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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6360017 No.6360017 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any videogame plot more generic than "someone gets kidnapped and you need to save them"?

>> No.6360024

Aliens attack earth and you have to kill them

>> No.6360026

An ancient evil has emerged to threaten the peaceful kingdom.

>> No.6360028

Things can't be "generic" when they're just barely starting to happen. You're talking about games form an era where games had only just began to have anything even remotely resembling a story at all.

>> No.6360039
File: 49 KB, 418x415, mega baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really just wondering what the most common, overused game plot was. I was thinking "stop someone from trying to take over the world" but that seemed more like a generic superhero movie plot.

>> No.6360069

>there's a dungeon and you have to get to the lowest level of the dungeon to kill the evil wizard
>or maybe it's a dragon, I don't know
>also there's a princess you have to rescue
>or maybe it's a treasure or something
>anyway you have to go rescue her or whatever because you are the chosen one

dungeon crawlers lol

>> No.6360078

lifes plot is pretty generic too:
>be born
>grow and educate yourself
>make money and babies

>> No.6360104

The mario lore is really weird though.
So this tribe of black magic-using turtle-demons invaded this kingdom of mushroom-people and turned them into bricks and trees, and this italian plumber is on his way to save the kingdom.
Remember, Mario didn't want to save the princess because he loved her or anything, but because she was the only one who could actually break the black magic Koopa spell.
The love interest between the two started later, not in the original SMB.

>> No.6360123


>grow and educate yourself
>make money and babies
Do you even know where you are?

>> No.6360124

kill everything on screen till you die

>> No.6360126

This. I’m not surprised this is fp, as I came here to post it. Zombie breakout stuff has also been common as fuck for two decades or more now too.

>> No.6360138

Or just basically <something> attacks <something> and you are the only one capable of defeating them. You come by the remains of entire armies that had been slain, there are practically unlimited amount of weapons and ammo scattered everywhere, yet you are the only one who can pull this off. Bonus if you are not even a soldier/combat-ready individual when you get into the story.

>> No.6360149
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>> No.6360153

Stuff like this is exactly why I think game devs should just take a chance and make weird characters, good gameplay and maybe an extremely loose story to tie it all together. Like seriously think about the story of the first Sonic game. Same shit more or less. You can't be original if you don't even try. I honestly think Shovel Knight only took off the way it did because it was weird enough to be original and the main focus was gameplay. The story could been literally anything honestly, just as long it tie it together.

>> No.6360161

It's the best plot because it's all you need. The whole focus should be on the gameplay anyway.

>> No.6360173

I'm glad to be subverting that trope

>> No.6360187

Most JRPG's have really generic plots.

>> No.6360194

To be fair, WRPGs do as well. Mostly Tolkien wankery, unless it's sci-fi, then it's Neuromancer wankery

>> No.6360196

Humanity shilling

>> No.6360203
File: 282 KB, 1018x567, 1417738082515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world was at peace until the evil ancient aliens flooded the world with zombies and kidnapped the princess. You are the chosen one, the only bad enough dude to defeat the alien king, and break the spell the princess been put under.

>> No.6360212

most JRPGs can be summed up as
>fight rats in small home village
>set out to solve x minor problem
>find out church is evil
>make friends and kill god

>> No.6360221

/vr/ seems to have an unusually high number of posters with wives and kids. Unless they're all LARPers.

I also think that most of 4chan, aside from the failed abortions on /r9k/ and /pol/, managed to achieve the "educate yourself" step.

>> No.6360252

>find out church is evil
>make friends and kill god
I cant tell if you are forgetting something or you just a churchfaggot, did you forget the whole Dragon Quest existance? Hell, even in SMT you can side with the Angels if you wanna too.

>> No.6360260

Is it really a JRPG if you don't kill god?

>> No.6360264

Yea, Dragon Quest.

>> No.6360285

>uuuuhhh why do eastern people hate Christianity? Why can't they hate Islam like WE do?

>> No.6360328

Not sure if you're being ironic, but Christians don't suicide bomb weddings and subways.

>> No.6360335

But they seething over everything, see the whole Pokemon and DOOM shenanigans.

>> No.6360360

I'm not religious, it's just a trope everyone can see coming a mile away. I have no issue with religion being the villain (catholic church is obviously messed up), but it fits the thread.

>> No.6360363

Ironically China hates Islam more than anyone in the west

>> No.6360372

>see the whole Pokemon
so did Muslims
And if you're wondering what image means, it's a table of Pokémon names and supposed translations:
Pokémon - I am a Jew
Charmander - God is weak
Pikachu - Become a jew!
Growlithe - God is stingy
Magmar - God is stupid
Bulbasaur - My wish is to be a jew

>> No.6360376
File: 202 KB, 600x211, pkmnharam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was supposed to link this image

>> No.6360419
File: 11 KB, 512x448, smb-Get down on your knees and give me head bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. But it's still fun.

>> No.6360426

Fpbp, chtpt

>> No.6360589

>unusually high number
Maybe but 5 dudes who managed to produce spawn isn't statistically significant in a sea of >9000 incels
>managed to achieve the "educate yourself" step
OK, now I know you're just trolling
And I guess you didn't even mention the "make money" part because you knew that was just ridiculous

>> No.6361963

I suppose not, but for his time, Mario didn't have to be much more than generic. Video games were still a fairly young entertainment medium at the time. It wasn't hard to come up with something original that had never been done before.

>> No.6361964

So Mario cared about his fellow countrymen who were cursed and wants them to return back to their orginal form?

>> No.6361969

It's just basic context and it works perfectly. The actual plot is your gameplay experience. As is the case with any game. Remember that time you almost died but jumped at the last moment and went between the two koopas and won? That was the shit.

>> No.6361971

Mario is really a metaphor for forced male circumcision and its horrible effects on male psyche, don't circumcise your kids.

>> No.6361972


I see your point but I think you're wrong. Even in the early days of video game story it was all about "rescue the girl" type of thing pretty quickly. From Donkey Kong to SMB to Zelda to Prince of Persia, etc etc

I think it didn't help that pretty much everyone saw stories as an "excuse" to get the gameplay going, but that's exactly it, they didn't even care or try, so just copied the previous famous games "rescue the girl" type scenario and that was it.

So yes I think it's fair to say it was already generic in the late 80's early 90's.

>> No.6361998

Any normal person who comes in contact with Islam hates it, White liberals are just fucked in the head.

t. Indian

>> No.6362005

Not retro, but I just played through half-life 2. I was pissed that they pulled off the whole "sorry Mario, but your Eli is in another castle" thing when you thought you got him at Nova Prospekt.

>> No.6362659

That plot is 3000 years old though.

>> No.6362667

I don't think the connections between Mario and the princess/Mushroom Kingdom were ever explained.

>> No.6362724

the crazy part is when you realise the bricks mario breaks during levels are actually transfigured toads.

>> No.6363261

I hate jews and their buds more than fucking world war 2 extremists, they as annoying as my neighbour who turns the music to maximun in 0:30.

>> No.6363282

I believe they're not the regular blocks you can break, but the ones that give you powerups, that remain solid. In theory when the koopa spell is broken, those blocks return to being Toads.

>> No.6363302
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Except not really.

>> No.6364473

I don't see what's wrong with that sort of storytelling. If the game would start with some sort of major problem, then it'd be really boring, imo. I loved how chrono trigger started with rather minor, more personal stuff and then you slowly started to learn about lavos and so forth.

>> No.6365205
File: 3 KB, 512x480, bad-dudes-president.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man it's everywhere.

>> No.6365232



This will get me some spicy (You)s

>> No.6365267

I really wanted to play as Zelda just like the thumbnail.

>> No.6365289
File: 88 KB, 840x502, ca-times.brightspotcdn.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never looked into Zelda lore. Is she canonically superhuman like other elves? Could she overpower a typical human male? haha

>> No.6365342

I mean putting aside whatever you may think about Sarkeesian there really isn't anything wrong with that video. Like OP says, it's a shallow trope, which isn't some moral failing, but shallow tropes get old after a while, and this one's all over the place and gets in the way of having more interesting character development.

>> No.6365526

There shouldn't be any character development. It's a video game about jumping on turtles and eating mushrooms. God knows Nintendo has had 30 years to give Mario some development beyond that and still chose not to. it is and will forever be the most shallow of series.

>> No.6365653

why are fire pokemon such fedora tippers?

>> No.6367449 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 357x506, EBB3F0F9-8DFF-4AA9-B8B4-14D369142459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great stuff though. It feels good to have power to protect those who can’t protect themselves. Really love arcade games where you are a realistic character in a gamey situation, like a cop, firefighter or medical worker.

>> No.6367463

>"someone gets kidnapped and you need to save them"
Pretty sure that's only the surface-level story desu. The series gets a lot deeper when you realise that bitch Princess isn't to be trusted and why Bowser has a dog name.

>> No.6367562

>Comments are turned off
>Dislikes double the likes
Here's a spicy (you)

>> No.6367678

What you're describing sounds more like shitty fan theories rather than actual story.

>> No.6367710

thank you for sharing your stunning intellect with this thread

>> No.6367787
File: 143 KB, 493x800, tumblr_oeuby3e4NA1rj4q1lo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally why? What is even the point?