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File: 470 KB, 638x350, ocarinaoftimeending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6346624 No.6346624 [Reply] [Original]


If Zelda sent him back to this moment wont the bad stuff repeat all over again? How did they manage to prevent it? Zelda specifically said that his father doesnt believe her when she warns him about Ganondorf.

And btw, how were the Kokiri partying on Lon Lon Ranch when they specifically said that leaving the forest they die?

>> No.6346650

Imagine being dumb enough to not comprehend the writing in a zelda game

>> No.6346653

Kokiri don't actually die when they leave the forest, it was a scare tactic so the Deku Tree could keep them safe. Their descendants, the Korok, are also able to leave the forest with no problem, and in fact spend a lot of time away from the forest to plant new trees on lots of islands in WW.

>> No.6346656

Imagine giving a shit about the story of a Videogamerdaryll

>> No.6346721

Imagine posting this while being unable to answer

>> No.6346774

It won't repeat because Ganondorf can't unseal the Temple of Time by himself and Link knows not to play into his hands.

>> No.6346780

>Imagine having the last shot of your supposedly epic story being ruined by two random ass easter egg references that are distracting as fuck
god this game is so fucking shit

>> No.6347342

Link has the triforce of courage on his hand now. The king isn't going to dismiss him just like that.

>> No.6347395

Its really stupid that the story boils down to oh shit we fucked up and did what the villain wanted all along.

>> No.6347468

You can't see that when playing on an N64, nigger

>> No.6347489

Its like Sega arcade games like Golden Axe and Altered Beast. Goofy endings to serious games.

>> No.6347521

>bowser and luigi are part of the ending screen of OOT

>> No.6347710

Listen brother, Nintendo themselves could not explain this plot point so much so that they split the official timeline into three with this game

>> No.6347726

They're part of the same universe. The yellow rabbit in Mario 64 became an "extinct" species in OoT.
Mario is Hyrule's ancient past.

>> No.6348161

yeah you can

>> No.6348302

I can't stop laughing at this sperg getting mad over this

>> No.6348576

That's just where the time ghosts dropped him off.

>> No.6348995

OoT's story was endearing at the very least. But is it deep enough to warrant analysing.

>> No.6349006

It always makes me cry at the end.
no boolie

>> No.6349093
File: 1003 KB, 770x1664, OoT_Malon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she is the canon otp right? I love how she is the only harem girl who's not part of that sacred sages faggotry

>> No.6349692

>So she is the canon otp right?
according to twilight princess she actually is

>> No.6349704

Not that anon and have never played Twilight Princess, so they finally get together?

>> No.6349752

It's just fan theorizing, nothing is confirmed.

>> No.6349763

twilight princess is set centuries in the future where link is a descendant of link from ocarina of time.
twilight princess' link works as a ranch hand in a ranch analogous to lon lon ranch and from the start of the game he knows Epona's song(other songs he has to learn later on) which Malon implied in OoT as being passed down her family.

>> No.6349775

Thank you. Got to hand it to Nintendo for sort of having a cogent Zelda story.

>> No.6349816
File: 1.83 MB, 288x377, 1526784634748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, wtf lmaooo

>> No.6349823

there’s many reasons why that game is shit and that isn’t one of them

>> No.6349851
File: 100 KB, 814x408, Soldier_in_the_Back_Alley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us not forget our fallen hero's.

>> No.6349868

this is the most jarring image I’ve seen in a long time

>> No.6349884


>> No.6349913

Zelda sends Link back in time to before they met so he can use the Triforce symbol on the back of his hand to prove his connection to the gods and expose Ganondorf for planning to betray the King

>> No.6349923

TP link's hair is also reddish like malon.

>> No.6350725

>how were the Kokiri partying on Lon Lon Ranch when they specifically said that leaving the forest they die?
that was a lie to keep them safe from the Hyrule pedos

>> No.6350729

Link's brownish hair and Ordon Ranch, that's all to it desu

>> No.6350795
File: 34 KB, 474x379, download (92).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This my head canon, but here you go.

I always imagined defeating Ganondorph in the future prevented him from existing in the past since he was sealed in the sacred realm. I know the timeline split thing is a bit controversial, but since it's official Ganondorph only triumphed in one of the three timelines and therefore only continued to exist in that one.

Link returning to being a kid and visiting Zelda in this scene had more to do with him wanting to meet her under different circumstances. I always imagined that she looked through that window often to spy on her father's subjects, and Ganondorph was just the one she was spying on that day. So Ganondorph is not a part of this final scene, this is just Link reuniting with the princess who never knew him.

>> No.6351467
File: 101 KB, 1000x700, 1584793157229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351694
File: 106 KB, 360x450, Grog_%28Ocarina_of_Time%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to him? Is it true that he's the ex-bf of the cuckoo girl?

>> No.6351706

I thought he was her brother?

>> No.6351729

Some think the Lost Woods are Zelda's version of the Aokigahara Suicide Forest of Japan. Considering how Grog is severely depressed and hates his life and stole the Poacher's Saw and asks Link to bring him back "strong medicine", it can be implied Grog killed himself with the Poacher's Saw before reanimating as a Stalfos and the Kokiri saying "people who become lost" actually means suicide, and the Skull Kids and Stalfos are reanimated corpses of people who killed themselves.

>> No.6351741
File: 51 KB, 780x438, oot-soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOT has some grim moments.
Still get the chills thinking about pic related, the subtle animation he does when he dies...

>> No.6352431

And the fact that it's time sensitive and can be easily missed makes it all the more creepy. The implication that if you don't see him, he dies alone is there too..

>> No.6352460

Based canon, anon. I subscribe to it. Thank you.

>> No.6352480

TP’s execution scene makes it seem like he just went back in time and they told the king what happened and that let them stop him.

Which really makes no fucking sense. No reason for him to believe them now when he didnt believe his daughter earlier.

I’m someone who is really into the whole zelda lore and think its more coherent than most give it credit for, but this part never made sense.

If you take it in the scope of just what’s in oot and not later gamss then you can assume magic or whatever took care of past ganon when he got sealed in the future, though they really never explain it at all. For a very long time I thought the future was inevitable in oot but that its salvation was also inevitable, and young link’s fate was the only unknown. Even back then oot’s ending was pretty vague. Still one of the most satisfying conclusions in vidya, somehow.

>> No.6352519

The back...of his fucking...HAND. HAS. THE. TRIFORCE. ON. IT. RETARD.

>> No.6354134

Yes and most people would miss it anyway since the first thing you do when you collect all the 3 stones is go to the temple of time.

>> No.6354142
File: 2.15 MB, 600x250, 1581160263338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6354220

I forgot about that.

Thankyou for clearing that up, this has been bugging me for like 20 years. Im not even mad you called me a retard, I can appreciate this great ending even more now.

>> No.6354231

if you knew the zelda lore, you'd know she was going back in time to stop the kennedy assassination to prevent ganondorf's birth

>> No.6355495

/vr/ - Legend of Zelda

>> No.6356774

big if true

>> No.6356781

He's the brother of the cucco lady. Their dad is the master carpenter and their mom is the potion shop granny

>> No.6357141

If all the Links are descended from each other and so are the Zeldas then they are pretty inbred aren't they

>> No.6357185

link and zelda are not love interests

>> No.6357196

>And btw, how were the Kokiri partying on Lon Lon Ranch when they specifically said that leaving the forest they die?
It only means they'll no longer be immortal, so they'll age and eventually die like any other person. Guess they decided it was time to grow up.

>> No.6357320

According to canon, Link and Zelda are somehow able to use knowledge of future events to expose Ganondorf's intentions immediately, which leads into the backstory of Twilight Princess.

Although I'm not really sure how this works, since Zelda knew he had evil intentions from the start and her father wouldn't listen, I'm not sure how her saying "this random forest kid has seen the future where Ganondorf killed you" actually changes things.

>> No.6357393

Could Dorph Lungren plan Gando in the live action movie? He was really good in Rocky 2

>> No.6357406

>Hundreds of years later
More likely some descendant of Link got with some descendant of Malon. OoT Link becomes a badass knight so he was in the palace banging Zelda, not milking cows and shoveling horse shit

>> No.6357432

Not really. The crown would pass to the king's son under normal circumstances and the Zelda's all come from the royal line. After a few hundred years Link and Zelda's line would wind up in obscurity, so they're only distantly related. Example: almost all white people are descended from Charlemagne, yet have the least instances of inbreeding worldwide

>> No.6357507

If Link got with princess Zelda his descendants would be a royal, not a ranchboy peasant

>> No.6357764

>Female line
Only for the first few generations. Virtually every white person in the world is descended from royalty, anon. Even the farmers and ranch hands.

>> No.6358346

Because they know what Ganondorf's exact plan of action is this time around. The only reason he won originally is because he was dealing with some dumb kids who couldn't comprehend that maybe opening up the way to the Sacred Realm would be a bad idea with Ganon running free.

>> No.6358357

And in ALttP, Ganondorf doesn't even need the kids. He gets into the Golden Land wholly on his own instead.

>> No.6358510

OoT is a prequel to LttP and an alternate retelling of the events of the Sealing War described in the opening crawl of that game. That's how the game was originally advertised, as the story of how Ganondorf became Ganon and how he got sealed into the Sacred Realm (which subsequently turned into the Dark World). Of course, Hyrule Historia fucked with all that, but back in the day they just didn't give a shit about shamelessly retconning the stories because the games came first and they just wrote whatever worked best for that game at that moment.

>> No.6358513

Zelda games aren't known for their good stories OP, it's literally a "I REMEMBER THE SCENE!!!" ending. None of it means anything, it's just a familiar location.