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6440853 No.6440853 [Reply] [Original]

This is the worst Megoomi Tansei

>> No.6441438

Never played it, why?

>> No.6441521

What makes it so bad compared to the first two Shin MegaTen games?

>> No.6441546
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Nah, Ronde is the worst.

>> No.6441570

It's still an okay game. I tried to warn you fuckers that when the translation finally came out you would be let down.

>> No.6441574

Great movie with Malcom McDowell though.

>> No.6441595

Isn't this game just proto-Persona?

>> No.6441596

As in it starred a bunch of high school kids.

>> No.6441614

Very, very slightly. In terms of gameplay, characters do get persona-esque abilities, but only by dying, and it's a huge pain in the ass that you have virtually no control over. The game has 4 different "routes," but they basically just dictate how many dungeons you play: additionally, some of the dungeons are just painfully tedious, such as the one where you have to keep walking back and forth from the entrance and the deepest part for hours.

It's an ambitious and interesting game, but ultimately if you don't LOVE it and replay it 3 extra times, you're gonna see maybe 30% of what it has to offer.

>> No.6442265

Tamaki from SMT if appears in persona 1 and 2 as well, so it's kinda connected in that way. The Kuzunoha detective agency also appears in Persona 2 which I guess ties it to devil summoner?

>> No.6442424

Kyuuyaku is based though

>> No.6442435

Persona is proto-Persona. This is just a smaller scale SMT.

>> No.6442452
File: 23 KB, 1440x1080, Shin Megami Tensei if...-190709-140913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6443453
File: 23 KB, 1440x1080, Shin Megami Tensei if...-190709-142515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6443458

I don't know how I was able to beat both games on KMT and both SMT 1 and 2 but for some reason couldn't be assed to beat SMT If...

>> No.6443853

Oh man i completely forget about that one
It has the worst dungeon on the series

>> No.6443895

>first-person dungeons
gas the whole series pre-Nocturne

>> No.6443902

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.6443918

Fuck off zoomer.

>> No.6443946

this one is straight up shit taste, first person dungeon crawler still exist.
stop parroting -oomer at everything like a stupid nigger.

>> No.6443959

SMT 2 is actually the best SMT game though.

>> No.6444039

>he doesn't think zoomers overwhelmingly shit on first person dungeon crawlers
The only reason you would have to be mad at "shut the fuck up zoomer" is if you are one, to which I say shut the fuck up zoomer.

>> No.6444164

nice argument retard, just keep using zoomer,coomer,boomer for everything.
>>he doesn't think zoomers overwhelmingly shit on first person dungeon crawlers
yes, i dont think so, persona has 2 modern first person dungeon crawlers, strange journey got a remaster and dont forget all those etrian odyssey games.

>> No.6444462

t. zoomer

>> No.6444468

That's not Strange Journey.

>> No.6444617
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>> No.6444638

Yes those hugely popular games that easily break a whole 1000 copies sold and are definitely not considered niche beyond niche. Shut the fuck up zoomer.

>> No.6444639

That's because it's a Persona game.

>> No.6444686

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.6444751
File: 1.04 MB, 1496x1334, soul_hackers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best Mayguhmee Toonsay

>> No.6444831

yes, all those series full of sequels and remasters never sells, i think atlus have a fetish for losing money.

>> No.6444840


im in my 30s and first person dungeon crawlers are before my time.

>> No.6444881
File: 54 KB, 605x607, getting a new guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played the PSX version of this game and here's what I have to say that's positive about it. I like how there's no world map and the game is a bunch of interconnected dungeons with the school acting as the hub world. In a high budget game that probably would've been expanded upon but oh well, it has a nice charm to it. Also, when you die you don't actually lose progress since dying is a part of progression tied with Guardians. You can never can lose saved progress unless you quit the game without saving, in essence, dying doesn't send you back to your last save but rather the beginning of a dungeon, you just have to make sure you've gotten enough experience to receive a more powerful guardian before dying otherwise you'll get demoted. It's an interesting mechanic. Other than that, it's pretty standard dungeon crawling affair, Soul Hackers for me perfected the classic SMT dungeon crawling formula by having cool interesting dungeons and layouts.
Also the "routes" in this game are pretty meaningless, Reiko is your best bet if you want to experience all of what the game has to offer, then there's also the Akira mode or whatever.

>> No.6445634

fuck off

>> No.6448029 [DELETED] 

with majin tensei

>> No.6448039

I think you mean gas all Atlus games post-Nocturne

>> No.6448042


>> No.6448043
File: 244 KB, 1440x1080, Shin Megami Tensei - if...-191018-234144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not with Shinji?

>> No.6448085

zoomer, return from whence you came

>> No.6448362
File: 9 KB, 474x311, (JPEG Image, 474 × 311 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird to see this as it's based on a 1960s film that was actually shot at the public school I went to

>> No.6448415

It's a good system in theory but in practice I never got to the point in the game where I could properly utilize it. Sure I can always keep playing but when I'm dying early game and both of my characters just become Mudmen with -5 levels of stats and shit magic I'm just going to reset instead of trying to claw my way out of a hole. I'm sure there's some good middle ground where it isn't Dragon Quest/Pokemon babby crutch and SMT just reset bro.

>> No.6448441

I actually really liked SMT1 but haven't been able to get into SMT2. The setting just seems so alien compared to the first and I keep forgetting the passcodes I need.
I'm super early game though and I think I'm at a point where I just need to grind a little for demons to feel competent.

>> No.6448476

If you want an easy way to completely and utterly break the game...fusing with humans in the mix lets you bypass the level limit. You can abuse this quite easy with the gaian guys in that one tunnel / sewer system

>> No.6448489

Charlie's is better than Yumi's by virtue of not being a gimped version of Reiko's but the different path you go on isn't really much more interesting. You get the best ending with Reiko's though I would prefer if Reiko just kicked Hazama's ass and didn't stay behind with him.

I'll agree with that. The first time I played the game I didn't realize what happened when I had died pretty early on and was running around with mud men, when I had figured out I was getting fucked over I reset. I guess it does kinda defeat the purpose of not losing progress when you die if you're getting fucked in the long term when it's far more easy to reload to a previous point

>> No.6448498

Yeah, I know about that trick but I'm not far enough to use it yet. I guess it really is like SMT1 in that the early game is a bit rough but once you have the tools to break it it's easy.
Might try booting it up to put in the time it needs. I'm in the mood for some SMT and I don't really want to go back to if.

>> No.6448508

Actually SMT 2, while not hard, does have some challenge in it. So that's not really surprising.
You can't just break the game with zio spam

>> No.6448534

Zio wasn't as bad a Charm bullets. I Charmed the final boss on the second turn and he never broke out of it just giving me the fight for free.

>> No.6450071

Yeah, the Persona series takes place after SMT if with Devil Summoner and Soul Hackers somewhere around the first two games. The real question is what's going on with the Raidou games since they hint at SMT1 happening in the future as well as Devil Summoner

>> No.6450078

Strange Journey is still post-Nocturne. The only game where first person dungeons are truly hell is Persona 1 since it's got absurd mazes instead of anything resembling something comprehensible

>> No.6451443

SJ is a game about fetch quests and grinding forma so you can craft weapons that you should really probably just be earning via exploration and hard battles or even just by purchasing them with money, all topped off with one of the worst OSTs I've ever heard in a game.

>> No.6451473

>one of the worst OSTs
at first was kinda strange but it grown on me and not i really like it.
i find it nice when they try new things, its probably the most unique OST of all SMTs.

>> No.6451476

*now i really like it

>> No.6451491

I don't mind that they went somewhere weird with it, but the tracks all sound exactly the same, so I just got sick of it.

>> No.6451520

I'm so spoilt by Press Turn that I can't go back.

>> No.6451851

You two are worse than this >>6443895 guy. I don't feel safe knowing that two morons who can't appreciate SJ's incredible OST are breathing the same air as me. Go to hell.

>> No.6452090

I’m at the part where you get to repeat the same hallway until you get the astronomy questions right. World map music is great though. Dumped all my starting skill points into magic for my MC. THANKS FOR LETTING ME DO THAT, GAME

>> No.6452105

>play SJ
>hm, music is okay, it’s not Persona 3 or anything but-
>first battle starts, Fear of God kicks in
>my poor handheld can barely contain the raw power of the greatest battle song ever written
>my voice deepens seven octaves
>my PS3 suddenly has games
>the room starts shaking
>Mastema appears in my room and kills himself
>my entire house levitates seven feet in the air
Yeah it’s pretty good. Fear of God is actually really we’ll made, memes aside, it’s the perfect length that any battles inconsequential enough to skip end during the buildup of the song, and the DUN DUN DUNNNNNN (Dun duun dun dun) part kicks it during what’s usually the second or third turn, meaning the battle’s serious and worthy of the grand part of the song.

>> No.6452243
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no me

>> No.6452467

It's not a complete waste since you do need some magic to equip the Masakado armor.

>> No.6453371
File: 109 KB, 774x1032, 4E4FE650-AB2D-4434-B47A-F1554BD450C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic attempt at bait? Up your ass.

>> No.6453898

keep on seething, faggots. First person dungeons suck and you don't have to be a zoomer to realize that. Only obnoxious megatenfags defend that trash.

>> No.6454395

Go play fortnite or something