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File: 11 KB, 320x240, sega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6460649 No.6460649 [Reply] [Original]

I always said Seeguh.

>> No.6460656

Service Games-uh

>> No.6460659

Are you retarded? They literally say the name out loud in the beginning of certain Genesis games. Sey-guh and seh-guh are acceptable

>> No.6460663

They said their name when you see the logo how do you still manage to fuck up

>> No.6460676

And those games say SEEEE GAAAA. It was always pronounced that way in Australia

>> No.6460690

seh gah

not si, not say
yea, just like the games. seh gah

>> No.6460697


>> No.6460809

I pronounce it the same way Italians pronounce their word for masturbation. Seh-gah

>> No.6460813


>> No.6460823

I say it like the guy does for Comix Zone

>> No.6460835

Cega ya cunt

>> No.6460842
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Cega ya cunt

>> No.6461021

First syllabes of service and games.

>> No.6461045

seh-gah. its seh-gah. literally i used to have a sonic game on DS and the logo was pronounced with loading music lol

>> No.6461072


>> No.6461080


how do you pronounce that? (inb4 "like the e in sega")

>> No.6461084

Not this fucking thread again

>> No.6461225
File: 34 KB, 630x630, 1586901040481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you're Australian https://youtube.com/watch?v=Mfe6siGB8no

Doesn't matter to me. Most Americans agree: Australia rocks!

>> No.6461234


>> No.6462030

In Spanish. SEGA.

>> No.6462038


>> No.6462060


The problem with the "its pronounced how they say it at the begining of the game" is that not everyone hears the same. I always hear it as "sAy-gah" and cannot hear anything different no matter how hard I try, but from what I've seen online it looks like most people disagree with me.

>> No.6462183

Anglo countries pronounce it seh-guh mostly

>> No.6462220
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>> No.6462536 [DELETED] 

seh - gah.

You can say it differently if you want, but just remember Americans pronounce english REALLY weird.
"Mario looked in the mirror."

"Mohreeo looked een the meer."

You are a mongrel race, neither one thing nor the other, and you pronounce english words all wrong because you are not just English, youre italian/german/Dutch/polish/Slovene/Serb/Norwegian/scottish/irish and now increasingly Mexican, black and oriental.

>> No.6462719

lov me amiger
lov me sayger
ate nintentwats
simple as

>> No.6462727

>I always said Seeguh.
No, you didn't. Particularly since at least half their fucking games pronounce it for you when you turn the console on. Why would you lie about something so stupid?

>> No.6462763

a couple of the examples in that video do say "say-gah", but 95% of them are seh-gah
it takes a change in mouth shape to turn "seh" into "say", to end it with a i or y sound. i don't see how it can be difficult to distinguish
(these two say "say-gah")

>> No.6462770

always gets me when i watch an american film and they throw in some spanish words or phrases without subtitles like i'm supposed to know what they mean
are you just expected to know some spanish in america?

>> No.6462828

Have you ever been to this country? Serious question.

>> No.6462851

Nearly 1/5 of the population is latino. Even if you're not actively learning some variety of Spanish, you hear enough of it to know a few words.

>> No.6462854

>increasingly Mexican, black and oriental
Only the hispanics reproduce like rabbits, everyone else more or less reproduces as fast as they die off. Hence why black people are still only 13% of the population while hispanic children are already outnumbering *all* other children, let alone white children.

>> No.6462862

i've not been to america, no
damn, 20%? (americans using fractions everywhere is also confusing, but whatever)

>> No.6462870

Like an a with an umlaut.

>> No.6462872

16.7 on the books. Illegals probably push that number up a couple of percentage. Do foreigners have trouble with basic math? Explains how we got to the moon.

>> No.6462875

>Only the hispanics reproduce like rabbits, everyone else more or less reproduces as fast as they die off.
Have you seen how hot some Latinas are? I'd reproduce like rabbits with them too!

>> No.6462880

NA: SEY-GAH Genesis
EU: SEE-GUH Meggy Driver
JP: SEY-GAAH!!! Mega Durivu!!!

>> No.6462885

i think i heard this word in a speedrunning livestream with someone trying to teach a phrase in swedish
i forget exactly how it sounded

>Do foreigners have trouble with basic math?
heh, no, it's that we tend to use percentages and decimals (sub-1 numbers), so like i would say "0.75mm" rather than say, "12/16 in"
i can convert it, unlike spanish, it's just not what i'm used to

>> No.6462889

You mean 3/4.

>> No.6462892

They also age horribly fast. Probably why they pop out a minimum of 4 kids before they turn into goblins.

>> No.6462894

There's no i, no y, no ei, no ay. For me it's been always easy to differentiate since English isn't my first language.

>> No.6462902

Nah, that's just women in general (well except for asians). The birthings are hard on them.

>> No.6462903

i've seen plenty of examples where people divide inches into 16 or 64 parts, even if they can be simplified to lower divisor.

>> No.6462914

>except Asians
They have it worse, it all comes suddenly. Considering most hispanics have injun blood in them and the injuns came from asia, it seems very likely it was carried over.

>> No.6462917

>>>6462889 (You)
>i've seen plenty of examples where people divide inches into 16 or 64 parts, even if they can be simplified to lower divisor.
Yes, but it's weird.

>> No.6462938

just another reason why i think it's confusing
i understand why they would do that though, keep a couple of common divisors, you'd probably get used to them more easily

reminds me of that incident involving competition between a certain 1/4 pounder and 1/3 pounder
(speaking about 1/4, i also dislike how they tend to say "one fourth" rather than "a quarter", but that might just be me)

>> No.6462947

Mazda Miata Ass

>> No.6463145

>despite making up only 13 % of the population....

>> No.6463158

luv me PAL

>> No.6463162

Sugg - Ayy

>> No.6463167


Umlaut a is pronounced as English "a" as in "abc". I wouldnt know how to spell that - aigh ?

Normal a is like "ah".

Umlaut o is "oo" and normal o is "oh".

Umlaut u is like "yoo" and normal u is like "oo".

That is German at least. Basically its a "voiced" vowel. Some examples:

Stefi Graf = just as it looks.
Stefi Gräf = would be like "grafe", to rhyme with the English word "graze" (as in to graze your knee).
ä, ö, ü
Toni Kroos = Pronounced toni krohs
Toni Krös - would be pronounced like toni Kroos (english oo sound like "zoom"). Confusing, yeah. Two letters o besides each other like in "Kroos" has the english sound like "door".

As for ü, it is the most subtle.
Thomas Muller - like mooler.
Thomas Müller - like mYOO-ler.

So Benedikt Höwedes is not pronounced Benedikt how-eh-dis, as it would in English.
its like Hoo-ve-days.

>> No.6463176

Since the portmanteau of Sega comes from "Service Games", which are pronounced exactly as they read; sehr-viss gaym-s, it is most correct to say "Seh-gah". Which is what you said anyway, I am just adding to your point

>> No.6463192

>Umlaut a is pronounced as English "a" as in "abc". I wouldnt know how to spell that - aigh ?
or just "a". english speakers don't pronounce "a" as it is in the alphabet like "ah"

>> No.6463367

Hetch Dee

>> No.6463558


>> No.6463634


>> No.6463650

Everyone I knew growing up pronounced it like "So-gey". Must be a weird regional thing.

>> No.6463957

Nah, I'm with you anon

>> No.6464249

I'm american and i left. America is literally the worst country on earth. Thank god america is finally collapsing

>> No.6464250


>> No.6464268

sah gey

>> No.6464285

>sega, more like seGAY amirite lol

>> No.6464286

>It was always pronounced that way in Australia
Based Australian accent

>> No.6464289
File: 110 KB, 497x640, 1564505092769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464290

they don't pronounce it like "seeee", unless you mean that as an elongated "seh", because idk about you, but when i see "seeee", i pronounce it like, well, "see"

so that should be SEHHH GAAAA

>> No.6464292

say gah

>> No.6464294

>arguing over pronunciation of a logo when half the time the logo actually says it out loud
asking the real questions

>> No.6464297

>"Mohreeo looked een the meer."
are you confusing americans with bongs?

>> No.6464318

he's not, the only people i know to pronounce "mirror" anything like "meer" are americans

>> No.6464324

Americans pronouncing mirror as
are uneducated hicks

>> No.6464328

>Americans are uneducated hicks
Breaking news.

>> No.6464332

oh, /those/ amecians don't count... right

>> No.6464338

Bongs say mirra, Americans say meer or merr

>> No.6464350

I don't care if I take your bait, they don't count in this Americans opinion. Some of us are lucky enough to realize we're not the center of the universe. And that's good because there are so many amazing cultures in the world that we Amerifats could learn a thing or two from.

>> No.6464370

That is definitely not how you grew up pronouncing Sega, insecure liar.

>> No.6464397

Keep projecting, Celtic-Pakimutt. We have had something called the "one drop rule" here for the past 150 years, meaning whites in most areas of the US are 100% northern European. You, on the other hand, have promoted sexual promiscuity in in so many parts of your culture that you fuck everything that moves, as expected of the sloppy-seconds underclass, ecumenical genetics that makes up your modern "we WERE white" nation. You are ruled by us because you are literally inferior to us in every way.

>> No.6464420

never heard an american say meer so i'm curious where in the backwater country you found them

>> No.6464652


>> No.6464827
File: 16 KB, 276x276, 1D8E34C3820D152F50BA3B5FFFC1B40B7C80F573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I say, Sey-ey-ey-guh
I said "Sey-guh, what's gone wrong with you OP?"

>> No.6464907

Yeah thats how ive always said it.

>> No.6465373

It is, because we called the "Mega Drive" the "Sega Mega", with sega rhyming with "mega". In fact, thats why (I thought) they called it that; because it rhymes.

So the question becomes, how do YOU pronounce "Mega"?
Please dont tell me you say "may-guh". It is "meh-gah".
Sega Mega. Thats what a lot of people in Britain called it
you talk about a one drop rule and yet I am literally 100% White north-west european and you will probably have like 1 - 5 % Red Indian or hispanic or mediterranean european DNA in you (by law of averages.)
Med Euros are still white, but not *as* white, if you get my meaning. They produced great civilizations, and well before Nordics did, at that.

>> No.6465741





ahhhhh..... another thread shitted up

>> No.6465956

>I don't see how it can be difficult to distinguish
I don't know what to tell you, I hear it as "say-gah"for pretty much all of them in the video except from Sig, Schezo and Ex from around here:


Not saying that means "say-gah" is the correct way to pronounce it but growing up I always assumed it was correct because that's what I heard and still hear today.

>> No.6465964

>Since the portmanteau of Sega comes from "Service Games"..

Wouldn't the correct way to pronounce it be Seh-gay then?

>> No.6465968
File: 22 KB, 476x456, 1581663432291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything else is wrong. It hurts to hear americans say "Say-gah".

>> No.6465993


>> No.6466042

It says "say-gah" but because Americans never had the mega drive they had no point of reference to distinguish the obvious "ay" sound in the opening from the "eh" sound in Meh-gah drive.

I mean seriously, do Americans think the console was called "Seh-gah meh-gah" drive? That repitition of the "eh" sounds retarded. "Say-gah meh-gah" drive sounds much more normal.

>> No.6466053

no, because Mega and Sega rhyme.

Meh-ga and say-ga dont rhyme, and that is pointless and gay.
Unless you say "may-gah" for "mega" and then it is you that is the gay one.

good point. Segay? Sega is sort of gay, well, its fanboys are, anyway

>> No.6466336

the difference is that the "se" in sega doesn't end in the mouth shape change needed to produce an 'e' sound
'say' has 3 distinct sounds to it (i think they're called phonemes? i might be mistaken), "ss" "eh" "ee". "sega" only uses the first two, and doesn't transition into the last ("ee")
i can see how it could be perceived as a silent "e", especially since "se" alone doesn't mean anything in english, and the "e" sound in "say" can be quite subtle, maybe it's just that your mind really wants to hear the closest familiar word (say)

>> No.6466339

The cold hard reality of realising you’ve been wrong your entire life.

>> No.6466346

no, because the japanese don't pronounce "games" like "gaim's", but rather something like "gee'mu"

>> No.6466504

just been watching a speedrun and he says it like that
i don't know enough about american accents to tell where he's from in america, but there you go

>> No.6466514

okay, his profile on speedrun.com says he's from Rhode Island

>> No.6466518

Is it セガ or セーガ?

>> No.6466521


>> No.6466562

just セガ

>> No.6466570

So, Seh-Geh?

>> No.6466587

heh, i know it also doesn't sound like 'ga', but not all portmanteau are pronounced like their components

>> No.6466604

Japanese romanize "Service" as "saabisu".
So, officially, it's Sah-Geh.
If you want it to sound like how americans pronounce, it's Seh-Gay.

>> No.6466612

now it just sounds too much like sake

>> No.6466635
File: 133 KB, 340x305, N30nRJp[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6466934

Rjode islander here; our dialect is a sick love child of Southie Boston and a bad impression of a New Yorker, and does not represent anything remotely close to the average American accent

>> No.6467032


>> No.6467090

Wrong, I have 0% Indian or hispanic/italic blood. Mostly English, with some Dutch and German. My surname is old Scandanavian. One drop rule is not a meme.

>> No.6468023

like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh5eis0sMHI

>> No.6468101

I used to say Zee~grah~haaz~badh~schnazzel~dagh. Its not 100% corect though.

>> No.6468106

I pronounce it Sega.

>> No.6468108

I'm in California and people say "meer" all the time.

>> No.6468138

i've never heard anyone from rhode island before. thanks
you're not even an island
north or south?

>> No.6468665 [DELETED] 

I lol'd when Sega renamed themselves to Sega Games, did they forget what the "ga" part of Sega was?

>> No.6468983

I always heard it as "SAYYYYYYGAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" but suddenly now I hear the "SEHHHHGAHHHH" this is fucked