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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 176 KB, 1500x916, game-boy-color.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6345950 No.6345950 [Reply] [Original]

To me, the GBA and even the DS have a more appealing library. Have you tried going back to a potato resolution unlit screen? It's horrible. At least the GBA is comfortable to hold, but I'd take a modded 3ds that can play all past nintendo handhelds over this piece of shit. Hell even when I went to Akihabara last year, I saw some hipster with one on the train.

>> No.6345965

OK zoomer

>> No.6345970
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Who cares not retro.

>> No.6345974
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>> No.6345976

The gsme boy color screen is gorgeous though

>> No.6346010

The same fascination that drives all retro gaming, nostalgia. A device that sold 11 hundred billion units, and for many was their first actual game console, has a lot of fans.
Now go back to your Pokemons and loot boxes, zoom-zoom.

>> No.6346020 [DELETED] 

Proprietary displays come with instant nostalgia

>> No.6346046

>someone makes a thread about <insert system here> that isn't about jacking off to the said system
>at least one 'op iz a faget' post, see >>6345970 and >>6345974
>at least one zoomer shaming post, see >>6346010
Every single time.

>> No.6346050

Yeah so?

>> No.6346051

There are good Game Boy Color exclusives. I'm playing Mario Golf and it's comfy.

>> No.6346054

How do you reconcile people playing retro games and systems in the present that they never played in the past with nostalgia?

>> No.6346056

GBA is a better system but GBC is easier to hold.

It does have a good library even if overall it's not as good as GBA. Pokemon, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Mega Man, Survival Kids, Kirby, lots of good spinoffs like Mario Golf/Gallery and Pokemon Pinball/TCG.

>> No.6346064

I just like how short most of the library is. I love being able to sit down and beat 2-3 games in under an hour.

>> No.6346097

I owned a Game Boy Pocket as a kid, and I didn't find the screen to be that bad under most conditions. The monochrome display actually had really good contrast, and it was pretty easy to see in most lighting conditions. I "upgraded" to the Game Boy Advance, which was a mixed bag. In full sunlight outdoors, it was great; perfectly sharp and readable. Indoors it was a fucking mess. Totally illegible, undefined, and you were constantly tipping the thing to catch the light. The worst was getting killed in-game because you couldn't see something on the garbage screen. I remember absolutely hating it, and I actually went back to the Game Boy Pocket after a while because I just couldn't stand the screen. That being said, when I got around to doing a backlight mod years later, the GBA became one of my favourite consoles. The layout is super comfy, way better than the cramped SP (and more comfortable to hold than the original Game Boy). So it had a good form factor, and with a backlight, it's enjoyable. But anyone who defends the reflective colour screen with strawman zoomer arguments is fucking delusional.

Similarly, I used to have a Palm m505 with a reflective colour screen similar to the GBC's and the GBA's. The difference is the m505 had a backlight, so you could counteract the shit reflective screen indoors. Similar to the Game Boy Pocket, a monochrome Palm Vx or Handspring Visor both had really good legibility in most lighting conditions.

>> No.6346116
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>> No.6346119 [DELETED] 

Fantasy nostalgia. It's a thing.

>> No.6346127

Real Gameboys had eye-melting green back lighting that would make you go blind

>> No.6346136

What's up with all these "Why is A (which I won't acknowledge came out may years or decades before) so popular and used by people when B and C (which are way newer) are so much better?" threads lately?

>> No.6346149

Zoomers gonna zoom.

>> No.6346154

Because it has some really good games, bro.

>> No.6346159

game boy games feel awkward when emulated on a larger screen. not cozy at all

i haven't tried emulating on other handhelds
but if you don't have other handhelds then i think just getting an og gameboy is the most affordable option

>> No.6346161
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lol your underage is showing bad.

gameboy might be shit from today's technical pov, but back in the day it made us fly.

the power of a tool is not in the tool itself but in the minds that use it. back then, there was nothing like it before, it was a revolution. today, the new stuff is just an improvement of what was already there.

>> No.6346163

I collected and played Atari 2600 back in the early 2000s and I was born late 80s, it's cool to play through them and wonder how people enjoyed them as state-of-the-art technology, and there is fun to be had in stuff like Warlords and some of the arcade adaptations

>> No.6346165

Is the joke that Pokémon started on the Gameboy?

There were great titles on the GBC, love its library.

I think they emulate ok.

>> No.6346170
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works on my machine

>> No.6346173

I honestly just play what I think looks fun. Never played Rise Of The Triad until a few years back, but boy did I enjoy it.
Emulation, sourceports, and DosBox, they all make so many classic games accessible.

>> No.6346180

This pretty much. Something about the GB's limitations that made the devs get creative and it resulted in some pretty good games.

>> No.6346183
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>game boy games feel awkward when emulated on a larger screen.
Huh, I feel the opposite. Gameboy was my very first "real" console (before that, we had a second-hand Atari) and I have great memories of the games. Seeing Link's Awakening and Six Golden Coins on my monitor with the big blocky pixels is just delightful. I appreciate the artwork even more now that I can see it enlarged and without the blurring the Gameboy screen was known for. Not to mention the classic chiptune sounds coming through a decent set of speakers.

>> No.6346184

>Is the joke that Pokémon started on the Gameboy?
Yes. You win 4 channel dot org's meta troll trophy for today.

>> No.6346187

Hauntology. Kinda like vaporwave. Kids having nostalgia for a time that didn't actually exist outside their imaginations and they wouldn't have been alive for in the first place.

>> No.6346191

>he doesn't know they're (((bots)))

>> No.6346208

This is just ridiculous. "It's still nostalgia even when it's not!". Why is there such a hang-up on explaining away enjoyment of older games on nostalgia alone? It's really weird and doesn't apply to any other medium. If you enjoy classic literature, no-one calls you a nostalgiafag. Or movies, or music. At worst, you get called a hipster or pretentious, but that's about it. I don't get why the mentality here is that older games can't be enjoyed at face value, and it's always just nostalgia, or "fantasy nostalgia". I think maybe it comes from a fear of being called out, or getting called a nostalgiafag yourself. So it's like you pre-emptively display self-awareness, so you don't look like the "wrong generation" type. "Can't shit on me if I'm shitting on myself". It's really weird that on a board about retro games, so few people can admit to liking retro games just because.

>> No.6346221

I want to thank my mom, and I also want to thank God.

>> No.6346226

The eternal millennial mentality.

>> No.6346260
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Not retro. Please go kill yourself.

>> No.6346386

Mr. Simon Reynolds, is that you?

>> No.6346387

And for good reason
Now shut the fuck up and lurk moar

>> No.6346394

>Every single time
That's 4chan for you. You new here? Lurk moar faggot.

>> No.6346415

Pokémon made it massively popular again like 10 years after it launched

Still a good console though, you're stupid if you think otherwise

>> No.6346423
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It’s great. I really want the pokemon GBC. You can always use a backlight kit.

>> No.6346498

Absolutely cute GBC, anon. I hope you play it in public like a real chad

>> No.6346510

I need to give this a replay. It was the very first video game I ever beat and I don't think I've played it since the 90s.

I played the 3d remake last year, and enjoyed it, but the change in style removed all of the more sinister overtones.

Gameboy is a system that I played the hell out of as a kid, but always knew I wasn't getting the full "real game" experience. In retrospect, though, the gameboy marios and zelda were better than the SNES'.

>> No.6346515

No, not every single time. Only when the root of the OP's confusion is him being a faggot zoomer.

>> No.6346540
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>> No.6346553
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>> No.6346597
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That's entirely subjective. This is a question you should be asking yourself.

>> No.6346605

It's an 18+ thing. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.6346609

>comes to retro gaming board
>sees anons talk about a retro handheld
What don't you understand? You stupid or something?

>> No.6346647

>screen is smaller than the native screen
I'm sticking with the wormlight.

>> No.6346669

The original gameboy demanded simplicity and for graphics to be compact but legible, and developers who had been making games on NES for a decade knew exactly how to take advantage of that kind of platform.

and it makes puzzles games especially great because they get those maps as DENSE as possible. Link's awakening is scary efficient with it's map designs.

With Gameboy advance, it was too easy to just port over 10 year old 16 bit games with worse sound, and that wasn't bad, and there were some good actual remakes among them, but it wasn't that impressive a library compared to what they could do with the gameboy.

DS had some especially bad games. It was capable of doing some great things, especially with how good compression technology had gotten, but so many of the games had little to no content in them at all.

It felt like an awkward puberty for handhelds, honestly.

>> No.6346674

If I gave you people an OG gameboy you wouldn't last 20 minutes with that god-awful screen.

>> No.6346679

>but so many of the games had little to no content in them at all.
The three Castlevania games, World Ends With You, Radiant Historia, Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey et-al., Etrian Odyssey, Solatorobo, Pokemon, plenty of games you can clock a lot of hours on on the DS.

>> No.6346685

It's aesthetic and nostalgic ya dumb dumb. Get with it.

>> No.6346719

Honestly it's not, I'm 21 and grew up with a GBA that I got when I was 3 or 4. My first console was a Genesis and it was the only non-handheld I had for a good while so I guess I "fit in" here but it's just a matter of time before someone screams "zoomer" at me for not being 30+

>> No.6346723

Oh my god, who the fuck cares?

>> No.6346726

Everyone on this board the moment age gets brought up

>> No.6346738

>What's with the over-fascination for the Game Boy?
Simplicity is best. If I hand my backlit GBC with Mr. Driller to some rando, they're gonna have a good time.

>> No.6346753

And the very first game released on it was a full remake of mario 64 with a ridiculous amount of extra content.

You know what we mostly got, especially during the first 2 years?
Arcade games with less than 20 minutes worth of content. Yoshi's Touch and Go, Pac Pix, Feel the Magic.
Even Sonic rush was simpler shorter and emptier than the sonic GBA sonic games.

Shovelware on a system is expected, but all of that was from major publishers, including Nintendo. There was still a prevailing mindset that people where only playing these game for long car rides and airplanes and they could just make gameboy games with polygons instead of sprites.

>> No.6346785

The original game boy line just had a certain appeal that is hard to replicate, you had to be there at that time, it really was a revolutionary system that perhaps the DS and maybe the Switch will be able to replicate for new generations. The GBA not so much despite having an awesome library.

>> No.6346994

Trust me, if the mods came in and banned anyone who unironically used "zoomer" it would be the greatest thing to happen to this shithole website.

>> No.6347021
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people going out in public without Hello Kitty or other Sanrio merchandise? absolutely pathetic

>> No.6347027

>I don't get why the mentality here is that older games can't be enjoyed at face value
Because that's almost never what's happening here. It's either the video game version of a "born in the wrong generation" yt music comment or it's someone who obviously wasn't even alive at the time, desperately trying to convince a bunch of people who were, that not only is he one of them but that their actual recollections of the time period they actually lived through are somehow invalid or incorrect because it doesn't line up with his preconceived cyan and magenta "aesthetic" fantasy narrative.

Shit gets old.

>> No.6347872

What actually happens 99% of the time is one forty year old man calling another forty year old man a 'zoomer' because they are mad about different opinions or not knowing some piece of video game trivia

>To me, the GBA and even the DS have a more appealing library.
legit baffling opinion regardless of age or childhood experiences

>> No.6347892

Fantasy nostalgia is a real thing, that said I won't lie about my age and admit that my first handheld was the GBA SP (the frontlit model). My first game was a multicart for the DMG Game Boy (had Mario Land, Motocross Maniacs, Rare's Spider-Man game) but I played those games with the benefit of a frontlight. Unless you're truly nostalgic then I can't understand the appeal of any prior models above the GBA SP. I also think the modding community for the older models has factored in to the surge in popularity for them though I don't condone people tearing apart older consoles to haphazardly solder in a new screen.
From a late millennial opinion I have fond memories of the very first DMG and the lack of colour or backlight options does not make them any less fun to play on, but what came afterwards was objectively superior.

>> No.6347893

I don't think it's baffling, the original DS unironically has a great selection of JRPGs in particular, and the GBA has a fair few too. I would recommend the GBA to people who truly can't live without portability and want to play SNES rereleases, though you could just hack a 3DS or get a Switch for that purpose.

>> No.6347895

Uh oh, looks like you triggered some NPCs.

>> No.6347917

>If you enjoy classic literature, no-one calls you a nostalgiafag. Or movies, or music
If you only read first editions or exclusively screen 35mm cellulose or only listen to reel-to-reel studio masters then it would be very obvious that you are more focused on the media than on the material. With retro gaming its just not yet so prohibitively expensive to do it that the majority of hobbyists have that perspective.

I'm sorry to break it to you, Anon but Generation Z is a thing and it's only going to become more and more and more of a thing.

>> No.6347918

Thanks anon, absolutely I do. I never travel without it.

>> No.6347920

>what came afterwards was objectively superior
When judged from a technical/hardware-only perspective, sure. But that objectivity doesn't translate into felt experience, which is always subjective. There are many pieces of music that are technically more complex and impressive than generic pop song #999, but plenty of people still prefer generic pop song #999. Similarly, even when the DMG was current, there were better options on the market, from a hardware standpoint. But many still preferred the DMG. Just because consoles and technology in general have objective criteria to measure their relative advancement compared to one another, does not mean that the end products will necessarily be enjoyed any more.

>> No.6347928

Can confirm, playing a GB/GBC game on anything other than a gameboy color or DMG feels different, and the DMG feels different to the color. It's the tactile difference, color palettes, and (yes) the nostalgia of the thing. There's nothing wrong with enjoying something nostalgic to you.

>> No.6347951

Shut up bitch.

>> No.6347954

You’re such a big man

>> No.6347972

Thank you.

>> No.6348049

No it isn't, just like how there is no millennials and there is no avocado toast. I'm thirty and I've never seen this fabled dish of "Shitty fruit with no taste on a piece of bread".

The only named generation is "boomer", and that's because the day of the rope is coming.

>> No.6348081

Typical millennial self absorbed to the point of wilful ignorance

>> No.6348093

Hrmf hrmf hrmf, just play games on your phone.
Millennial entitled scum! Nobody likes what you like, stop playing on vintage hardware you fool.

>> No.6348108

There's nothing inherently wrong with nostalgia, Anon. There is a certain texture to be experienced from a completely authentic gaming experience. Game Boys are simply cheap and common and guarantee it in one piece that can be flexed in public, stuck in a pocket or thrown in a drawer. That's why there's an "over-fascination" with them.

>> No.6348228

One /vr/ user possesses a Cardcaptor Sakura gameboy color. I envy that anon.

>> No.6348253

It is. And you're either LARPing or a retarded 3rd worlder. Either way you have the mental age of a toddler.

That's just the kind of thing a zoomer would say

>im 30 and not just blissfully ignorant but totally convinced im right about everything
Yup. That'd be a millennial alright.

>> No.6348327

This variant of the hello kitty gbc is actually rarer than the cardcaptors one https://consolevariations.com/variation/console/game-boy-color-card-captor-sakura https://consolevariations.com/variation/console/gameboy-color-hello-kitty-special-edition

>> No.6349323

>there's no millennials
Millennial here, how dare you?

But seriously though, playing on phones is the worst, I don't get how people play games with just a touch screen.

>> No.6349335 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1586918931817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I can share all gba games .


Fuck jannies for deleting sharing a gb gbc mega

>> No.6349343 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.6349350 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 720x601, 20200411_012246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gameboy and gameboy color is retro you retarted piece of shit . Read the FUCKING STICKY .

>1999 and earlier

>> No.6349359
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(for you)

>> No.6349879

>What actually happens 99% of the time is one larping zoomer calling another larping zoomer a 'zoomer' because they are mad about different opinions or not knowing some piece of video game trivia while the handful of people on the board actually old enough to remember just wince as they watch the embarrassing shitposting fuckshow unfold


>> No.6350148

the babbage-pandemic is spreading

>> No.6350271

>see! this is why i absolutely HAVE to have a trip! impersonating shitposters are ruining threads!

>> No.6350381

It's just a failing of language, not emotion. The japanese have a word for this emotion. Natsukashii. We speak English, so we can just take whatever word we want. Check it out. Use it.

>> No.6350454

The Japanese have a word for this emotion too.

>> No.6350813

OP is talking as if every past version of the Gameboy was always available simultaneously, because he is a borderline retarded zoomer. No one is choosing between them, this argument is made-up nonsense.

>> No.6351386


>> No.6351904

>My first game was a multicart for the DMG Game Boy (had Mario Land, Motocross Maniacs...
Dude same, I still have mine. The games it had was: Sonic 3D Blast, KOF 96, Jurassic Park 2, Vs Captain Tsubasa, Track & Field, TMNT3 Radical Rescue, Mario Land, Malibu Beach Volleyball, Tetris (List twice, only repeat), Alleyway, Tennis, Boxxle 2, Battle City, Motocross Maniacs, Yakuman, Q Billion, World Bowling, Karateka, Dr. Mario and Space Invaders.
This cartridge is one of the reasons why I love arcade retro games. Other reasons is from the SNES ports on Game Boy Advance e.g. DKC, some friend had a famiclone, and Sonic Mega Collection Plus on PS2.

>> No.6352479

When I was a kid my cousin showed me his bootleg multicart he got at a flea market that had a whole bunch of games including both Oracle games and I was super jealous. I still am, even though I have my own flashcart now.

>> No.6352542


>> No.6353257

Multicarts were pure soul. All the games I had did not have save files and were all pre-GBC but it had a nice variety of games. The funniest thing is I found it in public, I didn't even buy it

>> No.6353349

ok zoomer

>> No.6353365

Two of those posts were actually me

These are neat words

>> No.6353428

I am of the opinion that people who only like older games because of "nostalgia" and can't conceive of anyone actually just liking older games for their own merits don't actually like videogames very much. There are some games I'm absolutely nostalgic about, but that doesn't limit my interest in playing almost exclusively retro games that I've never beaten before.

>> No.6355408

This. I’m nostalgic about fucking Bubsy 3D but that doesn’t mean l can’t discern its quality compared to better games.