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6473175 No.6473175 [Reply] [Original]

How do we uncuck Saturn emulation

>> No.6473178

There are some systems you just can't emulate, it'd be easier to actually land on the moon. Saturn and DC are no-go's, forget about it, not gonna happen.

>> No.6473181

It's getting better, you will be able to complete many games right now.

>> No.6473227

Start by sending useful bug reports directly to the emulator developers instead of bitching about it here.

>> No.6473298

dc is pretty good though. demul has 100 percent compatibility and redream is close behind

>> No.6473342

Shut up! It works 100%! 100%!

(100% of the 3 games I know, but that's still 100%...)

>> No.6473363

Beetle Saturn is pretty good.

>> No.6473403

"How do we"


>> No.6473414

I'm sure for your malformed brain that's true.

>> No.6473440

What am I looking at? I can't see anything in this shitty gif.
l2webm faggot

>> No.6473446

Dreamcast emulation is better than Saturn at this point. Loads better.

>> No.6473451

What actions are you personally taking to see this done?

>> No.6473461

Learn to code, study the hardware documentation, create your own emulator?

>> No.6473538
File: 2.00 MB, 936x680, 2016-08-16-1613-26_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By having a mid-end processor and using beetle saturn/mednafen.

>> No.6473548

Mednafen has some weird issues, it actually runs too fast.

>> No.6473551

redream has been working just fine for me, even SSF is more reliable than people suggest
dragon force, an ogre battle clone

>> No.6473559
File: 2.22 MB, 958x560, 2016-08-17-0249-49.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6473563

>ogre battle clone
You've never played Dragon Force or you've never played Ogre Battle.

>> No.6473567
File: 18 KB, 374x425, Mr. Schumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love /vr/ threads like this. They alert me to all the posters here who have never once tried the RetroArch Saturn and/or Dreamcast cores. With all the FUD about RA that you guys swallow without a second thought, it's no wonder you think those consoles are impossible to emulate.

>> No.6473838


>> No.6473839

Albert Odyssey
Shining the Holy Ark

>> No.6473841

Not really retard

>> No.6473851

Saturn and Dreamcast are both great? What fucking year is this thread from?

>> No.6473868

Thank you!

>> No.6474096

SSF has been great for years, now it has built in cd emulation its usable again.

>> No.6474117

It does? Which version? I've been using it to play Shining Force III for the past few months and I still had to use an external program.
What formats does it support?

>> No.6474125

from memory i cant remember


he seems to only post updates on his tweeter now

>> No.6474127

Guess I'll just give it a try later then. Thanks.

>> No.6474131

Or you could play the superior modern emulator and not some ancient black box piece of Japanse software with no documentation.

>> No.6474134

kys emunigger

>> No.6474140

Here's the thing, I started that run on Yabasanshiro, which had graphical issues and hanging audio a few hours into the game, then tried some others and ultimately SSF ended up working the best for it. Which is also where my saves are now. I sure as shit am not gonna deal with trying to convert saves again after that whole mess given that it works without any issues now.
Unless some other emu works without hassle now, and lets me up the internal resolution I see no reason to move on as long as SSF works.

>> No.6474143

Mednafen's Saturn module is constantly being worked on and pretty much a large majority of games work.

>> No.6474160
File: 2.97 MB, 560x404, Nade_Jumps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't run into any issues using Mednafen or Beetle Saturn so far. Shit just works. People say input lag is high and it might be but hey, I'll take it.

>> No.6474179

I have and it's straight up unplayable on my i5-3570. Standalone mednafen would be serviceable if not for the horrendous input-lag.

>> No.6474180

Mednafen runs 2D saturn games perfectly pretty much. the 3d ones are the ones that lag and stuff, I think, no?

>> No.6474181

I played X4 with mednafen and the input lag was unbearable. I had the same issue with Space Harrier.

>> No.6474215

Beetle saturn runs near perfect
Redream is the best DC emulator right now

>> No.6474217

maybe if you're running it on a POS

>> No.6474281


I haven't tried X4, but I played guardian heroes just today and wasn't noticeable at all to me

>> No.6474284

I have an AMD A10 -6790K APU with Radeon HD Graphics, 4Ghz, can I run saturn on mednafen?

>> No.6474308
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot at 2020-05-28 21:47:01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what seems to be the problem?

>> No.6474325

try it, madnafen saturn is free

>> No.6474396

It does, you must not know much about your favorite emulator.

>> No.6474472

>video of 1 game by a user with poorly configured hardware

Whoa retard, you really showed me.

>> No.6474482

>>video of 1 game by a user with poorly configured hardware
He's a saturn dev, mednafen is pretty bad anon.

>> No.6474484

Saturn has 1094 games. Surely there numerous examples if speed discrepancy is indeed the rule? The retarded "dev" you posted couldn't even capture his video properly.

>> No.6474497

>Saturn has 1094 games
You can count? I'm impressed.
>Surely there numerous examples if speed discrepancy is indeed the rule
Surely there are
>The retarded "dev" you posted couldn't even capture his video properly

>> No.6474521

No need to get so passive aggressive sweety, I merely want to get to the bottom of actual accuracy of Beetle Saturn. If I fire up Sega Rally rn and compare its timer with my clock, will they be different after 1 minute or not?

>> No.6474553

>will they be different after 1 minute or not?
Only one way to find out anon, you should be less evasive.

>> No.6474554

buy a cheap saturn and modchip you uncircumsized philistine

>> No.6474563

pick one

>> No.6474564

Wait, you don't know? I thought you were an expert on Saturn emulation.
Well I just had to test that and... it didn't. Why would people on the internet talk about things they have absolutely no knowledge of?
So let me correct your post
>Mednafen has some weird issues, it actually runs too fast.
Is more of a "mednafen may run a tad too fast in 1 out of 1094 games if user haven't configured it properly". There, much more accurate.

>> No.6474598

Just tried it. Beetle Saturn runs SFZ3 faster than shown in that first video that was allegedly recorded using real hardware. Just I dunno, report it to the dev? I'm sure it'll get fixed in time.

>> No.6474607

This is the only game I've seen that runs too fast.

>> No.6474627

>Well I just had to test that and... it didn't.
no proof, so you didn't
>if user haven't configured it properly
what isn't configured properly? He's a developer, he would want a stable, accurate environment.

>> No.6474638



>> No.6474649

>no proof, so you didn't
Test for yourself if you don't believe me.
>He's a developer
Apparently he's a developer that's not very good with computers.

>> No.6474718

Tell him how to configure it properly then

>> No.6474721

I'm not mednafen tech support. For as long as it works on my machine I am content.

>> No.6474760

I've never had any issue with SSF. I also used to play N64 games with Project64 on an old Win98 setup and faced no problem at all.
"Muh accuracy" autists need to fuck off.

>> No.6474771
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i've completed a few games on mednafen and haven't had any issues
magic knight rayearth seems to have stuttering in the fmvs that doesn't occur on real hardware or on yabause, and i'm pretty sure die hard arcade still doesn't launch
also whoever said dc emulation is bad is a fucking retard, dc emulation has been fine for more than a decade at this point

>> No.6474916

Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.6474938

I know exactly what I'm talking about, hence my bewilderment when I saw a man who doesn't know what he's talking about spouting blatant falsehoods. For what purpose, I wonder?

>> No.6475117

I thought Retroarch Saturn emulation was good?
Haven't tried it myself. Is there something wrong with it?

>> No.6475123

> Is there something wrong with it?
There is. It makes certain retards seethe like no tomorrow.

>> No.6475169

If it's like standalone mednafen, then input lag. If it's not, then just beefy CPU requirements. I can run fucking RPCS3, but RA Mednafen is just too much.

>> No.6477007

I seriously don't understand this meme about Mednafen Saturn input lag. I did some testing with Dead or Alive practice mode and there's probably 3-4 frames of lag at worst, it's almost imperceptible. Maybe it's because I'm using Gentoo with 1000hz USB polling, Wayland, a custom kernel optimised for desktop usage and etc etc

>> No.6477026

once you're cucked you can't be "uncucked"

>> No.6477041

You're fucked if you try to use a newer version on an older laptop, though. Shit apparently requires Vulkan now, and I have no idea what revision was the last one before that requirement.

>> No.6477047

>finally get around to try it
>cue only
>some games work perfectly, others don't launch despite the cues looking the same formatting wise
I am starting to suspect this has the same issue with games that have mp3 files on the cue list as some other emulators had.
Anyone got a clue on that? Sega Rally and Panzer Dragoon in particular just refuse to launch and if they do it's without music.

>> No.6477053

>mp3 files on the cue list

absolutely pleb tier

>> No.6477069

That's cool Anon, but if I ask you really nicely, will you let me in on your secret technique to fix it?
For real though, I've not done this too often so I don't know.

>> No.6477076

I guess people don't feel as much of a need to make good saturn emulators when a Japanese saturn is so cheap you can wipe your ass with them.

>> No.6477094

convert the mp3 back to wav.

>> No.6477105

Seems like an odd thing to do, but simple enough if that's it.

>> No.6477113

There is no "fix". Those are just older, bad dumps of the game that used lossy compression techniques. You need to replace them with modern rips from redump or the like.

>> No.6477117

What's wrong with Mednafen Saturn and SSF? There's even another new one called Kronos showing promise.
Just seems to me that no one is doing any research and still think Saturn emulation is fucked forever.

>> No.6477121

SSF is still closed source Windows exclusive.

>> No.6477126

Alright fair enough, given the wav thing didn't seem to work, I guess that just means looking for them again.

>> No.6477131

Did you adjust the cue sheet accordingly?

>> No.6477134

You don't have to dig.

>> No.6477140

I did. Admittedly via a program that's generating them automatically, but it looks no different from the usual.
Still giving me a cue sheet error, so I presume it's not that.

Yeah, I'm aware.

>> No.6477384

>doesn't work on my 7 year old toaster

>> No.6477406

So I just did tested this. In RetroArch Beetle Saturn has exactly 4 frames of input lag. I tested Radiant Silvergun, Taromaru and Shin Shinobi Den (Shinobi Legions). Sadly at least on my system the core seems to be completely incompatible to the runahead latency reduction feature but that might be due my hardware not being beefy enough. Any of you guys using this feature with no issues? My games run slowly and sound crackles as well when runahead is enabled.

>> No.6477459

1 frame of run-ahead works fine for me but I don't know how to test whether it actually reduces the latency

>> No.6477463

nevermind that I just tested frame by frame (p>k), it actually reduced delay from 4 frames to 3 frames

>> No.6477486

post your system specs

>> No.6477520

4 frames is still very small, isn't it? I mean that's without counting display latencies like how fast it shows up on your monitor and how fast your inputs are read I guess but that doesn't sound bad at all.

>> No.6477521

4 frames is 16.6ms*4 incurred delay
Albeit small in the overall pipeline (emulator>input>monitor) it's still preferable to reduce it when you have the option

>> No.6477524

Yeah well, it's just more than with some of the other cores where next frame response is achieveable often achieveable - at least when emulation is paused and then advanced frame-by-frame. Who knows if it truely behaves that way when you unpause it. You'd have to get a high speed camera to check. There probably are videos out there where someone put in the work comparing stuff like this even to real hardware wiring up a button to two systems. I think the realest test would be filming to displays next to each other and just compare it that way.

In RetroArch I would think that generally you should set runahead frames on a per game basis. Not every game behaves the same and input lag isn't solely determined by the console. But the three games I tested all had 4 frames of lag in emulation.

>> No.6477530

>4 frames is 16.6ms*4 incurred delay
Depends on the framerate the games run at, no? At 30 fps it's longer than at 60fps or am I making a mistake here? 4 frames lag isn't 4 fps lag. It's 4 frames out of a specific frameRATE. It 144 Hz it's not much at all.

>> No.6477535

Internal FPS of the game does not matter. NTSC games always run at 60hz.

>> No.6477540

Having a difficult time wrapping my head around that. I think noticed that when I was testing lag earlier in Panzer Dragoon and I would hit frameadvance the game would draw a new frame only ever other keystroke. And the lag was about double the keystrokes compared to the other 3 titles I tested - which I assume run at 60Hz? How does that fit with your post?

Maybe Panzer Dragoon is just weird though? It draws every frame twice maybe? But that, in my understanding, would mean that I am correct as more time will pass before an input shows feedback on the screen.

>> No.6477547

Again, all NTSC games update 60 times per second. If the game itself cannot run at the target frame rate (like Panzer Dragon which runs at 20 fps internally), Saturn (or any other analog console) outputs 1 unique frame, followed by 2 duplicate frames in succession. This should not concern you, as retroarch runahead feature treats any frame output, be it unique or not, the same.

>> No.6477560

Okay that makes more sense now to me. Decoupling it like. Thanks for clearing that up. So it still reduces input lag just the same... and why wouldn't it.

>> No.6477957
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>> No.6477961
File: 2.95 MB, 640x462, RetroArch 2020.05.28 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This her.
Also i have no idea what i'm doing, but holy shit the music is fucking amazing.

>> No.6478023

>demul has 100 percent compatibility
with a shitload of input lag that's even worse than saturn.

>> No.6478812

>(or any other analog console)
same for digital video output as well
with the exceptions of freesync and gsync, digital video has worked in the same way analog video did, just with digital signals (continuous stream of data with h/v blanking periods, continuous h/v sync rate)

only with freesync/gsync do you have the situation where a program (game) can update the display when it dictates (well, within the minimum and maximum rates of the monitor, outside of which frame repeating/dropping/stalling occurs as usual)

>> No.6479039
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x874, RetroArch 2020.05.29 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Beetle Saturn, what's the problem with?

>> No.6479243


Asuka 120% is that shit

>> No.6480431

Where the h*ck do I get a bin and cue of english patched Sakura Taisen anyways? Retroarch doesn't seem to see it as an iso.

>> No.6480448

>demul has 100 percent compatibility
What did he mean by this?

>> No.6480451

Not that guy, but
>what do you mean your 7 year-old hardware cant run 20+ year-old games? Maybe you should get a better system!
Doesn't sound like the state of emulators is worth a damn if 20+ year-old software eats everything but the newest tech alive.

>> No.6481051


>> No.6481276

die hard arcade works like a charm, as does maken x. sounds like a you-problem anon

>> No.6481286

3-4 frame input latency

>> No.6481287

>plays nothing but RPGs
It's a poor liberal faggot alright

>> No.6481308

mednafen and redump rips you simpleton

>> No.6481361

lets see you write a faster emulator that is just as accurate
early on computers weren't powerful enough to emulate basically anything truly accurately, and so emulators employed many short cuts, hardware accelleration, HLE techniques, dynamic recompilation, etc to try to speed the process up at the cost of limited compatibility and per-game hacks to make things just playable

modern emulators like bsnes instead are low-level emulators, simulating the system down to individual clock ticks, which is ridiculously expensive, but also extremely compatible, with no per-game hacks needed

>> No.6481679
File: 498 KB, 471x455, sexual predator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get a bin and cue for the english patched Sakura Taisen? Retroarch doesn't seem to see it as an iso.

>> No.6481778

"WE" don't unless YOU learn to code, you useless waste of oxygen

>> No.6483375

Anon, are you checked on CDRomance?

>> No.6483384

Which games are you complaining about? Do you even know?

>> No.6483389
File: 215 KB, 480x360, 1562252930676.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go bro

>> No.6483392

To create an emulator from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

>> No.6483395

>make thread crying about emulators not being good enough
>get mad at people who use emulators
Schizophrenia is a treatable disease.

>> No.6483403

>need a $3000 i9 processor to run 20 year old games
No, stop.

>> No.6483408

You don't have the equipment to test 4 frames of input lag.

>> No.6483427

Learn to code, you good-for-nothing

>> No.6483436

You don't understand what you're talking about :^)

>> No.6483476

What is OP talking about? I played through Panzer Dragoon Saga and Radiant Silvergun on SSF about 6-7 years ago. I had zero bugs or issues (other than a disc swap problem in PDS that I resolved in 10 minutes of Google searching -- you have to change a checkbox or the game crashes).

Overall very positive experiences. What's the problem with Saturn emulation?

>> No.6483486

The problem is that the collectors of original hardware are deep into sunk cost fallacy and have to conjure strawmans to keep their sanity intact.

>> No.6483487

Never had a problem with SSF either. People are probably just playing with worse emulators.

>> No.6483683

No, you don't have the equipment to test 4 frames of input latency. Now you're avoiding the issue. Show me the methodology and benchmarks you used, you lying cocktard.

>> No.6484172

You can patch it yourself if you'd just take a few minutes to read the included readme file...

>> No.6484183

It's ok for common games, but when you go outside the big name games you run into problems. It's very much like what SNES emulation was years ago when all we had was ZSNES and SNES9x. Where you really start to notice issues is when you're doing any kind of hacking or homebrew. For example with Grandia this worked fine on all the major Saturn emulators:

But on real hardware resulted in this:

The reason? All the major emualtors are fudging their VDP2 implementations and a lot of the more subtle details like VRAM timings, what layers can be used while others are enabled, etc. are completely ignored.

>> No.6484253

i've been playing panzer dragoon saga recently with a budget ryzen 3 2200g and it hasn't missed a frame

>> No.6485330

Ah, see this is from the guy who didn't configure his emulator correctly. That's clearly the problem. He needs to learn how to configure it correctly.

>> No.6485347

Buy a Saturn and play copies on it

>> No.6485368

What? My old 2600k runs everything fullspeed.

>> No.6485373

You clearly have no understanding of what input latency is and how easy it is to test on an emulator.

>> No.6485567

This is a cop-out, you've posted no results whatsoever.

>> No.6486568

That has nothing to do with emulator configuration. The emulators simply ignore VDP2's VRAM timings and the intricacies of what layers can be displayed when certain registers are set. The original Japanese version of Grandia didn't display any text during that sequence. In trying to add text to that part those issues were discovered. Fixing it required a lot of trial and error and wasted CD-Rs from testing on real hardware.

>> No.6486692

>That has nothing to do with emulator configuration.
No, it's just that. Emulators are flawless. He clearly didn't configure the emulator correctly.

>> No.6486737

Nah, it's just that the emulator devs can't make heads or tails of this document:


>> No.6486745

>playing sfz3 on saturn, not mame


>> No.6486747

saturn version is superior to the arcade version

>> No.6486751

To tickle your autism.

>> No.6486764

More Characters, Better Dramatic Battle, and World Tour Mode.

>> No.6486782

Still mad about redream going closed source, but at least the RA fags fixed a bunch of the issues reicast (now flycast) had a year later. Works good now with my favorite games.

>> No.6486795

There are only a handful of games worth playing on Saturn and DC.

Silhouette Mirage
Radiant Silvergun

Shenmue 1
Shenmue 2

>> No.6486803

There's also the guy developing this:

In testing his initial DSP code he was really excited because he saw a massive 10fps boost in performance when running in Mednafen. However on Real Hardware he saw little to no difference, in fact it ran worse. The reason? Mednafen doesn't emulate bus behavior accurately. So while in Mednafen he could easily send code and data back and forth to the DSP without problems, on real hardware he ran into bus contention issues that slowed it down.

He later was able to get it to to do some tasks and give a small 1-2fps boost, but it wasn't near the miracle that Mednafen initially showed.

>> No.6486812

Wow, maybe he should develop for Mednafen since it's provably the superior platform here.

>> No.6486820

Your opinions are retarded. I wish your parents had gone for a walk instead of fucking you into existence.

>> No.6486824

Maybe he should reconsider his life choices.

>> No.6486920

not with run-ahead mode

>> No.6486930
File: 45 KB, 765x430, pds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Panzer Dragoon Saga
>zero bugs or issues
fake news

>> No.6486942

Yes, let's develop for an emulator that's inaccurate to the original hardware. That caused absolutely no problems with ZSNES...

>> No.6486952

reminder that any console 5th gen and above will never be accurately emulated.

>> No.6486965

except they all are already, just because you're not willing to look for good options doesn't mean they don't exist

>> No.6486968

Except for the proof that's been given that Saturn Emulation isn't accurate.

>> No.6486969

notice how 0 consoles 5th gen or above have cycle accuracy.

>> No.6486973

how is mednafen/beetle saturn not accurate? what evidence is there
fuck off with that bullshit, you're clutching at straws at this point

>> No.6486985

>reminder that any console 5th gen and above will never be accurately emulated
*keks in PlayStation*

>> No.6486987

-It runs too fast.
-It doesn't accurately emulate VDP2 (VRAM Timings, Register setting limits, Color Limits, etc.)
-It doesn't accurately emulate High-Res mode limits (Will let you use 15-bit RGB textures and Gouraud shading in high res mode which is a big no-no.)
-Doesn't emulate the DSP accurately
-Doesn't Emulate the CD-Block Accurately
-No MPEG Card Emulation
-Doesn't emulate Bus Contention accurately (Results in some games running faster than they should)

It's a lot of issues that causes problems for Homebrew Developers and people doing Rom Hacks and Translation Patches. It can also result in a few games bugging out, which is why there's a list of known bugs and compatibility issues:


>> No.6487000

typical, it's emugen autists that complain about non-issues to anyone that wants to play games

>> No.6487001

GTE still isn't emulated accurately.

>> No.6487004

I think things like Resident Evil crashing when you Rescue Jill/Chris is a pretty serious problem for people just wanting to play games.

>> No.6487013

good thing ssf is still developed

>> No.6487023

SSF isn't perfect either.

>> No.6487182

Oh no one game doesn't work, better pack it up guys, can't play any Saturn games now

>> No.6487191

Woah the EXCLUSIVE resident evil has an issue guys. The emu is shit and makes everything else unplayable

>> No.6487195

What's SSF stand for again? Stolen Sega Factsheets?
Emulators pretty wonky all cheating considered.

>> No.6487208


-Grandia also would crash at the change disc screens. They supposedly fixed it with an awful hack in the latest version, but I'm not sure how good said awful hack is.
-Fighters Megamix will crash if you let the intro play or try to skip it mid playback.
-Dragon Force II Crashes during FMV playback
-Magic Knight Rayearth has bad FMV Stuttering
-Rayman Hangs during the final boss
-Virtua Fighter and Remix will regularly vomit graphical garbage.
-Burning Rangers has text display problems
-Christmas NiGHTS displays garbage sprites from time to time
-Capcom games with art galleries will display garbage due to VDP2 VRAM timings not being accurately emulated.

That's just a few examples, but there's more in the list linked above, and again far from every game has been tested.

The general trend you should be noticing is issues with FMV playback and Sound (CD Block in accuracy), VDP2 garbage (VDP2 VRAM timings) and general crashes (Buses and CPU being inaccurate).

>> No.6487217

I haven’t experienced any of that on those games but alright man. Just go buy a pseudo Saturn and fuck off

>> No.6487218

>FMV issues
sounds accurate to the actual Saturn to me

>> No.6487231

Piss and moan and move the goal posts all you want, it wont change the fact that Saturn emulation is far from accurate. You were wrong on this subject. Deal with it and move on.

The Saturn can handle FMV just fine:

>> No.6487239

>far from accurate
give it up, you're acting as if it's completely unplayable and it's not, it's not even remotely near unplayable

>> No.6487279

It is pretty bad if you're doing any kind of Programming for the thing. Which I assume you like those Patches and Translations that have been coming out lately right? Inaccurate emulation makes doing those significantly more difficult.

The point is, Saturn Emulation right now is about as accurate as ZSNES was back in ~2002. Yeah it's playable and works for the popular games, but it's far from accurate. You're the one that asked what was wrong with it, just because you don't like the answer doesn't change any of it.

>> No.6487342

Now you’re bringing hacks and translations into the equation?
The reason there aren’t too many is because majority of Saturn games that need translating are gigantic text RPGs, most people don’t want to undertake all of that shit
Stop bullshitting your ass off

>> No.6487502
File: 652 KB, 498x254, blink-182-wtf-gif-11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i first tried to acquire panzer dragoon saga, my computer met some malware and blue-screened several times.

>> No.6487514

Run ahead mode doesn't work well with beetle saturn.

>> No.6487526

It works for almost the entire library and is quite accurate by any measure. It isn’t that I don’t like the answer it’s that you’re lying and listing old bugs and complaining about some turbo autist edge case stuff

>> No.6487618

Yeah I suppose not, but the input lag is negligible anyway, just as it is with majority of digital inputs, unlike the PPSSPP emulator where it’s near half a second of delay

>> No.6487678

I agree, but lets be real dropping 300+ on a saturn + ODE + rgb solution isn't worth it for the less than 5 games that aren't just arcade ports.
I wish SEGA would just come up with a proper emulation solution for saturn, dreamcast and their xbox games on modern consoles + pc. I'd buy panzer dragoon for full price.

>> No.6487684

panzer dragoon already has a windows version

>> No.6487690

You can literally already do that on Xbox one though, Orta is playable in 4K and includes the original game

>> No.6487693

yes but you can't really install cfw on xbox past certain 360's.

>> No.6487696

>I'd buy panzer dragoon for full price
So you didn’t mean this at all?

>> No.6487707

I don't care about cfw specifically for piracy but I do like having my digital games backed up because they constantly get fucked with.
the re:birth games on Wiiware for example. You literally can't play them on real hardware now without cfw

>> No.6487721

Isn't Xbox One emulation even worse than Saturn?

>> No.6487723

You could just use an external HDD if you wanted to store your digital games, also games aren’t prevented from playing, they have no way to buy them through official channels

>> No.6487726

I’m talking about the console and it’s backwards compatibility with the original Xbox

>> No.6487731

love me some Xmen vs Streetfighter in Retroarch using Saturn beetle, runs great

>> No.6487745

I agree but I think Redream is a better emulator for Dreamcast

>> No.6487793

Is there a way to run pal games at 60hz with beetle saturn? Wanted to play keio but that was the problem I ran into a while back when I tried it

>> No.6487806

It's not negligible. On saturn it's 3-4 frames, on PPSSPP it's 5-7 frames in OGL and 3-5 frames in DX11, on NES/SNES/MD emulators it's usually 1 frame of delay. So yeah, frame delay is an issue for saturn emulation.

>> No.6487827

nothing in emulator, you'd have to find a hacked version of the game if there is even one
I don't know how you're playing it but I have nowhere near that much lag on saturn and the PPSSPP is straight up more like 15

>> No.6487830

It's not a matter of how you're playing, input delay is inherent to the emulator and currently cannot be reduced.

>> No.6487834

then you are straight up lying

>> No.6487837

About what? All of what I've said can be easily measured.

>> No.6487847

why do you care? if you don't notice it then you should be happy.

>> No.6487853

because people making up issues that aren't there should be disputed, has he compared the frame loss to an actual Saturn or does he have proof?

>> No.6487857

input lag in saturn emulation has been known for a long time, it's nothing new

>> No.6487859

redream runs Skies of Arcadia silky smooth on a chink phone. time to upgrade that pentium iv to something worthwhile, old timer.

>> No.6487862

you don't even understand what you're talking about, anon
consoles don't have "frame loss"
some games may have additional 1-2 frames of delay, but that is uncommon

>> No.6487872
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>they have no way to buy them through official channels
so if you need a new console or something you're SOL.
I got burned with this shit with Outrun online arcade on my PS3. My fatboi died and by the time I got a slim it was unavailable to download.
Same with afterburner climax and MGO. cfw let me have those games again and there's even private servers for MGO now too.
cfw isn't just about piracy. Same shit applies with older consoles and shit like translations on real hardware.
I don't like it when corporations tell me what I can and can't do with hardware that I own.

>> No.6487927

>3-4 frame input latency
name on game thats an issue

>> No.6487976

Don’t bother arguing, they don’t play games they just keep up with the “emulation scene”

>> No.6488051


>> No.6488057

Issue? That would depend on the person and his input/output configuration. It can certainly be smaller, and that's the point.

>> No.6488631

>How do we uncuck Saturn emulation
Maybe if some kids hack Sega like that kid hacked Nintendo and they leak proprietary hardware information like the verilog code.

>> No.6488659

Yeah, right

>> No.6488662

It's the only way.

>> No.6488676

so nothings gonna happen lol

>> No.6488725

>The reason there aren’t too many is because majority of Saturn games that need translating are gigantic text RPGs
I didn't say that was the reason they aren't happening, I said it makes it more difficult than it already is. If anything that scene is starting to explode at the moment. But the issue of inaccurate emulation is causing problems when testing hacks. There's a lot of intricacies with the Saturn that aren't accurately emulated which creates problems.

> It isn’t that I don’t like the answer it’s that you’re lying and listing old bugs
Yet the list is updated with each release and those bugs are still on it.

>and complaining about some turbo autist edge case stuff
And your arguments are the same as the casual SNES fanboy back in the days of ZSNES. Those edge cases do cause problems for quite a few games, otherwise there wouldn't be a list of bugs and compatibility issues. And when you're doing any kind of translations or romhacks it's a serious issue. People taking your "it's good enough" mindset is how we've ended up with Romhacks and Translations that will only work on archaic emulators, some of which wont even run on modern PCs.

You're free to enjoy using those emulators, but don't lie and say they're accurate when they're clearly not.

> dropping 300+ on a saturn
Try $50 tops.
A $20 mod chip will do just fine.
>rgb solution
An $8 S-Video cable is more than adequate.

>> No.6488730

>there wouldn't be a list of bugs and compatibility issues
So where is this list?

>> No.6488782

On the dev forums:

There's a stickied thread for Saturn bugs. Some posts towards the end have new bugs that haven't been added to the list, and there's individual threads for other bugs as well.

>> No.6488862

>using frontend frame advance feature to 'measure' input lag
People are really that much ignorant?

>> No.6488885

Wow that doesn't really seem like a huge list at all considering most of it is fixed and Saturn having over 1000 games in its library.

>> No.6488896

Learn to code?

>> No.6489081

He ran the .exe a cheeky cunt gave him.

>> No.6489109

something tells me the guy didn't generate and compare checksums with known good dumps

>> No.6489180

What makes you think the entire library has been tested? There's also bugs and issues that have been mentioned elsewhere that aren't on that list.

The point is, Saturn Emulation is about as accurate as ZSNES and Nesticle were. Yeah they run most of the popular games in the library in a playable state, but they're far from being accurate. Just because you're ok with this doesn't change the fact that the emulation is inaccurate.

>> No.6489189

Stop exaggerating

>> No.6489198

>The point is, Saturn Emulation is about as accurate as ZSNES and Nesticle were
Well, apparently this point is completely wrong.

>> No.6489207

>Stop pointing out what's wrong with Saturn emulation! It's fine for the 20 games I want to play! Stop Exaggerating!
Imagine if people like Byuu did that years ago when people were telling them that ZSNES was fine.

>Well, apparently this point is completely wrong.
Then why can I run the same code in Mednafen and again on a real system and get radically different results?

>> No.6489221

your thinking is very binary, that is well expected of someone who collects original hardware
handful of obscure games exhibiting minor issues do not render an emulator inaccurate

>> No.6489237

>radically different results
Yeah, totally not exaggerating at all

>> No.6489242

>handful of obscure games exhibiting minor issues do not render an emulator inaccurate
Not matching the original hardware 1:1 by definition is inaccurate emulation. In a lot of cases it's not minor but games completely hanging and crashing. It's a big problem for people doing translations, romhacks, and homebrew. If Saturn emulation was accurate this same build of Grandia shouldn't produce these two radically different results:

Real Hardware:

That's not configurations or anything like that with Mednafen, that's Mednafen completely ignoring VDP2 VRAM timings, Bus Contention, and limits on what layers can be displayed when certain registers are enabled.

>> No.6489246

> In a lot of cases it's not minor but games completely hanging and crashing
What cases? Please list the games that exhibit such behavior on Mednafen Saturn.

>> No.6489293

-Resident Evil crashes when you try to Save Jill/Chris
-Dragon Force II will hang when you try to skip an FMV
-Rayman Hangs during the final boss
-Lunar Silver Star Story hangs when you talk to a certain NPC
-Darklight Conflict draws garbage text on the screen over a good chunk of the screen due to VDP2 VRAM timing not being accurate. At it's worst it can cover the screen with it.
-Capcom Generation 5 has background tearing issues due to again VDP2 inaccuracies.

Again, just go down this list:

Also see the above issue with Grandia and VDP2 VRAM timing inaccuracies.

>> No.6490187

this is only a problem translating to an original saturn though
you are really stretching this accuracy thing and not that it doesn't work well

>> No.6490275

Saturn emulation sucks

>> No.6490339

not an argument

>> No.6490354

>hey guys saturn emulation is terrible because it’s not 1:1 accuracy with a real Saturn
>actually most games play well and are improved in performance
>not an argument

>> No.6490381

>actually most games play well and are improved in performance

But that's simply wrong you dishonest, lying rat.

>> No.6490413

It’s simply not, why don’t you admit you’ve never used it and don’t have a system capable of using it

>> No.6490419

You lying little rat

>> No.6490421

>2 x RTX 2080
cope harder, emu poorfag :^)

>> No.6490427

Then your issues have nothing to do with the emulator and is related to some personal vendetta, I suggest you fuck off and stop trying to start shit

>> No.6490454

Wow the fact that there's excellent Saturn emulation really does put you under a lot of distress huh.

>> No.6490457

By Allah, you are a liar and fraud! I'm done with you.

>> No.6490482

works on my machine bro

>> No.6491541

>How do we uncuck Saturn emulation
but why? we think the flaws give it SOUL.

>> No.6491548

lol what

/pol/, go home, you're drunk.

>> No.6491597

It's pretty well known in the saturn dev community that while certain emulators have gotten pretty good (especially mednafen), the timing of certain components in the system are not correctly emulated in any emulator. The documentation is incomplete and often incomprehensible about this level of detail
Most games probably don't rely on timing being perfect at least.

>> No.6492078

>this is only a problem translating to an original saturn though
That's the point. None of the Saturn emulators are accurate in this regard. The Emulators will let you get away with doing something that's completely wrong and invalid on real hardware. As a result developers doing translations, hacks, etc. can end up spending tons of time and effort on something only to find out it was all a waste because it wont work on real hardware.

>you are really stretching this accuracy thing and not that it doesn't work well
No, you're just putting blinders on and trying to sweep it under the rug. It's fine if this level of accuracy is good enough for you. However, this level of accuracy is not accurate to the Original hardware and it is a problem for some games as well as developers working on Translations, Hacks, and Homebrew.

>> No.6492104

Keep moving those goal posts

>> No.6492112

I haven't been moving them. That's you guys. You went from
>Mednafen is accurate and perfect!
>Well it's good enough for me...

Your favorite emulator isn't perfect and is inaccurate. Cope with that fact.

>> No.6492140

Not only are you moving those goal posts, you’re completely changing what was being said, keep digging

>> No.6492340

What I described literally happened within these posts:
>How is it not Accurate? What evidence is there?
>List of inaccuracies provided.
>I-it's good enough for me!

>> No.6492612

Emulation bad

>> No.6493985

Uncuck yourself and play on real hardware.

>> No.6493990

Emulation experience is better than real hardware.

>> No.6494019
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Sure buddy

>> No.6494034

Works on my machine bro

>> No.6494038

God, you motherfuckers are obnoxious.

>> No.6494040

Sunk cost fallacy can drive some people insane.

>> No.6494045

You're actually incapable of stopping, aren't you?

>> No.6494067

Stopping what?

>> No.6494120

Become an emu dev.

>> No.6495415

How long till saturn and other 32bit emulation gets run ahead emulation?

>> No.6495421

beetle saturn supports run ahead but saturn's ram size makes it nigh to impossible to run efficiently

>> No.6495429

Really? I hope they figure it out because run ahead has made real hardware on CRTs obsolete for 16bit and back games. Really hoping for it to come to psp emulation.

>> No.6495435

it's a lot more viable in 2D games, but as long as your CPU can handle 2 instances of an emulator