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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 820 KB, 854x886, you have won.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6411038 No.6411038 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /vr/, I raise my glass to the one competitor who has made it all the way, now, what is your wish?

>> No.6411162

For everyone to become robotic gods that know of literally every bit of info ever.

>> No.6411170

I wish that everyone was a beautiful perfect hermaphrodite dickgirl but still capable of procreation with each other.

>> No.6411192
File: 10 KB, 210x240, calypso1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wish is granted, it's a shame though, those Gods now know that you jack off to loli and are hunting you down for execution! I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
Granted! Your wish is actually pretty hard to fuck up so I'll give ya that, aside from just feeling really gay whenever you have sex now. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!

>> No.6411479

I wish for all /vr/ video games that were originally released, commercially or otherwise, for personal computer platforms to be erased from existence and the collective minds of all of humanity immediately.

>> No.6411487

>Granted! Your wish is actually pretty hard to fuck up so I'll give ya that, aside from just feeling really gay whenever you have sex now. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
Thanks senpai.

>> No.6411506

I want the timeline rewritten so the Star Ocean games after 2 are sprite based, good, and widely available to play for all of humanity.

>> No.6411534

I wish for the ys series to return to its roots and go back to bump combat

>> No.6411570
File: 877 KB, 964x720, calypso2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More wishes? I am all but happy to oblige!
Your wish is granted! Now, you have two options, erased from history and never existed or just erased from that very moment, we'll go with the former! Doom was erased, this means the FPS genre went tits up or at least was very fucking late, Fallout never exists, Bethesda has went bankrupt from Elder Scrolls nor Fallout existing! Valve never ends up suceeding or their success is far more limited, Steam is never a thing, GOG rains supreme. There are more unforeseen consequences, but that's all I'll list. Whether what has happened is good or bad, is up to you my dear winner! I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
I am happy to oblige, anon. May fate give you victory in next years contest...
Granted! And, while they are good, sprite based and widely available. A management shift as given them to a team under EA's control, it is a free to play mobile game with game-enhancing microtransactions! But hey, at least Metacritic praised it! I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
Granted! While the series returns to its roots and returns to bump combat, it does so in a poorly done way because the game had been outsourced to the nearest labour camp, it contains microtransactions, immense amounts of bugs and frustrating game design! I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!

>> No.6411576
File: 256 KB, 1080x1748, d111b9b48eb7aee732289cfaa0e6990c4fbb022532f403564e15dbc9743309c9_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that this board was good again!

>> No.6411586
File: 773 KB, 1022x729, CALYPSOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F2P Star Ocean via EA


>> No.6411587
File: 7 KB, 200x150, calypso3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted! But, you didn't say for how long, now did you anon? Heheh... My name is Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!

>> No.6411634
File: 48 KB, 141x193, calypso4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, I've simply granted your wish, of course! If you have an issue, better prepare for next years competition!

>> No.6411658

I wish for Twisted Metal: Black, the best game in the franchise, to be ported to the PS1 so it can be discussed on /vr/!

>> No.6411662 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 512x368, 1588987768443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright asshole, you asked for it

>> No.6411670

Jesus Christ what in the hell

>> No.6411682

For pie to be good but only in it's base form so no modifications of any kind whatsoever at all.
Checkmate Calypso, I just want a good pie.

>> No.6411691

If they have every piece of info, wouldn't they just erase him from existence instead? Seems more effective.

>> No.6411705
File: 11 KB, 210x240, calypso5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOC for a moment, I've ran out of TM2 images I'll just go throughout the series from here I suppose
Granted! Your wish goes well, but you soon realize that not only is the port fucking terrible, but you could've just simply wished for /vr/'s rules from 2014 to be updated to modern day standards and get the entire PS2 in on the discussion! I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
I- um. Well ain't my fault you're fucking dense.
I apologize, but the robo-Gods have taste!
Done! Pie has been made so delicious that pre-made pies and the ingredients for homemade pies are now rare luxuries, costing thousands if not millions of dollars! I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
Honestly they probably could but it's not in my pay grade to decide how the robots execute him.

>> No.6411741


>> No.6411761
File: 46 KB, 178x199, calypso6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple economics! Come back next year if you really want to have your fantastic pie at a CHEAP price, heheh.

>> No.6412904

This Calypso is the Twisted Metal 4 version. Git gud

>> No.6412926
File: 12 KB, 115x128, 115px-Twisted_metal_mr._ash[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go BLACK, it's time to come home

>> No.6413341

Calypso the feds are here, they found you.

>> No.6413759

i like how this asshole got his ring stolen and when he tried to get it back from Sweet Tooth they destroy everything in Twisted Metal III.

that said, the timebomb ending in TM1 was sad as hell.

>> No.6414000

Well, wishes that are exploitable will be exploited.
[runs away like a coward as usual]
You got the numbers wrong, TM4 was when Calypso had the ring and the timbomb ending was in TM2

>> No.6414917
File: 395 KB, 1262x2220, oeHu-j5SisEsThCd4Cku_qQLc5hIgO1TyeycxasYv1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Junichi Masuda left the video game industry and anything related to Pokemon in 2008 and onwards

>> No.6414931

I need about treefidy

>> No.6415810

I want to go to the gym again, make this corona thing stop Mr. Calypso

>> No.6416894
File: 698 KB, 1056x741, calypso7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! The Masuda replacement is actually pretty good, I'll let you away with that honestly. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
I don't have any change, but so here's 5 dollars. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
It is done! Corona-Chan has been quelled, normal life may resume. For now. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!

>> No.6418903

I wish you a good day

>> No.6418919

i want fast car, and lots of money, and umm i want some strawberry shortcake in a to go container

>> No.6419468

I want you to tell me where do i start with the series and with which version

>> No.6419932
File: 21 KB, 480x360, calypso8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T- thanks! You too. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
Well, fast and lots are subjective terms, and thus I shall give you a car that can do 100 miles an hour and 120 dollars. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
The series doesn't really have a starting point, they are mostly self-contained aside from minor lore shit in the different driver endings! But, most regard Twisted Metal 2 for the PS1 to be the best in the series or at least very close. Good luck driver. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Well, not yet. Twisted Metal!

>> No.6420506

My wish is for my fishy to come back. No jokes please I miss my fishy, only friend I had. Please bring my fishy back Calypso.

>> No.6421871
File: 881 KB, 1267x704, sad animu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was happy.

>> No.6421883
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, calypso9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, normally I would grant your wish and then laugh as it flops around on the ground because you forgot to ask for it to be put in water. But I'm feeling generous, it shall be done! Bowl and all. I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal!
Done! But, you didn't say for how long, now did you? Eh, I'm generous I'll let you be happy for 2 weeks. Savor it.