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6443158 No.6443158 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else still play Game Of The Year: All Years?

>> No.6443159


>> No.6443164

Is that the remaster version?

>> No.6443174

it's better

>> No.6443185

No, because newer RTSs exist. I have more fun playing games where I am not spending the majority of my time giving orders to small groups of units repeatedly, individually sending build orders to each production facility, manually sending each new worker to the minerals, and trying to keep every dragoon from getting hung up on doodads they should be easily able to path between.

>> No.6443187

>newer RTSs exist

>> No.6443219

>being a casual

>> No.6443380
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>played GOTYAY casually (UMS only pretty much) from its release
>2007, see a starcraft thread on /v/
>people are watching professional players
>check it out, seems cool
>join their hamachi channel, start practicing (mostly vs AI)
>start playing against the #/v/starcraft hamachi guys
>man up and try out iCCup not long after
>slowly make a name for myself among /v/irgins as a decent player
>switch from zerg to terran to further distinguish myself since there were literally no decent terran mains on /v/
>hit C- on iCCup once and retire victoriously
>slowly lose contact with what remained of the /v/starcraft clique
>SC:R comes out
>game's better than ever
>hit A-rank on the new battle.net ladder
>get the urge to share my achievement with the crew
>remember the crew is gone
>remember that they're all just distant memories who have ceased existing
>remember that they once lived
thanks for reading my blog be sure to like and subscribe

>> No.6443491

Where are they now? And where are you now?

>> No.6443579

But that's not Unreal Tournament '99. Maybe you mixed up the images?

>> No.6443596

damn it looks like a mobile game now

why? I was thinking of getting back into it

>> No.6443662

Bad bait. UT3 was the last GOTY contender, but StarCraft still holds the throne.

>> No.6443727

I'm sorry, anon. I too miss the lan parties of my youth where a 40 Mb StarCraft Portable Edition was passed around and good times were had.

>> No.6443769

congratulations on hitting A with Terran though, I'm struggling to break D on the current ladder with it whereas my Zerg and Toss hover around high C

>> No.6443797

Yes. My life for Aiur

>> No.6443804

Yes, I do still play Super Metroid

>> No.6443808

I doubt anyone still plays it besides the "athletes" who have no other choice.

>> No.6443851

Judging by the few biggest discord server hubs around (the foreign Brood War one and the ones offering help, discussion and controlled competition to beginners) there's at least a few hundred players in the west and people get at least curious about getting gud at it
Foreign interest is large enough for a few Korean teams forming to compete in foreign tournaments like STPL, for Tastosis to keep casting ASL and for independent shoutcasters to pop up

>> No.6443857
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When's ASL 10?

>> No.6443864

I have plenty of choices and I still play SC. It's the most satisfying game I've played and I don't think I'll ever stop playing.

>> No.6443867
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Don't play broodwar. This will happen to you. You'll be driven mad.


>> No.6443954

I wonder if my old pentium 3 machine can still play an up to date starcraft. Last time I checked the game ate up a whole gig of ram just on the main menu without even having the HD graphics purchased or enabled. Sometimes I think about all those poor third worlders that can't even afford a new system and are stuck with ancient rigs.

>> No.6444094

I unironically only play the n64 version. Because I hate modern blizzard and it's only broodwar that will run forever with multiplayer and without trash blizzard launcher.

>> No.6444147

I can't wait to see flash playing random... it's like a new age is starting.

>> No.6444153


He streams on afreeca and uploads to youtube. So you don't have to wait. Here is him facing off against poor old Barracks. His Zerg is clearly his weakest race he plays.


Also Flash has toyed with the idea of going to the military but has delayed it. He's not in top form and I really think he should have gotten the military over with to give his arm some rest.

>> No.6444158

i know this is bait because thats exactly what makes Starcraft better than other RTS

>> No.6444181


>> No.6444364
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yes I still play game of the year 19XX

>> No.6444375

This combined with getting old and fat depresses me

>> No.6444382

One of my favorite games of all time. Protoss and Zerg here.

>> No.6444390

You don't have to use the HD graphics, you can set em back to original.

>> No.6444537

I mostly play UMS, my timing and reflexes are not good enough to play competitive. I rarely break 30APM, don't scout nearly often enough, and my multitasking falls apart the moment I hit midgame. Still enjoy watching the pros play.

Protip, if you want to use the most recent updates and the newer pro level maps, but don't want to use the launcher or even have the launcher running, make a shortcut to the broodwar .exe and add "-launch" to the end of the target without the quotes. You can still play online, you just need to login to your account. The login screen is new, but still the same process as the old battle.net days. You still need the launcher to update, but you can close the launcher right after you finish updating.

>> No.6445139

What happened to Flash doing his military time?

>> No.6445303


Who knows. He must have decided against it because he makes at least 400,000 USD in donations on stream a year. There's no telling that he could make that kind of cash if he gets out of the military as it's impossible to tell how big the scene would be.

>> No.6445356

Is there a 4chan group/discord/whatever anywhere that still actively play SCR today?
The Korea Time threads on /v/ have a couple people who play casually at best. I don't want to deal with reddit or liquipedia or discord tranny cliques, I just want to play some cheeky 1v1s with fellow anons and observing and bantering, weekly.

>> No.6445385

Warcraft 3 is better

>> No.6445397

Best game ever made. Will there ever be a game with a higher skill ceiling?

>> No.6445503

To this day I've never played it. No appeal.

>> No.6445524

Probably not. BW is legendary but developers look at it and think "how do we make this more approachable". People love the idea of the game but the high skill requirements legitimately scare new players away. It was a weird time in history where a huge company would make such a game and the industry today has moved far away from that.

>> No.6445579

I still play it. It's pretty godlike.

It's actually too good, which is a problem. Starcraft 2 is still inferior.

Broodwar will probably never be topped.

>> No.6445617

Pretty sure the latest patch will require at least a Pentium 4 for SSE2 support. They did that with the latest Diablo II patch just by compiling the Blizzard error reporting tool with a newer .Net Framework or some garbage. You might be able to play up to version 1.16 without too much trouble.

>> No.6445648

He seems deapressive and out of life as Zoot

>> No.6445651

Age2DE broke Starcraft, Blizzard and warcraft's legs anon.
its time to let it go.

and embrace Joan D'ark

>> No.6445654

His stream is genuinely difficult to watch. Just an old man having a bad time, impotently angry with nowhere else to go.

>> No.6445732

>spirit of the cuck
Guy is literally just a math nerd, not a pro player. You shouldn't be watching him.
Also Brood War is so good it doesn't need balance patches after 20 years.

>> No.6445918

>thread about Brood War
>AoE2 guy shows up once again to scream that AoE2 is better than Brood War
For fucks sake, figure it out. We're talking about Brood War, not AoE2. We want to discuss a game with three distinct sides to play as, not a game with a dozen clones with 2-3 unique units to differentiate them. Make your own thread and stop acting like a little bitch.

>> No.6446097

Not that I know of, but I'd join one and play/watch with some fellow 4fags.

>> No.6446672


He's clearly had dreams of going pro but is clearly not good enough. But he's trying so damn hard and going nowhere and it just frustrates him. He knows this might be his last chance.

>> No.6446737

You have to get old but you don't have to get fat

>> No.6446783

How's the UMS scene nowadays? I need something to scratch that itch after blizzard ruined wc3

>> No.6446809

dessert strike, turrent defense games as well as bunker def and evolves are easy to find.

>> No.6446904

How does bnet work with starcraft remastered? Can I play on my old cd key?

>> No.6446909

I really want to like it buy I'm just ass at RTS. I cant multitask in the least and SC requires it the most out of what I've played l

>> No.6446941

How much time have you put in for practice?
To get good at anything, you need to devote time into it and have a clear mind.

>> No.6446948

Not a lot to be fair. Way back when I used to play with friends, we watched korean tournaments on GOM and everyone wanted to get good, but I never devoted much time to it. Probably spent longer playing the campaign

>> No.6446953

bnet works fine, dont know about the old CD key. I ended up buying remastered just to play the campaign again in HD, didn't expect that bnet were alive.

>> No.6446961
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>tasteless was a chad scene kid in 2009
>tune back in recently and he's a fat ass with a beard

What happened?

>> No.6446975

he went to korea and realized korean women don't care what you look like as long as you're white so he let himself go

>> No.6447051


I think he kept his hard drinking partying life, but now he's almost 40 sitting alone drinking because he's an alcoholic.

>> No.6447121


>> No.6447129

God I love Artosis. I wish I could channel his anger.

>> No.6447132

If anyone's lurking at this hour, consider joining the bloodbath FFA that's up on battle.net right now.

>> No.6447156
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Why does this look so weird

>> No.6447157


i don't think tasteless rails anything besides soju and kfc these days

>> No.6447218
File: 3.59 MB, 1920x1080, SCScrnShot_122718_144806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it's a still frame. Game looks better in motion.

>> No.6447221

hi qikz

>> No.6447367

>rip off a Westwood game entirely
>slap Warhammer Fantasy's lore and aesthetics on top of it
>call it a new game

>rip off another Westwood game entirely
>slap Warhammer 40K's lore and aesthetics on top of it
>call it a new game
How did Blizzard keep getting away with it? Did they ever come off with something original?

>> No.6447387

Not in the last one and a half decades

>> No.6448325
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>> No.6448343
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>> No.6448569

hi kitty

>> No.6448585

Warcraft lore is nothing like Warhammer wtf
40k and SC have some similarities but that's because both of them stole everything from Dune, Aliens, and Starship Troopers.

>> No.6448593

Warcraft's Don Bluth/American animation take on Warhammer's art style is a good bit more original than everyone else who ripped off Warhammer's style.

>> No.6449034

The first Bootleg Warhammer was pretty good. The second... wasn't.

>> No.6449063

Every now and then I play the original version in skirmish against the ai. I also use insect loader to change the resolution to 1080p and remove the unit selection.

>> No.6449074

Because i got sick of it. I've played it enough.

>> No.6449080

>rip off another Westwood game entirely
What Westwood game was that?

Weak b8, still made me reply.

>> No.6449090

C&C obviously

>> No.6449145

Westwood and Blizzard RTSes play nothing alike.

>> No.6449151

The original Starship Toopers novel was published the same decade as Lord of the Rings has had almost as much influence on (military) sci-fi as LoTR did on fantasy.

>> No.6449216

is correct on both counts though