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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 151 KB, 1280x720, battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358160 No.6358160 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this?

>> No.6358165

it makes CAVEfags seethe

>> No.6358176

What did you mean by this?

>> No.6358178

yagawa-style rank systems are cringe.

>> No.6358179

*increases ur rank*

>> No.6358180

How so?

>> No.6358184

shmups that force you to commit sudoku and focus on scoring mentality purely to survive suck. the rank system is essentially the sole focus of a BG player, and it needs to be micromanaged at all times. that aint fun. not to mention there's terrible bullet clarity, and tons of shrapnel filling the screen at all times.

>> No.6358187

What would you recommend for a shmup that's rewarding? I was looking for one and this one came up quite often
I can't really get into Caves style of shitting out bullets constantly

>> No.6358189

there's essentially no cap, so the game always gets retardedly hard unless you consciously keep rank down as much as possible like by avoiding items, not powering up early and other autistic shit that you don't have to worry about in pretty much any other shmups.

playing his games is such a chore.

>> No.6358191

Seems like an incoherent clusterfuck of systems and rng, the rank manipulation is cool but a lot of the other scoring mechanics are just random obscure shit

>> No.6358195

Touhou is CAVE but with well designed bullet patterns, better music, and better waifus. Basically the superior shmup franchise in every way.

>> No.6358197

when it comes to such an eclectic and aged genre such as this you're at the mercy of these game designers. i'm just as critical of it as you are but i happen to appreciate this kind of passion that gets put into games

>> No.6358202

>Seems like
have you tried playing it

>> No.6358205

Childhood is recognizing Battle Garegga as one of the most challenging and best designed shmups of all time. Adulthood is realizing that Batrider is superior.

>> No.6358208

you also need to pay close attention to scoring strats to get enough lives to strategically suicide and keep your rank down. you need to get that score while keeping your rank low, and you need to do it while underpowered because surprise surprise, upgrades increase rank too.

>> No.6358212


>> No.6358217

Yes not extensively though, my impression is a mix of playing, reading and watching runs

>> No.6358232

Touhou is CAVE but slower pacing (more downtime between patterns).

>> No.6358235

Criminally terrible tastes. Touhou has some of the worst level design in the genre, the boss patterns suck ass some are just randomized vomit. The music sounds like garbage and the character art looks like it was drawn by a toddler with downs. Maybe if you dig through trash enough you'll find a couple of fan games worth playing but besides that it's a terrible franchise

>> No.6358290
File: 94 KB, 640x494, 6638625103_0460e902c7_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every Shmup thread turns to a Cave argument thread
Yep for me it's Cave.

>> No.6358292

It's not, though. CAVE is just bullet vomit. Touhou is actual high IQ patterns.

>> No.6358303

there's a method to the madness of bullet patterns in Cave, that's why they are made to be routed so precisely

Stage 3 boss in DOJ is one of the most fun boss battles in any shmup. Also Ketsui stage 4 mid-boss is really great

>> No.6358316
File: 43 KB, 300x400, ikaruga-s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treasure was here.

Cave is for niggers.

>> No.6358319
File: 2.85 MB, 726x400, 1532073141613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6358326


>> No.6358340

I don't understand
Man with glasses doesn't like Cave?

>> No.6358419
File: 19 KB, 210x210, Smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stage 3 boss in DOJ is one of the most fun boss battles in any shmup
Uh, no? It's nothing compared to something like this:
Or this:
Or this:
Or this:
Or this:

Why are CAVEfags so pathetic?

>> No.6358429

>first video
>several patterns are literally just randomized bullets floating out of emitters placed haphazardly along the screen with no thought, sense of flow or any kind of design
Is this really enough to satisfy Touhoufags? You guys have unbelievably shitty standards, though I don't know what I expected from a fanbase that likes ZUN's downie drawings.

>> No.6358439

It fails my shmup test: I don't play any shmups where you're a ship in space or a plane in world war 2.

>> No.6358448
File: 380 KB, 900x852, cirno_shrug__lol_youmu_edit_by_yukirumo990_d45jvvb-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>several patterns are literally just randomized bullets floating out
Nope, big cope pal.

>> No.6358452

Dimahoo is certainly better than anything CAVE has ever shit out.

>> No.6358458

Guwange is the only cave game with good bosses. And maybe dangun feveron.

>> No.6358469

Sure if you like your score being decided by luck

>> No.6358476 [DELETED] 

I think you just proved the Cavefag RIGHT, all that looks utterly horrible, slow, static and flat

>> No.6358487

Nice buzzwords. DOJ is slowly maneuvering around. Most of what's in those videos is hot-blooded weaving through bullets like a mad man. CAVEfags just hate fun, hot-blooded games because they are low test. It's also why they hate cute anime girls.

>> No.6358492

the touhou example is really trash. Touhou games were inspired by Esprade, they just took the worst elements of it and amplified them.

Crimzon Clover example is okay, it is very similar to Cave games.

>> No.6358498

>Most of what's in those videos is hot-blooded weaving through bullets like a mad man.
That only applies to Giga Facer which, while very uninspired, is high energy and CCWI because it copies CAVE's frantic patterns. Touhou's the definition of slow weaving, the ultimate patterns is just following a slow moving ball while making small adjustments

>> No.6358501
File: 51 KB, 697x451, anime soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute anime girls.
shit taste and life choices confirmed

>> No.6358503

touhou is older than esprade

>> No.6358506

>because it copies CAVE's frantic patterns
You keep saying this and it's wrong.

>> No.6358507
File: 70 KB, 513x606, suicidal weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6358516

LOL are you actually denying that Cave's the primary influence for CCWI? The guy who made it uses CAVE LOVER as part of his nickname ffs, and most of the patterns have a very distinct CAVE-like character, with some lasers thrown in

>> No.6358526

name one thing wrong with this picture

>> No.6358534

Read the rest of the thread. You can't post a good shmup without CAVE niggers throwing a hissy fit. They'll cry about anything where you don't just have to memorize what corner to sit in while a wall of bullets fills the screen.

>> No.6358546

that BITCH of a level 3 boss.

>> No.6358549

>talking about anime for some reason and Cave
That's not Garegga

>> No.6358551

>You can't post a good shmup without CAVE niggers throwing a hissy fit.
First post in this thread is a guy having an unprovoked hissy fit at Cave >>6358165

>> No.6358552
File: 213 KB, 1131x572, dadpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garegga's for trannies.

Go play based dadshit.

>> No.6358553

You first larper kun

>> No.6358567

So is it impossible to have a shmup thread on /vr/?

>> No.6358572

Yup, /vr/ is a mix of non-players, shitposters and shitposting non-players

>> No.6358607

Honestly, if anyone says they like shmups but isn't actively gittin' gud' at at least 1 Cave game, they are liars, sneaky serpents and delusional.

>> No.6358613

>for me it is raiden fighters jet special mode

>> No.6358617

post replay daddy

>> No.6358625

Why do people praise Mars Matrix? I see one guy constantly saying "play Mars Matrix"

>> No.6358629

what do you have against mars matrix

>> No.6358630

I mean in the sense "what makes it good, I haven't played it" rather than the idiotic snob "heh why do people praise this"

>> No.6358646

It has a fun free form chaining scoring system where it's strict enough to rush you but allows a lot of routing freedom and leniency to not be as frustrating as the one found in Dodonpachi. As long as you keep picking up cubes the chain will keep going, and there are several ways to generate cubes like redirecting reflected bullets or killing enemies. Besides that the weapons system and OST are cool.

>> No.6358650

Everything about it is good. Good art, good bullet patterns, good weapons, good power up system, good scoring system. Just try it.

>> No.6358660

mars matrix has a counterstop at 999,999,999,990 .... so it's pointless to play.

>> No.6358665

This post is a nice mix of retard-tier opinion and factually wrong statements

>> No.6358669

>implying theres a single person on all of 4chan that has ever counterstopped a single game

>> No.6358674


Mars Matrix

Mosquito 1
World: 999,999,999,990 - ALL
Community: oseiaswgi - 999,999,999,990 - ALL - 3,346,133 EXP

Mosquito 2
World: 999,999,999,990 - ALL
Community: Rob - 999,999,999,990 - 6 - 5,051,931 EXP (US ver)

>> No.6358703

Now check the dreamcast version's scores you absolute retard

>> No.6358706
File: 29 KB, 564x323, ETJuPvmU4AAd69e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console port

>> No.6358709

Embarrassing cope. Least you could do is check wikipedia before mouthing off

>> No.6358738

>Arcade mode: Plays like the arcade game. Despite the claim of perfect conversion, the base scores for enemy units are different

>The bug where player's score cannot go beyond 999,999,999,990 points was fixed by adding 2 extra digits in the score table


>> No.6358795

I can get to the last stage in the Xbox One version but my rank gets out of control even when I try to minimize shots and kill less etc.

>> No.6358815

I love this game. Im not huge on shmups but this is my fav. The gritty atmosphere, seamless level transitions and music are just awesome

>> No.6358819

Garegga is a good middle ground between these two. Not as autistic as 2hu/cave, and not as boomer as irem / toaplan

>> No.6358829

>Garegga is a good middle ground
>not autistic
explain how it's scoring is less autistic than the average cave

>> No.6358840

Even its survival is far more autistic cause you still need to manage rank and do some scoring for it

>> No.6358897

I just started Air Gallet and really like it, it's the perfect amount of not too many clusterfucks of bullets. Is there a style name for this? Like how Cave is called bullet hell

>> No.6358964

what's your favorite pre-95 shmup? it was around then that most shooters became either bullet hell or crazy psikyo bullet speed

>> No.6358978

Is Outzone any good bros?

>> No.6359083

garegga is the most popular game among farm dads, dadest shmoop of all time t b h

>> No.6359084

what the fuck are you people saying

>> No.6359090

And yet, here you are instead of taking bullet hell discussion back to /vg/

>> No.6359565

Toaplan style maybe, it has no genre because it used to be the standard before verticals evolved into bullet hells

>> No.6359569

Yes, it's one of the best run n guns of all time if it had a console release itd be regarded as an all time classic no doubt

>> No.6359571


>> No.6359578

Layer Section, great dodging, audiovisuals and its one of the rare pre bullet hell games with a good scoring system

>> No.6359605

Starforce, just a solid well designed game, fast and a high skill ceiling.

The first 3 levels are too easy but the ost is so good I don't even care. Easily one of the best in any game and it matches the levels so well.

>> No.6359608

>The first 3 levels are too easy
That's what the scoring is for, I wouldn't call getting good combos in stage 2 and 3 easy

>> No.6359610

Sky Kid

The dodge mechanic should have made it into future shmups. I've practiced to the point that I can shoot backwards at different angles consistently.

>> No.6359883

play the dreamcast version then, no score counterstop there.

>> No.6359890

Fags like him will always find an excuse to not git gud. Meanwhile people who actually play shmups often play past counterstopping, either calculating the extra score or trying to counterstop asap.

>> No.6360723

Survival players (non-players) don't actually like the genre and their opinions don't matter. You know this to be true.
If you aren't gittin gud at at least one shmup (playing it serious for score) you can just leave our community, and take your collection with you. Thanks.

>> No.6360725

>survival (non players)
>playing the game for 1cc is being a non-player
>playing the game is the same as being a non-player

>> No.6360830

Have score.

>> No.6360836

Explain how literally playing the game is being a non-player

>> No.6360860

It's participation not playing.
Imagine :Playing a racing game, coming in dead-last each time, and seeing the credits roll, missing the entire point of the races and ignoring game changing mechanics.
Modern equivalent of getting a participation trophy.

>> No.6360867

>participation trophy retardation
Oh you were shitposting the whole time

>> No.6360890

Not an argument. You know it's true.
The score you get in a straight 1cc = participation trophy tier.
They are horrendous, last place finishes. And mean nothing more than you participated in the race.
I'm saying this for your own good.

>> No.6360891

see >>6360867

>> No.6360948

No it would be more like coming first place against AI without optimizing your times further. Playing's playing even if the goal is a 1cc, besides most 1cc players engage with scoring on some level. I do think people should play for score if they want to get the most out of the games though, even if their goals are humble, but just because someone isn't getting 100% out of a game doesn't mean they're a non-player.

>> No.6360962

damn i need to step my game up

>> No.6360965

His bait game is quite something else

>> No.6360976

I can't be mad, good bait

>> No.6360981

Please show us your WRs

>> No.6360991

Do you think it's more respectable if a player is able to get a higher score than a straight 1CCer but never manage to make it past the stage 3 boss? They haven't experienced the second half of the game in any way. I know you're just pulling bait out of your ass but I'm curious.

>> No.6361086

>Do you think it's more respectable if a player is able to get a higher score than a straight 1CCer but never manage to make it past the stage 3 boss?
Respectability begins to accrue when you're above average on the score ladder.
In your bizarre example both those players will be bottom tier, participation trophy level, below the respectability cut-off, meaning they both get 0 respect.

>> No.6361091


>> No.6361101

I don't need literal WRs to have decent scores and make cogent arguments.

>> No.6361104


>> No.6361110


A clear with a bad score is cooler than a non-clear with an amazing score, though.