some people look at things like this and automatically think "woah deeplore" and not "cool, a bit of the ui in the game world".

>> No.6488360


free rein, it's a horse-related term

>> No.6488363


You're defeating yourself at the start by assuming 4chan users are people. Some of them are more like plants or fungal colonies.

>> No.6488473
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>"You've destroyed my general, my door will now open".

The door locks don't just give up because you killed the generals. They are powered by their lifeforce, and they are spread out across the planet. It's a fucking good lock.

>> No.6488485
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I couldn't give a fuck about the canon explanation, if one even exists. Truth is they did it so that you would tackle the Tourian last. And they placed it somewhere you could access early so that you can get a sense of progression if you were to return there after getting the X-Ray Scope, or something. I would consider the point of these threads to speculate and enjoy what theories come from that, whereas you two are acting like we're goofy retards trying to force our ideas into canon.

tl;dr, Remember when video game discussion could be about speculation or head-canon without some prick crying about autism? I miss those times.

>> No.6488507

>Plot holes like this are the bane of cinema
No, the general themes of a movie and what it can convey is more important than addressing every little itty bitty plot hole that someone cached because they watched the movie 5 times in a row. It's there's a major glaring plot whole it can be a problem but most people like to nit pick about very small minor details.

>> No.6488518
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The game does not explain why there's a golden statue of major bosses in the game or why it would be used a lock to an important area later in the game! *cinema sins ding!*

>> No.6488536

Plot holes aren't even mere oversights that require the suspension of disbelief, they're direct contradictions. People misuse "plot hole" like they do "ironic," all the damn time.

>> No.6488805

Why not just "lock" then?

>> No.6488807

>Phantoon is the ghost of metroid 1 mother brain
strangely enough the design really matches, specially the eye.

>> No.6488815

Again, I think it's something like, you need the bosses DNA or something about them to open the door, but you could only open it if the 4 of them were there to open.

So their body was the lock. So if they ever needed to see the Mother Brain, all of them needed to agree.

Samus just hack somethign about them and bypass the security protocol, like she did on Metorid 2.

That's my headcanon anyway.

>> No.6488817

>script of shalt-not-be-named
which one?

>> No.6488871

That room unsettled the shit out of me when i was a kid

>> No.6488960

Probably because of the music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIshU2oExmw

>> No.6488985

It doesnt raise that question at all, unless youre autistic.

>> No.6489000

I thought Phantoon was just a Metroid version of Castlevania's Death. Mother Brain enslaved it for a time, but it can't truly die and simply goes wherever massive amounts of death occurred, usually wrecked spaceships.

>> No.6489013

The music but also i didn't understand the point of the room, i was expecting shit to happen but it never did.

>> No.6489023

It just checks their lifeforce when someone comes near

>> No.6489038

I can't remember if it was the Metroid 1 or Super Metroid guide book that explains the story but it actually makes sense. The galactic federation is in place like the U.N. keeping peace between different planets. Space pirates are a group of thugs kind of like the pirates out on the oceans that we have around poor countries. They rob ships and don't follow the law that everybody else does. Metroids are discovered and immediately realized for the threat that they are being able to drain life force from people and animals quickly. Space pirates have the technology to duplicate or clone living creatures and the Federation knows this and doesn't want them to get a hold of it.

Think of it like Somalia is now aware that a Nuclear bomb fell off of a cargo ship from China and it's floating in the ocean and washes up on some island a short distance from land. The U.N. now goes 'holy shit we can't let them get that' and contracts it's soldiers (Samus) to go take care of it.

>> No.6489123

Well yeah that's the unnerving part, it's just so fucking dumb to have MB and her "ghost" alive at the same time
Postgame O:M, to be more specific it's not literally a ghost, it's a being created (drawn?) when a powerful psychic dies (translation is sloppy as usual)

>> No.6489128
File: 19 KB, 300x300, IMG_1443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Mother Brain taunting Samus, her profession, and her humanity.

Mother Brain wants a confrontation, for revenge, hence why she doesn't make Tourian completely inaccessible. She could lead Samus straight into Tourian and kill her herself, but she wants to off Samus with something more poetic; the baby Metroid.

So she creates the statue lock, designing it to slow Samus down, rather than stop her entirely. This gives Mother Brain time to grow the baby Metroid to it's full potential.

I think revenge for Mother Brain is about more than just killing Samus - it's proving to her that's she's the superior life form, the superior living thing.

So she makes the lock into a gold statue, as a way of taunting Samus - implying she will always at heart be a bounty hunter, casting doubt on her motivation for returning to Zebes. Was she really worried about the baby Metroid, or was she actually only chasing the inevitable reward for killing Ridley and the other leaders?

Mother Brain has nurtured the baby Metroid to what she believes is it's full potential, while Samus abandoned it to live for herself, chasing bounties.

Mother Brain is trying to seriously unsettle Samus, implying that she’s cast aside her ‘natural role’ as a mother to chase the false god of money (the gold statue) by ‘becoming death’, while Mother Brain has successfully become MORE human - nurturing the baby Metroid, and creating life (albeit more Metroids).

She will calculate that the statue and it's symbolism will cause Samus to doubt her own humanity just before the surprise encounter with the baby Metroid - not to give it an edge, but to make Samus’ death in it's maw all the more miserable.

Of course, Mother Brain didn't consider that Samus and the baby Metroid might have bonded on a deeper level than just care-giver-and-receiver.

Obviously, the above is total wank. But that's really the point of details like the statue, the wrecked ship, the dead human in Kraid’s lair.

>> No.6490902

what? Super Metroid was 60fps

>> No.6490916

the fps dips quite often though

>> No.6490917

list 5 cases

>> No.6490928

whenever you use a power bomb for instance also it is ver noticeable on that bird statue boss before ridley

>> No.6490931

that's just slowdown though, the game still runs at 60fps at all times

>> No.6490942

>yeah the game runs at 60fps at all times except when it isnt


>> No.6491618

Because soul powered lock > plain lock

>> No.6491620

This make sense.

It's an alive vicious being, after all.

And the mother/father/parenting motiff... it's something that's being explored since Metorid II.

It completely makes sense. This is my headcanon now.

This could be a new Mother Brain, one designed by the Space Pirates.

>> No.6491636

Holy shit... Everyone get in here, classic nincel cope

>> No.6491641

The physics and controls are perfection though. SM has "floaty" controls like Metroid 1 and 2. Only GBA babies that started with Fusion or ZM hate SM controls.

>> No.6491657

He is though. The canon story of Phantoon is that he is a multidimensional creature that once served the Chozo, but Mother Brain came along and by allowing him to feed off of her energy he became her servant.

>> No.6491695

Samus has broken through every single conventional lock type they've come up with. The statue lock nonsense was an extreme measure to keep her out long enough to finish their research on the Metroid. They knew she'd break it like all the others, but at least they knew this kind of lock would take her a while.

>> No.6491730
File: 86 KB, 512x489, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why they left this shit in the game. You can remove most of the power bomb lag just by changing a few bytes of the super metroid rom in a hex editor.

0410DB - 00 30 80 00 to 00 00 00 01
040DE5 - 00 00 30 00 to 00 00 00 01

Almost no slowdown.

>> No.6491893

Probably a quick fix for the power bomb crashing the game somewhere.

>> No.6492957

It's a story about a woman in a super powered suit made by wrinkly old magic bird men fighting a geiger penis space dragon and a brain in a jar anon.

>> No.6493801


>> No.6494550
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>> No.6494960

makes perfect sense.
each boss's pulse is wirelessly monitored
computer program checks pulse
machine removes ground bricks when 4/4 pulses are not found

>> No.6494979

you were supposed to die to the mother brain's trap, remember?

>> No.6495185

Pal version running at 50fps feels nicer. Still dips on power bomb and golden pirates and lava rising situations though. They feel natural so I have no issue.

>> No.6495621

fuck me lmao I haven't laughed this much in months

>> No.6496770
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>Dorothy before Rose

>> No.6496894

>He thinks I primarily watch Hollywood movies

People on these boards have incredible blind spots. You are the equivalent of someone who thinks 1st party Nintendo games are the only retro games people play.

>> No.6498401

Maybe they just hoped Samus would see the statue and take that instead. It's probably worth more than whatever the bounties on the space pirates are worth, and a new army of metroids is probably good for samus' business anyway.

>> No.6498410

The gates in Hyper Metroid make way more sense. Even after all the bosses have been beaten, Tourian is still pretty much unaccessible until you find and open all the gates blocking the entry.