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6324803 No.6324803 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't this game blow up in popularity like Banjo Kazooie or Mario? It's fucking phenomenal and really surprised me with how sad and deep the story was. On top of that it's a really fun, colorful platformer that should have been 100x the hit that it was. I know it got a sequel and a remake, but it deserved way more.

>> No.6324839

I remember I used to think Klonoa was a Sonic character, the style still looks too similar to me

>> No.6324846

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Klonoa was born out of that 90s anthropomorphic animal mascot craze of the 90s, but it definitely transcends that trend to be a very unique and memorable game.

>> No.6324879

It was the “cutesy” platformer when gaming was shifting towards a more mature audience. A great game I just wish there were more levels like the last bonus level. They also fucked his design latter which I hope they revert going forward.

>> No.6325685

Why would this game ever become as popular as Mario or Banjo when it was a slightly above average 2D platformer in the era where 3D was the new thing? Even if you like this game, what you're saying is just nonsensical and out of touch.

>> No.6325691

I only ever played the GBA Klonoa game but I remember it being bonkers hard and really fun. It had that ugly-ass GBA pre-rendered look that the platform was well known for, but it was overall good. Still, there's no reason a game this good should be barely remembered when Crash and Spyro are considered all time greats and people clamored for remasters and ports and remakes etc. while this is pretty much forgotten. Way higher quality than 99% of the crappy platformers on the PS1.

>> No.6325697

Always wanted to try the handheld games, Klonoa 2 is phenomenal to although more story heavy than the first. Klonoa really is a fantastic and pure game which doesn't waste your time. Each level is finely crafted and the presentation is marvelous. The use of the camera to direct the game play is brilliant and it's no surprise a platform as tight and cohesively designed is by the guy who made the first few Ninja Gaiden games.

Klonoa really is one of the best games of the generation.

>> No.6325839

Because it didn't have muh 3D polygons at a time when it was considered mandatory by the gaming press.

>> No.6325852

It was "too childrish" according to game critics so it blows

>> No.6325887


>PS only
>traditional side scroller that is quick to beat
>not a collectathon for the N64

there ya go. If this had an N64 port it'd be popular among the nintendies.

>> No.6325891
File: 31 KB, 494x298, klonoa_character_redesigns[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for years other than generic furry thing I didn't know what Klonoa even was. Turns out he's like a fox with a human hat?

>> No.6325941

It did however have gorgeous 3D environments that ran at 60fps.

>> No.6325995

Probably because it was a 2.5D game in a time when being a free roaming 3D game was something you had to be to get any mind from the video game press in the mid/late 90s. It's like what happened with Symphony of the Night originally, though that game had it even worse cause it was purely 2D with some 3D decoration.

>> No.6326003

He's suppose to a "cabbit."

>> No.6326243

That's cute.

>> No.6326539

It got a Wii remake, if that counts for anything.

>> No.6326559

It's one of those otherwise almost competent remakes that seems to focus on stripping out as much soul as humanly possible. Making it easier didn't help either

>> No.6328076

Sold pretty poorly too as typical for the good third party Wii games. It's a good game still, but the original is the best.

Some of the marketing was ridiculous too.

>> No.6328670

I'm playing the game and is a really solid platformer. Looks good and have good controls.

>> No.6328963
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>> No.6328975

It was too easy and childish.

>> No.6331089

>sad and deep
It's just a dumb twist ending anyone could've thought up. Also the game is way too short.

>> No.6331198

It's just ok.

>> No.6331208

It lacks the huge innovations Mario 64 had and lacks the retarded gimmicks BK had. An honest yet well designed platformer wasn't enough in an era filled with idiots obsessed with game length and innovation for the sake of innovation even if that meant awful gameplay.

>> No.6331217

It was a 2D game in an age where everybody was pushing 3D games. It was released in exactly the wrong time - if it was released 3 years earlier, or 10 years later, it would be a hit. Sadly, it was released in the period when everybody was as tired of 2D platformers as modern gamers are tired of brown military shooters.

>> No.6331434

I loved Ghadius' look so much. Wish the other villains of these games looked as weird/out of place as he did.

>> No.6331462

Lets not pretend it wasn't innovative. It absolutely was, I can't think of a single game that did as much with the camera as Klonoa did for game play scenarios.

>> No.6331608

it's too saccharine for its own good
i loved the demo when i was a kid, but everyone else looked at it with disgust, so i didn't finish it until years later
doesn't help that it's a very short game compared to other "big" platformers of the time

>> No.6331773

This never was an issue for 90% of Nintendo games.

>> No.6331942

It doesn't help that it had that stupid STD print ad. But I imagine the game was popular enough in Japan since they were more open to 2D gameplay at the time, and cute mascots.

>> No.6331947 [DELETED] 
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Wrong game wrong name

>> No.6332628

nintendo games' "cute" appeal is toned down in comparison, except post-snes yoshi and maybe kirby

>> No.6332715

the popular pokemons are pretty cutesy also, such as pikachu, jigglypuff, meowth, etc.

>> No.6332717

i bought mathew perrys copy of klonoa and i cant prove it and it sucks

>> No.6332776


They are puzzle platformers. They are the good games though.

>> No.6332781

The ending was really sad, I loved that game.

>> No.6333585

>designed is by the guy who made the first few Ninja Gaiden games.
That explains a lot. Funny how made the comeback two generations later.

>> No.6333652

2D game in a 3D game landscape back then. It had no chance back in the day cause everyone wanted more Mario 64/Banjo Kazooie/Crash/Spyro then what's basically just a 2.5D SNES sidescroller.
Thankfully it has a lot more praise these days and people appreciate it a little more. The part where Grandpa died and the ending still make my throat dry up to this day.

>> No.6333691

You bought the Wii remake. That's not Klonoa

>> No.6333793

NAMCO always wins baby 100

>> No.6334193
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It required skill, so it was never going to be popular. The ending also traumatized droves of children, some are still in therapy today. Truly the Dark Souls of platforming.

>> No.6334270

Thanks for spoiling me the end.

>> No.6334289

Grandpa dying isn't even the end.

>> No.6334889

wish i still owned this game and others like tail concerto, they're worth hundreds now

>> No.6334895

>It required skill
Nigga what? It was Namco's Pandemonium but in easy mode.