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File: 1017 KB, 2100x1524, Castlevania_-_Dracula_X_-_(NA)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6445779 No.6445779 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss how shit this game is

>> No.6445785

Eh. Its decent. People only shit on it because of the Turbografx game

>> No.6445814

why the psp remake sucked so hard
everything in this version felt more fluid, the game had soul

>> No.6445850

Its not shit. In some ways its better than Rondo. The challenge, for one. Opud 13, for another. The only people who shit on this version got filtered. Its a different game.

>> No.6445864
File: 11 KB, 540x405, castlekino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is it much better than Rondo, but it's the superior SNES Castlevania game as well.

>> No.6445868

Nah it's decent.

>> No.6445913

It's a crap port for sure but at the time it was the only way to play Rondo of Blood. For that it was well worth owning up until Rondo became easier to get your hands on. Now it's just an overpriced collectors piece.

>> No.6445926

Except it's not Rondo of Blood at all, not even a port of it. It's a totally-different game that shares some graphical elements but otherwise has no connection to the original.

>> No.6445956

I give the SNES version a pass because it has the best version of Bloodlines.

>> No.6445965

Your shitpost formula is tiresome

>> No.6446046
File: 743 KB, 1200x1000, mega_maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is good but not so splendiferously wonderific that we need a thread for it up at all times.

Have some tits.

>> No.6446214

>different game
Pure cope. Its a flawed port

>> No.6446254

Bloodlines is one of the best songs on the snes. Gameplay is tight classicvania with an awesome backflip. What's wrong with you?

>> No.6446259

Misinformer memesters like you kept me away from this good classicvania for long enough. Fuck off.

>> No.6446263

Also has my favoite rendition of Bloody Tears.

I prefer the Rondo versions of the other songs.

>> No.6446264

jumping feels like shit
It has bad gamefeel

>> No.6446286
File: 178 KB, 696x623, 1589946714411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not its own game. It's literally a chopped up and trimmed down version of Rondo. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.6446316

Rondo has totally different, much easier bosses, including Dracula. Dracula Xs version of the count is one of the harder ones, its really good.

>> No.6446317

Nice selfie anon.

>> No.6446321

He knows. He's just shitposting for (You)s.

>> No.6446327

Stay wrong.


>> No.6446334

The plucking guitar in the SNES version of Divided Bloodlines is actually amazing, and yes I do prefer it to the CD version, actually. The arrangement is just more appealing.
The konami kukeiha club had mastered the SNES soundchip by 1995.

>> No.6446357

Nintoddlers really saying the only Castlevania Game Grumps could beat is hard

>> No.6446360

>Game Grumps
Hi, /v/

>> No.6446429
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, 1589950062062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 2% difference in content doesn't make it its own game. Pls keep seething/coping as you need

>> No.6446438

To be fair, Rondo and Dracula X do share some stuff... like 10% of the game, the character/enemy sprites (not all enemies), and the music composition (although Dracula X also has some new tracks, as well, like map screen, clear stage fanfare).
But other than that: Level design, level assets, backgrounds, cutscenes... all 100% new.
Not seething/coping btw, I still prefer Rondo, but just in case some zoomie is reading the thread and having doubts, no, the "Dracula X is a Rondo port" is a meme, a bad old meme.

>> No.6446480

>Level design, level assets, backgrounds, cutscenes... all 100% new.
Anybody want to tell him?

>> No.6446494


>> No.6446509

That... fuck you anon, let me hate on Dracula X alone. Memeing zoomers about it being a port of Rondo is fun. Plus it's good anti-Nintendo propaganda. If you disagree, you're a nintendrone.

>> No.6446523

Every 16-bit Castlevania is garbage for the sole reason they summon all autismo-cringe nerds and shitposters every time one is posted here.
Thousands of games across multiple systems and you retards pick five to bitch about endlessly.

>> No.6446543

>I give the SNES version a pass because it has the best version of Bloodlines.
My niggah.
It also has my favourite version of "Beginning", which sounds kind of mysterious and stressful and fits greatly with the clocktower level. Also, "Cemetery" sound cooler than the CD one.

>> No.6446563

Draculet cope

>> No.6446606

I never played Rondo and I think Drac X is pretty shit.

>> No.6446609


>> No.6446776

Bloodlines is the superior 16 bit Castlevania. At least it's original

>> No.6446798

>The only people who shit on this version got filtered.

It's actually easier to do a no death run in Dracula X than in Rondo and most other CV games.

The thing is, the pace is slower, but not just for characters, for enemies as well.
Enemies do their tells before they attack, and those tells last longer than in other games so that you have time to react with the slower character.

So yeah you're going to get hit at first due to the slower pace, but if that's where you stop at, you either have zero patience or zero learning curve possibility and stopped playing before learning the basics of the game.

In reality if you're used to games you should be able to learn everything about the game easily, and due to the slow pace, it then becomes easier not to fuck up.

Then, you also can use the axe to butcher the entire game, use item crash i-frames to bypass getting hti by the hardest patterns, abuse the crouching not to get knocked back when hit, as well as a couple of other tricks.

Meanwhile in comparison in Rondo, even if you know the game just as well, there are so many more things that can go wrong due to the faster pace.

>> No.6446817
File: 27 KB, 256x224, Akumajou Dracula XX (Japan)004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when landing from a high jump you get a long ass animation where he rests on his knees for more than 1 second
>use the whip just before landing and you can bypass it altogether

Try it on the collapsing bridge at the start of stage 2 and you'll save enough time to just walk your way through the entire bridge

>if you're crouching, without attacking, when taking a hit there is no knockback
and you're still falling down pits against Dracula?!

>enemies i-frames when they take a hit also make them unable to hit you
>when a red armor rushes toward you, you can just hit it at the last moment and it'll go through you during its i-frame without dmging you

Now go on and kick ass in this fabulous game

>> No.6447006
File: 36 KB, 256x224, Akumajou Dracula XX (Japan)018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, you get a 1up bonus if you manage to kill a boss without getting hit and finish the level with health...

But this also works if you get hit during the boss, pick up a porkchop and have full health when you pick up the orb. There are two bosses with pork chops.

>> No.6447037
File: 21 KB, 384x281, nosferatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy cobbled together remix(?) of a far superior game that causes needless confusion.

I give the second vampire game prize to
Nosferatu, because it's completely original, technically stunning, and just tries its little heart out in every aspect and has a killer vision behind it. If it had more time in the oven, it would have been a true classic.

>> No.6447048

>completely original

let's rip off Prince of Persia and its animations and mix it with a beat em up.

>> No.6447054

Uhhh... that's where new things come from, combining other things. How many cinematic beat em' up platformers are there?
Even if it was just a bog standard 2D cinematic platformer, it would be uncommon. You can't "rip off" a genre that only has around a dozen games in it.

>> No.6447063

Meticulously paced platforming and monster placement that makes it the closest that the 16+ bit installments ever got to the NES games, along with Bloodlines. Rondo's more like the missing link between classic and SotN with all the emphasis on hidden routes (and flat hallways with indefinite monster spawns).

>> No.6447079

Something being better doesn't make something else shit, anon. Form an actual opinion next time.

>> No.6447082

This is one of the most pathetic posts I've seen in a while.

>> No.6447119

Dracula X is NOT Rondo, it's it's own game.
That being said OP is probably butthurt the game isn't piss-easy like SCIV like he probably expected it to be.
Still my go-to SNES title whenever I feel like kicking back with some oldies.

>> No.6447543
File: 32 KB, 256x224, Akumajou Dracula XX (Japan)020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't done a "attack withkey only" playthrough

Casuals, all of you

also yes it's possible, passwords do save subweapons so you can have passwords with the key even in stages where you're not supposed to have it. For stage1 you'll need a cheat or hex edit though