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638174 No.638174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was better, Sonic Adventure 1 or Sonic Adventure 2?

>> No.638193

Sonic Xtreme

>> No.638194
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They both weren't very good. But I'd say I like 1 better, because it has the most Sonic levels, and those are the only fun ones to play. 2 has the better Chao garden though.

>> No.638205

2, absolutely. 1 is pretty terrible but I'm a big fan of 2.

>> No.638208
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2. Although I do kind of miss the overworld. Just a little.

>> No.638228

1's levels are a lot less streamlines, like the original games, but as a result it's pretty much impossible to die (not that either game is difficult). You can just run around enemies rather than fight them because the path's are so fucking huge.

Conversely 2 is far too streamlined, but that allows for more speed and action. 2 had a serious lack of giant robot fights though

>> No.638232

The benefit of course being menu selection is a hell of a lot more convenient than running across the world to an entrance to a level. But the overworld still had a charm to it.

>> No.638234

1, by a big margin.

>> No.638252

I like 1 more just because of Speed Highway

Plus most people like 2 just for Chao Garden.

>> No.638258

I hated 2

Adventure 1 was an attempt to bring Sonic into 3D, but didnt succeed very well. 2 just continued with everything awful, and made it worse

>> No.638274

SA1 had:
-The charming overworld
-More variety in level types
-Superior emerald hunting mode (and less of it, fortunately)

SA2 had:
-Convenient level selection
-No terrible fishing minigame
-Overall more refined level design
-Far superior chao garden
-Fun multiplayer (if Battle counts)

All in all, I feel 2 is the better game. But I wish they could have learned emerald hunting was not a strong enough game mode to be almost an entire third of the game.

>> No.638275

The retro one

Oh wait...

>> No.638285
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>sonic adventure
>Release date(s)
November 27, 1998
So... Sonic adventure 1?

>> No.638289

2 had a better story, dialogue, graphics, and Chao garden, but 1 didn't have a million fucking Tails/Robotnik levels, so it's better.

>> No.638294

I'll never understand how people can hate the mech stages.

>> No.638301

6th gen isn't retro, the mods already cleared this up.

>> No.638309

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
You blind, son?

>> No.638320

dreamcast is retro, the mods already cleared this up.

>> No.638321

Remember when Dreamcast threads were getting deleted left and right? That's why, it varies mod to mod, but most end up deleted.

>> No.638324

Then leave the mods to their jobs and quit being a little shit.

>> No.638336

Sonic Adventure 1 is better I think
It was hard to decide which one I hate more, I have a couple of friends who played the Adventure games first and they think they are the best, I keep trying to get them to play the classics but they never do.

>> No.638345

I loved the stories of Sonic 1 and 2. They had pretty serious undertones (without being grimdark) but still accessible for a young audience.

I happen to like 2 more than 1. Fishing was a big turn-off. 2 was more polished as well. However, I can see the appeal of the overworld and I must admit that I was disappointed that I couldn't play as Tails on foot. Some more Shadow levels would've been good too.

So 2 clinches it, but by a hair. 1 is still a great game

>> No.638350

You realize even if they played the classics, they probably aren't going to suddenly hate Adventures. I happen to enjoy both.

>> No.638358

Well, technically you can play as tails on foot, but only in the chao garden. His physics were absolutely terrible in SA1 though. They couldn't figure out how to make his flight feel good in 3D.

>> No.638376

That's why they had to introduce the mid-air zoom-hoops...
I happened to like Tails' gameplay... that's just me.

>> No.638398

So did I, it just felt weird how he catapults into the air like that.

>> No.638421

2 for the kart racing.

>> No.638878

I only played 2, and the American "rock" music got on my nerves.

>> No.638967

Sonic Adventure 2 has the best soundtrack, I know every song by heart.

>> No.639595

The music is so cheesy, how can you NOT love it?

I love both soundtracks in all honesty though.

>> No.639608

Because cheesy is generally bad.
I lived through the hair metal era, and that shit was bad enough the first time. Having a sawed-off cock rock band do it for a Sonic game is even worse.

>> No.639617

1 felt like a 3D Sonic game.
2 felt like a goddamn mess. How people enjoy it I'll never know.
I bought that shit day one and I swore off Sonic for a decade afterward.

>> No.639624

Are you gonna tattle?

>> No.639621

Never heard "it's so bad it's good?" Although there are a dozen tracks that are just plain good.

>> No.639630

As bad as fishing was it was a very short segment of the game. How you feel the horrid Tails/Eggman or tedious Knuckles/Rogue stages are more polished than SA1's other characters confuses me.

>> No.639639

Weird Al is so bad its good. Disco Duck is so bad it's good.
Lame ass, sub par garage metal is just plain bad.

>> No.639653

>As bad as fishing was it was a very short segment of the game.
But you had to catch the biggest fish for the best rank. And if you're a completionist like me (or just wanted Metal Sonic) then it was like pulling teeth.

And Tails/Eggman stages were very enjoyable. Granted on the emerald hunting though.

>> No.639652


>> No.639686

SA1 - Only way to see the end is to play all characters. Sonic has the longest campaign. Once you pick a character, you stay with it.

SA2- Game alternates between the one playable character (Sonic or Shadow) and FOUR FUCKING OTHER CHARACTERS THAT INTERRUPT AN OTHERWISE FUN GAME!
The game is only 1/3 fun!

>> No.639693
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>> No.639717

I can't believe they made a character more annyoing than Tails, but they did.

>> No.639728


SA 1 had gamma.

SA 2 did not.

Therefore SA 1 is better

>> No.639747

SA1 had the superior music, level variety and story.

SA2 had the superior level design, controls and Chao Garden.

This is my opinion. They both have horrible cameras though.

>> No.639761
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Sonic 2 Final Rush level is badass. So much action free falling and shit. Grinding on rails is fun in that game.

>> No.639782
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What exactly are you implying?

>> No.639793
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>> No.639808


Uhm, I think the game you are referring to where you could play as Metal Sonic isn't retro.

>> No.639821
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>Alert the gestapo!

Being a nazi does not improve the quality of the board. Keep that in mind.

>> No.639850

2 by far.

- Had Shadow.
- More and better variant for chars.
- Better Chao garden.
- New minigames. Kart ftw.
- Bigger yet, more action accomplished stages.
- 8/10 OST as always in Sonic.
- Responsive control.
- The bonus stage Green Hill.

The only bad thing is the lack of enemies... but that's a problem of Sonic 3D games in general.