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File: 15 KB, 220x218, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6425503 No.6425503 [Reply] [Original]

Is Jenova the villain or Sephiroth? The game says Sephiroth, but the implication is that it's Jenova.

>> No.6425524

Sephiroth is barely a villain. He's an edgy teen that threw a tantrum, and just about everything he did could be attributed to Jenova's mind control.

>> No.6425549


I think the devs ended up "confirming" that actually Sephiroth was using Jenova, not the other way around, but in my opinion everything Square have said, made or done regarding FF7 after the original game is nonsense

>> No.6425553

Jenova is the villain, in the remake it all got mixed up and nothing is canned anymore but it is an fact that the jenova gen took over seohiroth, not the other way around.

>> No.6425578

It is. At this point I think the original FF7 is accidentally interesting. They made a cool story without knowing, and anything trying to comment or build upon after that has been horrible shit.

>> No.6425593
File: 168 KB, 1280x1024, Final+Fantasy+VII+Screenshot+33+sephiroth+ancient[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always Sephiroth controlling everything from the northern crater, he merely used Jenova and shaped her after his own image
Why do you think you fight Jenove before Sephiroth and not the other way around
Come one people this isn't so hard to figure out, it's a video game plot

>> No.6425595

100% it's sephiroth.

The game directly states that Sephiroth's will is strong enough to overpower Jenova, and that's how he can manifest himself in whatever has been affected by Jenova.

>> No.6425836

It's actually Sephiroth, while in the original it's revealed later on that he is control, the remake quickly points that he is the one behind everything

>> No.6425860

It's Sephiroth even if the motivation for summoning meteor makes way more sense the other way. Making a giant planet wound to absorb lifestream and become the final boss is pretty lame, but all they needed for an RPG I guess. It would've made better sense for Jenova to guide his hand considering lifestream is what she eats.

>> No.6425929

It's Sephiroth. You never fight completely JENOVA outright. You fight elements of JENOVA.

>> No.6426060

>The game says Sephiroth
Watch the Aerith's mom videos in CD-2 or read the library in nibelheim.

>> No.6426138

The entire reason Sephiroth himself was special and is consider a threat is because he was able to over power Jenova's will and could manipulate Jenova cells.
Though Sephiroth is in control, you could still attribute his existence to Jenova and Hojo.

>> No.6426159

Jenova isn't even a character. If it wasn't shaped vaguely like a hot lady, you wouldn't be so confused

>> No.6426181

You absolutely do fight Jenova.

>> No.6426190

They're both the villains. Sephy and Jenova work in a symbiotic relationship.

>> No.6426324

Jenova controls Sephiroth, who in turn controls Jenova.

>> No.6426430

Sephiroth controlling Jenova is lretty thematic though. Man trying to conquer nature and all that.

>> No.6426480
File: 150 KB, 372x395, Cloud's Real Father.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real villain all along was Industry.

>> No.6426546

What are some alternative renewable energy sources Shinra could've used instead of Mako?

>> No.6426557

The villains were the friends you made along the way.

>> No.6426719

I see what you did there.

>> No.6426926

Sephiroth is the villain of the game, since you play front the point of view of Cloud and he has beef with him.
If you were looking at it through the point of view of some third-party historian or something studying that world, you would probably say Jenova.

>> No.6427010

Make joggers run in giant hamsterwheels.

>> No.6427034
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>> No.6427061

Isn't this how airships were powered in IX?

>> No.6427071
File: 51 KB, 720x480, 492265-final-fantasy-x-playstation-2-screenshot-chocobo-power-call[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6427157

Jenova is the enemy of the Planet, but Sephiroth is the villain of Cloud's story arc.

>> No.6427420

>everything Square have said, made or done regarding FF7 after the original game is nonsense
Yep. The stuff released after the original is fanfiction, nothing more.

>> No.6427492

Ff7 doesnt really have a story so much as a long series of "and then"s

>> No.6427529

Ah, X. I knew I was close.

>> No.6427690

.....which is a story

>> No.6427775

The Shinra get built up as some kind of big menace only to get sidetracked almost immediately.

>> No.6427793

I always felt bad for the Cetra in this game. They get their entire civilization destroyed and wiped away and everyone just ends up forgetting they ever existed.

>> No.6427954

It's pretty jarring even during replays when you have the full picture already.
>Cloud: We have to go after Sephiroth
>Barret: Why? You think it's necessary to save the planet?
>Cloud: yeah totally
>Barret: OKAY good enough for me

Mako isn't renewable. They used coal before that, though.

>> No.6428012

It would be more energy efficiency if they just burned the food to fuel the airships

>> No.6428020

I know Mako isn't renewable, I was just asking what would be renewable in the FF7 universe, which I guess is Chocobo Energy

>> No.6428034

Chocobo eat gysahl greens which grows like weeds and tastes like shit. It's free real estate.

>> No.6428046

Nah IX was mist and steam. They never explain what powers the ships in X

>> No.6428050

I know it's literally a fantasy story but the amount of energy the chocobos could be providing through kinetic motion can in no way or shape power an airship's flight.

>> No.6428086

In the classic, we learn that back when the cetra existed, Jenova could "bring the dead" using the power of the lifestream, and used it to manipulate people and wipe out most of the cetra.
Back in the present day, Shinra holds what appears to be Jenova's body, but I think Jenova has no real shape. It's like a cosmic virus that came from a meteor and ataches and devours the planet's life force. My guess is that it uses lifestream to make replicas and take into the shape of someone who died.
Since Sephiroth was so strong and already born of a experiment using Jenova's genes, it made easier for it to assimilate his body and mindset, and yet it felt the need to reclaim it's old body and every specimen made out of the Jenova genes to reach it's full potential.
That's why Sephiroth keeps talking about the "reunion". It would even explain the final confrontation between Sephiroth and Cloud in the void even after they've already beaten his ass twice. It was not Sephiroth, but Jenova making a final attempt to take on into Cloud's mind to assimilate him.

>> No.6428090

??? the chocobo's aren't lifting the thing they're just making it move.

its called float magic

>> No.6428092

another ff7 thread, that's the final straw you faggots, so long, I won't be back.

>> No.6428106

Shinra is built up because of midgar, and still the effects of shinra is seen throughout the world, in every town, everybody hates how shinra controls shit. But, shinra fucked up by toying with ancient aliens and creating their own worst enemy. Pretty poetic if you ask me.

>> No.6428526
File: 2.64 MB, 960x2810, Sephiroth Jenova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally confirm that Sephiroth was pulling the strings in the original game, but I agree that everything FF7 related released after 1997 is fanfiction garbage.

>> No.6428532

no stop come back I can't go on without you whining about ff7 threads in every ff7 thread please don't go dude

>> No.6428536

A good way to spot people who never played the game is when they say Jenova was in control even though the game LITERALLY explains otherwise.

>> No.6428538

Poor little guy feels left out of the conversation so he rage quits a forum. Fuckin lol

>> No.6428824

Hojo's reliability is dubious, considering he tried to replicate Sephiroth himself and ended up with a vegetable suffering dissociative identity disorder. I know it's an exposition dump and those are meant to be taken at face value most of the time, but the way that shot is so "off" with Cloud dutch angling so hard he turns upside-down only increases room for doubt, from a framing standpoint.

Jenova's like "the thing" in that it might be dismembered or even lose parts of itself, and those parts will reshape and appear to take on a sentience of their own, but in reality they still function off the same will.
>It was not Sephiroth, but Jenova
Nah. The endgame battle is definitely Sephiroth proper, with Cloud diffusing Sephiroth into the lifestream at large where his ego would disappear in lieu of his assimilation with everyone else's soul juices. Sephiroth had cheated death once before, thanks to the way Jenova had embedded in the planet and mucked up the dispersal of lifestream, and how Jenova's will kept him preserved using its influence over the planet. In this way Jenova is sort of like a cancer, but it's by extension of how her core physical being is embedded deep in the planet. Meanwhile, those with her cells are like a litter, with Sephiroth being the alpha breed who granted himself the privilege of controlling all the rest of them.

>> No.6428860

>Hojo's reliability is dubious, considering he tried to replicate Sephiroth himself and ended up with a vegetable suffering dissociative identity disorder. I know it's an exposition dump and those are meant to be taken at face value most of the time, but the way that shot is so "off" with Cloud dutch angling so hard he turns upside-down only increases room for doubt, from a framing standpoint.

But Hojo had no reason to lie at that point and what he says actually makes sense in that context. Though to be fair in FF7 there's always a chance that any meaning from any line of dialogue could be lost in the piss poor translation.

>> No.6428886

The translation is better than the moon runes.

>> No.6428896

How so?

>> No.6429017
File: 1.03 MB, 1359x941, 1555210930564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always under the impression that Jenova is essentially mindless and only driven by instinct, whereas Sephiroth also has Jenova's instincts but has a human mind that he can rationalize what he's driven to do and why.

>> No.6429032

Edgy 90s motif

>> No.6429045

Back in my day everything was canned :(

>> No.6429061

Canned chocolate is good though

>> No.6430390

Jenova itself is probably the Cetra that was originally taken over by the alien parasite, which itself doesn't have a mind, but it exists by corrupting the minds of others, so Sephiroth is essentially like a new brain for the Alien/Daemon Cells after the old one got blown off by some Cetra wizard dudes. He was also never really taken over since he was given the cells before he was ever a person, created as a monster from the start.

So like all the Jenovas and mutants and infected soldiers become like spare parts for Sephiroth who is now the brain core of the abomination, but also the only person who he ever was, who he certainly would have never been if no one had put an alien in his growing baby brain.

Honestly he probably would have injected the cells in his own brain either way that dude is just evil.

>> No.6430650

Its sephiroth using jenovas body