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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6454569 No.6454569 [Reply] [Original]

Games your parents didnt approve of

>> No.6454580

My parents never let me play monopoly because it’s for the proletariat

>> No.6454589 [DELETED] 

Was your dad's name Karl?

>> No.6454785

My parents never gave a shit what I played.

>> No.6454845

It was Mortal Kombat until my parents saw how gooofy it looked.

>> No.6454859

>Mortal Kombat
because of news coverage?

>> No.6454876

Doom, shortly after its release. I later found out that my father played it every night from then on.

>> No.6454910

Parents were JWs. I played everything from E.V.O search for eden to chrono trigger.

Parents let me play everything from Duke3D to Doom. As long as I was killing "aliens" and not human beings. But that didn't stop me from playing wolfenstein. I remember a friend of mine brought Warcraft 2 over and asked if it was too violent after killing an Orc. I said it was fine even though it wasnt.

The only game they had a problem with was Casper because it played an unskippable cutscene with creepy laughter and I couldn't shut the game off. They claimed the game was satanic and told me not to play it again

>> No.6454920

Didn't exist. Played the fuck outta Duke Nukem when I was seven.

>> No.6454935

Growing up my parents never had an issue with any of the games I played. My dad used to have most of his meetings at a coffee shop/internet cafe owned by a friend of his, and I would frequently go along just to have one of the delicious muffins they made and hang out. One of the employees installed his copy of Grand Theft Auto on one of their machines shortly after it was released, and I sat there playing it for a couple of hours completely enthralled until my dad came over and spent probably half an hour playing it himself. We immediately drove to CompUSA and bought a copy. Fast forward a few years and Vice City had just come out. Remembering how much my dad enjoyed the original GTA I showed the game to him thinking he would be just as impressed with it as I was, but instead he proceeded to bitch and moan about how violent the game was. While I was too old for him to 'forbid' me to play it by then it was obvious that he really wanted to. I have no idea why he hated that game so much when he'd loved the first two.

>> No.6454939

Oh yes GTA 1 was glorious. Great story

>> No.6455430

My mom was a crazy bitch sometimes. street fighter 2, mortal kombat, gta all too violent. She would get violent if she saw us playing them. Also I couldnt watch R rated horror movies. No wonder I grew up to be such a pussy.

>> No.6455578

i guess because GTA1/2 is more detached than the other 3d ones. You are basicly squishing ants in the first two games.

>> No.6455618
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My bro and I wanted to rent Conker's Bad Fur Day, mom just had to look at the back of the box. I've still never played it, it's expensive as fuck now

>> No.6455624

My mom, being somewhat christian, didn't let me borrow an older friend's game. He wanted me to try it out but she didn't like it. It was a game called "Devil crash." Too satanic.

Instead, I ended up getting Earthworm Jim and Bio-hazard battle. I think I ended up with the better games.

>> No.6455868


My parents never actively disapproved of any games. It's likely that I've played one or two porn games that they'd have a problem with... like that one .SWF (probably not "retro"??) with the sexy anime girl restrained in a dungeon or something and you can stomp on her or stick needles in her or whatever until she dies. That one was a little too much for me actually. (Only a little though.) Regardless, that's how far I have to go to think of something that might have motivated them to set limits for me.

Maaaaybe my dad would have been uncomfortable with some devil-themed games, like Demon's Crest or Diablo. But he didn't engage closely enough with my gaming for that to ever come up. Mom certainly wouldn't have minded much (if at all); she was into horror movies and stuff.

>> No.6455889

Nothing was off limits, paim all the way

>> No.6455892

Goldeneye 007 because you shoot people in it.

>> No.6456136

I got some comments of disapproval about maybe a few games but don't remember being banned from anything. Wasn't until gen6 though. Once I had them and had seen it not much point taking it away (plus movies show worse) but think there was some regret after I got a copy of DOA Xtreme. Did fucking well as a kid in that regard.
It was pretty much anything goes for local multiplayer though because it was more or less family time for us. There were some more family friendly things like Worms but also some that probably really weren't appropriate when I was young (Dead or Alive). I think it's very different when you're playing with parents/siblings though and can have some context, be taught what is and isn't okay etc.

>> No.6457821

My mother never outright banned me from playing anything as far as I can recall, but I remember she really didn't like it when I was playing Final Fight and she saw Haggar beating on Poison, feeling it was glorifying hitting women.

Oddly enough, in later years when I told her Poison is actually a tranny so it was OK, she wasn't impressed.

>> No.6457827

None, but my mom hated when I played n64 since I would play for 8-12 hours a day

>> No.6458940




>> No.6458970

It really is goofy as hell. It's funny that it got the reputation that it did when the violence really is absolutely Bugs Bunny tier, only they add some drops of blood, crudely depicted decapitations, and some pretty silly use of skeletons.
Mileena will swallow an entire person whole and then chuck up a big stream of cartoony femurs, and faggots dead ass was afraid that the violence was too realistic.

Maybe it looked too real for him? The way the violence happens is much closer to you as the player.
How else was he about videogames?

>Oddly enough, in later years when I told her Poison is actually a tranny so it was OK, she wasn't impressed.
Lol, worked on Nintendo Of America.

>> No.6458982

You guys parents sound interesting, how else were they about other media? How were they to grow up with in general, and whats your relations with them now?

>> No.6459032
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Nothing was off limits

>> No.6459048

>GTA 1

>> No.6459050

My mom was such a fucking stick-in-the-mud I almost didn't get to play OOT when it came out. She banned Power Rangers. Mortal Kombat was a hard "no". So was basically anything with a gun, for being a "murder simulator".

>> No.6459067

>conkers BFD
are we supposed to

>> No.6459069

>You guys parents sound interesting,
The word you are looking for is "insane".

>> No.6459116

every gen 1/2 pokemon game cause my fundamentalist aunt told my slightly less fundamentalist mom that pokemon was "pocket devil" in japanese

also harry potter cause muh dnd wizard = satan panic but harry potter is kinda shit so i don't really regret not getting into it as a kid

>> No.6459153

My dad had GTA: San Andreas on his old laptop and he did not know. One time my parents saw me playing it and they were horrified. I could never play a Grand Theft Auto game until i downloaded SA again while R* was giving it for free.

>> No.6459163
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you missed out on a really good pinball game

weird though cause it wasn't even called devil's crash in us/europe. the publisher satanic panic-proofed it

>> No.6459165

>She Banned Power Rangers.
And i thought my Mom was crazy.

>> No.6459183

Is for >>6459050

>> No.6459238

My grandparents returned the copy of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 they had bought my little brother for Christmas when they noticed the ESRB rating on it. (We already had the original MK3 for my SNES anyway)

Other than that we were Catholic growing up so we were allowed to play anything we wanted to because we weren't retards like American Protestants are.

>> No.6459315

Better off emulating\using a flash cart anyway. Flash carts\ODEs are far cheaper than getting all the good games for anything these days that's for sure.

>> No.6459343

It's in Rare Replay which is available on Gamepass.

>> No.6459473

Jesus Christ that's an ugly creature.

You say potato, I say tomato.


>> No.6459518

The first couple of Harry Potter books are ok children's stories, you read them when you're eight and the story works, you don't examine the world very critically, it's fine. It falls apart when Rowling tries to turn them into young adult novels because she can't really write on that level, and the previous books aren't a viable foundation for that either (because they were written to be whimsical children's books), so it really makes the story, characters, and setting come off as mostly stupid when she tried framing them in a more mature way.

Incidentally, Pokémon never did stop being for children and young teens, which is probably why it has had a pretty consistent presence and hasn't gone off a cliff in terms of quality. On the other hand it has also been spinning its wheels for 20+ years and done little that's really new, so if you're invested in it for the long term, it either feels rather stagnant, or you find its predictable formula comforting, possibly due to aspergers.

>> No.6459807

>Devil crash
They didnt let you play a pinball game but they let you play biohazard battle

>> No.6459958
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to be fair devil crash is about as unsettling as a pinball game gets. i don't know if i'd recommend it to a little kid

>> No.6459961

yet THIS is any better?


>> No.6459978

Some shithead's crotchspawn did something heinous to another 7-year-old (I think he beat the other poor kid so bad he ended up in the ICU, unprovoked). When his grammy (who was raising him in lieu of the dysfunctional drug-addled parents, OF COURSE) asked him whatever could've possessed him to fly off at the handle like that, he said "They do that kind of stuff on Power Rangers all the time and no one gets hurt that baaaaad!".

That's all it took for the local news affiliates to run wild with it. The Japs were brainwashing our kids to be killers or some shit.

>> No.6459982
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Pic related was not allowed, no discussions because my dad fought in Vietnam, and my mother didn't think it was amusing at all that they made a video game about it. When I noted that WWII games didn't seem to bother me, so told me that was different, end of story.

>> No.6459992

*she told me
I didn't care anyway since the game looked shitty and lo and behold, it was.

>> No.6460039

>mom goes to Europe to become a prostitute
>sends money back home
>buy a shitload of video games
>she comes back and becomes a Christian
>decides the eyes on the video characters are the eyes of the devil
>smashes my Megaman X4 disc in half

What the fuck man

>> No.6460093

Poison was only in the jap release, faggot.

>> No.6460419

Gonna go out on a limb and suggest it's possible that maybe he had some very bad experiences in Vietnam, and your mom didn't want him to go off into some episode. She should probably have been more straight with you about that if it was the case though.

Did he ever talk about what he did there?

>> No.6460421

bruh, everything ok at home?

>> No.6460445

>Did he ever talk about what he did there?
Eventually and only once. Never when I was a kid, for good reason. Yeah it was bad. He built dog runs and trained them and also went into the tunnels. It's his words "killed a lot of people". Also friendly fire accidentally annihilated a group of his Vietnamese friends. He said it was common that regular Vietnamese and Americans would be friends in certain
My dad laughed a mocking laugh when he learned that such a game even existed, but my mother was pissed at Nintendo. Yes, they didn't make the game, but you know moms.

>> No.6460449

*in his words
On another note, one of my grandfather's who was in WWII as a medic couldn't give a shit that I was playing 1942 on the NES. Very different wars and very different generations, I guess.

>> No.6460482

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. Some people were on base or did other support roles and never got close to the killing, some did but maybe it happened in less traumatic ways. Then I guess everyone coped differently about it.

I recall some story of how their airforce WW2 veteran grandpa was impressed with some flightsim set in the pacific theater, because the planes looked so authentic and spot on.
I also heard someone supposedly showed Strike Witches to Chuck Yeager and he thought it was hilarious, probably anecdotal, but who knows.

>> No.6460519

My uncle wouldn't let us play Nightmare Creatures for the N64

>> No.6460557

My parents would always fight and argued a lot and it made growing up chaotic. Not overly religious but very overprotective. They are both still married and happily miserable. I should have moved out a long time ago. My older brothers video game stuff is my most prized possession I miss those happy nostalgic memories.

>> No.6460864
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The only one I wasn't able to rent.

>> No.6460943

Oddly enough, any fighting game, including SF2
I had to convince my parents that it was just goofy violence to be able to play Smash 64

>> No.6460970

My mom had a horrible childhood so luckily for me everything was rather tame from her perspective. I was playing mortal kombat at 5 years old kek and never assaulted anyone in my life

>> No.6460989

My parents let me enjoy whatever I wanted.

>> No.6461141

Grand Theft Auto 2, all because of that one job for the Russians.

>> No.6461150

Are Jehovahs the ones who can't drink coffee or get blood transfusions or is that Adventists?

>> No.6461785

I think the only game I ever actually wanted that they had a problem with was Smash 64 for some weird reason, no problem with Melee a couple years later though. I mostly just played racing games when I was young enough for them to really care what I was playing though.

>> No.6461792

They're the ones who believe Jesus already returned and this is the result. True believers see something completely different than we filthy heathens, of course.

>> No.6461848
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>be me, early 90s, elementary school aged
>troubled teenage cousin is living with my parents and I
>treats me like a little brother
>go to arcade and we play Mortal Kombat
>it's all I can think about and talk about afterwards
>beg my parents for the Genesis port
>they've watched the bullshit news on how violent and controversial game is
>tell me no
>cousin isn't having it
>goes out and buys me a copy (or stole it most likely)
>gives it to me and I am beyond happy
>literally 10-minutes after I start playing it dad comes downstairs
>recognizes game and asks me where i got it
>tell him cousin got it for me
>pulls cart out of Genesis and goes in basement to yell at cousin
>made cousin take it back
>cousin gets kicked out of our house a week later

>> No.6461913

I was allowed to watch pretty much everything from Terminator to robocop.

The only things that were off limits were films with ghosts and witchcraft. Intially I was not allowed to play Pokemon, yugioh or watch power rangers. Because there seen as witchcraft, violent and satanic. But eventually I was allowed to do these things. My parents were pretty chill.

The turning point was when Pirates of the Caribbean came out. My parents were intially hesitant to allow me to watch the film because of the witchcraft and undead. My friends were really good friends with a geriatric woman that was a devout follower. But she had a daughter who was around my parents that wasnt really that keen on the rules. She convinced my parents pirates of the caribbean is fun and to just make an exception for it.

After that my parents basically let me watch anything and everything and they slowly started distancing themselves from the religion

>> No.6462295

When I was a wee lad, my dad and I had a deal. He bought me any NES game I wanted once a month, in exchange for me keeping quiet about him poking my butthole. It went smoothly for a couple years. But then he got caught fingering his boss' kid. He got sent away after that. After that I could only rent games.

>> No.6462328
File: 83 KB, 649x650, playstation-ps1-duke-nukem-land-of-the-babes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to friend house
>early 00's playing one of Duke Nukem on PSOne
>like the game, gotta buy it since I have bros and they could fuck someone else's stuff
>go to store, look for Dick Kickem
>find two
>pick Land of the Babes, hoping that it is the one I played with friend
>come home, insert discc
>Start watching the intro while mom was behind me, she saw everything
>tells me that either I change the game or I won't allowed to stay home
>changed it and got FFVIII
>she talked to dad. dad gave zero flying fuck.

Pic related, not the same game

>> No.6462347

So was it Time to Kill you played (another 3rd person adventure game) or was it Total Meltdown (which was the PS1 port of Duke 3D)?

>> No.6462365

Time to Kill. a 3rd person.

By that time, I knew about Duke 3D. It wasn't it.

>> No.6462379 [DELETED] 

>right now the child of some 4chan poster is not allowed to play video games, or use the internet or watch tv or movies because "trannies and jews globohomo"
Would suck to be that kid

>> No.6462381

I was allowed to watch all the violent movies I wanted, as long as I never swore IRL and never became a satanist or an SJW. I always had to explain how I was acting selfish and aggressive in games, because if they saw me being helpful or caring about people, it was banned. For example, I was allowed to play Duke Nukem, but Doom was off limits because my Dad thought by killing demons, I was helping sinners escape punishment.

They didn't use the word SJW, obviously, but basically my brother came out when I was young, and were hypervigilant about anything that might suggest I was going to be a fruit like him. I turned out to be a tranny, so joke's on them.

I also wasn't allowed to watch the Simpsons because my dad was afraid it would turn me into a smartassed rebel. Which worked perfectly, as you can surely tell.

>> No.6462384 [DELETED] 
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Especially if he's one those kids whose teacher is a monster straight out of doom.

Can you blame the kid?

>> No.6462389

What does this have to do with retro games?

>> No.6462992

Oh, it's this guy again.

>> No.6463248
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>> No.6463502


>> No.6463532
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This was the first game I owned ever and I remember my parents said I could play any game on it except for Shinobi (strangely they didn't seem to care about Golden Axe or Streets of Rage I think they just assumed a ninja game must have blood and gore in it) and if I played it when they weren't home they didn't know. Given that I was a dumb kid and had a genetic predisposition towards simpering servility to authority figures thanks to my German heritage I believed them and never played it as if God himself were watching me.

>> No.6463560

Never had many video game-related problems at home (except for my Baptist grandmother and Spyro of all things, but she was an emotional mess anyway), but I remember visiting a friend that had GTA 2 for Playstation when he was nine. I think it might have actually belonged to his brother, but all I remember is that his mom only allowed us to play it if we promised to not steal any cars or use any weapons. Even back then that rule felt weird and half-assed, and as soon as she stepped out for groceries we started stealing taxis and starting fires like nothing had happened. Same day I heard hip-hop for the first time, and the word shit, coincidentally from his mom while she made lunch.

>> No.6463576
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I think this was my only prohibited game. 7th Guest was fine, though.

>> No.6464589

> How about some chuck steak?

>> No.6465052

I'm sure if you went back in time and showed Tipper Gore and Liberman the latest MK game, they'd commit suicide on the spot.

>> No.6465149
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>Get Gamepro subscription for my 8th birthday
>Finally; I'm one of the cool kids now
>Take my issues to school to share with friends
>Dad usually gets the mail, so he doesn't care about the Mortal Kombat covers
>Eventually, pic related arrives in the mail
>Mom sees it and flips the fuck out
>Immediately has my subscription canceled

I was pissed off, but there was nothing I could do. I was even more pissed because my mom had a pretty chill opinion on Mortal Kombat (i can play it at the arcades, but can't have it at home), so I had no idea why the CyberDemon upset her so much.

>> No.6465329
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>grow up in the 90s
>big family, youngest of four brothers
>tons of masculine energy in the house
>one of my brothers is in high school, introduces us to Doom, Duke 3d, MK, and Warcraft
>some time passes, it's the late 90 and everything is edgy and X-TREME
>games like Turok are pushing virtual gore to new levels, the attitude era of WWF was starting to swing into full gear, and nu-metal was at its peak (fuck you, if you're a man of a certain age, you listened to nu-metal as a kid)
>suddenly, Columbine and Woodstock 99 happen just months apart
>constant news coverage about violent media and music turning kids into serial killers
>something snaps and awakens the latent 70s-era feminist in my mother
>she suddenly goes on a crusade to control what kind of games we played and what music we listened to
>after years of not really giving a shit
>my dad, who loves a lot of this shit as much as we do, thinks it's a harmless way for young boys to get out some aggression
>this drives a wedge between them, and they start fighting about other things
>they divorce less than a year later
Thanks for reading my blog post.

>> No.6465528
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I sure hope dad stops hitting mom soon

>> No.6466024

Is she very religious?

>>they divorce less than a year later
Maybe it was for the better. Never liked nu-metal at the time though.

>> No.6466062
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>after years of not really giving a shit
My parents were the opposite. They were far too strict when I was young and shielded me from anything violent until I turned 16 and then suddenly they stopped caring. I think they just started focusing on their jobs now that me and my sister could take care of ourselves.

>> No.6466113
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>> No.6466292

I don't listen to Limp Bizkit or Korn anymore, but nu-metal definitely got me interested in heavier music.

>> No.6466370
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>Is she very religious
No. We actually left our church because she couldn't stand the other church moms giving her shit about letting me play Pokemon. To her, it was just a dumb game where you fight cartoon dragons; not some wild demonic recruitment too.

I think it was more that she thought that it was for only M-Rated games as opposed to the "Oh, that kung-fu game" cover that got me the subscription in the first place.

>> No.6466382
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>by killing demons, I was helping sinners escape punishment.

>> No.6466393

That or they'd drop another nuke on Japan even though MK is made by an American company.

>> No.6466483

I was able to play South Park on the N64, but Diablo was a no-go.

>> No.6466609


>> No.6466683

Your parents sound like faggots and I'm glad they were cursed with queer kids.

>> No.6466684
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My parents wouldn't let me own a console in the 90s. None of my friends were PC gamers. Back then PC gaming was (even more) expensive and constantly changing. Unless you were a rich kid you generally didn't have the ability to play the newest games. so I just bought racing games, especially if it had a Dodge Viper on the cover. I remember my parents almost let me get Half Life once because my mom thought the box art looked cool and felt the glasses sporting main character was non threatening, but then she read the back of the box right before getting to the counter. I must have been 8 or 9, which would have been kind of hilarious if I experienced all the gibs and scientist massacring that game had to offer at that age.

Pic related was the first game I really wanted that my parents were having none of. After Vice City came out I kept telling them. "GTA3 is old news, Vice city is the really bad one. It lets you kill the president. GTA3 isn't that bad, let me get it" Finally they broke down

>> No.6466687


>> No.6466692

i was allowed to listen watch or play anything except i wasnt allowed to play dungeons and dragons.

>> No.6466727

Joke's on you
I listened Slayer, Pantera & Sepultura
>Also european fag metal likw Stratovarius, Rhapsody, Labyrinth amongst others

>> No.6467429
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>Joke's on you
>I listened Slayer, Pantera & Sepultura
>>Also european fag metal likw Stratovarius, Rhapsody, Labyrinth amongst others
Every band you listed is gay, grow balls and listen to Heavy Load, Oz, Sabbat and Manilla Road.

>> No.6467634

Fuck Lieberman, and especially fuck Tipper and her husband.

>I always had to explain how I was acting selfish and aggressive in games, because if they saw me being helpful or caring about people, it was banned.
What? Why? Shouldn't good and upstanding behavior be rewarded? There's such a thing as helping others at too high expense of yourself or in a way that's bad and unhealthy, but how many games have you really do that?

>For example, I was allowed to play Duke Nukem, but Doom was off limits because my Dad thought by killing demons, I was helping sinners escape punishment.
That doesn't even make any sense, the demons in Doom aren't minding their own business in hell and punishing already dead sinners, they're attacking mankind and murdering people indiscriminately, regardless of if they're sinners.

What fucking sect were your parents?
Also Duke Nukem helps people by killing those alien bastards who steal our chicks.

>> No.6467645

My buddy’s mom was watching us play Silent Hill and she took the disc out and snapped it in half. I actually am still in touch with their family and she’s insanely fucking retard-mode Christian now and thinks Coronavirus is God punishing people for not going to church enough.

>> No.6467898

Wasn't your copy of Silent Hill was it?

>> No.6467951

They kicked your cousin out over a video game? Or was there more to it?

>> No.6467969

Same. My mother never gave a fuck about the games I play. She once saw me play Diablo 1, declared she doesn't get it and moved on. But then, she herself was playing some hardcore Amiga games when I was a 3 or 4, so there is that.

>> No.6468057

human hot dogs?

>> No.6468557

No, they kicked him out for molesting me.

>> No.6468617

The worst part is that they are pretty much the origin of the internet furry community.

I wish it was a joke: https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/GreenReaper

>> No.6468627

My mom thought Earthbound was the most boring game she had ever seen.
>inb4 a lot of replies agreeing

>> No.6468683
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In theory I was allowed to play whatever I wanted, but my dad was an alcoholic christian so every once in a while he'd go on an arbitrary tirade and take away some game that was usually mild. For example, one day he was hammered and came in my room to find me playing Road Rash 3D, which is pretty tame. He then gathered up all my games and said he was going to keep everything M rated until I was 18 (Keep in mind Road Rash 3D is rated T). When he sobered up he forgot about doing it, but weird shit like that would happen out of nowhere. I mean shit, I grew up on Doom and Duke Nukem 3D, and he played and loved survival horror games like Resident Evil, he wanted me to play those with him. I don't know, doesn't make much sense.

>> No.6468790
File: 26 KB, 330x332, 330px-13589-wolfenstein-3d-game-boy-advance-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they can't see the screen then its all good.

>> No.6468797

this is why the new mortal kombat games are so lame. they really dove deep into fucked up gore shit instead of comedy gore

>> No.6468798
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One day my older brother came home with Command and Conquer: Red Alert that he got from a friend.
We were sitting in the computer room playing it when our aunt came over to visit. After a few minutes Mom walked into the room to tell us to come out and say hello.
She saw the screen and got so mad.

"You should feel ashamed, your aunt came over to visit you and you're in here playing war computer games."
"Your grandpa didn't fight in a war so you could sit around and play violent games."
"What would Jesus think of you playing games like this?"

>> No.6469201
File: 71 KB, 790x445, mortal-kombat-11-aftermath-kano-friendship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they finally brought friendships back

>> No.6469208


>> No.6469216

is this a thinly veiled lewd retro games thread?

>> No.6469245

Yep! Drug trading, cop killing, car jacking, gang wars, kidnapping and all kinds of nefarious acts didn't catch my parents' attention but turning people into hot-dogs was too much, especially for my mom who worked at butcher's at the time.

Speaking of more games, my dad got real pissed at me after he saw me performing a headshot-only multi kill with a Ripper in Unreal Tournament. Cue the usual bullshit talking about how this game will turn me into a mass murderer or some shit.

>> No.6469545

My parents are similar except for Harry Potter, for obvious reasons
I was reading the first book and I remember being really into it, but then a meeting happened and now it was evil

UNTIL my dad eventually saw the first movie, because there wasn't anything else, thought it looked really neat, and then opened the door for things so long as they weren't clearly demonic. He didn't react nicely to the Ghostrider movie having the Devil onscreen.

But I love my parents, and I support them and they're well. I'm gonna hit this dab and be thankful they weren't ever one of THOSE, the chatty churchgoers that pried into everyone's business.

>> No.6469559

I wonder what it was like back then when a mom picked up Conker for a Nintendo and saw a squirrel and read THE DAY AFTER HIS 21ST BIRTHDAY BASH, CONKER'S SPORTING THE WORST HANGOVER EVER

>> No.6469612

>I listened Slayer, Pantera & Sepultura
My nigga

>> No.6469626
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My mom was cool with me staying up late on a school night and playing with my gameboy.

>> No.6469718

Probably made sense to him when he was drunk.

>> No.6470557

My man! Same here! First game of my life when I was 4. Never stopped played. I'm currently playing a DN3D mod for Doom.

>> No.6470598

Ungrateful little shits not saying hello to your Aunt.

She didn't confiscate it though, did she?

>> No.6471282

They would see the box and if it was rated M they wouldny buy the game. I bought with my money resident evil II and when they catched me and saw the cd box i just said it was my cousin's game and i had borrowed it. My cousin had to keep the game and i would secretly play it.

>> No.6471303

Duke Nukem 3D because of the strippers.

>> No.6471308
File: 281 KB, 1530x2155, 120AD779-6049-4A72-ADF0-503A3DA66C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be our Christmas present in ‘99 but my mom saw it ahead of time and took it away from my Dad. We didn’t play it until 2007

>> No.6471360

is she still selling?
worn out prostitutes are my fetish