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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6402025 No.6402025 [Reply] [Original]

Or that is, bothered to try hard and beat it that is. And its "ending" sure gave me a rush of nostalgia, like when I played Rampage on the NES all the way through on a rental. Still, I feel accomplished having finally done it because the game intimidated me for so long.

>> No.6402745
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>> No.6402752
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I finally beat the Special Mode stages of Kickle Cubicle. The base game is like 3.5/10 in difficulty, suddenly post-game you get these 9/10 puzzles. Holy shit they actually expected people to play these and not throw the system out the window.

>> No.6402840
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So many games I got stuck on as a kid and never reached the end that I finally got around to getting revenge on as an adult. Solar Jetman, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Might & Magic 2, Zelda 2, and a few others I'm probably not remembering right now. But the one that stood out to me was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES. Used to play the hell out of it, but my run would always come to a screeching stop near the end of the third level. You know that infamous jump that was made impossible on the DOS version? Yeah, I was a dumb kid that didn't realize you had to tap the jump button for the right amount of time. I thought you had to jump at the last possible pixel and jump as hard as possible, and kept hitting my head on the ceiling and falling into the sewer water.

It stood out to me, since I realized as I played through levels 4, 5, and 6 especially, that if I ever managed to figure out that jump as a kid I probably would have been filtered by the time I reach level 5. I would have probably never figured out the trick to getting past the final hallway before Shredder if I manged to get gud anyways. Felt good to finally finish the bastard though.

>> No.6402938

Is that like Lolo?

>> No.6402948
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>Solar Jetman, Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Good picks. Solar Jetman looks interesting and I am aware that it's hard as cafeteria chicken, though.
>getting revenge on as an adult
kek a good way to put it. As for TMNT, meh the arcade version was what I was all about back then...and the cartoon.

>> No.6402957 [DELETED] 

>Felt good to finally finish the bastard though.
Congrats, you've got more patience than many. I think that's important to note because some games just need a ton of patience. Not sure I have enough for it. Maybe I'll try one day. Any advice? I've only ever payed the first level, I guess, I mean the underwater part kills me and I haven't really tried yet. Some games just demoralize more than others, you know?

>> No.6402961

>>Felt good to finally finish the bastard though.
Congrats I mean it, you've got more patience than many. I think that's important to note because some games just need a ton of patience. Not sure I have enough for it. Maybe I'll try one day. Any advice? I've only ever played the first level, I guess, I mean the underwater part kills me and I haven't really tried yet. Some games just demoralize more than others, you know?

>> No.6402980

Jurassic Park SNES, as kino as it is, is the one game I feel I will never be able to beat. I don't know what it is, but I just can't last in that game. I refuse to look up guides or tips, but that also usually means I refuse to pick it back up again. I'll do it someday. Leaving the thread in case some knowitall tries telling me theres some magic way im supposed to be playing it

>> No.6402998

You need to press "Start".

>> No.6403005

Yeah, there's similarities. They probably were classmates too.

>> No.6403008 [DELETED] 

I've always liked the same, but games like Lolo already sapped by video game puzzle patience health meter to the limit. Will give it a try.

>> No.6403016

I've always liked the name, but games like Lolo already sapped my video game puzzle patience health meter to the limit. Will give it a try.
/I've never played Majora's mask

>> No.6403034

Oh yes.
Level 2 is all about making sure your turtles are at maximum health BEFORE you jump into the water. Once in the water, you should have your route already planned out. Move fast. If you get low on health, immediately switch to another turtle and press onward. With a little practice, you can practically speedrun it.
Right at the start of level 3 is a place where you can get pizza to refill your turtles after the water in level 2. Get back to full health, and stock up on rockets for the party wagon. Make your way to the lower left area of the level. There you will find a place where the sewers connect two buildings that spawns Scrolls, Pizza, and Rope every time you come through. Get everyone back to full health, get some rope to finish the level with, and stock the fuck up on Scrolls. Levels 4-6 are not fair at all, and you will be glad you have the most powerful weapon in the game for everyone including Ralph. Scrolls make Ralph into something other than a damage sink. If you get stuck at a jump near the end of the level, it's because you are hitting your head and killing your momentum. Don't hold the jump button, tap it. Waste the boss with scrolls.
Level 4 is the last level with a pizza you can reliably reach without taking damage. In other words, this is the last real refill point, so make sure everyone is full health before you go beyond that point. Once you do, avoid damage at all costs from here on out. There is a pizza or two along the way you can grab, but you're likely to take enough damage reaching it to make going back for more completely pointless. So be very fucking careful. If you lose a turtle and end up having to start a level over from this point onward, you might as well reset unless you are a fucking ace. Know the route to the boss. Learn how to maneuver perfectly, since the rooms prior to the boss REQUIRE you to move to the bottom of the screen ASAP to avoid instant death spike walls closing in. Cont.

>> No.6403063

For the level 4 boss, use Don and stand right below him. Keep attacking up. You can hit his weak point even with his mouth closed. EZGG NO RE.
Level 5 is full of bastard enemies that exist to drain your health. Use scrolls to plow to the lowest point from the nearest sewer opening you find. The entire point is to get to the boss ASAP before you lose too much health. The boss can be at any of three rooms at the bottom of the sewer areas, and if it isn't in the first room, go up a level or two and move to the left or right and go back down and check the next room. Hopefully it will be the first room, but if not the scrolls should help you wipe enemies before they can harm you. If you are using a less than accurate emulator, your game will freeze on entering a boss room empty or not. This is why accuracy is so important, just werks fags can drink bleach. Use the scrolls to quickly take down the boss, he can be a tough fight otherwise. Don't get run over, that's insta-kill.
Level 6 is a rapefest. Those jetpack guys shoot lasers at any of 8 angles, and do a shitton of damage if they hit you with a laser or run into you. They can also tank a lot of damage. There's also a lot of other enemies and mounted cannons shooting everywhere. First time I saw level 6 I died on the first screen. It's slightly straight forward, but accidentally wandering in a circle can be fatal due to how much damage is flying around. You can technically rescue one turtle, but the trip there and back will probably drain the remaining turtles and the one you rescued. Then you finally reach the final hallway.
The final hallway throws the flying birdish enemies and the jetpack guys at you in an ever-narrowing tunnel. The birds aren't the problem. The jetpack guys are highly likely to hit you with either their body or their laser in that confined space. Continued.

>> No.6403095

Even at full health on all four turtles(not very likely at that point), the length of the hallway ensures you will be completely drained before reaching the end. I do not even know if there is a "legit" way of getting past that hallway. I only know you can get by without taking much if any damage if you use a scroll to wipe the bird enemies, and immediately stop and crouch when a jetpack guy shows up. If you do, they will start flying backwards, and scroll themselves off the screen and out of existence. After that, you just fight one mini-boss jetpack guy, and then it's Shredder time. He's pathetically easy if using Don or scrolls, all you have to avoid is his gun which can turn you back into a normal turtle, which is an instant kill.

Levels 1, 2, and 3 are just warmups for the bullshit to come, then levels 4-6 are a mad dash to the end before you lose too much health or turtles and can't continue onward. As long as you stock everyone full of scrolls on level 3, it's a lot more manageable.

Solar Jetman is a ton of fun. Just keep in mind every level is a game session in it's own right, and the passwords don't save all your equipment. Use savestates between levels on emulator, or get used to that massive fuck level 12 map with what little the password will give you.

>> No.6403123

>Solar Jetman is a ton of fun. Just keep in mind every level is a game session in it's own right, and the passwords don't save all your equipment. Use savestates between levels on emulator, or get used to that massive fuck level 12 map with what little the password will give you.
Sounds like a challenge to me. Priddy based on the savestates too.
Now that I'm here, I'm not sure if I ever once used a Deadly Towers code, although I have almost beaten it in five minutes by luck and some directions, but yeah I don't want to spend the time to enter retarded passwords.

>> No.6403128
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Same experience, never got past level 3 with the turtle van as a kid. Came back in college and finally beat the game.

>> No.6403249

I won't let your posts go to waste, anon. Down with unbeaten games! (I got a feeling TMNT is going to take a while)

>> No.6403252
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I finally got to see the credits to this game without savestates. Once has been enough. Next time I beat it, I will be inputting the level select code to skip to the last stage after Neburoth.

>> No.6403285

Is that GNG or is that SGNG? Anyway based.

>> No.6403296

It's Super. That last stage with the bracelet took me more than the rest of the second quest combined. So hard. I have to give GNG a try some time too, I wonder how shooting up and being able to shoot two bracelet shots at the same time affect the difficulty. Still, I also recently beat Maldita Castilla so I'm a little burnt out on stressful games like these, perhaps later this year.

>> No.6403534
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>That last stage with the bracelet took me more than the rest of the second quest combined. So hard
Been there. Many harsh words said;etc.
>I have to give GNG a try some time too, I wonder how shooting up and being able to shoot two bracelet shots at the same time affect the difficulty. Still, I also recently beat Maldita Castilla so I'm a little burnt out on stressful games like these, perhaps later this year.
Ghouls N' Ghosts is many orders of magnitude easier than Super it's funny. Yeah the upshots help a lot, but there is one awful platforming part where you will fall to your death over and over until you get the game's demands. Of course I'm talking about "The Tower" (pic related) I think it's called, once you get to the heads with tongue-flying-carpets among the clouds, you will know pain.
Oh and one boss is nearly impossible if you try to fight it with the "Psycho Cannon" , it's the fish boss. God help you if you try to fight it with that, but it can be done just barely.

>> No.6403561

>Still, I also recently beat Maldita Castilla so I'm a little burnt out on stressful games like these, perhaps later this year.
I've watched a stream on that and it looks easier than the GnG series in general, but man the end looks nightmarish. Haven't played it. So many games, so little time, even now.

>> No.6403630

>I've watched a stream on that and it looks easier than the GnG series in general
Noooooooooooooooooo fuck no, you are misjudging things anon, if SGnG is anything to go by at least, Castilla is quite a lot more demanding, the jumps have way less margin of error and the weapons are much more modest, meaning you can't like, spam the dagger or charge shot and hope to be fine. No sir, you have to place your shots while you jump about too. Sure, you get the ocasional health item and whatever, and the jumping is not quite as stiff, but the aggresive enemies, 1 hit kill spikes, water and cliffs and the TIME LIMIT that's a threat from stage 3 onwards if you miss the hourglass items more than make up for it. From level 4 onwards, the game's challenge is quite brutal, and if you want to even get to the horrible last stage, you have to jump through a series of hoops that involve not dying over certain parts and paying tons of attention to the scenary. Most of SGnG's difficulty comes from either getting used to the bullshit or frankly, learning how to use that damn bracelet against Nebiroth and the Red Arremers, but Maldita Castilla is kind of designed to be uncheesable, and really demanding. You said it yourself, that first part in the last level with the two leviathans in a row, then the ships with the little devils coming out... good lord. You have to play impeccably there.

Also, if you Continue more than 4 times you are locked into the shittiest ending imaginable, which after how hellish the last two stages are, is just cruel. Thankfully, if you choose to not continue after this, you are sent to the beginning of the stage rather than game, so that's a way of bypassing this. It makes the game work more like a Castlevania if you tackle it this way really.

Funnily enough, I have seen a friend play this and that part does look the toughest, yes. The beginning, with those skull-spitting plants too.

>> No.6404976

Bump because I see more posts about retro videogames.

>> No.6405069

Krustys fun house on NES. There is a level not too far in with a decent sized section made out of the same blocks used for puzzle solving. Turns out they hid a real block in there amongst the part of the level ones. Rest of the game was absolutely fine after that.

>> No.6405183

>love Super GnG
>can't consistently get through the third level
how do you do it anon

>> No.6405207

Wha. Nebiroth is the final boss, that was a misspelling. But still the third boss is called crawler or something like that and he's a joke, their names are not even alike. Also I don't know if I qualify for loving the game or something, I only beat it for the first time yesterday. I do like it and know a lot about it but that's it.

For the record, I usually do very well on the lava pits and towers, the actual third stage, you just gotta know how to jump and be patient for the guys with the spears. The actual stage that's given me the most shit has definitely been the last stage. And that autoscroller on the 2nd stage is disgusting, I usually get hit there.

>> No.6405217
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Wait a minute, I just realized you were talking about yourself. Fuck me, /v has made me too defensive and braindead, I thought you were shit talking I'm retarded, sorry.

>you just gotta know how to jump and be patient for the guys with the spears
But what I said still stands, be patient on the towers (take your time to kill the bats and PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPEAR GUYS, the last ones before the boss come from off screen) and just, take care of the imp guys before moving on, know what distance to jump when the lava cauldron section is over and if you make it to the Red Arremer with the gold armor, you can just cheese him with the knife's charge shot. And unironically, get the knife. Knife or crossbow are the way to go here.

>> No.6405247
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Thank you anon. I'm going to try emulating it with that patch to fix the slowdown issues in the game since that sounds like a better way to play it than on the switch with the shitty joycons. It sounds like I need to get the crossbow as early as I can in the second level since it's pretty convenient throughout that once you get the upgrade. Stop browsing /v/ it's actively killing your brain cells.

>> No.6405280

Good luck anon, but I would really like to advise you to, for the most part, keep the knife handy. The laser knife is the best weapon in the game, the fastest killing at least. If you rapidly fire it, you basically create a line of death in front of you. It fucks up everything. You just have to position yourself right for those bats and the spear guys, but it also removes the possibility of the crossbow's homing shots sperging out and fucking you over. Altough, the crossbow is downright better in level 4 and 5, it really helps with the sadistic enemy placement in those levels. Homing crossbow also turns red arremers into jokes, but really, I encourage you to git better at the knife, it's a fucking beast.

I know anon it's just an addiction I'm closing the tab, I swear.

>> No.6405289

Knife's my preferred weapon 9/10 times but when I get a crossbow drop at the start of the second level I go for it just to deal with the ghosts. Then it's a matter of dodging ghosts more than anything until you get to the raft portion of the level.

>> No.6405302

You really think that's worth it? If you're prudent with the ghosts and pay attention to their spawning, you can get the hell out of their area without much hassle. There's a treacherous one before the last mimic, but I'd say not having the knife is gonna fuck with you in the raft and the level 2 boss.

The ghosts right before Nebiroth are pure evil though, The way they gang up on you is just sadistic, not even the SNES can handle it.

>> No.6406285
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Made my way to Nebiroth. The Red Arremers' AI is a mystery to me and they're single-handedly the most frustrating enemy in the game regardless of how they're placed. The level between the first castle and last castle stage with the two leading up to the room with the bird ate up a bunch of continues because I don't know the trick to handling those red fuckers. Got a game over before I could complete the first run through, but that's the furthest I've ever gotten in the game. Will give it another try tomorrow, that restoration patch with the slowdown fix is a godsend.

>> No.6406732
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I got a couple strategies to deal with them. When they stay in the air, they will always swoop to your position. If you're far, they will swoop fast, and if you're close, they'll be quite slow. So, if they are in the air, you are better off staying close, so you can hit them while they're in the air. For that, you have to carefully jump and spam your weapon, since they won't be able to dodge while in a swoop. Also, watch out for their fakeouts to the side, they will do a real swoop afterwards, so walk a little then duck to dodge it, so you still stick close and make them slow.

A little easier but maybe more time consuming is making them land and trick them into ramming you. For this, you wait for them to swoop, then stay away from them in such a way, they are on the edge of the screen. If it works properly, they will start walking around. So what you wanna do is get a little closer and duck in their direction. When in this position, pay a LOT of attention, because they can ram you, and when they do, you need to start hammering the fire button like there's no tomorrow. If you have the knife, they WILL go down, soaking up every hit. If you jump the gun and attack them before, however, they will dodge back into the air. Oh, and sometimes they like to summon little devils while in this position. It's annoying, and the reason this can be time-consuming. Here's a video on it:


If you get lucky, it can do down smoothly like that.

Then there's the cheesiest ways. Charge shots, specially the dagger dragon, take them out while resting, rather easily, and the homing crossbow just hits them every time. Those weapons give them basically no chance of fighting back, so be relentless if you have them. You can also kill them with two good shots of the bracelet, and if you can get a shot at them while resting, it's a free one. Just be careful for the second one.

Hope this helps anon, go get those fuckos.

>> No.6406757

Got my NES around 1989 or 1990 with duck hunt and Mario Bros when I was 4 or 5 years old.

Didn’t beat Mario Bros till around early 2000s. Don’t know what the hell took me so long. I beat Mario 3, 2 and then 1 in that order.

>> No.6407006
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If you Super Ghouls n Ghosts has gotten too easy and casual for you, try Arrange Mode in the GBA port. Only one loop, but you get new stages if you hold onto gold armor.

>> No.6409024

>as the developers originally intended

>> No.6409980

I got thru loop 1 of SGnG and gave up because I was tired

>> No.6411910

TMNT just keeps kicking my ass. Did I catch the tardation? Really, I haven't caught on how to fight regular enemies without taking damage, much less acing the water part.

>> No.6412208

Some enemies you can one hit. Kill them before they can make contact with you. The rest involve hit and run tactics or avoidance. Keep everyone at the range of your weapon and never let them any closer than that. Do not use Ralph as anything other than a damage sink until you get scrolls, because he has 0 range. Many enemies can be dodged entirely and they will fly off the screen.

Use level 1 and the building with the pizza to practice. Get your turtles to full health, and practice going from the door to the pizza and back without getting banged up regardless of what enemies the game throws at you. There are some new enemies when you reach Level 3 and afterwards, but for now it's just the same few mooks. Learn which enemies are easy to kill, which you should probably just dodge, and which need careful handling. Flying bomb looking fuckers? Dodge or kill. Chainsaw dude? Try to get on a higher level than him and still strike, otherwise smack and run. Flameguy? Blitz that motherfucker before he covers the screen in the little hopping flame guys.

You can also exit a place and come back in to roll a different enemy group.

>> No.6414392

>Noooooooooooooooooo fuck no, you are misjudging things anon, if SGnG is anything to go by at least, Castilla is quite a lot more demanding
Hard to believe, but I'll have to buy the game to find out.

>> No.6414404

Second Quest no sword.

>> No.6414419

I mean, perhaps SGnG's higher difficulty levels are tougher than Castilla's, but after playing both games in their standard difficulties I'd say the weapons in Ghouls give you much more of an edge. Game's really demanding, certainly no pushover.

Or perhaps it's the fact I wasn't continuing and that erases your mid-level checkpoints, Iunno.

>> No.6414426

I finally got around to getting 100% in rayman 1, and managed it without losing a single continue. Great game, but every time I've tried to complete it I always end up missing 1-2 cages in picture city then struggle since even basic survival is so much harder there than the rest of the game. Feels good.

>> No.6414527
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I picked this up from a yard sale when I was in middle school, around 2004 or so. I liked it, but found it so fucking hard at the time and never beat it. Just finished playing through and it was a lot of fun, still found it to be challenging.

>> No.6414539

I had the one for the N64 which I found to be pretty tough (and I never beat it), so now I'm really curious on the SNES one.

>> No.6414561
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Congrats, anon. I know that feels. You proved you're smarter than the game. Teabagging is unnecessary, but ymmv.

>> No.6414658

I had the N64 one as well, also thought it was hard but I did end up beating it. But that was when I was in high school and after my skills improved a bit. The SNES one is about as challenging I would say.

>> No.6415296

>Yeah, I was a dumb kid that didn't realize you had to tap the jump button for the right amount of time. I thought you had to jump at the last possible pixel and jump as hard as possible, and kept hitting my head on the ceiling and falling into the sewer water.
Are you me? I too was stuck on that stupid shit for a long time, although I did eventually get past it. Even got to the last level but got stuck at the infamous jetpack guy hallway in your pic. Recently decided to play though all the old NES games that I couldn't beat as a kid. TMNT was one of them. I used the trick to get them to despawn, then beat Shredder and he fell out of the screen and then..!!!! Nothing happened, I was stuck in the boss room, it was a glitch.

>> No.6415317
File: 39 KB, 326x326, batman-the-video-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another was Batman. As a kid, I always had trouble with this level with these guys, it was a little scary to me the way they jumped. But one day I got to the last level, got past all that fun but hard wall jumping, got to the boss and somehow beat him after dying a bunch, then you fight the Joker right after and he is such bullshit that I just ragequit after he beat me. I watched the AVGN video recently and learned that for some reason you don't have to refight that first boss after you beat him, so I replayed the game and eventually beat the Joker by spamming one of my sub-weapons.

>> No.6417368

Batman is so hard, much harder than Ninja Gaiden in my opinion.

>> No.6419162
File: 27 KB, 326x500, simpsons arcade game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would want to play any other Simpsons game except pic related.

>> No.6419180
File: 14 KB, 136x185, Snesgng-sardius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used a cheat to warp to Samael in Super GnG and tried to fight him with the bracelet. Yeah I don't think this game is ever happening for me, I've dealt with some shit but I have limits.

>> No.6421490

>Yeah I don't think this game is ever happening for me, I've dealt with some shit but I have limits.
The game has a certain rhythm, maybe play it drunk one time and see if it helps.

>> No.6422832

I could see myself turning to drinking, yes

>> No.6423000

This guy is a total chump tho. Iirc, you just have to get in his platforms and duck, then shoot him. It's laughably easy compared to how hellishly hard the guy before him and most of the stages are.

>> No.6423430

>It's laughably easy compared to how hellishly hard the guy before him and most of the stages are.
Truth. I've always looked upon the last boss as part of the ending.

>> No.6425829

oh well then, it's even more hopeless. but really i'm not done with this. I found this nifty 'practice mode' romhack that gives you emulator save states and weapon select but on real hardware.

>> No.6427581

There is always hope.
Git gud.