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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 73 KB, 800x616, MiSTer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6374508 No.6374508 [Reply] [Original]

So how does it feel to play one of these compared to a cycle accurate core in Retroarch

>> No.6374514

Here comes the larp.

>> No.6374638
File: 203 KB, 639x299, CWuWrOk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exactly the same. Just run Blarggs and zfast-crt and laugh at the incels with their 600lbs dino tvs while I lounge on my couch with a ps3 controller and my 58" 4K monster cock

>> No.6374991

I don't use that. I use my PC with different emulators. RetroArch can suck a dick.

>> No.6375354

MiSTer is based. Very nice on both my CRT and flat screen. Although dual usage sucks bc the lag is noticeable even from the corner of your eye

>> No.6375508

I replaced my crt emu PC with this, can't really tell the difference in emulation quality to be honest.
But compared to PC it's small, quiet, a lot easier to connect to CRT and starts instantly. UI beats retroarch as well. Overall very comfy but probably not worth it if you don't want a separate emulation machine.

>> No.6375514

>ps3 controller
>4K TV
>3 inch micro penis

>> No.6375519

It’s a very compact and quick to start experience. Compared to accurate cores it is not much different however

>> No.6375839

>Compared to accurate cores it is not much different however
Shouldn't that be the whole point?

>> No.6375854

This thread doesn't ask, but how does all this compare to the real thing?

I guess if you want to emulate a lot of systems, this thing would come out cheaper by a fair margin, but I'm curious how it compares graphically, and, most importantly, audibly.

I feel like most of these things biff the audio a bit. Hard to replicate the analog output.

>> No.6375864

No? I like mine because it’s plugged up to my CRT and very accurate. And it uses next to nothing in terms of power. It’s always there, boots near instantly and I’m in the game on my CRT using my input of choice and my controller of choice. And it was like $180 bucks. So it cost peanuts.

>> No.6375935

>"Cycle Accurate"
>Even in HW with Vulkan all my FMVs are fucking yellow.
Cycle accurate my ass.

>> No.6375960

I can't tell the difference from real mega drive sound and don't notice any sound lag. Don't have any other consoles to compare.

>> No.6376107
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I'm still waiting on certain cores to get save states

>> No.6376238

it feels like you spent $300 on a meme

>> No.6376354

>MiSTer is based.
How much are they paying you to say that? Because anything the MiSTer can do, my PC can do better. No one who owns a PC wants a MiSTer.

>> No.6376403

Incorrect. I bought a MISTer because consoles don't run at 60Hz or even 59.97Hz and messing around with modelines sucks, screen tearing sucks and frame skipping sucks and not every game has a couple of lag frames to use runahead without glitches.
I could have spent the money on a 240Hz display which, while it wouldn't fix the problem on a technical level it would have made it not noticeable, I decided to spend the money on this so that I get proper weirdo refresh rates out of it automatically for literally ZERO effort and I don't have to swap monitors or use a dedicated PC.
As for accuracy, at the moment most cores are just "good enough". Pretty much everything is fully playable, it sounds right, it plays right, but if you put the thing side by side with the real console there will be tiny discrepancies. Arguably there are more variations in the console revisions as it stands. However, over time this will get better and better and close that gap.
Hell, already it's helping to fix emulators. The new CPS-1 core is fixing the long standing timing issues that are in the MAME CPS-1 driver which in turn is causing software guys to fix the MAME driver source. Supposedly byuu has fixed up his core a few times because of info coming out of this project, but most of the credit will be to Kevtris I'm sure.

>> No.6376414

For sound, most cores are only as accurate as the emulators the core is copying. So it's no worse than your RetroArch.
BUT there's a project where some dudes are recording oscilloscope outputs of real sound chips playing as many millions upon millions of unique outputs as it's practical to record. They then plot those response curves and feed that back into the core so that things level transitions between different sounds, start/stop latencies etc. that all color the sound output are faithfully recreated. Sure, this project will also help emulators too, but emulator writers weren't doing this, it took interest in FPGAs to get the RIGHT people to hook old consoles up to lab equipment to do the modelling. That's why even if you don't think FPGA is the future, you should support them so that your software gets more authentic.

>> No.6376428

Experimented with it but ultimately gave up on it, replaced it with i5 6600k + gtx960 PC ( had parts after upgrading) and just used coinops next with bunch of addon rompacks this worked best for me

>> No.6376642

>analogue sells the same hardware (cyclone v) just with different software multiple times for big $$$
>mister offers multiple systems with one fpga
>works on a development-board which is subsides by intel, so by buying it you are actually causing financial damage to them (amd 4 lyfe)
>yet there are still people like >>6376354 defending analogue

>> No.6376703

That depends very much on the core and the cores that core uses and how you're using it. Many cores are inaccurate to varying degrees. There's almost no support for input devices that don't have some sort of lag. Much of the project has shifted away from accuracy in favor of convenience.
Audio in particular has been a casualty of this. Many audio chips are notoriously difficult to emulate accurately, in part because there are so many variations. So best case scenario the core is implementing one particular version of the part, maybe fairly accurately. Middle of the road case it's implementing an "artists impression" of what that part ideally would sound like, given the constraints of the hardware. Worst case it's emulating a "dramatic reenactment" that kind of gets the message across but has little to do with the original hardware other than being "based on a true story".
There's little chance this will improve. People might eke a little better sound out of it but the fundamental shift away from accurate hardware emulation to making an easy to use USB/HDMI mini console inaccurate emulation device ensures it will never be a viable alternative to original hardware. This isn't to say it's not interesting for certain people. But if you want accurate sound this isn't the thing you're looking for.

>> No.6376729

>incorrect because hur durr
You are incorrect. Because you see I'm not talking about consoles here. I am using my PC to emulate games from any consoles. A MiSTer is useless to me when I have a beefy PC that hooks up to my 4K TV. With no issues whatsoever on emulation. So I really don't see a reason for me to buy a MiSTer when my PC is practically built to handle high-end graphics for PC games and has no trouble emulating old console games.

Where have I ever defended Analogue in my post? I have never bought an Analogue clone console either because it is pointless, especially since my PC can handle emulation better than Analogue can with console games.

>> No.6376869

>i have low standards
Then emulation's your thing

>> No.6377121

Thats like 80% of /vr/. Half assed casuals with big laggy flat panel TVs.

>> No.6377669

So 19% are casuals with small laggy TVs?

>> No.6378041

I dont know, lol. Lets have a poll. Do you have a large ass TV to match your bloated ego? YES/NO

>> No.6378165

If you setup a mister, computer with accurate emulator, and an actual console in a blind test, not one(NOT ONE) of you faygos would be able to accurately and consistently identify which is which.

>> No.6378373

No, the other 19% are casuals with microscopic PMVs

>> No.6378437

I am the original poster you replied to here >>6375354
I guarantee you everybody who owns a MiSTer also owns a computer. It is based. Give it a shot. And I'm not getting paid anything - who would pay me? This just shows you're not familiar with the project. Nobody owns it, no single person carries it or is responsible for it.

>> No.6378563

If you're familiar with the console and game in question it should be easy.
Real SNES will always have softer video output

Mister will be the one with the too sharp video output and less filtered audio and no timing hiccups.

The PC will be the one that either hitches on smooth scrolling or runs at a slightly different speed to the other two. Because I doubt anyone in this thread knows how to get snes crt timings out of an ATI all in wonder pro. 4K TV guy, go turn freesync on. I bet you aren't running it at 120Hz freesync over displayport and that's the only way to get bsnes to align frames without hitches. By design. byuu is too good for us and refuses to put good enough hacks in place, so 120Hz freesync is it or nothing.

>> No.6378628

>thinks he bought a name brand TV

58" is an off-size made only by Hisense, no matter what the brand badge says.

>> No.6378925

The size of all my TVs plus my ego is nothing compared to your cope

Microscopic somethings. But yes, there's a disgustingly high percentage of faggots with tiny PVMs here.

>> No.6379768

>T. Absolute retard

>> No.6379831

The positives of Mister is instant on, minimalist interface, and it just feels pretty crispy. Is it perfect? Not yet. It can be. Some cores are really good. I pretty much look at Mister as a development platform. In 5 to 10 years we'll start seeing all in one consoles based on the FPGA work being done with Mister similar to the Analogue stuff but cheaper.

>> No.6380083

Emulation via using my all-in-one PC is not low standards.

>> No.6380583

It is. But lying to yourself it it helps you cope.

>> No.6381098

What kind of hacks do you think are possible but aren't done? Your options are freesync/gsync, dynamic rate control (slightly wrong timings), or static rate control (tweak your monitor display rate and adjust the audio skew until it works)

>> No.6381179


>> No.6382503

False. The only one lying to himself is you.

t. Seething MiSTer Shill

>> No.6382620
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>cycle accurate core
yuck, fucking casuals I swear....

>> No.6382624
File: 117 KB, 800x550, emucycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the early emulators came out such as genecyst, nesticle and zsnes people thought origianal hardware was obsolete

then it was playing an emu using an original controller
then you needed more advanced emulators
then it was playing emus on tv screens
then it was playing it on modded consoles
then we had the official emu box releases
now we have mister

I don't mean to be cynical but it may take a few updates

>> No.6382858

>lying about lying about lying

>> No.6382927

>n-n-no u r-r-r-r l-l-lying

>> No.6382931

>Half assed casuals with big laggy flat panel TVs
as opposed to, what, incels with CRTs?

>> No.6382936

This. These people have no businesses posting on a retro board.

>> No.6382943

what is this?

>> No.6383280

>when you're so mad people made fun of your emulation delusion that you literally loose your shit

>> No.6383950

DIY emu box that makes people butthurt for some reason.

>> No.6384450

>Getting this angry over someone not convinced on buying a MiSTer because it's a glorified emu box that holds no value to a PC gamer who owns a high-end custom built PC.
It's not my fault you wasted your money on an emu box.

>> No.6385606

>when you're so assblasted you're grasping at straws from your straw man