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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6396715 No.6396715 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn stay up all night at the arcade with your friends
why live

>> No.6396749
File: 1.10 MB, 4958x2875, lanpart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done both and imo, LAN parties were more fun.

>> No.6396756

very cool bro

>> No.6396767
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>> No.6397184

I haven't been out in a month, you think I have friends?

>> No.6397197

I've been to a lot of arcades but never one that was open all night. People would vandalize the machines or rob the coin boxes

>> No.6398619
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I went to an all-night mall lock-in thing that was organized by my middle school. We watched movies and ate at the one food place that stayed open, and the arcade was set to free play. For some reason Gauntlet couldn't be set to free play to the operator had to keep coming by, opening the door, and hitting the add-credit button over and over every so often.

>> No.6398627

I've been to dozens of LAN parties and only one arcade lock-in, and the latter was far more fun.

>> No.6399487

This, they were more likely to close early. It would've been really unlikely for an arcade to hold an all-nighter. Those places weren't like the nerdy barcades you have today, they could get really fucking rowdy.

>> No.6399559
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>tfw arcade 5 minutes away from me
>have known Bill, the old guy who owns it, since I was a kid
>his wife passed away a few years ago and he has no kids, spends the whole day running the place by himself
>I'll drop by a couple nights a week on my way home from work
>I never see anybody there besides me
>just knock back a few beers with Bill and play some co-op TMNT2 or Metal Slug or something

>> No.6399597

Comfy but also sad. I knew a Bill, he passed away a couple years ago.

>> No.6399608
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>> No.6399635
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I take it back, I actually did go into an arcade in the osu campus at an ungodly hour back in the 90s. I believe it was called Silver Ball and it was in an over and under slot in a multi-floor strip mall across from the old Magnolia Thunderpussy. It might not have been open all night but it was open at like 2am.

>> No.6399645

Why do you have friends?

>> No.6399657

Damn. In my city there is not a single arcade to stay late, we rather emulate in our homes.

>> No.6399763

I have though. I truly pity you zoombas.

>> No.6399924
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arcades are a meme.
By the mid-90's people realized it was retarded to dump like 30 bucks for maybe an hours worth of play when all the notable games all had home releases that you could buy or rent for much cheaper.
the single arcade game I ever put any time or money into was Daytona USA because there was nothing like it at home at the time and I still felt scammed every time I played it. You got at most 3 minutes of gameplay for your 75 cents and the game never even explained the most basic of mechanics to you. I literally discovered gear drifting by accident when my arm hit the shifter while steering.

>> No.6399941


Arcades these days need some other business supporting them like a bar or pub food or something. The appeal just isn't there for zoomers.

>> No.6402074


Damn I would have loved that as a kid

>> No.6402831
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>> No.6402838

I did one better by playing video games with friends most weekends from the mid 90s to mid 00s

Tfw they moved on, but I never

>> No.6403032

>>ywn stay up all night at the arcade with your friends
>why live
zoomers, everyone. doesn't it get tiring to wish you were born 20 years earlier? get used to the fact your generation missed out on a shitload of awesome stuff and were responsible for the death of the arcade industry. you only have yourselves to blame for this one :-)

>> No.6403048

arcades ceased to have a purpose once hardware reached the point where you could have an "arcade experience" in your home

maybe you can argue a point about gimmick arcade games that require custom shit so you can pretend that you're actually inside a gundam or whatever, but only japan cares about those

>> No.6403050

> zoomer retardation
> posts picture of a communist pedophile
> the game never even explained the most basic of mechanics to you
except.. they did. instructions on machines, intro tutorials.. the game isn't going to hold your fucking hand and tell you how to play it. you get good at it, faggot. I seriously doubt you've ever been into an arcade before.. or you're illiterate, possibly retarded?
>when all the notable games all had home releases that you could buy or rent for much cheaper.
great story, bro. i like the part how you've never been into an arcade much in your life and decided to make shit up as you go. quality shitposting.

>> No.6403057

Fuck, now I wanna play Money Idol Exchanger with someone.

>> No.6403064

>arcades ceased to have a purpose once hardware reached the point where you could have an "arcade experience" in your home
> still can't recreate arcade experience in the home
> doesn't have the software
> doesn't have the hardware
> doesn't have the cabinet with audio gear
> muh low iq that doesn't understand the work that goes into building an aracde cabinet
> why yes, i can just recreate the experience at home with garbage i bought off of ebay
when did you realize there were baboons in africa with higher IQs than yourself? was it just now or you slowly starting to realize that your life is a complete comical farce? you appear to be an american suffering terribly from dunning-kruger syndrome. seek professional help.

>> No.6403069

>By the mid-90's people realized it was retarded to dump like 30 bucks for maybe an hours worth of play
And thats why games fell off a cliff with the death of arcades. There is nothing like a healthy on display competition that brings out the very best in games. Because when your game was shit, everyone could see that, and just move on to the next machine. Western publishers maybe with the exception of midway couldnt dominate in arades anymore. Thats why they are gone.

>> No.6403114

the fuck are you smoking the cabinet doesn't matter it's the hardware required to reproduce the quality of the game

the atari couldn't produce an arcade experience, the NES couldn't produce an arcade experience, the PS4 can

>> No.6403120

>the cabinet doesn't matter
Sonygger brain at work.

>> No.6403121

wooden boxes aren't video games

>> No.6403130

Dude seriously, go play sega rally 1,2,3 on the deluxe arcade cabinet. And then tell me its more fun on your lame plebstation.Arcade cabs were designed to be the pinnacle of gaming. Your PS4 is a china mass market product.

>> No.6403132

borrow your dad's saw and make your own wooden box if you love them so much

what are you, a cat?

>> No.6403137

Right yeah I definitley remember making that choice at 15 years old to cras hthe arcade industry by not going to the nearest one 50 miles away before I could even drive.
Fuck off and understand nothing has to be a generation's fault, we all gain and lose shit. _oomers in 20 years will be jealous of zoomers and their cricket wireless smartphones just fucking watch.

>> No.6403141

Im pretty sure the arcade owner would like to close up at some point.

>> No.6403165

Starbucks is the modern equivalent of arcades. Deal with it.

>> No.6403292

>instructions on machines, intro tutorials
For Daytona? No. Clearly you've never seen a Daytona USA machine IRL you faggot

>> No.6403305

Are you fucking retarded why would you need instructions on how to play Daytona? Unless you mean the advanced shit in which case youre still a dumbass, learning techniques on your own is fun as hell and a big part of any game

>> No.6403319

You've never won a single race in any arcade racing game.
You're genuinely retarded man.

>> No.6403326

Wanna compare Outrun 2 SP times dipstink? That has downshift drifts as well. I wonder how youd play a sim racer since none of them tell you how to drift or even prevent over/understeer they expect you to either learn or learn from others

>> No.6403347

Fags always skip the tutorial screens and ignore then instructions and then complain that the games never tell you anything...or they just expect games to spell out literally every mechanic in detail so there's nothing left to discover

>> No.6403349

lmao you think outrun 2 has handling that's anywhere near as hard as daytona?

>> No.6403363

Cant say, theyre all baby games to me since I mainly play rally sims

>> No.6403371

There were a few arcades with lots of retro machines in my area, but since they had to close due to gay and lame virus who knows if they'll manage to open back up? Would be a real shame if that was their deathblow.

>> No.6403421

Imo when arcade games were brought to consoles faithfully, that was peak gaming. excellent, challenging gameplay, white knuckle action, all without the money-sink attached.

>> No.6403435

>no alcohol
good times

>> No.6405627

I don't see lots of white girls at the arcade.

>> No.6405629

I miss LAN parties...

>> No.6405636

This hurts my soul.

>> No.6405647

Well there's your problem right there

>> No.6406008

God damn, that sounds amazing. That's one middle school you attended

>> No.6406020

I literally did that at a barcade two months ago before the lockdown

>> No.6407860
File: 28 KB, 439x438, 1564455198248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only arcade in my town let every single machine go to waste, I seriously hope they sell them
it still has 4 daytonas, I can't even begin to explain the state of those crts

>> No.6407865


>> No.6408819

Both were hella fun.
>Be me
>Be 13
>Be at Malibu Grand Prix
>Be hyped up on a gallon of Mt. dew and 2 whole pepperoni pizzas.
>Get kicked off go karts for spinning other people out to win.
>Get kicked off of putt-putt course for driving golf balls in to the water.
>Get kicked off Virtua-On for going 30-0.
Good times man.

>> No.6410318

I feel you fren
I went to a bunch of arcades in Blackpool, England and now all of it is Boomer Bingo machines with everything else at the back. (T_T)