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File: 349 KB, 781x1023, Hironobu_Sakaguchi_in_2015_(16102150083)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6339197 No.6339197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine blowing 100 million dollars on a bad idea, almost single-handedly bankrupting the company you work for and just then getting to just walk away from the mess you created. He should have been sued into the dirt, sent to prison or both.

>> No.6339231

Anon, you don't understand how rigid and vertical Japanese business practices are (or at least were, during that time)...

>> No.6339235

nah, he was the only reason square was any good to begin with

>> No.6339238

This. Square owed him everything for being the glue that kept their shit together. What kind of a fucking brainlet thinks any guy should be sent to prison for making a movie? What kind of warped reality is OP living in?

>> No.6339239

Imagine watching a youtube video for your dopamine rush then instantly coming to 4chan to parrot the video for more dopamine rushes

imagine rinsing and repeating this for the rest of your life


>> No.6339246

be honest. what else is there to do

>> No.6339251

Not OP, but there's no doubt this guy was irresponsible for abusing his position and wasting tons of money on an idea that was doomed from the very start. You have to be a really delusional Square (Enix) fanboy to not to be able to see this.

>> No.6339253

Sony had an infinite wallet and they wanted to turn Square into the new Pixar (and the new Nintendo since they tried to be a game design school and tried a lot of different genre during that era). Unfortunately they didn't have the talent for that and Sony had to drop them as a dried up whore to focus on their western studios who actually delivered.

>> No.6339256

what video did he watch? I want to know what I'm dealing with

>> No.6339257

>being legally liable for millions for doing what your company allowed you to do even if you failed at it

I’m not a lawyer and neither are you, but I hope you understand why that’s a bad idea OP

>> No.6339303

Without Kenji Terada and maybe Nasir Gebelli, FF1 would have been another DQ clone.
Also, without Ito and Kitase, FF5 and 6 would have been unplayable mess like 2-3(and I like FF2) or a RPG that nobody who isn't a obsessed Sakaguchi fanboy would care(like FF4).
Sakaguchi was the Inafune of Square.

>> No.6339305

would care today, I mean

>> No.6339307

nobody cares about FF1, 5 or 6 today either

>> No.6339329



>> No.6339341

Says the fag who can't shitpost because he needs his dopamine rush.

>> No.6339343
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truth hurts

>> No.6339440

>makes a mistake
>owns up to it and resigns
>what remains of Square merges with Enix
He made the most honourable choice that wasn't seppeku

>> No.6339518

Yeah,FF6 , the FF with the most mainstream villain along with sephiroth , is a game something that nobody cares today, lol.

>> No.6339535

Sephiroth is the only mainstrem FF villain because FFVII is the only mainstream FF (not that that's good or bad) which is why it got a fancy new remake, a movie, a sequel and God knows what else
being second best behind Sephiroth is the same as being irrelevant

>> No.6339564

>He should have been sued into the dirt, sent to prison or both.
Why? There's nothing illegal about being incompetent or making bad business decisions. If companies never fucked up then newer companies would never be able to grow and take their place. It's evolution.

>> No.6339656

FF7-9 and maybe 10 are mainstream. The era everyone played.

>> No.6339698

He didn't 'abuse' shit, the fuck are you talking about? Square thought they were untouchable because they were a money-making machine at that point, they had access to all this state-of-the-art tech and wanted to be the next Pixar, as said. If Sakaguchi was really the only guy in the whole company who wanted to break into movies it wouldn't have happened.

>> No.6339724

>Sakaguchi was really the only guy in the whole company who wanted to break into movies it wouldn't have happened
I'm 99.9% sure there was a large group of people with common sense among the staff who raised their concerns, but in the (post)bubble days, your superiors were omnipotent, and you never dared to openly question their decisions.

>> No.6339778

no, he was a hack who got carried by the real talent at square (kitase, kawazu, ishii, nomura, nojima, etc.) while getting all the credit. he got exposed as soon as he left square and had to make games without the ridiculous amount of talent that prime square had.

>> No.6339785

Do people really do this? Not only watch some retards opinion on youtube, they go the extra length and come here to regurgitate is? I fucking hate zoomers so much.

>> No.6339790

>Sephiroth is the only mainstrem FF villain
kefka is just as mainstream thanks to all the ledditors who think he's epic like the joker.

>> No.6339804

then how do you explain square not making any good games after he left

>> No.6339805

What game was it?

>> No.6339809

The "too big to care" effect.

>> No.6339847

but they have.

>> No.6339870
File: 17 KB, 303x388, 216212-itagaki_san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even the funniest one.

This is Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of Ninja Gaiden.

After year after year of MULTIPLE sexual harassment lawsuits from drunkenly groping Tecmo employees, and years of really bad decisions (DOA Xbox exclusives despite the fact it's only popular in Japan, who doesn't buy Xbox). He had the company hire his daughters who spent all day designing increasingly slutty bikinis for DOA Volleyball and giggling.

Eventually the constant lawsuits became too much and they fired his ass.

Since then, DOA has gone the SJDubya route, but he was still off his rocker.

>> No.6339913

that's weird. then why have all final fantasy games been shit since he left?

>> No.6339918

You can tell, merely by looking at this one single photo, how this guy is the embodiment of everything that led to the collapse of the Japanese economy...

>> No.6339923

the main series games were going to shit before he left. ffx was pure garbage and the beginning of the end.
the spinoffs have stayed consistently good without him. and ff7r is kino.

>> No.6339938

yeah and prior to FFX is FFIX which is one of the greatest jrpgs of all time, which Sakaguchi had a hand in. hmm........

>> No.6339963

why that board points of views are always ridiculously wrong?

>> No.6339968

>the spinoffs have stayed consistently good without him. and ff7r is kino

>> No.6339974

he also had a hand in x, xi and x-2 as the executive producer. people forget that he didn't leave square immediately after spirits within flopped. he left a few years later when microsoft threw money at him to start his own studio.

>> No.6339985

Worst take in a thread of terrible takes, good job.

>> No.6340000

I hate /vr/, and 4chan by extension. Most moronic site on earth.

>> No.6340003

After 15 years of tremendous successes that catapulted Square into international fame he was shown the door after just one single failure. And his reputation never, ever recovered in Japan. His payback was the absolute harshest that could have been. There's literally no legal way to make it worse.

>> No.6340005

>real talent

>> No.6340008

I always see threads parroting youtube opinions mere hours after the videos go online.

>> No.6340013

link to the video?

>> No.6340014

Bullshit, Nomura was a very good director. He wasn't as good of a producer as everyone initially thought, but the games he directed were all great.

>> No.6340017

bruh, stop. nomura was a good designer, his FF8/PE era designs were beautiful. he was bad, bad, bad at everything else he touched.

>> No.6340020

Oh fuck, I was talking about Sakaguchi. I wanted to call you an imbecile for confusing the two but then saw that I literally wrote Nomura. You're still an imbecile and we both know it, but this time the fault is with me.

>> No.6340027
File: 24 KB, 401x372, 1467587265627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you need your ass beaten, punk

>> No.6340043
File: 55 KB, 500x444, 1373782166681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340083

He directed FF III and V (the best FF) so i don't care if he fucked up.

>> No.6340086

Play video games

>> No.6340098

Nomura is a decent designer (when he's not going overboard with his weird belt/leather fetish) and a good artist, but he's not too great of a director.
>You're still an imbecile and we both know it, but this time the fault is with me.
You're a faggot and a retard.

>> No.6340104

>but he's not too great of a director.
He's one of the worst directors in the industry.

>> No.6340113

>The era my millennial ass played.

>> No.6340114

>actually delivered
Western games don’t work

>> No.6340118

Feminist ruin everything

>> No.6340119

I, IV and VI were also mainstream in the West, and every single one of them were mainstream in Japan.

>> No.6340125

Such false claims.

>> No.6340128

>Nintendo doesn’t need Square
Seriously, FF remake on the Switch.

>> No.6340130
File: 254 KB, 602x648, 1581351221929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ffx was pure garbage

>> No.6340135

>ffx was pure garbage
It's the first all around good game in the 3D era that started it all and did everything correctly. It's not garbage.
>ff7r is kino.
It is pretty great if most people could forgive it for being a bit different than the original.

>> No.6340138

Dude, do you even Lost Decade?

>> No.6340143

Tell that to Sony who print billion with them while japanese industry is collapsing

>> No.6340150

>you will live long enough to witness square dying and begging nintendo to buy them and nintendo telling them to fuck off

>> No.6340159

>DOA Xbox exclusives despite the fact it's only popular in Japan, who doesn't buy Xbox

There was Ninja Gaiden too. They weren't the only one since Microsoft funded lot of japanese games for the first Xbox. Microsoft threw money left and right to implement the Xbox on the market. Now they stopped and Sony give joke budget to japanese studios and focus on western games and nintendo is too small to control the industry.

>> No.6340168

Yeah, that resulted in some absolutely kino Sega games for Xbox because they were dead broke and needed cash.

So we got Dreamcast 2.0 on the first Xbox with Crazy Taxi 3, House of the Dead 3, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio future, and a heap of excellent ports.

>> No.6340171

i don't think you will. square enix is a well-managed company

t. stock holder

>> No.6340192

Counterpoint: no

>> No.6340217

Their games are dead-end stuff with bloated budgets. It would only take a couple of large failures to allow someone to buy them. Suddenly and without warning popular opinion WILL turn on their nonsense products and they may end up being unable to react in time.

>> No.6340235

He is Square's alpha and omega.

>> No.6340252

I hate this autistic folly of thinking Sakaguchi was carried by everyone else. Just because he wasn't the lead developer on a lot of games doesn't mean he had nothing to do with them. He was Vice President and essentially had a ton of sway on the creative atmosphere and ability to green-light lots of varied projects. After he left the corporate suits truly took over and started pimping out the FF brand instead of focusing on the rest of their IPs, and many employees at the time noticed this difference into a more corporate, less creative atmosphere.

>> No.6340269

why are zoomers like this?

>> No.6340274

DOA sold great as an exclusive. It was always more popular in America than in Japan. And I'm pretty sure there was only one lawsuit, for which he was acquitted. His daughter was born in 1997 and I doubt Tecmo hires children to work on their games.

>> No.6340290

That's not the photo of a fat baby boomer CEO.

>> No.6340305

you do realize square enix as a company is more diversified than that, right.

ah who am i kidding, of course you don't.

>> No.6340313

Squaresoft was plenty diversified and a single bad cartoon allowed eniggers to buy their shit.

>> No.6340327

No, it's the obnoxious 80s rockstar wannabe that has 0 business sense, but thinks he's the top of the food chain because one of his (most likely stolen) ideas worked once and made some quick cash.

>> No.6340339

>Squaresoft was plenty diversified
that is wholly untrue. you are like a little babby. until then, squaresoft had been making video games for one (1) home console per generation and assorted merchandise for said video games. that's it. everything else, especially their strong gangan comics and online/smartphone positions, came with the enix merger.

>> No.6340664

>did everything correctly
did you also think ffxiii was good? because ffx is the exact same shit.

>> No.6340786

Nomura is really good at visuals period. There is no way you can say Deep Dive secret ending to Kingdom Hearts wasnt the coolest shit.

>> No.6340808

>hey let's rip off the Matrix Reloaded fight scene but with our SD Mickey shit characters surely it won't look ridiculous

>> No.6341202

>I, IV and VI were also mainstream in the West,
Nigger no they fucking weren't aside from maybe 1 which had a lot of promotion in Nintendo Power. 4 and 6 were modest successes at best and only with budding JRPG enthusiasts.
Nigger, quit spouting off like a dumbass. Itagaki didn't start working on games as a lead designer until the first DOA in 1996, a good 5 years after the bubble burst. And even then it wasn't until Micorshit came knocking on Tecmo's door that he started acting like a rockstar.

>> No.6341208

spam interracial porn and trannies on /gif/ and /b/

>> No.6341334

FFXIII was good all things considered. Only issue was the exploration did not open until Chapter 10 or so. FFX was just the one that started it all.

>> No.6342119

>SquareèEnix is in the same position as Konami in 2014 surely they will do well in the next years

>> No.6342121

>the same position as Konami in 2014
i actually owned konami stock in 2014 too. your statement is not true.

>> No.6342140

>quit spouting off like a dumbass
You have serious reading comprehension/reasoning issues. We were not talking about that particular faggot on the pic. We were talking about what he fucking looks like.

>> No.6342172

No, that's not it. They owned multimedia franchises and even had a partnership with Electronic Arts in the form of Square Electronic Arts. They were the kind of company who could make cutting-edge CG movies. And just one single movie made them go under.
Of course, Squeenix is a much larger entity. But their games are incomparably costlier too. Well, they've survived major fuck-ups like the original FF14, so one failure won't kill them, probably. But they aren't nearly as fail-proof as you seem to think.

>> No.6342173

No, they were mainstream successes. I guess you're far too young to know.