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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6307328 No.6307328 [Reply] [Original]

Does the original TR have bad controls or do i just need to git gud?

>> No.6307395

Yeah. They’ll say you need to “git gud” meanwhile Mario 64 Chads are laughing at their cope.

>> No.6307415

millions of people played these games and beat them without bitching about the controlls. so git gud zoomer faggot

>> No.6307417

They aren't bad controls, they are just very particular and require some getting used to. Once you realize the levels are designed precisely for the controls you won't think they are bad.

>> No.6307426

Most PS1 games before Sony copied Nintendo with analog sticks didn't control well in 3-D space.

>> No.6307429

It’s a puzzle platform we. Once you realize how the game works the controls are ideal for it and work really well. The whole game is on a grid system. Walking up to a ledge stops you at the very end. Jumping back puts you at just the right distance to do a running jump by holding the jump button while moving forward. Etc etc

>> No.6307431


>> No.6307432

they are fine
you don't even have to be good with them for most of the game

>> No.6307459

Never had a problem with them on pc.

>> No.6307482

It has perfect controls you just need to get used to how they work. It's not Mario in 3D it's Prince of Persia in 3D.

>> No.6307487


I only briefly played a demo of it 25 years ago or whatever so I don't remember how the controls were, not even slightly. Still, I feel confident that the main fault here is in you, not in the game.

>> No.6307494

>My opinion is virtually worthless, but let me give it still

>> No.6307549

>Mario 64 chads
Enjoy your barebones level design.

>> No.6307563


Obviously that's the joke you dope. You don't need to spell it out when I already spelled it out.

But also I'm probably right.

>> No.6307598

it has shit controls and you need to git gud

>> No.6307610

You need about 15 minutes of practice to get good with those controls, so it's not even about gitting gud

>> No.6307628

Look at this cope.

>> No.6307642

>TR thread
>Nintendodrone having the sheer audacity to talk shit about other games
>Especially fucking TR
>And comparing it with his brand shit
Nigga, you sure you aren't the one that not only cope, but also project?

>> No.6307663

Lad, Tomb Raider is clunky shit. Just because the games hide key items you need to open doors doesn’t make the level design is deep. And it’s a puzzle _platformer_, with the actual platforming being abysmal. Look at the masterful shit the Mario 64 speedrunning community pulls off. You think anything similar can be done in Tomb Raider? L-M-A-O

>> No.6307667

Everything in Tomb Raider is on a grid, once you understand the distancing there's really no guesswork.

>> No.6307671

>speedrunning trannies
lmao nintentoddlers

>> No.6307673

bad controls
git gud

>> No.6307679

>everything I don’t like is [new flavor of the month buzzword]
TR moved units because of sex appeal. The actual games were abysmal.

>> No.6307684

Mario 64 is mediocre.

>> No.6307693

Mario 64 revolutionized 3D gaming.

>> No.6307696

Mario 64 dumbed down 3D gaming.

>> No.6307702

Mario 64 was irrelevant to 3D gaming.

>> No.6307751

Mario 64 is 3D.

>> No.6307834

Mario 64 is a fun game.
Tomb Raider is a fun game.

>> No.6307840

Git gud? Nah. Anyone with an IQ>50 can manage. That's all you need to achieve. Maybe some day.

>> No.6307868

>or do i just need to git gud?
This one.

>> No.6307934

>this level of cope


Tomb Raider's original series didn't sell over 20 million copies because of "clunky" controls you asperg retard dipshit. It sold because it had solid gameplay and fun puzzle and level design.

>Look at the masterful shit the Mario 64 speedrunning community pulls off
Ah yes, a game so broken that it can be speedrun in 6 and a half minutes. Quality gameplay right there, not to mention the pro's fuck up jumps all the time because of the games bizarre, randomly appearing invisible walls and glitchy momentum physics.

Clearly a guy who knows very little about absolutely nothing.

Tomb Raider original is unironically one of the few games where once you understand how the games controls function, it becomes quick to master. This is because the game is built upon a grid design. Instead of just "bing bing wahoo" jumping the second you press the Jump button, Lara has to push herself off the ground so jumping is not instantaneous and arcadey, it takes time for her to leap into the air, and it takes at least 2 steps when running.

Tomb Raider's controls are one of the biggest pleb filters ever, and it shows, since people who "git gud" have been "getting gud" for decades, as Tomb Raider's franchise sells upwards of 75 million copies, more than Smash, Donkey Kong, Metal Gear, Tekken, Street Fighter, and Kingdom Hearts franchises.

Anyone who says the game controls poorly is projecting the fact that they were filtered hard and need to cope online by spreading misinfo and angry rants about how shit the games controls are when they were simply too retarded to grasp simple concepts such as semi-realistic platforming controls. There are some legitimate criticisms, like needing to be precise when picking up items in Tomb Raider 1, and the slow turning (funfact, you turn even SLOWER if you hold the Walk button, and you turn FASTER if you have your weapons drawn), but the criticism's are minimal.

>> No.6307949

>You think anything similar can be done in Tomb Raider? L-M-A-O
Yes, actually, and it already has been. You're pretty clearly completely unfamiliar with the Tomb Raider speedrunning community, and you're trying to play it off like you are. People have beaten these games blindfolded because of how precise the controls and sound design are.

>> No.6307970

>walking makes you unable to fall off ledges
>hold the jump button and make sure she has enough distance to run 2 steps (or cheese it and walk one step, then run the other step for a half-distance run-jump)
>hold the Action button in air to grab ledges
>when at a ledge, if you roll you will roll precisely to the edge of the other side
>if you take a hop back you have all the distance you need to make a running jump
>you can inch your way onto a ledge by doing standing jumps and holding forward
>take your time to understand jump distances and if you don't feel confident, save
>if you try running along a path and cut diagonally across, and there's a gap, she will enter a fall animation automatically so stay away from trying to cut corners that have large drop-offs

There you go, you have the basics. If you fuck up, it's on you.

>> No.6308025

It sold because of triangular titties. Nothing else.
Keep seething, TR Cuck. Your shitty series is a footnote in gaming history.

>> No.6308040

The game controls like shit because it's early 3D. What modern game (non /vr/) controls like this and is praised for it?

>> No.6308259

Mario64 is still good.

>sell over
>where once you understand how the games controls function, it becomes
>bing bing wahoo
>pleb filter
You make a good point, why THE FUCK do you feel the need to drown it in a sea of memes and bullshit? Get a grip on yourself!

>> No.6308493

This. Comparing Tomb Raider to Mario 64 is pretty much pointless. Other than having platform jumping as an aspect of the gameplay they don't really have anything in common at all.

>> No.6308503


>> No.6308525

Imagine seeing a thread that doesn't concern game you like.
Imagine still entering it and start talking about your unrelated game.
Imagine still going when people tell you to fuck off, apparently missing the point that nope, this is not a thread about your game.

And antics like that is why Nintendo fandom is so fucking annoying.

>> No.6308530

Certainly take getting use to.
Are you playing on a CRT? Having any sort of digital input lag would probably make them feel worse than they actually are

>> No.6308538

>game is broken
Why is this always an argument against games that allow for more experimentation with the movement?
I love both of these games but you have to admit Mario 64 was ahead of the curve with character control.

>> No.6308541

Different anon, but riddle me this
>muh ahead of curve
>game can't handle 3D environment
So which one is it?

>> No.6308549

You mean some spots where you can leap through a wall you if time it perfectly?
I don't see how that interferes with being able to hop, skip, and bounce on the majority of terrain without problem.

>> No.6308604

>Mario 64 can be beaten in 6 minutes by exploiting glitches
>Tomb Raider can be beaten blindfolded by counting steps
That pretty much says it all

>> No.6308616


>> No.6310354 [DELETED] 
File: 2.93 MB, 720x400, 1579428430884.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha, it sold because boobs

And yet the same can't be said for the dozen or so rip offs that tried to copy Tomb Raider, complete with big breasted bimbos, strange, it's almost as if you're ignoring the fact that it was a good game, instead opting to come up with a baseless excuses to avoid the fact that you got filtered, hard.

Also love how you were butthurt enough to be an obvious samefag, just proving my point that you really are objectively wrong and you can only prove yourself right through perceived popularity than actual argument. It's actually more sad than it anything else, because you not only actually believe the retarded shitposts you're making, but you feel the need to self-validate them.

>> No.6310363
File: 2.93 MB, 720x400, 1579428430884.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha, it sold because boobs

And yet the same can't be said for the dozen or so rip offs that tried to copy Tomb Raider, complete with big breasted bimbos, strange, it's almost as if you're ignoring the fact that it was a good game, instead opting to come up with baseless excuses to avoid the fact that you got filtered, hard.

Also love how you were butthurt enough to be an obvious samefag, just proving my point that you really are objectively wrong and you can only prove yourself right through perceived popularity than actual argument. It's actually more sad than anything else, because you not only actually believe the retarded shitposts you're making, but you feel the need to self-validate them.

Tomb Raider has sold more than Street Fighter, Metal Gear, and Donkey Kong. You will have to cope with that fact no matter what, and there is nothing on gods green earth that will change that. Keep trying to distort history over the sad fact you're a turbo-pleb who got his shit-kicked in by plainly obvious controls.

>> No.6310385

I didn't realize "sell over" was a meme.

>> No.6310741

It does bad controls, but you still need to git gud

>> No.6313000

>TR moved units because of sex appeal. The actual games were abysmal.
Strange then how Tomb Raider 2013 sold millions on release and had zero sex appeal. Huh...It's almost as if the franchise appealed to people in more than just tits and ass, and like, the games were good, which is why they sold well and copy cats with the same amount of sex appeal didn't....woah...is that like, some sort of logic?

>> No.6313042

The TR reboot had good marketing, and nu-Lara is cute. The reboot series is also infinitely better than the classic series.

>> No.6313045

The reason modern audiences think it has "bad controls" is because it doesn't automate a lot of things for you. You have to manually grab ledges, specifically line yourself up to pick up or activate objects, there is no "clue" or "hint" button to automatically tell you how to solve puzzles, and it forces you to learn the jumpable distances in the game without any aid what-so-ever. The only thing really automated is the aiming of your guns.

You're going to need to git gud. Blaming the controls in Tomb Raider is like blaming the AI in FEAR for dying. Unless you're dealing with some serious input lag, it's all on you.

>> No.6313052

I played this game with just a keyboard on my parents PC back in the 90's. And I managed to play through the entire game, with few issues. The game is designed to play like a cinematic platformer, but in 3D. Think games like the original Prince of Persia, or Flashback. you have to adjust to digital controls, and Lara moving on a non-conforming grid. I can see why people can get frustrated by the controls. And the camera can be a pain at times, and so is the auto aiming. But overall, Tomb raider was released a couple months after Mario 64 for multiplatform consoles. There really wasn't anything else like it.

>> No.6313053

>The reboot series is also infinitely better than the classic series.
Funny how Tomb Raider 2 sold more than Rise and Tomb Raider 3 sold more than Shadow then.

Sounds like coping excuses to me.

>> No.6313064

> But overall, Tomb raider was released a couple months after Mario 64 for multiplatform consoles

Okay, and? Two completely different games with completely different playstyles. One is designed to be fast and slick, the other is designed to be methodical and slower paced. Why exactly are you mentioning that?

>> No.6313086

>Okay, and? Two completely different games with completely different playstyles. One is designed to be fast and slick, the other is designed to be methodical and slower paced. Why exactly are you mentioning that?

Both these games came out the same year in 1996. Both can be credited for innovating the 3D platformer genre. Mario 64 was designed around the analog stick of the N64. Tomb Raider was a multi-platform game (PS1, Sega Saturn, PC), designed to work with digital controls. The developers of Tomb Raider had to think much differently about the design of the game, because of the controls. But they managed to pull it off really well, all things considering.

>> No.6313090

>think like Prince of Persia

This. Also to note, Prince of Persia tried copying (unsuccessfully since the game was unfinished when it released) Tomb Raider's control scheme and play style. Along with Indiana Jones, Soul Reaver, Aladdin, Shadow Man, Duke Nukem (twice in a row), and the Elder Scrolls.

The influence was there, but it was a style that demanded a level of polish that few other studios could execute.

>> No.6313112

McDonald’s is the best place to get food; millions of people buy from them everyday!

>> No.6313117

>>The reboot series is also infinitely better than the classic series.
>*proves you wrong*

Wow. This level of cope is getting out of hand lmao, this spastic is going to have a conniption pretty soon.

>> No.6313119

So Mario 64 is shit?

>> No.6313143

So Super Mario Bros. GTA 5, Red Dead Redemption 2, Tetris, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Land, and Frogger are all garbage? Gee, thanks, knew I could count on 4chan.

>> No.6313416


>> No.6313430


>> No.6313439

>This. Also to note, Prince of Persia tried copying (unsuccessfully since the game was unfinished when it released) Tomb Raider's control scheme and play style. Along with Indiana Jones, Soul Reaver, Aladdin, Shadow Man, Duke Nukem (twice in a row), and the Elder Scrolls.

Tomb Raider 2 is one of my favorite PC games of all time. It was great on the PS1 as well. Tomb Raider 1 is still great. But a bit less refined than the sequel. Wish the originals could get some sort of remaster. These ones get ignored. The versions on Steam and GOG are like packaged with DOSBOX.

>> No.6313443

It's not your typical 3-D platformer. Go through the tutorial.

I haven't played very much of the game, but the controls make sense when you get used to them.

>> No.6313446

>Prince of Persia tried copying (unsuccessfully since the game was unfinished when it released) Tomb Raider's control scheme and play style.
Tomb Raider came out years later, though.

>> No.6313452

He's talking about the Dreamcast game.

>> No.6313456

>Tomb Raider came out years later, though.

I think anon was talking about "Prince of persia 3D", which came out in 1999 for the PS1, Dreamcast and Windows .


Which did copy Tomb Raider. Which does fit well for POP, anyway.

>> No.6313462

what the fuck is that music

>> No.6313792

TR1 > TR2

>> No.6313819


>> No.6313827

>gets completely anally annihilated not once but twice in a row

Lmao, get fucking dunked on kid.

>> No.6314160

Just keep playing for a bit, you'll get used to them. Tank controls allow you to pull some crazy shit not possible with contextual controls.

>> No.6315586

TR2 > TR1

>> No.6315834

I recently played TR1 for the first time. Once it clicks, the controls are pretty great.

>> No.6316393

I introduced a friend who didn't own a console other than a game boy until the PS2 came out to Ocarina of Time a month or so ago. I'm still not sure I convinced him not to think of it as a Mario game - he kept wanting to jump everywhere. It's really a 3d adaptation of the mechanics from the SNES game. I never really had a problem with it and it was hard for me to explain how he was thinking about it wrong.