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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6338214 No.6338214 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Rick May 1940-2020. Voice actor for Peppy Hare and Andross in Star Fox 64. Dead from coronavirus. "Just the flu bro".

>> No.6338216




Here's a link

>> No.6338232

An 80-year-old man died. This is not surprising.

>> No.6338243

>no one has stock of test kits for coronavirus
>tests themselves are often inconclusive even when they can be administered
>everyone is 100% certain about each death being related to coronavirus despite how many overlapping symptoms it has with other illnesses like pneumonia
I'm not saying the virus doesn't exist, but it's pretty fucking shady and propaganda-ish how certainly and definitively these things get reported despite the lack of proof.

>> No.6338268

>Just the flu bro
Wrong. It's really just the common cold.

>> No.6338287

Absolutely fucking sad. Great man.

>> No.6338298

>"Just the flu bro".
This is a really bad use of this. A man as unwell as he was could have actually died from the flu quite easily. Stop politicizing people's deaths with your gotcha bullshit.

>> No.6338315

Kek, and on my birthday too. Fucking 'ell, man.

>> No.6338380

news reporters like to stretch the new cuse it makes them more money

>> No.6338382

RIP Rick May.
Peppy was always my favorite.

>> No.6338423

A chest CT-Scan is 97% effective (compared to the 20-40% failure rate for the nasal swabs.)

>> No.6338430


>> No.6338431

>I'm not saying the virus doesn't exist
Yes goy it is definitely real don't deny the six million who have died already

>> No.6338432

RIP, based hare.

>> No.6338446
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>> No.6338480

So two popular video game voice actors die on the same day?

>> No.6338646


>> No.6338676

Slippy get back here!

>> No.6338692

TF2 Soldier was also Rick May.

>> No.6338718

This. A very Reddit, insecure move.

>> No.6338773


>> No.6338894

This year fucking sucks

>> No.6338927

are you illiterate?

>> No.6338939

There's no politicising; your role model is a bloated fraud, it's really simple.

>> No.6338941

doing that one last barrel roll into the abyss

>> No.6339109

I don't know how they're doing there in the US but in my country they're counting ALL deaths as coronavirus deaths as long as the dead guy tested positive for corona.

>> No.6339264
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>> No.6339271

Now I wish you could do actual barrel rolls with the airwings. Too bad Nintendo won't make another new Star Fox game for the upcoming years.

>> No.6339275
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He was good, real good

>> No.6339589

That's a really mean thing to say about my dad, anon.

>> No.6339605

In the US they seem to count deaths as coronavirus deaths if the person has ANY of the symptoms regardless of whether they can be tested. None of the numbers can be trusted because everyone is intentionally bloating them for their own gain. States want more federal funding, the media wants more clicks/viewers and ad revenue, the fed wants excuses to do all their bullshit, and so no one is trying to represent true numbers but instead they look for every possible excuse to add people to the coronavirus statistics. New York, for example, counts people who get turned away from over-full hospitals as coronavirus victims even though they could not be seen by a doctor for any kind of diagnosis.

>> No.6339623

Wow that's really shady and shitty

>> No.6339670

It's not really doing anyone any favours, especially in the coming propaganda war with China. The US is inflating their figures and China is underreporting them (a friend of mine from Wuhan mentioned that people are suddenly seeing urn deliveries all over the place, whereas they were barely noticeable before).

Anyways sucks about Rick Mays, but honestly he had a pretty decent run. Could have done worse. I've known people who died from heart attacks or strokes in their late 50s. They had their retirement plans all set out after working and saving for 35 years and then just croaked. Those are real tragedies, in some ways worse than dying after wrapping your Impreza around a tree as a healthy, horny, free-wheeling 20-something.

>> No.6339953

RIP Rick May

>> No.6340142

>I've known people who died from heart attacks or strokes in their late 50s. They had their retirement plans all set out after working and saving for 35 years and then just croaked.
They did cocaine and heroin. Count in medications and drinking habits. That will easily do in any person before 50.

>> No.6340149

Yes May Rick which did TF2 and Rick May that did Peppy Hare.

>> No.6340170
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>a friend of mine from Wuhan
I'm sure man.

>> No.6340550


>> No.6340712

stop depressing me, asshole.

>> No.6340790


Some people have perfectly healthy lives and still die young for genetic or completely random reasons. Sorry to break this to you.

>> No.6341034

Maybe even the best

>> No.6341047

>I'm becoming more like your father

>> No.6341295
File: 366 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kent Brockman here with the local news. Recently a man was killed in a car accident, but prior testing has shown that he was tested POSITIVE for coronavirus. The autopsy report says he died of coronavirus.

>> No.6341318

Some people do but most people do not.

>> No.6341409

Honestly, if he really died of coronavirus, that's some scary shit.
Difficult emotionally to inagine the voice of The Soldier writhing in pain for days as his lungs to turn to chunky soup.

>> No.6341501 [DELETED] 

Four more years, two more scoops. Andross rules.

>> No.6341508 [DELETED] 

>old man dies from Covid
>posters rehashing the "just a flu" rhetoric and conspiracy theory
/vr/ really is the boomer board.

>> No.6341510 [DELETED] 
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Oh, and by the way, your role models have taught you well in the art of coping and seething.

>> No.6341519 [DELETED] 
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fucking kek

>> No.6341607
File: 39 KB, 559x390, ecba25fd28a142e90a1d794cfd1afbb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd guess 99% of the people on this site claim they're more intelligent than all the normies they shit on constantly. The sad irony is their just as fucking stupid, if not more so, hence why they believe corona is the fucking plague when it's primarily killing old and/or chronically ill people.

>> No.6341680

Isn't that more zoomer behaviour, since they're less likely to suffer the disease?

>> No.6341714
File: 240 KB, 465x653, 01japvid_465_653_int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP This hits home because I was a huge fan of the SNES game and even participated in a Starfox tournament(I sucked).
Sure he did.

>> No.6341718

This. Incidentally, my aunt passed away today (4/14), too. I bet they counted her as COVID'd, too, despite the fact he was 83 and had health problems for the past year and two strokes last month before she got to the hospital. Hospitalbux for lies.

>> No.6341728

One meme I saw said "Sky Diver forgot parachute and died of Corona Virus".

>> No.6341732
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>> No.6341736

>Incidentally, my aunt passed away today
Sorry for your loss, anon.
That's got to be a weird feeling to have her being used (possibly) as a pawn to inflate Kung Flu numbers. Sorry again, man.

/I still got my Toys R Us Starfox participation wings pin

>> No.6341743

Thanks anon. It's going to be weird being at a "Skype funeral" on Monday. I wonder if someone will recommend doing a barrel roll during then, then.

>> No.6341746

>Skype funeral
I had never considered this... How strange...

>> No.6341754

Oh man I forgot about that aspect.

>> No.6341760
File: 39 KB, 967x670, 1585468709212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Apparently they're allowing a normal procession, but my cousin said she wants to do it this way. I think it's going to make the interactions even more awkward than usual, but it's her thing, so whatever.

>> No.6341768

All of you might want to do a redo of some sort, like a memorial after this blows over. Anyway, I hope the Skype conference gives you at least some sense of closure. Remember the people that weren't even told of their loved one's dying.

>> No.6341771

They'll actually do it when they lower the casket.

>> No.6341775

Yeah, I was just thinking of that memorial thing today, too. I'd rather we just postpone the whole thing for a few months and do all the ceremonies (minus the burial) in one go. I feel bad for those people who are in much worse straits and countries/states than mine (flyover country), true.
kek exactly. Someone should buzz in randomly during the call and give the eulogizer quick tips. Rick May would be proud (or at least would be you-know-what'ing in his grave).

>> No.6341969

Fear Mongering + Journalists feeding into the fear mongering = $$$

>> No.6342139


>Just the flu

Why is that one always taken as a "harmless" example? The flu is heavy, around 5% death rate overall, VERY dangerous for old people, takes several 1000 every year. Just nobody talks about it.
For an 80 years old man definitely life threatening.

>> No.6342180

/pol/ needs to fucking leave.

>> No.6342181 [DELETED] 

Rent Free