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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 256x187, Super Mario 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6464287 No.6464287 [Reply] [Original]

Why do i suck at this game

>> No.6464291

Because it's disorienting and the stick controls are unintuitive.

>> No.6464301

Because the controls are actually kind of shit, but remembered as good because 3D games before it had even worse controls.
If it wasn't your first game played with analog, you will never be good.

>> No.6464323
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>> No.6464330

Because of the Wario Apparation

>> No.6464334


>> No.6464343

The controls are amazing and the game easily holds up to any age as in almost all Mario games.
What you and OP are trying to figure out is why are people born after the xbox 360 are so bad at videogames.
The answer is because they became easy as fuck to appease the lazy western audience, full of health replenishing, a checkpoint every three steps and games that are literal corridors from start to finish.

>> No.6464374

Let’s not kid ourselves anon. There were plenty of easy games back then too. And no the controls aren’t as good as recent Mario games but they are quite fine.

>> No.6464415

are we talking about a game where you fill your health with every coin and water pool and you farm 1ups even when you aren't actually trying to do that?

>> No.6464439

Because you're quite effeminate just like >>6464291 and >>6464301.

>> No.6464445

What's there to suck at? It's not difficult. Nothing about this game is difficult. Not a single star.

>> No.6464453

At least when you die you have to begin the stage again, like in any Mario game.

>> No.6464468

Yeah, the controls are pure garbage. Surprising given how much time Nintendo puts into refining a game.

>> No.6466064 [DELETED] 

Is it some kind of board rule that we need to have 12 threads about this game per day?


>> No.6466218

It's a great game but the controls are a tad janky thanks to it's age, so if you are used to more modern 3D platformers I can see why this would be difficult for you.

>> No.6466224

What are some modern 3D platformers you'd recommend that you'd say have better controls than SM64?
And what exactly is janky about SM64's controls?

>> No.6466230

They aren't janky to the point of being unplayable or anything, but I do find mario a little bit slippery and weird at points for sure which has lead to me getting disoriented and dying a few times last I played. I would say nintendo really refined the controls in later 3D mario platformers.

>> No.6466242


felt the same way, switch to 64DS way better controlls

>> No.6466252

You are a queer

>> No.6466270

I wouldn't say janky, just nonsensical.
There's a reason non-Mario games never use triple jumps, sideways high jumps, and high backflips.

>> No.6466279

I've played Galaxy and 3DLand, and while I liked them, I felt they allowed for less freedom than SM64. I never felt SM64 had slippery controls, always very precise.
>There's a reason non-Mario games never use triple jumps, sideways high jumps, and high backflips.
But those are things that are usually praised in SM64. Also, Banjo-Kazooie also did similar stuff, I definitely Banjo having a backflip jump, but the thing with Banjo is that, as much as I like that game, the controls are slower and less-momentum based than in SM64.
I feel the reason non-Mario games never used stuff like sideways jumps and backflips is because it's hard to program all that and then playtest to make sure there isn't any glitches or weird clipping and stuff like that. Easier to just make a regular jump and call it a day, but again, that takes away all the freedom and refined momentum-based 3D platforming SM64 has.
What non-Mario games were you talking about, btw?

>> No.6466414

>I definitely Banjo having a backflip jump
Banjo Kazooie had a better backflip. It went upwards or forwards depending on what you wanted, and you could also do it while moving to get keep forward momentum.
Mario 64's went backwards, and only from a stationary position, so if you wanted to use it to get up anywhere you had to first turn your back to where you wanted to go and then come to a dead stop. Terrible.

>> No.6467256

>There's a reason non-Mario games never use triple jumps, sideways high jumps, and high backflips.

Because they aren't game of the year

>> No.6467258

>Mario 64's went backwards, and only from a stationary position, so if you wanted to use it to get up anywhere you had to first turn your back to where you wanted to go and then come to a dead stop. Terrible.

If you don't like stopping just use the side flip

>> No.6467441

At least you're honest. Thank you so much for to playing-a my game

>> No.6467445
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>> No.6467459

After not playing Mario 64 since I was 10 and going back now at 29 I was very surprised how good the controls were, especially since I've been playing Ape Escape 1 recently.

>> No.6467471
File: 2.89 MB, 267x200, 92899cf4e8dc58457e3dc12a7fd5c92ae572a2df_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6467507

Because the camera is total shit and the sensitivity of the stick controls take a long time to get used to as it's very difficult to be precise with an analog stick, and even more difficult to be precise quickly - Mario always feels like he walking through mud or running across ice, with very little in between.

They remedied this in the later games by altering the scaling of the inputs.

>> No.6467606

>Let's run away from where we want to go before sharply tugging the stick back and jumping
Mario 64 was an inspiring game in many regards, but thank fuck the industry was astute enough not to take inspiration from this abomination of a moveset, and double-jumping remained the platforming gold standard.

>> No.6467641

I've never seen someone complain about the side flip. Seems pretty intuitive to me, you build up some momentum so you can do a flip. Once you get the timing down it's trivial to execute and feels more satisfying than just pressing a dead simple button combo.
The 3D platformers that have followed Mario 64 are so fucking slow and boring in comparison. Banjo is the perfect example with his slow and stodgy movement. You're forced to just walk everywhere and take on every challenge in a linear fashion because the controls don't provide any freedom.
There's a very keen sense of momentum in 64 that has only been replicated, at least as far as I know, in the later mario titles. And those ones also decided to reduce the complexity of his moveset, a needless change if you ask me. I can only see complaining about it if those complex moves were required to beat the game and you just couldn't grasp it but I think there's only 1 or 2 stars that require the wall kick. The game is designed in such a way that you don't even need the more advanced techniques, you can just run and jump your way to the finish line. Fundamentally it's designed for 8 year olds to beat. The huge moveset provides a freedom of movement to more experienced players and allows you to complete the levels smoother and faster as you become more skilled with the controls. You don't have to be a speedrunner to enjoy it.

>> No.6467804

I don't even find it hard, I just hate it that I have to play a level multiple times to 100%.

>> No.6467908
File: 62 KB, 709x570, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being filtered by Mario 64 lmao. I beat this game and got almost every stars when I was 10 years old

>> No.6468054

Now that I'm 37 I can finally fit that n64 control stick in my ass.

>> No.6468387

I want to walk with this reasoning for a bit

What if someone replied to you and complained about double jumping, and argued that everything should be reachable with a single jump as it is even more simple and elegant and has even less redundancy

It's obvious that person doesn't *get* platforming. That person doesn't get that your character is a toy and you don't make a toy more fun by reducing it like a tool.