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File: 955 KB, 2446x2528, IMG_8490 (Edited).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6474884 No.6474884 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 chinkshit clone
i bought a clone Pokemon crystal, and even with a new battery it will lose it save game after a few months of not playing. Is there anything I can solder on the board to prevent this? I'd really rather not pay overpriced cart with a scrbbled label, i just wanted the pokemon experience again since I let a friend borrow my Crystal back in 2002 and never saw it again.

>> No.6474914

you get what you pay for. get a flashcart instead, that way you can enjoy the rest of the gbc library

>> No.6474931

that sounds like a good idea but i only had about 10 gameboy games growing up and i still have all of them except pokemon crystal. I have pokemon red and yellow but something about gbc support for G/S/C was more appealing

>> No.6474936

I have the exact chink crystal on your pic and they don't need battery for saves. Is it a different one? Maybe post a picture of the board and someone with more knowledge can help you.

>> No.6475094
File: 1.40 MB, 3688x1440, IMG_7619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the one I got, maybe its different from yours?

>> No.6475113

Retarded faggot.

>> No.6475126

no u

>> No.6475130

great contribution

>> No.6475535

Stop buying anything from slave-using chinks. It's always the source of the problems with chinkshit.

>> No.6475620

>that PCB
Holy shit. I don't know if that is dirt or spiderwebs on the lower right of each chip. Both chips look poorly soldered in, and I swear two legs look like they aren't even soldered on. And what the fuck happened with that battery? Both sides on the top look like the PCB melted where someone took way too high of a temp and no flux to it.

>> No.6475717

yeah it looks fucked huh. I also bought a gold chink as well. But it suffers from the same issues. Once I start playing I have to keep going until its done with no more than 5-7 days gap between plays.

>> No.6476537

nigga yu fucked

>> No.6476632

Get an EZ Flash JR

>> No.6476652

Wow...that is quite the piece of shit PCB Probably the really shitty chink RAM or there's an issue with the PCB. Get an Everdrive or something similar, but like this demonstrates, make sure you buy a decent and reputable flashcart. You'll really be glad you did bro.

>> No.6476659

>128 bucks for a GB/C flashcart
damn. i might as well just buy crystal for the $50 or whatever is is now, since I have all the other GB games I ever owned and I wouldnt even know what games to try out

>> No.6476674

You could sell the other games you already have and have the flashcart cover them all. No more wearing out the cartridge slot by changing carts, and you might even make a profit you can spend on more hardware.

>> No.6477639

not a bad idea

>> No.6477876

your best bet is to just fucking get it on virtual console for 10$ or emulate. even if you managed to get a legitimate Crystal cart loaded up with a working battery it still will die every ~5 years or so. Think about digital wrist watches, and how they die out every few years or so. Your saves are stored on that exact same type of battery, a CR2032, which btw, even if you replace, you won't be able to keep your save file unless you do some trickery like I think having the game running while you're swapping it out. And that's assuming you even catch it in time before your battery dies. It's just not worth it.

>> No.6477881

>virtual console for 10$ or emulate
are gameboy game still fun when youre sitting the couch playing it on a tv?

>> No.6477890
File: 2.83 MB, 2450x3300, GameCube-Game-Boy-Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too bad, I used to have one of these bad boys

>> No.6477906

how is it that i can still save games on 30 year old nes cartridges but a gameboy game will crap out after a couple of years?

>> No.6477924

Just emulate like a normal person you mong

>> No.6478156

because gameboy carts are quite a bit newer and probably more intensive

>> No.6478381

Because gen 2 pokemon carts specifically were not well designed and have way, way higher power consumption than any average cartridge.

There are still RBY carts today with working batteries and the battery powered RTC carts from gen 3 lasted at least over a decade. GSC were just fucked.

>> No.6479050

>128 bucks for a GB/C flashcart
Nigga, just get the ez flash jr from china, it's like 40 bucks but it has almost full compatibility
Don't fall into the krikzz meme

>> No.6480706

Super Game Boy

>> No.6480721

Aren't these chink clones usually using krikz's work in the first place

>> No.6481315

Can't use flashcarts with Pokemon Stadium, the Transfer Pak power tolerances are extremely tight

>> No.6481610

Good thing Pokemon Stadium sucks then anyway

>> No.6481863

No they're using the original ez work that krikzz knocked off

Which youtube told you that?

>> No.6482573

>No they're using the original ez work that krikzz knocked off
lol, Chinese creating anything original, good one.

>> No.6482628

is there a version of this for the sd2snes

>> No.6484546

>lol, i'm old enough to be here, good one

>> No.6484548

why are there speed holes in the cart connector?

>> No.6484551

Ok Zhang

>> No.6484958

>zhu ming

>> No.6485310

to make it load faster

>> No.6486013

>minimum electrical clearance disregarded
>flux everywhere
This PCB was designed to fail.

>> No.6486296

gotta go fast

>> No.6487821

looks like shit

>> No.6488980


>> No.6490556

Unrelated to your battery issue, but you can buy a cart flasher\dumper that can reflash these with whatever game(s) you want. Iv had issues with old gba clone carts, but havent found a modern gb cart i couldnt reflash. It basically turns the cheap $5 clone carts into flash carts

>> No.6490890 [DELETED] 

>i watch teh youtube so i no

>> No.6490997

I bought Crystal not too long ago and it was $30. New battery and there's nothing wrong with the label.

>can't load it into Pokemon Stadium to enjoy post game content or transfer your trained Pokemon from that playthrough onto its flash storage for safekeeping.
Soulless. Gen 1/2 should be played on real cartridges only.

>> No.6492113 [DELETED] 

not sure what you are saying here...you know what i mean because you have seen it on youtube? or you think im just parroting apparent youtube guides?

>> No.6492532 [DELETED] 

Making fun of your zoomer writing style and obvious parroting of guides, which I assume were youtube because of your zoom level.

>> No.6494002

Try it yourself. Flashcarts don't work. Anyway, https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/n64/patches/4506readme.txt

>> No.6494365 [DELETED] 

Just a friendly piece of advice. Take it or leave it. Your shitposting style is pretty consistent and it's starting to get you noticed. Not everyone you talk to is a "youtube guide parroting zoomer" but you accuse pretty much everyone you talk to of being such in any thread you post in. You also have a habit of strawman greentexting in a fairly obvious and uniquely obnoxious way. Anyway, up to you what you do with this information.

>> No.6494847

I have tried it. That's why asked you which youtube misinformed out.

>Just a friendly piece of advice.
>Cries about literally every adult on 4chan that makes fun of zoomers
into the trash it goes

>> No.6494908

Please stop being poor OP
Buy a real copy

>> No.6496002 [DELETED] 

>That's why asked you which youtube misinformed out.
Stroke or phoneposting zoomie?

>> No.6496013

Pokemon Stadium's cups suck but the myriad of QoL improvements it gives to Gen 1 and 2 along with all that storage space and the ability to play the games at 3x speed makes up for it

>> No.6496127 [DELETED] 


>> No.6496384

But how do you flash them?

>> No.6496689 [DELETED] 

Ok. Glad your health is holding up. I was worried for a minute there.

>> No.6497476 [DELETED] 

>cope intensifies
If you don't want to get mad because someone makes fun of you for parroting youtube bullshit you could always just stop parroting youtube bullshit. Copeposting about is is just pathetic.

>> No.6497706

i use a joey jr, but u can apparently use an arduino. with the joey, u just pop the cart into the reader, plug reader into pc via usb, and in the software select write rom to cart (and pick correct cart type\size). I think in the new ones its drag and drop which is nice

>> No.6498595 [DELETED] 

I wasn't parroting anything. You replied to my first post of the thread. I just wanted to make sure you weren't having a stroke over the fact that the internet exists.

>> No.6498596

just emulate it so you can run it at 4x speed. Pokemon takes way too long at regular speed

>> No.6499189

this, but emulate at normal speed and configure a fast forward button (pref 10x)

>> No.6499203

thats what i mean. please dont run the entire game at 10x. your game clock will be all fucked up anyways

>> No.6499485

Ok zoomer

>> No.6499895

Thats because most flashcarts first boots thier "Operating System rom" where you select a game from the flashcards menu. Then the flash cart writes the game then boots it. So pokemon stadium sees it as another gb game since it sees the flash cart OS rom and doent boot. However if you get something like the GB USB smart card 64MB you actually load the rom via usb. This is different since you burn the game yourself to the flash cart then plug into the transfer pack and stadium sees the pokemon rom since the only data is the rom you burned. The 64m doesnt have a operating system.
It hss nothing to do with mis matching voltages, you,re just remembering an article wrong

>> No.6499965

You can do the same thing with many pre-SD flash carts. The boot loader is just a ROM that displays a menu, maps the selected ROM to the right space and reboots. If you overwrite the boot loader with the pokemon ROM you basically make a pokemon "repro" that works like the original. Anon is a switch baby who's never seen those kinds of carts and is too retarded to even parrot correctly.

>> No.6501101

Exactly. I just used the 64m as a example as its what I had.

>> No.6501269

>the adapter is fucking everywhere, you can't pay people to take one
>the actual disk is rare and expensive as fuck because it didn't come with a case and thus everyone lost theirs

A local pawn shop has a NISB Gameboy Player for like 300$, it's fucking absurd.

At least there's some CFW options for Gamecube now, apparently there's a CFW for the Gameboy Player that's actually a better emulator than the official disk.

>> No.6501283

That's weird, my copy came in a regular case, but I'm in PAL territory...

>> No.6501971

The gameboy player has gba hardware, it isnt emulation.But the softwares called its called Game Boy Interface GBI. It nice since it can play the gameboys in 240p. Get yourself a action replay with sd memory card and a cheap japanese gameboy player then you're golden.