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/vr/ - Retro Games

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644774 No.644774 [Reply] [Original]

Any holy grail games you just dislike?
this is mine. I bought this ten years ago because it got hyped as fuck and jesus, this is one of the most boring games I have ever touched. I played it. For a good bit and I kept waiting for it to pick up but nah...

>> No.644808


It has the single best storyline I've ever seen in a game. The graphics are good. The characters are likable. The music is great.

However, the gameplay can grow old. It takes about 90s to complete and, eventually, I just want to move on and do something else. I've played it numerous times, beginning in 2001, and I've only ever completed it twice.

>> No.644821
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Also, if I had to pick one video game character to be "mai waifu," it would be Meredia.

>> No.644868
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I honestly just don't like RTS/TBS games at all. Sometimes I forget, and I'll try and play FFT or Front Mission or something. Then I remember that this shit is boring and I go play something I actually enjoy.

I still tell everyone I love Tactics so that they think I'm cool

>> No.644929

Same here.
Everytime I've tried. I'm like "Alright time to get cozy and play some...oh yeah..." and turn it back off. I WISH I liked it I really really do.

>> No.644991

I had kind of the same feeling out of the march of the black queen, shit was boring as hell.

>> No.645226


I love this fucking game, so much. I have like 4 or 5 complete files, 50-80 hours each. I've never played anything else where the battles felt truly as large scale as this, but still holding on to individuality of the characters.

It can be pretty damn slow and unengaging, but I think that's a big part of it. You're playing as the general of an army. It's all about set-up, you shouldn't have precise control over every little skirmish.

I mean, yeah, you have to be pretty autistic to enjoy just sitting in the menu and setting up your battalion for an hour at a time between battles. It's a totally unique game though, and to me it's better than any TRPG.

>> No.645237

I agree, I liked it much more than any regular turn based strategy RPG.

Too bad the Battle series won't be expanded upon and refined. People just like their turn based strategy too much.

>> No.645246

Almost every over priced RPG is this for me

>> No.645285

It gets to the point that my ranks are mostly zombies and I turn it off.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
You uh...looking to sell it? I'm emulating and would love to have the real thing but holy shit this thing is cah-razy on ebay.

>> No.645352

You're probably playing it wrong, OP.

Did you create 3 units of 2 dragons + a rare unit leader? The game isn't boring when you're leading a dragon legion and slaying everything that moves.

>> No.645363

45 bucks a cart is crazy? For a game that was barely in stores?

>> No.645365

>The game isn't boring when you make it so easy that you kill everything

>> No.645378

I'm not him, but I think collectors and not-collectors have very different levels of what they're willing to pay for old video games.

>> No.645397

Op, here.
You know what? I just might. Lord knows I'm not playing it and I'm not a collector really. I know there's someone out there that would actually ENJOY owning this so maybe I will.

I've got to dig it out of wherever I've got it stored though so I might not even find it

>> No.645429
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hate it

>> No.645440

FFT is a holy grail? It had a shitload of GH copies made in the early '00s

>> No.645474
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I'm so sorry.

>> No.645502
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>> No.645504

I guess it's dead horse beating but the Mother series.
I don't find them charming at all and since even the fans say that there isn't any other reason to play them...

>> No.645508

I simply cannot squeeze an ounce of enjoyment from Baulder's Gate.

>> No.645525

You know,I just started playing this again and I just don't find it appealing anymore. I used to enjoy it but now I feel like the interface is fighting me more than the anything in this game.

>> No.645523

I loved this game when I was younger. Would spend like 4+ hours a day playing it for weeks until I beat it.

But I am an adult now and don't have that child-autism that many of us possess when we are younger. I tried playing it again a few years ago and turned it off during the first battle.

>> No.645524


That's ok. I don't really have the attention span for it these days either way. I'm happy with it occupying the little corner of history that it does.


Yeah zombies are garbage...you should always revive everyone before you finish the level.

TBH I think it's the sort of game that's better if you use a FAQ. Maybe not for the battles, but to outline what all the classes are, what the monsters are, where the rare items are, etc. It's most fun when you get the rare/unique classes. Not to mention the terribly obscure factor that decides which ending you get.

>> No.645536

I'm sure they mean a game that's generally accepted as an amazing game that everyone should enjoy..

Not rare.

>> No.645546

Yeah maybe Sacred Cow or something rather than Holy Grail

>> No.645572

I wouldn't say I hated it, but I think it's pretty overrated. and it has the most convoluted, boring, incomprehensible mess of a story in any vidya I've ever played

>> No.645578

You should try playing Breath of Fire 2. The official English translation is a complete mess

>> No.645581

That's because the story is recycled from the Ogre series (as in the OP) that its based on. Ogre games all have convoluted and incredibly boring and uncreative stories.

>> No.645616

It's... not good. The inventory especially is just terrible, and they did little to fix it in the sequel. Scroll through everything you have to find one item, ammo splits differently depending on type, # cap is at 999 for some reason, 0's look like 8's, wtf

Great game though. My main complaint with it is how small it actually is. There isn't a whole lot to do, really.

>> No.645684

I have, and loved it.

>> No.645962

>Warring nations, back stabbing, alliance changing
>Ancient evil has awakened and nothing before mattered.

>> No.646006
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Fire Emblem IV, I really love the series but I just don't like this game one bit, the maps are way too fucking big, the story really isn't that interesting and the game is pathetically easy to break by the second gen.

I wouldn't say I hate, I just don't particularly understand the praise.

>> No.646450
File: 29 KB, 253x360, PanzerDragoonSagaBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't understand how anybody squeezes enjoyment out of it. It's like a gimped JRPG meets gimped rail shooter. Got through the second CD and then I just stopped it.

>> No.646458

OB64 is by no means a holy grail. What the hell are you talking about? Only the original Ogre Battle is actually respected. OB64 was made without Yasumi Matsuno's involvement, and, although it's a nice game, nobody cares about it all that much.

>> No.646469

I believe that OB64 was much better received in general than the SNES original.

>> No.646474

Panzer Dragoon Anything is just abysmal as far as i'm concerned

>> No.646484

Final fantasy 7. The random encounters just bug the hell out of me, along with the extremely repetitive music. I can understand why people love the game though.

>> No.646486 [DELETED] 

How the plebeian mind works.. I will never know or understand.

Shame it wasn't more like CoD with dragons, yes?

>> No.646489

Metroid. All of them.

>> No.646492
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>> No.646501 [DELETED] 

>A-am I trolling yet?


>> No.646505 [DELETED] 

Funnny that you mention it, since PDS was more CoD-like than most JRPGs. So, you know, you can just fuck off.

>> No.646510

It's was a stunning RPGS at the time, with many features which are still unique today. The flying sections I think still work well, but the on foot sections don't. Like many 90's 3D games, time has not been kind.

>> No.646545

It feels way too shallow and substanceless for an RPG. It might be unique, but it doesn't seem to do its thing very well. The flight sections would be more enjoyable if only you didn't have to face random encounters every 5 seconds and had anywhere to fly to, other than the tightly gripping linear canyons and small "open" fields where again there's little of interest outside of the obvious main path.

>> No.646998

FYI, anons, if you play it with an emulator you can use your mouse as the cursor. It makes the game a bit better.

I still hate chasing down the fleeing enemy unit though.

>> No.648837

you posting this kinda bugs me as it was a game that really kept me playing.

>> No.648847

That is untrue. OB is consedered one of the best games ever in Moonland, while nobody even mentions OB64.

>> No.648858


>> No.648927


I just find the whole thing boring. The game world is ugly and uninviting, and feels like a chore to explore. The story and characters not very engaging either (Majora's Mask is better in that regard). I also like to post it in threads like this semi-trollishly, because I think it might be the most overrated game ever.

>> No.648961
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>The game world is ugly and uninviting, and feels like a chore to explore.

it really isn't. so sad you didn't like it.

>> No.648993

This is the part where you two have to accept that what you are facing is a difference in opinion and stop before the thread turns to shit.

>> No.648996

Earthbound/Mother 3. Both of them don't feel like games to me, they feel like books. Which is fine, but I don't really care for the story, either. And the battle system is tedious and boring, even with Mother 3's music gimmick.

It's weird though, because I adore Earthbound Zero (Mother, whatever you want to call it). Battle system is still tedious and boring, though.

>> No.649031

>so sad you didn't like it.

You don't have to tell me. I was super hyped for that game. Big fan of the first two. Never played the third, because I didn't have a Super Nintendo, but I always thought it looked like the greatest game ever. Played through OoT, and then kind of forgot about it until everyone started raving about how it's the best game of all time. Considered playing through it again, but realized there is nothing about that game I find particularly enjoyable.

>> No.649084

>Earthbound/Mother 3. Both of them don't feel like games to me, they feel like books. Which is fine, but I don't really care for the story, either. And the battle system is tedious and boring, even with Mother 3's music gimmick.
That's something you could say about a lot of JRPGs though.

>> No.649090
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>> No.649091

Chrono Trigger.
I love JRPG's more than life itself but for some reason I just couldn't get into it.

>> No.649092

You're not the only one, if that makes you feel any better. Zelda just doesn't translate well to 3d.

>> No.649110

>Am I fitting in yet?

>> No.649120

True, but most of the other JRPGs I like have a more engaging battle system or a story that doesn't feel so...constrained? I'm not sure how to put it.

>> No.649123

>not accepting others' opinions
get out

>> No.649132

Fitting in with who?

>> No.649134

>Zelda doesn't translate well to 3D
>It's the same as it's always been, just with polygons now.

>> No.649142


Wait, what? Are you saying I'm claiming to not like OoT to fit in? Or that I shouldn't say I dislike the game because then I won't fit in?

>> No.649143

I've never made it more than 5 hours into CT. I was so hyped for it when it came out. Spent hours looking at the same magazine articles about it, over and over, just waiting. The characters and plot just don't compell me at all.

>> No.649153

Same here. First Fallout i played was Fallout 3. Felt like such a chore to explore and talk and do all these things i didnt give a shit about. Then I hear how much better the first two were so I got those, but its just too much time wasting on exploring/talking and all that. I just dont care anymore. When I was younger id play rpgs all day and one summer i think i did nothing but play Star Control 2. Maybe im just getting old, i dont have the time to invest in these sort of games

>> No.649163

Exactly. They could have kept it 2d so the controls wouldn't blow if they weren't going to change anything.

>> No.649167

He's upset someone doesn't like his favorite game.

>> No.649170
File: 590 KB, 300x254, fuck work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how /vr/ is a bunch of aging faggots that aren't into certain kinds of games anymore due to being jaded, just like me.

>> No.649172

I love how you're projecting REALLY hard.

>> No.649186

calm your tits, asshat. we are not /v/.

>> No.649184

Being jaded=/=games being jaded.

>> No.649198

>OB is consedered one of the best games ever in Moonland
Then why is it so sluggish, boring and its mechanics so fundamentally flawed?

>> No.649218

You're wrong, but that's not the point. We were talking about reception, not quality of gamplay. Ogre Battle (SNES) is considered amazing, Ogre Batle 64 not so much.

>> No.649392


this. same goes for neverwinter nights.

>> No.649402


I'm really fighting with myself at this points so I don't throw insults at you

>> No.651728

You are wrong and a piece of shit for disliking this game. Please promptly end your life and remove your failure and taint from the human collective.

>> No.651851
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You should calm down.

>> No.651946



>> No.652026

You just have shit taste in games.

>> No.652028

Nope; just differing opinions.

>> No.652035
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>> No.652036


and you make shit posts.

>> No.652043
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Not really a holy grail but it seems to be highly loved here and I haven't been enjoying it that much.

>> No.652058

Even the Prime games?!?!?!??!

>> No.652148

I can't stand the Prime games. Loved the old ones and imported the game along with a Freeloader disc, but gameplay changes made me abandon the thing after few hours of play due to being such a huge disappointment.

Maybe I misjudged the game? I've been thinking of going back and trying it out again for years, because Wind Waker also pissed me off enough that I didn't touch it for five years after release, and it turned out to be fun in the end.

>> No.652537

>/v/ being /v/

>> No.652551

Mario Land 2

I had some fun with it on certain levels but I finished it in 2 hours because it was depressingly easy and a lot of the levels felt bland to me

>> No.652560

I agree. it's really average.

>> No.652587
File: 20 KB, 250x311, 250px-Dxcover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people talk of it like it's the second coming of Christ

No. Just no. This game is NOT good. People try to act like it's so original but I just could NOT play through more than two levels without wanting to take a nap.

Let's hope System Shock 2 lives up to the hype. It's kinda failing...

>> No.652592

what didn't you like about it?

>> No.652594

I personally hate random encounters. Over years it grew into some obsession, now I can't play it, because there will be random encounters.

>> No.652598

Just how slow it feels. I don't know. My first FPS was DOOM, and I grew up reading about this in gaming magazines, thinking it would be so cool to play this. But after my first time my high expectations were dashed.

>> No.652608

Zelda series

They are good games, but beside minish cap, I don't like them.

>> No.652615

Yeah, I kinda agree with this. After playing for the first 3/4 hours of each I'm enjoying Invisible War a lot more. It may have more technical issues, but feels better ... Structured? I think that's the right word. It feels like i'm playing through a story, rather than a sequence of events.
I dunno, I should probably play a bit further, but it's really boring so far.

>> No.652620

>After playing for the first 3/4 hours of each I'm enjoying Invisible War a lot more.
I've identified your problem: you're clinically insane. Seek help.

>> No.652626

>No. Just no. This game is NOT good.

this should be good.

> something vague about the game being boring.

that's what i thought.

>> No.652630

some people don't like the same things as you man

>> No.652636

I'm guessing you didn't read the OP's post. Also...

>> No.652652


obviously. and he could have said he didn't like it and that would be fine. but he said "No. Just no. This game is NOT good." as if those of us who think it is are dead wrong. and that would be fine too if he had some substantial criticism. instead it was, like i said, something vague about the game being boring.

>> No.652665

I was expecting this. But IW seems to be the more entertaining game so far.
I'm going to play the original a bit more, but it just feels really slow and dull. The crap voice acting doesn't seem to be helping much either.

>> No.652678

>as if those of us who think it is are dead wrong
Well you inferred that from what I said. I just didn't like how SLOW it felt. Felt like the first level took me a half-hour just to get into the building. Add a finicky inventory system and I just got tired of putting up with it.

Please don't go into /v/-mode and tell me all the reasons why I'm wrong. It's just the way I feel about the game...

>> No.652693

It's not supposed to be a fast paced game. No stealth game ever has been fast paced.

>> No.652705

>Well you inferred that from what I said.

how could it possibly be taken any other way? i don't care if you like the game or not, it was the way you said it i reacted to.

>> No.652709

So it's supposed to be a stealth game? The way the tutorial made it out to be, you could either:
>guns blazing

>> No.652713

Kind of, yeah. Part of the appeal of the game is that you can play it in the style you want to. But stealth pretty much is what the game does best.

>> No.652718

Fair enough. It still doesn't change my opinion.

>> No.652725

you can do the other stuff but the game rewards stealth more than the other 2

>> No.652739

You can but enemies aren't going to pick up in their numbers or difficulty until later on the the game.
I disagree with that anon that it's a stealth based game, that's just one of the ways you can enjoy the game. If you're looking for action you may like it better when you have to infiltrate entire bases filled with soldiers, super soliders, giant mechs and the like.

>> No.652764

I never played it as a kid (I had a playstation) so it never hooked me, I've tried it on emulators but having played later zelda games in the series before it nothing really stood out for me. It was like I'd already played the game but with better graphics.

>> No.652776

Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Planetscape, those type of games.

I'll never say they're bad games, but I can't get into them.

>> No.652804


i love rpgs, but the typical fantasy (bg, nn) setting/stories doesn't interest me much. planescape is much more original though. i like that one.

>> No.652826

I like an RPG here and there too but it's something about those games. I mean, I'll sit down and get ready to play them but the moment I hear the opening dialog/cinematic I go "oh, it's Dungeons and Dragons again. Okay." and lose interest quickly. Plus getting lost is easy as hell.

Planetscape was interesting. It was a lot to process all in an hour and it probably the one I was prepared to play the longest. In the end, I just couldn't get into exploring it.

>> No.652840
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This piece of shit right here. I tried, I really did. I even finished it and never did I understand why rpg fans like this one. Was it the fact that you can make your own weapons? I don't know, maybe it was just me. I grew up playing Commodore and later on PC games so that was not such a big deal for me, but I can understand it was on the consoles.

It sure as hell was not the story or the characters which were boring as all hell.

>> No.652851
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>> No.652856

>Quest 64
>holy grail

>> No.652886

I think it was both the crafting system and the battle system. The way it handled the whole "timed hits" aka QTE approach was pretty interesting.

>> No.652898

This otherwise amazing game's main problem is that one can play it wrong and still finish it.

Have you used long chains to inflict damage? If you ever used repeated chains (i.e., not a single chain per boss), you've been playing it wrong.

It's a game about micromanagement. It's one of the best of it's kind. Too bad you can finish it without ever knowing.

>> No.653189

You should calm down. Clearly I was very calm and articulate.

>> No.654278

>Calling VS a pos.
I don't usually get angry on /vr/ but you just got me close to trading.

>> No.654280


>> No.654331

Zelda OoT - I was impressed but I was not entertained. That game is so much more boring than every game before or after it, I kind of get why it's loved loved though. It didn't really offend it's just SOooOO "meh"

Earthbound - Don't like the art style, not charmed by the characters and not entertained by the story. I feel like an alien who cannot relate to other humans when people talk about it being so great because I just CANNOT see it.