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/vr/ - Retro Games

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646948 No.646948 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, just found out System Shock 2 got released on Steam.

It's 6.99 until the 17th.

>> No.647020


Please buy it from GoG instead, if you have any decency.

I know there are people who like to have all their games on Steam, but there is nothing stopping you from adding the GOG version on your local account.

>> No.647059

Why whould you buy it from GoG when you can get it for $3 less on Steam?

>> No.647106


Because you get high quality scans of the manual and pitch document. It's also easier to make several installs on different computers with the GOG release.

If it is about the price, you should just pirate it altogether.

>> No.647129

This, also, it probably has no DRM.

You can play it offline without any hassle.

Honestly Gog.com is more honest.

For example. the another world 15th release on CD had a draconian protection that you could only install it with the serial through the internet (phone home style, so it's online install only, ridiculous for such a game) and then you could only install it 5 time regardless of which computer it is.

The Gog.com release doesn't do that, you can install it on any computer apparently.

>> No.647191

Steam might make finding someone to coop with easier though. Not that I care what you do.

>> No.647359

>Valve in charge of not jumping on the retro bandwagon
Just get it from GOG.

>> No.647363
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>> No.647418

How is this a bad thing? It increases the plethora of games I can choose from an already great system. I don't get the asspaint with Steam, yes it is DRM, but non-intrusive at that and it doesn't get in the way of my gaming, so I fail to see the problem.

>> No.647523

Steam requires itself and its permissions to run its games. You're making a choice now between a game without DRM and a game with DRM. I can't fathom why anyone would choose the DRM option.

Then again, I can't fathom why anyone would give EA money for this game.

>> No.647546

Gabe has said multiple times that if Valve goes under, they'll offer all the games you've bought there as DRM free downloads for a fixed amount of time. There's a contingency plan in place believe it or not.

>> No.647574

>Gabe has said multiple times that if Valve goes under, they'll offer all the games you've bought there as DRM free downloads for a fixed amount of time. There's a contingency plan in place believe it or not.
I've asked for someone to actually provide a citation for this in about 7 or 8 different threads that have gone into this subject, and the most anyone could give me is an unpaid, non-Valve employee volunteer moderator on the forums saying "Trust us."
It's bullshit. A myth. Not only can nobody provide proof that this has ever actually happened, but it's an informal comment at best that has no bearing when Steam's agreement states the exact opposite.

>> No.647987

I find Steam useless for games like Minecraft for example. those type of games are only good if you download them directly from the developers because of their updates and you can play them offline without hassle.

Yes, my friend couldn't even play the thing offline because it had problems.

I already mentioned it, but it's retarded to buy those type of games with DRM.

Team Fortress or other online based games are quite fine though, because they're made for that.

Classic games on the other hand, only if you can buy them from steam because they're updated versions that can only be found on Steam.

>> No.648014

I forgot to add to the previous post, that Steam has already proved they will last long on the gaming industry. (Can't be entirely sure about this though.) Still, they've lasted all they have till now and have proved themselves reliable for online gaming so I find their service handy only for that.

>> No.648592

GOG is nothing BUT retro bandwagon. Why would you hold it against Valve but not GOG?

>> No.648612

>GOG is nothing BUT retro bandwagon

But that is wrong. Hell, they have been criticized for pushing even harder for modern games.

If anything, they are DRM free.

>> No.648625

Steam delivers updates regularly.

And your friend is a retard. As long as you keep your steam cookies from the last time you logged in, you will be able to use offline mode without worry.

>> No.648619


And no, that sage in name field was not intentional. Was left over on 4chanX QR due to assing around in the Doom thread.

>> No.648632

Please just buy it from GoG instead. I say this only because I hate Valve and Steam so much.

>> No.648650


While that sounds a tad bit irrational, I respect your opinion. In case of games like SS2 it really is a better idea to get it from GOG or just pirate.

>> No.648656


I'd be willing to bet there won't be any significant updates to System Shock 2 any time soon.

>> No.648672

don't forget about the 2.4 update patch

>> No.648673

pretty much, the only benefit to buying something like System Shock 2 on Steam is to show everyone your retro 'cred'

>> No.649794
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Is this a System Shock thread or Steam vs GOG thread?

I just started and really like it so far, the graphics are okay but the sound is fantastic.

What class did you guys pick?

>> No.650005

There's a nice unofficial graphical update patch out there too. Makes the enemy models look really nice.

I forget which class I chose. But it was almost completely non-psi.

>> No.651702

What's the best way to experience the game for the first time as a beginner? I tried OSA once and I didn't make it very far. It seems like marines would be the best way to go for survival, but with Navy I'll be getting all sorts of cool goodies.

>> No.651764

Go navy or Go home.

>> No.651787

Navy and standard weapons/ hacking

put a few points into agility endurance and cyber too

>> No.651810


That's the exact build I used on my first blind run of the game.
I guess I'm just prescient when it comes to character building.

>> No.651970
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>the hitboxes on the fucking monkeys

>> No.652084
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I know those feels all too well.

>> No.652132
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Are you ready to experience Cargo Bay again?

>> No.652141
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That gave me soo many frustrations it hurt.

>> No.652156

>This, also, it probably has no DRM.
You can just copy the files out of the Steam folder and put them on another computer if you want to.

>> No.652164


On my first playthrough, I didn't find out that running attracted enemies until halfway through Hydroponics.
The Cargo Bay was incredibly stressful.

>> No.652173

hmm, ok, I'll just hack this sentry gun right away


>> No.652190

So wait. Why is everyone getting their panties in a knot about Steam selling SS2 for 6.99? EA doesn't own the rights to it anymore. Steam is actually pretty decent for games. They just released AoE II HD not to mention they have Sid Meier's for cheap.

Please, tell me where Based Gabe is going wrong.

>> No.652212


Meanwhile, gog version has no DRM.

Lower price aside, there's no advantage over the gog release unless you're anal retentive about having ALL of your pc games in steam. There used to be a multiplayer mod, but it was laggy as fuck.

>> No.652218


Actually the multiplayer is working just fine, especially since the latest patch. There is no point in playing with more than one co-op buddy anyway, so lag is a non-issue. There are some synchronization problems when moving between bulkheads but you should just save before changing areas.

>> No.652220

DRM? Really? I've played my steam games in offline mode. I guess it's online DRM for SS2? Not a huge deal-breaker for me. At least Valve hasn't subjected us to "DURR U PIRATES U RUIN GAEMS" so I'll continue supporting them if only for a HL trilogy.

;__; Gabe, pls

>> No.652223

The Steam version doesn't have DRM, it's just that Steam itself is DRM. You can move the files after you buy it anywhere and it'll still work.

>> No.652231


This isn't true for all games though. I'd expect it to be for SS2, but many games use Steam was DRM and will not run if copied to another location or launched otherwise than through Steam.

>> No.652236

There is no DRM on the steam version. once it is installed you can play SS2 without opening steam and move the folder to anywhere you like. As of right now you ethier choose a cheaper price or extra stuff. After the sale is done, then the GOG version will be superior other than convience.

>> No.652341

>b-but all drm is bad

Then go stick to gog. I haven't got a problem with Steam.

>> No.652596
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>that fucking cargo bay feel when you run out of AP bullets

>> No.652603

Playing this for the first time thanks to OP (<3 Steam sales.) Any advice for a newbie?

>> No.652614

If you're playing on normal or easy you'll have enough modules that you can play around with different skills without screwing yourself, so feel free to do so.

Also, don't specialize solely in energy or exotic weapons if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.652624

Steam is the DRM, and most steam games won't launch without your account logged on.

>> No.653083

>most steam games won't launch without your account logged on.

bullshit, never had a problem with that.

furthermore many old games don't even care if Steam is running. It would take extra effort to code that in the executable and they don't care I guess. I'm not sure if SS2 is like that though.

that said you should still pirate/get it on gog; start fighting against the OCD urge to "have everything on Steam" before it's too late.

>> No.653932

Who else agrees that recreation/mall is the best part of the game?

>> No.654092
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Played the demo as a kid then I played it all the way through in 2010. Awesome game. Gave me the willies for a week and sometimes still does if I hear the right sort of noise. Better than Bioshock. Bioshock also borrowed from this games story.

>> No.656093

Which skills are useless in this game? I don't want to waste points like I did in Deus Ex when I gave my stealth character points in rifles.

>> No.656357

>Which skills are useless in this game?
Exotic Weapons, unless you really like the Crystal Shard

you don't really need more than one level of Research to complete the game or more than one level of modify due to French-Epstien devices. Also you don't really need Repair

>> No.656367

I didn't really like the cargo bay until I accidentally crushed a maintenance robot with a lift.

Lifts are OP as fuck.

>> No.656420

It was scary as fuck, but it had a lot of useful goodies

>> No.656423

>bullshit, never had a problem with that.

Just because it never happened to you does not mean it is not real. There are many Steam games that will not launch without Steam. If you want me to I will go through all the games I have and list you the ones that have that issue.

>> No.657247

Research or Endurance?

>> No.657343

Don't bother with research. There's a lab assistant implant you can get which will give you level 1 research, which is all you need. If I remember correctly, higher levels just lower the amount of time the research takes.

>> No.658248


> If I remember correctly, higher levels just lower the amount of time the research takes.

You remember incorrectly. Research is still not that useful, you can research all the enemy weaknesses at low levels, high levels are for exotic weapons, which are sub-par.

>> No.658330

You ever heard of this wonderful thing called No CD crack? You should look into it.

>> No.658339

Once GOG starts offering as many payment options as Steam does, I'll think about buying from them.

Right now, Steam is the only place that accepts my shitty prepaid cards so I'm good with that. Plus not every game is modified to run only with Steam, lots of oldies can be launched fine without Steam running at all. So suck on that, naysayers.

You keep dragging on and on about WHAT IF STEAM SHUTDOWNS. Well, what if GOG shutdowns? It's the same shit. You keep your installs, you keep your Steam files. Simple. Try using common sense for once.

>> No.658341

No, I will get it off Steam just to spite you. Valve will keep on swimmin' in mah bucks.

>> No.660794

not my fault you apparently can't get your hands on a credit card, or can't trust yourself if you do

actually I am not worried about steam shutting down, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon,

>> No.660935

They really didn't balance the stats very well

Fantastic game regardless but still it kinda pigeonholes you into using certain builds

>> No.660982

actually my fear is that Steam becomes a monopoly

>> No.661037

Actually since GOG installers are DRM free and require no authentication with GOG, your installers will work indefinitely. This is not true for Steam games, which require some level of authentication with the Steam servers.

Though Valve are on record saying that if they do face going under, they will put provisions in place to ensure people do not lose their games. So you have their word, whatever that is worth.

>> No.661140
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Goggles looks like a fucing freak in that pic

>> No.661141

I'm going through Cargo Bay right now. Not sure why it's so feared.

BTW, where are the keycards to the bays? Went through Command Control, but can't find anything...

>> No.661745

Nevermind. Figured out CB1's door was already unlocked.

Fuck that shit. The second I found the code I got the fuck outta there.
>everything's dark
>ran out of AP bullets

>> No.661750



>> No.661793

Thanks, but no thanks. I still have my original hard copy somewhere.

>> No.663732
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Slightly shit OC inbound...

>> No.663782
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All it needs is that tentacle sort of thing attaching to reggie's head.

>> No.663789

I was trying to do just that! I'm just not that proficient with paint.

>> No.663952

i had SS2 when it came out first time around.

It was the first game where i really chose to hide rather than fight.

god... the thought of those space monkeys and their rabid chattering has brought on a sudden sense of unease.

>> No.663969

>Bothering with a crack
Might wanna get that Steam-cock out of your mouth.

>> No.663983


game developers/publishers have zero reason to provide you a game.
you dont actually own the game.

>> No.665203
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I tried anon, I tried.