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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 83 KB, 1000x834, 6979BEED-38B9-4461-A4C3-EA23BF49732E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6300463 No.6300463 [Reply] [Original]

Remind me why this is bad again

>> No.6300468

Exposing the electronics to UV light can't be good for the lifespan of the controller.

>> No.6300482

the middle analog stick was the worst idea ever.

>> No.6300485

That's the price to pay for looking this cool

>> No.6300498

Youtube said so

>> No.6300502

I always thought that the see-through 5th gen looked like shit. Still does.

>> No.6300506

Because a teletubby wants your kid to suckle a penis.

>> No.6300514

My smoke grey ps2 controller looks great, but otherwise I agree.

>> No.6300515
File: 31 KB, 800x800, clearpurplegbcolor_front_edit_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have an atomic purple GBC to go with it.

>> No.6300517

unless you are a nuclear swamp mutant, nobody has 3 arms

>> No.6300519

>zoomers dont have 3 arms

>> No.6300530
File: 9 KB, 307x164, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300539

No waggle sensor.

My transparent gameboy still works fine. The secret is not to be a person who goes outside.

>> No.6300543

looks solid desu
my favourite goldeneye control scheme is 34.8

>> No.6300550

>he doesn't leave the sunlight at the door when he comes in

>> No.6300554

Oh, you were so close to not being retarded
>analog stick
Nothing to do with it, retard

>> No.6300570

Other than sticks that wear out over time easily, it isn't.

>> No.6300574
File: 1.89 MB, 1881x766, atomic purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird how "translucent purple" was/is super desirable
bought a custom ed64 to match the controller

>> No.6300581

What was the 90s' fascination with making your circuit boards visible? I've even seen telephones that were basically a see-through shell where you can see the board.

>> No.6300583

Did I misunderstand this? Do you not want a fucking analog stick for 3D games?

>> No.6300597

Maybe it filters UV light.

>> No.6300604

For the time it was a smart move and cmon, even though its bizzare looking its really not uncomfortable in anyway. The future of 3d games was unpredictable so having the ability to switch to what is essentially a 6 button snes controller was a nice back up option

>> No.6300616

>Did I misunderstand this?
Yes, and you should be used to that by now

>> No.6300706

If that thing anon said about UV light is true, I wonder if they picked that colour to filter it a bit.

Also, it looks pretty good next to the green pcbs.

>> No.6300716

Man, is it really such a puzzle? All that wriggly science and shit inside is much cooler than a plain plastic exterior. It's kinda weird we don't do it more now.

Putting goldfish inside shit is another thing we strangely don't do much anymore.

I just had a great idea!

>> No.6300727

Shit analog stick. Dual Shock BTFO it.
The GC controller fixes every problem.

>> No.6300739

>Dual Shock BTFO it.
and was used for only like 2 games, 1 of them being a re-release.

>> No.6300757

and it also became the industry standard nintendo ended up copying.
cope ayy lmao hands

>> No.6300761

that's also not retro

>> No.6300783

You're dumb if you don't realise Japanese console manufacturers were always working hand-in-hand like Coke & Pepsi to penetrate the Western market.
Nintendo was probably just easing kids into the analogue stick thing to tee up the next gen, like they've done over and over multiple times in multiple generations of experimental new input methods.

>> No.6300797

It was used in all kinds of games, wtf are you on about?

>> No.6300806

Transparent to visible light isn't transparent to UV light, anon.

>> No.6300812

Terrible imbalanced layout, analog stick prone to failure from regular use, handles are too small and the uneven lengths of them as well as their awkward positioning causes the controller to be held at an angle resulting in the natural orientation of the analog stick to be skewed so your natural north is misaligned with the north of the controller, making its use very uncomfortable for anyone with hands bigger than an 8 year olds.

>> No.6300840
File: 105 KB, 188x465, 1584075967486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't have one. /thread

>> No.6301070

It isn’t, who said it was?

>> No.6301072

idk man I never had a problem with it, but maybe that's due to only ever playing games that didn't use a D-pad or L button.

>> No.6301079

Because people only look at the controller not the games that used it.

>> No.6301082

More like best idea never repeated. When it's in the middle you don't have to reach your thumb over.

>> No.6301087

>not retro
based retard

>> No.6301093

Because you need 3 hands. It was a very awkward controller.

>> No.6301096

the retro dualshock is >>6300739

>> No.6301153
File: 61 KB, 250x312, 11498987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real flaw is that there was no lubrication for the stick. Over time, especially with heavy and rough use, the mechanism grinds itself down and becomes less precise. Easy fix though, just add a bit of lubrication yourself and it won't wear down nearly as much.
It's honestly a fantastic controller, both in visual aesthetic and how it feels to play. I can't believe how many people have memed about it being the "worst controller ever" and shilling crappy 3rd party alternatives.

>> No.6301165

Nah, Saturn's 3D controller completely destroyed it in every single way but then again the N64 was made to look a certain way, more toy like.

>> No.6301174

GC has as shit d-pad and the nub c-stick needs to be removed and replaced with a regular thumbstick because the design of that thing is plain retarded.

>> No.6301178

You must be Goro.

>> No.6301185

>Saturn's 3D controller
Great controller, barely any games support it though, even less that use true analog controls. Sonic 3D blast for example could of benefited greatly from real analog control, but it just maps the fucking dpad to the analog stick.

>> No.6301189

>lel you gotta have 3 hands to use it!!
how original

>> No.6301209

Literally nothing wrong with having a third grip that you can switch between. I'd rather have that than have to crank my thumb to use a stick on a PS controller or the Dpad on an Xbox

>> No.6301226

This is like the 3rd time he's posted this joke itt. I dont know what his endgame is.

>> No.6301252

Three handles, three hands.

>> No.6301265



>> No.6301268

Translucent plastics are more brittle than opaque plastics and therefore less durable.

>> No.6301270

You operate the thumbstick and Z button by wrapping your dick around the middle prong.

>> No.6301281

N64 games the used the dpad either didn't use the stick or didn't use the face buttons, so it was never a problem.

>> No.6301404

doesn’t matter how many times you bring this up, smooth brains will still joke about three hands.

>> No.6301440
File: 30 KB, 450x336, D3C7F0D2-2ED7-40A4-80A7-4727143318CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6301459

e-celebs say it's bad

>> No.6301474

Battle Garegga, Kingdom Grandprix and Soukyugurentai all have true analog with the NiGHTS pad and it feels glorious.

>> No.6301612


>> No.6301626 [DELETED] 

i must have missed yesterday's announcement

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6301873

Because no one did it again. Shit ideas always end up getting forgotten.

>> No.6301912

I wouldn't call it a shit idea, it was interesting but very few devs actually wanted to experiment with the left/right dynamics.
Also, N64 having a standard controller with analog stick (Saturn's 3D pad had to be bought separately) rushed Sony to release the dualshock.
And even if N64 doesn't have a right analog stick, the C-buttons acted as a secondary d-pad that allowed for twin stick-style gameplay, like Robotron 64 or Bangai-O.

>> No.6301914

N64 had literal analog aiming in several games.

>> No.6301920
File: 32 KB, 680x472, retro-fighters-solid-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Nintendo had been forward-thinking enough to design the controller like the Brawler 64. This is a better layout in every way, you can't dispute this.

>> No.6301921


>> No.6301924

I can SEE the awful deadzones on that stick.

>> No.6301927
File: 1.25 MB, 911x761, START.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's objectively inferior. does not support analog aiming.

>> No.6301935

>too low iq to use the c buttons for movement
zoom zoom

>> No.6301936

what if he's playing Bangai-O?

>> No.6301937

nobody on /vr/ is dumb enough to compare 4 buttons to an actual d-pad for the fine control of a character's movement

>> No.6301942

Good thing M/KB isn't the gold standard for fine control of a character's movement in an FPS. Oh, wait, it is. Four distinct buttons. I guess you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.6301945

The only good thing about the KB/M setup is the Mouse part, the WASD part always felt crippled as hell.

>> No.6301946

Zoomers are.

>> No.6301948

That's because keyboards were set up for data entry, and lacked a d-pad.

>> No.6301950

There's nothing stopping you from using a dpad to control movement in an FPS on PC, yet nobody does this because it's a downgrade to discrete buttons.

>> No.6301958
File: 30 KB, 650x544, uhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of people actually do, normies just don't know they can. The real disadvantage of holding a controller in your left hand is you now only have two buttons on that hand, something like this solves that and adds a d-pad. I use an orbweaver, but the d-pad is round and it's objectively inferior to the nostromo's.

>> No.6301963

things i didn't know i needed

>> No.6301968

>zoomposting cant be good for /vr/
True, but sometimes really stupid posts like yours give me a chuckle. All the electronics in there will be just fine with any amount if UV it might get. The non-eletronics parts are the only thing you have to worry about.

>> No.6301973

>yet nobody does this because it's a downgrade to discrete buttons
a pivoting d-pad is objectively superior to 4 discrete buttons with significant travel. One requires a single finger, the other requires 3, one of which needs to be a switching finger for a fourth button. Unless you really need your most powerful finger for a jump button which would just be retarded.

Oh wait.

>> No.6301974

>Plenty of people actually do
Define plenty.
>8 directional stick
Not a dpad, kiddo.

>> No.6301978

Look more closely at the 'stick'. If you weren't a zoomer you'd know that all the best d-pads came with a stick attachment, kiddo.
>yeah but
No, sorry, it is a thing and it is a superior thing.
>but discrete buttons
Yeah, the directional buttons are everyone's favorite thing about the switch, chump.

>> No.6301983

>all the best d-pads came with a stick attachment
Name your top 5 dpads. These must also come with a stick attachment.
Oh you.
>muh bing bing wahoo machine
What did he mean by this?

>> No.6301984

>bu..bu..but it's not retro!
cope, faggot.

>> No.6302009

Seething zoomie

>> No.6302016

Based as fuck

>> No.6302040

>calls someone zoomer
>shows a Razer controller made for mobas instead of a mechanical keyboard


>> No.6302046
File: 101 KB, 1000x660, product-96553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to google obscure NES controllers for you. Here's my favorite. This isn't watchmojo, zoom.
It was made for you, nintendo finally realized d-pads were garbage and finally they were free to produce a tablet

>> No.6302047

The single finger must travel from side to side of the dpad, increasing the time for a fast direction change (required in most FPS at a competitive level). Independent fingers = less delay from one to the other.

>most powerful finger
As if they were analog and not digital inputs. Power and speed are two different things, power is useless in any vg that isn't a punching machine

>> No.6302053

That's an abortion of a controller. Just buy a fightstick, poorfag.

>> No.6302057

Razer acquired the nostromo from belkin, you retard. "mobas" didn't were called "dota" back then unless you were a hardcore retard then the genre was called aos. These are for people that want a hand peripheral designed for gaming instead of typing, they were great then, and razer's only made them better.
>not mechanical
>I use an orbweaver
>but i meant a model m zoom zoom
Yeah show me the d-pad on a model m.

>> No.6302059
File: 142 KB, 226x224, 1584395527351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, fuckwasd.

>> No.6302062

you didn't even know it existed lol

>> No.6302073

I miss this being one of the first results when you searched for N64 on Google Images

>> No.6302075

>The single finger must travel from side to side of the dpad
the length of a d-pad's directional activation range is shorter than a key's travel, and more precise thanks to the rocker. Power is not useless when it is the digit which has the most control. You don't use your ring finger on a trigger.

>> No.6302078

PC controllers back in the 90s had the absolute worst Dpads ever. Every one of them is just a blob that constantly presses diagonals when you don't want it to.

>> No.6302082

In general, which is why the gravis game pads were such a breath of fresh air. They were third-party NES/SNES controller tier.
so not perfect

>> No.6302083

>controller that has been in nearly every 'here's your controller bro' thread on /v/ and 8/v/
Everyone has seen it before. I'd be shocked if you even own one, let alone use it.

>> No.6302085


>> No.6302117

The Sidewinder was fine.

>> No.6302336

Yes I was highly disappointed that such a great controller wasn't used extensively. SEGA made a big mistake in not making the SS controllers compatible with the Dreamcast, they could have used the smaller connectors then all they needed to do was to put out an adaptor. The adapter I had the analog stick didn't work, only the digital pad. SEGA was making so many bad decisions one after the other.

>> No.6302360

>Saturn 3D pad
The D-pad and buttons are great, but the analogue stick sucks. It's even worse than the N64's and Dreamcast's

>> No.6302379

I liked it, it's sort of like an half sphere. The DC analog stick is even worse.

>> No.6302674

I agree completely. It is a perfect controller for the Nintendo 64.

>> No.6302719

Because Nintendo clearly pussed out about having an analogue stick, they offer it as a kind of alternative to the D-pad and it's shoved into the centre where it's bunched up with all the function buttons. For whatever reason, the idea that the D-pad and analogue stick could be used without your left hand moving, eluded Nintendo if not purposely avoided due to just backward-ass thinking at the time like with the autistic sticking to cartridges for 3D games.

>> No.6302731

The Z-button trigger was neat.

>> No.6302740

I never liked the position of the analogues on the PS pads. Xbox did it better, too bad their dpad sucks.
Thankfully you don't really need to use the analogues in most PS1 games. I still use my OG playstation pad.

>> No.6302748

The DS location makes more sense when you consider how you're actuating a dpad vs a stick in that position.

>> No.6302762

>This is a better layout in every way, you can't dispute this.
Actually the burden is on you to dispute why it's better.
>analog stick with terrible dead zones and range nowhere near the original
good luck being accurate with it in a game like goldeneye or starfox 64
>A and B buttons much too low
>Shitty dpad
>no Z trigger that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun

The original N64 controller is such an integral part of the experience anyway. If I would use a brawler64 I feel like I might as well just emulate and use an xbox 360 controller.

>> No.6302769

I realize my post is confusing now, to clarify the first greentext was to quote the post, the others were not quoting anything.

>> No.6302770

I don't know if it makes sense or not in any given condition, I just know it's not comfortable for me.

>> No.6302789

The N64 is strange and unique. But it works once you get past the "lol 3 hands" initial reaction everyone gets and you understand you're supposed to grab the middle part and only use one of the side parts.
People who already hate the N64 will just find the controller another reason to hate it even more, and N64 fanboys will love the console even more for having a unique controller that can't be replicated 1:1.
The only real flaw it has, as some other anon mentioned already, is the lack of proper grease on the sticks so they wear out over use. Still, I've never had any of my controller sticks fall off, or stop working, they still are precise and have no issue with them, but they are loose and it feels janky whey they dance on your thumb if you press lightly, but it doesn't really read any inputs in the games unless you actually push it, so it's still functional. They did fuck up that though, it'd be better if this didn't happen.

>> No.6302790

>build quality issues
Irrelevant, the post specifically cites layout.
>A and B buttons much too low
How sure are you of that? Have you held one?
>no Z trigger that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun
There isn't a controller in existence that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun.

t. anon that owns and shoots lots of guns

>> No.6302804

>There isn't a controller in existence that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun.
thanks for outing yourself as a huge contrarian, saves me the trouble of taking your post seriously and writing a thoughtful reply.

>> No.6302810

>make ridiculous statement
>"anon that statement is ridiculous"
>f-fucking contrarian

>> No.6302865

>shoved into the centre
Center prong is the best place for primary movement control. The stick sucks, but its placement is good
>cartridges for 3D games
One of the best things about the console

>> No.6302872

>One of the best things about the console
This. I hated that I couldn't see FMVs on N64 games back in the day, but nowadays, it's even kind of romantic how Nintendo stuck to carts, even if it was just to spite at Sony, it gave us the last major home console that used the format, and not having loading times is the best part.

>> No.6302881

>contrarian doubles-down
oh so it's autism, my bad bro.

>> No.6302995

Fuck man, I had one of this exact same model and sold it along with all my games in 2008 because "lol I can emulate this all on my PSP, why would I ever need a GBC for?"

I didn't even get that much for it, maybe $80 for the console and 6 games. I don't regret selling my Wii or my PS2, even years after they're gone, but I really regret selling this.

>> No.6303025

>There isn't a controller in existence that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun.
To be fair IRL drone pilots use fucking xbox controllers

and TALON/MAARS weapons platforms can be controlled by something that's basically a nintendo switch, lol

>> No.6303061

Zoomers and Boomers are retards who cant figure out how to hold it. Millenials that grew up with it instinctively figured it out

>> No.6303064

>fuckin madcatz

>> No.6303067
File: 140 KB, 1200x587, 1200px-Atari2600a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translucent shit and woodgrain on everything both need a comeback

>> No.6303068

Most idiots hold it with the 3 prongs pointing towards them instead of forwards, facing the demons

>> No.6303071

Its not just the accuracy. The wear over time destroys the range. With my oldest controller I could never reach top speed when going forward. I was stuck on a section in Rayman 2 for a week because the running animation seemed like it was responsive but in the helicopter section it wasnt enough to reach the next platform so I'd always die. Didnt figure it out until I swapped in Mario 64 and realized Mario couldnt run anymore.

>> No.6303218

I'm a millenial and it wasn't instinctive to me to figure out how to hold the controller. It was confusing as hell to play Mario 64 at first until I realized I needed to hold the controller in an autistic way, since it was obviously designed for people with three hands.

>> No.6303227

my condolences. And thus the importance of lubing it before it gets to that point

>> No.6303243

Woodgrain has always looked terrible. I don't know why people keep pushing this.

>> No.6303249


>> No.6303294

I always find it amusing that people only remember the N64 as being a strange controller. Multiple magazines were making fun of the shoulder buttons on the playstation when early layouts were being sent around. Sure, it definitely became a staple layout, but at the time it was getting the 90's equivalent of this thread.

>> No.6303320

There are bad versions of it and I wouldn't hold the atari up as a gold standard or anything, but we really oughtta use more wood on things we use every day.

brb getting some knurled cherry wood grips made for my xbox controller with a handsome chestnut stain

This is a work of art and if it were a modern console you could even put tropicals in there or a hydrothermal vent ecosystem.

Nintendo shoulda put a bubble for sea monkeys in the transparent Game Boys from day one. What were they thinking

>> No.6303337

He's right. Nothing, including the NES zapper, feels like shooting a gun. Electronic triggers feel nothing like mechanical triggers, and the TP on them is insanely high every single time.

>> No.6303345

>mario64, a game that doesn't use the dpad
>at all
>how do i hold this and still use the dpad!

>> No.6303365

gaming journalists being wrong again? Haven't heard that one before.

>> No.6303438

the only issue with it is the material the sticks made out of, shit completely wears away.

>> No.6303450

At least it isn't the weird twisting thing that happens with some Dreamcast sticks.

>> No.6303549

On the other hand, the only reason we're still using mechanical triggers instead of le superiore caseless metallic storming with cheese in anno domini MMXX is manufacturers protecting their empires and politicians trying to delay the day everyone realizes they can put fireworks on a quadcopter and murder them in minecraft.

Anyway you guys are forgetting the ball launcher on Terminator 2 Pinball.

>> No.6303551

Every fucking controller does. I very distinctly remember one gaming news website or magazine in 2001 with a preview photo of someone holding the Gamecube controller with the thumb on the c-stick, the index fingers on the buttons, and the other fingers on the shoulder buttons with the caption "no, he's not holding the controller like this to get mommy's attention. This is how you actually have to hold it"

>> No.6303646
File: 165 KB, 846x1093, The Shadow pinball flyer back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other pinball machines with gun launchers:
Terminator 3
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
Guns N' Roses
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Shadow (great pin)
Dirty Harry
Lethal Weapon 3
And probably some others.

>> No.6303652

yeah but they all feel like "triggers" and not triggers

>> No.6303672

I remember seeing this image in Rucka Rucka Ali videos as a kid and thinking it was insane

>> No.6303684

I hope you know that when people say things like "it feels like holding a gun" or "it feels like a real trigger" they're actually comparing it to either what they imagine guns and triggers to feel like based on how they look, or to whatever toy guns they played with as kids. They're not genuinely comparing anything to real guns because they probably have never held one for real, and you just kind of come off as a jackass for being so pedantic about this.

>> No.6303749

>no Z trigger that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun
>There isn't a controller in existence that feels like you're holding and shooting a gun.
Not even my post, he's right.
>normies haven't held a real gun!
No shit, dumbass.

>> No.6303914

>>normies haven't held a real gun!
That's not what he was saying. He means that when people make that comparison talking about controllers, they aren't intending it in a fully literal way so bringing "real gunz" into the conversation is kind of spergy.

>> No.6303931

brand new it's an amazing controller
the problem is when the stick wears out and none of the replacements are as good

>> No.6304387

>that's not what I'm saying
Yes. It is. I'm sorry that your dad didn't teach you right.

>> No.6304406

Oh it's you again with the impersonation gimmick that you suck at.

I wasn't agreeing with him, by the way, just pointing out that your reading comprehension sucks. Personally I'm not interested in this dumb debate, am indeed familiar with actual guns, and don't worship mechanical triggers anyway--like I mentioned earlier, there are plenty of "real" weapon platforms that essentially use actual game controllers.
Spergs trying to feel superior to noguns zoomers on a videogames board is a pathetic tard fight.

>> No.6304919

The D-Pad should always be an option for Platformers.

>> No.6305940
File: 194 KB, 507x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people don't know how to use it and end up holding it in weird ways. People make the assumption that you're meant to hold all three prongs at once despite having two hands; every game on the system is made either with the middle and right prong or with the left and right prong (very very rarely do you see the left and middle; I've only ever seen it in a Pokémon Stadium 1 minigame).
It legitimately, sincerely bothers me how many people don't get it when the manuals for the games have FUCKING PICTURES showing you how they work.

>> No.6305958

But what if you got the game without a manual? I got Mario 64 without a manual. I had to order the manual online, along with a custom case to make it complete.

>> No.6305961

There are people who defend the Nintendo Switch's lack of a D-Pad with "it's exactly the same you're just nitpicking." People are that dumb.

>> No.6305969

I feel if you have any prior knowledge with the console you can determine whether it uses the D-Pad or analogue stick for movement in a few seconds based on which one has something mapped to it. If you were a poor kid who bought all their games secondhand, then I don't really know. Honestly it came extremely naturally to me when I got it as a kid so I can't really empathize with the situation, but I feel like people go overboard with bitching about the form factor when there are diagrams in every manual showing how the controller is used. I think some of it is stubbornness to be blunt; I've shown people myself how to hold the controller when I see them trying to grab all three prongs at once (usually holding the left prong and trying to stretch their thumb over to the analogue stick) and they'll switch to the proper control scheme for a minute before going back and then continuing to complain about how the controller feels bad.

>> No.6306281

Stretching my thumb to the joystick is exactly what I did the first time around. It is a truly awkward controller, not knowing what the proper way to hold it is. You basically had to be Goro to grab all 3 handles. Also not everyone who didn't own a N64 right-away is "poor". I simply got my N64 very late because I didn't care about it for over 10 years. But decided to get the console because of Mario 64, WWF No Mercy and Killer Instinct. Hell I don't care for the Nintendo Wii. But who knows? Maybe in 10 years, I will buy a Nintendo Wii.

>> No.6306319

I was referring to people who bought it secondhand when it was current-gen as being poor. Obviously you have to buy retro stuff secondhand if it's not being made by the manufacturer anymore.

>> No.6307295

>Stretching my thumb to the joystick is exactly what I did the first time around
Congratulations, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6307306

based N64 controller

>> No.6307564

did any games use the d-pad in left hand and analog stick in right at the same time?

>> No.6307576

The analog stick goes to shit after a while. All my old controllers are practically useless now.

>> No.6307587

I'm sure most FPS fames have a control scheme to use it that way.
Sin and Punishment also gives you the option, but you still need the A button to switch between manual and auto-aim (and I find myself switching a lot depending on the situation), so I don't use it, plus it's hard to make the switch in your brain to mirror the movements.
For Bangai-O, another treasure game, you also have the option to use the left position, and it's actually the position the developers recommend to use. At first I couldn't get used to it, but once I did, I just could never go back to anything else. Moving around with the D-pad and shooting using the stick is godly. I think Bangai-O is the one that gave it the most unique and best experience to the left-side scheme.

>> No.6307604

Congratulations, you sound like a triggered Social Justice Incel.

>> No.6307614

the translucent, or "atomic," colors show you were a casual fan. anything outside of the core og colors let others know that you were not an early adopter. it's like the top-loading nes or the gb color or the 3ds--not for true gamers.

>> No.6307630

This is true but gotta admit, it's still rad as fuck.
I sold my original N64 I got at launch, but eventually got another one and luckily it came with the purple controller, still got it.

>> No.6307772
File: 171 KB, 1440x1800, E4D76F16-EC42-42A2-8608-1B56CFA31D90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and extreme green meant you were big brain

>> No.6307776

you think you can just go on the internet and lie to people like this?

>> No.6308476

It's not an amazing design but it's functional.

>> No.6308490

It's not the middle, though. It's the left side. You don't hold it by the left handle unless you're specifically using the d-pad instead of the stick. The more I hear people shit on the 64 controller, the more convinced I am that they've never actually used one.

>> No.6308820

I own the N64 and I can honestly say the controller sucks balls. Ever tried playing WWF No Mercy on the N64? You use the d-pad to move and the analog stick to do a taunt. It's a hassle to stretch my thumb to reach the analog stick to do a taunt.

>> No.6309305

Awful joystick design - I remember as a kid always being mystified by the powder that would accumulate inside the cavity where the joystick is and now as an adult I know that it's because the plastic inside is getting ground down which is why the joystick always becomes a useless piece of shit. I love plenty of games for the N64 and some of them (Robotron) make good use of the design but that fucking joystick is garbage.

>> No.6309336

He does. He's been doing it since last summer.

>> No.6310026

people rag on it but there was literally nothing better than it during that generation.

>> No.6310287

It's not that bad, but it's not that good, either. They could've easily made it's layout similar to modern controllers, with no real downside other than
>oh it doesn't feel like I'm holding a gun anymorr
>b-b-b-but modern controllers are uncomfortable for me
They aren't uncomfortable for the vast majority of people, and holding the center stick really doesn't feel like a gun. It feels about as much like a gun as a modern controller's bumper does. If they wanted to, they could've just added that button to the back of the left handle, fusing the d-pad and analogue stick handles together. Then devs can implement more buttons into their games, and aren't limited by the choices that nintendo made when they decided to make the controller.
>inb4 zoomer
Fuck off, sperging out and spouting memes out like a 7 year old is infinitely more zoomer than giving your opinion on a controller.

>> No.6310312

oh fuck off retard, whats UV light going to do explode the PCB? Its a wonder how all those electronics with UV lights in them ever manage to even function

>> No.6310339

Because I don't have three hands.

Seriously, what were they thinking?

>> No.6310501

What are you smoking? It was literally the worst 3d stick that gen.

>> No.6311535

M8 it's a fucking Game Boy, they're a dime a dozen. Just get another one from Craigslist and then realize why you got rid of it in the first place.

>> No.6311612

>he doesnt have 3 hands

>> No.6311628

Sounds like you're just salty because other people were smart enough to wait until there was a good selection of games before buying

>> No.6311832

Did you actually feel any sense of satisfaction after posting that? Or did it leave you with the same gnawing emptiness all your attempts at being superior have?

>> No.6313181

I don't know how that anon felt but I certainly felt mildly amused by your need to demonstrate your inferiority complex to strangers on the internet

>> No.6313235

It isn't bad at all.

The internet, specifically the retro gaming community loves to shit all over the N64 since it's seen as the great departure of what Nintendo used to be during the previous two generations. The N64's controller is the easiest target give it's unconventional look and style.

I've been gaming on the N64 since it came out and I've never had any comfort or functional issues with the controller. My only gripe with it is the joystick loosing its bounce back and needing to be replaced relatively often.

>> No.6313338

>The internet, specifically the one i've recently been allowed on by my mommy

>i've been larping on reddit about the N64 since i came out as an NPC brainlet ane my only gripe is that everyone laughs at me

>> No.6313435

/v/ tier post.

>> No.6313445

Saturn 3D controller has almost no support, and it doesn't enable dpad to walk + analog to look in FPS games like the N64 controller does, so it's mostly useless. Saturn Quake aims marginally better with it but the N64 version's controls are so much better, and Nights Into Dreams doesn't feel any better in my opinion.

>> No.6313464

the n64 came out 25 years ago. so no, reddit, i'm not still salty about it, nor was i ever. and the n64 had good games at launch.

>> No.6313467

N64 is fukkn danksauce my man
Best video games evr made

>> No.6313886

>power is useless in any vg that isn't a punching machine
fatigue bro

>> No.6313897

Got that controller and the matching gameboy pocket.

>> No.6314104

That's why i made fun of it

>> No.6315374

scott the woz and nathaniel bandy don’t like it so neither do I

>> No.6315380

>and the n64 had good games at launch.
True, but it had MORE games later on.

>> No.6316487

It takes very little to block UV light. Most houses have windows that will block most UV.

Also, since you don't have an uncovered EPROM with a quartz window inside your N64 controller, it's not going to do jack shit. You're just retarded.

>> No.6316516

>I've never actually played an N64 game before but think I know how it works from photos
I'm glad it was a trend, it's part of why I take apart all my shit now
>can't go top speed anymore
Well, I fixed that on one of my controllers last week by opening it up and blasting air through the 'slits' in the encoder wheels.
Maybe you just need to git gud at maintaining your shit instead of throwing it away.
There's not really an ideal lubrication for plastic-on-plastic wear like that. If either the bowl or the stick itself were made of some different material, it'd work a lot better.
Putting white lithium in a controller will just end up with it lining the sides of the bowl, and thinner stuff like sewing machine oil or electric motor oil will just leak out (and don't even think about turning the controller upside down).
the c stick is absolutely fine, although I think the D-pad should be larger, too. It's not as precise as the larger SNES/N64/late genesis/Saturn d-pads or even the original game boy/NES/famicom pads.
GBA suffers from a similar problem (to a lesser degree because the thumb positioning is more natural) when compared to the game boys that came before it which had larger pads.
people are too retarded/risk-averse/unwilling to learn new things to follow that advice but it'd be a nice change of pace.
Design looks okay, but I'm sure build quality isn't up to snuff.
Also there needs to be a switch so the top shoulder on the left side can be used as 'L' or 'Z' depending on the game. I shouldn't have to use the bottom shoulders.
You are allowed to have two controllers.
If the Hori mini were reasonably priced online I'd grab one of those; they look dope even though there are a few games I'd never use one for.

>> No.6316546

>deflecting the question because you can't name 5 and remembering them would take more than a minute
I'd like a thumbstick for my SMS controllers. Mine have a tether for them but just have the cap to hide it and I can't ever find anyone selling just the stick attachment.
Although IDK how much it'd help, SMS controllers are pretty ass.

I've definitely wanted one when playing Xevious on Famicom (my hands cramp otherwise on that tiny d-pad), but since I mostly play RPG's and platformers it's really not a huge deal. You should preface your argument with 'for shmups/fighters.'
A bigger d-pad would also be acceptable, though, for most games. A looser pad that rolls without a ton of effort is also nice for fighters, which is one of the reasons why people like the late-model Genesis and Saturn d-pads.
>PC controllers back in the 90s had the absolute worst Dpads ever. Every one of them is just a blob that constantly presses diagonals when you don't want it to.
I thought my Gravis PC Gamepad was OK. It had a thumbstick tether, too.
CD-I also used a similar design (maybe identical, I've never even touched a CD-I, even when they were on shelves).
Agreed. I have a sidewinder force feedback pro joystick (not gamepad, but still) and it's still awesome to this day; I had to build a gameport adapter to make it work on newer machines, though.
agreed, i thought it was pretty practical (even if future designs like dualshock are better, those hadn't been thought of/implemented yet).

>> No.6316560
File: 171 KB, 695x1012, pg10-000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never saw an ad or saw anyone else hold a controller or looked at page 10 in the instruction booklet that they gave to me with the system that even included pictures
ITT: people never learned how to study or even imitation skills that infant chimpanzees manage.

>> No.6316562

>the internet, specifically the retro gaming community
It's just console warriors.
>since it's seen as the great departure of what Nintendo used to be during the previous two generations.
Well 5th gen was a big departure from what video games before as a whole, N64 just took the 3D further. People like to point out that Saturn and PS1 had more 2D games but other than shmups and fighting games (which were mostly arcade ports, not original titles), the 5th gen systems didn't really get real masterpieces of THE most actual popular genre of the previous gens. Nope, not RPG, that was niche back then. I mean side-scrolling action games/platformers. 5th gen was very dry on that, and probably the number 1 choice for most people would be SOTN...
Ironically, the game that might probably rank as the best side-scrolling game of 5th gen is an N64 game, and it's not even with 2D graphics: Goemon's Great Adventure.
But overall, the whole 5th gen shifted and focused on new genres: 3D platformers, survival horror, 3D fighting, JRPG (old concept for Japan, just the same games but now with extra loading times and shiny FMVs, but for the west it was totally new, on a massive level)
The people who shit on the N64 religiously are obsessed console warriors. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6317082

did any games even use the “left position”?

>> No.6317085

Plenty, first that comes to mind is Pokeyman Stadium.

>> No.6317087

Sorry, my bad; still yes, 3 or 4 shooters had that option.

>> No.6317094

>You are allowed to have two controllers.
Totally agree, but the post said the layout for the brawler64 was better
>in every way
In fact, I love my tribute64.

>> No.6317462

Goldeneye and turok.

>> No.6318250

They forgot the Goro hands position.

>> No.6318278

Its not. People are just fucking idiots. Seriously as a five year old I understood that you only needed to use either the dpad or the thumbstick and not both like a retard.

>> No.6319745

None that are good

>> No.6319758

literally some of the best

>> No.6321207
File: 33 KB, 615x474, 2AF5E9DA-22F8-4941-8EC1-44FF91934995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else hold it like this?

>> No.6321252


>> No.6321703


>> No.6321878

Only works for people with unironic gorilla hands, but more power to you if you like it for some reason.

>> No.6322019

Gorilla hands? You mean hands that are way bigger & manlier than your tiny feminine hands, right? LOL

>> No.6322031

No, I wear XL gloves. You have to have huge hands to not get significant muscle strain moving your thumb that far over. LMAO

>> No.6322395

>No, I wear XL gloves
Which is exactly what someone with tiny hands would say, in order to exaggerate their hand size.

>> No.6322916


>> No.6322960

Personally I think all consoles should be made this way.
Posting from prison, btw


>> No.6322964

XL gloves are basically normal in America and Canada, anyone with smaller than average hands wears L and babyhands wear medium. Men's small don't even exist in most stores because they're so specialized. It has to do with the way clothing was marketed in America; men wanted bigger hands(because they thought like you, you big dumb retard) and women wanted smaller hands so retailers and manufacturers fudged labels to make them feel good and buy their brand until it became a national standard.