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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6464837 No.6464837 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6458656

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series

Launchers for Build Engine games



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6464839
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=== NEWS ===

[5-24]Smooth Blood released, its like Smooth Doom but for Blood

[5-23] Punishment, an episodic replacement for the first Doom

[5-23] Anon shares some Sandy Peterson videos

[5-22] La Tailor Girl updated

[5-22] Dark Forces DeHacker updated to v1.3

[5-22] Realm667 repository submissions are on hiatus

[5-22] BuildGDX now runs Shadow Warrior as WangGDX

[5-20] Force Engine introduced, a Jedi Engine replacement for Dark Forces and Outlaws

[5-20] Doom 64 Morph Sound release

[5-20] Universal Gameplay Tweaker released

[5-19] Sergeirocks100 is hosting a mapping contest for Satanic Infestation

[5-19] Sandy Petersen will be doing an AMA on Reddit on May 20th

[5-19] Treasure Tech released.

=== PREVIOUS ===

https://pastebin.com/PZDkqABT (embed)


>> No.6464850
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I have finished that room.

>> No.6464867

Best Bobby Prince track?

Best Lee Jackson track?

Best James Paddock track?

>> No.6464869
File: 410 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20200525_171326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464872

Anyone tried out QuestZDoom yet? I played the first three maps of DOOM1’s E1 today, I neee to play on a higher difficulty because it was way too easy on HMP. Lots of fun though. I’m a purist that plays ChocolateDoom on software rendering without vertical look, but this seems promising.

>> No.6464883


>> No.6464886

>Smooth Blood released
So other than Doom and Blood, what games got the smooth treatment?

>> No.6464921

Is Fresh Supply worth playing yet or is it still inaccurate as fuck? I don't really care about if it's fully autistically every glitch intact accurate but stuff like enemy resistances/weaknesses to certain weapons, enemy behaviour/AI, etc. is a pretty big deal.

>> No.6464923

Duke 3D but you are now Robocop.

>> No.6464925
File: 392 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20200525_171852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the Daina follower is happening

>> No.6464927

It's playable and I had zero issues playing it.
Unfortunately collision's fucked in a way where you cant get crushed to death. I would recommend Fresh Supply more for mods, though.

>> No.6464929

Its still inaccurate in ways such as the coloring of certain areas and a few-several rendering glitches, I think. Not sure if there are damage inconsistencies though.

>> No.6464930
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>the inventory icon

>> No.6464932

One step further to make the ultimate doom porn mod.

Or at least more sexy than hdoom.

>> No.6464941
File: 3.57 MB, 1236x1692, 1589391461127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we add Sonic Mayhem's alternate Quake 1 soundtrack to the links in the OP?

If you're not familiar, the guy who did the soundtrack for Quake 2, Sonic Mayhem, also did an alternate soundtrack for Quake 1. It was sending this in to Romero in 96 that got him the job doing Quake 2s soundtrack. It's called Methods of Destruction and only bits and pieces leaked for years and he was reluctant to talk about or release it because it was his first project and he was embarassed by it (it actually kicks ass but many artists are like this with early work). It eventually leaked, thanks to Romero leaked his copy through a friend, and Sonic Mayhem eventually relented after the fact and said he was cool with it being out there.

This soundtrack is more the style one would expect from iD at the time and is much better than Reznor's ambient soundtrack.

You can download it here:

Or the whole thing is on YouTube, this is the first track. (It's the only one that has voice samples like this also but I think it works):

>> No.6464948

>Best Bobby Prince track?
The Dave D. Taylor Blues
>Best Lee Jackson track?
Departure, though all his tracks are kickass
>Best James Paddock track?
Didn't even know about him prior to this post

>> No.6464949

Best work those guys ever did was on Rise of the Triad

>> No.6464953

<fastway.mid intensifies>

>> No.6464965

>much better than reznor

>> No.6464970
File: 417 KB, 2560x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200525_110623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting compatibility to Boom fixed it. I had it set on Doom beforehand (which is what it's usually set to). Thanks!

>> No.6464971
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>> No.6464982

>"Bite my shiny metal ass you creep"
>"01000101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100101 00101110"

>> No.6465001
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>> No.6465009

>"Good night, Monkey!"
>"Come on, monkey fuck!"
Was John Romero secretly Freiza?

>> No.6465016

>>Best James Paddock track?
>Didn't even know about him prior to this post
He's probably the most prominent midi artist of the Doom community. He was even John Romero's first choice for getting midis in Sigil.

>> No.6465061

Goin Down the Fast Way, of course
If you’re implying Doom-specific, then Sign of Evil
Grabbag, as vanilla as it may be
I haven’t heard anything outside SIGIL, so E5M1

>> No.6465067

I’m retarded, Fast Way was Lee
Favorite Bobby Prince song is Sign of Evil then

>> No.6465075

>Bobby Prince
"Sinister" from Doom E2M6 and E4M7
>Lee Jackson
"Plasma" from Duke Nukem 3D E2L8
>James Paddock (Jimmy)
"Petrichor (Blood of the Stone)" from Back To Saturn X E2M24
>Stuart Rynn (Stewboy)
"Day of Mourning" from Resurgence Map31

>> No.6465076

>game houses like this don't exist anymore
Why live?

>> No.6465079

Carmack wrote a program that would run unseen in the background but would log how much time actual work was being done and put it on Romero's workstation without his knowledge and when Carmack checked it the first week it was on there it showed he only spent 1.5 hours working on Quake, the rest of the time was spent chatting on IRC and deathmatching in Doom 2,

>> No.6465095
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Been while since i've sprited for something.
might be rough in some edges but i am quite happy!

>> No.6465101

reznor's joke of a soundtrack is just mindless droning aside from the track that plays when you finish an episode

>> No.6465119


>> No.6465121

No, parallel dimensions beats any of sonic mayhems q1 songs. Theyre Q2 OST is good. Their musical style doesnt fit Q1 at all though. Trent embodied the strange and nightmarish feeling of Q1 perfectly.

>> No.6465125

Damn, i really dont like Monster Bait

>> No.6465130

>mindless droning
It's not meant to be heavy rock music.

>> No.6465137

You're probably the type of a retard that dislikes Quake 2.

>> No.6465143

Anon...if he prefers Sonic Mayhems q1 replacement i doubt he dislikes q2

>> No.6465167
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>and is much better than Reznor's ambient soundtrack.

Whoa whoa, lets not say things we will regret later.

>> No.6465182

Sonic Mayhem is more suited for the industrial cyberness of Q2 and 3, not dingy castles and caverns
If you really don’t like the OST, at least replace it with Ghosts I-IV

>> No.6465183

>cerberus cant get out of the small indent hes in and runs around in a circle
>just ammp dump the tesla gun
Epic boss battle

>> No.6465212

No kickback?

>> No.6465234

It's a sprite that is similar to the plasma rifle, you can make the kickback with just Offset and Pitch changes.

>> No.6465259

I found that the fire took forever to burn the fatasses in FS compared to GDX, which is really noticable mid-episode 2 where you encounter a lot and have lots of aerosol.

>> No.6465271
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ma name

dook slowcum

>> No.6465272

Puke Cookem

>> No.6465276

Dooki Nooki

>> No.6465287

Aliens Say Your Prayers (Duke Nukem 3D)

Going Down The Fast Way (Rise Of The Triad)

Astral Dreadnought (The Plutonia Experiment 2)

These are kind of hard picks for me, because they've made so many great tracks.

>much better than Reznor
No way, fag. Quake 1's soundtrack could have stood some occasional higher tempo tracks just to balance things out, like Doom did, but it does atmospheric very well.

>> No.6465297

Paddock does a lot of music for megawads.

Correct. It's weird and otherworldly, and it fits perfectly.

>> No.6465303

That pic is dumb, Mario should be helping them (and failing miserably).

>> No.6465306

I would give my left nut for Smooth Quake.

>> No.6465308

Can you stop insisting? You sound like an advertisement bot at this point.

>> No.6465315

Bunch of young guys having the time of their lives. This is why people give a fuck.

>> No.6465328

For anyone being slightly annoyed by wanggdx not seeing twindragon.grp I got it to work by renaming it TD.grp.

>> No.6465335
File: 31 KB, 970x350, MAS38 7.65mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were domestic insurgents working against the regime in Italy at the time, it's no stretch to imagine that one may find his way to Germany somehow, possibly under the cover of being an ally.

Mario would probably actually be one of the people to spit at Mussolini's body, and possibly even the guy who finally killed him with a MAS-38, because Mussolini had come to the conclusion that pasta was too expensive wasteful, and wanted to outlaw it, insisting on shitty alternatives which weren't really liked.

>> No.6465339

i get it

>> No.6465340

>Mamma Mia Mussolini

>> No.6465350

Just like the French resistance was actually key to toppling the Nazi regime and France wasn't humiliated in perpetuity in WW2, right?

>> No.6465357
File: 138 KB, 600x488, fb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most bizarre complaint of the bunch, hiw many times are you going to post it? I am going to post it until it gets the attention it deserves you stupid faggot. I am sorry my informative post with sources and links triggers your autism. Seeth harder.

And fuck Reznor's ambienshit soundtrack. Ranger is much better suited to music like that found in Quake 2 and especially stuff like this:

>> No.6465364

Any updates on Golden Souls 3? Im curious as to how thats going to turn out.

>> No.6465370


>> No.6465375

I... what? I made no comment what so ever about the success of anything.

>> No.6465379
File: 325 KB, 685x1343, fragged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we have all fucking seen it already, and every time you post it you add nothing new, it's literally copy-pasting this shit for like the tenth time. I'm glad at least people finally got annoyed this time.

>> No.6465387

have you even listened to the soundtrck you're shilling this much for? 90% of it are the same "ambienshit" metal clanks and vocal samples, except done by someone 10 years behind Reznor's experience

>> No.6465390

>that timing

>> No.6465392

Yeah, I have a three and a half minute cooldown on my posts too.

>> No.6465394

>rangers whole character is him going insane while dimension hopping and facing against eldritch horror
>nah bro the industrial metal fits way more than the dark ambient soundtrack full of droning synths and whispers.
Pleb of the highest order

>> No.6465395

Don't make me go full Sherlock on you.

>> No.6465402 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 205x246, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, people still reply nigger, not everyone is in every single thread here like you NEET.
It's so far off it's not even comparable, what is this COPE?

>> No.6465404

Please don't, just go down on me instead.

>> No.6465409

True, gotta work harder so that everyone here knows of your absolutely terrible opinion.

>> No.6465412 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 1590428202685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going down alright, just not on you.

>> No.6465415
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>> No.6465429

NiN was perfect for Quake. QED EOD

>> No.6465446
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>people still reply
Yeah, to say that you have shit taste,

>> No.6465447

Hank Spankem

>> No.6465458

this. the fatties' weakness is fire, but this weakness isn't present in fresh supply. i dunno what other balance things they fucked up
>much better than Reznor's
Double no.
>I am going to post it until it gets the attention it deserves you stupid faggot. I am sorry my informative post with sources and links triggers your autism. Seeth harder.
Oh wow you actually are autistic. Please stop shitting up the threads with your retarded posts. I listened to your soundtrack and it sucked. It doesn't fit the game at all. Please stop posting.

>> No.6465479
File: 79 KB, 824x745, 1586293159030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this thumbnail look like a Doom screenshot to anyone else?

>> No.6465482

No looks like that face made from a taxidermy deer ass

>> No.6465487

That poor iMac...

>> No.6465495
File: 37 KB, 446x481, 1586293159030_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6465497

What do you mean? With frame interpolation Quake is already as smooth as possible.

>> No.6465503

But what about more complete animations for the guns?

>> No.6465506


>> No.6465517

Nope,that just adds artificial frames. He wants hand animated 60fps stuff

>> No.6465519

I'd rather have the models from Deathmatch Classic, complete with the muzzleflashes.

>> No.6465520

You have the chance to make the weapon set of your dreams but it has to be based on a megawad.
What megawad will it be?
Hard mode, No Cacoward Stuff.

>> No.6465536

>Deathmatch Classic
How are those? I'm a newbie who never got to try that.

>> No.6465554

Once upon a time, when Valve still made games, they were gonna do some proof of concept multiplayer thing, mostly just as practice, and they thought it'd be funny if they remade Quake's deathmatch mode.

So that's what they did, they asked iD if they could do it and if they could use a few sound effects, and they said go ahead. It plays more or less like Quake's deathmatch. Arguably it has little reason to exist because you could just play deathmatch in Quake (and that's what most people did), but it does have a slightly different aesthetic to it. It shares some assets with Team Fortress Classic, which was developed as they bought the rights to the original Quake mod.

I like the reimagined guns they did for it, works the same, but just detailed and fully skeleton animated.

>> No.6465557

Gonna have to go easy mode and say Lost Civilization

>> No.6465563

Cat resembling the plasma gun cooldown

>> No.6465568

>Launchers for Build Engine games
Just letting you know, this site was deleted a while ago and replaced with a spam page.

>> No.6465580

Someone take a screenshot of it.

>> No.6465591

I always liked HL 2D explosions.
For that matter in any game, like 2D fire sprites. Makes me fuzzy inside.

Maybe because I thought most early 3D sphere explosions look like garbage.

>> No.6465609

Am I shit if I rarely find secrets?

>> No.6465616

The 3D explosions in Quake 2 were novel at the time, but Duke Nukem 3D's, Half-Life's and Quake's explosions were just more satisfying in the end, crisp erupting fireballs that looked like in the movies, a good KABOOM, and a spray of particles.

The way explosions spray particles in all directions in Quake make them feel much more lively and well, explosive, than the bulging 3D fireballs in Quake 2.

>> No.6465624

Probably not paying enough attention. Look out for things which stand out.

>> No.6465638 [DELETED] 

>half life
go back

>> No.6465639

Not to mention sprite-based explosion is not only fully implemented in the vanilla Q2 engine, but even the sprites are present in the game data. I think the original plan was to have an option to change between model and sprite particle effects, but it got cut for some reason.

>> No.6465664

>filtered by fucking Nine Inch Nails

>> No.6465702
File: 834 KB, 1920x1080, uwjam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even back in Q1, the only sprites remaining were the explosion and that one glowing ball from Azure Agony. the whole push was for full 3D, sprites were an atavism, and the particle effects were supposed to represent a sort of a liquid simulation. flamethrowers and such never look quite right in Q1 as a result

>> No.6465740

I think it actually uses those frames to get that firey texture on the 3D model.

>> No.6465752
File: 59 KB, 512x384, Iwanttoreadthistrashsobad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that WangGDX is a thing, are there any worthwhile user maps anyone would recommend? I'm having a great time tearing through the main game and addons again, but I know I'll just want more by the end.

>> No.6465781
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>> No.6465787

Honk Bonkem

>> No.6465823

So, GZDoom still seems to run better with multisampling enabled. Whaaaaat the fuck is this chaos magic?

>> No.6465831

>Best Bobby Prince track?
The City Streets (Death Row soundtrack), but Into Sandy's City and Sign of Evil are also great.

>Best Lee Jackson track?
Stalker (Hollywood Holocaust) of course, much better than overrated Grabbag

>Best James Paddock track?
The one on Sigil's secret level, but I have limited knowledge of his work.

>> No.6465856

Nope, they are in SP2 format, which are exclusively for sprites, and cannot be mapped onto walls or objects. Explosion models have their own PCX textures alongside their models.

>> No.6465865

(No) chickens having no clue about the concept of backward compatibility.

>> No.6465875
File: 81 KB, 839x604, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eternal DOOM MAP20
To the anon who said this wad gets more straightforward in the latter half, may you burn eternally in hell

>> No.6465880

How does one make masked brushes in vanilla Q1? Such as the railing an the platform on your screenshot.

>> No.6465926
File: 364 KB, 789x1039, 1582212858974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bobby Prince
Aliens Say Your Prayers
>Lee Jackson
>James Paddock

>> No.6465936

Theyre called fence textures. Just a texture with the prefix { and palette index 256 for transparency. Requires a sourceport such as Quakespasm to render correctly.

>> No.6465939

Not to mention, Mario is a devoted monarchist. After 1943 he would have no business with the Axis.

>> No.6465943

>Mario is a devoted monarchist
Good point, I hadn't considered that factor.

>> No.6465959

you can ask kirk and yamagi about this feature

>> No.6465980
File: 157 KB, 600x424, d19mej2-ab101dd1-f5f3-465a-a5a4-2e3aa1ca84e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6465991

Sopa de caco

>> No.6466013

is that a cacoward

>> No.6466065

Ahhhh, from the 2008 collection of Demons Divided. What a great event that was.

>> No.6466126

>Oh wow you actually are autistic. Please stop shitting up the threads with your retarded posts. I listened to your soundtrack and it sucked. It doesn't fit the game at all. Please stop posting.
Seeth you stupid nigger, Reznor's ost sucks ass and there was so much red tape because of his faggot label and management. Quake 2 has objectively the best soundtrack of the series and the only reason we even have it at all is because of the alternate Quake 1 soundtrack he sent in.

Reznor's soundtrack is completely out of character music of iD games both before and after Quake, and Sonic Mayhem's ost fits much better. It shouldat least be added to the links in OP for Quake - the first time I posted it all the replies I got were people saying they had never heard about it and one anon even setup the audio files for use with the game and uploaded it on zippyshare. It is a piece of Quake history regardless of the quality so at the very least it deserves a mention and a link.

>> No.6466130

Playthrough video of map31 of 200 minutes of /vr/ is up.

>> No.6466149

>playing Quake 1 on QSS
>E3M3 kills me in lava immediately when starting every time
noclip and god mode aren't helping either, anyone know what this is about or if there's a way to at least work around it without skipping the mission?

>> No.6466156

Based Trent making retards seethe decades later. Cant wait for the vinyl repress of the Quake OST. Know what? Imma listen to his soundtrack right now

>> No.6466164

Oh, the faggot is back.

>> No.6466168

First you come here shitting on quake 2 and now you are here shoehorning it in because you got found out.

Can't you just stay in Terrafusion? Why do you have to come here?

>> No.6466179

Anon here a deal that the Anti HL autist doesn't catch it, Q1 and Q2 soundtracks ends up being good in both games even when swapped.

Q1 soundtrack in Q2 turns the game more grittier than already is because strogg, some musics turns certain maps atmospheric.
Audrey Hodges did this to the N64 port and it was great

Q2 Soundtrack in Q1 turns it into more action focused, which the mission packs did it.
And its the shit.

Anti HL nigger and his discord friends wont stop until the janitors nukes this thread, therefore it must be someone who is really salty with /vr/.

>> No.6466189

Its good. GDX and NBlood are fine choices as well, problem with FS is the dev would like to patch it but Atari gets in the way.

I LOVE the DMC guns, I always wanted a Quake 1 mod with em

>> No.6466191

>therefore it must be someone who needs to move on and find something else to do

>> No.6466193

>Best James Paddock track?

>> No.6466196

QC el Diablo shotguns has a Ebony and Ivory skins

>> No.6466201
File: 12 KB, 203x172, 1570003230477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone made one (1) post I didn't like
>better spend 50 more posts arguing back and forth about it
Why is everyone so autistic of late?

>> No.6466205

I like both Q1 and Q2.

>> No.6466215

Im having fun!
I do too but i prefer q1

>> No.6466234

>/vr/ defends half life now
what happened?

>> No.6466236

You took too many vaccines and got autism.

>> No.6466301

Is the dev still obfuscating his code like a gigantic fag?

>> No.6466305

He actually released the source code some time ago.

>> No.6466306

The Force Engine was updated

>> No.6466345
File: 33 KB, 919x355, ballsofsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6466349

So do I. I've played more Quake than Quake 2, though, but am trying to balance it out.

>> No.6466351
File: 44 KB, 320x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever beaten Freedoom on Extreme Carnage difficulty? I hear it's impossible unless you're like a speedrunner or something

>> No.6466353
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, quake2xp 2019-12-29 12-11-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q2 has tons of multiplayer mods and skins.
Sadly there isn't that much when it comes to SP

>> No.6466375

Build engine Robocop vs. The Terminator.

>> No.6466469 [DELETED] 

Cope zoomie.

>> No.6466481

Seethe, cope, dilate, whatever.

>> No.6466486

Why did they change the weird pink dog for that worm?

>> No.6466493

Guy who made it is apparently a huge tentacle fetishist

>> No.6466497
File: 174 KB, 960x540, Dungeons &amp; Demons 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be a PWAD? DBP20: Dungeons & Demons
I got Shadow Warrior + expansions from the OP and I seriously waited months to be able to play it on BuildGDX, and I get this fucking bug where Wang pulls out chopsticks out of nowhere and I can't use any guns. I might just play it on Classic Redux if I'm the only one who gets this bug and the GDX dev doesn't patch it
>Dick Kickem
kek. that's what you get for playing a puzzle wad
fake and gay

>> No.6466508

Quake 2’s multiplayer scene seemed like it was tied with 3 for peak online Quake, maybe even being better
There are so many MP mods for it like ChaosQ2, Action Quake 2, Gloom, Rocket Arena, Paintball2, Threewave, and Generations
Quake 3 got its own versions of some of these, but the quantity of mods seems to be much less, though stuff like CPMA and OSP are pretty popular

>> No.6466516
File: 149 KB, 159x193, 1590227466377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it used to be, pic related. Some anon posted this link a while ago. It uses this sprite. I was gonna play it eventually, looks pretty spoopy

>> No.6466519

You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.6466523

It's far more visually interesting than that ugly worm.

>> No.6466524

That’s some clever sprite reuse with the front and back frames

>> No.6466526

Excuse me? When exactly did I shit on Quake 2? I love Quake 2 and I have only ever praised it, particularly the soundtrack. Perhaps you should take your meds.

>> No.6466534

>shoehorning it in
Also how am 'shoehorning' it in when from the very beginning the whole point of sharing the alternate Quake 1 soundtrack is because Quake 2's is so good, go back and look at the first post

>> No.6466545

Would it be possible to make a traditional single player level based campaign in Quake 3 with mods?

>> No.6466549

You'd have to make a whole bestiary from scratch, not a small task.

>> No.6466584

Anyone ever go back and read the archives of these Retro FPS threads? We have had some pretty epic ones in the past. Any that stick out that would be findable with desuarchive search?

I have gone back as far as the archive goes, back when they were just Doom threads instead of general retro FPS but the oldest pages have no images archived so they are not worth reading and its like that for pages and pages in the old est results. I wonder how far back it goes with everything still archived?

>> No.6466589

Why not just use other characters from the base game, could use the more generic ones as foot soldiers and uniqued as bosses

>> No.6466591


>> No.6466595

But... shouldn't you be posting the good ones?

>> No.6466606

What do you mean? I am going back through just out of boredom, and I was asking which of the earliest ones has all the content backed up I wonder, just for fun.

Yes I was asking you anons if any particularly good threads stick out in your mind I could search and find on desuarchive

>> No.6466608

Hmm, that's odd. I've had straight-up crashes happen before (especially in Redux, but once recently in DOS as well), but I've never even seen the chopsticks animation before, let alone hang on it. Have you tried the Holster Weapon key? I don't know if that would help or not.

>> No.6466632

Hearsay, but I remember reading something about how it’s nigh impossible to make Q3 singleplayer with its engine. If it was easy, I’m sure there would’ve been attempts at it in the past, but I’ve come across basically nothing of the sort.
The closest I’ve ever seen to being singleplayer is that map Sock made, and it’s just a puzzle level that cleverly uses buttons and switches

Even if it were an easy thing to do, you’d still have to make a bunch of new assets unless you want to reuse character models, but at that point you could just play Quake 3

>> No.6466642

I just tried it. It didn't work. The chopsticks come up after being idle for like 30 seconds but it comes up for me while just playing normally, and once they come up, I have to spam keys to make them go away. If it happens during a gunfight it's pretty much instant GG

>> No.6466671

Return To Castle Wolfenstein is the same engine.

>> No.6466679

yeah, I should’ve specified Q3 specifically, I don’t think any user content for it can really have a traditional game campaign
You could do something like RTCW, but that’d be exponentially more involved, and I don’t think anyone would be willing to put that much effort in

>> No.6466721

What about building the game in RTCW and using Q3 assets? Those should drop in just fine.

>> No.6466743
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>> No.6466748

Out of picture: cucked space marine.

>> No.6466753
File: 714 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake 2 default filtering is ass, and mainly paired with the low res pcx textures, since ID never cared in make higher res ones in TGA

>> No.6466757

three of them, actually

>> No.6466759

There seems to be a pattern of Quake 3 engine games separating their singleplayer and multiplayer binaries.
I'd want to look into this further, but the source code is a mess of abstractions. Q2 is far easier to deal with.

>> No.6466765

Is that a custom texture filter in action or just a texture with some filter applied beforehand?

>> No.6466771
File: 1012 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a quick upscaling using gigapixel AI with pre and late edits to add more details

also the reddish shit is just reshade HDR since i was testing a preset but quit due to conflict

>> No.6466791


>> No.6466813

there is a mod called EntityPlus that tried to do that:
seems to be dead on the water:
a map:

>> No.6466841

>Best James Paddock track?
I can't remember the name of the one I really liked in BTSX ep. 1, so I'll go for "Within Reach" instead.

>> No.6466879

Any good gameplay mods I should check out?

>> No.6466895

Are you a lazy youtube man or a lazy anon?

>> No.6466917
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is there a button to change the movement speed on trenchbroom without having to go to the preferences every 5 minutes?

>> No.6466940

Trenchbroom but for Quake 3 Arena.

>> No.6466953


>> No.6466964

so this is how the powerups in sonic games are made!

>> No.6466971


>> No.6466972

What was the point of this reply?

>> No.6467076

Yeah no worries!

>> No.6467084

So Trenchbroom sometime this year, then

>> No.6467168 [DELETED] 
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I actually want trenchbroom for cs

>> No.6467173
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I'd like trenchbroom for cs

>> No.6467189

Doesn’t GoldSrc have a good level creator? Hammer or Worldcraft?

>> No.6467207

Hammer is kinda bad.
J.A.C.K.'s better.

>> No.6467209

like >>6467207 there is J.A.C.K. and iirc there was another one called Sledge
on top of that you can use 3ds max to make both goldsrc and source maps with WWMT plugin

>> No.6467219

Is there a mod that makes Tekwar a not horrible and shitty game? Mods that simply use tekwar assets and nothing else doesn't count.

>> No.6467261

>is there a mod that makes Tekwar not look ugly, not feel and play like shit, fix the issues with the story, and basically turn it into something 98% different?
Unfortunately no, it isn’t a shitty and simple game like Bodycount that can mostly be recreated in GZDoom, it’s a shitty and advanced game like Daikatana where not much can be done to salvage it

>> No.6467328 [DELETED] 

my ASS is, HEAVY.

>> No.6467329 [DELETED] 

Uhh, roger.

>> No.6467341 [DELETED] 

Kys hlfag.

>> No.6467343
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, vkQuake 2020-05-22 00-07-07-106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat the Quake mod Travail. That was fucking good shit. It positions itself as a sequel to the mission packs and Nehahra, and it well deserves such a place. Felt like I was playing Unreal with the way locales looked at times. And that final episode was just fantastic in all ways. What are some other Quake masterpieces?

>> No.6467348 [DELETED] 

I can’t remember if the base game allows you to use the console to string together HECU and Voice Comm phrases, or if it was a server plugin

>> No.6467357 [DELETED] 

Sounds like AMX

>> No.6467363

when do you think we are going to get past limitations of sprite names in XXXX X format and be able to call them directly from sprite atlases or images with long filenames?

>> No.6467365

Maybe with Zscript, but for DECORATE? Never.

>> No.6467370 [DELETED] 

Don't shoot! I'm with the science team!

>> No.6467372 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.6467373 [DELETED] 

Take me with you! I'm the one man who knows everything!

>> No.6467374
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Friendly reminder that Tom is the king and his maps with sandy are godly in atmosphere and good design.

>> No.6467378 [DELETED] 

You're a dirty little sewage boy, aren't you anon?

>> No.6467401

Project Brutality

>> No.6467402
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>Redneck Rampage sewer level
>have to shoot a button through the crack between the wall and a sewer pipe
I figured it must have been the final room of the map, but damn, I don't think I would have thought to check there again, since I looked through one of the sides where the button isn't visible.

>> No.6467425
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, rrsp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contract Revoked + Lost Chapters
Underdark Overbright
Rubicon 2 + Rubicon Rumble Pack
Warp Spasm

>> No.6467473

I've been playing Marathon lately, and while the movement, enemies, and gunplay are not as finely tuned and elegant as Doom's, they have enough flavor to stand apart, and more importantly the level design and shockingly good narrative really elevate Marathon. I'm not usually a storyfag because videogame writing is usually hot garbage but Marathon is a rare exception, extra rare for a /vr/ action game at that. That level with the 7 platforms you need to raise can burn in hell though I was stuck on it for 20 minutes.

>> No.6467565

I have been making maps and units for Quake 2 recently which I post in the news threads here. I wonder if anyone ever sees them, but it seems not.

>> No.6467586

is Malice for Quake worth playing?

>> No.6467613
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This is a pain in the ass. But it'll be worth it once I get it all in game.

>> No.6467632

>b-but why does muh '97 game looks like it's from '97

>> No.6467654

>No Stuart Rynn

>> No.6467657
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>> No.6467662

halo is better than all these games

>> No.6467663

Kama Sutra > Scythe 2

>> No.6467664
File: 163 KB, 1692x1692, 77a6872de4adf0a3a163a6e17c076358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang The Khan Maykr so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to Urdak I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every Rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with The Khan Maykr. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Khan's tight alien tentacle pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/Maykr babies.

>> No.6467683

>random sex fantasy post about a warframe character
how is this related to the thread

>> No.6467710

Arcane Dimensions, just in case you haven't played it yet, but you probably have.

>> No.6467731

oh hey, i recognize this pasta

>> No.6467775

New Golden Souls 3 Featurette! This time it's all about the new Trumpetbuss Mark II weapon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lly0g_6IJHc

>> No.6467810


>> No.6467841

That's pretty good.

>> No.6467842

Companionrelease when

>> No.6467849

Great as long as I can make her passively follow me and not melt everything with plasma in moments.

>> No.6467852

ok but then I have to make her laugh each time you die

>> No.6467857

Make it Ojou Laugh


>> No.6467897 [SPOILER] 
File: 515 KB, 1920x1017, 1590492926292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should you load her with h doom

>> No.6467984


A lot of cringy opinions on map building in there from the year 2007.

>> No.6468001

Huh, you're right, a lot of those opinions are actually VERY cringe.

>> No.6468008

I know, but even some anon did a tool to export maps to fucking ue4
I don't think I'm asking for something overcomplicated (for these dudes)

>> No.6468014

>nmt (nightmare meridian time)

>> No.6468045

mostly out of historical interest but sure
a thing to keep in mind is that unlike quake enemy health scales with difficulty. don't play on hard (seriously)

>> No.6468053 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 542x828, 1590500102902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I'd find some more sector art maps.

>> No.6468059

>talking shit about E2M2

>> No.6468065

yeah, nowadays people give mappers shit for trying to make feel-good-maps that are just balanced (but boring). The fags in this thread just straight up want no challenge at all.

>> No.6468085

Whoa I think you may be on to something there.

Is RTCW easy to mod?

>> No.6468093

Best you can hope for is Doom TekWar Total Conversion.

>> No.6468095

Dimension of the Past is the least known of the official expansions, did you play it?

>> No.6468146
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WE love you Colonwulf

>> No.6468151

>shitposting this hard
its well known for centuries that carmack shoved a forced compress into Q2 make sure that everyone could play it on GL and 3dfx mode, but people went software because of performance, and the compression was so ugly that gave the infamous blurry monster bug.

>> No.6468162

dopa aint official

>> No.6468171

>The original Quake2 renderer DOWNsamples the textures to fit the weak 3d accelerators of its days, using a visually degrading linear filter at that. So, I can say, the original renderer MUTILATES the game art turning it into a blurry crap.
>It's not Carmack's fault, it's just the harsh reality of the late 20th century hardware. Keep in mind that the monsters of Quake2 were intended for *software* rendering, their non-power-of-two skins are proof enough.

The textures were made for filtering in mind, but the monsters didn't had the same love.

>> No.6468172

It's an official addon by MachineGames to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Quake and is considered Episode 5.

>> No.6468176

It's sort of quasi-official maybe? Wasn't officially announced or published, it was just a little side project some guys at MachineGames did for the fun of it, for the love of the game.

>> No.6468178

Can we please stop talking about Quake 2? It's not a good game and its discussion sets a bad precedence.

>> No.6468181

afaik it's made by one guy. just because he works at some company that worked on an id property for a bit doesn't make it official. by this measure Arcane Dimensions is official, since sock worked on some Wolfenstein thing once

Abyss of Pandemonium is also "episode 5". so is Sigil. both are unofficial.

>> No.6468182

Quake 2's chaingun is one of the best.

>> No.6468183

Fuck off.

>> No.6468184

PSA; Dont answer to Anti HLfag he and his discord slav friends are shitposting here on /vr/ again and the janitors are looking at it.

Abyss is so different that it feels like a semi sequel.

>> No.6468186

I thought slavs liked HL.

And substance abuse.

>> No.6468187

I always liked it, but it really needs a muzzleflash.

>and the janitors are looking at it
Prove it.

>> No.6468189

You're thinking of Ruskis, they go fucking NUTS for HL, specifically its multiplayer

>> No.6468191

Having OGL modes not look as bad would be nice, since YamagiQ2’s software isn’t as accurate as the original .exe which makes me stuck with hardware rendering, which introduces its own issues

>> No.6468192

Doom E1M1 & E2M1

>> No.6468194

>Episode 5: Dimension of the Past (called "DOPA" for short) is an add-on episode for Quake developed by MachineGames, to commemorate the game's 20th anniversary. It's available to download for free.[1]

>Despite not being developed by id Software themselves, the episode is considered semi-official, being developed by a fellow Zenimax-owned company that has previously co-operated with id Software. The episode also contains many allusions and callbacks to Quake proper, such as the re-appearance of the Dopefish easter egg, along with the final level of the episode being almost identical to Shub-Niggurath's Pit.

>> No.6468196

>Lee Jackson

>> No.6468201

It had good multiplayer, and lots of good multiplayer games/mods. Aaah, good ol TFC, CS 1.6, Firearms, The Specialists, Sven-Coop, etc.

>> No.6468204

>unironically quoting fandom/wikia as a source
come on now. it's only "official" inasmuch as it "officially" has "MachineGames" stamped on ot. all that other stuff about dopefish & Shubby applies to half a dozen other map packs just as well

>> No.6468207

That's some Giger hair right there.

>> No.6468208
File: 11 KB, 169x221, 1447579221176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brutal Doom

>> No.6468212

We need some re-meshed Q2 monsters to fit with the texture mapping perfectly.
Unfortunately Chillo hates work

>> No.6468213

It's semi-official, lad. Don't seeth about it.

>> No.6468236

The worst one is in that central area where the switch is above your head. That whole map is ass, and if it were removed the game would be 20% better.

>> No.6468238

>allowing yourself to accept anything from the creators of NuWolf as official

>> No.6468241

Goshk dern sumunubitch hidin dem dere darn sweetches uppina hard ta see places

>> No.6468245

>Dumbass cultist throws dynamite at the group of zombies and humans in front of him because he spotted me through it, killing everyone including him and his buddies in the explosion.
Maranax THAT, asshole.

>> No.6468247

MM8BDM is plaguing Doomseeker, i'm surprised no dedicated server browser or a Zandro fork is made for it yet

>> No.6468248

Gat dang basturds go an make all them key sprites too tiny for my big manly eyeballs

>> No.6468249

Not retro

>> No.6468250
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>> No.6468259
File: 36 KB, 800x411, 1af1329b7e68e1562d34649824cc519bacc0e80716fddaa194ffae68315eaaf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6468260

But are you playing with the 100% hilarious/terrible cuss pack?

>> No.6468268 [DELETED] 

Is Duke32 better than Megaton?

>> No.6468270

Is EDuke32 better than Megaton?

>> No.6468272

Yes, megaton is rather old at this point and eduke32 constantly updated.

>> No.6468276

If you find megaton, download it.
But i think Randy deleted the store page

>> No.6468279


>> No.6468283

Killing Time is now officially free, no yarrharr required.
Don't forget to stay away from Tess, she's still trouble.

>> No.6468284

I use a pack that mixes in the base voice lines with the cuss pack for maximum retrobilly action
Imagine being so alpha that your decades old game is the only one around that has something called a cuss pack, and 90% of returning searches are about your game
And of course, I also set the icon of the game folder to be the Japanese boxart

>> No.6468285

Thank you.
Thanks or the link.

>> No.6468294

Well grill my ass and serve it with dip. A gen-you-wine connoisseur.

>> No.6468313

Are there any custom map compilers for Quake 2? I thought I saw a screenshot that looked too good to be vanilla qrad.exe

>> No.6468324


>> No.6468329

Soul of Evil is excellent.

>> No.6468332

Which screenshot?

Arghrad is used mostly.

>> No.6468338
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>> No.6468345

how do you chit with so much carbs in thine asshole

>> No.6468352

>tfw you grew up in an area where people used these cusses commonly
The older I get a little more of that accent and styling creeps back into my mouth.

>> No.6468357

>personally i find an annoying wad cliche is when i get killed in a map. grrr, stop doing that you guys!

>> No.6468370
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>> No.6468372

Why is the nazi fat

>> No.6468379

Good. Keep it alive.

>> No.6468383

its fatso goring

>> No.6468394
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>> No.6468416

it's not like doomseeker is being used for much else

>> No.6468423

Can you jump and crouch in Duke?

>> No.6468430


>> No.6468434

Yes you retarded fucking zoomer skoomer peepee poomer. Ever played a Build engine game?

>> No.6468436

Consider this, /doom/:

Redneck Rampage Remake

>> No.6468443

I wouldn't mind a Redneck Rampage reboot or a Witchaven reboot. Both have potential.

>> No.6468445

Consider this, /doom/:

H Redneck Rampage

>> No.6468447

Consider this, /doom/:

I love you,

>> No.6468449

With unkown hinson voicing the protag?

>> No.6468450


>> No.6468459

I still cant believe that show got more than one season

>> No.6468461

Actually, Burton Gilliam is still alive, maybe he can reprise his role

>> No.6468462

Its good!

>> No.6468469

Remakes are at their best when they’re remaking something that wasn’t very good to begin with
Redneck Rampage is quite mediocre, so having a remake that fixes a bunch of issues, maybe adds in more stuff, and expands on the concept and setting would be great
Or you could go the Postal 4 route and intentionally make it look low-budget and trashy to complement the subject matter

>> No.6468470

Thanks, guys. First build engine game.

>> No.6468475
File: 143 KB, 360x450, Tchernobog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.6468483

Anprim king

>> No.6468486

Why is a fucking GOD really fucking weak even on higher difficulties

>> No.6468491

I always figured Blood had a semi rushed development with the first act standing far above the rest in terms of quality. This leads to less playtesting which leads to big swings in difficulty.

>> No.6468492
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Ý̴̡̨̨̢̛̳̭̝̼̪̻̠̝͕͍̯̺̫̯̙̣̟̥̣̯̞̭͙̩̯̯͔͔̘͚̜͍͆̎̀͛̑̑͑̍̔́̈́͐̍͆̃̐̓̃́̈́͊͂͌͋̊̏͠Ǫ̷͕̥̮̜̭͎͎̳̺̤̤̣̪̺̝̬̟̔̍̓́̉̄͐͛̊̏̓͒͗͌͊͒̔̋͗̓̈̀͌͘͝͝͠ͅU̶̢̧̡̼̮̪͉̙̜̠̥͍̰͍̱̳͗̄̀̈́̆̈͑̿̃̽̽̈́͌̇́̂̒̊͂̀́̆͗͘͠ ̴̧̢̞̻̳͕͙̫̼̮͍͓̫͍͂͒Ḑ̸̨͓͎̥̟̜̰̬̘̞̫̭͇̤̓̓̾̆̇̔̽̍́́̊̈͒̔͒̑̾̍̒͒͑̓͗̈̕̚͝͝͠A̵̢̛͖̰̘̙͈͉̻̣̯͙̟̺̦̪̐́͋͌͗̐́́͆̈́̂̔̂̽̾͊̎͒͛͆̒̉̀̑̎́̍̆̽͘͝͠Ṟ̸̡̧̨̨̛̛͈͈̠̖̳̱͉͕̳̺͚̥̺̥͓͔̣̘̗̯͎̗͚͈̦̃̈̀͋̎͆̊̂͛̍̑̈́̽̆̓͒͆̉̍͊̀̋̿̎̍̈́͐͆̕͝͠ͅȨ̴̛̖̼̣͉̻͛̾͐̀͑̎̃͌͌͗̎̀̌̐̀̋̀̆̈́̕͜͠͝ ̷̢̡̡̨̥̱͙̞̳͈͕̗̱͍̬͈̫̹̻̻͇͈̪̤̠̘̫͎̜̉́͋̽̈̄̽̉̃̚͜͠ͅͅͅM̷̧̧̛͍͖̺̖̬̗̖̞̣̙̤̜̘̥̭̫͔͇͖͚͉̞̰̜͊̐̀̆̀̿̓̈́̊̎̉̄̓̐̋̊́̀̾̏̒̈́͘̚͘̕̚͜͜͝͝ͅO̷̯̱̟͈͋͊̋̽̽̆͒͛̂́̉̉̽̈́͆̈̈́̚͝͝C̶̢̮̫̫͔̩̱͕͕̩̥̥͖̖̳͇̱̹̞͓̱̫͚̙̫̬̮͖̰̔͜K̷̢̨͚̖͚̯̮̥͈̥̱͎̜̜̝͉͇̙̯̬͒̓͐͌̏́̈́̓̃̄̋͛͋̄̋͒̈́́ͅ ̵̛͇͈͕̉̏̈́̾̃̆̑̿̂̄̋̌̈͗͐̄̈́̽̿̓̕̚͝͠͝͝M̶̱̰͙̟̫̜͌̑͒̐̍̈́̄̈̈́̀̔̂̓̓̈́̉͒̒̄̽̇͛̀͒̋̈́̌͂̈̓͋̄̊̈͐̄̕͜͝ͅE̷̢̢̢̡̛̪̫̮̭̮̗̬̘͓̻̹͍̫̝̳̙̘̣̩̺̜̮͎͕͓͕͒̂̓̍̍̀͆̌̄̃́̏̈́͂̏̄̏̆͋̓̀͐̍̀͗̿̈́͌͂̓́̆̕͜͝͠?̴̨̪̤̜̘̘̗̜͇̠̯͈̻̤̬͎̠͍͚͉̜̦̖̼̌͊̀͐̑̓͂̈́͗͒͌̏̽͗̿͋̓̋̄͊̍̂͝͠

>> No.6468502

He's not. You just grew more powerful than god.

>> No.6468504

Im feeling this. Im like two levels from finishing and EP2,3 and 4 dropped in difficulty pretty sharply

>> No.6468506

I assume you meant >>6468486

>> No.6468514
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Ơ̷̗͓̓́̃͑́̚h̸̢̛̭͖͙̦͖̮̩̫̊́͒̂͐̽̇͗͐̊̏̒̽̊̕̚͝͠͝.̴͔̠͚͇̼̆́͆̀͛͑͂̀̒̒̊̾́̾̽̄̕͝͠.̵̢̩̗̱̮̭̭̻̯̜̜̩̘̉͒̄̽̄̔͛̎͒́͋̀̿͛̓͊̀͝.̶̢̧̢͚̱͎̺̼̗̗̼̱̰̪̤̤̥͍͔̫̪̬̙͌̒̓͂̇̌̄̿͆̕̕ͅ ̸̮̞̻̀̐͒̌͋̋̉̑̀̀̆̑̿͛̇̍̆̀͋̔̚͠ͅu̶̢̡̖̫̟̣̖̺͓̳͕͂̿̑̽̑͂̊́͘h̶̩̪͖̱͎̘̟̟̻̯̟̯̓̈́́͛.̸̢̨̝̘̹̯͕͉̯̞̥̏͊͌͐̏͆̓̃͑͌̎͌͒̔̚̕͘͠.̸̧̞̜̦͍͎͍̦̱͚͚̟̤̳͙̩̠̘͚͇̘̘̖͓͝ ̴̱͔̺̻̋̐̉̏̍̂͐̈́̀͛͒̆͋̔̑̒̎̊̚̚͝͝y̴̡̡̧̢̧̞̩̱̯̹͚̟͔̪͓͍̩͕̜͙̮͍͎̬͊͌͌͑̋̾̄͊̈́̓̊̚͠ͅe̷̡͕̟̦͕͚̦̹̿͗̀̉̆̎͆̈́́͘͝ǎ̴͚̣̙̪͙̭̠͓̜̈͊̒̎̋͊͌̿̑̀͝ͅh̴̨̦̦̱͖̭͋̔̉͌́̑̐̄̒͋̆̋́̀̉̿̚͘̕.̴̡̠̜̪̪͎̯̙̦̼̭̜̳̬͚̣͑͒̄͒̏̉̽̈̌͂͐́͆́̏́̂̀̈́̓̂͛͠ ̵̫͕̟̯̞̐̿̕M̶̡̟̳͎͙̟̻̫̣̻͙̣̫̬̭͑́͂͂͒̾̍̌̂̈́̎̽̿̔̍̋̀̃̈́͝y̴̭̓͂͂̇͗̽̀̓̕ ̴̧̡̹̮̬͉̺̫̘̗̻̱̱͖͈͇̙̦̫̻͚͙̳̪͗̿̾́̏̏͒̾̓̈́͑́̉͘̚͜b̴̘̜͔͛̂̎̿͒́̀̐͊̃͂̚͠͝a̴̢̛̟̤͔̥̿̊͒̾̈́̎̓̓̑͛̆̊̽͝d̶̨̡̛̪̬͈̞͓̪͉̠͙͕͚͊̄͑͒̃̎̐̓̍̏̈́̍̿̕.̷̧̛͖̹̹̭̞̦̙̣̮̥̥̺͙̂̿́̎̇̿͊͒̐̿̊͘͘͜͜͝͝͝

>> No.6468518

Death Wish is what Blood would have been without the rushed and troubled development

>> No.6468527

I don't quite understand Doom monster AI. Does putting them on small platforms makes them walk more and shoot less?

>> No.6468538 [DELETED] 

I don't think it should matter? I might be completely in the wrong here, but the AI afaik is fairly simple and all it does is go towards the player with some variations. It's not really 'path' based, so small platforms should make absolute no difference.

>> No.6468539

Its still pretty hard, I would just say cultists are bullshit for most people. Other enemies are more fair but still dangerous.

>> No.6468540

I don't think it should matter? I might be completely in the wrong here, but the AI afaik is fairly simple and all it does is go towards the player with some variations. It's not really 'path' based, so small platforms should make absolute no difference.

Though putting them in a small space might fuck up with the AI's cycles, making it less efficient. A decino probably should explain it.

>> No.6468541

I have a suspicion that hitting a wall/edge of the platform makes it step counter reset but not sure.

>> No.6468564

Isn't death wish a bit more complex? It would melt pcs back in the day.

>> No.6468565

Remember: whenever you want to delete a post and submit a corrected version, there will always be that anon who would have already replied to the post by the time you deleted it.

>> No.6468567

With the release of SIN and Half-Life, Deus Ex and other innovative titles, one's standards by which to measure a First Person Shooter wete raised to a refreshingly intellectual level. But, to remind us all that what we really want to do is launch a grenade into a room of civilians and walk in laughing as the cloud of vaporized blood settles and the guts slide down what's left of the walls, there was Blood 2. It's one of the most refreshingly, unapologetic, straightforward gore feasts I've played in a long time. On top of that, it has a quality of gameplay and design that puts games like Quake 2 out on the street, unloved. Why did this game flop? It's a masterpiece besides bugs at launch.

>> No.6468573

Bugs are horrendously awful, too many promises were made that wouldn't be fulfilled, and the game is only *barely* playable on normal skill.

>> No.6468585
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Gut gud Civvie

>> No.6468593

Ha, i wish i was civvie

>> No.6468601
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>too many PWADs to play, let alone 100%
>you could play several hours every day and it'd still take years
>new PWADs are still released regularly
>still haven't even gotten a chance to 100% Quake 1 or Douk

>> No.6468612

It runs fine in DOSBox with the default settings, other than turning the RAM up to 32 (as recommended by the game)

>> No.6468629

>One thing that always irritated me though, you never have to reload your guns.

Why are modern gamers so fucking braindead?

>> No.6468637

>Half-Life, Fallout, Thief: The Dark Project, Goldeneye, and System Shock all influenced the design of the game
i thought Deus Ex was original.

>> No.6468640

Beat blood on well done. Feel a little dissapointed by the end but it was still fun. I like what they acomplished with what they had though. I feel like Fire And Brimstone is a better hellish landscape than what doom does.

>> No.6468642
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Finished half the map now. My crippling addiction to using switches to both gain access to new areas and open monster closets keeps flairing up.

>> No.6468649

>Doom 2 SSG reloads
>Duke Nukem's pistol had reloading
>Blood shotgun had reloading
>Powerslave (BUILD)'s bullet weapons reload
>Serious Sam's revolvers and SSG reload

>> No.6468651

The game doesn't even have very many levels compared to Doom or the big 3 Build games. There was like a dozen IIRC. But they take fucking aeons to complete because of the confusing level design

>> No.6468652

All of the guns in the Marathon trilogy

>> No.6468657

Hell to add on to this Marathon is more like sim game as it uses a magazine system rather than an ammo pool

>> No.6468661

I don't think the Super shotgun counts really, or the double barrel from serious sam, both of those weapons only have one fire mode: both barrels and a long animation after firing, might as well argue the brief animation of pulling the plasma rifle back in Doom is a reload too.

>> No.6468664

I dont understand why some old doomers seem to legitimately hate crates. It's just a simple decoration (or easy way to block visibility), nothing wrong with crates.

>> No.6468671

Reloading for certain guns is a must, like a double barrel shotgun ala Doom II's SSG or even a cocking animation for a standard shotgun like Doom's and a number of other retro shooters. Having those weapons in particular with no animation is jarring as fuck, as Quake and Doom 64 unfortunately are.

>> No.6468676
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>H.P. Lovecraft had a cat named Niggerman, named after a cat in one of his short stories. It's true, look it up!

>> No.6468678

"Tchernobog is super weak due to variable overflow. He was intended to be 25x stronger but the variable couldn't hold such a huge number and therefore he became very weak (compared to other bosses and monsters)."
t. Blood Wiki

>> No.6468679

Any fan patches or mods that address this?

>> No.6468681

Weak to the napalm launcher maybe. He tanks tesla shots

>> No.6468686

>named after a cat in one of his short stories
I'm pretty sure it was the other way around, good ol' N cat was a pet he had during his childhood, long before he started writing.

>> No.6468689

N cat? Its name was Niggerman

>> No.6468691

It was his uncles cat i believe

>> No.6468695

It was just a joke on the whole N word thing. Also wasn't it Nigger-Man?

>> No.6468703

I am not sure about the dash

>> No.6468706

I didn't realize till I listened to a podcast with Sandy Petersen on it that he was the one who created Call of Cthulu and pretty much introduced a whole new generation to Lovecraft. Pretty cool.

>> No.6468713
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>> No.6468724

https://youtu.be/LAITScfXqN0 been listening to this album since marathon 2 and infinity dont have music. Feels fitting since they made the theme songs to both.

>> No.6468731

>KDiZD could spawn a wave of cliches itself, don't you think?
Is "turning people off of mapping for ZDoom in general for nearly a decade" a cliche?

>> No.6468742

Yes, and a very good one.

>> No.6468748

"Too many ZDoom features" was a valid argument for a while back in the day, that's fucking sad

>> No.6468762
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If you make a map and it can only be played on (G)ZDoom, it's a bad map. It's not even a Doom map at that point.

If you're going to make maps that require jumping, dynamic lights and a shitton of ZDoomisms, why even bother keeping a pretense that it's a Doom map. Why not just go and make a Quake map or an asset flip in Unity at that point.

You might say "oh well then Boom/limit-removing isn't even a Doom map anymore either!" Wrong. At the very least they're extensions of the engine with the same direction of the original. ZDoom is just something else altogether.

>> No.6468769

You say this while posting in a GZDoom thread?

>> No.6468774

Wasn't it his dad's cat? Anyway, as Lovecraft got out in the real world, he would eventually realize that his parents and the insular community he grew up in were in fact unusually racist, even by the standards of the day, because he was getting weird looks from other racists who thought he was too extreme.
He'd start to chill out on that over time, and he had considered renaming Niggerman, but decided not to, for the reason that he thought it would be cruel to force an elderly cat to learn a new name.

A lot of people ignore that he tried to better himself, and that his parents were absolute lunatics who were abusive towards him, which is why he grew up to be such a weird fucking person to begin with.

>> No.6468775

If GZDoom (or really just ZDoom-based ports in general) supported demo playback I fucking guarantee nobody would have ever said anything remotely like this.

>> No.6468779

>black nail polish

>> No.6468780

This isn't the zdoom forums, graf.

You're pointing at a symptom of a larger issue. The problem isn't that ZDoom doesn't support demo playback (in fact it does, but it must be the same ZDoom version, but I assume you mean with any other version of Doom so that's besides the point)

The actual problem is that ZDoom adds a lot of overhead to Doom's monster behavior and routines, so their behavior is completely unlike what you'd get in normal Doom. It is not an accurate representation of Doom, at all. Therefore a symptom of this is that it can't play back vanilla doom demos.

>> No.6468785


>> No.6468786
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>> No.6468789

Yeah he hated anyone who wasnt a WASP. Also when he went on antisemitic rants his wife would remind him that shes jewish

>> No.6468791

please explain to me why you think I'm an idiot, anon. I want to learn your knowledge.

>> No.6468792

Bro, he hated niggers, stop trying to rehabilitate him in the eyes on woke zoomers.

>> No.6468796

Fate will prove him right when Chink overlords take over.

>> No.6468810

Because "it's no longer Doom" is a retarded faggot argument and you're basically complaining that you're not playing vanilla.

>Why not just go and make a Quake map or an asset flip in Unity at that point.
Because eat my ass, I like Doom's monsters, gameplay, and aesthetics, which don't go away because of dynamic lights, slopes, or scripts. I do it because that's what I like, you're like the kind of guy who thinks every pistol should be a Glock, that every car should be a Honda Civic, because "it makes the most sense"

>ZDoom is just something else altogether
In practical terms, no it isn't.

>> No.6468816


>> No.6468817

China will not take over anything, they can barely manage the paltry armies of Vietnam or India.

>> No.6468830

I'm not saying that you can't like a thing anon. By all means keep mapping for ZDoom. It's not my fault that you have bad taste

>> No.6468836

God, I bet your cock is fucking huge I want to suck it so badly.

>> No.6468839

leave anon, see ya

>> No.6468840

Bridgeburner is that you

>> No.6468845

it's me, Taylor Swift

>> No.6468846
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Jesus Christ, you're offensive retarded.

>> No.6468850

Wtf taytay plays doom??????

>> No.6468851

fuck you, i like to use decorate monsters.

>> No.6468858

again anon, you don't need anyone's permission to like what you like, it's not my fault that you're cringe like that

>> No.6468859
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>> No.6468860

honey i was playing catacomb 3d before you were born

>> No.6468863

Wow thats crazy. Now I want to know exactly what things he did when working on Age of Empires. I bet he came up with "wololo"

>> No.6468872
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>It's not my fault that you have bad taste
>it's not my fault that you're cringe like that

>> No.6468874

Don't you guys have some zdoomisms to jerk off to or something

>> No.6468878
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>Why not just go and make a Quake map or an asset flip in Unity at that point.

>> No.6468882
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>> No.6468883

I dont give a fuck about doom but I like these threads specifically because the engine allows for good retro base to work on.

>> No.6468886

I'll do whatever the fuck I want. I believe that if he hadn't died so young, he would probably have calmed more with age.

>> No.6468887

This is completely valid, you're using GZDoom as a base for another game to work on because it IS for all intents and purposes another game. You can mold it to your needs. Because it's not Doom.

>> No.6468889
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>every pistol should be a Glock
1911, now that's some real stopping power. Won us WW2.

>> No.6468891

So I see the half life autist is diversifying his portfolio.

>> No.6468896
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>> No.6468902

Who gives a fuck about what a bunch of kids on /v/ think, why even post this. Why would you even consider it relevant

>> No.6468910

>doom 64 that low

>> No.6468914

What did /vr/ think about Rage 2 anyway?

>> No.6468915

>Rage 2

Forgot about that, shame those devs really nail destruction and fire effects. But like mad max they fail at everything else.

I bet I am going to forget Eternal in the same way.

>> No.6468917
File: 114 KB, 960x781, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had no idea so many zdoom mappers browsed /vr/, kind of interesting. i'm personally fine with playing gzdoom for gameplay mods but playing vanilla doom with jumping, crouching and vertical mouse look just makes no sense to me

>> No.6468918

their opinion is just as relevant as yours, how does that make you feel? probably pretty angry I bet, incel

>> No.6468921

I play vanilla doom on GZdoom with vertical mouse look. Though I don't jump or crouch.
I'm too fucking lazy to fuck about with other sourceports.

>> No.6468924

>how does that make you feel?
it makes me feel nothing because i agree, some random shmuck's opinion on the internet is just as good as any other random shmuck. so why even bother doing any of that polling as if to declare "we have conclusively decided that doom64 sux"

>> No.6468929

Gave yourself away.

>> No.6468936

just a heads up, you do still have overpowered melee in GZdoom. And you're able to walk over/under enemies because they're not infinitely tall anymore. This can make certain encounters much easier than what the author intended.

You can fix this by using the (strict) compat presets, but even those aren't accurate representations of how the monsters would behave in normal doom.

>> No.6468937

because they're allowed to make their opinion known, and if you'd like to consider it you have the option, or don't so don't. you can't contain v users in v, people are allowed to talk across boards. don't like it? leave. go write a blog on how doom64 doesn't suck and paste the link here so we can read it. you seem butthurt over nothing you fuckin gay guy

>> No.6468939

I play on gzdoom with doom strict compat mode, no mouselook nor jumping or crounching

i just really like nashgore and split fullscreen hud

>> No.6468942

see >>6468936
you fixed the more glaring issues by choosing strict compat, but it's important to keep in mind it's still not an accurate representation of how the map would play out in doom. still, it's an acceptable compromise if you really must have your gore mod

>> No.6468943

I play all new mapsets I find with gameplay mods.

>> No.6468945

I'm fine with the overpowered melee and walking over/under enemies.

>> No.6468948

i mean, you're free to do that
but why
why would you
do you also quicksave every minute

>> No.6468960

Icarus, is that you?

>> No.6468972

that post is literally by the author of nuts.wad

>> No.6468974

Infinite Height should have been patched out of Doom after release.

>> No.6468975
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I really didn't find it too bad until that last switch. Maybe having some pork rinds on only one ledge was supposed to be a hint, but well, I was about as drunk as Leonard.

Wish that version of the Cuss Pack worked with Rides Again. Since you mostly see two enemy types throughout the game, it helps for them to have more than two or three lines.

>> No.6468986
File: 58 KB, 360x450, Cultist-Blood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maranax malax!

>> No.6468996


I sometimes yell cultists lines out of blue when iam alone and particularly bored in my bedroom.

>> No.6468997

Your neighbors must love that.

>> No.6469001

Last year I did a live outdoor game with my daycare group (a mix of physical challenges and puzzles tied together with a loose story) and the final challenge was to recite a "magical incantation"
I essentially made 30 or so kids scream with me "CRUDUX CRUO, MARANAX PALLEX, GEROXE CRUO"

>> No.6469003

>return there twice
am i missing something here also isn't quake live just a remake/rerelease of Q3?

that said if we're rating id franchises as a whole i'd probably put it like...
doom > heretic/hexen > quake > wolfenstein > rage > other

>> No.6469013

Was posting down just now?

>> No.6469016


>> No.6469018

Neighbor here. Can confirm.

>> No.6469020

the most retarded way to play

>> No.6469023


>> No.6469024

Maintenance, whatever that means.

>> No.6469027

if i ever went back to going to conventions again i would definitely cosplay as the blood cultist and scream random lines at people

>> No.6469028

This place reeks of troll shit, wet fur and circlejerks. Disgusting.

>> No.6469031

This is one of the few generals I've seen that has almost no tripfags, if that helps.

>> No.6469035


I have a place for myself. My grandparents left it to me. God bless their souls.
Although in my neighbours garden with the window open he might hear it.

>> No.6469039

Yet it's still one of the best generals/threads on 4chan.

>> No.6469047

Did you not get any concerned christian parents that thought you were teaching witchcraft to their kids?

>> No.6469048

If I were one of those Christian parents I'd probably think it's just a bunch of angry Italian guys trying to make pizza.

>> No.6469053

In my area of France, it doesn't seem to be on the parent's radar.
Nobody's that religious, apart from muslims of course.

I should point out by the way, although I usually work in a day care, that one situation was more like summer camp.

>> No.6469054

The world is not america.

>> No.6469068

You'd be surprised at how that can happen in other places.

t. Latino

>> No.6469070

did you give them tommy guns too?

>> No.6469080

That shit is as innocuous as reciting Harry Potter spells, only the type of dirty new world evangelism like North or south American brand would have an issue with that. Now that you mention it. Like Iurd or wtv the fuck the scam is.

I really hate evangelists with a passion.

>> No.6469096

>Icaruslives reviewed Nuts using GZDoom
What was he expecting when he got less than one frame per second?

Did no one tell him?

>> No.6469126

Icarus is a newb without a clue
He just found a niche that was not occupied and stuck with it
That does not mean he's actually proficient

>> No.6469134

I feel like a good way to describe Icarus is his heart is in the right place, but his head is frequently up his ass.

>> No.6469138

Oh, so we don't like Icarus now?

>> No.6469151

Does Marathon: Durandal get better? I finished playing the first game and really enjoyed it, but Durandal feels so bad. The level design is pretty, but in terms of gameplay it is dogshit.
>the levels and monsters do not fit; they are using Marathon 1 enemies that are only dangerous in small rooms, poorly lit arenas, corridors and otherwise constrained spaces, but they are now tossing them into gigantic, eye-burningingly bright open maps where they can't do anything to fight you
>every corner has at least one machinegun phfor
>the fun staff phfors barely exist
>they pair up machinegun phfors with bomb robots (which are basically just retarded, less threatening, lower range machinegun phfors)
>all the water sections are tedious and always include a ton of drones and shit tossers that you have to slowly punch to death
>they got rid of the bugs and replaced them with the retarded non-threatening drones
>overuse of machinegun phfors in general, which are by far the least fun to fight enemy, I've gone like ~10 levels in a row now where they were the main enemy
>had ammo troubles on the early levels which was fun, but I realized that was only because I skipped most of the early levels by accident, now I have so much ammo that I can spam whatever for as long as I want
I'm tempted to just go straight to Infinity, but I'm terrified by the prospect of it being even worse.

>> No.6469154

I like him and I appreciate what he does, but he's also a complete goober.

>> No.6469173

yes, and WE think that YOU should give ME all your money

>> No.6469176

Alright gib e-mail pls

>> No.6469183

Playthrough video of map32 of 200 minutes of /vr/ is up.

>> No.6469193

B-But I don't have any.....

>> No.6469196

His reviews are unbelieveably boring.

>> No.6469213

I think the thing is he has a British accent, he makes surface-level videos about something that is quaint to a mainstream audience (oh they're still playing Doom? how cute! rip and tear haha!) , and he knows how to use editing software at a competent level

That's what gets you hundreds of thousands of views apparently

I have much more respect for someone like Decino that actually knows what he's talking about when it comes to what he's playing/doing. Can you imagine Icarus trying to explain to his audience line by line why a revenant acts the way he does? Never in a million years.

>> No.6469218

>have the ability to sit and think about what you’re going to type
>end up posting like a flamer
Yeah faggot, “we” don’t like that scrub, and “we” think speedreading manuals and obsessing over gore mods is quite lame

>> No.6469223

"We" also think you should chill out a bit. It's okay, the big bad anon can't hurt you anymore.

>> No.6469227

I only watch him because he covers a variety of mod and It's good to find cool stuff. But yeah, other than that his content is kinda mediocre.

>> No.6469306


>> No.6469359

Great, more nonsense that messes up the timing up weapons and the attack signaling of monsters, just like SmoothDoom did.

>> No.6469367

That's his god given right you commie

>> No.6469371

Sign in, agent Ginger Nigger.

>> No.6469376

Wasn't it fixed in later versions though?

>> No.6469382
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What happened to the Doom fantasy mod that used the assets from Might & Magic 7 ?

>> No.6469404

If GZDoom is so bad, what is the official /vr/ approved sourceport?

>> No.6469408

GLBoom+ or Crispy Doom

>> No.6469409

doom retro

>> No.6469413


>> No.6469419


>> No.6469429


>> No.6469431

the DOS game

>> No.6469439


>> No.6469462
File: 1.60 MB, 1707x960, Screenshot_Doom_20200524_210935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any maps that are "tumblr"-esque i can play with stylish hell?

>> No.6469487

What does “tumblr”-esque entail

>> No.6469492

"Cartoony" and "cutesy" apparently.

>> No.6469494

Not a mapset but it might work with the maps from Shadow/Rise of the Wool Ball.

>> No.6469501
File: 120 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20151227_203542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loud colors, portraits everywhere, windows paint looking shit.

>> No.6469516

Pandemonia 2.0 released

>> No.6469537

I think it might depend on both the difficulty and the way the enemy AI is set to pathfind toward the player.

>> No.6469548
File: 695 KB, 2157x1367, Screenshot_Doom_20200508_124314_FotoSketcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6469625
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200517_221059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody kindly give me a link to the best PSX Doom mod/TC/conversion/whatever?
I have found several during the years but they all had some kind of weird bugs
what I am looking for is just a conversion of the level in the form of a mapset megawad + music so I can use the latest BD Monsters Only for the increased difficulty and Traiblazer 1.5 as gameplay mod
thanks to anyone that will help me

>> No.6469660

Consolation prize works with gameplay mods

>> No.6469703

Now the Pink Floyd song is vaugely playing in my head.

>> No.6469750

Can Doom cast any spells?

>> No.6469780
File: 3 KB, 396x76, quit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake can.

>> No.6469787

No, but Heretic and Hexen as well as Hexen 2 can.

>> No.6469870

That mod for doom3 that remakez doom 1

>> No.6469910

You don't just bump into those people on any street in the US, you need to go look for them, which is what sensationalist media do. You'd be far more likely to find evangelicals who think you're a sinner for being gay, than you'd find evangelicals who seriously think that witchcraft is real.

>> No.6469928

Fair enough I apologize its just that your media is even more schizophrenic than usual.

>> No.6469946

This is coming from a European perspective, and Euro media gladly laps up American sensationalism.

>> No.6469961

>their opinion is just as relevant as yours
You need to go back

>> No.6469962

You talk as if that's completely unprecedented and nobody has had problems with his content before.

>> No.6469972 [DELETED] 

>antisemitic rants
>cat named Niggerman
Lovecraft was fucking based. Sad to see all the faggy nuRPG tabletop companies and video games bringing in Cthulu lore and characters to their games with huge virtue signalling disclaimers of hiw Lovecraft was a horrible racist and they only like his creations. SMITE just did it today

>> No.6469978

Hello /b/tard.

>> No.6469979

Try again. That's a /v/ermin

>> No.6469982

Seriously, look up any interview or podcast appearance on YouTube. He talks about all the projects he has worked on and you can usually specifically start looking for interviews pertaining just to that

>> No.6470003
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>> No.6470004

Neither, just not a bleeding heart faggot zoomer.

>> No.6470007

Sort of putting it off since it seems to be the mack daddy.
Running through that now. The first level was easy, but the rest is some real challenging stuff. This is good ass shit.
>Abyss is so different that it feels like a semi sequel.
Abyss is also pretty damn bad in terms of level design. I know that's not the subject matter at hand, but damn some of that level design is just uninspired. The music and bosses are good though.

>> No.6470018 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 800x800, 5e016e41d4b65e581f45e787221904cf-dc759p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, because lying and LARPING are not possible. How is it based to call your cat "Niggerman", I understand most of his sentiment concerning the Jews/Israelites but seriously, lumping the bulk of those who disagree with his views as "numales" and/or bleeding hearts? Sure thing, brain of rancid shit.

>> No.6470027 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 427x235, 1590545284274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6470028


>> No.6470030

You should check out the alternate soundtrack for Quake 1 here >>6464941

An anon put together the audio files so all you have to do is copy them over and play

>> No.6470034

Give me more of a based name for your cat than Noggerman. Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.6470039

Guess that thread finally died for good.
Here it is https://www16.zippyshare.com/v/SYSLXmJK/file.html just copy the files in the music directory. Also included an alternate track10 which is a remix from Quake 1 Sega Saturn version

>> No.6470040

Suit yourself. Also, How do you measure how "based" something truly is?

>> No.6470062

By how much based it contains per volume.

>> No.6470109
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>> No.6470184


>> No.6470187
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I wanna see her play Plutonia.

>> No.6470207

He's not as bad as Gman, but he does have some fairly questionable moments.
I still remember when Icarus complained about a section of Sigil E5M5 being too luck based, while the footage had him constantly saving to the point that he basically brought it on himself.

>> No.6470212
File: 70 KB, 562x445, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just downloaded Witchaven out of curiosity and it's possibly the worst game I've ever played. Which of these games should I play and which should I avoid? Pic related.

>> No.6470231
File: 563 KB, 1054x1267, 1522450669571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke 3D is a given, if you've never played it before you should drop everything and do it right now.
Blood is one you should really consider, I like it even more than Duke 3D personally, but it's definitely more down to taste than Duke is.
Shadow Warrior is also one you should play, but I'd rank it lower than those two for sure.
Redneck Rampage is in a weird spot, I'd say that it isn't essential, but I personally love the hell out of it (though the expansion, Route 66, and the sequel, Rides Again, are a lot better)
The only other one probably worth trying out is Powerslave, but the console versions (which are on a different engine and have different levels) are considered to be better.

>> No.6470240

Weird how aside from WWII and Nam, those are the only Build games that were ever made in the 90s. and only about 5, 4 if you don't count Redneck Rampage, are worth playing.

>> No.6470265

I think WWII and NAM are close enough to the Duke 3D version of the engine that they could be played as user levels.

>> No.6470286

I want to try out NBlood. Do I go to the github and download the newest release?

>> No.6470465

Oh, wow, NBlood is great. BloodGDX is cool and all, but with NBlood, you can play the FLAC music packs:
> http://sc55.duke4.net/games.php#blood
There is no option to disable voxels, though, which I dislike. I had to look it up. You need the console command r_voxels 0
Also, fuck cultists. I run past a doorway, not through it, and instantly lose 40% health. Doesn't seem like the levels are balanced around pitch-fork starts, at least on the higher difficulties.

>> No.6470476
File: 165 KB, 850x743, 1522806292488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use an SC-55 soundfont myself, but MIDI modules are a weird obsession of mine, and I'm weird enough to tell the difference between per-recorded and real-time sequenced music.
As far as I know, GDX is more accurate, gameplay wise (it can playback the demos without any issues)
The higher two difficulties, Well Done and Extra Crispy, are actually intended for co-op, so if you're getting wrecked on those two, don't be too discouraged.

>> No.6470484

Play legend of the seven paladins.

>> No.6470505

Ha, no weapons. These are kinda frowned upon, even here.

>> No.6470519

HL sucks.

>> No.6470539
File: 87 KB, 540x540, 1524712417619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your reasoning?

>> No.6470546


>> No.6470548

What weapon/hud mod is this?

>> No.6470552


>> No.6470578

Witchaven is a masterpiece compared to their other game Tekwar.
Duke 3D, Blood, & Shadow Warrior are considered the "big 3" and are all very high-quality. Powerslave is very good too, the combat is a bit less exciting but it has some of the best level design of the era. Redneck Rampage is meh, the theme is kinda amusing but the level design is horrible.

>> No.6470584

Then there's Rock'n Shaolin.
Great if you want your ass kicked in less than a minute (but the GDX port fixes this, projectilespam is now an option you can toggle)

>> No.6470585

Don't respond, report and ignore

>> No.6470590
File: 2.10 MB, 1584x892, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I decided to pop into twitch to see if there were anyone was doing anything doom-related that was interesting

Saw some usual brutal doom junk, but then I saw a russian mapper making this

>> No.6470592

Jesus I butchered that sentence, I'm sorry. I'll go to bed

*to see if there was anyone who was doing anything interesting that was doom-related.

>> No.6470624

Oh yeah I tuned into that guy yesterday. I asked him if his entire map is made out of tortured souls and some other guy said: "only this part".

>> No.6470628
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>> No.6470635


>> No.6470637

he's fookin' dead

>> No.6470645
File: 113 KB, 262x313, 1503443092914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like one of those THE WAY DOOM WAS MEANT TO PLAYED guys

>> No.6470654
File: 32 KB, 480x360, Ys3xWy-Oar8m0v4E219YxDOwUtuPzIpVQI1MZ0ohqo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should make a DOOG mod

>> No.6470703

What if I want 3d floors but also play doom gameplay mods in it? Quake or unity won't do.

>> No.6470706

I agree completely

>> No.6470707
File: 34 KB, 500x375, makoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inugami Plutonia playthrough now!

>> No.6470708

Not to mention GZDoom is *the* go-to engine for making throwback shooters rn (or platformers)

>> No.6470718

>OG Doom chainsaw and baron
>NuDoom helmet
She was playing Doom 64, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6470735

I lost my respect for him when he was playing HD in DEX. Full frontal DSP-tier retardation. First he brags about not reading the manual, then he bitches about how he can't understand what's going on.

>> No.6470749

the absolute state

>> No.6470775

>Uses Chainsaw
haha thats great

>> No.6470778


>> No.6470809

Rent free

>> No.6470814

Wasn't "Tasrnsman" a term from that ultrasexist scifi book that was ~50% rape and mindbreak?

>> No.6470836
File: 86 KB, 844x835, 06548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what?

>> No.6470901

This doesn't refer to maps that are intentionally using ZDoom features. It refers to when maps that are intended to be compatible with non-zdoom ports like Vanilla or PRBoom, have a few potentially gamebreaking bugs as a result of the author only testing in ZDoom or ZDoom-based ports.

>> No.6470907

That's cool as fuck, I bet with pulsing lights and maybe scrolling or warp effects on the skinface texture, it would look absolutely ridiculous.

I really want to play it, does it have a name I can look out for?

>> No.6470909

It's almost like anon is a complete retard, or a bullshitter, or both, and doesn't know what ZDoomisms actually are, or doesn't care.

>> No.6470915

Oh right, that lunatic actually played all of Maximum Doom.

I think maybe it was from Gor or something? I'll assume it's ironic, because I don't think I've ever heard anyone describe those books as good.

>> No.6470941
File: 294 KB, 480x480, agitatedmarine1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't disable headbob or weaponsway in ion fury

The game is literally unplayable. Everything in motion just makes me sick.

>> No.6470947

Does it bother you in Doom and Quake as well?

>> No.6470967


The Dark Conjunction is a singleplayer mod for vanilla Quake 3.

It looks like it's made by one person. Models are seriously crappy, enemy behaviour needed some serious tweaking, etc etc.

I havent found anything else.

>> No.6470970

He does that in most of the mod videos I watched
>hey guys it’s Mr. Icarus
>we got this mod here that I’m pairing with this gore mod
>wow this mod has some great dakker
Then he ignores or glosses over some important feature for 5 minutes
>this is cool and the guns are awesome
>anyway guys I’ll see you next time

Most of the mods he shows usually don’t suffer too much if he doesn’t remember things, but that HD video was something else

>> No.6470984

Yes, it's from "Tarnsman of Gor"
Never said it was good, only that it was full of rape and mindbreak
read it more than a decade ago when there was some lit forum drama about it to see what's the fuss was all about. Was unimpressed.

>> No.6470985

Pretty sure you can via ccmds

>> No.6470986
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>> No.6470998

This is the nude cheat in India

>> No.6471001

Honestly the only reason I even remember Gor at all is two reasons, 1; it's the funniest reply you can make when someone asks what the worst isekai anime is (it's not anime or manga, but it's indeed the worst thing which can be described as iseka), and 2; someone once rewrote one of its many cringey rape scenes to be about a man watering a plant, how the plant struggles, but then accepts it.
The latter was to make fun of how in Gor, canonically women will plain die if they do not get raped regularly, which I think has to be the most hilariously awkward way to force your fetish into your writing that I have ever heard of in my fucking life.

>> No.6471003
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>> No.6471014

the virgin d/boom vs the chad (g)zdom

>> No.6471020

>enemy territory that low
sub zero iq level here

>> No.6471024

>doesn't even know what zdoomism means
He wouldn't know a good Boom map if it bit him in the taint.

>> No.6471031

you fucker

>> No.6471032
File: 59 KB, 584x555, jaygun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get outta here, Mike. You don't even like video games.

>> No.6471040

I'll admit it's a barely related question but, is there any platformer with level design similar to Doom or other retro fps standards? I mean mostly non-linear levels with switches, keys, secrets and occasional backtracking. Are games like Metroid the best equivalent of that?

>> No.6471047

I could probably direct you to the console versions of Powerslave, which is like pre-metroid prime

>> No.6471050

A design of a good Doom level is basically concentrated Metroid progression:
1) Whole level is interconnected
2) You have one area available to you from the start
3) You unlock more areas to visit as you progress
4) Eventually you get access to all areas and can finish the levels

Ther difference is that in Metroid-likes you unlock areas by gaining new gameplay abilities, while in Doom and other shooters true to Doom formula you do the same by collecting keys/finding switches.

>> No.6471060
File: 368 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20200527_151230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gangs all here

>> No.6471069

>2016 and Eternal higher than 64 and Final
>Quake Champions above 4

>> No.6471096

big ass, big boob, and big abs

>> No.6471105
File: 81 KB, 815x434, Screenshot_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on finishing that english translation for the obscure polish doom clone, Target. I accidently translated the spanish translation but thankfully the Target resources on ZDoom forums contain translated text for most things and missions in the game.
(pic related)

>> No.6471123

im drunk apparently
*Translated text for most things and missions in the polish version of the game

>> No.6471131


>> No.6471132


>> No.6471146

Yes metroidvania seems the more similar games. But not exactly the same, I would say fps rpgs are more like metroidvania.

Like say SS2, you can explore some places, some are blocked, you acquired new abilities etc.

Retro like Duke are fun, but its basically search for key.

>> No.6471165

Julia loses 1HP. Slow fadeout. GAME OVER. MISSION FAILED. Julia broke a nail!

>> No.6471174

Who are you quoting

>> No.6471195

>that image
okay hypothetically how many Shamblers could you even take out on a single quad damage?

>> No.6471212
File: 36 KB, 300x449, pic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touchscreens in modern mobile devices are so imprecise and wonky, I really miss the good old days of styluses. Had this bad boy back then, and playing old-school shooters on it was surprisingly good - even Quake was passable, Doom and Wolf3D played like a charm.

>> No.6471213

Its okay they're baby shamblers that die in 1 hit

>> No.6471234

Spend 300-400 bucks on a drawing tablet with a screen and you get imprecise and laggy garbage with a terrible pen. It's BAD. Can't believe they're even allowed to sell crap like that.

>> No.6471236

What's a good medieval TC for doom? Tried Abysm: Dawn of Innocence but it was pretty dull.

>> No.6471238

Why Catacombs 3D and not Catacomb Abyss or Apocalypse? Sure they were made by Apogee and not iD but they're a more accurate representation of what that tech could do than 3D. Heretic and Hexen were just licensed engine use by Raven as well so what's the difference?

>> No.6471242
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>> No.6471243

Yeah, and I was doodling some mean stickmen and penises on my iPaq back in the day. And they somehow got away with sticking lowercase i on their product, these days Apple will sue you if your phone is rectangular.

>> No.6471246

>doom 2 that high
>doom 64 that low
>quake 2 that high

What the fuck is wrong with /v/

>> No.6471249

It's from the Ranger issue of the Quake Champions comic, find out for yourself

>> No.6471254
File: 35 KB, 465x604, 1809239-n517581288_2545296_4021274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romero's defense to the Daikatana About To Make You His Bitch ad is that the marketing people were trying to capture his infamous trashtalk but that he would never say he was going to make someone his bitch because "I just never say that and plus it's gay"
>asks other men "Who's your fucking daddy!?"
Sounds pretty gay to me too John

>> No.6471260

Caleb was so fucking edgy.
>kills civilians in cold blood
>eats hearts of his enemies
>literally worships Satan
Imagine how much stink those anti-violence activists would've raised if they were actually able to do more than a cursory research on the things they whine about.

>> No.6471275

*technically* not satan

>> No.6471279

It's even worse, it's Russian Satan.

>> No.6471284

Any interesting doom maps that its just not archvile infested or kills my fps due to its size? or any that utilizes the nazi enemies because i never see them on modded map packs

>> No.6471289

>>eats hearts of his enemies
And friends.

>> No.6471291

Wow, I guess that is literally the only one. Thanks.

>> No.6471295

And compare him to Lo Wang who only ate, like, one eye.

>> No.6471301

Is Caleb a virgin? Does he know what sex is?

>> No.6471305

We can only assume he actually banged Ophelia.

>> No.6471312
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He was literally the leader of Tchernobog's Chosen because he was such an evil piece of shit. He was an outlaw gunslinger and killer before he even joined the cult and after that he was the type of motherfucker that was murdering and performing rituals with the blood of children and virgins. He is probably the least identifiable or even likeable protagonist but yet he is simply for that simple and all consuming need for revenge, which is such a base human emotion that it is easy for anyone to identify with. It was the grimdark 90s so that helped alot too.

>> No.6471320

Ophelia was his love and another of the Chosen, she introduced Caleb to the cult. Surely all kinds of depraved and unholy sex acts occured before she was torn to pieces (and probably violated) by Gargoyles

>> No.6471326

Kills in cold blood to get warm blood. All class.

>> No.6471332

Imagine a raisin but more dry and undead than that.

>> No.6471341

He only became undead at the start of Blood

>> No.6471356

A backstory blurb says he discovered Ophelia as this babbling lunatic in the corner of a barn, and she ended up convincing him to join the occult, so you can only imagine what their love making sessions would be like

>> No.6471363

When will HBlood exist already

>> No.6471368
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She was a crazy bitch for sure, too bad (good?) for Caleb.

Man the FMV at the beginning is so bad. Apparently Caleb is bald due to a miscommunication with the artist and limitations of the software and not having time to change it

>> No.6471369
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If he even is undead at all. Could have used his stored up energy to cheat death. It's all so vague. Who the hell knows what he is.

>> No.6471375

I heard that the models used in the cutscenes were actually models made for pre-rendering characters, they would be scaled down and you weren't supposed to see them real close and clear in high resolution.

>> No.6471378

When you make the sprites.

>> No.6471384
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This is funny.

>> No.6471398


Was that in the manual?

Murderer sure, child killer?

>> No.6471401

marph stop fucking around and finish Postal 4

>> No.6471402

It is pretty vague... now that I think of it Tchernobog told Caleb he and the other Chosen were betrayed because he knew Caleb alone would return for revenge. It's unclear if he or Caleb's need for revenge raised him

>> No.6471405

Not specifically but what the fuck do you think demon worshipping cults do? It says he and the Chosen carried out many missions and sacrifices in service of Tchernobog. Child sacrifice is usually a pillar of these kinds of things, it seems naive to assume he and all the rest of the Chosen would shy away from children, the supreme innocents

>> No.6471406

Tchernobog wanted caleb to become stronger and possess his body, but caleb overpowered him and took his powers in the end.
in the end Caleb resurrected his friends, though gabriel became gabriella because his original body was eaten by caleb

>> No.6471407

Maybe he did refuse, and alongside his love for ophelia he was single out by Satan as a not true 100% evil incarnate minion.

>> No.6471408

With all this blood talk going on, I feel like starting a blood tournament but I have no idea when I should host it
Saturday maybe? Obv not during any day that's monday-thursday

>> No.6471416

>though gabriel became gabriella because his original body was eaten by caleb

I can imagine a really awkward moment after his resurrection when everyone wonders if Caleb was some kind of pervert for doing that.
>Arise from your grave!
>Why am I a woman now?
>You look better this way :^)

>> No.6471419

That was his motive for betraying Caleb

Caleb killed and probably fucked kids in front of their parents before killing them too.

Also fuck Blood 2 it never happened in my headcanon and Ophelia just being back is also retarded as it was such a huge motivator for Caleb in 1.

>> No.6471424

Actually they ask Gabriel why he's a woman and he says something like "It's Gabriella now and it's a long story"

They never mention it again.

>> No.6471425

Sat would work probably, sounds fun, I'd be down.

>> No.6471431

Hey I am not trying to diminish caleb. I dont care if he killed babies and made bay witch oil with them.

He is a true anti hero, the naga cobra that eats other cobras.
A great archetpye.
HOWEVER, I just find his love for Ophelia not evil at all in contrast to tall the darkness, he feels immense pain seeing her dead, so I think he was not fully evil and hence chosen as a sacrifice for Satan precisely because of that.

I would not think satan would want a fully evil body as a sacrifice but wanting to pervert the final diamond of light in his most trusted follower as a body to incarnate.

>> No.6471434

Is Legend of the Seven Paladins good?

>> No.6471437

Duke, Blood, or Shadow Warrior. Which one is your favorite and why?

>> No.6471438

Marph is making postal?

>> No.6471442

Nah the love for Ophelia thing is totally antithetical to Caleb's unapologetic evil in service to Tchernobog and did always seem to be a weird thing for the leader of the Chosen to have, this probably actually did single him out for betryal by Tchernobog because it was precisely this leverage that he knew would consume Caleb for revenge beyond the grave if taken from here

>> No.6471443

It's mediocre with GDX but is a pain in dosbox
basically in dosbox attacks are fucked, however GDX fixes this issue, but Projectile Spam can be reenabled in the settings
Also note: Some exits might skip levels.

Yeah he's part of the RWS team

>> No.6471447
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Duke just because it's fucking Duke, wasted probably thousands of hours with that game as a kid. But as far as aesthetics and gameplay, Blood all the way.

Shadow Warrior is good too but defintely the least in the Build Holy Trinity

>> No.6471448


Yes that is what i mean. Many anti heroes have this trait, a small glimmer of incorruptibility that sometimes makes them even aid the actual hero. Before going to make other evil shit.

Of course we may be reading too much its just a game. But characters have a life of their own, and ophelia scene is a great fucking scene seeing his anguish.

Also the name ophelia may have some symbolism.

>> No.6471454

From wikipedia:
Ophelia (/oʊˈfiːliə/) is a character in William Shakespeare's drama Hamlet. She is a young noblewoman of Denmark, the daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes and potential wife of Prince Hamlet, who, due to Hamlet's actions, ends up in a state of madness that ultimately leads to her drowning.

>> No.6471458

Should I use Nblood or BloodGDX? Or is it mostly a matter of preference? The one difference I've noticed is that Nblood's rendering looks closer to classic rendering.

>> No.6471459

I would say the name definitely wasn't an accident and talking lore with other old school shooter nerds is one of the best things about these threads so reading too much into it is not a concern

>> No.6471461

I thought cultists were done RoTT-style, by guy in a mask and a bathrobe.

>> No.6471462

NBlood seems to be preferred, I just play in DosBox

Also Fresh Supply is supposedly pretty good now

>> No.6471465

No and really it shows, based on the ridiculous looking sprites in ROTT

>> No.6471468

I love Blood in its best hate it in its worst.

So I would have to say Duke as well, its a more balanced thing, and all the nudity and violence makes it great.

>> No.6471470

>supposedly pretty good now
It's much better than at release and very playable, but it's not as accurate to the original as nblood or bloodgdx

>> No.6471472

Duke would've been perfect if not for those sentry drones. I prefer SW over Blood, but only because I like its setting more, and also because it has better melee (pitchfork fucking sucks).

>> No.6471492
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I wonder why Apogee wasn't able to procure some better costumes for RoTT. I mean, look at that trenchcoat, the guy looks like public flasher or a huckster, and other enemies look like waiters or doormen.

>> No.6471497

What would you be using?

>> No.6471502


>> No.6471506

I thought eduke32 wasn't good for multiplayer?

>> No.6471507

Much better than GDX's and Fresh Supply's anyway. DOSBOX is a pain to set up multiplayer with.

>> No.6471510

They look like NERDS

>> No.6471514

Is it just direct ip connect? I tried GDX multiplayer and it only had that.

>> No.6471515
File: 2 KB, 34x73, ROTT_Cut_Mary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Enforcers look like fat plumbers.

One cool thing about ROTT's sprites though is they actual made and digitized female versions of most of the enemies and alternate appearance for the others. These still exist in the game files but according to Tom Hall, the system they wrote to randomly select which sprite was used doubled the memory requirements for the game and had to be axed.

>> No.6471518

Blood, really like the aesthetic, the guns and the maps. Although cryptic passage is literally the anti blood memes
>open door
>screen turns red

>> No.6471528
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>and digitized female versions
This guy >>6471510 can't be more right then. By that point Romero was divorcing his fiftieths wife or so, and Tom Hall is still playing dress-up with silly helmets.

Seriously though, the very first thing I would've done in this situation is getting fucking gas masks for everyone.

>> No.6471539

I could probably rehost the ol' nblood website, it had a service to host "servers" which in reality were just IPs to connect to for a play

>> No.6471542

Either that, or we could wait until the official mirror is still back up.

>> No.6471553

If your interested in playing marathon infinity deathmatch with bots https://youtu.be/3veXpbB-adk

>> No.6471623

No. He's not looking for reasons to hate them.

>> No.6471639

Blood 2 isn't canon.

It's fine because the game is a ridiculous campfest ala Mortal Kombat.

>> No.6471643

>gas masks
>muffled speech
But I like the silly things they say.

>> No.6471649

Tournament guy here, sorry to disappoint but i'm moving the tournament to sometime during the summer

>> No.6471650

Its canon, and Gabriella was teleported by caleb to another universe where she became this

>> No.6471652

That wasn't a sarcastic remark or rhetorical question or anything, I was genuinely asking if they have the same effect on him.


>> No.6471665 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 240x88, 1590598532199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if you could pet the cultists

>> No.6471678
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Nah, it's for getting mad at them.

>> No.6471681

I'll pet them with a bundle of dynamite

>> No.6471727

Best girl. I felt like the engine in this last one kinda shrank her assets compared to older games.

Top heavy, long legs combination is a killer combination.

>> No.6471821

Re-blood fucking stinks

>> No.6471829

Eh, I thought it was okay, what did you not like about it?

>> No.6471843

The interpolation

>> No.6471846

No flaregun at the beginning, al these clusters of zombie yet wheres the dynamite, its way too stingy with it. Pointless revolver when the best part of blood is how much you use the shotgun in the combat. Caleb feels slow as hell. The dual wielding anytime doesnt feel that good because you have to reload the guns. The cultists are a joke even on extra crispy

>> No.6471852
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>> No.6471868

Fuck off I like all body types from flat to cow tits. As long as ass to waist ratio is decent.

>> No.6471882

How would you rate Sandy, then?

>> No.6471905


>> No.6471929
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It's a fucking man.

>> No.6471937

Are you okay anon?

>> No.6471939

Had to stop playing Quake 1.5. Too brutal quake for my taste

>> No.6471959

Vanilla Quake suits me better too.

>> No.6471964
File: 49 KB, 590x332, QUAKE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck Do I filter bot filled servers out of the browser in Quake 3? If I wanted to fight bots Id play singleplayer. Also why is it i see a bunch of servers where human players are all just spectators and they only have like 1 bot in the arena?

>> No.6472003
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>> No.6472017

Whaddya gonna do about it???

>> No.6472053

Honestly would've been fine if Hell on Earth was just an expansion pack.
In fact it was just an expansion pack, but stretched out and spread thin.

>> No.6472068

Doom 2 should have been divided up into episodes like Doom was, resetting your inventory each time.

>> No.6472129

Pistol start, 0% secrets. GO GO GO!

>> No.6472132


>> No.6472160

more like making it a completely shit game

>> No.6472213

the fact i've seen better downtown areas on shareware roms are astounding

>> No.6472221

How well did they run on a 386?

>> No.6472243

486, more like.

>> No.6472307
