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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6362987 No.6362987 [Reply] [Original]

What scrolling shooters should I start with? Hopefully ones with a healthy amount of checkpoints and continues, my brain is really small.

>> No.6362990
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>> No.6362991

Tyrian of course what a stupid question

>> No.6362995

Gleylancer is a good start, it has unlimited continues, you just have to start back at the beginning of the level. It is a bit hard at the end but not as bad as shmups can get. It’s a good game for starters.

>> No.6363007

Aero fighters on snes is nice also checkout silphead on Sega cd. I think those are fun entries into the genre, but definitely play gradius/parodius and popn twinbee

>> No.6363028
File: 25 KB, 350x241, Starsoldier64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363039

>Hopefully ones with a healthy amount of checkpoints and continues
This isn't how you git gud

>> No.6363050

This is a really cool recommendation, I'm really digging the parallax

>> No.6363110
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Gradius 1 arcade or PC Engine
Super Star Soldier
Blazing Lazers/Gunhed
Musha Aleste
Space Manbow
All of these are good entry points for shmups, personally I got really into Konami shooters like the Gradius series and Compile with the Aleste series so those are my two series recs.

>> No.6363353



The full version can be found on the net.

>> No.6363357

Star Parodier is the perfect entry level shmup.

>> No.6363358

Gleylancer or Blazing Star. Both are very accessible. I'd hold off on Gradius and R Type for now, they both punish you lots for dying and you likely don't have the patience yet to tolerate it.

>> No.6363360

Not too hard, not too easy, and its free and optimized to work on modern systems.


>> No.6363365
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Forgot pic

>> No.6363371

SATAZIUS is the best Gradius-like game, Its not free though, very good shmup and not as difficult.

>> No.6363374

Not retro, but check out http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/index.html ABA games for some really cool free shmups. rRootage and Torus Trooper are both recommended, as is Gunroar.

>> No.6363375

It's apparently coming to switch in a couple of weeks bundled with a few other shmups too

>> No.6363379

Most of astroports games are good, especially satazius.

>> No.6363389
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>Want to get into shmups
Disregard all other replies ITT, and play Space Invaders. After that go to Galaxian and Galaga, and then, and only then when you're familiar with the basics of shmups, go to your first scrolling one, which must be Xevious.
Additionally, you can play Defender, it's western-developed but set the basis for horis.

>> No.6363392
File: 421 KB, 359x595, shmup collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried Armed 7 DX or Wolflame? All three for £13 (I'm guessing $15?). Worth it for Satazius alone, but I haven't heard of the other two.

>> No.6363394

The 3D remake of xevious on the Playstation has all the xevious games on the disk.

>> No.6363402

Armed 7 is a mecha game i think. Wolf is a great vertical shmup.

>> No.6363410

Zangeki warp is a unique game, i recommend this one if it comes to switch.

>> No.6363415

start with gradius, r-type, or darius. these are your three starting pokemon. tiger heli and raiden are cool also

>> No.6363471

Armed 7 looks cool, just checked out gameplay. Looking forward to trying all three.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it.

>> No.6363640


Axelay, Super E.D.F are great on the SNES.

Gradius 3 vanilla and Phalanx are good as well.

(If you can hack roms, absolutely get the hack for Gradius 3 that changes chip sets. Removes slowdown.)

Steel empire on the genesis is fun as well. One of my favorite childhood games.

Thunderforce 4 or R-TYPE 3 if you wanna be a REAL fucking warrior. Turn up the volume and don't. fucking. die.

>> No.6363647

How have people NOT suggested U.N. Squadron/Area 88?

It's damn good as well, just note that if you dislike anime, the art style is anime.

Also, if you dislike challenge, stay away. This is not a very easy game. It's not hard, but it's definitely not easy.

>> No.6363652

Almost any of them on the Sega Genesis. Keyword, almost. Or on the Arcade of course. Also depends on what system you're looking into.

>> No.6364079

Not OP, but what should I play if
>can't into Cave
>really like Blazing Star and Air Gallet
>don't like yagawa games
>also don't like raiden

>> No.6364081

That doesn't help at all since you're not saying WHY you can't get into them. Anyway
Takumi games, Ray- series, Ikaruga, Psyvariar, Border Down/Under Defeat, Psikyo

>> No.6364085

A shmup on the 64?
Is it actually decent?

>> No.6364089

The Japanese snes game, SDF: Macross scrambled valkyrie, is a technically impressive shmup with very good graphics and music and no slowdown, a good entry level shmup when played on easy mode.

>> No.6364156

Remember you're allowed to cross your arms and move the stick with your right hand :-)

Also, don't actually play shmups, just whinge about JRPGs

>> No.6364164

Wolflame is a good version of Raiden

>> No.6364961

check out rolling gunner and the alltynex trilogy (I think you'd enjoy alltynex second). psyvariar is a good shout too from the anon above