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File: 90 KB, 480x750, persona05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6365037 No.6365037 [Reply] [Original]

>Kaneko: When we look in a mirror, we think we see our own face, right? But actually, the face we see in the mirror is one that no one else can see. Only the person himself, seeing it in that moment, sees it that way. Your face, in other words, is something that is both you and not you. This idea is stressed in the occult too. In addition to the main theme of “youth”, then, another theme was “persona”, a dual personality… and for a concrete expression of that we used the symbol of a mirror.


>> No.6365075

genii ahead of their time

>> No.6365084
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Finally a thread about the best Persona game

>> No.6365212

I just want a cute megaten gf

>> No.6365228
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I still sometimes wonder if I am a butterfly dreaming I am a person and it's thanks to Persona.

>> No.6365230

But it's not a thread about SMT If...

>> No.6365596
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good stuff
kaneko is a pretty interesting guy

>> No.6365772
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>—Speaking of mishead lines, during battle I think Mark yells out “JESUS!”, is that right…?

>Okada: It’s jesus, yeah.

>> No.6365776

I never played Persona but I know about that story because of Urusei Yatsura 2: beautiful dreamer

>> No.6365834
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>Personally I thought Yukino would be a fan favorite, but I was 100% wrong on that one. (laughs)

>Yeah, ~~Ayase~~ and Yukino aren’t popular at all.

can't believe the're shiting on the best megaten gf

>> No.6365854
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Much like Zhuangzi himself, even if you are a butterfly dreaming yourself to be a person, you are still very much entertaining the idea of being a person, in the life of a person you still continue to live and sustain yourself. But I guess in a dream, no one actually knows there dreaming, hence why Zhuangzi wondered if he was really the butterfly or he was a philosopher.

On the side note, is anyone even completely sure what Zhuangzi meant?

>> No.6365957

Did anyone even play If...? What's the general consensus? I swear I heard more about it before it got translated and no one's talked about it since.

>> No.6366446

What does Urusei Yatsura have to do with it? I've never played Beautiful Dreamer but I know the anime at the very least is nothing like Persona

>> No.6367163

can someone copy and paste it here? i dont like going to rqandom websites linked here, curious abut the contents of the interview however. i get the impression that its insightful.

>> No.6367180

>I swear I heard more about it before it got translated and no one's talked about it since.
Because it was bad and the huge driving force of the discussions was the "tempting fruit just out of grasp" factor exacerbated by the e-drama translator, which ended as soon as the game was actually available for people to play

>> No.6367313
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It doesn't have anything to do with Persona, but like the first Persona game it references or quotes the Zhuangzi poem.

>> No.6367315
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The website is safe.

>> No.6367319
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>> No.6367384

>e-drama translator

The drama was all from Shin Megami Tensei Internet fans, not from Aeon Genesis. Many of them felt entitled to give him hell for working hard to translate a game for them for free, regardless of how long it took him. He can take as long as he wants, it was his project and he never owed them anything.

"...having to deal with several project-related IRC and Discord raids, hate speech, and generalized harassment from the SMT community at large."

"With Majin Tensei 2 being mostly done elsewhere, don´t expect any further Megami Tensei work out of AGTP. No updated patch for SMT1, no back-porting of if...´s work into SMT2, no Majin Tensei 1. I´m done. To those who were looking forward to the aforementioned, I truly apologize. Maybe focus on cleaning up your community."


>> No.6367408

He's talking about mk ultra

>> No.6367420
File: 73 KB, 618x243, kaneko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maki was based on a porn star.

>> No.6367525

>it was his project and he never owed them anything.
Yet he complains when someone starts translating a project he picked.

>> No.6367539

A project he picked and sat on 10% completion for 20 years.

>> No.6367560
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>"...having to deal with several project-related IRC and Discord raids, hate speech, and generalized harassment from the SMT community at large."

>Maybe focus on cleaning up your community."

This guy sounds like a fucking clown, good lord.

>> No.6367745

>He complains when someone starts translating a project he picked

Ok, I'd believe that. If possible could you please refer me to where Gideon Zhi said that though, or a webpage that mentions that he said that? Curious to learn about it if I can. Thanks.

>> No.6367843

>In Persona, the character’s profile pictures will change their expression depending on the dialogue. So does that mean you actually went through every single line of dialogue and scripted those changes to match…?
>Kaneko: Well, about that… yes!
I don't remember this, but it's been a while.

>> No.6368209

>random websites
shoo, /v/irgin, shoo.

>> No.6368442
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yeah, no sure what they're talking about. In the first Persona at least, nobody's expression changes. There's alt art for their alt world selves of certain characters, and there's that one girl who keeps abusing the mirror and making herself look worse (but her expression never changes). Persona 2 was the first of the series to change bust portraits based on what was being said.

Since the game is mostly about Maki getting over herself you see her in various states:
-her ideal version
-her younger doppelgangers
-herself in denial (facemask)
-herself in a strange mask from SQQ (but not really her)
-the completed and real her when she accepts herself

No other art exists in the game itself to back up what being said in that interview.

>> No.6368823
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>> No.6369423
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>> No.6369425
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>> No.6369427
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>> No.6369435
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>> No.6370156

great stuff

>> No.6371796

Wait, that actually happened? I thought it was a meme.

>> No.6371887

Persona 1 is really charming but the battle animations are slow as balls and the formation system is a bitch to use because the game doesn't give you markers that show the range of your weapons. PSP port fixes both of these issues but the music sux

>> No.6371898

I see no resemblance between Kouji Okada and Mark. If anything he looks a bit like Nate / Nanjo

>> No.6371980

after reading one thing I felt particularly interesting was hearing about what characters were popular among fans at the time. I would have never thought Nanjo would be popular, must be why he came back as a hot-shot TV reporter in the second game.

>> No.6371992

i thought he was still a businessman in 2
wasn't brown the tv personality and yukino was a reporter?

>> No.6372031

oh woops, yeah you're right. I'm playing through innocent sin on ps1 right now and for some reason I thought it was nanjo.

>> No.6372136

>Many of them felt entitled to give him hell for working hard to translate a game for them for free, regardless of how long it took him. He can take as long as he wants, it was his project and he never owed them anything.
Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

>> No.6372164

It really makes me sad how persona wound up.

>> No.6372195

Hello Gideon Zhi

>> No.6372220

P5 is actually a lot closer the 1 and 2 than 3 and 4 are

>> No.6372221

There's patch for PSP Persona that changes the music to the PS version. However, since there are fewer tracks on PSP, the patch only replaces corresponding tracks, so it's missing a lot of the soundtrack and can't be akin to playing the PS original.


There's also an undub patch for the PSP version. This is notable because you can now hear the original Japanese voices in an English language copy of the game.


I like the music in the PSP port. I like the music in the original PS version a lot more, it's probably my favorite game soundtrack, and I can easily see how someone could like the original soundtrack and not like the PSP port's soundtrack. However, I can't see how someone could like the soundtrack of 3 and 4, also exclusively composed by Shogi Meguro and in a very similar style, and not like the soundtrack to the PSP port.

Sadly, for someone who doesn't read Japanese there's no ideal way to experience the game: either you deal with the heavily altered USA PS version with the original music or the faithful PSP port with the different music. I've only beaten both routes in the PSP version. I plan to play the localized PS version, and then use a Gameshark burnt to a CD-Rom to experience the Snow Queen quest (you can access the Snow Queen quest in Revelations: Persona and it works, it's just that the story dialogue is garbled. All text for battles, shops, etcetera still works perfectly.) with a Youtube playlist of a runthrough of the PSP translation alongside for cutscenes and dialogue. From there I'll play both routes in the PSP version again, for the better localization and translation and more seamless Snow-Queen quest. If you're a die-hard fan of the game this is what I'd recommend because that way you get to completely experience the music and atmosphere of the original and the faithful story of the PSP port.

>> No.6372226

Any way to patch the english script onto a japanese copy of the game or something? I know that they changed some stuff for the western releases of it.

>> No.6372227


As a matter of fact I'm not Gideon Zhi, I'm >>6367384 and >>6367745. In the latter reply I'm asking where Gideon Zhi complained that someone else started working on the game. I'd understand criticism in that case, and retract my initial assumption that he was primarily getting criticism for taking a long time, because backlash to the fact that he's giving hell to other translators for working on a project for it is very different than purely criticizing him for how long he's taking.

So unless you think I'm him and I'm asking for evidence about what he said or did to make my cover that much more convincing, it's pretty clear that I'm not.

>> No.6372228

I like the music of 3 and 5. 4 is a little too j-pop for me. The PSP music isn't horrible or anything but its nowhere near as good as the original and doesn't fit the mood at all.


>> No.6372234

>P5 is actually a lot closer the 1 and 2 than 3 and 4 are

It's most certainly not.

>> No.6372245

I'd be a huge project, translating the original PS data of Megami Ibonroku Persona to fit. Even if they used the PSP script, which is a little less work because they don't have to translate the game from scratch, it would be a huge task, altering the data of the game to have English text existing in the data, then applied everywhere it needed to be. The P2 Innocent Sin translation project was a big project for example. They did their own font and text data from scratch, no lazy carrying over data from the official Eternal Punishment translation. People have inserted scripts into Playstation games before, like Final Fantasy VII having the Beacause script inserted, but remember, that was a patch of the American version, which already had all of the data for the English script. They just replaced the lines of text. Translating a PS game is more complex than translating a SNES game. I really doubt anyone is going to bother, since the game is far less popular than its sequels and has been officially translated twice over. Perhaps doing a proper music patch of the PSP port would be ideal, but that would take a lot of programming to register the new tracks and knowledge to put everything in the right place, and you wouldn't get the look, engine or atmosphere of the original's flow and maps in that case.

Here would be a feasible project that I would do if I know how to program: a patch for Revelations: Persona that made it faithful to the original. Character portraits and sprites, names for everything, voice tracks, restored Snow Queen quest with PSP script (it's easily accessible on the image file in .txt files), the same for the SEBEC route. Then having the original Japanese encounter rate as an optional variant of the patch. USA encounter rate would have money doubled as well as EXP. The data of an English script/alphabet is already there, so it would be a more straightforward project, though still a lot of meticulous demanding work if it was done right.

>> No.6372249
File: 1.93 MB, 1600x960, p1 crew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with the PSP music is less an issue of quality and more it being completely ill suited for the actual tone and mood of the game. The game certainly has it's fear share of humor (And a mouse with a minigun) but it's supposed to be dreamlike, other worldly ...moody. Instead they just gave it a P4 style pop which just kills the mood.

>Sadly, for someone who doesn't read Japanese there's no ideal way to experience the game: either you deal with the heavily altered USA PS version with the original music or the faithful PSP port with the different music.

I played with music patch and it worked....okayish. It got the issue you said but having the battle music alone fixed does wonders. I still feel lit's a shame nobody's patched the ENG script on the Japanese PS1 version yet. You'd think with Persona being "Popular" now it'd get some attention.

>> No.6372257

demon negotations are gone from 3 and 4 entirely. Plus the dungeons aren't randomly generated in 5

>> No.6372262
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If you think that's all that separates the old Personas from the new than you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Fucking hell 3 captured the tone better than 5 did.

>> No.6372263
File: 119 KB, 1182x506, personateachher1vs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, to an RPG dungeon-crawler that told a story to a teacher dating/fucking sim with mindless dungeons on the side.

>> No.6372273
File: 179 KB, 1000x478, deus2 deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know sometimes Im glad the other SMT spinoffs are still niche. I'd love more success out of DeSu but at a certain point you know they'd just Persona it. You won't see a Persona game were Yukiko can explode violently in the heroes arms, or Haru gets gunned down in histeric fit tell you that much.

>> No.6372287

Saying persona 5's dungeons are mindless in comparison to the dungeons of the first two is downright retarded. The reason 3 and 4 had random dungeons is because the design of them isn't too much different than what was in the first 2

>> No.6372324
File: 119 KB, 712x534, 1564989156666_brgqy6e468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a patch for Revelations: Persona that made it faithful to the original.
That's what I was asking about lol.
I was saying in the western release of the PS1 version they changed the race of the black kid and stuff like that.
Guess I forgot to mention I was talking about that version specifically.

>> No.6372383

the writing is quite painful at times

>> No.6372406

You should try actually playing 1 and 2 so you can see how wrong you are.

>> No.6372409

waifufaggotry is what keeps JRPGs relevant especially now and persona never drew a dime until 3 or 4.

>inb4 "muh normies/zoomers/buzzwords don't have taste."
if it didn't catch on you'd be whining about how nobody but you cares about your niche JRPG and that game companies are leaving money on the table by not pandering to you.

>> No.6372449

Your words:

>Any way to patch the english script onto a japanese copy of the game

>japanese copy

No other way to read "japanese copy" then to assume you meant original Japanese Megami Ibonroku Persona, a patch that inserted an English script into that version of the game, hence the way I wrote my reply.

>> No.6372453

I agree. I never said that 1 and 2's dungeons were not mindless. I didn't mean to imply that 3 and 4's dungeons were worse in comparison. Just that the dungeon-crawling was less of a focus. I agree that since the dungeons were just a series of random battles to begin with, it made sense to make each floor randomly generating for 3 and 4. I think what >>6372220 was getting at is that 5 does not have randomly generated dungeon floors, hence in that one respect it is closer to 1 and 2. Obviously 5 is closer to 3 and 4 than it is to 1 or 2, but that statement is not cancelled out by the statement that 5 is closer to 1 and 2 than 3 and 4 are to 1 and 2, whether or not you agree with it.

>> No.6372454

>JRPGs relevant especially now and persona never drew a dime until 3 or 4.

That's patently false. The games were always successful. Maybe not mega huge but certainly not a flop by any stretch.

>> No.6372467

>want to replay p1
>remember the load times and slow animations
It's one of my favorite jrpgs on ps1 but uuugh. It has an unbelievably high level of soul.

>> No.6372468

Just emulate and fast forward bro

>> No.6372517

the soundtrack is truly unmatched
i wish the psp remake could have let it alone

>> No.6372538

>JRPGs relevant especially now and persona never drew a dime until 3 or 4.
Read the interview, persona 1 sold over 500,000 in Japan at least.

But honestly if nu-persona was just a waifu game nobody would care about it. They are also legitimately good games.

>> No.6372539

I am playing through innocent sin right now. I haven't actually played 4, but I still think 5 is a closer experience to the originals than 3 is.

>> No.6372542
File: 14 KB, 108x176, EikichiISAngry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are also legitimately good games.

I actually don't think they're bad dungeon crawlers. But it's the praise that kills me. If it was just the waifu crowd being the waifu crowed I'd understand, hell even respect to some extent, that. But it's not. It's every douche bag wannabe intellectual trying to insist that they're the height of complex character driving insightfulness because the cast of characters all take turns explaining in no uncertainty their idiotic non problems that all get resolved faster than they're brought up.

>> No.6372614

For what factors do you think that 5 is closer to 1 and 2 besides the fact that the dungeons are not randomly generated?

>> No.6373351

the overall story is pretty damn enjoyable
i think the characterization gets a lot of praise partially because the p1/p2 cast gets to have more flaws than most of the characters in the later games

>> No.6373907
File: 187 KB, 954x1066, elly marvelous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in P1's case it doesn't really dwell on the main characters too much and lets the world drive the action. The cast all have their quirks and as you explore the setting and talk to them in every room you do get some nice nuggets. Everyone in P2/3 is just all kinds of messed up. Then you have 4 were everyone is just kind of a brat. Their problems are only told from their own perspectives and it's all idiotic shit "tee hee I dont want to run my inn even though from as far as anyone can tell my parents aren't forcing me to do anything but help out during the busy season" or "drr I dont like it when people call me a fag." It's all just so week. 5 Sort of starts out really strong. You're pretty much up against a wall with the Kamoshida thing and you can really feel the desperation especially when that one girl tries and kills herself. But then it just devolves into the same crap.

>> No.6374182

I'm probably biased since its been years since I've played 3 and only a couple months since I've played 5, but for me the biggest thing would have to be the demon negotiation and the fact they are actually the enemies you fight this time around. That's a big part of megaten's identity that was absent from 3/4. Shadow selves is also something in 5 that didn't make an appearance in 3, though they were in 4. Guns were brought back too, not a huge deal, but they are there. Another very minor thing in Ohya, who I felt was there as a callback to the rumormonger characters in p2.

As for the tone, I really don't feel like p3 is that much darker than p5 beyond its surface.

>> No.6374251
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, Persona 3 The Movie #4 - Winter of Rebirth (1080p Blu-ray 8bit AC3).mp4_snapshot_01.13.27_[2018.11.21_05.16.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really don't feel like p3 is that much darker than p5 beyond its surface.

I mean yeah so long as you ignore all the drugs, revenge, distrust, the death cult, the apathy syndrome, the mystery, the perpetual night, internal sorrow, depression and the whole message.

>> No.6374449
File: 625 KB, 640x480, 351272-shin-megami-tensei-persona-4-playstation-2-screenshot-talking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. 1 and 2 are my favorites story and character wise by a lot, and I liked the stakes of 3 and the character's backstories a lot.

Story-wise, what worked in 4 was borrowed and similar to 3, how suddenly everything at the end boils down to a God fulfilling humanity's wish to end their own lives and what didn't was different, so where it wasn't original it was derivative, and where it was it wasn't better.

I think I knew what they were going for: they wanted things to be more personal and for what the characters went through to reflect more "real," "grounded" and "every-day" issues, also relating to cultural and societal issues in Japan such as the consequences of industry on small business, young and old populations, urban life vs the country, etc. All in all, the characters and the depth to which the game explores their personalities and arcs is done quite nicely in 4, but it sacrificed what made the characters great in the previous games while adding nothing good on its own merits to replace that.

Honestly, I think playing in the original Japanese (not the undub, but actually understanding the language) would help a lot. Though the first 3 games of course were anime to an extent in aesthetic and tone, it wasn't until 4 that I felt "I'm playing an anime" and that feeling seems worse still in 5 which is why I won't ever touch it. It seems silly to talk about people acting "realistically" in such a fantastical game, but the issue with 4 is that they aren't even likable or relatable, like they went out of their way to make the characters unlikable. I honestly asked myself, "are they expecting me to like her with an introduction like this?" when Chie kicked Yosuke as hard as she could in the balls over a DVD. It was just lame, and it didn't get any better when the game made a dramatic production over omelettes either, for just one other example. It was definitely funnier as a whole than 3, which made little effort for humor.

>> No.6374459

Don't forget that everything revolves around shooting yourself in the head

>> No.6374475

It's great as an ultimate gauntlet kinda game after SMT1 and 2. Falls flat if you're expecting something else

>> No.6374507
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The big problem with the characters is that they have no long term appeal. Characters are introduced, they set up a "problem" for them to overcome and then they exposit their guts out to say how they feel about the problem and then it never comes up again and the character is devolved into a hone note gimmick or gag. We don't actually get to KNOW the character pre problem for the problem to have impact when it comes up. It's all just brushed aside too quickly and it's back to faffing about for the next month.

Take Kanji as an example. He doesn't want to be seen as unmanly because of his hobbies. (AND HE IS NOT GAY.) But outside of hearing how he gets into fights where do we see any of this? Honestly ask yourself, where does anyone give Kanji any shit for his hobbies? He doesn't even show up at your school till the story introduces him, which really would have been a good place to set up all your players early. It's actually astounding that they didn't. Like you're using a school as a setting. Have the NPCs matter. It could create a great hub world that changes as the time goes on.

What 1-3 did really well was introduce all it's main characters at once or early enough where the bulk of the game could be explored on the mystery and main story. But 4 and 5 have that big problem where it feels like the whole game is spent just building your party and so the later a character joins the less development they get if any.

>> No.6374670
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Since what was happening in 3 mattered, it was sensible that some of the characters were introduced later. Ken Amada is a perfect example. He shows up about halfway through, but there was no sense of him feeling out of place or with not enough introduction, because his past connects so much to what's going on and the other characters. Right off the bat, he lost his mother to the persona of Akhiko's best friend, Shinjiro, who also has a personal grudge with Takaya himself. On top of that, Mitsuru is inextricably linked to all of this because the Kirijo group developed the program that messed up Takaya and Shinjiro and caused them to have Personae they weren't able to control.

Even though in 3 it's more than halfway through the game that the plot really begins and you learn what's going on, the lead-up to that point was justified in keeping you in the dark and going about the day-to-day. The reveals actually matter, like when you learn about the death of Yukari's father and why you're actually scaling the damn tower, because the reasons behind everything had serious implications the entire time.

4 takes the plot in a totally different direction, because the entire premise is that it's a "detective murder mystery." Strangely though, even though more characters you interact with die more consistently and 4, the stakes and entire tone of the game was much more dark and significant feeling in 3. Even though in some sense 4 has a similar plot structure, being that you're in the dark for most of the story and only really find out what's going on toward the end, that reveal doesn't matter because none of those elements seem to have any relation to either what you or what any of the other characters were going through early on. Izanami's few monologues that people want to be like their shadows feel tacked-on, whereas in 3 there was a looming gradual build-up to Nyx from the moment that you first meet both Pharos and Ryoji.

>> No.6374681
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>hate speech

>> No.6374692

I said it a lot but the killer's identity feels less like it was planned as a real twist and more that they just ran out of actual characters who weren't party members. And the izanami (and grail in 5) shit just felt so tacked on. You could have slotted in any diety and it would have made as much sense.

>> No.6374783

oh boy, here we go.

>> No.6374837

Two major typos: I meant to say more characters you interact with die more consistently *IN 4, not "and 4"

I also meant to say the stakes and entire tone of the game was much *LESS dark and significant feeling *THAN 3 WAS, not more dark and significant feeling than 3.

>> No.6374857
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What are you complaining about?

>> No.6374871

The first Persona was popular enough to warrant a PC version that apparently no one wanted to buy; fast forward to today where people want a PC version of 5 and Atlus doesn't want to make it.

>> No.6374886

Good point. There's no reason they couldn't release 5 on PC: It's on the Gamebyro engine, the same engine used to make Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Warhammer Online, not to mention the Shin Megami Tensei MMO Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine. Hell, Catherine was made with this engine and that was released for PC. It's just business-minded money-oriented stubbornness to keep console exclusivity, quite ironic considering they're losing a lot of potential money since many people would buy the game on PC. And these companies are the same ones that complain about emulation efforts like that PS3 emulator that attempted crowdfunding and showed footage of Persona 5 getting to the title screen a while back.

>> No.6375128

i don't think theres any reason that atlus themselves haven't put it on PC/switch yet. Sony did put out a statement explaining how important the series is to them, so maybe there's some kind of exclusivity deal behind closed doors.

>> No.6375160

Why's the one on the left looking in a different direction

>> No.6375238

goddamn Kelly Slater I bet could surf in that hair

>> No.6375486
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>> No.6375492

Imagine building your entire career on man-on-the-street bits.

>> No.6375712

i can only imagine how much money sony spent to keep P5 & MGS4 exclusive.

>> No.6375727

None. The game was engineered around the BD in a way that would've made it exceptionally hard to port to 360. Now if it got a current or next gen port, it'd almost certainly be multiplat.
That one's simple. The free help they get marketing it is worth more to them than the sales they may obtain with additional releases, once factoring in the dev costs of those ports and that Persona uses a weird in-house engine.
P5 isn't on Gamebryo, it's on a custom engine. Catherine was on Gamebryo however, which is where the misconception comes from.

>> No.6375732
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What the fuck dinda porn was he watching?

>> No.6375746

Do you peeps really assume they're just stupid and don't understand that going multiplat would be profitable. If a game isn't getting proted, that means it's either been bought out, or their testing has shown that porting and marketing the port wouldn't be worth it.
They likely calculated what they'd earn on xbone/pc/switch and just got that money from Sony up-front, guaranteed, or an equivalent int he form of free marketing from Sony, expensive help in development etc.
Exclusivity shit is anti-consumer, but it's not stupid or unprofitable.

>> No.6376517

>Exclusivity shit is anti-consumer

Im getting real tired of this. It's not anti anything. Exclusives are the only thing that gives a console an identity. You're not being robbed of an essential or screwed over because you backed the wrong horse. That's the asinine tantrum of a child told he can't have a toy.

>> No.6376972

I think it has more to do with her demeanor, expression, hell even her personality. I've read about a lot of art and character designers through interviews and they're often inspired by things in subtle, indirect ways. But looking at Maki's round, unassuming, almost puppy-dog eyes, her pout, and her puppet-like poise, it's hard not to see once you know the truth that there was some adult film actress that the guy was watching that was in his head when he first conceptualized and drew her.

>> No.6376980
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I wanna know what film they were inspired by for her Eternal Punishment look

>> No.6377002
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Elly was always my favorite. I love how insane she is. Not LOL SO RANDUMB, not HAH HAH HAH laughing fits. I mean the world is going to hell and she's acting like a kid in the candy store on Christmas morning who just got a puppy that's half N64.

>> No.6377005
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Best girl

>> No.6377013
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Also she's the only one to ever visit Igor just to say "Hi." That's just nice.

>> No.6377048

>The game was engineered around the BD in a way that would've made it exceptionally hard to port to 360

Weren't the exceptionally long cutscenes a tool they used to disguise the PS3 slowly installing the game onto the console? I'm sure MGS4 was the first PS3 game to require installation as most others could just run off the disk.

I don't think Persona is *the* Japanese series that people would come up with when you mention PlayStation. Final Fantasy was likely to be the biggest, and that wound up on the Xbox, more recently you could say Yakuza but that too even came to the Xbox. Considering that Catherine Full Body has a Switch version while PC is limited to just the aged 2010 version feels more like they just don't care. The Switch also got the scramble spinoff of P5, and the 360 did get the Persona fighting game, as well as that Aksys shitfest with RYBY and Persona characters being multiformat, it seems like they care more for Japan first than the west, despite the west accounting for at least half of their revenue at this point.

>> No.6377059

>Final Fantasy was likely to be the biggest

I'd argue FF is well past it's hay day. Last time it came out with any kind of regularity we got the 13s and we know how that went.

>> No.6377096

i had an FF13 wallpaper back in 2004, and by the time it came out, it was for a console i didn't own, and i'd pretty much moved on from FF altogether
i think they made a 14, but i really don't know past that

>> No.6377123

Something David Lynch

>> No.6377145

it would be cool if we got a modern day remake of the P2 games. I just like it so much more than P3. P3 did so much wrong it hurts and playing "the answer" is just blatantly uninteresting. never got into P1 though. I might pick it up again. I only played a bit but I'm not too fond of wizardry-styled dungeon crawling and 1st person perspective. weirdly enough I don't mind it so much in SMT2, mostly because it was faster.

>> No.6377162

The Answer is the best part of 3 though. No faggy social links, no bullshit calendar, the party is all at each others throats and its just beautiful dungeon crawling the whole time.

>> No.6377170

>The Answer is the best part of 3 though.

I guess I was just really fed up with finishing the first part then and having to move on to the answer. But I get what you're saying.

>> No.6377225

and then she says she's half faking it

>> No.6377237
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Yeah but that means she's half sincere.

>> No.6377247

>None. The game was engineered around the BD
Funny, considering the game needed to install to HDD during every fucking mission. The real answer is: The 360 demanded games to work without a HDD, and Kojima refused to work with compressed audio.

>> No.6377710

fair enough

>> No.6377762

As in engineered around the capacity of one, anon. It'd be either split across a bunch of DVDs, too many to be practical, or making cuts Kojima's autistic ass didn't want to.

>> No.6377923

Is there a translation iso without the "americanization" of the characters? Liked the game but couldnt stomach that

>> No.6377928

Read the thread, fucko.

>> No.6377938

Can you help a friend, buddy?

>> No.6377959

I ain't your buddy, guy

>> No.6377975
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>I'd argue FF is well past it's hay day.

>> No.6378000

>Not past it's hey day
>Has to resort to making games from 1997

GEE WILIKERS, MISTER, you sure showed me.

>> No.6378058

did they actually finally make a remake? not another teaser?

>> No.6378070

What rock have you been under?

>> No.6378108


>> No.6378110

>Is irrelevant, yet is the most successful game on the platform.

>> No.6378149

>All our new shit is failing, what do we do, RELIVE OUR PRIME.

I feel like you're missing the point harder than Tetsuya Nomura is

>> No.6378671

It's not the whole thing, just midgar. Also they changed the story a bit, as a joke haha.

>> No.6379330

I wonder if one of the episodes will be dirge of cerberus.

>> No.6379394

that would be fucking hysterical

>> No.6379553

while i don't doubt that a hypothetical 360 port of MGS4 would've been multiple discs (RAGE & BF4 were 2-3 discs) saying that it would be an impractical amount is silly especially since that you having to install every act is the equivalent of swapping discs along with the fact that MGS5 which is an arguably a more powerful game is playable on the 360.

i think it's more of situations like >>6377247 or >>6377048.

>> No.6379559

>RAGE & BF4 were 2-3 discs
i meant to say BF3 instead of 4.

it had i think 3 discs on the 360...
1. singleplayer & co-op
2. multiplayer
3. install

>> No.6379604

LMAO how the fuck is hate speech not real. Its a man made concept, sure, but so are most things in our society. The argument should be whether or not it should warrant punishment, not whether it's real or not.

Im gonna practice some hate speech right now by calling Crowder a fucking retard.

>> No.6379630

>Final Fantasy is likely the biggest
The difference here is that FF has always been released on multiple platforms (even 7 ans 8 got PC ports not long after the PS release) whereas mainline persona has remained exclusive to sony.

>> No.6379640

>On the side note, is anyone even completely sure what Zhuangzi meant?

>> No.6379783

>only midgar
well it sure is a modern game now.

>> No.6379792

his argument is that it's not, or should not, be real in the legal sense
in the US, hate speech is not a thing, and hateful speech which is not a call to action (like calling someone a retard) is protected by free speech (legally, it's free speech and nothing else)
but in some other countries, this kind of speech is illegal and punished, which is what he's protesting against
yes, the title he uses is a bit "click baity", but it gets people talking, so eh

>> No.6379802
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You know for as much as persona likes to go in and out of other worlds in the modern titles it's amazing that no one ever questioned the state of their own perceived reality. I don't mean like matrixy stuff either so much but the other worlds always just seem so plane.

>> No.6379858

well in the case of 4 & 5 it's not meant to be something like alternate realities or parallel dimensions but more a metaphor of the person in question's psyche. yukiko & sae are the most on the nose examples of this.

>> No.6379869
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Yeah but even the world of 1 was based on Maki's psyche. I get the worlds are just meant to be vehicles for the larger metaphors but there's still a lot you could do with that that really gets ignored for the sake of another set of boring if thematic dungeons. Like for example, and this would probably be more work than they'd want to put into it, what if each dungeon wasn't just a dungeon but rather a whole different version of the city where the towns people all says things that line up with how the dungeon creator would perceive them. Have alternate versions of the player characters act as NPCs. Illusion or not I think we can do better than just "Oh it's a bath house dungeon"

>> No.6379893

i think the problem stems from the scope.

dedicating an entire game to one person's psyche is not the same as dedicating a chapter to it.

>> No.6379930


>> No.6379980
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>> No.6380114
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>what if each dungeon wasn't just a dungeon but rather a whole different version of the city where the towns people all says things that line up with how the dungeon creator would perceive them
I mean what you're saying isn't too far off from the entire scope that Persona 1 takes place in, the entire district shrouded in fog is pretty much suppose to be the manifestation of Maki's pysche and the people inside of it aside from the one's who are actually from the real world brought inside are parts of her perception. I'm sure if the game had a bigger budget bigger scope then they would've developed the world inside Maki's mind more.

>> No.6380330

>every single Persona thread devolves into people that like P1 and 2 acting superior to people who like Hashino's games
Comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges. The series is akin to Fast and Furious in that the first one is nothing like the current ones outside of the basest of the base concepts, but the presentation, themes, mechanics, etc... couldn't be more different.

And also Hashino's games are much better lmao 1 and 2 are a product of their time that aged like crap and not everything older is inherently better.

>> No.6380375

>games age
>Prefers Hashino
>Uses fast and furious as a metaphor

Yeah that checks out.

>> No.6380381

>completely misses the point and just strawmans to feel superior
>prefers P1/2
Yeah that checks out

>> No.6380383

What point. You basically came in with a non defense for the modern games and then started some BS about the old ones aging badly. If you wanted to make the case for the new cames you could have dropped your last sentence and nobody would have called you an idiot. Idiot.

>> No.6380393

Ah, so you're just butthurt because I talked shit about 1 and 2, nice to know that you didn't have a problem with the actual point of my post though, you just can't take someone saying P1 and 2 aged like crap (which they did, the game mechanics turn the game into a slog, the story is a mess and instead of being their own thing they end up being SMT lite).

>> No.6380413

>game aged

>> No.6380906

Games don't age, also this is /vr/, would be best if there was no discussion of any of Hashino's games at all.

>> No.6380949

>"games don't age"
>on a forum that requires games be over a certain age to talk about them

>> No.6380954

The game looks and plays exactly the same the day it came out, it hasn't changed, it literally hasn't aged a day since it was released.

>> No.6380970

jokes aside they're referring to how later games have improved on the same core design of the game enough to make early titles appear inferior

generally, it's like when you play newer entries in a series which has all kinds of added features which you've gotten used to, then you go back to an earlier one and miss those features, especially when those features have generally become common to other games of that genre, it can make older games seem dated, even though of course, the games themselves never actually changed

heh, i wonder if kids trying doom now get confused that hiding doesn't restore your health

>> No.6380985

Dude, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are one insipid cunt.

>> No.6380987

>jokes aside they're referring to how later games have improved on the same core design of the game enough to make early titles appear inferior
I honestly wouldn't say they did, I might actually like them more if that was the case, it's just a completely different kind of game with less features and a far more streamlined experience, some people like things more simple, I get that. Early Persona might come across as overbearing to someone who's only experienced newer entries before trying to go back, not because there's less features but because there's more/different mechanics that might seem clunky or confusing, more to worry about.

>> No.6381001

improved was probably not the right word, it's more about change
like i wouldn't necessarily call regenerative health in shooters to be objectively superior, but it has become the standard, and therefore has dated older games that predate this change

>> No.6381163

Persona 1 is on PC mate.

>> No.6381334

>i wonder if kids trying doom now get confused that hiding doesn't restore your health
probably not since you still had shooters last gen that didn't have health regen.

the bioshock series, the BFG edition of doom 3, halo ODST & reach, resistance 1 & 3, the orange box, left 4 dead 1 & 2 and the 3D fallouts didn't have health regen or only had it to a certain degree (reach & bioshock infinite had overshields but your actual heath didn't regen or resistance 1 had it regen only to the nearest quarter of your health)

and on top of that you also have games like the doom 4 & eternal this gen.

>> No.6381581

>i wouldn't necessarily call regenerative health in shooters to be objectively superior, but it has become the standard, and therefore has dated older games that predate this change
do you think doom has aged poorly because it doesn’t have regenerating health?

>> No.6381635

OH yeah you're right. That's the only one though, and it's so obscure that i can't even find vids of the Windows version on YouTube.

>> No.6381815

You need to use a virtual Windows 95 OS to install it too. A bit of a pain in the ass to get it to work.

>> No.6381914

>the bioshock series

Bioshocks revival system is a million times worse than regenerating health

>> No.6382668

not personally, but people who are use to and prefer regenerative health might think so
i'm not trying to make an opinion, just a (poor) example
probably just a bad example, but you do seem to understand my point (by explaining how that example is not a universal shift, you understand that my point was more universal shifts)

>> No.6382841

isn't FF7 itself so big that it has numerous pieces of media to it? Crisis Core, Advent Children, that one OVA whose art style was later used for that infamous Tifa animation, and others? It's like Square's MCU.

>> No.6382861

I"m about to play the PSP version. Wish me luck anon.

>> No.6382918

Did you apply the music patch? If not make sure to do that because the new soundtrack is mostly bad.

>> No.6382960

basically yeah. the only one people actually like is crisis core though.

>> No.6382979

FF7R with Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus episodes would be the best thing ever.

>> No.6383045

Dirge of cerberus is such shit lol. Horrible TPS based off a very minor hidden character who was only popular because it was cool to be emo in the 2000s.

>> No.6383086

jesus christ is this seriously the level of normalfag that has invaded this board
no wonder it's been shit for the last few years

>> No.6383091

earlier in the thread someone said the patch is missing tracks...

>> No.6383156

It's meant to be a joke for sure.
>you can't compare them/apples and oranges
>also these are better than those
I think.

>> No.6383873

There are missing tracks, but if the J-pop from the PSP version starts to grate on you It did for me and I'd never played the original version at the time You have an option to make the music more appealing.

>> No.6384069

Did you listen to the new soundtrack? If not make sure you do because whether or not anyone thinks it's good or bad is a question of subjective taste and you should form your own opinion.

>> No.6384078

In general if you're looking for things like this remember to search this: Megami Ibonroku Persona, the game's Japanese name. Since the Windows/PC version is obviously Japan exclusive you're much more likely to get relevant results that way than if you search "Persona 1," "Revelations: Persona," "Persona," or "Shin Megami Tensei Persona." Someone just uploaded a series of gameplay videos for the Windows version a month ago.


>> No.6384423

i’m kind of amazed someone feels the need to defend the remake soundtrack

>> No.6384661 [DELETED] 

I'm kind of amazed some people think their personal taste in music is subjective.

>> No.6384668

I'm kind of amazed some people think their personal taste in music is objective fact.

>> No.6384669

i never said that my taste in music was objective, if that’s what your implying
do you think the remade soundtrack isn’t out of place and unfitting?

>> No.6384695

I knew you were disgusting. You even have a little asian shemale sex slave.

>> No.6384918

>Did you listen to the new soundtrack?
Yes anon, I specifically said I played the game long enough to have it grate on me. Finding the patch was a welcome because it fixed the discrepency I felt between things like the visuals and the music. Especially the overworld.

Only new track I still enjoy is the battle music.

>because whether or not anyone thinks it's good or bad is a question of subjective
So, you seem to be mighty defensive over the PSP tracks, and I can respect your opinion. I clearly framed the patch as an alternative should the PSP soundtrack prove to be grating, something that is a common complaint for people playing this version of the game.

>> No.6385306

Its on #Dlegends

you can play the game without installing though. just need to click on a certain .exe on the disc

>> No.6385390
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So basically

>you are a special snowflake like everyone else

>> No.6385472
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Ataru-with-Lum-s-Bikini-Top-urusei-yatsura-24186943-640-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should watch Beautiful Dreamer again. Back in the day UY was probably my favorite anime but the movies were all so melancholy and weird, I found them off putting. But perhaps I judged them too harshly. At any rate there's always the OAVs which are what I'd wanted out of a Lum movie anyways.

>> No.6385571

aren't we all

>> No.6385593

Well damn I wish I would've known that

>> No.6385598
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It's also on Internet Archive for anyone who is interested.

>> No.6385609
File: 395 KB, 720x540, UY_baku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful Dreamer is very worth watching.
I loved the first movie too, but BD is on another level IMO.
Some people prefer the final movie, but I personally have a soft spot for BD, it was also my first exposure to UY (even though, at the time, I was also weirded out by it, it clicked much later).
Also, the plot in BD is actually based on one of the TV episodes, with the dream demon "Mujaki" and his pet, Baku, the dream eater. They look different on the movie though, and things get much weirder. It also has that melancholic feel, but I love that.

>> No.6385748

Ahh see I'd seen almost the whole series when I got to Beautiful Dreamer and then only ever watched it the once. Actually I only watched each of the movies only once, they were all a little too serious for my liking since I mostly liked the series for it's wackiness.

To me the two OAV episodes Goat and Cheese and Catch the Heart perfectly sum up what I love in it.

I liked Ranma too, though not quite as much but as Rumiko's later work got more serious and sentimental it never clicked as much. Could never really get into Maison Ikoku and barely saw anything of Inuyasha. I was starting to get out of anime by then anyways.

>> No.6385782

Baku, with the yellow skin, face, and trunk looks a lot like Hypno from Pokemon (just on all fours), who also puts people to sleep and eats dreams. I wonder if they're both based on a similar mythological source. I thought Drowzee and Hypno were based on Indian mythology but who knows about Baku. Looks like a tapir which I think Drowzee was supposed to be also

>> No.6385818
File: 51 KB, 629x478, Urusei_Yatsura_movie2-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I understand it, Rumiko Takahashi herself wasn't too fond of Beautiful Dreamer either, and I think UY fans back then didn't like it much either. It gained a cult following later.
Both movies were directed by Mamoru Oshii, who was also in charge of directing the TV series (up to episode 102), on BD, he went off and did his own thing. Many people consider it to be his "awakening" as a director, where he'd experiment a lot, as he did in later films.
I personally think BD still has that wackiness UY is known for, but at the same time has a very odd atmosphere, which was 100% intentional, and I love it for that. It's actually one of my favorite anime movies ever, but again, it took some time for it to click for me.
As a kid I was only familiar with Ranma, which I liked, but now I can say I like Urusei Yatsura better.
You know what, that's true. I didn't realize that (I was thinking of Gengar when I wrote "dream eater"), but yeah it does look like Drowzee. Wouldn't be too surprised if Baku was the inspiration though, since UY is super popular in Japan.
I actually just looked up Baku and yeah, it's based on an actual yokai, which is described as a tapir-looking monster, so there's that. It still is possible that Drowzee was inspired by the UY's baku though, the yellow color they chose, and the overall design are very similar.
In Beautiful Dreamer, however, Baku is a piglet, who turns into a giant dumbo-like pig with giant ears and vacuum-like mouth.

>> No.6385824
File: 507 B, 64x80, Baku.GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to go back to on-topic again, Baku is actually in Megami Tensei, of course.

>> No.6385859

Yeah that's why I think maybe I should watch it again. I'd seen some Ranma already but my intro to the series was actually Those Obnoxious Aliens the awful dub they did of the first episode or two. But it was so weird I loved it right away and started tracking down fansubs.

>> No.6385939

how different is the pc version?

>> No.6385975
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>The drama was all from Shin Megami Tensei Internet fans, not from Aeon Genesis
>working hard
>He can take as long as he wants,
>hate speech, and generalized harassment
Unironically kill yourself Gideon

>> No.6385989

>In the latter reply I'm asking where Gideon Zhi complained that someone else started working on the game
Were his pissing and moaning not a clue for you? Were his fabrications about harrasment not proof enough? Was the timing of his translation's release not enough?

>> No.6386013

>boo hoo I can't be a shithead on the internet and still have people cater to me

I wouldn't help someone like you either

>> No.6386042

Who gives a shit about something like a video game enough to get angry at him for not working on the translation as fast as he said he would except for pathetic immature idiots. It's only natural that it's a side project when he's doing all of the work for free and it wouldn't make sense if he prioritized it over every more important and necessary uses of his time he had going on in his life. If someone had hard evidence that he was actually giving hell to another translator that said they started to work on it while also letting his own project sit I will consider it because that's definitely wanting it both ways and a case of hypocrisy that warrants criticism.

You claim that his own statements that there was harassment are completely "fabrications" with 0 evidence. At the same time you've given nothing to back that he was going out of his way to criticize and give other people a hard time. So this leads me reason to believe that you are completely in the wrong. I didn't read "pissing and moaning" in his statement I read the words of someone who had completed a fan translation that's frankly quite high quality and complete, over hours and years of hard work for free, not afraid to be honest and forthcoming about the hell some spoiled man child gamer brats had to give him over years because they wanted him to hurry up so they could play it.

>> No.6386325

can i get a source on the 20 years bit?

>> No.6386363

The biggest issue with the new soundtrack is the battle themes. That gets fixed generally perfectly.

Yeah I completely love inane jpop spoken in unintelligible broken Engrish. That totally fits the mood the game is going for. Fuck you.

>> No.6386429

Is the interview available in Japanese somewhere? Is this the guy that never posts the sources for his translations and asks people to go along with it?

>> No.6387040


>> No.6387638

I'm currently going through Innocent Sin and considering playing the first one in earnest at some point, since I gave the psp version a try but felt kinda overwhelmed once you get to create personas for all your party members.
Does the music patch alter the tracks of the cutscenes? iirc there's no jpop in there and the original ps1 movies were not the same at all.

>> No.6387719

The PSP version fixes a lot of the odd translation choices like making Mark black and removing the Snow Queen quest. But even still I actually prefer the original. The music is better, the overworld is better, the whole atmosphere feels kinda different and the walking speed in the PSP is super fast which I get that they did it for accessibility but it always feels like you're running which doesn't suit the game. If you have access I'd play that one and then do the remake if you love it and go Snow Queen

>> No.6387748

Thanks for the rec but does the music patch for the psp version change the FMVs or are they left untouched?

>> No.6387782

No clue, sorry. I never tried patching. I played the original when it came out and then the remake but didn't delve further than that.

>> No.6387829

honestly, for a first time playthrough, going through the psp version with the music patch isn't terrible, but you should know that the psp version has less music tracks in general compared to the ps1 version, and so the patch isn't able to bring several songs along

>> No.6388247

the fmvs are probably left the same. but they aren't nearly as frequent as fmvs in the later games

>> No.6388993

>odd translation choices like making Mark black and removing the Snow Queen quest
There's no way to talk about the P1 localization that isn't funny.

>> No.6389030

As someone who has never played a SMT or Persona game, where should i start? and where should i stop?

>> No.6389242

Im gonna give the obvious answer of look at some vids and decide what sounds / looks most appealing to you. I would probably reccomend nocturne or p5 to start with though

>> No.6389431

>yfw people cant count anymore

>> No.6390064

90% of americans probably started with nocturne, smt 4 or persona 4
nocturne is probably your best bet, but check out strange journey if you have a preference for first-person dungeon crawling

>> No.6390185

Yet, it will never reach the praise of 5, whoops. But it's okay being a contrarian.

>> No.6390186

Stay mad contrarian
Accept that you just don't like popular things

>> No.6390287
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>> No.6391924

Megami Tensei 1

>> No.6393637

not very

>> No.6393698

>pointing out differences is being contrarian

Yeah, I know you're a phanboy, but sometimes you really have to step back and do a little thinking for yourself.

>> No.6393976
File: 46 KB, 420x420, shouldhaveboughtapc8800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want him to start from the inception of the franchise, shouldn't he start with the original novels, the anime, and the goofy Gauntlet clone for early Japanese computers?

>> No.6394008

No way man, this thread is for discussing video games, specifically jrpgs.
Of course, I have no issue with this being turned into a Jack Bros thread.

>> No.6397275
