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File: 80 KB, 760x1088, Mega-Man-EU-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6307924 No.6307924 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mega Man 1 a quality game?

>> No.6307931

Yeah, it's great, and in the top 3 of the series

>> No.6307941

I wouldn't say top 3 series but it's top 3 NES. A damn fine 8/10 game.

>> No.6307954

Top 3 Mega Man is exclusively NES

>> No.6307964

Gamecube makes all those games easier.

>> No.6308028

What's the top 3

>> No.6308171

I'd go with 1, 2 and 4

>> No.6308402

It's the second best Mega Man, with Maga Man 2 being the best and last real Mega Man game.

>> No.6308535

better than 2 and 3. 4 is the best NES mega man though.

>> No.6308560

>ignoring 3
2 = 3 > 1 = 4

>> No.6308574

>Mein niger
I grew up owning only Mega Man IV as a kid (we were really poor) and I played it every single motherfucking day of my life 'til I could finally get to the last boss on a consistent basis.
Only found out I was doing a complete mess of the stage's orders way later in life. Still didn't get much easier lmao

>> No.6308575

The Wily Wars version, yes.

>> No.6308635

They mixed up the damn buttons....no good.

>> No.6308641

4 is the quintessential Mega Man.

>> No.6308675


fight me

>> No.6308687

What about 9 and 10? Any good?

>> No.6308721

I like both of them, it's just hard to rank them with the nes games.

>> No.6309205

Mega Man Tier listing:
3>2>1>everything else

>> No.6309209

5 is piss easy tho

>> No.6309341

It is Ok. There are some annoying things in it and level design can be a bit shit sometimes but I suppose you can get used to it. Enemy respawns are pretty vicious, and there are quite a few glitches.

Its still a really good game, well worth playing. I dunno about top 3 nes games when theres tecmo bowl and twinbee and stuff but its definitely essential.

>> No.6309424

9 is the best. Level design flow is excellent, challenge is just spot on.

It's nearly flawless.

>> No.6309426
File: 2.09 MB, 2397x3489, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of hacks which make MM games better. Lag reduction patches, bug fixes, etc

For MM3, there is "Improvement" which gets rid of all lag, fixes a lot of glitches, and also has some other additions/changes which you may or may not like

For Rockman 4 (doesn't work with MM4), lag reduction patch, there are two patches, one "standard" lag reduction, and another one which also changes other things like being able to switch weapons on the fly (but also gets rid of the autoscroll sections...)

For Rockman 5, but these ones also works with MM5. Lag reduction patch:
Lets you switch weapons on the fly (select, down+select, select+start):

Rockman 6 (does not work with MM6):
Lag reduction patch but also speeds up the process of many things, like loading times, scrolling when entering a room, etc:
Fixed sliding. In the original MM6, and unlike other MM games, you couldn't jump during a slide, plus there is a small delay, wait time, at the end of a slide. This fixes both:
With both patches applied, RM6 becomes 100% more fun.

Also, play as Protoman in MM5 with all his abilities from MM9-10

>> No.6310076
File: 2.34 MB, 2349x3501, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6310284
File: 382 KB, 887x1243, megamanrobotmasters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6310313

>including Oil Man and Time Man

Stop reminding me this disaster exists

>> No.6310338

It's good, but it's inferior in every way to the other 5 NES entries, and anybody that says otherwise is a contrarian faggot.

>> No.6310364

Anyone wanna break this down for me? I keep counting rows but recognizing guys rows ahead. Ie I remember the centuar dude thought he was from 5/6 but he's way up there. Light bulbed head guys on upper rows were later-game bosses I thought. Even 3 rows in I don't recognize a few in the first rows but I counted at least 22 enemies recognized from 1-3. AGH!

>> No.6310379

It just goes 11-1 from top to bottom, including the M&B exclusives between 9 and 8 and PU additions with the rest of the MM1 cast.

>> No.6310383

Just realized this probably has 7, R&F, 8,9, and 10 on the upper rows. Didn't beat the Snes editions and only played 8 so its making more sense to my confusion.

Confusion man, didn't they have a ? man or something?

>> No.6310404

Ahh, didn't know about additions to 1, or 11 for that matter, thanks mate.

Looks like I got some catching up to do

>> No.6310536

It's better than 3, 5, and 6, common faggot

>> No.6310694
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Mega Man_Jun14 12_57_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst stage I've ever played in a video game

>> No.6310720
File: 593 KB, 1600x1600, 1539571267456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the magnet beam like i told you to in the other thread, you horse

>> No.6310745
File: 402 KB, 850x1205, 1575868347133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sliding=shit mega man game
That goes for 2 as well

>> No.6310784

2 > 3 > 1 > 4 imo

never played the rest

>> No.6311068
File: 90 KB, 360x480, PanicShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to google this image and holy shit I want to fucking play this.

>> No.6311935

What the hell is shit?

Also that MM face in the middle is scary as fuck

>> No.6312021

that a legit criticism, it's definitely the easiest of the 6. but I'd argue that isn't too much easier than the rest of the classic series (outside of maybe 1), especially after you've beaten them once.

it's really hard to rank the series because I love all of them, and if you asked me next week my answer would probably be different, but I'd go

3 = 5 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 1

>> No.6312027

>if you asked me next week my answer would probably be different
It's probably going to take more than a week to transform from a retard into a cognitypical

>> No.6312031
File: 2.84 MB, 2440x3504, 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but I'd argue that isn't too much easier than the rest of the classic series

It is, it really is.

If you want a random example
>Stone Man stone circle attack is designed to hit MM when he's close to mid range
>it's literally programmed to only be triggered when MM is at long range, where it can't hit him

>> No.6312293
File: 9 KB, 256x240, mm3shadow_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that Capcom's style pretty much defines how the public see the "NES style"? Remember everyone making their "8 bit sprites" and they were all Mega Man edits? That's an example.

Shadow Man stage in MM3 is top "NES". Everything about that stage just screams "classic NES", the graphics, the musics, the gameplay

>> No.6312316

MM1 is my favorite of the NES ones. I love the yellow devil fight.

>> No.6312337

Just beat it on the Steam collection recently, I thought the movement was very slidey. About to start 2.

>> No.6312358

>I thought the movement was very slidey
Yeah, they neutered that later, for the retarded everyman

>> No.6312364

Yes, if something is harder for whatever reason, it must be better. In fact, ALL games should have ice physics all the way through, I wouldn't want to be considered a casual now, would I?

>> No.6312407

Momentum would improve most action/platformers, yeah. Games with characters that control like a mouse cursor are more boring for it. But like everything that takes some finesse and/or an instinctive sense for how objects move and interact in the physical word (this is especially tough for the genetic disasters that are nerds) it was smoothed away for and by smoothbrains

>> No.6312410

Yeah, I don't think so. NES games wouldn't remove something because people thought it was too hard, quite the opposite, in fact. You're trying really hard, the change was made after the first game because they knew they fucked up. Next time, pick a better hill to die on.

>> No.6312431

how dare a company appeal to the 99% of the market that doesn't like ice levels. how despicable it is to make a game that people actually enjoy with good movement. games should be designed to be as frustrating as possible. your bullets should actually have a spread and fire up to 45 degrees away from where you're trying to shoot. fucking retard.

>> No.6312459

Based physically awkward nerds

>> No.6313163

Megaman 8 is good until the last section

>> No.6313740

Best Mega Mans: 3>6>7>& Bass
The rest are reduntant or have too many glaring flaws

>> No.6314085

It's my favorite of the original 6. Probably cause I played it first lol, the first retro game I ever played iirc. I love all of them though

>> No.6314780

It's pretty decent,not the best in the series but it has it's merits.A soild 7/10

>> No.6314787

One of the worst of the classic series
The worst of the classic series
Underrated but pales in comparison to the best MM games
>& Bass

>> No.6314837

>no stardroids
>none of the mega man killers

>> No.6314880

I can't get into this franchise no matter how many times I try. I can't fuck this.

>> No.6316559

Mega man 2 is the best and 3 is just a work of art (unfinished beatiful art)

>> No.6317442 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 2405x3509, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should replay them. I've actually been replaying them all in the past few days, again. So far I've done 3,4,5,6,9,10, 11, MMV GB, MM1 GB

No two person would rate MM games the same; but more importantly, opinion will change with time as you replay them.

Long ago I used to think 5 was the best. Now I think it's the worst classic one by far, and I could back that up with objective facts

I genuinely think 9 and 11 are the bests.
Most old MM games were either done in just 3 months (MM2, MM3, MM7), or were done by B-Teams made up of newcomers (MM5, MM6).

Meanwhile for MM9-10-11, the devs were more experienced, and had DECADES to figure out what works and what doesn't. They generally have a much better flow, balance, and a lot less flaws.

>> No.6317474

Love your videos, Rob.
Btw I downloaded that last 20 minute chunk before you deleted it you son of a bitch. ;)

>> No.6317735

What's your problem with it

>> No.6317757

>What's your problem?
Isn't it obvious? Anon talks like this:
>I can't fuck this
He's a retarded zoomer

>> No.6319440

It's pretty good. Yellow Devil is a bitch though.

>> No.6319461

this guy gets it.