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6404604 No.6404604 [Reply] [Original]

Splash Wave is the best theme from the game.

You better not post a soijak or something because I didn't pick Magical Sound Shower or whatever the fuck is the more popular theme.

>> No.6404635

Fine, you're correct. You win. Happy now?

>> No.6404701
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>> No.6404707

He's right, and you msut fuck off.

>> No.6404769

arranged saturn ost for maximum comfy

>> No.6404815

Actually Splash Wave's remix is the one arrangement I don't like on that soundtrack. It doesn't have that decisive energy that the original theme did.

>> No.6404840
File: 211 KB, 1170x1159, Fotor_158879701768911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Driver's Megamix Vol. 1 on the Sega Ages Switch port of OutRun, you don't have to choose anymore!

>> No.6404941
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I actually think the Outrunners Title and Ending themes are the best, but Splash Wave is classic kino.

>> No.6404984
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>Splash Wave is the best theme from the game.
Based. Magical Sound Shower fags BTFO

>> No.6404997

Agreed. I am a Magical Sound Shower fag and I confirm that I am BTFO something fierce.

>> No.6405010
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>tfw I just finished the E course in Outrun 2 yesterday with Splash Wave 1986 playing

>> No.6405027
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Is Outrun Yu Suzuki's magnum opus??

>> No.6405035

Certainly better than that shit Shenmue.

>> No.6405098

I love FM synthesis so goddamn much

>> No.6405196

Yeah. Fuck Virtua Fighter too.

>> No.6405254

should I get outmeme 3D for my 3DS? I'm really into that gimmick and it seems a nice way to own this game.

>> No.6405273

I prefer Afterburner

>> No.6406019

You're not wrong.

>> No.6406060

it's currently the best port of the game. the switch port is also fantastic, but lacks the actually really cool 3D.
super hang on 3D is also a fantastic port and uses 3D really well.
(the ps3 version also has 3D, which i appreciate)

>> No.6406102
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>> No.6406747

Have you tried programming one? It's fun once you've started to get a grip of how to do it, but getting started is a mess.

>> No.6406803

>Splash Wave is the best theme
Yes,Yes well done Splash Wave, well done, however:

>> No.6406883

Not him but I'm curious, can you elaborate?
Do you mean programming a sound engine, or writing music in MML?
I haven't found good resources on how to do either so I just use a tracker and XGM

>> No.6406894

I like all the tunes. Lately I've been getting into step on beat on genesis. The beginning isn't great, but by the time you get past the first segment the song really kicks in and it's awesome too.

>> No.6407030

Actually just reinstalled Outrun 2(006) Coast 2 Coast (PC), I forgot how great that game is, it runs on toaster hardware as well

>> No.6407116

No. Virtua Fighter 4 was. It was the last major game he directed and it's arguably one of the 10 most important arcade games ever made. It single-handedly changed the entire way Japanese arcades operate.

>> No.6407147

Was originally a Magical sound shower fag for the longest time but I gotta admit that Splash wave is amazing too >>6406894 step on beat is pretty good too. Risky Ride form outrun 2 is good aswell but ain't nothing on the original 3 tunes

>> No.6407162

Night Flight is my favorite Outrun 2 track. It's so full of awkward Sega vocals.

>> No.6407185

OutRun 2 almost feels like it came from a different dimension. Nobody even talks about it either. It's fucking weird. The game feels better to play than any other game I have ever played in my life.

>> No.6407192

Eh, I dunno, I like games with tighter tracks. The bonus courses from SCUD Racer and Daytona USA 2 are hard to drive because of OutRun 2's sweeping drifts that are meant for long curves (and this is AFTER they adjusted those courses to be more accommodating to that driving style).

>> No.6407801

Elaborate please?

>> No.6408307

You need to play 2006 coast to coast. It has outrun 2 plus a whole other outrun map.

>> No.6408352

Have you ever been to a Round 1 or any other Japanese arcade? You know how every company has their own login card that you use to take the machine online (e-amuse, BaNapass, Nesica Live, ect)? Virtua Fighter 4 was the game that came up with that concept. It was a huge, huge deal in Japan.

>> No.6409394

Didn’t know that thanks!

>> No.6409419

uh is no one going to say passing breeze cause its the obvious answer or are yall deaf?

>> No.6409620
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>> No.6409690
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Also the best theme in all ports of the game.

>> No.6410167

Yeah Outrun 2 is a really solid arcade style driving game you can just pick up and play, the Coast 2 Coast version offers a ton of content and unlockables

I would deff reccomend seeking it out and playing it