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File: 115 KB, 210x330, Viconia_DeVir_VICONIA_Portrait_BG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6337058 No.6337058 [Reply] [Original]

These threads are for the foolish... and the dead.

>> No.6337064

These threads are basically the only good thing about this board other than the CRT threads.

I'm thinking of starting a new IWD game. Still burned out on BG after doing an ironman run of 1/2. I guess I could practice ToB for ironman, though.

>> No.6337085

Where did you die?

>> No.6337175


>> No.6337179

Failed a death save on the first boss fight with the orc dude in ToB. Probably a 5% chance of that happening.

I don't particularly like ToB and don't have it memorized at all, other than generally knowing what's in the areas, I've only beaten it twice. But makes sense to try it more.

>> No.6337190

>still evil
>Chaotic Good

>> No.6337209

Also, I minimized during the final fight with irenicus to take an important call, thought I paused it, and came back to realise that I had in fact, not paused it. Half my party was dead, but Irenicus was dead. No loss, since everyone automatically was back to life in the expansion.

>> No.6337223

Viconia isn't a faggot
Elf deities are for faggots
She also hates elves, because they are faggots

>> No.6337228

The path to redemption is a difficult one. I really like more how Eberron handles deities and the alignment of their priests though.

>> No.6337229

I didn't like ToB as well for a while, got burnt out by Abazigal's lair, but replaying it a couple times more with Ascension (obivously) and Wheels of Prophecy, I end up enjoying it more and more every time

>> No.6337307

I'm not saying she couldn't fit for Ellistrae, it's possible, I'm just saying that until Throne Of Bhaal, she just isn't in the right mindset for that.
Also, I wonder if there's any consequences from changing your deity of worship multiple times?

>> No.6337380

No, not playing ToB with SCS. I don't have it memorized.

>> No.6337386

there's no need, just buff up evertiem

>> No.6337395

The drow are too cartoonishly evil anyways, but the beginning story of many worshippers of that goddess started like Viconia, although she's too arrogant to even consider it I guess. Some other disgraced drows worship nastier (drow) gods.

>> No.6337405

it's nice to have these threads more regularly, thanks to whoever posting them

>> No.6337407

>although she's too arrogant to even consider it I guess
I think that arrogance can be overcome, she overcomes a lot in BG2. I just don't think she'd accept the idea of Ellistrae until a good while after Charname turns her away from evil.

>> No.6337412

wowie zowie another autistic shit flinging general

>> No.6337418

Yeah, she's too entrenched into the essence of the drow race and her (former) position on it to do so. I think male drows are more likely to do so considering their position in the drow society.

>> No.6337442

Can I be an orc or what?

>> No.6337469

What is the most dickish encounter in the Infinity games and why is it that Basilisk in Durlag's Tower out of nowhere?

>> No.6337545

A random basilisk ambush you can get while travelling.

>> No.6337557

It's either that or the one with the shitload of bandit archers surrounding you.

>> No.6337558


>> No.6337608

>not always keeping potions of mirrorred eyes for your PC and scrolls of stone to flesh for your party members just in case

>> No.6337643

That one actually made me choke on my own spit in rage.

That's great if you have Mirrored Eyes potions, but they're not too available early on in the game, so if you wander into a Bassilisk, you're fucked for actually fighting them.

>> No.6337660

>made me choke
Tell me about it. I've never encountered it before in my life, until my last run, when it just popped on my screen and turned Edwin to stone.

>> No.6337726

Isn't protection from petrification like, level 1 or 2 mage spell?

>> No.6337738

>but they're not too available early on in the game
yeah there are, I'm at the bandit camp and I have 3 or 4 lying around in a potion case
you probably won't even use that many throughout the entire game

>> No.6337784


Spell level depends on your game edition.
It also assumes you have access to it, have it prepared when you meet the basilisk, have time to cast it, have the basilisk focus on the guy you just cast it on and that it does not run out before you manage to murder it.


Bandit camp is not early game and the only ones accessible at this point are the ones sold in High Hedge.
Or random drops you have to get lucky for.
They are also for stockpiling to use against Aec'Letec.

>> No.6337802

>Or random drops you have to get lucky for.
I get some literaly everytime I play
You have to be really, really unlucky to get the basilisk ambush before having a chance to get one
And even then, in the very off chance that it happens, you can still drink a potion of invisibility to save your charname

>> No.6337807

>Spell level depends on your game edition.
also no they don't, unless you use spell revisions but it doesn't affect protection from petrification anyway
protection from petrification always was and always will be a level 1 mage spell.

>> No.6337831

IIRC protection from petrification has long duration so you can always prebuff. If you didn't prebuff, you can always cast it on the target of basilisks petrification ability, which should act as a projectile. It has a casting time of 1 so it's almost instantaneous. Once you are protected, basilisks are literally free 10k XP. You just need a +1 or maybe +2 weapon on Khalid or some other fighter. I don't think they have that high AC so you can farm them for mad XP even in relative early game. Just send in one protected dude and have the rest of your party out of basilisks field of vision. They don't even move. Easiest early game ever.

>> No.6337845

Protection from petrification has a cast time. However, oddly enough, I've never gotten a game over from that bullshit basilisk encounter, the AI always starts with melee for me.

>> No.6337850

You don't aways have time to cast protection from petrification in the very rare event you get ambushed by one or two basilisks, your charname has a good chance of being instantly petrified if he's on the first position with most formations.
This is the only real instance where you'd really need a potion of mirrored eyes. Maybe the one in Durlag, though you can probably retreat from this one fast enough to get your mage to cast protection from petrification or use a green scroll.
You should see the one in candlekeep coming if you just don't barge in, you see petrified statues before the basilisks themselves. And everyone and their mother warns you about the one in Baldur's Gate.

>> No.6337864

>You just need a +1 or maybe +2 weapon
not even, even the greater basilisks take damage from normal weapons, they also have really shitty thac0 and ac
you can just grab two scrolls from high hedge and xzar, have him cast it, and watch Korax kill basilisks east of the Temple for about 26-27k free XP right out of candlekeep.

>> No.6337881

Haven't necessarily picked up a mage by chapter 2 or 3.

Bandit Camp is almost at the middle.

I never seem to get potion of Mirrored Eyes as a random drop. Also potion of invisibility does me a fat lot of good if I'm forced to run away and abandon a party member somewhere I can never go back and rescue him.

>> No.6337924

>You just need a +1 or maybe +2 weapon
BG1 does not have a "is hurt only by +x weapons" flag at all. Greater wolfweres (with their unique demand for silver/cold iron), vampiric wolves and the Doomsayer (who are susceptible to any sort of magic weapon) are the only exceptions.

>> No.6337945

>Bandit Camp is almost at the middle.
again, there is almost no chance to meet this fucking ambush before getting a potion of mirrored eyes, and if you didn't have one, tough luck, you should have just bought some.
Also yeah, losing party members is part of the game, if you don't like it, reload.
The conditions you describe, where you meet this ambush without a mage, without a green scroll, without a potion of mirrored eyes are either completely infinitesimal, this ambush never pops early, or completely your fault if you don't have at least one of these by the time you're likely to encounter it.

>> No.6338021

>Bandit Camp is almost at the middle.
It's the second main quest you get, you only need to do nashkel mines beforehands. Cloakwood is longer than nashkel + bandit camp combined and then you have the city of bg proper and all that follows.

>> No.6338387
File: 24 KB, 255x400, 7166b454a43e446dbf8c522c286cc053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in love with dorf saving throws

>> No.6338413

just remember that SCS balors cut your head off without a saving throw
no reason why I'm mentioning this out of the blue, why would you ask

>> No.6338440

I'm very proud of Korgan killifying a Balor because of that.

>> No.6338832

Bribing people into playing ugly races. Not that I mind.

>> No.6338846

Does neverwinter nights get discussed here?

>> No.6338848 [DELETED] 


>> No.6338872
File: 244 KB, 513x482, awol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic for your next IE thread.

>> No.6338875

Saved for the occasion.

>> No.6338903

Is this beamdog? What's up with the moronic description.

>> No.6338932

It's from a very old mod so you'd know about going to check the Twisted Rune (I guess).

>> No.6338940

I read up that it's from Baldurdash, but I had no idea Shangalar was Koshi's (the guy with celestial fury) rival? Not sure how that was deduced.

>> No.6338943

What about Vhaeraun?
He's still evil, just not the Lolth brand I-will-fuck-myself-over stupid evil.
There was even a running joke back in the day, that if any other drow deity was in charge instead of Lolth, the drow would be a much bigger threat then they are now.

>> No.6338959

Wasn't he the villain of that Spider Queen 6-book saga? I got bored during the 3rd book, so didn't finish it, but I have a faint memory of him being around and Lloth having disappeared.

>> No.6338970

Pretty sure it's just bugged dialogue, that's one of the options when talking to the twisted rune lich.
I had a similar problem with spell descriptions being replaced with bohdi dialogue.

>> No.6338996

Possibly. IIRC the biggest villain of the saga was still Lolth.
Vhaeraun is a twin brother of Eilistraee and a son of Lolth and Corellon who wants to fuck his mother over because she did him dirty back in the day. That and he was running the drow pantheon way back in the day, until Lolth dethroned him.
Him and Eilistraee are the "reasonable" drow deities. While Eilistraee wants the drow to play nice with the surfacers and each other, so they can build some lasting society, Vhaeraun still wants to take over the surface world, he's just much more pragmatic about it and is willing to buddy up with surfacers when situation calls for it.

>> No.6339186

That shit was stupid

>> No.6339223

>that if any other drow deity was in charge instead of Lolth, the drow would be a much bigger threat then they are now
Sounds legit, that bitch runs the place like Stalin with ovaries.

>> No.6339290

Not really tho

>> No.6339364

There's no SCS for the original Baldur's Gate without enchanced shit or the "fuse it with BG2" mods? I thought of doing a new run since I never tried it but if it doesn't work with the original that kills it.

>> No.6339369

No, only works with tutu, easytutu, BGT, or the EE, not vanilla BG1.

>> No.6339371

Shit. There's any mods for the original? I haven't been into it since years ago but I remember 2 always took all the mods and 1 was an easy-of-use patch and absolutely nothing else.

>> No.6339373

Also I don't get why that would kill it, what's your problem with that?

>> No.6339375

Well, for some reason I had the idea that it could work so it just kills the novelty of doing a new run since I must have ended the game like a dozen times already.

>> No.6339381

Tweaks anthology, and a bunch of weird old difficulty mods like Dark side of the sword Coast, Dark Horizons and shit
But, there's a reason SCS is still played while those kinda faded, and it should be obvious pretty quick
What do you want to try, vanilla BG1 or SCS

>> No.6339384

There are, there just aren't many mods for BG1 because it's always been harder to code for. You can still play something like Grey Clan, Drizzt Saga or Dark Side of the Sword Coast. No guarantees regarding quality or stability, though.

>> No.6339412

Original BG1 with SCS. I would not touch enhanced for shit, trilogy/tutu are a pain to install and I never liked the interface of 2 in 1.
Maybe they are dumb reasons but it can't be helped.

>> No.6339449

Yeah they are dumb reasons indeed. I can understand not wanting to give beamdog any shekels, but installing easytutu or BgT is ez as fuck.

>> No.6339469

I've been playing the original since so many years ago that playing it with some slightly different graphics and interface feels kinda weird.
Also I love how the character models looked in BG1 while I don't like the BG2 ones too much, that's also why I had problems with Heart of Winter, but I think there was a mod for that.

>> No.6339485

you can use this mod to play with the bg1 stone gui in bg2

>> No.6339503

Now this is good, after that I will only need a mod that mantains the original character models, but I don't know if that was even possible at all with BG2 engine.

>> No.6339507

>maintains the original character models
no thats not possible
this is a really neat mod for bg2, improves the visuals greatly and adds the bg1 paperdolls to bg2

>> No.6339510

Thanks. Still, I think I will give Tutu a try with the interface mod. Last time I installed it must have been like 8 years ago and I remember it took me like one entire day, I guess things have improved since then.

>> No.6339513

I recommend Trilogy instead of Tutu, its less buggier that Tutu and Tutu is pretty much outdated in comparison

>> No.6339519

Uhm, but the cool interface mod is for Tutu. There's anything similar for trilogy maybe?

>> No.6339524

the mod works for Trilogy too, just be sure thats it the LAST mod you install, so when you get to bg2 you can uninstall it and it will revert back to the original bg2 ui

>> No.6339526

Nice, I will try that then.

>> No.6339696
File: 14 KB, 300x267, phelps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reason why I'm mentioning this out of the blue, why would you ask

>> No.6339739

Halflings get the same saving throws as Dwarves and can romance all the ladies
why do bitches love Halflings so much?

>> No.6339784

Hairy dicks.

>> No.6339997

/ss/ vibes

>> No.6340140
File: 105 KB, 542x700, EFVY2jlUYAA6VUm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6340198

dont forget (ho)mam generals

>> No.6340325

Infinity Engine Threads, HOMM generals, Doom threads, and the occasional Gameboy/Wario threads, are what keeps this board alive for me.

>> No.6340594

No, it wasn't from EE or a mod, it's the original BG2. All I remember is that there was a really high open locks skill check somewhere in the bridge district (sorry, memory is foggy as it was some years ago) and I beat it by stacking potions. Got that rogue stone, and in the next chapter it showed that description. I think it was behind a painting (maybe Neb's place?) but I'm not sure.

I've never seen it mentioned by anyone else, perhaps it's an unknown oddity because most players sell/use rogue stones immediately instead of hoarding them?

>> No.6340596


Excellent taste in manga

>> No.6340624

I also always hoard them but sure as hell don't check every gem's description. Nice find.

>> No.6340646

there are only two rogue stone items in the game files, misc45.itm and dmgem1.itm, and they both have one description
Since descriptions are contained in the same file as dialogs, and the .itm files only point at the relevant line in it, having descriptions overwritten by lines of dialog and vice versa is a common bug, especially when loading a save made with a different modlist.
There is also no mechanism that I've ever heard of to replace an item description with another during playthrough
I would honestly bet on a bug and a fun coincidence that it loads precsiely this line.

>> No.6340653
File: 543 KB, 1488x874, rogue stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6340705

I wasn't using any mods, and given the alignment of that description with the context, it seems too coincidental to be a bug. Is there an easy way to search those files for all or part of that text?

>> No.6340719

yeah, Nearinfinty, which the screenshots are from

>> No.6340729

I see... Well, you obviously know more about the internals than I do, but the particular text+context doesn't strike me as random enough to be just a bug. I guess I'll try to reproduce it some day and pay more attention.

>> No.6340754

I've mostly only used it to edit item appearances, I'm not an expert on it at all.
But you can use it to do pretty much anything you want, and even for a casual user it's pretty neat to have, good complement to shadowkeeper.

>> No.6340768

Don't know what you're talking about, I used print screen button for that screenshot.

I was playing the GOG version of BG2+TOB. I may have patched it with 'BG2ThroneOfBhaalFixPack112', but that's it. Maybe something in the GOG package or that patch is responsible, but I don't see any obvious reason why that would be the case.

>> No.6340776

Ah cool, thanks. Maybe I'll dig in with that and see what I can find.

>> No.6340778

No I mean this screnshot >>6340653

>> No.6340782

Yeah I gotcha, my malfunction. Thanks again.

>> No.6341708

Ah shit, missed this post. You're right, I didn't realize that it's straight out of the Shangalar dialogue. Bug it is.

>> No.6341726

So, I've been enjoying the slow pace of BG1, and it got me thinking that perhaps I should replay BG2 as I used to do compulsively in my teens.

There's the fact that they put out new content, the Siege of Dragonspear or whatever the heck, and the idea of playing a vampire doesn't sound too bad either.

But, EE looks atrocious, first I'd need it NOT to look like fucking league of legends, and no, I never played a single game of that in my life.
Is it possible to make the EE not look like a fucking abortion they made it into? I guess I can stand SJW writing for a single playthrough, but looking at smoothed, outlined, and generally raped atmosphere of the original BG2 would be just too gruelling.

>> No.6341823

I find BG1 faster pace than 2. It is shorter and the fights are more about kiting and moving around.

All of those graphics options for EE can be disabled under settings, including outlines, life bars, and filtering.

>> No.6341829

I'm getting real sick of having to prebuff so much in tob,
I almost miss back in bg1 where all I had to cast before a fight was haste and maybe a chant.

>> No.6341882

I think that you can set up a script to run all the prebuffing.

>> No.6341909

I was gonna say that prebuffing was more critical for me in BG1, but that's actually not true now that I think about it. Sure helped a lot to be able to both Draw Upon Holy Might and Enrage at the same time though, I'm kinda miffed that I never got Draw Upon Holy Might back from Irenicus, even if I didn't particularly need it.

>> No.6341953

True. Fighting ankhegs has been unlike any fights in BG2, pretty fun.

Also, good. I feel like I'm going to regret exposing myself to quality beamdog OC, but at least the original VAs did some voice acting.

>I'm getting real sick of having to prebuff
Disregarding buffing and breaching spell immunities is like the entire point of the system, nothing is stopping you from turning down the difficulty to easy and steamrolling.

>> No.6342032

I plan to do a new run with something new I haven't been tried yet, how are figther/mage/thief multiclasses? And just thief/mage? Just thinking about some character that feels fun and can do lots of things, not anything extremely powerful. Also any kit that's particularly fun.

>> No.6342034

Also I will use SCS so it doesn't need to be a cripple either.

>> No.6342085

>figther/mage/thief multiclasses?

absolute shit. might as well go for a bard then because that's what bard is. then again, no harm in dual classing if you play an elf because that way you still can rake up exp for both classes.

>> No.6342090

I think I will go for fighter/mage then, it seems like something it should work.

>> No.6342157

You prolly ought to Kensai/Mage then. If you want thief, swashbuckler gets to use any item later in ToB, the freedom of getting to combine everything is comfy if you're not min-maxing specifics.

>> No.6342185

>swashbuckler gets to use any item later in ToB

Wasn't just all thiefs that could do that in ToB?

>> No.6342194

Nobody is forcing you to play dragonspear, and removing all traces of beamdog's writing only takes installing the mod Covenient EE NPCs

>> No.6342207

Yes, but swashbuckler is specifically melee oriented which is what you want, no?
Well, dragonspear is the extra content. I guess I'd want to see how awful it is? I'm going to pirate anyway, so it's not like it matters. What I care about most is turning off those godawful filters and healthbars.

>> No.6342257

Never understood the point of pure swashbuckler when fighter/thief exists and does same everything but better.

>> No.6342259

You can turn off all the filters and healthbars.

>> No.6342274

I mean, you'll wonder around and kill monsters, get a drop of extra experience in the grand scheme of things. Play around with the shit NPCs you get.

I guess if you wanted to see a Skald in action and use their retarded ass shaman class too.

We're all locked up anyway, it's worth taking a look at.

>> No.6342304

Well, you are capped at 8mil XP. Picking a dual class means you get 4mil worth of trash ToB abilities on the thief side, whereas swashbuckler gets whirlwind, is able to skill dual-wielding to 3, and gets +1dmg/thac0 every 5 levels as well as the other swashbuckler specific bonuses.

>> No.6342310

Also, if realizing your chars true potential at melyssan in ToB is your idea of fun, then that's fine, but a pure class should be more enjoyable with access to Use Any Item way earlier, right?

>> No.6342329

>less APR than fighter/thief
>thief THAC0 progression

>> No.6342332

I wasn't talking about dual class, but multi fighter/thief. Which gets fighter thac0, more apr, better weapon choice, better armor choice and better hlas. Also can backstab. What's the point of swashbuckler again?

>> No.6342361

I already told you, swashbuckler bonuses and UAI. Splitting XP to a thief on a multiclass is not a smart thing to do if you're min-maxing dmg.

>> No.6342373

>min-maxin dmg
>swashbuckler bonuses
What bonuses? F/T gets 1.5 more apr (specialization and fighter levels), can use better weapons like FoA, Crom Faeyr or Axe of Unyielding, has better thac0, more hp, can facetank with hardiness and Defender of Easthaven. Swashbuckler bonuses do not trump that, especially when F/T doesn't need to use whirlwind and can just pop Crit Strikes while improv hasted. Swashbuckler can't even use helmets before hlas! This is like another "monk is a lategame powerhouse" bullshit.

>> No.6342375

But fighter/thief gets UAI at the same time as swashbuckler, the +THAC0 doesn't even equalize the difference between swash's thief THAC0 progression and fighter/thief's THAC0 progression and the +dmg bonus doesn't equalize the difference in APR. The +AC bonus is something, I guess.

>> No.6342385

Your logic is piss-poor, YES Fighter is better than swashbuckler because it's Fighter, but it makes fuck-all sense to multi-class it with thief and split the XP. Why roll thief when you can get Fighter/Mage and get your money's worth as far as min-maxing is concerned?
>But fighter/thief gets UAI at the same time as swashbuckler
You've got to be meming here. The XP is split between the two classes. Again, don't roll a stupid combo, the fuck do you need UAI for if you're already on a class that mostly can already wear all the good gear?

>> No.6342392

> the fuck do you need UAI for
To wear items that are restricted to special alignments, classes or particular characters?

>> No.6342401

And I suppose that justifies delaying your Fighter level progression/other class than thief that's actually useful just to get it at level 24 late in ToB? You just complained about monk not becoming a powerhouse soon enough, but you're ok with halving XP gain for your Fighter class at nearly no benefit. Huh???

>> No.6342408

both swashbuckler and fighter/thief dual-class are pretty shit beacuse they are excluded from getting hardiness, on insane difficulty you'll die pretty fast in late-game SoA or ToB without the phyisical resistance, you have no access to armor of faith or arcane protections, theyre just as bad in the frontline as your single class thief
i guess a fighter/thief dual-class character could work if youre going to play an archer-type character and have him in the backline

>> No.6342414

You get hlas once your total exp hits 3 mil so multiclasses get theirs once both classes are at 1.5mil.
Only exception is mages who have to be at 3 mil no matter what.

>> No.6342417

First of all, the other dude is not me. I don't particularly care to rush fighter levels above level 13. F/T gets his big powerspike when he gets to his HLAs which is about level 14/16 or 17, I don't remember. From thereon he can do things other classes can't, mostly because of UAI.

>> No.6342426

Since when doesn't F/T get hardiness? He gets everything from both thief and fighter HLA pools. If anything, he can become a better tank than anyone else thanks to cheese like Hardiness + Defender of Easthaven + Jansens Advanture Wear. While being able to do sick damage.

>> No.6342469

dual-class characters only get the HLAs of their current class, multiclass characters get access to both
so a dual-class fighter/thief would only have access to thief HLAs (no hardiness), which makes the multiclass fighter/thief the superior choice

>> No.6342484

Yeah, I've noticed that you were talking about F/T dual class instead of F/T multiclass only after I've made the post. I've missed it at first because we were talking about the multiclass version and also my boss was hiding in shadows behind my back. My bad.

>> No.6342506

Kinda still feeling the drive for some BG, but I've done everything up to Throne Of Bhaal. I'd kind of wanna start over from the beginning, but then I'd either roll a Berserker again (which I was very comfortable and satisfied with, suiting my caveman brain), or try something outside of my comfort zone I don't really want to.
Then I'd have to choose later between Viconia, or any of the other girls I just don't give a fuck about, and I like her and don't want the others.
It'd be kind of stupid to play the same character the same way again though.

This is a dumb post.

>> No.6342510

Play what you enjoy, that's all what matters in the end.

>> No.6342517

I guess I could just go through it in a similar way again (maybe with some different party members this time).
I need to reinstall BG1 though, because it fucking crashes when I enter the Friendly Arms Inn.

>> No.6342521

Reminder that you can edit companion classes with shadow keeper
There's nothing wrong with replaying the same class, you still have 5 other slots that you can change around for completely different gameplay

>> No.6342523

Swap the alignment and go for a different party setup. Maybe experiment with dualling. Berserker is one of the best kits to dual from (into cleric or mage usually).

>> No.6342529

So I decided to run with a mostly good party this time. My arcane casters are Jan, Aerie and Nalia. I can't help but feel cheated because I have two whiny bitches instead of chaEdwin who's better than these two combined. Fuck me, I guess I'm gonna reroll and be evil again, gate is not the same without Korgan and a beast of a mage with all the slots in the world.

>> No.6342548

I suppose I could maybe 'tune up' the stats and alter some of the things about companions and stuff, though I'd have to bump up the difficulty more to feel right about that.
Can I use the trainer to make ridiculous dual-classes, like say I make Imoen some sort of Thief/Bard multiclass abomination? That's probably extremely useless, but I wonder what would happen.

I usually feel bad about being real evil in RPGs, well, RPGs that I really like and which have nice characters (I was fine with playing evil in Fallout 3 because I gave pretty much no fucks about any of the characters, and because there's preciously few consequences of importance 99% of the time).

It feels nice to be the hero, slaying evil creatures, etc.

>> No.6342549

I'm really tempted to start another run the second I beat tob but I know I'll just get burnt out if I do another playthrough so soon.
Last year I did like 3 runs in a row and after that just thinking about doing another made me feel naseues, couldn't even look at the game for months.

>> No.6342560

just play chaotic neutral chad and have your party mixed with good and evil characters
for me it's

>> No.6342561

I don't like being evil either, but I played a Lawful Evil character some time ago. I still ended with high reputation because I respect the laws of men and understood the advantages of being loved by all. However, I'd still be ruthless to my enemies and my ultimate goal was to ascent to godhood.

>> No.6342562

I haven't played Baldur's Gate in forever, like seriously a long time ago, back in my teens/twenties before I started and stopped cutting myself.
It was really refreshing because I don't play a lot of other games like it, Morrowind would be the closest in terms of a good fantasy RPG which I really like and have a lot of personal attachment to, but it obviously plays entirely differently from BG1+2.

>> No.6342572

One of the reasons I really want to replay is because I fucking love the music in these games, it's so goddamn good.
That said, is there a way to add back the tavern music that's missing in EE?

>> No.6342578

I guess what I can do is to not stick with Minsc all that long, I'll go pick up Dynaheir and then we'll do the mines, then trade him off for like, Kagain or someone.
I know Edwin is a great mage, but is there anyone else worth picking up? Xan is kind of anemic, my memory tells me.

>> No.6342580

yeah its called playing the originals with Baldur's Gate Trilogy instead

>> No.6342583

The scumbags even removed tavern ambient? Incredible

>> No.6342589

Dynaheir and Edwin are the best mages in the game so its worth having them both in your party
Xan can't use Evocation spells (but he can use wands so he is still good) and Xzar can't cast illusion spells which makes him extremely vulnerable

>> No.6342592
File: 297 KB, 1167x695, thanks beamdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the practical difference between doing that and running BG1 and BG2 separately?
Also is the installer supposed to just do nothing? It didn't the last time.

There's like, one, rather than the multiple different ones.

>> No.6342598

I tried installing this once but after I finished the BG1 and transferred into BG2, the game shat itself and crashed every time I tried to exist Irenicus' dungeon. I didn't even mod the game too much, just the usual Ascension, SCS, fixes and tweaks. Was that just a fluke and should I try again?

>> No.6342603

Koran is a fantastic archer and thief.

>> No.6342604

>What's the practical difference between doing that and running BG1 and BG2 separately?
Tome bonuses will carry over to BG2. That includes bonuses spent on Jaheira, Minsc and Imoen.

>> No.6342614

I just spent those on myself because I knew it wouldn't transfer on the others, and that worked out for me. Not a big deal IMO.

Installer still isn't doing anything.

>> No.6342685

I seem to recall from the original game that there at least in the game files existed plate armor which was explicitly stated to be made out of bronze, and had a yellowish color. Am I imagining this?

>> No.6342807

First time trying SCS and I'm not noticing too much change, is it normal? I guess things get more interesting with high level wizards and shit.

>> No.6342818

There's not much difference for early BG1 no, or for BG1 as a whole, it's only the good encounters that are changed, there wont be much difference for wilderness trash mobs. Aside from the occasional call for help or mage.
It greatly impacts "boss" fights in BG1, and pretty much everything in BG2.

>> No.6342824

I see. I guess I didn't have to configure anything after the installation right? I read something about difficulty levels but I couldn't figure were was that supposed to be.

>> No.6342825

depends how far are you in the game, there's not that many mages in bg1, also it depends on what difficulty you set the game to, might wanna check that that all mages and priests and pre-cast spells

>> No.6342828

Read the readme

>> No.6342829

Bandit Camp is much harder (entire camp is pulled), Davaeorn can be rough (infinite guard spawn) and some other encounters are harder.

>> No.6342836

Yes, that's were I read it but it says;
>or on non-Enhanced games by a new special ability granted to your character

But I don't know what it's referring to.

>> No.6342840

The special ability menu, the little star at the extreme right of the lower bar when you have a character selected

>> No.6342842

Uhm, there's nothing there though, just the skills you get every chapter. Weird.

>> No.6342853

So Siege Of Dragonspear probably has dogshit for writing, but what's the adventuring like?

>> No.6342854

I use the EE so cant help you more than that, but you should definitely have something there
Check the SCS forum https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/forum/118-sword-coast-stratagems/

>> No.6342857

its better to know nothing about SoD than to know anything about it
I guess if you have nothing better to do and just want to play an Infinity Engine game as shitty as it may be, go ahead and play it, but is it worth playing? no

>> No.6342861

It's not a big deal, but without touching that option in what difficulty I'm actually playing?

>> No.6342862

Icewind Dale style encounter design but worse

>> No.6342864

In the options menu, next to feeeback, autopause, etc. there should be a new option. Clicking on it will open a new dialogue menu.

>> No.6342878

The difficulty you select on the slider, they are all replaced. Changing it alters all difficulty-dependant SCS settings, and completely replace the old difficulty slider. (If you want to re-enable insane double damage you have to use the console for example, see customizations option)
The special ability is there to fine tune it, changing specific components.
It's all there at the start of the readme.

>> No.6342928

The first mage in Friendly arms inn should prebuff with mirror image and spring fucking sequencer on you. But I guess you didn't install the hardcore mage option.

>> No.6342930

Nope, that didn't happen, and I have to say I expected something with that mage.

>> No.6342943

I see. So the dungeons are completely uninspired and boring?

Never played the dales, how's that like?

>> No.6343002

Swarms of goblins and skeletons.

>> No.6343004

Icewind Dale 1 and 2 are good games, great visuals, great music, great voice acting when its there
its linear and with a heavy focus on melee combat, you dont encounter that many mages like in bg1 and 2, and the fights are not as interesting, the game just keeps mindlessly throwing hordes of enemies at you to chop up
nevertheless its still a very fun and comfy game with a nice aesthetic

>> No.6343037

crank that up to insane

>> No.6343168


> you dont encounter that many mages

To be fair, I don't remember magic being that offensively strong in IWD1.
Having a different spell selection and differently implemented spells doesn't help.
That first Horrid Wilting into a melee had not the desired effect...

>> No.6343208

Why the fuck barbarian rage doesn't prevent getting webbed
Is web not a hold effect?

>> No.6343215

Because Barbarian is a filthy 3e class and a poor man's berserker.

>> No.6343223
File: 490 KB, 3180x4720, violate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6343267

why the fuck is my bag of holding that I added with keeper full of magical weapons and seemingly invisible non-items that can't be deleted from my inventory, some which are unidentified

>> No.6343298

I just didn't want to copy Korgan and wanted to have some phys res so I could give DoE to my dorf buddy...

>> No.6343308
File: 113 KB, 654x476, Beamdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you act quickly, Beamdog is selling six portraits for their EE version for only $9.99 (down from $20) don't miss out on your chance to support the developer of Baldur's Gate!

>> No.6343309

Weren't they really shitty?

>> No.6343310

Uh, no, they're $20 portraits, clearly they're very good.

>> No.6343323
File: 342 KB, 420x660, Half-Elf_Female_Cleric_Portrait_HEFC_G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They aren't Icewind Dale portraits and therefore low-tier by default.

>> No.6343347
File: 777 KB, 1899x964, bags of holding sto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I bet you added it to BGEE and chose one of those with a nice color scheme
These are ToB bags of holding, when you start a new character straight in ToB you get one of those filled with a few essential equipment
There is equipment missing because these items aren't present in the BGEE gamefiles (despite the bags being in it with aforementioned equipment, go figure)
If you want to get them empty, get Nearinfinity,, edit the corresponding .sto file (not the .itm, bags of holding are functionally stores apparently) and remove all items in it, pic related, it's pretty easy.

>> No.6343368
File: 3.77 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment of truth, will this shitty port crash when I enter Friendly Arm Inn?

That makes sense. If I manage to empty out all the not-items, and put my own items in it, will they poof if I make that edit now?

>> No.6343375

no, your items will stay, it edits the game file so it's only when you first open it that it will be modified.
If I were you I'd reload a previous save before you consoled it in, or pick another of these bags, there's a buttload of them.

>> No.6343382
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it didn't! Fantastic! Let's hope this rickety piece of shit manages to hold together this entire trip.

It happened with the other bags too.

>> No.6343384

yeah of course it does, what I mean is empty the .sto then add it to your inventory. As soon as you add a bag of holding to your inventory, its content are saved into your savefile so even if you modify the .sto file, the items in it will still be here when you reload this save.

>> No.6343392

But if you create another character and add that same bag of holding after having edited the .sto, or reload a save made before you add this bag to your inventory, and then console it in again, the bag will show up empty.

>> No.6343401

Hmm, that sounds reasonable enough. I guess we'll see if this caveman fucks everything up or not.

>> No.6343506

>the fights are not as interesting
You think so? I think they're very well designed. Enemy placement usually makes pulling single enemies harder and the battles flow nicely from one to another. There are also some amazing highlights like Malavon.

>> No.6343508

You have misunderstood. The portraits cost 2 dollars normally and they're on sale for 1 dollar at the moment. The price in your picture is for the game itself.

>> No.6343542

this person believes triple classers can't get HLAs because they'd be stuck with 2,666,666 XP on each class

>> No.6343560

Triple-classers shouldn't get HLAs, 9th level mage spells, or 7th level cleric spells. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6343562

Being a weirdo who plays a triple class is punishment enough.

>> No.6343563

>Triple-classers shouldn't get
>9th level mage spells
They already don't.
>Prove me wrong.
Then they'd be really terrible, with nothing to look forward to.

>> No.6343565

Triple class doesn't get lvl 9 mage spells anyway. If unmodded (no hlas as innate abilities), that also means most mage hlas are no-no.

>> No.6343593

Berserker is too good. Picked it my first time playing and realizing he could easily blow out the underdark by himself was very satisfying, especially since I was using the good party. Would probably be a lot more ways to get creative with it now that I'm not 13 anymore though.

>> No.6343623

Because backstab is fun in SoA and F/T can backstab.

>> No.6343629

Sounds gay.

>> No.6343631

he is wrong on everything he wrote btw, you get HLAs at 3,000,000 total XP in all classes

>> No.6343639

Berserker is so strong that it gets kind of boring.

>> No.6343643

Being able to slam through groups of Ogres like you're a Slipgate Ranger with a Quad Damage feels pretty gud. I also feel like I don't necessarily have to be as concerned with how good killing machines the rest of the party is, leaving a bit more room for roleplay.

>> No.6343651

The strength of the class is that rage makes you immune to nearly every single status in the game.

>> No.6343669

It makes sirens far more bearable, usually it involves me moving in on them and putting the hurt on them, while they DON'T charm my party members, who are looking on from a distance.

>> No.6343752

Also a fun reason to play Cavalier or Inquisitor.

>> No.6344028


>> No.6344031

Speaking of good boys, would it make sense to take in Ajantis and turn him into a kit with keeper?

>> No.6344032

Basically the only things that are going to kill you in BG1 are horror, charm, or hold. So being immune to any of them kind of trivializes the game.

>> No.6344060

Doesn't change that you get HLAs at a halved rate, which is a pretty big deal in ToB. Fighter > Swashbuckler, gimping Fighter to multiclass w/ Thief? Not worth over pure Fighter/F/M. Post item combos that make UAI worth picking up on F as F already gives it a wide range of equipment available to use. Not even nearly the same cost-to-performance ratio compared to Swash.

>> No.6344075
File: 1.03 MB, 810x610, advantages of pro manlet fighters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this works, the Ogrillion is tall, Kagain is short, he can hack at his shins, I can chop at his arms and chest!

>> No.6344149

>Doesn't change that you get HLAs at a halved rate
You don't. Every time you level up in either class past 3,000,000 XP, you get to pick from either HLA pool. A Fighter/Thief multiclass gets 23 HLAs over the course of levelling which he can spend wherever he wants, and he can even go pure thief or pure fighter HLAs if he prefers. A pure Thief gets 17 HLAs over the course of levelling. The pure Thief doesn't cap out on HLAs faster than the F/T, either, naturally.
>Post item combos that make UAI worth picking up on F as F already gives it a wide range of equipment available to use
Scarlet Ninja-To for the best +1 APR off-hand weapon (poison on-hit, hits as +3 which means it doesn't become utterly irrelevant like Belm is)
Carsomyr / SotM for the discerning solo warrior needing dispel utility
Spellscrolls allowing you for answers to multiple threats a solo Fighter would struggle with
Human Skin, Soul Reaver or other powerful alignment restricted weapons

Pre-EE you had the ability to wear the gear of any NPC including Jansen's Adventurewear meaning you could stack Hardiness + Defender of Easthaven + Jansen's Adventurewear for 85% damage reduction.
Swashbuckler can't become proficient in the weapons unlocked by UAI.
Swashbuckler doesn't get a bonus +0,5 attack from weapon specialization, only the THAC0/attack damage bonuses.
>gimping Fighter to multiclass with Thief
The final pre-HLA level on Fighter that matters is level 13, where you unlock your second 0,5 attack. After that, Fighter levels are a wash and if it weren't for future HLA progression, they largely do not matter.

>> No.6344178

>you get to pick from either HLA pool
OK that's pretty broken, and I had no idea.

This sounds OP in ways I haven't experienced before, and am pretty convinced to try it out by now.

Does this all apply to EE or should I stick to vanilla?

>> No.6344192

I adored my evil beserker/cleric. BG1 wasn't *too* easy because I dualed over to cleric at level 7. By TOB though, globe of blades + aura of flaming death made me into a walking cuisinart. Yeah the rage made some stuff too easy, but it was a satisfying power curve overall and on max diff. there are still enemies you have to plan for.

I have been tempted to have another go 'round with a character focused on backstab shenanigans, anyone have experience with that?

>> No.6344215

>click on Edwin once
Calm down dude.

>> No.6344417
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game looks nicer without the linear filter, the way it's presented in options is kind of stupid, you toggle ON the option to not have it on.
Also this was totally intended to be a cave sometime during development, but it was forgotten or scrapped.

>> No.6344427

Game looks REALLY pixelated at 1440p. Raw pixels still looks a bit better than filtering, but it starts to look less bad at that point.

>> No.6344449
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is, I like looking at raw and crunchy pixels.
Also stumbled across this, I guess this part of the area wasn't perhaps composited so well when they made it, wonder why this one spot is so artifacted? Looks just as rough with the filtering on.

>> No.6344485


Ok, it seems SCS wasn't installed at all, that's why I couldn't see the options. It seems SCS requires to install two previous mods to work, why the readme doesn't tell you that?

>> No.6344491

are you playing the original baldur's gate?

>> No.6344492


>> No.6344502

SCS doesnt work with original baldur's gate, you need to install BGT or play EE

>> No.6344503

But I'm playing BGT.

>> No.6344534

Nevermind, it worked installing BG Fixes. It's a damn long installation.

>> No.6344568

Y'know, the somewhat more toned down and down to earth medieval fantasy in BG1 is comf-tastic. The peasants and commoners, the noblemen, the simple castles and forts, the typical houses and buildings, the taverns and their music.

>> No.6344653

The transition to Athkatla was really jarring for me back in the day. I could almost smell this hot humid noisy gnomejew-ridden southern shithole.

>> No.6344657

Damn, after installing SCS in trilogy I'm fucked because the world map only appear to be the BG2 one so I can't really move anywhere after the first map outside candlekeep. Has someone had the same problem? It can be solved uninstalling some component or something like that?

>> No.6344663


>> No.6344665

No, it doesn't, but I solved it anyway, don't worry.

>> No.6344667

>seems SCS requires to install two previous mods to work,
Fucking what the fuck are you even talking about
Holy shit

>> No.6344669

Yes it does, your imaginary two mods that need to be installed are covered in the compatibility or something section, if you tried to install it on a pure vanilla classic Bg install it's because you didnt bother reading shit

>> No.6344671

You're also not reading my posts, but as I said, it's solved, no need to worry.

>> No.6344675

I don't worry, but your posts and your issues are incomprehensible

>> No.6344680

Also, this seems an issue related to the installation order but it gets solved easily with the world map mod.

>> No.6344723

as I said, it's solved, no need to worry.

>> No.6344750

Your game should not get broken at any point if you follow the instructions and proper installation order. If your game got broken, it's probably still broken and you only fixed the most obvious and visible issue. Don't come crying here after you inevitably find out that you can't continue because the game decides to always crash at certain points or something.

>> No.6344763

Honestly nobody gives a fuck whether your problem is fixed or not, but if you can't post a precise description of your problem and start rambling about SCS needing other mods to work while pretending that the readme isnt perfectly clear on what you need to do and how, people are going to ask questions.
Your string of posts is barely understandable and concluding with "it's fixed" makes it completely useless.

>> No.6344764

as I said, it's solved, no need to worry.

>> No.6344768

For fucks sake....

>> No.6344771
File: 180 KB, 939x706, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just arguing with someone else who must be quite bored, please ignore it and continue with the thread, sorry. Just in case, I will reinstall everything if something else gets fucked so I will not post here about it soon.

>> No.6344775

Ignore the racist bigot troll. Report racists. Deplatform bigots. Only buy authentic Beamdog software.

>> No.6344779

And remember to always have Hexxat in your party.

>> No.6344785

This is how HLAs have always worked in any and all versions of the game.

>> No.6344924

Just asking for a general opinion if Fighter/Thief was gimped in EE or something. I'm actually kinda excited to play a cool dual-wielder.

>> No.6344961

The main difference the EE brought about is that Jansen's Adventurewear and a handful of other NPC only items (though not all) are now not equippable even under UAI. Dubious change, but oh well. Fighter/Thief multi will otherwise play mostly the same, and remain strong.

Just remember that you cannot backstab with non-Thief weapons (you never could in neither vanilla nor EE), including weapons that a Thief could only equip if Use Any Item was in play. Staff of the Magi is a Staff (duh) so you'd think it could backstab, but because it's normally restricted to Mages, it's not a legitimate backstab weapon.

>> No.6345029

I realized I only played IWD2 once, back when it first released. Any essential mods I should install? I remember it having an absolutely fucked-up xp progression that caused you only get like 1 xp per enemy slain.

>> No.6345063

I think there's just the tactics mod for IWD2 and not much else. The thing about the game is it mostly has fodder coming at you in waves, and not many magic casters, no idea if the tactics mod changes enemy types.
>1 xp per enemy slain
Maybe you played on easy and attempted to grind? IIRC XP gain diminishes when you outlevel weak things. You also get proportionally more XP if you play on HoF to the point of being able to get to really high levels really quickly if you know what to exploit.

>> No.6345213

I really love that shithole, it has a lot of character. I actually like how both games are so different.

I want a mod that gives you the opportunity to turn Hexxat in to temple authorities for being a vile creature of the night.
Or just letting me cast Sunray on her and have it work.

>> No.6345220

lol. wait until that retard gets the nesser roll.

>> No.6345320

again, as I said, I was able to move forward. please do not worry

>> No.6345502

Edwina is my waifu.

>> No.6345505

>I remember it having an absolutely fucked-up xp progression

Yes, it uses 3rd edition D&D. Just forget about it and play 1 again.

>> No.6345679


>> No.6345749
File: 513 KB, 634x476, fuckinguseless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just let Khalid die and replace him with Kagain or Ajantis, or does he stop being total shit at some point?

>> No.6345830

He's one of the best archers in the game (by the virtue of being a fighter who's able to put *** in bows and having decent dex) and archers is how you win BG1. He also has decent hp and doesn't die if you look at him funny unlike, say, Coran. Can wear plate.

>> No.6345835

I always felt him mediocre, he's good help in the mines, but after that I send them away and pick up others. You've stolen his face already.

Ajantis is good, but he will NOT tolerate the evil characters in your party, so you need to pay attention to him and keep him in check, so that he doesn't kill them.

>> No.6345837

His AC, HP and attacks trump Ajantis.

>> No.6345896
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAH! Not so fucking tough with a broken weapon, are you, you fag?

>> No.6345907

For what it's worth, Ajantis got that paladin save boost and a pretty generous amount of Protection from Evil casts / day. Plus his really enthusiastic "YEAH!" when you move him somewhere like he's some badass is fucking classic.

Certainly not the most optimal because his AC really needs help from those dexterity gauntlets, but a good frontline partner with Minsc and a solid choice for a good party looking to switch it up a bit.

>> No.6346156

>Chad picture

>> No.6346353
File: 2.54 MB, 2560x1920, Lonely Peaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or does this area feel like it was maybe made much earlier in development, as just a demonstration of gameplay and stuff?

Like the rocks here are all a gray color and texture which you don't see ANYWHERE else in the game, the ground is almost plain looking somehow, and it has these plain cookie cutter events and mini quests which feel like they were just whipped up quickly as a demonstration (perhaps to investors or journalists) of things that would be in the game.

Is there any documentation of the development of Baldur's Gate which could corroborate or point towards this?

>> No.6346354
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6346667
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of leaving Minsc and Dynaheir behind eventually, and then picking up Kivan, but who should I pick up after that?

>> No.6346917

Dual Imoen to mage and pick Coran.

>> No.6346925

I'm not sure how useful that would be, I'd rather stick Imoen with the Army Scythe and then bolts of lightning. Besides, she gets increasingly good at finding traps and picking locks.

>> No.6346936

99 percent sure your mod order install is why you're having difficulties.
In general, mod order should be patches, ascension, bgt, quest mods, npc mods, scs, tweaks, widescreen. There's a guy called leonardo watson who has a megamod/big world mod install guide that may be helpful.

>> No.6346981

Is it worth it to NOT dual Imoen to mage?

>> No.6346982
File: 95 KB, 640x480, skyrim npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I wasn't meant to level this high - that XP table is busted. That 5th level spell slot is perfectly functional with a bit of save editing though. Has anyone else removed the XP cap in the original? How far were you able to push it?

>> No.6346987

you only need 100 traps and 100 pick locks on your thief to be effective so after you get that you can dual her to mage
if you have another thief in your party you can just dual her to mage for the get-go
if you want her to be able to pickpocket and hide in shadows keep her a pure thief

>> No.6347068

The guy you're answering to is making fun of the other's inability to properly describe his issue

>> No.6347075

In BG1 maybe if you wanna do some backstabby action with her or have fun with traps. But for me she missed half the time even when backstabbing so she is pretty shit at that. I would dual her at canon level (7 I think) to mage, which coincidentally is enough to raise both lockpicking and trap finding to 100 with some points left over. She is much more useful that way. Pure thieves are shit.

>> No.6347081


>> No.6347153

I know it doesn't get talked too much because it's the weakest of the infinity engine games, but what are nice character builds for IWD2? It seems the 3.5 ed. and full group creation should give lots of options. There's any thematic groups or nice builds you know about?

>> No.6347183

>if you have another thief in your party you can just dual her to mage for the get-go

once you reach BG2 there are no good thieves unless you play one yourself. yoshimo is a dickbag and Jan is retarded and multi-class.

>> No.6347185

random question, can I play BG: EE with a gamepad? and if yes, does it perform well or is it annoying? I just wanna see if I like it and do something differently because I finished both games in the past already

I just saw that there is a PS4 version for BG 1 and 2 and that made me wonder.

>> No.6347187

I don't think so, but I can't think of a worse way of playing Baldur's Gate.

>> No.6347190

It's not at all the weakest. It was made with the same principle in mind as NWN1 or NWN2 because DnD is not meant to read like a book. 3e also works much better for a fully self-made party.

I don't know about thematic parties or any such nonsense, but I made mine following "Ultimate Powergaming Party" guide, and it was adequate. Some posts on the forums mentioned getting a level of monk for reflex saves when you have to cast AoE stuff, but not really needed to strategize for that unless you play on HoF with the tactics mod.

Any more than 1 wizard is unbearable because scrolls are very limited. 2 sorcerers and 2 clerics make for a good combination as you have to buff constantly and use up all your spells with the amount of encounters, especially on HoF. The 1 wizard works well on your 1st playthrough, but could very well be replaced with another brawler or sorcerer.

Overall it's a nice game, much more complex and difficult, could be a slog if you dive in unprepared.

>> No.6347194

You can play BG with a controller if you learn how to use xpadder. You'd have to get used to controlling the pointer with an analog stick. I don't mind switching between mouse and controller personally, especially in BG1 with lots just walking around, but even advanced keybindings are doable.

>> No.6347203

why cant retards like yourself you dont know jack shit about this game just keep your imbecilic opinions to yourself, Jan is better than any single class thief could be (single class thieves are the worst class in the game) because he has access to mage spells, any character that is able to cast arcane magic is busted by default (Haer'Dalis, Aerie, Jan)
you get plenty of thief skill points throughought BG2 even so you will never have the problem of having too few skill points in any skill
and I was talking about BG1 Imoen you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.6347205

I should have said "considered the weakest" , truth is it's the only IE game I have only finished once and that was years ago but I remember I liked it.
I didn't know scrolls were that limited, having a party with lots of wizards must be kinda difficult then. Also, how it was to have arcane casters with armor considering the feats dedicated to that? I remember there was a paladin prestige class to have some sort of paladin-wizard and stuff like that.
Bards were over-powered like in IWD1?
More than powergaming I'm thinking about trying new things and stuff you can only do with 3.5 ed.

>> No.6347218

>mage/thief bad
Never gonna make it

>> No.6347227

Right now I'm at "steal and scribe all the scrolls" portion of my current playthrough and I shudder to think of doing that with a gamepad.

>> No.6347235

It's 3e, not 3.5. Also, no idea, but I imagine a paladin/wizard would just kind of suck. Sorcerers generally run around with stoneskin/mirror image and mordenkainen's sword which gives lets them melee from distance, no need to turn them into tanks. I haven't been into IWD2 enough to research odd stuff.

On forums these are examples of builds I found interesting:
>Monk 1 / Ranger 1 / Paladin 2 /Rogue 1 / Morninglord of Lathander 14 / Illusionist 11

>Monk 1 / Rogue 1 / Dreadmaster of Bane 20 / Sorcerer 8

>> No.6347241

You make it work by mapping F1-F12 keys. Else it would take too long to click on everything with a stick controlled mouse pointer.

>> No.6347242

Limited scrolls are kind of a thing in both IWD, the first game is even worse in that regard (EE makes it way easier by adding sorcerers). In second game it's bearable but only if you have one wizard as anon above said.
Armor kinda sucks in IWD2 in general. There's a lot of light armor with decent enchantments, but heavy armor is not worth it and you'll get hit all the time anyway. There's a mod that makes all armor give damage resistance, maybe look into that. Armored casting feats for your arcane casters are not worth it in my opinion, they can protect themselves with spells way better.

>> No.6347274

>Jan is retarded and multi-class.
All the ultimately necessary Thief skills are reachable at like Thief level 10. For Jan or any other multiclass, that's like 320,000 XP.

>> No.6347425

What are the melee capabilities of say, mage/thief. It's obviously gonna be shit when compared to fighting classes but is it possible to make him into a cqc character? If dual wielding he could get up to 5 APR with main weapon which is not completely terrible. I want to make a Solid Snake solo walkthrough but I'm afraid dude will not be up to par late game.

>> No.6347426

just do fighter/mage/thief

>> No.6347447

I could do that but the point is that it wouldn't be much different from my previous runs.

>> No.6347473

>I want to make a Solid Snake solo walkthrough but I'm afraid dude will not be up to par late game.
You will be fine.
As you said, you have speed weapons and Improved Haste; it's enough for a respectable amount of attacks and Time Stop or hold position spells set your aim to 95%.
You get Mislead cheese, basically allowing you to constantly make backstabs.
You can Polymorph Self into an invisible Ogre in the early-mid game and backstab with the conjured weapon, with good Strength and a 4d6 weapon.
I wouldn't be worried too much about damage output; it should be sufficient even if ultimately overshadowed by fighter mixes. But the various traps and UAI and access to level 9 spells (with time) have their own advantages.

>> No.6347502

lmao seethe sperg

>> No.6347561

>look up Arkanis Gath thinking he had a cool thief build with that sick damage
>turns out he has a sword with death effect and no saving throw
Man, BG2 was so full of scripted bs cheated spells or innate abilities and undroppable invisible items.

>> No.6347571

atleast im not a retard lol

>> No.6347572

Mage/thief is great late game, probably out classes fighter/mage by this point
If you make him an illusionist/thief or just get Jan he'll have a great spell book, you wont miss out on necromancy. As mentioned, as soon as they are able to cast mislead they can basically get infinite backstabs at whatever APR count they are (they can get up to 9 backstabs per round with 2 speed weapons and the gauntlet from Watchers Keep).
If you give them thac0 improving gear they'll have an alright thac0, and it gets pretty good in the very late game.
Once they get UAI they can also drink potions of giant strength for bonus thac0 and damage, and the great number of STR gear in BG2 will suit Jan perfectly.
If you play with SCS, they'll greatly benefit from IWD spells that improve thac0 such as emotion: hope, emotion: courage (both of which are BUSTED in BG1 and BEYOND BUSTED in BG2 for such classes), recitation, etc.
The EE also adds headgear for shaman that gives a +2 thac0 bonus that they can equip with UAI
They of course get all the usual suspects of the arcane spellbook, stoneskin, mirror image, blur, protection from fire, spell immunity, improved haste, mislead, time stop, sequencers, etc.
And they get assassination if you run out of mislead
And they get time traps which work amazingly well with mislead
The BG2 quest pack adds the red scimitar, an amazingly useful weapon for them early on (gives +1 thac0 bonus on hit for 2 rounds, allowing them to maintain a pretty good thac0 early if correctly used)
They're a great class and one of the best late game, and completely outclass F/M/T at 6 million XP.

>> No.6347581

He's right retard

>> No.6347587

Stop. Leave.

>> No.6347589

Shut the fuck up already

>> No.6347604

You can tank him with protection from magical weapons
But you can't kill him
though I didn't try with Shapechange mindflayer now that I think about it

>> No.6347616

Yeah, the dudes in the forum post were saying death ward works, too. Brain drain is so glitchy it definitely works, but the cool thing is if you use the cheat and ctrl+q him into your party, the script still forces him to instagib you.

>> No.6347791
File: 1015 KB, 1920x1080, iwd2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't remember how much reactivity you can find in the first hours of IWD2, it's weird because later in the game it disappears completely.
I don't know if it was Black Isle just having some fun or at some early point they pretended to do a different kind of game, but it should have been nice to have more Black Isle style while keeping the action of IWD, a little like Storm of Zehir but better.

>> No.6347843

A word of advice I'd give to anyone who's relatively new to these games. Don't make a character who is designed to be amazing at epic level, especially not one that requires massive investment into a dual class. The reason is simple, the core of the game is Shadows of Amn, you want to have as much fun playing it as you can. Throne of Bhaal kind of sucks, and high level D&D is broken regardless.

>> No.6347853

There is not a single class that only reaches its full potential in ToB.

>> No.6347859

I mean except retarded high level dual classes, but no one would make those except to prove a point (like how much damage can the game engine handle in a single backstab, that kind of shit). But there isn't a single class that will only be good in ToB. Not one.

>> No.6347880

You can always get all the XP imaginable before spellhold and then do the glitch for 20 levels worth of XP. It's not like it'd be cheating, it's a glitch after all.

>> No.6347891

Never heard of that glitch, but still, even non fighter multi classes get good at 1,2 mil XP, which isnt that far off to get even for complete noobs.
And even in BG1, C/M, M/T and C/T fill good utilities roles that allow you to pick more fighters rather than other "specialists" for the other slots
I don't think any first time player would rush on a F/M/T or a F/M/C or dual class a character at level 20.

>> No.6347896

having both Xzar and Edwin was a fucking blast breh

>> No.6347897

>F/M/T or F/M/C
Those classes only have problems in the super early game, but as the game goes on, due to how those classes rapidly develop their early levels, they aren't that bad even in a full party. At 500,000 XP, you're looking at either a level 10 pure Fighter or a 8/9/10 F/M/T or 8/9/8 F/M/C. Granted, in a party setup I advocate the tripleclassers as being more like F/Ts or F/Cs with magic support rather than fullblown F/M hybrids.

>> No.6347903

I actually discovered it myself just playing casually, but I imagine speedrun people and glitch hunters abuse similar things. There's this big talking head in spellhold that awards you XP after killing goblins or whatever pests those were and doing a thing with it lets you get the XP over and over, infinitely. I actually never felt like ruining my playthrough and maxing out the levels but I remember boosting myself to around level 13 cause it was fun. Good times.

>> No.6348323

Anomen is one unlikeable bastard.

>> No.6348442

i never had a party that could even use him

>> No.6348529

I mean, I can think of multiple parties that could use a Good pure Cleric with a nice Fighter bonus.

>> No.6348785

first char i played since BG1 came out was a mage, party in 2 Valygar -> Keldorn -> Sarevok Minsc Jaheira Aerie Imoen
next one berserker/cleric, party Korgan Mazzy Viconia Edwin Imoen

i sure can think of parties that could use him, just never got round to it

>> No.6349332
File: 183 KB, 425x396, Keldorn and Anomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find my Paladin playthroughs end up using him a lot. A Lawful Good Cleric/Fighter of The Order of the Most Radiant Heart is a perfect compliment. And since I'm a Paladin already, I get to release Keldorn from service to spend time with his wife and daughters after he's done mentoring Anomen.

>> No.6349349

That is wholesome. Also cool art. Any more of those?

>> No.6349367
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's just all the more confirmation that I did something wrong.

>> No.6349376

Katanas are underpowered in d20.

>> No.6349825

Learn how to install mods in the correct order.

>> No.6349862

Anon, we both know my INT score isn't high enough for that.

>> No.6349863

The katana is a single-edged, slightly curved sword that ends with a chisel point. The katana is perhaps one of the finest swords ever made, the steps to its creation a long and secret process, that is more art form than anything else. This blade is an important facet of Kara-Tur culture. To touch or wield a samurai's katana is to insult the samurai and to incite his wrath. For a gaijin, or foreigner, to own such a blade is a rare occurrence. Either the gaijin is a greatly honored friend of an important minister, or the gaijin has murdered a samurai.

>> No.6349872

>The katana is perhaps one of the finest swords ever made, the steps to its creation a long and secret process, that is more art form than anything else.
Ah, the 90s, when people unironically believed this. Some still do, I suppose.

>> No.6349890

Besides the weaboism, it's not like that's completely untrue.

>> No.6349897

It applies more to game based on other d&d edition

>> No.6349972

To tabletop as well. Been playing on and off for 15 years now, I think I've spent less than 10 hours of playtime on levels over 12.

>> No.6350002
File: 391 KB, 1200x589, Katana Hachisuka family Muromachi (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sword like any other, whether it's a good one or a bad one generally depends on the smith and the effort and materials put in. There's finely made ones, like pic related, and then ones which leave a lot to be desired such as some of the assembly line stuff issued to a lot of Imperial officers in WW2.
Generally they've got a pretty thick and rigid blade with a lack of springiness (which has its pros and cons), and are more oriented towards slashing and hacking, rather than stabbing and piercing.

>> No.6350013

I was saying it in the sense it is treated as a piece of art, sometimes more than a war weapon, and and it's creation usually involves a long process. Of course you can make everything industrially with little exceptions.

>> No.6350153
File: 385 KB, 1200x554, Konishi Christian family Katana Edo (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that they may have been more oriented towards being status symbols, but it's not like that was uncommon with other swords in other cultures (maybe Japan put more weight on that).
Also you made me go look at nice antique Katanas for the past 40 minutes, these Christian motif ones are stunning.

>> No.6350172

All this is making me want to keep Yoshimo in my party. Any mod that allows me to resurrect him?

>> No.6350178

Sure, it's not something unique, I don't know if other cultures have this thing of forging enormous blades just to be put in temples as offerings but there could be something similar.
As a teen weaboo I have to say it was amazing to see katanas and other japanese swords in BG2, that combined with dual welding was too much for an impressionable 16 yo. Now I find Kara-tur setting mostly silly and unfitting.

>> No.6350196

Your advice literally only applies to dual-classing because not only dual-classes are inferior in ToB, it's also a tremendous chore to have to play catch up even if you dual-class at level 9.

Other than that, generally speaking, BG2 is the kind of game where playing anything except dual-classes is going to be rewarding in some way. Except it's EVEN MORE rewarding if you pick a class that becomes really powerful in ToB like kensai/mage, specifically because it's not tabletop and you can grind out XP and cap out with ease.

The only other instance I can think of is forcing yourself to solo because of the XP getting split across the party; that you shouldn't do as a new player because it's not fun to have to leave items on the ground being out of slots to carry things as well as not have supporting casters to make combat more manageable.

>> No.6350468

>Your advice literally only applies to dual-classing because not only dual-classes are inferior in ToB
Not really. The benefits from the kit and usually the high scaling you get in your next class (especially if it's Mage or Druid) can be generally considered stronger.

>> No.6350785

What's so good about Kensai/Mage? He is not a frontline fighter for longer that it takes to dispel protection from magical weapons and even then he is shit at that because he doesn't have fighter HLAs. He is a mage with some melee potential but mages don't even need to go for a melee and don't ever want to anyway. Berserker/Mage sounds infinitely stronger because you actually get something out of the Berserker class which are the awesome undispellable immunities.

>> No.6350793

>He is not a frontline fighter for longer that it takes to dispel protection from magical weapons
+ Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Blur, Improved Invisibility. All of these protections last long, can be instantly recast, doubly so since you will have Vecna, Amulet of Power and later Alacrity. You can also make yourself immune to dispels thanks to Spell Immunity: Abjuration or Divination.
>even then he is shit at that because he doesn't have fighter HLAs
Fighter HLAs aren't a prerequisite for strong combat. What do you need from them?
>Greater Whirlwind
Redundant; you have Improved Haste to hit the APR cap.
Redundant; mages are already the best tanks in the game.
>Critical Strike
This is good, except F/Ms, instead of blowing their aura on turning on Fighter HLAs, can instead just keep making attacks and still cast spells in the same round thanks to Alacrity.
>Power Strike / Smite
Nice skills but you already have other ways to get CC in.
>Resist Magic
>mages don't even need to go for a melee and don't ever want to anyway
As said, Mages and Bards are already the best tanks in the game. This isn't something to debate against, it's just a fact. Between your spell-induced invulnerability and most of your spells being instant cast, as well as powerful melee-supporting spells like Improved Haste and Black Blade of Disaster, this statement couldn't be further from the truth.
>Berserker/Mage sounds infinitely stronger
This is debatable although I tend to lean that Zerkmage is better than Kensage, but not "infinitely". Kensage's lack of helmets and bracelets is relatively less important to a Mage who can simply make up for these with spells, and having constant access to bonus THAC0, damage and weapon speed means stuff dies faster. On some modded fights in particular being able to kill something faster (like for example zerging a buffed enemy under Time Stop) is favorable. While Berserker Rage is great, it's also arguably redundant with your buffs.

>> No.6350803

>Fighter HLAs
Consider that even an ex-9 Kensai/Mage has better THAC0 than a multiclass Fighter/Mage until 3,500,000 XP and will always do more damage than the multiclass thanks to Grandmastery. Include the fact that enemy AC values aren't high enough even in ToB to really care about higher THAC0 than even the basic F->M duals do.

I don't know who first invented the idea that Fighter->Mage duals are primarily mages and that their fighter skills go obsolete with time, but this is blatantly untrue considering disabling spells and Time Stop give you 95% chance to hit anything anyway.

>> No.6350809

>Redundant; you have Improved Haste to hit the APR cap.
What I mean is that if I played a mage, instead of trying to be a melee hero I would just project image and send the illusion to do a time stop (or not if it's not needed), buff up with improved alacrity and unload everything I have for devastating AoE damage. Much better DPS. Just because I can make myself immune to anything doesn't mean I have to go melee. What's the point?

>> No.6350823

This varies depending on version of the game (vanilla BG2 gives no APR Grandmastery bonuses, Baldurdash True Grandmastery "fix" gives +1,5 APR at GM total, and EE gives +1 APR at GM total), but a dualled Fighter->Mage has no problem hitting 9-10 attacks per round:
>1 base attack
>+1 from dual-wielding
>+1 from Belm/Kundane in the offhand (which is BiS)
>+0,5 from Weapon Specialization
>+0/0,5/+1 from Grandmastery
>+0,5 from level 7 in Fighter
>+0,5 from level 13 in Fighter
>+0,5 from Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization
>double the APR with Improved Haste
mix these and match however you want and you will be looking at 7-8 attacks with your main hand and 2 with your offhand.
You might say:
>But with GWW I'm hitting 10 attacks with something like FoA/Crom combo or Ravager instead of lugging around an useless Belm!
Except turning on GWW consumes your aura and lasts for a very short time, which means you're enjoying these benefits only briefly andit hampers your ability to cast spells inbetween flurries of attacks, which is enabled to F/Ms by Alacrity. Even on regular Fighters, Critical Strike+Improved Haste with Belm offhand is stronger than GWW in most situations.
>(...) What's the point?
The DPS from unloading your entire spellbook is great, but it's something restricted by rest. The Fighter levels grant you damage that is no questions asked and doesn't expend additional resources - what you see is what you get. This means that you can fight longer without resting. BG2 doesn't usually restrict resting, but consider that
>mages only become better damage dealers at high levels
You become a full-fledged ex-9 Fighter->Mage at 500,000 XP, which is little, and you will solve a lot of your problems by meleeing before your most devastating combos come online.
>there's a lot of combat encounters that the FIghter levels streamline and turn less tedious
This is a subjective, player-induced factor, but certainly helpful nonetheless.

>> No.6350836

>Fighters are generally stronger at single-target damage
Your Fighter self is not only capable of dishing out phenomenal amounts of melee damage with relatively little investment (Improved Haste and you're done), the fighter weapons also carry abilities such as the stun from Celestial Fury, vorpal hit from Axe of the Unyielding, slow / interrupt through Stoneskin (with elemental damage) from Flail of Ages, and so forth. For mages to achieve similar levels of single-target damage, they have to spend a lot more resources, which is more tedious and in some fights less feasible.
>Mages are strong tanks
Since Mages are strong tanks due to spells, there's no problem with having one at the frontline. And if they're at the frontline, they might as well swing their sword.

If you're looking at a character that is concerned with Project Imaging shitloads of AoE and then Wishing their spells back, you're better off playing a Sorcerer, which is entirely geared around spellchucking. The point of a Fighter/Mage is that you can mix and match both playstyles depending on mood, tactical sense, and other factors. A number of fights are really, really much easier if you have an additional powerful physical damage dealer, and that's what the F/M provides. And it does so at a relatively little investment - contrary to your beliefs, even an ex-9 Fighter->Mage remains a competent combatant all the way to ToB due to bonuses from weapons and self-buffs.

>> No.6350849

So basically all that means that I have an okay melee damage ability which I can use when I don't want to rest all the time. I can see the appeal while playing solo but in a party? I usually have 4 project images in my spellbook which allow me to go for 4 major fights without resting. Easier fights will get cleaned by my other characters. I guess I just don't agree but that's okay.

>> No.6350873

>okay melee damage ability
No, you have fast caster progression combined with top tier melee damage ability, better than pure fighter's because you can protect your buffs from dispel with SI:A.

>> No.6350905

You just sound like you don't believe in having a melee character on the frontline for some reason. That's okay, I guess? You can play whichever way you want, but you could also pick the most efficient tank/DPS instead of like 2 fighters. Subjective preferences are fine, but there's no point arguing against the most potent char build if efficiency is to be considered.

>> No.6350918

>okay melee ability
Literally 300 potential damage per round on average at 10 APR for FREE.
Also will use a lot more spell slots for personal defense that a regular mage, which will make him tankier than anythig else in the game, especially compared to a pure fighter.
A F/M under stoneskin with AC boosting spells and the occasional mirror image can tank any dungeon without resting once. Add to that all the elemental protections offered by the mage spellbook and protection from magical weapons which is the only good way to tank stuff like fallen planetars while you kill them.
Going beyond fighter 9 or 13 when you have the mage spellbook is useless, you will reach sufficient thac0 to hit pretty much anyting even in ToB regardless, and you will cap at 10 APR under imprved haste for 3 rounds +1 round / level which lasts a really, really long time compared to GWW. F/M types are incredibly useful regardless, in any party ever. They're one of the most optimal classes you can make.

>> No.6350927

And of course access to spell immunity to prevet dispelling as long as it's up.

>> No.6352072

Going from TOB to BG1 again, I'm so unused to these meager spell slots and selections.
Oh well, at least that means enemy mages will be weak too.

>> No.6352278

Our quest is vain!

>> No.6352280

One of the more fun things to do with Keeper is turn him into a F/M.

>> No.6352440

Does maze have any restrictions on what it can be used on?
I just trivialized the abazigal fight by making him disappear until all his minions were dead.

>> No.6352548

okay, so what's with Rasaad being Sanic compared to all the other party members? He walks slightly faster than everyone else. Does inventory weight affect how fast you walk in a micro spectrum sort of way?

Steam community also said he's shit so now I wonder if I should keep him.

>> No.6352551

he's shit

>> No.6352553

monks get a bonus to movement speed.
And yeah monks are shit, drop him.

>> No.6352559

>Oh well, at least that means enemy mages will be weak too.

in BG1 you really have to kite mages somehow.
like if he casts a spell either walk out of his frame or literally use spell wands, fail his conjuring and shoot the motherfucker dead. that Thay wizard fight in the goblin fort with Neera is absolute bullshit btw. there is no way you can do this without it being a shit fight. I just used Neera with a fireball wand. what's also fun is using Imoen's trap ability and remember where that douche wizard teleports into the room.

>> No.6352561

k, guess I try out some new characters I found.

>> No.6352563

>okay, so what's with Rasaad being Sanic compared to all the other party members?
Monks have higher base movement speed. They're also immune to Slow and Haste effects after level 5.
>Steam community also said he's shit
He is, especially in BG1, where Monk scaling doesn't kick in at all. In BG2, he has the benefit of Monk scaling without items, but powergamers have already figured out that Monks do less damage than Fighters with gear (and that gear isn't that hard to find), have a really hard time surviving physical attacks at all (you need to stack AC and consumables), and their few uses are rather niche (the stun on-demand is nice, I guess, and you can occasionally wreck a Beholder lair or something when Magic Resistance kicks in). Rasaad also has shitty Constitution.

If you insist on making him work, use Stealth as much as possible, and try to play him as a skirmisher. Flaming Fists can be stacked multiple times for burst damage. Stunning Fist is actually pretty cool. Give him darts or a throwing knife. Give him a weapon until at least level 5 or so. Or better yet, get a better NPC.

>> No.6352567

thanks for the insight, dude.

>> No.6352615

Drink a potion of mind focusing.

>> No.6353047

Monks are good, it's just
>beamdog writing

>> No.6353053

>Monks are good
Not again, please.

>> No.6353056

In BG2 I mean.

>> No.6353059


>> No.6353061

They are never good. It's a melee class that cannot be hasted, has no crit immunity and d8 hit dice with no warrior con bonus. Even compared to ranger they lose, because the latter has more hp, fights with actual weapons that have cool effects on them, wear helmets and armor, can be hasted and can cast armor of faith. So the (arguably) second worst class is miles ahead of monks already. How is that still an argument?

>> No.6353069

Monks in BG2 are alright if you're totally new because you don't have to wrack the mind with item builds, and it's satisfying to watch your char get damage in for most of the hits even it's low damage. The magic immunity and increased speed also make exploration and combat not stressful. It'll still get decently strong eventually, at least if no mods are involved, so picking it one of the best ways to just explore all the content comfortably.

>> No.6353082

Advice, please.

Loved Planescape: Torment when I was a kid.
Five years ago dropped BG1 in a few hours - too many micro, hustle UI.
This winter adored Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

Question: will I like BG2? Is it aged well?

>> No.6353092

>BG2? Is it aged well?

>> No.6353102

Torment is another kind of game made by another developer, so you will not necessarily like Baldur's Gate 2. If you're not into the combat you're not going to enjoy it. Still, you should start with 1.
And why you ask if a 2000 game "has aged well"?
It's a game for Windows with mouse controls, perfectly playable for anyone.

>> No.6353126

Because he's a moron. You're responding to a guy who complains about micro in BG1 and ambiguous UI problems. Classic console-child tourist.

>> No.6353130

He'll never learn if he won't sit down and play.

>> No.6353273

Why are there no Throwing Knives +1? I mean there's some Daggers which are throwable and return to your hand in BG2, but not in BG1.

>> No.6353286

The thalantyr item mod lets you make one if you have a +1 dagger, 1 oil of speed and 500 gold

>> No.6353314
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Protection From Petrification is really good for Mutamin's Garden, who could have ever imagined that? Hyuk hyuk.

RIP Korax tho.

Will I fuck things (further) up by installing that now? I already did something wrong, judging by Bags Of Holding and that cursed +2 Katana with a full plate description (until identified). Haven't noticed anything else besides that though.

I stuck Xan with throwing knives, and he's doing pretty decent as ranged support, because throwing knives are cheap and weigh nothing, so he carries a couple hundred of them, keeps him out of melee trouble.
I think he could do some more impressive damage with some +1 ones though.

>> No.6353321

How did you not like BG but like Kingmaker? Kingmaker is much clunkier than BG. I mean, I would assume anyone who liked Kingmaker would like both BG.

>> No.6353409


>Seinfeld intensifies

>> No.6353425
File: 3.15 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always loved this.

>> No.6353467

>Everyone witnessing agreed it was a briliant interpretation of the rules

It sounds kinda bullshit to me, even for a drow.

>> No.6353480

it is but D&D is full of meme races and meme characters. since they're drow they'd put backstabbing and cunning above everything else and thus it worked out that way. yes, it's retarded and makes no sense.

>> No.6353536

As drow as it can get.

>> No.6353552

Seems like a textbook example of Lawful Evil to me.

>> No.6354242
File: 3.63 MB, 1920x1080, Baldr049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, Xan rolled with these punches like a chad; forgot to cast Protection From Fear (a stupid mistake), Viconia casts Silence, but it only works on half of them, then they cast Horror in retaliation spooking me, her, and Kivan, Imoen is out of range, and Xan makes his saving throw, then proceeds to pitch knives at these red dorks, interrupting their spells repeatedly, tanking their Magic Missiles, then returning some of his own, before shanking the last one in melee.

>> No.6354485

In which map were these? I forgot to kill them as first time I encountered them I was too low level.

>> No.6354496 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.6354505

What's the deal with Korax never going hostile in the EE? It will play the audio clip indicating he is about to, but then he just goes on as usual.

>> No.6354510

South of the Bandit Camp somewhere. It's where I went and got The Victor, as seen: >>6353425
A pretty good ring actually, since you're not allowed to save against the beam, though it does become less useful in BG2, where there's far more enemies who have enough Magic Resistance to just ignore it.

>> No.6354513

Occam's Razor would suggest Beamdog incompetence.

>> No.6354579 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x3250, 1587335976770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better example.

>> No.6354587

Just played Baldurs Gate 2 for tbe first time ever. Best game of all time

>> No.6354604

Thanks. Will get them on my next walkthrough.

>> No.6354640

I held out hope until about 2008 or 9 that someone would make something better, but then I pretty much accepted that it will never be surpassed.

>> No.6354830

Fuck Shadowdruids, fucking treecommunists.

>> No.6354868

is baldur's gate reloaded good?

>> No.6354941
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, Baldr024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder how my boy level 14 Cernd will fare against such odds....

>> No.6354946

Faldorn is a jobber desu.

>> No.6354948
File: 383 KB, 1920x1080, Baldr026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all according to plan

>> No.6355012

Weak, I pulled Enrage + Draw Upon Holy Might, when I punched her in the jaw they heard it all the way to Waterdeep.

>> No.6355543

I'm on my way to her now. Seems much rougher with SCS. Time for Jaheira to shine.

>> No.6355658

Shit, nigger, why'd you go and call Zaaman Rul?!

>> No.6355854

New player here, playing a sorc. Just for a bit of roleplay but I'm also wondering, is there any point in having a character background? Or some sort of preparing for "hey, we're fucking off from Candlekeep, who cares about potions, tactitcs or enemies you'll face, I'm going to die by nightfall anyway?"

Pretty awful desu, and yeah its not like regular enemies are a huge danger (except for the ones that have an arrow rain) it just feels.. silly.

Also is it expected to rest after every combat? Otherwise my sorc isn't even good for a meatshield. That or using some kind of wand I guess.

>> No.6355871

No point on having a character background unless you want to RP. I like to be consistent with my character choices along the game though, so I do have some idea in mind. But I don't necessarily write it down.

You're not expected to rest after every combat. The lack of spell choice is a problem for casters at first, but they pick up fast. Wands and potions are everywhere in BG1, so yeah, make good use of them and build a 6-man party.

>> No.6355874

...and I get the bandit ambush with Jaheira as hostage quest right now, so I'll temporary lose her. Ok then...

>> No.6355876

Re-roll a 18/00 fighter and forget about the sorc. It's not worth putting up with mages in BG1, and you cap out at like level 8. Also, it doesn't take little time before getting the tome of strength at all if you don't know where to go, so again - roll 18/00.

>> No.6355943

Background is pure rp feature.
Low-level mage gameplay in d&d is suffering, at least sorc has what, 3 casts at lvl 1? Generalist wizards start with ONE.
Buy some darts or a sling if you're a strong boy and get some companions to carry your ass, soon you'll rule with your arcane might.

>> No.6355945

you shouldnt play an arcane caster on your first playthrough, archer is a really good class to start out with and is solid throughout the whole trilogy

>> No.6356001

>archer is a really good class to start out
Why would you propagate this meme? The best way to grind XP is going to ankhegs (which aren't capped btw like the ranger says), and their ranged attacks are much stronger than closing in into melee range. 975 XP per kill, perfect for a fighter.

>> No.6356027

But I didn't
She did

>> No.6356037

the NWN2 module? yes, it's good. I tried it in the past but it's been like 5 years. same with the Icewind Dale conversion. also pretty good. I just prefer the original because fuck 2005-07 3D. NWN2 looked really pretty but was unoptimized and unfinished so it looked quite awkward sometimes.

>> No.6356049


why not just a normal and more versatile Ranger base class? rarely if ever were class specialists any good in D&D games with their garbage disadvantages. like sacrifing one magic school for another. it's even annoying with Edwin for example. he can't cast identify although high lore stat helps.

>> No.6356051


sadly I sent him off because I already had Neera. I thought you could talk to him later in the friendly arms inn or something but things work so differently in BG1 compared to BG2 where saying no to a companion the first time isn't a big deal at all.

>> No.6356059

>playing a sorc

shit class but mostly because they can't learn scrolls.

>> No.6356065

She is, but you should be ok. Insect plague or creeping doom should be the biggest threat to your druid, but with some micro and haste you can get one down and avoid hers until you kill her.
I just increased her level by 40% along with all other divine casters in the SCS .ini before install and allowed all eligible clerics and druids to use HLAs in the options, so it's not representative of what you should expect the first time with SCS. And aTweaks also gives elementals more stuff to do.
I don't think I I could beat that duel without getting Cernd to 3 million XP, but he's dead now anyway.
Fucking druids man.

>> No.6356067

Literally the best class in the game

>> No.6356079
File: 2.16 MB, 640x480, ankheg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this

The ankheg doesn't attack,

Literally free XP. FREE XP.

>> No.6356081

You should definitely play an arcane caster on your first playthrough if you so wish, you'll end up with one in the team anyway and BG1 has good archers companions everywhere.
There is no better way to get a glimpse on how to git gud and the endless gameplay possibilities you have in this game than playing an arcane caster of some kind the first time around.

>> No.6356082

Just got her. It was nothing impressive in the end. It's my first SCS run and I'm a bit disappointed at the difficulty so far. Only the Shade Dragon is causing me issues. I think that I made the game too easy by rearranging companion weapon proficiencies. I'll finish this run on 'Improved' and then jump to 'Hardcore' I think.

>> No.6356090

Insane or nothing
Of course there is not a big difficulty jump if all mages don't come fully pre-buffed

>> No.6356093

Hello? No one? It's FREE XP

>> No.6356095

Also, really unironically, Insane is fun as fuck. It's so fucking great

>> No.6356114

I didn't want to jump into it yet. Last time I played BG was 6 years ago. This is good as a refresher. I also greatly enjoyed BG1 this time around, more than the last times.

>> No.6356119

>why not just a normal and more versatile Ranger base class?
Because it's trash and trades weapon grandmastery and faster level progression of a Fighter for shit like charm animal and MAYBE Armor of Faith in the late game.
>rarely if ever were class specialists any good in D&D games with their garbage disadvantages.
Archer is one of the best damage dealing classes in the entire saga and it gets all of its gear to itself because it's also the only class that scales well with missile weapons other than maybe Sling-oriented Fighter/Clerics buffed like crazy
>shit class
Are you
the same people? because the style of typing and the amount of complete wrong is staggeringly similar

>> No.6356121

>roll 18/00
Holy fucking shit, the advice in this thread is starting to become perplexing
Yes, waste like an hour of your life and potentially sacrifice other important stats just to get a largely irrelevant and temporary bonus

>> No.6356127
File: 2.16 MB, 640x480, FREE XP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But did you get FREE XP from ankhegs?

>> No.6356128

What spells did you pick up at the start?
Your Sorcerer should be spamming Blind on enemies in every encounter, also do some minor quests and save up for a Wand of Sleep. Use a Sling or Darts from behind the rest of the party.
Mages and Sorcerers in general in the early game aren't pew pew blasters, they are purely crowd control dispensers until at least level 5 or so.

>> No.6356130

I just defeated Daevorn and entered BG proper on my first ever SCS2 playthrought. That fight with 4 wizards was by FAR the toughest I had so far, the surprise double stoneskin assrape Silke, cheating skeleton in Ulcaster or free action teleport Deavorn didn't even come close to 4 mages creating armies of spiders and worgs, charming and holding all over the place, drinking invis pots and then double magic missiling my casters from behind so shield does nothing. It was the only time I accepted casualties thus far. I dread the fight on second floor of magic shop and on top of Iron Throne now. Like, not playing for several weeks now kind of dread.

>> No.6356134

Where's the fun in that.

>> No.6356135

>oh no I cant use identify, this is definitely not worth three (3) additional spell slots PER LEVEL
Just get garrick and leave him somewhere in an inn in BG1, and get him to identify shit for free and get some glasses of identification in BG2
Not like you're gonna use them a lot anyway
who the hell would give a flying fuck about identify

>> No.6356138

Are you posting from 2011

>> No.6356141
File: 162 KB, 640x480, 18-00.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally started rolling when you posted. see webm

>> No.6356145

Honestly playing a sorc on a first playthrough is asking to completely fuck him up with a bunch of shitty spells

>> No.6356146

What do you mean? You get 975 XP per kill and it's skill-based. What's not to like?

>> No.6356150

Exactly my point. You sacrifice max Dexterity and Constitution just to pick up a largely irrelevant bonus to Strength and for some reason you also max out Charisma. You value like +2 THAC0 and +3 for half of the game and a Dagger +1 from Fuller + some free Antidotes over +2 HP per level and -4 AC. I don't comprehend why would you insist on this. The 18/00 bonus is superceded by Fighter consumables and the tome, so it's redundant and not worth sacrificing your stat total, which in your case is pretty abysmal.

>> No.6356151

Who gives a shit, don't waste time rolling 18/00 when it will be useful for barely a tenth of the total runtime of the trilogy
playing pure fighter on a first playthrough is also the best way to miss out on everything fun you can do in this game
At least dual class him

>> No.6356157

>playing pure fighter on a first playthrough is also the best way to miss out on everything fun you can do in this game
Not him but I don't understand you. There are no Intelligence or Wisdom checks in this game and your party members can do all of the "fun" things anyway.

>> No.6356159

Are you two memeing? BG1 is capped to like level 8. There's no point doing any convoluted shit.

>> No.6356162

>dread the fight on second floor of magic shop
Arrows of detonation target practice
you can definitely imagine the merchant saying "go try those upstairs, I have set up a range there"

>> No.6356163

Also I managed to clear like 5 locations and still haven't encountered tomes so yeah nice >18/00 is not needed. Give me a break.

>> No.6356165

Again explain to me how is a mild amount of bonus damage and THAC0 compared to literally any other 18/xx stat is better than -4 AC and +2 HP per level from having rolled an 18[xx]/18/18 stat total and not 18[00]/8/16 stat total, and what do levels have to do with this

>> No.6356167

Because base rangers are trash.

>> No.6356168

What the fuck are you saying
Of course there is a point in doing convoluted shit, understanding how the game works and having more fun that mindlessly hacking trash mobs with a 18/00 pure fighter that you spent two hours rolling
The best fights in BG1 are at their best when you find creative ways to win, not just brute force and reload if it fails

>> No.6356170

18/00 is completely useless against the trash mobs that are 99% of the enemies encountered until you get to the time of str in chapter 6.

>> No.6356176

I first played with SCS on insane on my second playthrough ever, and never went back
It was hard as fuck, but it was great to figure out how to git gud and survive. I genuinely never had a better time on a videogame than this first SCS insane playthrough.

>> No.6356204

You always focus more on your main character than your party members, that's who you give the best stuff, that's who you try most things with.
There is nothing interesting to focus on with a pure fighter.

>> No.6356216
File: 809 KB, 640x480, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, took me 8 minutes, and you have the perfect fighter for BG1. Stop pretending 18/00 is hard.

>> No.6356217

Yeah, I can definitely see that. I'll be trying on Insane next one for sure. I'm playing now a F/M and I'm absolutely loving it, to the point that I'm not sure if I can play anything else.

>> No.6356218

>nothing interesting to focus one with a pure fighter
You have the most gear to play around with (multiple possibilities), you have special Fighte-only consumables and the tome boosts to stats are most relevant to you because you have three core stats. Solo Fighter is fun and challenging, why wouldn't party Fighter be?

>> No.6356219

Again, who gives a fuck
You have +1 thac0 to kill trash mobs, congratulations

>> No.6356230
File: 5 KB, 290x142, 1418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tf is this just +1 thac0 you smoothbrain

>> No.6356232

18/00 is completely unnecessary is the entire point
not everyone will get it a high stat total along with 18/00
and most people building Fighters in BG1 want to import them to BG2, where the possibility of dualclassing or an intelligence buffer against mind flayers is good to have

>> No.6356234

>Were the life of a child not at stake, I would say leave these mad gnomes to their own devices and forbid them from ever reproducing again.
Thanks Anomen for the valuable input.

>> No.6356239

Because drinking a few potions of giant str and some oils of speed wont exactly teach you all the fun things you cam do with any other classes.
Fighter is the easiest way to focus on brute forcing encounters and reloading rather than figuring out alternative tactics and strategies
There is also nothing really interesting to do with gear in BG1.
Reaching 100 fire resistance, if you find two rings and a helm of defense, getting free action, getting low but not perfect saves. Again, way to miss out on using spells and getting good at that instead.
Fighter is a really good, fun and efficient class, but it's also a very simple one that will encourage brute forcing and reloading more often than finding alternative solutions for new players, because it doesnt really have any.

>> No.6356241

And yet I managed to play for like 10 hours clearing woods already where my 18/00 applied in absolutely every way.

All this for... 2 minutes of rolling and 8 minutes of rolling where I got 18/00 twice. Gee such a long time vs 10 hours of gameplay, so not worth it.

>> No.6356245

You have companions. You still get to use your intricate "strategies" (in bg1 of all things).

>> No.6356246

Literally 1 thac0 difference from the rest of 18/xx scores
Who gives a fuck, you will be at 19 anyway, and before you reach 19 you literally wont encounter anything with remotely high AC or hp pools anyway
Enjoy rerolling, but you'd be better off using that wasted time playing and understanding the game you stupid fucking ape

>> No.6356254

Actually 2 thac0 and +3 dmg because your impatient dumb ass rolled 01 and you had to max out int and wis on a fighter lmfao.

Also arguing that playing for 10 hours with 18/01 str doesn't cost you on average is actual smoothbrain stuff.

>> No.6356259

>Enjoy rerolling
Also LMFAO I literally did that already TWICE. It took me 10 minutes. Are you even serious. You're seriously complaining 5 minutes for 18/00 is too much for you? Do you even play or just argue in these threads

>> No.6356262

You're beyond retarded
Go build your stupid fucking strawman elsewhere, I would tell you to learn to read but you probably have more retarded shit to post about WIS scores nobody talked about
And yeah getting high int on a fighter allows you to dual class, which is better than 18/00 ever will
Go kill your gibberlings with you +1 thac0 +2 damage, hero of the sword coast, it was definitely worth it

>> No.6356265

So how many total points did you get, counting your 18/00 with those.

>> No.6356269

Ankhegs give you 975 XP per kill. The fuck are you talking about? That's probably the best XP you'll get in the entire game. And also you can still forfeit charisma and max out your int then if you care about dual-classing so much (likely you will if you have the patience to dual-class btw, likely you beat the game already). God you're such a halfwit, and all this over 5 minutes of rolling lmfao.

>> No.6356270

Seriously man, nobody gives a sjit about 18/00 aside from number obsessed autists like yourself, it wont give you any edge compared to 18/xx, if you have fun spending 10 minutes rolling to get it, fine, but it literally does not matter in the slightest once you actually play the fucking game.

>> No.6356274

18/00 is just a waste of time, even if it's as much as +2 thac0 and +3 dmg
it might work on a single-class fighter, but on multiclasses or dualclasses it's already pointless
not to mention martials like paladins
it's just redundant and not worth the effort is the entire point
remember that your first webm was a fucking 18[00]/8/16 Fighter with 18 Charisma, which is a joke

>> No.6356275

Just look at the webm and count. Enough to max out CHAR as well as fighter stats. But if you want to dual-class so bad then forfeit dialogue boxes and put in INT whatever.

>> No.6356279

Literally mental illness

>> No.6356280

>That's probably the best XP you'll get in the entire game.
Farming Basilisks with Korax and/or protection from petrification is much better XP
Sirines can be hunted for 2000 XP
Flesh Golems can be hunted for 2000 XP apiece
All of them with relative ease, too

>> No.6356285

Incomprehensible conclusion to a retarded autistic meltdown that proved nothing but that you don't know shit about this game

>> No.6356286

>+2 thac0, +3 damage
>b-but over 10 hours it doesn't add up
Improve your IQ.
>5 minutes if a waste of time
Alright. Can we stop arguing in circles? I already explained to you over 10 hours +3 damage and +2 thac0 is going to give you a huge edge on average. You're too goddamn dumb to realize how much you're gimping yourself statistically.

>> No.6356293

Okay can you farm those literally moments after recruiting jaheira? You can't.

>> No.6356298

Your retarded strawman assumes everyone rolls with 17 str when it's not at all what anyone is saying
Take your fucking meds, you're having an episode

>> No.6356303

Just check the webms, enough stats to make a strong fighter. No one new is going to need your dual-classes and BG1 ends before you know it anyway. At worst you can spend extra 5 minutes to max out stats for whatever dual-class you need and farm ankhegs from minute 1 (because they dont' attack) anyway. Literally a golden strategy and 18/00 helps a shitton to clear ankhegs.

>> No.6356305

>+3 damage and +2 thac0
in the worst case which you are clinging on to
in the best case, it's +1 damage and +1 thac0
and no, it's not a "huge edge" on average
if you calculate enemy HP and the average damage of a solid one-handed weapon
18/00 STR also does absolutely nothing for you, you will end enemies on average in one or two hits, you are statistically unlikely to miss out on a kill just because of 1 or 2 HP.
Using bows which grant 2 attacks per round, have special ammo and allow you way more safety on game modes like Insane doesn't care about your Exceptional Strength value at all either
that's why it's redundant and not worth prioritizng over other stats
you are still completely avoiding the issue of multi and dualclassing or you are advocating that a character should run around with 3 Charisma if he wants to dual or multi, which means you're missing out on shop prices and better rewards for quests just to get a shitty, small, incremental bonus that becomes obsolete in time and only works for one weapon style
your "10 hours of gameplay" example literally assumes you're spending 10 hours just swinging a sword at things and that's patently not true between all sorts of other options like consumables, missile weapons and other shit

>> No.6356306

this thread sure went to shit fast

>> No.6356308

You can, you utter fucking noob
You dont even have a chance of taking a crit and being melted in acid for your retarded trouble

>> No.6356309

Holy hell get outta here with your pretentious game modes. This is VANILLA BG1. Stop obsessing over end-game.

>> No.6356312

Yes you can farm Basilisks literally as the first thing you do after Imoen talks to you in Chapter 1
Recruit Korax and have him tank basilisks while you shoot them from afar
Potion of Mirrored Eyes is optional for this and purchasable relatively cheap from Thalantyr
This is one of the most well known cheeses in the entire saga and one of the most well known powerlevelling exploits
failing that, you even get more XP just from successfully doing the Melicamp quest

>> No.6356313

You can't and you're making shit up or I'd encounter these things. Ankhegs were already super strong unless you have had a strategy, and you're telling me to dive deep down into whereever and kill a mob for a whopping 2k XP on level 1? Total. BS.

>> No.6356317

Well, whatever. I haven't encountered those yet. If I do, I'll let you know.

>> No.6356318

Rolling for stats was a mistake.

>> No.6356320

>pretentious game modes
What are you talking about? What endgame?
What in this post says anything about endgame?
When did it somehow become less efficient to be safely using a bow from afar at double the attack per round, with better THAC0 (from max Dexterity) instead of insisting going into melee in every encounter?
You do realize that Insane difficulty is in the base game and all it amounts to is double damage to all your party members in which case YES, you preferrably want to stay at range?
Why are you purposefully evading every single argument just to talk about a statistical nuance that you were initially willing to sacrifice the actual good stats for?
Seriously, what the fuck is this post referring to?
You are not making any sense

>> No.6356325

Ankhegs attack you if you don't close in, bro.

>> No.6356326

Okay, the guy confirmed he is bad at the game and hasn't even encountered the aforementioned areas, go back to regular thread business.

>> No.6356328
File: 14 KB, 198x255, e61ede355f5e95ea81afe36f024e275c0ce3e8e41ff9358c88a49c0f4f92e32d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6356329

You are using a micro-heavy strategy that requires multiple party members to work with and is still liable to get critted by an acid spit while you close in whereas a level 1 mage with Shield spell on can solo ankhegs by just casting Blind on them in which case they are truly inert, in which case he can kill him even with a sling.
There's no reason for him to do that, either, because there already are more efficient methods for XP, and were already outlined.

>> No.6356330

Wooooooooooow, that's too bad. It's not like we were autistically sperging over who is le correct. You just couldn't do without a nice strategy I came up, it offends your pride as a master baldurs gaitist that an alternative way could possibly exist. There's nothing else than winning an internet argument. Oh boy oh geez aren't you an amazing individual.

>> No.6356337

Bards make better fighters than fighters.

>> No.6356340

Right, I forgot your master strategy's prerequisite is 18/00 strength
and that the 10 hours you spent with your 18/00 strength warrior were all spent meleeing specifically ankhegs
and that your first webm outlining the tactic includes such 18/00 strength specimen like Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid and Viconia

>> No.6356341

>and were already outlined
They weren't before you had to go all out spergmode on why I can't have nice starting stats because GOODNESS GRACIOUS I LOSE 10 MINUTES ROLLING oh gooooooooooooooood, what a feat. I swear you people are beyond retarded.

>> No.6356348

Bards make better physical damage tanks due to spells, but not really fighters. Bard doesn't really get anything that matches up to a bonus full attack and the damage/thac0/possibly APR bonuses from Grandmastery.

>> No.6356352

It's not even anything special. I came up with it on the fly on shared it lmfao. I can already imagine your thick glasses and nerd goofball voice as you are typing this out. You just can't appreciate anything because winning an argument is what matters to you most in life.

>> No.6356360

>They weren't before you had to go all out spergmode on why I can't have nice starting stat
No, you were giving advice to a newbie struggling with the game to give up on a strong class he enjoys playing and insisted that the way to go is an 18/00 STR Fighter, insisting that rolling 18/00 is somehow important when it really isn't. Don't feign innocence about how ebil 4chan ganged up on you when you were literally a guy stuck in Chapter 2 with his first fighter character and not someone actually equipped to give advice.

>> No.6356367

It's good advice and the other anon agreed. There's a good cost to performance ratio for just 5 minutes of your time to roll 18/00 and then play for 10 hours combating stuff.

And you're actually recommending dual-classing for a newbie. I'm laughing in your face, kid. You're retarded.

>> No.6356375

>It's good advice and the other anon agreed.
Literally no one in this thread agreed with you
>And you're actually recommending dual-classing for a newbie
Never did, it was just mentioned as one of the reasons high stat total > 18/00 (applies to multiclass characters too).
Again, you're somehow dodging the issue of 18/00 being a really small bonus and not applying to ranged fighting, which is the most efficient fighting style against 99% of the encounters in the early game, both damage wise and safety wise

>> No.6356382

just killed that ugly fatlus.
shit writing btw.

>> No.6356384

Look sweetie I know you want to feel extra super special right, but this has gone too far. I dont' want to be mean to you and realize your great wisdom is helping, so let's just agree to be friends and not continue this, okay? Just relax calm down take your pills and stop with this madness of continuing to not like my ankhegs strategy which is actually really good, and you don't even know 18/00 for it, it's just something extra I did just because and not for any specific reason. Fine? Okay.

>> No.6356424

>The Candlekeep Catacombs are three levels of dangerous dungeons located below the Candlekeep Library. The only way to access this area is during Chapter Six
>Chapter Six
Okay this has to be serious memeing I fell for. Chapter SIX? And you would still say it's not worth rolling 18/00 if it takes this long a time to obtain the tome? Incredible.

>> No.6356439

for the thousandth time from eveyrone in this thread, no, it's not worth it, it's not required, it's not needed, you will literally encouter nothing but trash mobs before this point
Shut the fuck up already, this debate is fucking worthless.

>> No.6356450

It's worth rolling 91+ at least if you want max cha + int or whatever, but it's not worth rolling low for the sake of maxing out wis for no reason as well as the other stats.

>> No.6356452

not that guy but if you keep repeating one thing over and over it wont suddenly become true, farming ankhegs is fucking stupid because they can kill you very easily at low levels
youre probably a save scumming faggot that reloads every time one of his companions dies so your opinion is worthless

>> No.6356454

Also you're you, not "everyone". It's just been you responding a ton.

>> No.6356471

>everyone disagreeing with me is one person
Not how it works, I'm pretty sure there are aty least two other posters who have been telling you that you're a stupid fucking retard

>> No.6356483

Also this, fuck's sake

>> No.6356487

Oh you would love to push the narrative of how socially acceptable it is to sperg out over absolutely minuscule petty details like spending a few extra minutes to roll better stats. Truly pathetic, and you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.6356489

reminds me of this: there is a tome in the game which permanently raises your constitution by 1. so you can conveniently start with 17 for that stat. that tome is helpful knowing what will happen with one of your stats in BG2 during the dream episode.

>> No.6356492

It's not because it literally only takes a party with like 2 fighters with any stats. They don't attack. The area is quite in your way.

I can't wait to see just how more build specific and out of the way that 2k XP bullshit is. And I already know it is because you complained about "micro" (micro with pause hahaha) of all things.

>> No.6356496

The only sperg in this thread is your stupid fucking ass.
Everyine else has the decency to build a coherent argument about anything they're arguing, you're just crying and kicking and screaming like a fucking toddler and generally making this thread complete fuxking garbage by having nothing whatsoever to say while being unable to SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.6356501

>I haven nothing to say but I must post
Fucks sake I've never seen such an obvious noob taking so many fucking words to say absolutely nothing of fucking value
You spent 10 hours on this game and already half of that arguing about it

>> No.6356503

You don't need to powergame to beat BG. There's nothing wrong with playing an unoptimized character.

>> No.6356507

ahh so youre already jumping to conclusions that your method is the "best" while agreeing that you know nothing about the other methods, thus you admit that you know nothing about the game, and your whole argument is a wild leap of faith caused by your own retarded sense of pride of arrogance
>the ankhegs dont attack
they are supposed to, fucking cretin, i dont care what bugs you are cheesing

>> No.6356508

Oh I've perfectly adjusted to your petty level of mindless nitpicking over trivial details. The only qualities you could possibly be described with is stubborn smoothbrainness. Can't help yourself not to fuel with the fire any further though, can ya? typical 4chan sperg.

>> No.6356515

Ha you wish it's a valid assumption when you're conversationalist displays pure idiocy like complaining about micro. Can you even still hold the mouse with all that arthritis? You can pause you know.

>> No.6356519

that post is the first time i replied to you schizo, i dont know what micro shit youre talking about

>> No.6356523

>they are supposed to, fucking cretin, i dont care what bugs you are cheesing
What a perfectly low IQ. Since when is manipulating the mobs AI, which is skill-based btw, cheesing? It gets to attack, not as little as possible due to manipulation, but you couldn't discern that in your all-knowing wisdom, huh? Kudos, truly.

>> No.6356524

Man, when a mongoloid with zero self-awareness enters the domain of posters absolutely willing to dig in their heels about the most inane horseshit it's truly the thread apocalypse.

>> No.6356528

Keep samefagging and then deflecting. You're cuter when you do.

>> No.6356536

these are the only posts in which i replied to you, you dumb fucking redditor, i am sorry that you are unable to comprehend how retarded the shit you spout is, so that multiple rational people will prove you wrong

>> No.6356538

Which suits this site because you just can't help yourself debunking optimal use of time in a video game.

>> No.6356543

I'll let the grand adjudication team of proper post reply distribution & demarcation know as they analyze your efforts, anonymous-kun. Your hard work won't be in vain, that I guarantee!

>> No.6356547

400 posts in a week and now we'll get 150+ posts that spawned from a beginner playing a sorcerer.

>> No.6356549

>hey guys this is a really good method
>yeah bro its not that great actually
>dude look i understand but its pretty shit actually
>multiple posters prove him wrong and he accuses them of samefagging
what mental illness is this?

>> No.6356554

>what mental illness is this?
The kind of illness where you insert unrelated 18/00 as the sole reason of the method being unsuitable to your extremely high standards.

>> No.6356568

>hurt durr u dumb
Still no argument
What a shock
Fucking ape

>> No.6356572

Regular day for a 16 years old on 4chan

>> No.6356574

That's hilarious. You're genuinely oblivious? Lmfao.

>> No.6356580

>still cant read
There's just no hope for this level of pure fucking retardation

>> No.6356586

Oblivious to what
Your inability to say anything but retarded namecalling and proving nothing but that you have played 10 hours, can't read, don't understand shit and would rather shit up threads than try to argue anything like a normal non-mentally I'll person?
Fucking kill yourself you fucking insane retard

>> No.6356587

Keep deflecting and moving goalposts, I'm sure eventually you'll come out as the grand victor of this anynomous post battle.

>> No.6356594

To the fact that despite how much you care about not digressing into stupid shit, you continue to fuel your pathetic OCD of absolutely being unable not to communicate your absolute scorn and disdain for anyone who dares object to your iron-clad indisputable logic. You fucking moron.

>> No.6356608

What goalposts
>hurr durr 18/00 stronk hurr durr micro useless because pause
>me pgm
I'm arguing that you have nothing to say and can't shut the fuck up because you'd rather insult everyone than try to understand what they write.
>more insults and still no argument
Ok, what is your point then?
Always fucking incredible to read 16 years old retard insulting everyone for an hour then bitch and complain about proper rhetorics

>> No.6356609

This reminds me of that time a guy baited three posters to create a 600 post Infinity Engine thread by constantly arguing that no-reloading Baldur's Gate is entirely pure RNG and not skill, and when given examples to contrary he would go back to an argument answered 40 posts ago and try to restart the argument, and they typed at each other like that for at least 3 hours straight, went to bed, and created more posts

it was like 600 posts and 18 unique posters

>> No.6356617

Well he wasn't wrong. RNG plays a heavy part in the "skill" of this game.

>> No.6356619

There's no point. Human beings can't be 100% logical, but you're too stupid to get that, and are going to continue to be a dumb alt-right trumptard exercising your iron-clad will of logical correctness to the point where people just ignore you because they're fed up.

>> No.6356625

No no, it was like 2000 posts and 4 posters
I remember it too but regardless of the fucking retard arguing utter nonsense it was actually a very good thread with high quality discussion and good understanding of the game, too bad that it was in response to a literal autist.
This shit is just one fucking mongoloid who thinks he discovered fire and is butthurt and insulting everyone when they point that he didn't.

>> No.6356626

>bringing politics in here out of all places
>haha guys human being are not 100% logical (basically admits that he is a fucking retard)
return to reddit you mentally disturbed freak

>> No.6356628

No. It never does. You just don't know what you are doing if it does, that's literally all there is to it.

>> No.6356630

Here's to our 100% mathematically correct, beacon of logic, anonymous poster. May he live a 1000 years.

>> No.6356632

>more nonsense
Imagine my shock and surprise

>> No.6356641

You know, instead of posting this kind of retarded shit, you could just shut the fuck up

>> No.6356647

What the fuck does the alt-right and the bogeyman living in your head RENT FREE have to do with anything

>> No.6356650

You're winning, trust me. You're this close!

>> No.6356654

uh thanks for admitting youre wrong, i guess

>> No.6356659

Not him but explain to us what do the alt-right and shit have to do with all of that, the thread is dying anyway so go ahead, expose your mental illness, we wont make fun promise

>> No.6356665

I adore your inability to self-respect and so you go, meekly, "w-what did I do? i-is it me? d-did i say s-something wrong?". It just goes to show how much of it a simple vacancy in your of braincells that would improve your social standing. sad, but understandable.

>> No.6356668

nigga u drunk or on drugs, go to fucking sleep

>> No.6356669

What are you smoking

>> No.6356676

His psychotic meltdown is losing steam! Quick, someone reply point-by-point to his post

>> No.6356679

You're no fun anymore. We'll trying again in the future.

>> No.6356703

well since this thread is dying and has been taken over by madness and drug abuse, let's get a new one going

>> No.6356713
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 89519083_10218460696367778_8261007609717325824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man posts bad advice, gets called out for it
>In a desperate attempt to save face, starts by defending his shitty opinion, pivots to name calling and blatant trolling
>Check back 2 hours later
>He's still at it
inb4 he calls me autistic/sperg or accuses me of samefagging

>> No.6356790

how do you make a ui mod for BG?