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File: 24 KB, 256x358, Ecco-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6360004 No.6360004 [Reply] [Original]

I emulated the original genesis version of this and it seems like a really interesting game but with some really janky level design and controls. I understand there's quite a few ports and some even change level design. What's the best version?

>> No.6360030

All the versions of it are the same in terms of control and level design, but the Sega CD version added checkpoints, and have some extra levels that are more action-focused so they feel like a welcome addition to the pacing of the game IMO, help bring some variety in between so many maze/puzzle levels.
The only complaint some Ecco fans make to the CD version is that the soundtrack is different, but even though I think the CD soundtrack is also great (the Genesis original is great as well, I like both), you can still add the Genesis songs on the CD version if you want, especially if you're emulating is pretty easy, just change the .WAVs on the iso folder and add the original Genesis tracks.

>> No.6360043

>but the Sega CD version added checkpoints
mind telling me how those checkpoints work exactly?

>> No.6360051

Haven't played it in years, but IIRC they worked like regular checkpoints. If you die in a certain part of the level, you will start at some mid-point instead of the beginning of the level.

>> No.6360081

If I recall, there's a glyph you activate and it sets you back there if you die. You have to activate it again on every retry or the next death sends you back to start.

>> No.6360107

Anyone version you can save on your game on. I really wanted to enjoy this as a kid, but other than just dicking about to doing tricks I just couldn’t. Fast forward 15 years and I get the Mega Drive Collection for PS2. Finally able to enjoy it as I could save where I want instead of having to go back to the start of a labyrinthine level after dying shortly after solving a laborious puzzle. I’d argue Welcome To The Machine is downright fucking joypad smashingly hateful without saving.

tl:dr - Save-scumming makes this game more enjoyable. Come at me wah-wah Mike Matinee purists.

>> No.6360286

>and have some extra levels that are more action-focused so they feel like a welcome addition to the pacing of the game IMO

This attitude always makes me bristle a little because I find the extra levels the the CD version sort of meh whereas the main game is among my favorite of the whole 16 bit era. But at the same time I have to remind myself that part of the reason it didn't get a wide spread appeal in it's day is that it's gameplay is so different from most others. So if the action levels entice more people to play it over all then I can't see that as a bad thing. Same goes with save states which I think are superfluous but each gamer is different and if they get someone to play it who normally wouldn't I think that's all good.

The CD music I'm less neutral on but music is weird like that and if someone enjoys the Spencer tunes more power to them.

The controls are unusual but very tight once you get used to them. Similarly the level design is very unusual, there aren't many games that are based around the kind of methodical patience under pressure that's a key part of it's design, and I get why it doesn't click with everyone but I think it works fantastically.

>> No.6360298

There is a general up

>> No.6360316

It'll be in autosage any day now if it's not already. Might as well just move to this thread.

>> No.6360319

There's no reason to kill threads prematurely, that's the whole point of a general

>> No.6360334

It's not really killing it prematurely though, the other thread will be set to die in the next day or two regardless. The last one was mostly trolling over the storyline anyways so no reason not to let it die. If you're unhappy go ahead an report, all good with me.

>> No.6360349

No, dipshit, another thread has died because there's now 2 ecco threads.

>> No.6360353

I'm not saying you're wrong, logically, getting rid of this one won't bring the dead thread back. I'm just pointing it out so that next time OP wants to discuss it he can check for the ecco general. I ain't mad, I'm a dolphin. Sorry for my harshness.

>> No.6360356

sorry guys I was too dumb to check, just assumed there couldn't possibly be another ecco thread

>> No.6360358

tfw when your biggest problem is that there are 2 ecco threads on /vr/

>> No.6360359

it's okay you're not in trouble anon. in fact no thread died because we threads deleted regularly, i just checked to see if i was overreacting and i was.
rule dolphinia

>> No.6360361

Whether or not you think the extra levels are "meh", they're extra content so that's always a welcome addition.
I, for one, enjoyed those action-focused levels and thought they added variety to the game.

>> No.6360364
File: 27 KB, 124x124, 1585679357548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, bro, I can't simply shitpost my biggest problems away.

>> No.6360407

This lol. Report if you don't like otherwise enjoy your sea of FF and Zelda threads.

I see where you're coming from but don't necessarily agree. This may seem like a weird example, but I think Earthworm Jim never needed those Andy Asteroids levels. What I hear when I read comments like that is the equivalent of someone who didn't like the main EWJ levels but enjoyed Andy Asteroids and wants to promote a version of the game with more of that.

I get that it's more content, but more content is only a bonus if you think that extra content is good. Add that in with the version's soundtrack and even though the base is one of my favorite games ever my copy of Ecco CD mostly just sat an collected dust.

Not saying that means you should agree with me though. Whatever gets someone to experience Ecco is good in my books.

>> No.6360418

The main difference I see with your example of EWJ is that the extra levels of Ecco still use the same gameplay as every other level, whereas EWJ often changed gameplay style from level to level.
No problem though, I understand where you're coming from, you enjoy the "original" experience, nothing wrong with that either. I just think the extra levels are actually good.
As for the soundtrack, I said the same thing in the other thread, if you really really want the Genesis OST, but want to play the extra CD levels, it's very easy to mount an ISO with the Genesis music tracks, or even mix them up and have the best of both worlds.

>> No.6360481

I always remember Ecco as my first game where you weren't an outright hero.

>> No.6360513

i feel the same anon. there's a little more going on there philosophically and i appreciate that

>> No.6360536

It's one I need to revisit. I remember renting it in the early 90s and getting stuck a bunch.

>> No.6360634

I've owned it since the 90s and never got through it. It is so hard it's unbelievable. Welcome to the Machine is a meat grinder.

>> No.6360637

I endured most of the game alright, but yeah, the last level is just bullshit. I reached the final boss many times and randomly died to her attacks, and then having to start all over again.. I dropped it.
Maybe one day I'll try again.

>> No.6362220

The Sega CD version because it has Qsound mastered CD quality audio.

>> No.6362228

>What's the best version?


>> No.6363339

So is this a port of the Sega CD game or what?
It mentions having the soundtrack from Sega CD, but doesn't mentions the extra levels.
It also mentions the FMVs from Tides of Time? Didn't Ecco CD have its own FMVs?

>> No.6363560

Awful, trash game. Trial and forced error: the game.

>> No.6363567

Ecco on SegaCD was superior if only for the music

>> No.6364170

Lol elevator music version sucks

>> No.6364173

We need a version of Ecco with analog controls.

>> No.6364202

I don't remember any bossa in Ecco CD.

>> No.6364715

How would that even work?

Touche, bossa isn't quite as bad as Spencer's drivel.

>> No.6364806

>having a hateboner for based spencer nilsen
Imagine being this guy

>> No.6364835

What about the game gear version?

>> No.6364845

While also turning a blind eye to the 7 different DOOM threads up at all times. One Ecco thread at a time is totally 100% fine so long as DOOM has to play by the same rules.

>> No.6364941

ok faggot

>> No.6365004

Yeah, yeah I get it and I don't like to bring it up because all it ever does is cause fights because people take music taste so personally. But if I'm being honest, I straight up hate that music and it kinda ruined the whole Sega CD version for me.

When I first got my genesis it was for stuff like Granada, Musha, Gaiares, Afyerburner etc as well as Fatal Labyrinth and stuff. But when I came across Ecco it was totally different and frequently balls hard, infuriating at points but in a new and different way (Asterite fight lead to a legendary mind blow) and it quickly became one of my favorite games on the system.

It has such a unique atmosphere and and style and a big part of that was the music and how well it set the mood for everything. When the Sega CD came out and a version of Ecco was announced I was so pumped. I imagined what CD quality versions of the Ecco tracks might sound like and how amazing that could be.

Then I put it in and was treated to something entirely different. And I want to be polite because I get music is personal and some people heard the Spencer tracks originally and like them, but I think they are awful and forever soured me on the CD version of the game. If you feel different that's great, and I've no interest in one of these "my taste is better than your taste piss fests" but I can't stand his generic dull drivel and won't waste effort pretending like I do.

>> No.6365059

That's fine, it's your own personal opinion, don't need to sperg about it in every single Ecco thread.
Both soundtracks are good, Ed himself likes the Spencer soundtrack and The Big Blue was going to have Spencer back doing the soundtrack. He's part of the Ecco universe. People are allowed to like both versions, or even prefer Spencer's.

>> No.6366117

Meh, I hardly ever engage in the music discussions precisely because they never lead to anything good and are always shit flinging on both ends. But I also think someone who likes the CD version more for it's save states, added action levels and more accessible soundtrack don't even quite like the same game.

>> No.6366126

That's because you can never articulate why Spencer's soundtrack is bad. And no, saying "elevator music" doesn't count.
>don't even quite like the same game.
So you think that because Ecco CD added checkpoints, some extra levels (that aren't even different in gameplay to the rest of the levels) and different music tracks is not the same game?
It's a different version with some differences (which are positive, except for the music which as you said can be subjective, but you can mount your own soundtrack for Ecco CD if you want, and add the Genesis tracks), but it's still the same game: Same graphics, same levels, same controls.
Your Ecco CD hate is getting over your head.

>> No.6366148

Articulating why you think music is bad is hard and I've attempted numerous times. To me it sounds generic, like new age music I've heard before. It's not that it's bad on it's own, it just doesn't capture anything close to the surreal creepy pieces that go with the original game. Each of those feels tuned specifically to Ecco and sets a tone unlike any other. Because although Ecco is a game about a dolphin, it's also hard, tense and scary, the soundtrack refects that. Spencer's music doesn't sound like it relates to the game, it sounds like they told him it was a game about a dolphin so he did some derivative ambient new agey jazz that you might expect to hear in the background of a dolphin exhibit at a zoo. It's not that it's bad for what it is, but it's also not as interesting or good as the original and more importantly it doesn't fit the tone of the game as well.

The comment about the added levels was in response to this person/people "extra levels that are more action-focused so they feel like a welcome addition to the pacing of the game" which is a variation of a comment I've heard often. I get that Ecco's core gameplay doesn't appeal to everyone but for the CD version to be recommended because it has more levels that aren't like the main game just seems backwards.

>> No.6366164

It just seems like you really are trying to nitpick stuff to defame the CD version.
The CD soundtrack is good and has its own atmosphere going for it, and even though I also agree that the original music is more surreal/creepy, I also think Spencer's "Welcome to the machine" is way more fitting and suspenseful than the Genesis version.
As for extra levels, come on, more content is always good, and people will often consider it a plus. The fact they're not "like most levels" doesn't mean they feel out of place, they still retain the same gameplay, and use the same gameplay mechanics than the rest of the levels.

>> No.6366185


I think the real tragedy is that eco 2 genesis has the best music in the series and the cd port just uses the same tracks from the eco 1 cd. I love the nilson music but the laziness is just infuriating. they could have at least given us orchestrated version of the main theme.

>> No.6366187

I'm not necessarily trying to nitpick as explain to someone who has a very different view. Though I admit I come off a little like that guy with a hate boner for Super Mario All-stars

I don't necessarily agree more content is always better but that's a more philosophical question. And I don't begrudge you or anyone from prefering the Sega CD version I just have trouble fathoming it.

>> No.6366191

I don't know that I like all of them more over all bit Tubes of Medusa is amazing and some others like Skyway are great as well.

>> No.6366192

itt two ecco fans slap each other with dolphin penises

>> No.6366208

I don't consider the guy who promotes the CD version to actually be an Ecco fan, which is I think where part of the tension comes from.

>> No.6366226

it was me ,but to be fair i never played the cart version , so all i have to go by is the CD version, and i rather liked it.

>> No.6366413

I'm the guy who defends CD version, and I'm not >>6366226.
Where did I say I wasn't a fan of Ecco? I even brought up the fact Ed chose Spencer to do the soundtrack for the ill-fated Big Blue. I think Spencer's music is also part of the Ecco experience, although I'm not really saying that people should ignore the Genesis OST, in fact, I encourage people to try both, and even try experimenting mixing tracks from Genesis and Sega CD on the CD version, since it's pretty easy to do that.

>> No.6366450


I know it's not /vr/ but endless ocean was great with ecco tracks

>> No.6366554

Aren't CD versions always superior sue to music, sound quality etc_