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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 405 KB, 703x513, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6422427 No.6422427 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /vr/ verdict on retroarch?

>> No.6422620

Great utility for a pi set up or mobile

On desktop is prettty shitty

>> No.6422651
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, RetroArch_is_so_hard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On desktop is prettty shitty
Works on my machine.

>> No.6422653

I mean that is pretty much useless since you can download the emulator you want without the fancy GUI shit

>> No.6422663

You're making little sense. Nothing else is expected of a dedicated RetroArch thread. Should be a bannable offense really. Always a shit show and we're already on the right track.

>> No.6422776
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>Error: No Content

>> No.6422803

easy to use and nice UI. thumbnails are great, lots of customisation, and plenty of core choices for hard-to-run games. especially good for keeping full system libraries for /vr/ consoles

>> No.6422804

If you're forced to software emulate this is the best way to do it

>> No.6422814
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 5d820f9fef464905f93beed8-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered an ipega red knight
never liked retroarch on desktop simply because the interface is very awkward, but the features and development community are impossible to overlook

gonna try turning my phone into an emulation beast, wish me luck anons

>> No.6422818

Good 9/10
Keeps everything in one place and has a lot option to tweak and shit.
Emu devs might not like it and shill against it since it make their UI obsole.

>> No.6422827

Good enough by now that I don't bother with stand-alones in most cases, with the exception of Dolphin and shit that doesn't have a core.

>> No.6422875

>tfw when no pcsx2 core

why even live?

>> No.6422894


To see play! usurp it eventually, hopefully.

>> No.6422916
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Congratulations you fucking retard.

>> No.6422931

give play! a little boost and pcsx2 dev might lose their shit, so we might see a pcsx2 core than.

>> No.6423181
File: 59 KB, 512x356, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Metal Slug 6 work with Finalburn Neo? None of the roms I've tried have so far.

>> No.6423192
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this retard even rambling about

>> No.6423260

doubt, it's supposed to work with the Flycast core


you need to get a load of bios files, all except the Dreamcast are here, as well as the up to date mslug6 rom:


>> No.6423323

The universal emulator wrapper idea is good, many of the original and ported cores are excellent, the fact you can control everything with a dpad is cool, and the new UI is great.

My greatest gripe with Retroarch is how the settings menus are still a bit clunky, you have to take a deep dive to find some stuff that should be readily available.

>> No.6423527

Metal Slug 6 no longer uses the usual Neo Geo MVS arcade system, but rather Atomiswave, which is based on SEGA NAOMI's design. Other anon already posted the core you need, so I don't have to explain further. General rule whenever you want to get a game running is check the wikipedia for the game and check the arcade system it uses. From there, you can check which core supports said system.

>> No.6424731


>> No.6424764

Retroarch is nice to try out a lot of things with emulated games but it takes time to get used to it if you've been using many stand-alone emulators for the longest time. Saving and loading states is a little more complicated, saving settings for stuff like shaders is easy to forget and I noticed that romhacks and Gameboy games developed with the Super Gameboy pallet in mind like DK94 aren't noticed by retroarch no matter how many times you scan the same directory.

That being said it's by far the best way to emulate N64 games, especially compared to PJ64 as long as you drop the GL/GLcore modes and switch it to Vulkan. Arcade emulation is rather hit or miss in my experience, for example I had no troubles running games like Tumblepop and ninja baseball batmen but others like Killer Instinct can't be played no matter what MAME core I throw at it. As for NES and SNES emulation it's neat but except for a few things like shaders it's not that big of a difference when you're emulating on a PC.

I guess retroarch can be nice on other systems but I never tried it so I can't confirm if it's really great for Pi's.

>> No.6425579

Why does SVC Chaos emulate so easily but none of the roms for Millennium Fight work?

>> No.6425739



>> No.6425774




>> No.6425813

You mean the arcade version? Capcom vs. SNK is a Sega NAOMI game. MAME doesn't emulate NAOMI yet. Use Flycast instead. You can also emulate the Dreamcast version if you'd prefer, since it's a near perfect port.

>> No.6425867

What's your choice of cores lads? for me, it's
Arcade - MAME
Neo Geo - FinalBurn Neo
DS - DeSmuME
NES - Mesen
SNES - bsnes
Mega Drive - Genesis Plus GX
Saturn - Beetle Saturn
Neo Geo CD - NeoCD
Playstation - Beetle PSX HW

>> No.6425886

>Playstation - Beetle PSX HW
My nigga
Using software render tho

>> No.6425894

>Neo Geo CD - NeoCD
Mind giving me a hint as to where I can nab the bios?

>> No.6425910


>> No.6425920

The Retroarch pack doesn't have any Neo CD bios. Which pack are you referring to?

>> No.6425924

here you go bruh

>> No.6425938


>> No.6426089


>> No.6426152
File: 24 KB, 276x281, 2020-05-13-15-17-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be their official icon. You know why.

>> No.6426856

fucking this, I'm a wintoddler and I switched to retroarch after project 64's disgusting ebegging on their software was getting on my nerves.

>> No.6427620
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>Retroarch working great with no problems
>Until my computer updates/Drivers/Update Retroarch cores
>Maybe I changed some settings I don't remember
>Suddenly nothing works
>Hours of trial and error getting worked up and frustrated
>Mfw all I had to do was delete the fucked up cfg because something some where got screwed up
I know I'm a huge brainlet when it comes to these things but goddamn it it's probably the most fickle emulator I've ever used.

>> No.6427626
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I used it to play higher end stuff on my Wii.

>> No.6427982

It works great on metal slug anthology.

>> No.6428018
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, 1587050492290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to walk a friend through discord to explain retroarch's quirks, but once you get past the initial barrier its great.
also I love the new default ui.

basically this, the menus need a slight rethink but it would probably fuck up the settings.
give quick menu and core settings their own tabs already.

>> No.6428103

It must be because I'm retarded, but ive tried retroarch many times and every time either it doesn't work (failed to load roms) or it runs slow on my Ps3 (which I fixed by forcing the refresh rate), or it crashes. Also a lot of the shaders don't work but that might be my pc.

I have a friend that swears by using retroarch and that it's the best thing since sliced bread but I find it very unintuitive to use and overly complicated. I have to google everything that I want to do because there's nothing to tell you how to operate the software. It took me a while to figure out to get back to the main menu while in a game.

I ended up switching to the standalone mednafen emulator for ps1 which ran and looked better. I use pj64/mupen for n64.

Im sure it's a good frontend and all, but I find it difficult to grasp most of the time and I end up uninstalling it and using a more mature emu anyway.

>> No.6428570

If you're so smart, how do you set up diagonals, then?

>> No.6428714
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It's pretty comfy desu. It can run consoles from atari to n64 no issue.
Although the cores for later consoles can be a bit problematic considering the cores could be out-of-date because the emu devs haven't compiled the newest emulator to the retroarch core.

Although that's the case, for a general front end, it's great.
The shaders and features it has are rad. For example, I love that I can just switch between cores at ease.

Although it can be a fickle thing thing to use though, when it's working and set up right, it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.6428741

>It must be because I'm retarded
Well, you are a tripfag. Oh, filtered btw.

>> No.6429124

>No issue
So long as you don't you wanna go northwest in an RPG!! lol

>> No.6429156

But mapping the D-pad to the correct keys. Up+Left will make a diagonal, etc.

>> No.6429158

Are you honest to god retarded? You can make diagonal movements just fine in RA. You just need to have up mapped to up and left mapped to left lmao.

>> No.6429489

Better example would be fighting games, where quarter circle movements etc are necessary for play. They play really rather poorly in retroarch. People who use RA pretty much only play RPGs and the occasional shmup.

>> No.6429712

No, they don’t. You’re spouting total nonsense. If you’re having an issue making diagonals, it’s your controller at fault.

>> No.6429907

I just played Street Fighter 2 and Link to the Past on retroarch with the Snes9X core and I could use diagonals just fine, both on keyboard and on my controller. If you don't wanna try retroarch that's your loss but you could at least sound a little more reasonable.

>> No.6429923

Retroarch is mandatory because of runahead and frame delay. Until standalone emulators start implementing runahead then there's no reason to use them over retroarch cores

>> No.6429946

You pretty much wrote everything I was going to say. Agree 100%

>> No.6430640

>she claims to have played alttp on a keyboard in retroarch with diagonals
Why do you insist on being a lying liar who lies?

>> No.6431415



>> No.6431496

Until retroarch cores start implementing diagonals, there's no reason to use them over standalone emulators.

>> No.6431503

It's a meme you dip.

>> No.6431514
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>I was just pretending to be stupid.

>> No.6432093
File: 8 KB, 236x214, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just pretending retroarch has diagonals

>> No.6432105

On anything that isn't a PC sure. Still buggy shit.

>> No.6432261

some systems are dumb. PicoDrive for the PS2 has worked at 60 fps for years. RetroArch recently arrives, it's PicoDrive core runs at 45 fps. So they took something that worked, made it not work then packaged it with a GUI. ???????????????

>> No.6432283

Has some nice features but it is ultimately inferior to the standalone emulators in most cases

>> No.6432343

>Postea soldado de la División Azul
Basado y rojoempastillado.

>> No.6434416

it's damn good, autists on /vr/ will never admit it.

>> No.6434423

Im a big dumb dumb, what's a front end?

>> No.6434529

I didn't like the PS3 UI when it was on the PS3.

>> No.6434753

I've always used emulators like MAME and a frontend, and by chance was given an iMac that I plan to use as a drop in replacement for a faulty CRT in a cab until I can have it repaired. Heard it was a just werks type solution but haven't gotten a single game to launch. Tried multiple games/cores. The UI honestly feels like a confusing mess too.
Is it any better on other platforms? Bootcamping now because lots of games weren't even starting. Tried GNU + Linux but killed it twice, first time with a DM and second with ATi drivers

>> No.6435195

Something that lacks diagonals.

>> No.6435326

How powerful is an iMac even? If you're talking about the old fatty faggot colored iMacs, I think you're retarded

>> No.6435329



>> No.6435443
File: 761 KB, 1080x2280, 330f1166-85b8-4f53-b4e3-fbb751c0211d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problems with Diagonals? Even on touchscreen didn't get problems on a Fighting Game.

>> No.6435547

XMB isn't the default menu driver anymore. Get your facts straight.

>> No.6435634

I've been using it for years without trouble. That people can't do a process that takes seconds is really dumb. You can even drag roms into the retroarch window if you're so goddamn stupid.

>> No.6435683

>PCSX2 core
Literally why would you want this when standalone is a catastrophe?

>> No.6435717

Most emulators you can't even download on most platforms, and they all have terrible guis. With Retroarch, you get libretro features (like shaders and low latency) working in every single emulator on practically every platform and unified settings (like a default control scheme) across all emulator cores.

>> No.6435943

you missed the part where you spend an hour setting it up, solely because you're fighting the retarded UI

>> No.6435957

How difficult is it to go left, right, up and down?

>> No.6436020

you just going to ignore how mislabelled and unorganized the menu options are?

>> No.6436023

What's mislabelled about "video options" or "input options"?

>> No.6436028

tell me, oh wise one, what menu option do i select to install a core?

>> No.6436032

The online updater, as cores have to be... downloaded?

>> No.6436039

you're not updating anything by installing a core. but please, go on, tell me what specific option *within* online updater will install cores.

>> No.6436041

Oh my god I don't know, maybe Update Joypad Profiles? I guess that one, it's so confusing!

>> No.6436053
File: 18 KB, 504x242, 2020-05-16 14-21-41-retroarch-RetroArch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll help you out since you're not playing along. it doesn't take a fucking engineer to tell that something that installs should not be labelled "updater". the menus are filled with shit like this.

it's not like *i* couldn't figure it out, because i'm using it as my main emulator because using the same shaders with every emulator is nice. but i had to help several friends set it up and they're not dumb, the UI is just designed by fags

>> No.6436062

This webm >>6422651 shows what peope have no problem with admitting is too hard for them to do, yeah? Okay. Just tell me one thing though: How in God's name do you expect to accomplish anything in life for yourself? Are you not terrified of become homeless if someone should find out that you are massively underskilled for ANY job? Because if you can't do what that video shows, boy you will be flipping burgers for the rest of your days.

>> No.6436063

Huh, it's almost as if it says "Install a core from the online updater".

>> No.6436064
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>> No.6436065

it's almost as if it's trivial to rename the option that does not update anything, but does install, to "core installer" from "core updater". why would someone read the tooltip if the option name points them in the complete opposite direction?

>> No.6436067

Well anon, it does update. "Update Installed Cores" wasn't there before, so the option for that was the core updater. It has both functions.

>> No.6436073

...but it doesn't update now. ...so it's no longer the core updater. why isn't the name changed? they couldn't push that in with the same update?

>> No.6436086

You don't seem to understand. It -does- still update, if you download the same core you downloaded before. Update installed cores updates -all- of the ones you already have installed, which is a different thing. If you want to -update- a single core you have installed, the new option isn't the option you would want to use.

Also how is updating the opposite of installing? I don't get that one.

>> No.6436128

the tooltip doesn't tell me that it updates cores; i guess that's interesting and useful that you can update specific cores using that option, but it still shouldn't *just* be called "updater". installing a core is basically step 1; you're not going to be able to use retroarch at all if you don't do that first. it's UI design 101 to name and label things clearly so the user isn't lost or given mixed messages about what a given function does.

i didn't mean updating is the polar opposite of installing; they're just two different tasks. yeah, it could have been worse; it could have been named "core uninstaller". but my case study of 4 fairly competent people tells me that the current state of retroarch's menus is needlessly confusing.

>> No.6436148

>the tooltip doesn't tell me
Here's a tooltip for you: https://docs.libretro.com/
Learn to use the fucking internet dumb bitch. You're online right now wasting everyone's time with your incomptence. Stop complaining and start reading. Not everything in life is free and self-explanatory.

>> No.6436156
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>> No.6436184


>> No.6436185

Retroarch is free tho haha gotem

>> No.6436192

4chan's total inability to use retroarch just shows how fucking stupid everyone here is, while you all think you're part of some top intelligence percentile. Maybe you're just too stupid to get a gf?

>> No.6436214

It's not quite that ancient and I'm certainly not stupid enough to think PPC will get me anywhere. Can't remember EMC off the top of my head but 2010 with a first gen i3 and HD4650M
I've had zero problems on a Windows laptop using a slightly older Pentium and slower GPU. Pretty much the only system I've had noticible performance issues from was using a single core Celeron, 1GB RAM and integrated GPU. To be honest I have no idea how Windows 7 was installed to the thing, was a school loaner (these all ran MAME with no frontend)

>> No.6436215

what's with the baitin' my man? if the UI wasn't complete shit we wouldn't have this problem, now would we? again, i'm using retroarch for like 75% of my emulation now, so it's not like it's impossible to use. it's just more difficult that it needs to be for people who aren't used to bullshit UI. i've dealt with programmers making retarded design choices before; this ain't my first rodeo.

but my friends who haven't? and don't even say "just watch a youtube video bro" or "rtfm" because neither of those things should be necessary to get a emulator to simply load a fucking game. if they are, the devs have failed at design.

>> No.6436229

It's fine. The UI is fine. And there are several alternatives available. Why can't I shake the feeling that in truth you want this thing to just run out of the box? There are just too many cores for that to ever be the case. And I personally would hate a built in set up guide. Jesus, once you wrap you're head around it setting up a new RetroArch install is a 5 mintue job - if that. You can't keep simplifying things without losing features in some instances.

>> No.6436237
File: 1.10 MB, 1317x1080, amazon_diet_EN-200118-204603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is that people here like to pretend they're hot shit at games, know everything about history/philosophy, play simulators/dorf fort/other complicated shit, then they have difficulty setting up retroarch
like fucking hell learn to read
and, you dumb fucking nigger, it should always be necessary to read an emulator's manual, what the fuck is wrong with reading the fucking manual? you lose a little bit of time you could have spent talking with your faggot 'friends' on discord or making yet another inane post on this garbage school shooter forum?

>> No.6436241

this is you, this is your life, this is what you do all day

i am amazed by this pure, unbelievable out of this world brainless heck,

how is this guy, this human being, able to hold a spoon? Oh Lord, bless this one man because he seems the only one of his kind.

You see, my friend, this is why god gave every human the instinc to breath on his own so at least that one dude on this planet wouldn't die because he never learned it.

holy hot doritos my lord.

>> No.6436243

I don't know what the problem is really? Just seems like a reddit vs. 4chan feud that's gone to far. I use dosbox with no frontends which is a nightmare for most people, but it's nice once you get the hang of it, which is how I think of retroarch and mame. It just takes a minute to get used to something new. I really think it's just trolling and hatred for reddit.

>> No.6436245

emulators with simple frontends built in like dolphin have spoiled these kids, which is even funnier since retroarch is literally trying to give you that but for every system you could desire

>> No.6436250

the UI isn't fine if, as (You) might say, the entirety of 4chan is unable to use it.

i'm not complaining about needing to install cores; having all cores preinstalled is obviously a retarded idea. a built in set-up guide wouldn't be a bad idea, but an easier solution is just to fix the UI issues.

once again, it's not *that* hard. it's just hard enough to put a lot of people off using it. i ignored retroarch for the longest time because its XMB interface was so goddamn awful. the newer nintendo switch styled UI is much better.

also, nice same fagging. i know how the IP counter works.

>> No.6436252

if someone could tell me how to save the fucking game and not to start from the start over and over again I'd be pleased. I play it on PS Vita.

>> No.6436253

never used it on vita, but save a save state?

>> No.6436254
File: 7 KB, 172x288, tym.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a new word for you.
Something like supersayyajin or shit like this.

i am laughing my ass super off here right now, even reading your comments with a straight face make me shit my pents twice as hard, holy chicken dude.

>> No.6436258

>responds to someone else thinking its me
no, you stupid nigger, this >>6436237 is me, i would not be polite to a fucking dumbshit reddit child like you
of course you can't even respond to me so you sputter out some shit about samefagging in your reddit spaced waste of fucking text

>> No.6436259

so at least two of those posts was made by you? 2/5 aint bad at all :^)

>> No.6436260

retroarch isn't just a 10 foot interface, it brings a lot more to the table than that

>> No.6436261

my girlfriend set up retroarch for herself fine, maybe the majority of 4chan is just stupid? that might explain the rightwing politics and social isolation, people don't like stupid people

>> No.6436263
File: 1 KB, 114x42, 46784687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold me, holy shit, dude, come on
we need to have a beer together you are one of the coolest guys right now.

>> No.6436265

I just remembered I made this 2 posts >>6422651 >>6422653 in the beginning and lo and hehold, it held true! Said it a hundred times now creating dedicated RetroArch threads should be a bannable offense. I'm out of here... and I'm setting up a filter. Fuck all of you. Waste of time.

>> No.6436267

im not a redditnigger, im adding lines to make my posts more readable and not a fucking giant wall of text. do you prefer to go back to 10,000 word forum rants with no formatting?

>> No.6436269

or, get this, how about you Select Core, and then go to Download Core, you dumb misguided motherfucker

>> No.6436270
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1574486809397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol its that emoticon that only people who are extremely fucking butthurt post
grow a dick lil bihh

>> No.6436274
File: 189 KB, 396x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436278

>responding to yourself as someone else to appear as a different person
>accuse others of same fagging
>while same fagging yourself
kek, bipolar disorder is one hell of a drug

>> No.6436279

>10,000 word
this tourist doesn't even know about the character limit? lmao
back to whence you came, and once again, thanks for the total lack of response to my point, you idiot

>> No.6436287

that works too; i was just focusing on a specific example. no hate :)

oh no i used the MEME emoticon!!! nevermind the fact i've used it since fucking 2002. zoom zoom!!!

yeah i clearly meant fucking 4chan when i was referring to walls of text. not any other forum that's existed in the past 20 years; specifically 4chan. you got me there! how could i not know by heart the character limit of 4chan; who doesn't max out the reply box on a regular basis?

>> No.6436289

let me lift the mistery here.

If you have an old instal of RA (1.6.0) and below, you would had to reinstall the whole build because other wise you would stuck with an old updater adress.

With the old url you were unable to download or update the cores.

you need to see RA as a kind of House with many Rooms (Cores), you don't really need to update the house (RA), all you need to do is update the rooms (cores) and everything is fine. Therefore all you see is either
>downloade core
>update cores
you also can update all installed cores but overall, the house, is not updated.

>> No.6436292

>oh no i used the MEME emoticon!!! nevermind the fact i've used it since fucking 2002. zoom zoom!!!
positively fucking dripping with butthurt, cool the fuck off before trying to post again

>> No.6436305

im just responding with the same kind of autism i'm getting thrown; i don't know why a couple fags are chimping out over me suggesting retroarch has some UI problems (that can easily be fixed). i pulled out the samefagging card because i saw a shitload of posts arrived at once without the poster counter going up and i knew i'd get a few hits :)

>> No.6436307

if i call you out for your use of emoticons to barely conceal your butthurt will you chimp out again?

>> No.6436309

Hey, Anons, help me out here please.
Is this:
>no hate :)
a threat?

>> No.6436313

you are a super duper magnet bro.
I enjoy you right now like hell, please don't stop.

>> No.6436314

reminder that i started this and he started crying about me being mean to incels
have sex

>> No.6436316
File: 5 KB, 389x125, 465745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boost your visibility, this is the only way how these retards will listen to you!
Just type a random name into the name field.

>> No.6436318

setting up retroarch is literally easier than making a girl cum, you guys know how to do that, right?

>> No.6436324

not really, to be honest to you anon, i never saw a naked girl at all.
How about this, you show me a little of these ""naked girls"" you talk about? Nobody is watching, ...

>> No.6436327

wish granted
go send some whore some money thru paypal or whatever you youngins do these days
oh boy! thanks for showing me this neet new feature!!
haha SEX! very cool.

>> No.6436329

learn to read nigger we're talking about retroarch
god you're a fucking creep

>> No.6436331

lmao so angry
reminder that you started ranting in response to me and i never even mentioned the UI, i merely called you stupid, which you very clearly are
cope and seethe virgin

>> No.6436332

I am a Creep? I am? Just me? Really? I am not so sure about th...

oh hy mark

>> No.6436336


>> No.6436337

>the "retroarch has bad UI" dude, muscleman extreme
oh boy, what is happening here?
you know what this means anons, retroarch has a fucking plep filter, and thats a good news.

>> No.6436339


>> No.6436341
File: 6 KB, 332x94, 2020-05-16_16-09-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cope and seethe
and yet *im* being labelled a reddit.com user
thanks for playing
did you miss the part where i said i use retroarch for almost everything? pic incoming

>> No.6436346
File: 112 KB, 960x824, 2020-05-16 16-10-21-retroarch-RetroArch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436350

imagine being this mad about something that you begrudgingly use every single day lol

>> No.6436352

>you miss
yeah, maybe, not sure if this is the only reason i am in this thread right now, look i even paused saturday night show for you.

>> No.6436357

imagine thinking me criticizing something makes me angry at it
how do you live
do zoomers still watch TV? honest off-topic question

>> No.6436360

imagine using something you hate lol
what a cuck

>> No.6436362

im lost, is this 2016 /pol/? i haven't seen cuck be used unironically in a long time; are you ok anon?

>> No.6436365

oh wow.... look at this bullshit ui.... its like i can't even click on a game to play it... .woww.... they even have screenshots to show me what the game looks like.... so bullshit.... take me back to epsxe please........ where are the plugin menus........

>> No.6436367

you are amazing

>> No.6436369

>im lost
no shit, go back

>> No.6436370

is this anon for real

>> No.6436371

read my posts and make a real argument or dont bother faggot
i try :^)

>> No.6436378

>is this 2016 /pol/?

>> No.6436379

your posts mostly seem to be you getting really upset at someone teasing you for being a virgin
what does that have to do with retroarch??

>> No.6436381 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 540x326, trex sex 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436384
File: 83 KB, 600x800, soyface 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for being a virgin
haha SEX!
find me the quote from me regarding this matter or else ur gay

>> No.6436386

>make a real argument
oh boy, here we come.... ok, let me try it.

I am not really good at that, but keep with me up. Maybe we can do it together, i mean, all you have to do is just read my reply but who knows what comes inbetween. Like an ayy lmao invasion, amiright?
So, how do i go with it now, what kind of "argument" could i give to make it as logical as possible for you. To be honest, i am not sure about that, maybe i would have to care little bit more? Can't really tell but hey, at least i tried it.

>> No.6436390

>find me the quote from me regarding this matter or else ur gay
>haha SEX!
it was in your post?

>> No.6436393

1. read my posts
2. realise im bitching about retroarch mislabelling things, specifically because of my normally competent friends having difficulty without without my help
3. address that instead of "haha retard dont kno how to load game"

>> No.6436394

He is a leftard, no GF, secretley loves communism, hates everyone who voted trump.

>> No.6436396 [DELETED] 
File: 257 B, 32x32, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you
it for me??
i voted for the johnson but nice try le drumpf supporter

>> No.6436402

i'm a leftard and i love communism and i hate everyone who voted for trump except i have a gf and i think retroarch's UI is extremely easy to use, especially the new one

>> No.6436403

>1. read my posts
I read your post, twice and now a third time.
>2. realise im bitching about retroarch mislabelling things, specifically because of my normally competent friends having difficulty without without my help
I realise your bitching and your viewpoint of the misleabelling things from your perspective, i respect your opinion but do not agree with it, as far as i am not sure where you are going with this but i am very interessted to what else you have to say, so please go on.
>3. address that instead of "haha retard dont kno how to load game"
ok, that one is hard, don't know how i am going to address this one.

>> No.6436404

>loves communism

>> No.6436405

why are you talking about politics on /vr/?

>> No.6436408

why does he reply?

>> No.6436410
File: 8 KB, 594x63, 2020-05-16 16-30-26-chrome-vr_-_What's_the_vr_verdict_on_retroarch_-_Ret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask him

>> No.6436412

but that's you

>> No.6436414

Just a thought, guys.
This Anon might have schizophrenica.

>> No.6436415

help! my mask of irony slipped hours ago and i don't know how to stop!!!

>> No.6436416
File: 217 KB, 729x479, 12352497576475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Plep Filter is actually a Schizo FIlter.
RetroArch's UI is a Schizo Filter.


>> No.6436417

maybe im shouting into the void
maybe the voices are real
maybe youre all just trannies
who knows
ogga booga go back to africa

>> No.6436418

hello i'm the missing e, i got lost up my own ass while making incoherent posts about software i force myself to use every day

>> No.6436419

you are all bots

>> No.6436423

stfu fakers >:-(

>> No.6436424

poster count has gone up 2 since last samefagging

>> No.6436431


>> No.6436432

actually half of those were me lol
i'm bored so i'm gonna play space marine (that's what i call getting a blowjob while i wear my space marine helmet)

>> No.6436435


>> No.6436437

woah, now that site has a bad UI, am i right fellas?

>> No.6436441
File: 30 KB, 600x600, you will regret this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will be back
you will not forget me
you will regret this

>> No.6436442

wow what a fresh meme

>> No.6436445


>> No.6436448

What the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.6436449
File: 150 KB, 600x450, f57cee2dc4fc3ecab3631bad53afd3bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436451

The UI is trash.

>> No.6436453


>> No.6436454

actual OP here, one to maybe 3 at most faggots are whiteknighting for retroarch's devs. the mutually assured shitposting escalated the thread to what it is right now.

>> No.6436456

ugly but cute

can we please keep him, anons?

>> No.6436457

I never get the butter smooth performance with standalones. Retroarch is worth it for it's perfect vsync alone.

>> No.6436467

>mislabelling things
Explain? Everything is self explanatory, they even have explanations in small scrolling text..

>> No.6436478

retroarch is fine. the people that harp on the UI either don't change to Ozone or don't like XMB in general.

>> No.6436485
File: 15 KB, 496x228, 2020-05-16_16-57-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what 2 of my friends had issue with
XMB was garbage, ozones a lot better, but there's still issues, pic related.

>> No.6436496
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, its not rocket science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436497

i think it is super easy this way, because now you can simply update all cores you already have without updateing one at a time.

>> No.6436506

why would i go to load core if i don't have any downloaded and installed
itd be nice if that was a lot more clear

>> No.6436508

You need Cores to do any emulating, naturally you'd check Load Core, and find that to be the most direct solution to downloading what you need. Seriously, you're just being full retard strawman on purpose.

>> No.6436514

im not the one who had difficulty with this; two of my friends spent 5 minutes trying to figure this out and gave up knowing i'd help them with it later. why is it so hard to accept criticism for something you're not even involved in? unless... you are a dev? in which case, fuck you for blaming shit on the user.

>> No.6436519

>if that was a lot more clear
it is lit. written there, anon?

>> No.6436532

You didn't answer what was mislabeled. It LITERALLY says to install a core or update a core. Straight forward. What's mislabeled?

>> No.6436535

>why would i go to load core if i don't have any downloaded and installed
That looks like another method. You can just use the online updater. I think you are mad because you need to learn how to use it.

>> No.6436537

your friends are mom working a printer level IQ

>> No.6436539

Maybe pay for your games instead of pirating if you’re too stupid to computer.

>> No.6436550
File: 2.93 MB, 480x364, BONER BIKE ZONE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.6436554

imagine trying to defend such shitty UI decisions. remember to dilate today

>> No.6436582

i've been using retroarch for a few years now and have not had to refer to online documentation yet, it can't be that bad

>> No.6436676

Hey dev guy. Why would you remove diagonals from the "cores" when all the emulators individually have diagonals? Is there something about up-right that frightens and confuses you?
Also, why is your UI garbage?

>> No.6436710

heeey, are yo still in da house anon?
I think you are wrong and the ui is actual great.

>> No.6436760

not sure what to tell you bubbaroo, diagonals work fine for me

>> No.6436769

still here. thats great we can find common ground! i think the new UI is a huge improvement. it's actually something i want to use now.

>> No.6436771

are you still angry at all the anons who disagreed with you?
I just wanted to say that i am not angry, everythign is fine. And you know what, i think we can become best friends. I really wish there was a way to make contact to you. Just think about all the cool stuff we could do together.

>> No.6436784

hello? *snif

>> No.6436794

Hey i don't like it when you say you are here but than don't reply! Not fair anon. This makes me sad! Don't make me sad please. I am you best friend now and forever ok? *he
Maybe we can meat one day and see each other in real life *hug*
hi hi

>> No.6436813

It seems anon is gone, guess he doesn't like a little bit tiny romantic here and there, but still i think he is a cool dude.

One day he will wake up and look into my eyes, and we will have a fun day!
Full with Romantic


>> No.6436849

Why would they remove diagonals if the emulators they're running on originally included them?

>> No.6436948

im not angry, i just had a bit fun shit-flinging. throw me a throwaway email address if you want and i'll prove to you its me :^)

>> No.6437359

I'm an incompetent clown with barely any life skills or intelligence. I'm pretty low IQ if you ask me. I figured out in a few minutes what every option did and moved on with my life. What is about RetroArch that brings the high functioning autism out of every person that cannot spend a minute learning anything? It's not like there's an option in RetroArch that says "delete windows" and it might do that shit accidentally. Just fuck around with it. You don't want to read any documentation but you don't want to try to find it out yourself. So third option is just to bitch about it endlessly? What kind of brainlet

>> No.6437362

Is there anything keeping your 2 friends from pushing one of the options and seeing what it does? Are they incapable of functioning unless there's someone telling them exactly how to do anything in life?

>> No.6437398


They tried it once six years and two UI's ago, and/or they're angry collectorfags. Most physical collectors are cool enough, but some have a rageboner for emulation.

>> No.6437436

i cant say i can blame them for not figuring it out. i don't know what to tell you; they're normally not retarded with tech shit. realising that the "load core" option i never touch has a clearly labelled "download core" button means it's a bit less retarded than i initially thought, but they certainly never went down that road either
once again, this is what i did; everything i couldn't figure out in 30 seconds i googled and almost always found a post of someone else bitching about it, with instructions on how to do whatever. so yeah, my friends should have just done that. but they shouldn't have ever needed to feel the impulse to do that for *the first fucking step of using retroarch*. i get not having the shaders options be retard proof, but it shouldn't take more than a couple minutes for someone to figure out how to set up RA to play games. stop blaming the results of bad design on users
ive bitched about RA a grand total of 3 times in my life, twice being in the past 48 hours because i had to set this shit up 4 times in the span of a week. the first time i bitched about it was literally me installing it a couple years ago, looking at XMB, googling for a (then non-existant) WIMP interface, then saying "lol fuck this". i wasn't about to waste my time fiddling with consolefag trash UI. ozone is far superior; it's only problems are option names and paths inherited from the old interface

>> No.6437456

Really a good set of emulator cores with a shit interface. Setup a nice frontend and have it launch retroarch to actually play games. The benefits of not setting up a few dozen emulators and their controller mappings will be evident when you realize how much time you saved and how convenient it all is.

>> No.6437519

I set up launchbox with retroarch. Sure it's a frontend for a frontend but it fucking werks and adding games is a fucking breeze.

>> No.6437524

You sir, are doing it correctly. I don't even consider retroarch a frontend as it's sort of an emulator framework instead.

>> No.6437694
File: 184 KB, 700x437, Dolphinblue_brumma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably more of an /emugen/ question but does Dolphin Blue running on flycast core for Retroarch just randomly freezes at certain points for anyone else? Game could run perfectly fine from finish to end on Demul.

If this is really a core problem, that's kinda one strike against Retroarch for me, sometimes individual emulators tend to just work way better than the cores on Retroarch, that being said, it's fine for stuff like PSX and probably the best N64 emulation option around.

>> No.6437696
File: 2.68 MB, 1440x1080, RetroArch 2020.05.17 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely like it but I absolute am torn on what shaders or filters to use.

They all look so damn different and sharp as fuck compared to the blurry mess of a composite crt i had back then. Even the game I recognized the most in my crt days doesn't look right.

I'm going completely autistic about it and I hate it.

>> No.6437698

For me I just tend to use the NTSC filters for certain games.

>> No.6438641

>does Dolphin Blue running on flycast core for Retroarch just randomly freezes at certain points for anyone else
Never happened to me. But I've only ever played a stage or two.

>> No.6438650

Why not just use zsnes and epsxe? This shit is too complicated

>> No.6438680

That's the thing, It froze on the first stage, then I relaunched and it didn't freeze at the same spot until way later.

>> No.6438687

yeah bruh NESticle works great for me, fuck these kitchen sink emulators

>> No.6438690

If it ain't broke don't fix it

>> No.6438719

Has anyone used retroarch on Wii much? I'm trying to confirm if there's an FBA core for it that will play cave stuff like Guwange, ESPRade etc. The roms aren't that big so theoretically it could load them into ram but I haven't had success yet in getting any of those games to run, maybe it's a romset issue?

>> No.6438878

Great features.
God fucking awful UI when using a mouse

>> No.6438932

You always spot the retards in those threads.

>> No.6438967
File: 912 KB, 240x176, 1572305751513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine for me, when it works. Updates often break old features, like retroarch 64 bit on Android apparently broke PSX emulation. The AI tranaslate feature they added requires a you to set up a separate ztranslate account outside of retroarch, and the Android version doesn't remember the shortcut you set it to meaning you have to set it each tim you load a game. It's a mess navigating through menus, it can't make a playlist with TurboGrafx/PC Engine CD games for some reason, and it won't make playlists based on any criteria other than what system it's for, often making rom lists ridiculously long. That being said, there's a youtube video for everything you ever want to set up, but it's tedious. I really wish they simplified it for normies.

>> No.6439162

if they hated it that much, they wouldn't use it

i'm relatively new to /vr/, and it seems retroarch is /vr/'s mpv (/g/), obviously the best at what it does, which is why people use it, but configuring it has retards bitching about it incessantly

>> No.6439172

Decent, shit GUI though.

>> No.6440267
File: 115 KB, 447x437, 1589498358130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question
I know that there is a bunch of utilities and such but why would people try to dfend the UI saying "you get used to it" or shit like that

Multi console emulators with utilities like bizhawk don't spend their time reinventing UIs.

Even mednafen or mame that use keyboard mainly arent autistic enough to shove a mini windows 8 out of the box

Just because you like some of the features doesn't mean you have to kiss their boots

>> No.6440304

In the end, nobody gives a fuck what everyone else thinks, you will just use what you like and thats it.

>> No.6440370

>retroarch is /vr/'s mpv (/g/)
Pretty much.

>> No.6440439

>re for Retroarch just randomly freezes at certain points for anyone else? Game could run perfectly fine from finish to end on Demul.
Just played through with my brother last week. Using flycast.

>> No.6440452

Damn, savestates are HEAVILY compressable. I just zipped up +6GB of states into 150 MB.

>> No.6440465
File: 35 KB, 600x600, costanzaishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just zipped up +6GB of states
How is that even possible? Are you the ultimate savescummer?

>> No.6440494

People who coded retroarch have zero regard for usability and user friendliness
>can't rename playlists retaining proper icons or sort them the way you want
>settings saved on exit instead of when they're changed so they're not applied if retroarch crashes which happens a lot
>gamepad is not recognized in menu if it's mapped to port 2 even if port 1 is unavailable
>can't customize overlay messages
>if you rename a game in the playlist, a thumbnail picture associated with that game is not renamed so you have to go and rename it separately as well
>no option for downsampling to mono per game

>> No.6440497

I made a lot of save states to be able to quickly go back to different parts of a game I was taking a lot of screenshots and videos of.

>> No.6440503

PS1 states are 16MB a pop btw.

>> No.6440506
File: 945 KB, 3000x3000, 1552438759766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>can't rename playlists retaining proper icons or sort them the way you want
Just rename the .lpl file
>>settings saved on exit instead of when they're changed so they're not applied if retroarch crashes which happens a lot
The only time I had it crash was when I did retarded shit.
>>can't customize overlay messages
I'll give you this that. You can disable some
>>>if you rename a game in the playlist, a thumbnail picture associated with that game is not renamed so you have to go and rename it separately as well
That's to be expected.
>>>no option for downsampling to mono per game
What is filters/audio/mono.dsp

You sound like a complete noob tbqh, try doing some research before crying like a baby

>> No.6440509

I really just think the user interface is so horrible that the inconvenience of using it outweighs any benefit

>> No.6440510

Decent vsync, shaders and per-game options ar emore than enough to me.

>> No.6440513

>settings saved on exit instead of when they're changed so they're not applied if retroarch crashes which happens a lot
No this makes sense. The changing of the settings might be the reason it crashed so you don't want it to perpetually go back to that state do you? You would complain about that alternative too.
>gamepad is not recognized in menu if it's mapped to port 2 even if port 1 is unavailable
There's a setting for that. You have a setting that reads akin to "Only player 1 can control the menu" enable somewhere.
>can't customize overlay messages
You can set their position, change their color and disable some of them or disable them all together. I'd call that customization.
>if you rename a game in the playlist, a thumbnail picture associated with that game is not renamed so you have to go and rename it separately as well
This is true.
>no option for downsampling to mono per game
Probably also true. You're also 100% the first user to ever request this, so...

>> No.6440514

>Just rename the .lpl file
it wouldn't retain the proper icon
>The only time I had it crash was when I did retarded shit.
i take it you don't use flycast and dolphin very often
>I'll give you this that. You can disable some
you can't disable pad-related messages unless you disable osd altogether
>That's to be expected.
absolutely not
>What is filters/audio/mono.dsp
it's system wide, i'd use it with per game overrides even if it didn't incur another bug related to fullscreen
>You sound like a complete noob tbqh
judging from your response the noob here is you

Oh and I forgot the worst offender: whenever you want to add entries to your playlist, explorer would always default to retroarch folder so you have to navigate to your roms folder every_single_time. It's so easy to fix and that they haven't done so already really tells me about their appreciation for good UI.

>> No.6440517

Its good enough that a retard like me who knows nothing about emulators can use it

>> No.6440518

It seems like some emulator developers were justifiably angry that it stole the limelight from their emulators. Writing emulators is a pretty thankless job so it would be understandably annoying if Retroarch gets all the credit for what you do. On the other hand, they probably get all the e-mail asking for r*mzzz so

>> No.6440519
File: 17 KB, 268x284, 1589646993127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using dolphin on retroarch
Not him, but you sure are a complete noob.

>> No.6440520

Flycast indeed a shit, never used the dolphin core but I'm also not the person you're replying to. There is a "save settings now" though. Maybe you can set up a hotkey function for it? I think that would be a good feature request actually. Someone should request that but I'm too lazy to do it.

>> No.6440524

>>What is filters/audio/mono.dsp
>it's system wide, i'd use it with per game overrides even if it didn't incur another bug related to fullscreen
What bug? per-game configs work just fine here.

>> No.6440525

Yeah, I agree. There's a handful of cores / platforms I wouldn't use RetroArch for that immediately come to mind:
- DOSBox
- Flycast
- Dolphin

>> No.6440527

You're trying too hard anon. Dolphin core lacks some functionality of standalone but there's nothing wrong with using it bearing that in mind.
It breaks fullscreen retention of the UI. TLDR if you use a game override without even changing a thing then retroarch UI would always become windowed even if you exited a game that was in fullscreen.

>> No.6440529

Oh and don't be confusing per-game options that configure the core and per-game overrides which override retroarch options for a particular game.

>> No.6440534

>TLDR if you use a game override without even changing a thing
I didn't know about that bug, but then again, why would you create a game specific override without any changes? I don't know man I have a very intricate setup with overrides for arcade games and everything works fine.

>> No.6440536

>Oh and I forgot the worst offender: whenever you want to add entries to your playlist, explorer would always default to retroarch folder so you have to navigate to your roms folder every_single_time. It's so easy to fix and that they haven't done so already really tells me about their appreciation for good UI.

HOLY SHIT. Okay now I know you're retarded. You can set any directory on your PC as the starting director for the RetroArch filebrowser and I along with everyone else who isn't a brainlet has the root of their ROM directory set as that. It is confirmed you have not been through the entire menu even just once. You probably have ADHD or something bro.

>> No.6440540

He just wants to cry and not accept he's wrong. My autistic 12 yr old nephew uses RA just fine.

>> No.6440541

Because some cores like flycast don't allow changing the renderer in the core options so if you want for it to be using GL when having VK global your only options is core/game overrides. If you want to downsample a game to mono you can also do it only via a per-game override of a DSP plugin.
You're embarrassing yourself anon, setting file browser default folder does absolutely nothing for the explorer in the desktop menu, which I use to edit playlists.

>> No.6440543

>Because some cores like flycas
You keep repeating flycast it seems most of your problems are related to that core and not ra itself.
I use a cracked version of redream for DC, however I did play some atomiswave and naomi games on flycast without any issues so you might be retarded like the other anon is saying.

>> No.6440546

this bug persists for any override and what core you're setting it to is of no relevance
calm down anon, you're literally defending bugs

>> No.6440817

Haven't, but I can't imagine many cores working at full speed on the Wii's modest even for the time processor. You might be able to do NES, SMS, PC-Engine, and Genesis, but that will probably be about it, and even then it would only be with specific cores. RA's cores are not exactly low CPU speed friendly, often the native version of said emulator will be faster.

>> No.6440823

This is one of the reasons why I use LaunchBox with RetroArch. I can set it up so whatever games get launched by an specific core use a separate config file which correctly launches RetroArch using the right video driver.

>> No.6440850

Gonna side with >>6440817, if you really want to use emulators on your Wii you're better off getting standalone emulators like snes9x or FCEUX, those should work just fine on Wii's and even some older consoles like Xbox. You're still gonna have more options with retroarch or other emulation solutions on a more modern system though.

>> No.6440889

Lots of bullshit to deal with but it's the best way to play.

>> No.6441016

It's pretty great on anything that isn't Windows, I guess. Though I have a hard time justifying it to retards that can't figure out how to set it up when in reality it's really not too different from setting up 3-4 separate emulators.

>> No.6441090

it's hard

>> No.6441092

fullscreen exclusive and lower input lag

>> No.6441102

why does retroarch put 3/4 of my snes games into an snes hacks playlist? They are the same no-intro shit everyone else is using

>> No.6441106

The library scanning feature of RA is garbage and always has been. Just file->Open your stuff with the new UI (assuming you're on Windows)

>> No.6441264

>Just file->Open your stuff with the new UI
I don't feel like drilling down the file system

>> No.6441269

>drilling down the file system
It does remember the last location you opened something, so you literally just navigate once.
Besides, organizing by folder is WAY faster and easier then tagging in a library, or correcting a library that fucking sucks at reading good goodset/nointro tags.

>> No.6441273

the new vulkan n64 support in parallel is god-tier, and I love the commandline support, so I can make desktop shortcuts to individual favorite games.

Everyone else will either fight about how good or bad it is though. I find it useful enough for what I want to do with it. If you can navigate a menu tree you can navigate rretroarch, if you can't do either, git gud.

>> No.6441279

my folder is organized with a shitload of roms. If I want to play mega man x I have to start at the top level > scroll to snes (lots of systems) > scroll to game (lots of games). Maybe if the UI let you just type the name of the game like using the Windows key it wouldn't be so bad

>> No.6441281

You can also setup a rom directory as default or drag and drop roms into the retroarch window directly

>> No.6441289

Dude, there is literally a search field on the top right in the generic Open File windows dialog since Vista.
Also if you just simply start typing the name it will take you there anyways, like just start typing "meg" and it will take you to the first file that starts with that. Its worked this way since Win95.

>> No.6441295

huh? I'm not talking about the OS I'm talking about retroarch

>> No.6441303

I'm talking about using the File->Open dialog which is defined by the OS. You said you didn't want to use it because you'd have to "drill down files", but I was pointing out that there are plenty of ways to get your files very quickly in it.
Come on man.

>> No.6441305

and I was talking about drilling down the file system inside retroarch UI

>> No.6441556

It's a pretty nice frontend for lots of libretro cores in one package. Much prefer the RGUI theme over all the other ones though.

>> No.6441745
File: 510 KB, 1663x1439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a good GBC filter? This one is close, but I can see the RGB subpixels, which I definitely couldn't see on the original model. I tried Retro V2 but it has no motion blur.

>> No.6441764

take a look at the 'handheld' filters

>> No.6441779

No I know the original dmg model screen has a filter that looks great, I just cant seem to find one for the GBC that fits what I need, none of them seem perfect in the way the GB's LCD grid shaders are

>> No.6443359


well the thing is, FBA was actually just broken under the version of RA that I was using. Going back to an older one fixed it. as far as I can tell the wii will do CPS2/cave 68k at full speed no problem

>> No.6443742

>as far as I can tell the wii will do CPS2/cave 68k at full speed no problem
Thats unexpected, figures those would chug. Good to know.

>> No.6443772

>I can see the RGB subpixels, which I definitely couldn't see on the original model.
i could, it's was very noticable when there were solid R/G/B colours, they looked like stripes rather than squares
really, your screenshot doesn't show this effect enough to be realistic (though you probably wouldn't want it too realistic, unless you were running it close to the original physical screen size)

>> No.6443791

>FBA was actually just broken under the version of RA that I was using. Going back to an older one fixed it.
Are you sure it's not your romset that's outdated?

>> No.6443915

Does anyone know if Metal Slug 6 works in OPL on the PS2. For me it freezes once it hits the loading screen. I know Metal Slug Anthology works. inb4 not retro.

>> No.6444218

it's still just fba 2012 and the roms were the same, new/nightly versions of RA can break things because the Wii version isn't really closely looked after these days. I just got a version from last year and everything is good to go now

>> No.6445703

dry "dot" under handheld

>> No.6445743

i can tell you're divorced, seek help.

>> No.6445747

I tried using it but I couldn't do any Blitzes in FF6 for some reason. Any help?

>> No.6446008

I just played through it now using flycast, everything was fine up until the last level, there's a specific spot where it will freeze but the music still plays. Even save stating before that spot and reloading doesn't fix it.
I saw people had the same exact issue posted on GitHub but no solution.

>> No.6446014

Bummer. Hopefully they fix it soon. You could always fall back to Demul if you really want to keep playing.

>> No.6446169

I've beaten the game already on Demul, but since I was getting into Retroarch I just wanted to have all my roms using the same front end, I guess it doesn't matter really if it's just one game though.

>> No.6446285

Id just burn a disc. Some stuff doesnt like OPL but ESR has a lot broader compatibility

>> No.6446420

I hate retroarch so goddamn much. Seriously emulators on the xbox, DS and PSP are so were so much better than the retroarch shit on 3DS and vita because people actually optimized them to the console they're emulating and not try some stupid ass one-size fits all bullshit. yeah and the GUI is fucking terrible. Retroarch is a cult that needs to be stopped

>> No.6446431

Works ok on my pc.

>> No.6446745

PC version is whatever. I don't really see a point in using since most of the emus you can use standalone without the clunky GUI. My frustrations are mostly that its ported to goddamn EVERYTHING so nobody really makes standalone emulators for devices anymore and we're pretty forced to put up with its bullshit.

>> No.6446837

I always liked the 'fancy gui shit,' you mean to tell me you guys prefer having to switch hands between your mouse and keyboard and your controller all the time to use your emulator features and choose games and everything else? Having came from using Wii emulators I loved Retroarch, only way you can set almost every emulator up to be exclusively used with controller after launching. Way more convenient in my opinion.

>> No.6446846

What storage method are you using? Some games only work through HDD and if they don't work through that you're out of luck. I know of two games I could not boot without installing to HDD, Theme Park Rollercoaster and the English patch of KH1 Final Mix

>> No.6446867

Retroarch is excellent for PC partly because of the gui.

>> No.6447225

Can someone help me? I downloaded the SNES rom set, but when I load up the playlist there are some games missing, like Chrono Cross, Megaman X and Lufia. How the hell am I supposed to add them to the playlist? Do I have to alter the lpl manually for every single missing game?

>> No.6447281


There's now savestate compression you can enable. Cuts a PS1 savestate down from 16MB to 4MB.

>> No.6447282


Correction, cuts it down to 1.9MB

>> No.6447290

I fucking hate XMB.

>> No.6447291

Glorified frontend for simpletons

>> No.6447304

>you mean to tell me you guys prefer having to switch hands between your mouse and keyboard and your controller all the time to use your emulator features and choose games and everything else?
Yes, because the mouse-based UIs are better organized, faster, and generally more efficient to use. Scrolling through everything one by one with a controller is terrible and clunky compared to just pointing and clicking or hitting some keyboard shortcuts. I also usually just set up my emulators and then make them the default program for their respective ROM filetypes in Windows so I can just locate a game in Windows Explorer and click it to launch the emulator directly.

>> No.6448341

Thanks guys. I ended up having to burn it to dvd, like >>6446285 suggested, couldn't get it to run any other way

>> No.6448474

>Do I have to alter the lpl manually for every single missing game?
That's what I would do. It only takes a minute.

>> No.6448657

>clunky GUI
Jesus Christ, it’s made for using your controller, if you don’t like that, stop using full screen mode

>> No.6448672

just rescan the folder manually, games already in the playlist will not pop up twice.

>> No.6448678

Who even plays retro console games with a controller on a PC? Hello keyboard?

>> No.6448685


>> No.6448694

>lol eveyone doooooooooh
be more inclusive, drumpfarts

>> No.6448695

The reason I love RetroArch so much is because its UI was made with a controller in mind.

>> No.6448703

>nerd blah blah
fucking neckberd, all your little video games are shit. Get someting new and better like iphone, loser.

>> No.6448704

>Press Select
>Type “Mega” on the virtual keyboard
>Click desired MM game
Wow. So clunky. And that’s not even taking playlists into account.
You don’t know a damn thing about using RetroArch competently. It’s faster to select a game using RetroArch than it is on the majority of home consoles out there.

>> No.6448708

Everyone lmao
embarrassing retard

>> No.6448725

>retroarch thread
>95% of posters are retards who can't into the GUI

I thought /vr/ was supposed to be a smart board?

>> No.6448734

What, you haven't noticed the increase in shitposting the last couple of years? The increase in demands for 6th gen to be allowed? I'll give you a hint, the two are related.

>> No.6448805

90% of all the hate retroarch gets would disappear if people just understood that it's meant to be navigated with a gamepad.

>> No.6448923

I can into the GUI but the frontend can't into diagonals.

>> No.6448945

you're not forced to use the xmb style gui

>> No.6449097

>meant to be navigated with a gamepad.
In other words, it's shit on PC

>> No.6449106

So did you RA fags have fun shit posting on /v/ today?

>> No.6449167

Why? You already have the gamepad in your hands anyway. May as well use it to navigate the menu rather than set it on your lap and reach over for the mouse.

>> No.6449168

Have you already figured out RA gui, retard?

>> No.6449181

KB+M is still faster and efficient.
Have you figured out how to use more than emulator niggerbrain?

>> No.6449591

seems like ur just trying to advertise
and I don't appreciate it

>> No.6449592

The UI is the worst I've ever encountered in my life. This thing was not made for the neurotypical brain.

>> No.6449594


>> No.6449604

nah just use retroarch

>> No.6449609


??? but it's /vr/
u for reals made me think I was in /v/

>> No.6449682

That doesn't change anything. The UI is convoluted cluttered dogshit no matter the input method.

>> No.6449873


>> No.6449884

it does under the options, my advice is to make the screen scaling smaller too, making it full size to the screen doesn't look great

>> No.6449892

Are there any dithering filters for genesis in RA that aren't smeary shit or riddle the screen with fake video artifacts? I want to use a filter that looks like Kega's CVBS filter, but so all of them don't match that.

>> No.6449916
File: 66 KB, 1292x532, 1391950320204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you are remembering it incorrectly the CVBS filter was the smeary as fuck

>> No.6449924

Wrong word, but in retroarch it just looks like the canvas of a waterscolor painting, probably due to trying to interpret the dither patterns. In retroarch it looks blotchy and also seems to leave horizontal artifacts. An example is in Sonic 1, where if you stand underneath a waterfall with a shield on, the shield has these stripes while the water fall is transparent. That never happened in Kega.

Is there a filter that won't do that and isn't an ass quality NTSC filter?

>> No.6449939
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x960, Sonic The Hedgehog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's probably due to your resolution being incorrectly scaled, works fine for me

>> No.6449972

Where’s your shield nigga

>> No.6449998
File: 2.16 MB, 1280x960, Sonic The Hedgehog barrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might be on the frame where it disappears, here I took it again

>> No.6450009

But you're using a shitty NTSC filter with muted colors and artifacts.

>> No.6450020

nope, try opening the image at full size

>> No.6450035

The colors are certainly muted, is there another shader to apply that boost the gamma or chroma to proper levels?

>> No.6450075

they're not, but you do you

>> No.6450104

Well thanks for the help, I'll go back to stand alone emulators that actually work.

>> No.6450114

it was clear from the beginning that you had no intention of using it, I just thought I'd show you you were wrong and baiting

>> No.6450119

>ask question
>works for me
>no that image still has problems im trying to avoid
>no u
>fine dont help
>ur baiting
Is RA's userbase this underage?

>> No.6450126

get a better monitor

>> No.6450132

No, quit being a fag.

>> No.6450159

Mate you obviously couldn’t care less for a solution, you just want to shit on the thread

>> No.6450164

I asked for help and all I got was resolution being wrong, which isn't a problem. ESL faggot then suggests using muddy NTSC filter which is what what I also want to avoid. Is that so hard to ask?

>> No.6450176

What do you mean about NTSC filter, there’s no ntsc or pal colours being shown there, it’s RGB

>> No.6450185

Well what filter is it then?

>> No.6450268

custom CRT royale

>> No.6450840

>>Type “Mega” on the virtual keyboard
The fact that you have to use a virtual keyboard proves that a keyboard is a better navigation method, dumbass. Moving your hands to the real keyboard would be far faster than typing using a gamepad on a virtual keyboard. I just have shortcuts on my desktop to my ROM folders, which can be quickly searched by typing as well, and each ROM is defaulted to open the appropriate emulator when I double click it. Fuck your shitty clunky frontend.

>> No.6450853

I'm not switching controllers when I decide to switch games, retard. Your inability to manage playlists is not retroarch's problem.

>> No.6450854
File: 2.24 MB, 1589x1107, 381E9877-2BBB-4101-BA65-DC7F8D5653D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I use LaunchBox for rom organising, retroarch is the best for settings and customisation of different emulators while still being uniform across the board but I do not use it to organise my games

>> No.6450873

How is it different from Retroarch except it's a tile view?

>> No.6450889

You can completely customise how you view it, you can also auto download all the box art and info if you like, you can also connect it to non retro arch emulators and games, there are play count numbers and completion badges if you want, there are a lot more features for it but you can check it out if you’re interested or not

>> No.6450890

That's good, but it's becoming a bit convoluted. You basically have a front-end for a front-end for other emulators to play games, that's a bit too much.

>> No.6450901

Not really, I just use retro arch for the configurations, which you’re able to do on game by game or console by console, LaunchBox is basically how I view a digital shelf

>> No.6450906

>switching controllers
Setting down the controller for half a second? What a horror! How often do you switch games anyway? I typically sit down with a mind to play a particular game, load it up, play it for a few hours, then go do something else when I'm done. I can't imagine switching games so frequently that I feel like I'm setting down the controller too much, is this some ADHD zoomer thing?
>manage playlists
Again, just more clunky bullshit to spend extra time setting up when Windows' own file explorer is perfectly easily searchable. Click once, type out a game title, Windows moves the selection to a matching game, either hit enter if I got the exact game I wanted or double-click the correct game if it's close, emulator opens, play game.

>> No.6451508

>Windows' own file explorer is perfectly easily searchable
you're not gonna win any arguments with this one my friend

>> No.6451521

I just don't get why you would add a shitty gamepad-focused frontend on a computer where you have a keyboard and mouse. Place a shortcut to your ROM folders on your desktop, open the folder for the system you want to play, jump to the game you want, and play it. Way faster and easier than loading up RetroArch and scrolling through all that shit on a fucking d-pad and virtual keyboard. I get it if you have it on a media PC or something where you don't have a keyboard and mouse hooked up, but on your regular desktop? It's just inane.