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File: 82 KB, 1000x750, AD5C25CB-6701-41D0-96A5-59BE742703A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6328571 No.6328571 [Reply] [Original]

How might I go about trying to clean this? Plan is to use GooGone and the Dremel with some some polishing tips.

>> No.6328574

A dremel? What? Bro just go to the pharmacy and get 90 percent or higher rubbing alcohol and some cotton swaps. A little bit of elbom grease and the marker will be gone.

>> No.6328579
File: 106 KB, 1000x749, 5D10C173-2ACB-4FF2-92F7-CFB24A05CBAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backside. I think I let some GooGone sit on it and tried to work at it with a paper tower. But with the textured surface, didn’t work out too well.
Will have to take a closer look at the label to see what its state is. I did this a while ago and decided to revisit since I’ve been holed up at home recently.

>> No.6328587

Same guy as above. That back label is done, if you put goo gone or rubbing alcohol on it, it will prob make the adhesive dissolve. Like like I said above, rubbing alchol would would great, I've done it a ton before.

I've never tried Goo Gone, but lot's of people use that as well. You might need to let it soak into the marker for 10 minutes or so to get it to lift. But a dremel should be unnecessary, just use cotton swaps.

>> No.6328593

This should be obvious, but it might not be to everyone. Obviously avoid getting goo gone or and cleaning shit on the labels you want to save, if it doesn't make the glue dissolve and the label start to lift off, it will make the ink run or fade.

>> No.6328594 [DELETED] 

lol I wonder if the little spic who owned this was worried about it getting stolen or something.

>> No.6328596

Dry erase marker. Comes right off.

>> No.6328604

>90 percent or higher rubbing alcohol
Do you know how much that costs nowadays?

>> No.6328607
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>> No.6328609

Just go over it several times with a dry erase marker, then wipe it off. It takes the permanent marker with it.

>> No.6328617

Ive had mixed results with that trick. Had a calc with the owner’s name written on a smooth, non textured surface. Much of the ink was removed, but there was clear remnants left behind after multiple tries.

Dremel is just to make make the wiping easier. Had some old calculator cases with names written with a paint pen. Elbow grease barely made a dent, but careful work with the Dremel cleaned things right up.

>> No.6328660

Thats Mario Kart is property of Patolo give it back

>> No.6328676


>> No.6328692

Patolo a shit, he doesn't even know the mushroom trick

>> No.6328727
File: 102 KB, 1000x750, 21A890BB-7547-43F1-8A89-19926F567E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Looks like (91%) alcohol worked better than I expected. Might still need the Dremel to make easier work of the deeper pits.

>> No.6328748

>destroying Patolo's legacy

>> No.6329123

Trace over it with a dry-erase marker, then wipe it off. There's a chemical that dissolves the ink. It will probably take several passes, but it will eventually dissolve all the way. This method has worked for every disc and cartridge I've used it on.

>> No.6329280

Mr Clean magic erasers work but be sure you dampen them first and don't use them too much in a single area. It's really fine sandpaper but it works fine for stuff like this if you aren't retarded.

>> No.6329287

patolo, property of dan quayle?

>> No.6329295

What runes are these?

Also what are the ethics on label replacement? I have a few SNES games with no labels at all I'm sure theres a story but the vendor didnt know it or at least pretended not to.

>> No.6329327

Is this fucking Russian or something?
I only know one of the words is "Patolo" because I read the thread, but I have no idea what the other word is supposed to be.

>> No.6329338

He was trying to write like a tagger - probably a little wannabe hood rat (barrio rat?)

>> No.6329348

>ethics on label replacement
It's okay as long as you don't sell it without saying the label has been replaced.

>> No.6329387

>Plan is to use GooGone
>Dremel with some some polishing tips
Not ok. Even a q-tip easily wears down the cart's texture if you press too hard or for too long

>> No.6329417
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Use these or equivalent. Go slow and do not apply too much force. You can always scrape away a little more but you can't ever put it back. Be patient.

>> No.6329439

You're a fucking collector you don't have to clean it right this second

>> No.6331739


>> No.6331836

I personally keep the marker names and rental stickers on mine. It's a reminder of the long journey these carts have gone through.

>> No.6331857

tooth brush, magic eraser, alcohol and a bit of patience with a rag. Sometimes sharpie stains deep into the plastics so it's not really removable but judging from this: >>6328727 it's probably not one of those times.

>> No.6331874


>> No.6331939

Does anyone have that Mario Kart 64 cart where it had something like "Kyle's poop smells good"? Google can't seem to find it.

>> No.6331956
File: 459 KB, 2592x1944, tonys poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong game wrong name

>> No.6331991

That's the one, thanks.

>> No.6331994

I'm the "little spic" whose name is on that cartridge, you got something to say to me homie?

>> No.6332000 [DELETED] 

Yeah can I get a crunch wrap supreme large meal with a baja blast with no ice and a 4 piece cinnabon. Oh and my girlfriend wants some cheesy potato grillers with added beef. Get me two of those.

>> No.6332107

>Mauga Patolo
What is the origin of this name?

>> No.6332427


>> No.6332438

I wouldn't clean it. That's the very definition of soul. How many Russians did you know that actually owned an snes game, let alone an snes?

>> No.6332446

You can just go to a grow shop and pick some up.
Or literally use vodka.

>> No.6332458

Like $2.

>> No.6332468 [DELETED] 

Look at that monkey, imagine what his lifeless eyes must have seen, what his stifled mouth would say if it could talk.
Would you be ready to hear the truth, to hear the tale of Tony's poop?

>> No.6332473

>not just keeping the history on it

>> No.6332508

go over it with a dry erase marker, and wipe it off with alcohol before it dries. the dry erase marker like revitalizes the permanent marker or some shit

>> No.6332527 [DELETED] 
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Based as fuck and also trips of truth

Oh and I just need a Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito and a Chicken Quesarito, please Jóse.

>> No.6332940
File: 106 KB, 1000x750, 320A8EF6-A71B-4E5E-8E87-99A2CAB443E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name is Samoan.

Tried a (old) Sonicare to get to the deeper pits, but the brush probably wasn’t shaped ideally to get in there.

>> No.6332946

Holy shit, South Americans truly are a lost cause

>> No.6332947
File: 115 KB, 1000x750, F01703CB-0F57-4D65-9588-CFB938A9053B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backside label largely recovered.

>> No.6332954
File: 246 KB, 1500x1374, 3810CDC1-5B03-450B-884B-28F76C33737D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Cyrillic writing? Did you get that in Russia?

Anyway pic related.

>> No.6332972

Came to this thread just for this.

>> No.6332986


NO, just NO, use just a white eraser Staedtler or Hypolimer

>> No.6333039 [DELETED] 

t. mexinigger

>> No.6333047

Looks fine to me. SNES doesn't care if you wrote in sharpie on it.

It'll still run, right?

>> No.6333268

>wanting to erase the soul from your cart

>> No.6333326

I had bought a game from a pawn shop before that had "dad don't steal" on the inside of the box.

Perhaps children do it not to tag it for some role play reason of a 'hood rat' image (if that's what you imply) but to deter the parent from pawning their presents as it would decrease it's value.

>> No.6333341

I use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
It usually does the job for sharpie scrawlings

>> No.6333350

>be some poor kid
>only consoles and games you have are hand me down's from other family members
>it's all you got so you take good care of that shit
>know daddy is a junkie
>know he sold your bicycle and legos for drugs
>games are all you have left
>mark on them begging for your dad to not sell the last shit you have for drugs
>come home from school one day eager to play your games
>they've all vanished, but dad looks happy
And this is why the government takes children away from parents if the child tests positive for drugs when born.

>> No.6333451 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you cucked yourself out of the extremely high monetary and enjoyment value out as a child. You were a damned fool

Also I'll take two double decker tacos and a cheesy gordita crunch, and ahh fuck it I'll have Pepsi instead of Baja this time. Oh and extra fire sauce you cucked wetback

>> No.6333464 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 256x227, Kefka hate hate HATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon again. It was windwaker too. Very sad.

However, i coincidentally was half raised in foster care. It's no more fun than living with bad parents.

About the government, it's by the state so I was essentially trapped in my state by them up until 25, as the assets of free foster kid college extend to that age.

Fucking foster care. The real governments that matter, the powers, are the local ones. To this day I am neet and stuck in the state, at age 31. I dropped out but refuse to go back to being around rabid niggers nor rednecks in an entry level job nor a blue collar one.

The reason the governments take kids can be very stupid also. Druggies often get kids back after completing a program. I never went back just because mommy didn't have a good lawyer and daddy did but was insane. Guess what happened? She became a felon even though he was the abusive one!

XD my life into pieces!

>> No.6333473
File: 107 KB, 1000x750, 6FEB871A-5C20-4F32-8ABD-811BCF3BBC38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press F to pay respects to Patolo.

>> No.6333681

Fucking hell, actually using a Magic Eraser until there wasn't a trace of the marker left wouldn't have caused as much texture damage as you already have.

>> No.6333742
File: 55 KB, 960x540, 17620135_1490866147614020_9167434370428544381_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse.

Good job the game was a Playstation 2 sports game.

>> No.6333898 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 500x338, 1533744063801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at tacobell in the current year

>> No.6333950


>> No.6333957

It's still perfectly legible, anon.

>> No.6334021

The rest of that will come out with 99% alcohol, a microfibre cloth, and elbow grease.

>> No.6334074
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I used to put my name on my cartidges when I was a kid also. Stupid but I didn't expect to autistically collect them when I was a grown man.

>> No.6334129 [DELETED] 

i went to a boarding school so all my gameboy games have my name written on them because the closest thing a nigger is a rich white child
have you niggers never left the house? there isn't even taco bell in the country where i live and i know that it's exclusively staffed by asians, panda express is staffed by mexicans

>> No.6334150

>"dad don't steal"
>ends up in a pawn shop
This is honestly really sad. Wind Waker is such a happy game too. And your life story also sounds pretty sad. Reminds me of an friend I had in university

>Really neglectful, drug-ravaged parents
>Once went 3 days without eating breakfast or dinner because his parents were on a really intense extended bender and had only remembered to get burgers and cheetos for themselves
>Kids to subsist on a single subsidized school lunch
>Uncle was just a normal working-class dude, and gave him a hand-me-down Genesis
>Dad promptly turned around and pawned Genesis and games for drug money
>Uncle found out about this, went to the pawn shop, told them the Genesis was "stolen", and somehow got it back
>"come over and play it anytime you like"
>friend is happy that uncle is keeping "his" Genesis in protective care
>Happiness dashed when dad beats him, because that pawn shop has now declared dad persona non grata for peddling stolen goods, and they were the ones who paid the most

As a kid, I was obsessed about keeping my system and my SNES cartridges as clean as possible. I always washed my hands before touching the system, and often played it with a pair of cotton gloves. It drove me nuts when my friends would eat chocolate, chips or cheetos and then touch my fucking controllers.

This level of autistic cleanliness extended to the cartridges. They had to be pristine. I kept all the boxes and manuals separate from the cartridges, which were stored in a small rubbermaid bin. The boxes were in another rubbermaid bin that I kept under my bed. It honestly baffled me that my friends threw out the boxes and manuals for their games. To this day I don't understand why people did that.

The result of all this autism is that I now have 11 completely mint SNES games. There is a really noticeable difference between the games I acquired as a kid and the ones I bought at various points later on in life.

>> No.6334490

There is no way to clean the defects from your brain that make you retarded/poor/autistic enough about that thing to care about cleaning it

>> No.6335353

Yes, but you knew to look for it, and I had to find the right angle photograph it from. And I'm not done yet.

Swap microfiber cloth with cotton pad and that's what got me there so far.

Only an autist on overdrive in quarantine would notice a difference in texture between this and another cartridge. And much of that would be decades of grime cleaned off.

>> No.6335615

The fourth letter looks like "φ" or "ф" and I'm not even sure if the "a" is really an "a". Is it Cyrillic? I can't even tell.

>> No.6335627


i can type super mario SNES rom and get 2 billion result

>> No.6336178

what did he even accomplish here? Just wanted to scribble all over for the hell of it?

>> No.6336348

magic eraser

>> No.6337096

Pretty based. Sold his game off but damaged it so he got the money meanwhile the j*w running the store gets fuckall after having to give the next customer their money back.

>> No.6337101

Use a mr clean magic eraser fuckwit.

>> No.6337613

OP already explained that he's a Samoan.

>> No.6337904

It was a freebee with a few PS2 games.

>> No.6337968

I wasn't even obsessive about it. I never was particularly careful, but every single SNES game I own looks like its just out of the box compared to every single used game I picked up. Mine just have a bit of scuffing on the labels from normal use. People are fucking disgusting with their property and I don't get it.

>> No.6338007 [DELETED] 

No, I leave the house, bur unfortunately I live in Texas. Any and all low-pay wagie jobs are taken by wetbacks.

>> No.6338425

Nail polish remover

>> No.6338859 [DELETED] 

Why do spics tag everything? I can't even go into nature without disgusting spic graffiti on rocks and trees.

>> No.6338863 [DELETED] 

Yeah can you get your termites the fuck out of America?

Also can I have a nachos supreme and Frito burrito por favor?

>> No.6339685 [DELETED] 

Lingering primal instincs.
Be glad it's graffiti and not pee.

>> No.6340581

The original owner cum on that shit, trash that filthy and horrendous shit and buy a good looking one

>> No.6340593 [DELETED] 

It never changes my man, it's all the same 5 ingredients just mixed and packaged in different ways

>> No.6340598 [DELETED] 
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>i know that it's exclusively staffed by asians, panda express is staffed by mexicans
Chuckled audibly.

>> No.6340691

I think most people are just pigs. I don't regard myself as being particularly careful with my computers, I drink tea and eat scones while I sit at my PC. But it still looks pretty clean. When I use certain coworkers' computers, the fucking things are caked in grease and food residue. What gets me is they act all offended when I react with visible disgust, as if living like this is normal.

Similarly, people seem to act like it's normal for used controllers to be encrusted in organic material, or for cartridges to be sticky with Coca-Cola spills and residue from takeout Chinese food. Baffles me.

>> No.6340739

it's /pol/-shit

>> No.6342102

Don't dremel it you fucking retard that's just gonna damage the game. it won't make it unplayable but it's gonna be a whole hell of a lot uglier because it'll be fucking sanded down. For the love of god just stick to the acohol, it'll do its job and it won't ruin the cartridge.

>> No.6342117

Ew throw it away. Some autistic street shitter touched that.