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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 151 KB, 1600x1000, 35374e211719a0d365124108837f91d1-gear-metal-gear-solid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6441435 No.6441435 [Reply] [Original]

I've marathoned through Metal Gear, Snatcher, Metal Gear 2, Policenauts, and I'm about to get to Metal Gear Solid. What went wrong?

>> No.6441437

Metal Gear(MSX)>Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake>Snake's Revenge>Metal Gear Solid

>> No.6441470
File: 28 KB, 287x346, Metal_Gear_2000_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Ghost Babel, if you're including Snake's Revenge. That game was kino.
You can't be serious about MG being better than MG2.

>> No.6441473

>You forgot Ghost Babel, if you're including Snake's Revenge. That game was kino.
I know but I haven't played it
>You can't be serious about MG being better than MG2.
I just enjoyed it more. MG2 felt more sluggish to play.

>> No.6442225

Best way to play Metal Gear 1 & 2?
I hear the English NES version is different from the MSX2 version.

I also don't have an MSX2 and would prefer to not emulate. It's on MGS3 for PS2, right? Do I have to unlock it first?

>> No.6442303

You don't have to unlock them. They're on their own separate disc.

>> No.6442464

Better this way as I can play them first

>> No.6442973

>What went wrong?
Kojima was given full control with nobody to filter out the stupid parts of his ideas. It's why his retro games and MGS2 & 3 are anywhere from pretty decent to excellent, and stuff like MGS4 and especially MGSV range from not so good to downright terrible