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File: 43 KB, 300x295, ffadga0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6312085 No.6312085 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know where to go next.
How did you finish FF1 back then?

>> No.6312125

>I don't know where to go next.
Then pick a direction dumbass.

>> No.6312150

Literally walk around for hours and hours until you figured it out. I remember renting ff1 for an entire weekend and just getting to Garland after 3 days of grinding. Somehow managed to beat him and than only afterwards realized that all that equipment we picked up along the way actually needed to be equipped to work.

Good times...

>> No.6312153

I didn't, lol. I played for like an hour before I realized the combat was going to be this boring the whole way through. Then I went back to Zelda.

>> No.6312279

fucking kek anon

>> No.6312284

Literally walk around like a dumbass for days/weeks.
Or ask your buddies, or go to the bookstore and cop a look at the guide.

>> No.6312365

People rarely finished games

>> No.6312414
File: 608 KB, 976x1640, FF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you OP? We cannot read your mind.

>> No.6312420

At Matoya's cave (quite early in the game) you should learn how to bring up the world map, every place of interest shines, so its easy to figure where to go

>> No.6312432


>> No.6312461

Like all JRPGs, talk to all the NPCs.

>> No.6312483

Huh, a FF game where the character sprites don't look completely out of place next to the enemies. Neat

>> No.6312518
File: 122 KB, 480x272, pic_0307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game doesn't really allow you to "get lost" until you defeat the Lich, the first fiend. Afterwards, you just do whatever you want. Explore and have fun and do things the order you wish to do them. Hell, you can even aim for the job change immediately after Lich. FFI is about exploration.

>> No.6312541

How are the PSP versions compared to the GBA remake? I heard the audio was vastly improved (obviously).
And no /vr/, I'm not playing the original again.

>> No.6312545

Why not play the Wonderswan or the PS1 versions?

>> No.6312585

Anon why are you playing an RPG if you don't have an exploration mindset? If you don't know where to go then explore! Fucking idiot!

>> No.6312824

The first FF is tedious. Did you play it?

>> No.6313012
File: 180 KB, 480x272, pic_0331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PSP boosted some of the Thief/Ninja's stats, reduced EXP needed for level up and added one extra Dungeon that can be hard as nails with some random puzzles and an extra hard boss which has 9 or so variants and each drops the best equips in the game.
Visually speaking, they rendered the sprites in HD and added some really nice aerial effects that legit comfy as fuck. Music has impeccable quality and they even added FFIII/IV/V/VI and Gilgamesh's battle themes remixes for their respective boss battles.
While not my personal "definitive version" of I, it's my favorite since it's a really comfortable and fun version to pick and play.

>> No.6313024
File: 17 KB, 280x240, Final Fantasy (Japan) [SLPS-03430]-0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF1 was one of the first games I played in Japanese so I was still struggling with instructions and despite that I never got stuck or couldn't figure out where to go.
The only mistake I made was waiting until the end to get the class upgrades.

>> No.6313028

If you talk to all of the NPC's in each town you come across, you'll get hints about other locations. Other than that, you're going to have to just go discover the map.

>> No.6313032


this should've played for every boss except Chaos, great theme
also OP, talk to NPCs, only time I got stuck was trying to find the airship

>> No.6314565

Has FF2 been improved like that?

>> No.6314580
File: 36 KB, 583x611, 1551043756823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Castle of Ordeal
>6 R.Gargoyle
>Monsters strike first
FF1 can be so punishing.

>> No.6314585

In terms of visuals and music, yes. Mechanically speaking you get stat increases more easily. And there's a new dungeon with an ultra boss.

>> No.6315284
File: 195 KB, 961x1200, 1487255397700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these screenshot collections.

>> No.6315584
File: 9 KB, 385x550, Wicked_Witch_Broom_Stick_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know where to go next.

>> No.6315621

My 12 year old brain always thought it said "testicles"

>> No.6315635
File: 1009 KB, 1040x2279, DarkHalf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For (you)

>> No.6315650

the worst crime Final Fantasy ever committed was calling a character class "thief" without allowing you to actually steal anything

this is why wrpgs like Baldur's Gate, Fallout, and Elder Scrolls were always more based

>> No.6315659
File: 37 KB, 260x114, Garland and women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Garland so fucking based? I mean, he barely has any development in FFI but all the spin offs make him a really nice Villain.

Anyway OP, where are you lost?

>> No.6315830

>How did you finish FF1 back then?
by getting up and turning on the nes. do people unironically enjoy playing that game or is it some OCD where they can't even put down the most boring game before beating it?

>> No.6315840

Stealing in TES is awful, at least things evolve into ninjas.

>> No.6316673

I'm pretty sure you're told where to go next at every point in the game except nobody actually tells you where the Ice Cave is and that the Floater is in there.

>> No.6316680

They're more based because you can shove 1000 bread rolls into your pocket? Weird standards but okay.

>> No.6316685

I remember being fairly directionless for a lot of FF1 even with the attempt at helping the player through dialogue. A lot of the classic FF games are like this, even by 7 they were still rather confusing to get around in. Just the nature of world map focused titles. 5 is pretty good at guiding you but that's because its progression is so heavily locked down with the world changing.

>> No.6316696 [DELETED] 

>equipment we picked up along the way actually needed to be equipped to work.
That only beat me when I was 2 years old anon. You don't have an excuse when you have ways to find a manual out in this internet.

>> No.6317016

The NES original came with maps of the game world and dungeons and the manual included a walkthrough of everything up to finding the airship. I'm amazed how detailed the manuals were back then.

>> No.6317059

so true, brother. super duper based wrpgchads rise up

>isnt mounted and doesn't serve a lord nor land

>doesn't sneak around

red mage
>dressed like a musketeer and not a real wizard, uses swords which wizards aren't supposed to wield

>> No.6317239

Knights were nothing more than glorified mercenaries.

Ninjas were just peasants who used guerilla tactics against superior forces and didn't wear black clothes and masks.

I agree with your description of red mages, though musketeers used their muskets (their namesake) more than swords.

As for wizards not using swords, Gandalf would like a word with you.

>> No.6317508

>Knights were nothing more than glorified mercenaries.
Why do faggots insist on rewriting history? Neither Knights or Samurais were "glorified mercenaries". Of course there were several rotten apples among them (including ex-Knights that turned into literal mercenaries or even brigands) but that doesn't disqualify their overall qualities.

>> No.6317660

Knights aren't necessarily mounted. Red Mages are meant to be all-rounders and are an original-ish concept to FF, they play outside all of the usual norms.

>> No.6317795

>Neither Knights or Samurais were "glorified mercenaries".
They were, though. Working for royalty doesn't change that, it just makes it more socially acceptable and honored. Literally the definition of something "glorified."

>> No.6317849

Please play the original or at least use this mod that tries to bring things slightly more inline with the original:

Those remakes are pretty but the gameplay is absolutely "babies first rpg"-tier.

>> No.6317856

Not all knights disposed of their honor though. Being a knight most of the time would mean protecting a feudal land of their lord or serve as a bodyguard to someone specific. Being a mercenary involves actual war something more akin to a "soldier" in exchange for money or sometimes material goods.
There's a big difference in that, fighting for their lord's or even their own ideals and fighting for who pays the highest coin to create bloodshed. Of course, things got out of hand with some orders like the Templars which pretty much were Mercenaries for the church in their prime time.

>> No.6317858

Nintendo Strategy guide when I got stuck

>> No.6317865

Is that the one that brings back the classic spell slots?

>> No.6318052

Stealing in FF never amounts to anything anyway. It's a worthless mechanic.

>> No.6318080
File: 58 KB, 433x650, steals your gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV, VI and XII have lots of good steals. Specially in XII.
Also X makes Steal have a 100% kill rate for machines and 100% steal rate for the first time AND there's shit ton of customizing materials and items that are unobtainable by other means.

>> No.6318115

>Stealing in FF never amounts to anything anyway. It's a worthless mechanic.
Steal is practically mandatory in XII unless you want to be poor and not have access to like most of the equipment in the game.

>> No.6318131

Huh? Stealing in FF gives you access to tons of great stuff and saves you tons of money. For example in V you can generally get some equipment on-par with or even above current shops from standard enemies and steal a bunch of consumables. Gives you a bottomless MP trove at several points in the game.

>> No.6318158

IX also encourages you to steal a lot to justify the MC being a thief. He even has an ability to deal damage according to how much he stole, which is essential in a level 1 run.
But apart from that, I always found stealing to be more trouble than worth it. You can almost always get the items somewhere else.

>> No.6318246

dude you have literally never read an actual history book. just stop.

>> No.6318257

Stealing in IX gives you good gear way before you can actually buy it. It's especially good since learning abilities is tied to your equipment.
The huge issue is the steal rate. You can try countless times before getting something good, probably because they were afraid it would break an already very easy game if it was more effective.

>> No.6318367

>naa dude knights are just mercenaries I swear

>> No.6319625
File: 2.09 MB, 1000x1500, tifa lockhart, cloud strife, and yuffie kisaragi (final fantasy and 1 more) drawn by kudou_asami - f7cf2fdbfa9b10e8d8199bcbf9a533e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was playing FFVII in an emulator (Spanish PAL version), but when I reached Wutai it seems to have soft-locked. After fighting the Shinra soldiers and talking to Reno, the Turks simply won't appear in Da-Chao. Corneo, Elena and Yuffie are there but they can't be interacted with, the Rapps battle doesn't trigger. Godo also doesn't appear at his house.
Anyone else had this happen in any version of the game? I looked all over and I could only find a single other guy who reported the same, and it was in the Steam version of the game, so I doubt it's an issue with the emulator or anything like that.

>> No.6319669
File: 6 KB, 720x480, matoyas-cave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6320089

>I remember renting ff1 for an entire weekend and just getting to Garland after 3 days of grinding
I find this very hard to believe

>> No.6320109

Are you serious? Stealing in 7 can get you a lot of weapons and armor early

>> No.6320806

That is correct.

>> No.6320824

Uh, you talk to the villagers. They give you hints about where to go, and some of them spell out the locations of key items you'll need for your quest. Also remember that character dialogs change from time to time depending on what objectives or dungeons you've cleared. So it's a good idea to check back with characters you've already spoken to. The remakes (e.g. the GBA version, if that's what you're playing) give a lot of extra dialog to the dancer in Cornelia to help new players along. She's more or less a compass for when you're not sure where to go next.

Have fun with FF2.

>> No.6320874

She's useless after a certain point though. I think she stops giving advice on where to go next after beating Lich.

>> No.6320915

>What is abstraction.
I bet you think holding buttons to play an animation to pick up an item is better than just pushing the button and getting the item too.

>> No.6322667

Bumping for this question.

>> No.6323248

I emulated the PAL english version and played the Steam version and never had any problem. Maybe you have a bad dump?

>> No.6323271

PSP version is my favorite.
For an RPG released in 1987 it's very direct in where you need to go. If you're actually stuck, just explore and talk to villagers.

>> No.6323386

I dunno, the page I got it from has always been trustworthy with this. I have a very vague memory of this having happened to me when I played it on PS1 decades ago, but I'm not sure.