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File: 92 KB, 768x768, Nintendo-Selects-The-Legend-of-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time-3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6336043 No.6336043 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer the original or the remake? Despite the graphical improvements, the n64 original still feels like it has more soul to me t. zoomer

>> No.6336046

Surely you meant charm?

>> No.6336054

The remake looks MUCH better.
The only issue with the 3DS version was not being dark enough in some areas.

>> No.6336065

Soul wasn't natively supported in the 3DS on a hardware level; some experimental software-based Soul support was tested on early betas but in the end they just dediced to make the game better in every other way and leave it at that.

>> No.6336067

I've played them both a couple times and I honestly think theres no reason to go back to the original unless you are nostalgic for it.

>> No.6336081

seems like british tradition to be a jackass

>> No.6336082

Or if you wanna wanna play on an actual television, Ocorina of time on the go is a novelty, it belongs on the big screen.

>> No.6336089

The main issues I have with the 3DS remake are minor ones that I feel a texture romhack could easily fix. You know, blood and stuff

Aside from that the models gameplay and framerate are improved. Plus 3d.

>> No.6336094

You're probably right about that, I didnt think about it from that angle. Growing up I only had handheld consoles so I am completely used to them and don't really care about using a bigger screen

>> No.6336112

I don't like the modern art trends. I don't like traditional drawing and painting all replaced with purely digital, brightly colored stuff. None of the colors look as natural and it loses that classic fairy tale vibe.

>> No.6336113
File: 92 KB, 800x420, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The menu improvements and gyroscope support for aiming make it worth it 2bh, not to mention the mirrored Master Quest.

Also I like the 3D effect, feels like an interactive shoebox diorama

>> No.6336130
File: 1.51 MB, 2850x1950, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional drawing and painting
It's likely literally nothing seen in-game in the original was done outside a computer. And even the illustrations were painted digitally and sometimes look like DeviantArt shit

>> No.6336162
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, remake_OOT_compare1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3ds version is made by unskilled laborers who completely miss the point

>> No.6336179
File: 62 KB, 834x296, remake_OOT_easteregg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i found out they replaced the charming portraits with brown bricks and pipes, i was disgusted

>> No.6336181

Why are so many Zelda fags overly concerned with cinematics? You’re worse than jarpigs. The story isn’t anything special. Only gameplay and performance matter, and the remake excels at both in spades.

>> No.6336198

>the story isn't anything special
it's a single player role-playing game, the story is important, you may not personally like the oot story specifically, but that doesn't mean it's not an important part of the game
considering how many cutscenes there are and how story-focussed the game is, i'd say it's pretty important for the cutscenes to be well done in oot

>> No.6336204

That video is comically embarrasing, but probably not in the way you think

>> No.6336208

>role-playing game
stopped reading right there

>> No.6336214

it's not an RPG because....?

>> No.6336215

Imagine thinking such a minute detail makes the remake inferior. You faggots really like cherry picking, don't you?

>> No.6336225

Have you ever played an actual RPG? Do you know where RPGs come from? Does D&D ring any bells for you?
Zelda is as far to an RPG as you can get with medieval fantasy adventure games. Your choices don't matter, progression is linear, and you will always play as Link. But if playing the role of Link is enough to consider it a role playing game, then I guess Mario 64 is one as well.

>> No.6336230

Imagine all the people living life in peace

>> No.6336234

living in a yellow submarine

>> No.6336263
File: 183 KB, 560x482, 1580726507093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minute detail/Cherry Picking
Almost sounds like a compliment, it's not even that. It's just starting from changes = bad and desperately attempting to reverse-engineer an objective explanation.

The saddest thing is I'm pretty sure the SOUL meme started self-aware enough, but people actually jumped into it with genuine conviction out of their need to elevate and glorify stuff they can remember from a less shitty period of their lives

>> No.6336284
File: 1.78 MB, 3772x2700, remake_OOT_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't believe they got away with this, then i realized most customers dont notice or care

>> No.6336418

>For the remake, they changed the colour of a door... It has no soooooooooooul.

>> No.6336436

who are you quoting?

>> No.6336437


>> No.6336593


>> No.6336619


>> No.6336621

>No Slash

>> No.6336939

There's many remakes that deserve hate (that Double Dragon remake comes to mind).
OOT3D, however? Pretty based. Yeah it didn't do some things as good as the original, but it still looks great, and plays better.

>> No.6336956

Remake. It actually fixes some of the worst bugs like the mask contest not rewarding you correctly if you don't complete it before going into the future.

Blood on the walls? Who cares? The Shadow Temple and well is about as scary as a carnival haunted house.

>> No.6336961

anyone who would rather play the N64 version is blinded by nostalgia

>> No.6336968

>it's a single player role-playing game, the story is important,
Yes the story should be:

>There is a dungeon.
>Can YOU beat the dungeon?

>> No.6336969

A lot of people just like to exaggerate their opinions. it's true that the lighting looks different, and the original N64 was overall darker, but that's not a reason to completely disregard OOT3D. It still is very faithful to the original (especially when you compare many other remakes that completely rape the original vision with actually ugly art direction), the character models are new but they are based on the original character designs for the game, and everything else looks pretty close to the original still.
I think the majority of people who invest time in bashing OOT3D just do it to piss off people who enjoyed the remake, which is the majority so it's a very easy bait.
The N64 original is still worth playing though and I'd personally recommend playing it first, so you can later compare and see how the remake improved gameplay stuff, while also appreciating the original's darker atmosphere.
However, if you're gonna play N64, make sure it's the original version with red blood and muslin chant music, otherwise don't bother.

>> No.6337065

Original, by a long shot. I made the mistake of playing the 3DS game first, but switched over about halfway through

>> No.6337105

It's presentation ya dingus.

>> No.6337119

>unanimously new game good
>same thread on /v/
>overwhelmingly old was better
Is this board just zoomers LARPing or what?

>> No.6337150

This thread is mostly people saying that both versions are good, and acknowledge that the N64 original has better atmosphere (or a darker atmosphere, at least).
Really, there's so many actual bad remakes to pick from, OOT3D is not one of those.

>> No.6337173

Even if you pick just one reply to read, there was a big chance that wouldn't be the takeaway

>> No.6337191

I don't think OOT3D is a bad remake at all. I think it's great, in fact. I just think the original is even better.

>> No.6337559

One thing the remake did that I really appreciate is the Biggoron sword has a unique sheath on Link's back, as well as a unique hilt when it's sheathed. That always bugged me.

>> No.6337605

I prefer the original. The graphics, controls and playing on a CRT make it stand out to me over the 3DS version. I don't think it's bad on the 3DS but I would only recommend it if you can't play the original.

>> No.6339063

I didn't play the remake but the original is better

>> No.6339080

Drawing a sword that size would be impractical as fuck

>> No.6339114

No matter how good the 3DS one is, you still have to play it on a 3DS, which is fucking miserable

>> No.6339152

He meant heart.

>> No.6339247

>what is emulation

>> No.6339309

Citra's garbage

>> No.6339315

The better framerate and the gyroscope aiming make the remake a far better experience than the original.

>> No.6339326

werks for me

>> No.6339328

That's the beauty of having low standards

>> No.6339376

>runs at my monitor's native resolution
>doesn't drop frames
What more could you want?

>> No.6339439


>> No.6339569

I prefer the N64 version over the 3DS version.
Also, it's a remaster, not a remake.

I just hope someone releases a colour-corrected, uncensored version of the 3DS versions of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask to make them look more like the N64 versions but with the higher-quality assets and better framerates of the 3DS versions.
Maybe even a patch to add Circle Pad Pro support to Ocarina of Time 3D (since Majora's Mask 3D had it but it was never patched into OoT)

>> No.6339579

>3DS Ganon pic taken during peak lightning strike

>> No.6340487

>in the end they just dediced to make the game better in every other way and leave it at that.
Except they didnt. There are some quality of life changes but gameplay wise the bosses some sections and even the atmofere (to an extent) suffered. I still prefer the artstyle of the remake but all of the previos problems are a serious no no.

>> No.6340497

I prefer to play it on a large screen. I have no opposition to graphical improvements.

>> No.6340892



>> No.6340893

Man I love Ocarina of Time. Ganondorf was my favorite!

>> No.6340897

remake is tarrible. TARRIBLE!

>> No.6340906

I prefer the muted color tones in the original. I don't get nostalgic for anything but music.

>> No.6340907

that pic VERY good

>> No.6341735

that's an "enhanced" version for the artbook and 3D version. The original promo art had different shading and they added lines.

>> No.6342317
File: 25 KB, 620x250, 1383539693619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original has that early 3D charm which the remake does away with in exchange for "good enough" graphics. The lack of atmospheric darkness as Anon mentioned is actually a pretty big deal considering it ruins the atmosphere of the final battle.

>> No.6342397

The only real complaint is the lighting/atmosphere, really. And only in some specific parts.
Other than that, it's a very good remake, worth playing for all the QoL stuff added, and just overall worth playing to play a different version of OOT, which isn't exactly the same as the original, but still great.
People just love to complain about details and that's fine, but to say it's not worth playing just for the lighting is a bit too much.
Most people played the censored N64 original with green blood anyway so this isn't a real reason to disregard OOT3D.

>> No.6342405

Remakes of both OoT and MM are superior. The only thing I dislike about the MM remake is the moon's face.

>> No.6342415

They also fucked the Zora swimming mechanics, sadly.

>> No.6342416
File: 568 KB, 1400x1800, remake_MM_triforce_remove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they removed my secret triforce lore

>> No.6342680

MM3D definitely changed more stuff around than OOT3D did.
It's still a quality remake (compared to most other remakes on the market), but MM is one game I seriously wouldn't recommend people playing over the original. OOT could go either way, the remake has a lot of pros to outweight the slight flaws it has.

>> No.6343552

MM3D < original MM < MM3D + Project Restoration

>> No.6343989

i prefer the original, as it has better atmosphere and a lot of little details that might not make much of a difference individually, but it feels weird seeing them gone. not too mention the 3ds version has the censored fire temple music and blood. i do miss gyro and quick swapping items when playing the original though

>> No.6344029

The remake doesn't exactly have "good graphics", they look just as dated. The main difference being that they fucked up the lighting, and thus, the mood of the game.

>> No.6344038

The remake is soulless as fuck.

>> No.6344040

Graphics aren't the main things people praise OOT3D for, but the higher framerate, and all the QoL improvements on menues and aiming, mostly that.
It's nice to play as an alternative to the original, and I can also enjoy the new models and graphics, the characters look different than in the original, but they still match the original designs from the booklet and promo material, it's nice.
I still prefer the original but I still played OOT3D a couple times and am currently doing another playthrough. It's worth playing.

>> No.6344134 [DELETED] 

"quality of life" is making me cringe. I've started hearing it since the mario remasters rumor. There are people getting bombed in the world

>> No.6344138
File: 455 KB, 2264x1084, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I'm not sure any remakes get it right, which sadly hurts my exceptions for Mario 64 on switch

>> No.6344173

He meant character/umph/"that special quality"/whatever word of the half decade people are using for it

>> No.6345895

What the French call a certain "I-don't-know-what"?

>> No.6345910

the controls alone are a huge reason to play the original. graphics are more subjective obviously, but the original generally looks darker and more natural. the world looks like it was meant to be wrapped in low res textures. link's movement, appearance, the world, everything looks a bit off in the remake IMO.

but the shitty little control stick on even an XL model 3DS feels like trash compared to an N64 or GC controller

>> No.6347048

>No badly detailed Castle

>> No.6347062

MM3D Twinmold battle was a fucking disaster though.