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File: 31 KB, 243x409, Seiken_Densetsu_3_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457412 No.6457412 [Reply] [Original]

When does this get good? Been playing for a bit and the story is very generic (find the seven mcguffins etc) and the combat is very shallow.

>> No.6457414

Remake is better. It's about the combat, and if you don't enjoy it then you won't enjoy it.

>> No.6457426

if it's not your bag in the first hour, then you're not going to like the rest of it. it's a technicaly tour-de-force for an SNES game, though

>> No.6457427

well it's an old jrpg, so it gets good once you finish it and move on, and look back at it with nostalgia-goggles highlighting the characters you liked, some parts of the story , and maybe 10 or 20minutes of boss battles that were memorable, the other 20hours of boredom gets forgotten.

>> No.6457478


so it's shit, then?

>> No.6457517
File: 335 KB, 465x587, 1589807325639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i like that, what games will I like

>> No.6457539

nah, it's just not for you. game is tight af

>> No.6457571

The first hour isn't very representative of the rest of the game. That part can be a drag due to the stupid amount of backtracking required. The game really takes off during the assault on Rolante and onwards.

>> No.6457623

It gets good when you use the 3 player patch and have 2 more friends to play with.

>> No.6457634


The remake is better. Also try the remake of secret of mana is better. Haters go away. I grew up with the originals.

>> No.6457636

have you tried games or genres, you actually like?

>> No.6457641

Gets good when you pick your characters and start.

If you don't like it, it ain't for you and that's fine.

>> No.6457643
File: 26 KB, 256x224, americandragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first hour isn't very representative of the rest of the game.

Unfortunately it's the best part of the game. After Wendel there is no real story, just going to places and grinding in a very clunky system full of bugs. Most of SD3's fame comes from simply not being released in the west. The graphics are nice, and so is the music but that's it.

>> No.6457645

>The remake is better. Also try the remake of secret of mana is better. Haters go away. I grew up with the originals.
found the guy who never had any friends to couch co-op with.

>> No.6457651

I've been tempted to buy the SoM remake but I've heard they really fucked the game's music. If true then that's a big no-no.

>> No.6457697

You can switch to the classic score and also disable the voices.

>> No.6457707

i dunno, I played the fan translation and ended up dropping it due to quality issues.

>> No.6457717

The soundtrack remade is fucking awesome

>> No.6457746

>There's no real story
There's a story, its just that you don't spend nearly as much time between spirits like you do for the first 4. Its similar to secret where it takes a good while to get the first 4 spirits and you get the last ones almost back to back.

>> No.6457850
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All cool then. I'm going to give it a try once I'm done with FF5. Cheers anons.

>> No.6458205

You know, I always find it strange that anons are complaining that the remake removed the undodgeable attacks in SD3, especially when its cited by many to be one of its most annoying features. Most of them were just glorified tickle damage but I guess they're just trying to rationalize why the remake of an already easy game is still easy.

>> No.6458253

Probably another case of "old good new bad". Unavoidable attacks made combat extremely reliant on RNG and some group of enemies could wipe your party instantly if the AI decided to chain cast screen wiping abilities. Those fucking werewolves and ninjas gave me PTSD.

The remake made you rely on dodging instead of RNG which is a very good thing, but I think the dodge window should be tighter and the enemy damage more punishing in hard mode because the game is a bit too easy right now.

>> No.6458985

It's basically a beat-em-up, if you don't like it you don't like it.

>> No.6459017

It's a good multiplayer game, but a meh singleplayer game.

>> No.6459809


I agree with this; Nuclear Fusion sounds great

>> No.6459824

There are mods that allow you to increase enemy stats among others. The dodge window is okay but the problem is that enemies aren't aggressive enough in the vanilla game to really warrant it. Also doesn't help that the final classes are badly balanced and kills the game's difficulty.

>> No.6459919

Yeah I'm aware of those difficulty mods but I'm waiting for them to be a bit more fleshed out. Boosting the enemies' stats is something but I wish we had something akin to Sin of Mana.

But first, modders need to find a way to unfuck the AI of companions. I can't imagine fighting the Sin of Mana version of Dolan while managing two retards who can't get out of a red circle to save their lives.

>> No.6460001

I don't mind Sin of Mana (i cleared all three routes) but Dolan is one of the cases of bad design in that hack. None of the other beasts had such a binary mechanic where its either use a T3 Class Strike or get fucked especially when SD3 is as iffy as it already is with hit detection.
Also with regards to the AI, i think its a case of if the AI was too good it would trivialize the game so they made them retarded on purpose because I have never seen a party system ARPG where the ally members weren't drooling retards. What I really want is the ability to turn off spells that I don't want them casting.

>> No.6460545

I self inserted as the knight and treated the mage as my tsundere gf
It made it fun

>> No.6460897

How did Square pull off making an entire series of mediocre to shit games? The Mana series had so much potential but always fall short.

>> No.6460905

They're meant to be sort of casual easy on purpose anon. So that you can bring some art major qt over to your room and be like here try mashin some buttons and lookin at this gorgeous.

>> No.6460958

The first one was a good zelda clone with great gimmick(every weapon had an use).
Secret of Mana was the productor wanting to do a FF4 being an action oriented but ended up being a Mana title, so it ends up being weird.
Trials is the persons trying to improve secret, but it ends up being overshadowed by Terranigma.
After Legends of mana ,Square didn't care until they got a decent team to remake Trials of mana.

>> No.6460967

>but it ends up being overshadowed by Terranigma.
pretty sure Terranigma lost money

>> No.6460990

Mana had potential but a lot of it is just them not getting enough budget or unfortunate circumstances. Also doesn't help that it had a series of experimental games during the PS2-DS era along with SE's notorious mismanagement for non FF/DQ series.

Let me fix that for you.
Secret got killed when the SNES CD addon got canned forcing them to scrap a lot of the game.
Trials is far more popular than Terranigma in Japan especially for the people who grew up in that era. For example, there are multiple references to it in Pop Team Epic and Trials still managed to have a decent enough doujin scene despite its age over time.
Its being overshadowed is a western problem because SE decided not to localize it due to it being a late SNES game.

>> No.6463116
File: 18 KB, 446x336, 6494d9a65195279d35717e6d97375037c34660e076011dc05bcc67011a212df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it.

>> No.6463368

like the rest of the anons said, if you don't like it by the first hour just shut it off. I got the collection of mana after loving the trials remake, but hated everything on the collection. I don't mind though, hopefully supporting the series will get us more sequels.

>> No.6463374

>My attacks should never miss
>Also the enemy can't have undodgeable attacks

>> No.6464772


>> No.6466697

I haven't played the remake but I was really underwhelmed by SD3. It has a generic plot to balance its choose your characters design and when it comes to gameplay, the game barely works the way it's supposed to.

The only fun part of the game is experimenting with the classes but they themselves are unbalanced and it makes no sense to purposefully gimp yourself after spending however long grinding for said class change which you're bound to do.

I really want to love it, and I've given it more than a couple of tries over the years but it's not a very fun or fulfilling game.

I can see what it's going for but it doesn't do a very good job of it. I guess that's what the remake is for though.

>> No.6467013

>I can see what it's going for but it doesn't do a very good job of it. I guess that's what the remake is for though.
If only the remake were better. I've played it like 6 times through so far, but I could be a much bigger fan if it weren't insultingly easy. Heals are shoehorned into most of the classes because you could be stupid enough to pick 3 non-healers otherwise, but items are still strong enough to get mediocre to bad players through fights. If you just set the rule for yourself that you'll never use items, then healing is still a little bit too strong for a game like this. Feels like I never get punished for anything except not grinding adequately(skipping fights entirely, the game doesn't expect you to grind ever, even for one second)

>> No.6467843

>Heals are shoehorned into most of the classes because you could be stupid enough to pick 3 non-healers otherwise
There are 24 final classes in the game and only 6 of them have healing spells (Charlotte, Light Duran and Light Kevin). Its easier to make a team with no healing than it is to make one with healing. As for the strength of healing, at least in the remake anyway, items are stronger than healing spells for pretty much the entire game and even if you do ban them, only Charlotte does any meaningful healing numbers wise. As for damage, the AI gets itself killed effortlessly in the remake especially from spells which can easily 2-3 shot them. The problem is more from a player side thing because they aren't aggressive enough so anyone with half a brain will only face some sort of challenge from fights where there's a lot of enemies on the screen at once (so just Wall, Golems and Mispolm).
As it is now, the only way to play the game is with the Hard Mod on PC.

>> No.6467893

You forgot that duran and reisz both have heals in their kit.
>but you can't do it in the middle of a fight!
You have red indicators and still get generous i-frames during roll. Victory heal is plenty, ticking HP regen is insane.

>> No.6467904

>it's balanced so that you can play without heals, but heals still exist
>it's too easy so you don't need the items anyway
>the ai is godawful
This was an intentional choice, along with making healers not heal for extended periods of time inexplicibly. They needed an item-sink because of what I described.
This. Literally only Angela can't get heals, because they didn't want people to be able to fuck up that bad, and yet, still, because people CAN fuck up that bad you can fully heal yourself ~35 times in a single fight in a game where you can dodgeroll INTO ATTACKS to become invulnerable.

>> No.6467920

You're playing the game completely wrong. Play Charlotte, and try to keep your Angela and Hawkeye alive while they're set to never attack by conserving 100% MP and supporting only. I believe you will find the game to be quite difficult.

>> No.6468002

Uh, dude, there are only 6 final classes.

>> No.6469301

every character has 4 final classes which makes 24

did the remake add an ultimate class for each character or something?

>> No.6469323

Whats the play order of the mana games
Final Fantasy Adventure is Mana 1, where is Mana 2?

>> No.6469328

>did the remake add an ultimate class for each character or something
Yes. Did you not play the remake, or are you not the person who I'm talking to? That's why I said they shoehorned the heals into all the classes. They didn't exist before, in the old game. The remake gives literally every character but angela heal options in their first class change.

>> No.6469331

Sorry, I'm retarded, because I don't think Hawkeye has any heals either. They clearly intended to have exactly as many characters as they could without heals while the player can't possibly pick any combination of three that can't.

>> No.6469341

I'm gonna be honest anon I actually am not that guy. I played through the original (translation patched) a few times on an emulator and was not immediately impressed with anything other than Reis and Angela's thighs when i played the remake for about 10 minutes.

I've been meaning to try and get into it but I'm still in the intro.

>> No.6469351

If you don't like it, bro, I don't think you'll like it. I really enjoy the combat, and the simple PS2-era dungeon design. There's no supporting story; it literally exists as a vessel for gameplay with some of the weakest most predictable plot points, even at the time. They should have stuck to only voicing the main cast; the PCs and the fairy. The voice stuff is such a tragedy.

>> No.6469368

No I like all the Mana games

when did I say I didn't like it?

the remake just doesn't have a very good color palette, it looks more like a dragon quest game than a mana game so i put it down while I finish hard mode in ff7 remake

i'm sure it'll be fine once i get onto the golden road unless they somehow made that look lame too

>> No.6469378

Anon, you can like a series and not like every game they ever released.

>> No.6469398

lol i don't need permission to like what i like

>> No.6469410

>impressed by nothing about it

>> No.6469443

anon almost nothing impresses me but i still like a lot of things

>> No.6469513

My guy.

>> No.6469520

I didn't say you have to hate it or can't like it, bro. I was just telling you not to waste too much time on a game that doesn't call out to you because Trials is exactly what it looks like, with no redeeming qualities for people who don't like the core gameplay.

>> No.6469575

the fuck business is it of yours how i spend my time

this shit is fun and comfy even if they didn't get it perfectly right

>> No.6469605

>i haven't played it 10 minutes
>it's fun and comfy
>it didn't impress me
>still trying to get into it
>mind your own business
Anon, calm the fuck down.

>> No.6469657

10 minutes was enough to already know what it's gonna be like.