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File: 202 KB, 768x768, mondemul-Ape-Escape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6297914 No.6297914 [Reply] [Original]

This game was on the frontpage of every vg magazine the month I got my N64.

The screenshots looked amazing and the characters really cute and fun. I was really disappointed my parents didn't get me a PlayStation.

20 years later, I just spent this sunday playing it for the first time.

It's fucking unplayable.

The controls are retarded. Thank god I spent my youth on Mario 64 instead of this retarded crap.

>> No.6297923

Falseflag thread?
Anyway, I had both consoles back then (and a Saturn).
When I first saq Ape Escape I wasn't impressed, and I thought they had ripped Ocarina of Time with the way the upper-right part of the screen had the item-button slots.
Anyway, it's a cool game actually, and has good music. Not really like Mario 64 at all though. No other platformer of the era had the physics/control depth of SM64, and very few 3D platformers ever come close to it.

>> No.6297935

Except in my case I got over the controls but the emulation broke in a way that ruined my save state. I forgot about this and it happened twice.

More or less the same thing (although I had the right console, I just never got a chance to play the game despite how cool it sounded in magazines) happened with Space Station Silicone Valley. Also twice.

Fuck it.

>> No.6297947

Once you get over the fact that you use a shoulder button to jump, the controls are pretty tight in my opinion. Using the face buttons is useful for switching between the different gadgets quickly and in practice you need to switch between the net and whatever you've used to stun on the fly so it works.

On a different note I only realised years later that we got a UK specific localisation for Ape Escape and its weird as fuck when I hear the American dub and see that the US got different level names and whatnot. I can't think of any other game where we haven't just got the American localisation but in pal.

>> No.6297950

>but the emulation broke in a way that ruined my save state
Do you remember when it was in the game ?

I think I read back in the days that you could softlock the game in the last level...

>Once you get over the fact that you use a shoulder button to jump
Yeah, i did remap almost everything and it kind of work (triangle to look around, cross to jump, etc...)

> I thought they had ripped Ocarina of Time
Yes, but I remember thinking "wow those icons look way cooler than the deku stick and the deku nut in OOT, I wish I had a lightsaber too"

Also, falseflag thread, why not :)

>> No.6297954

The thing is they just force the use of the analogs sticks way too hard.

Nintendo kind of did it too in DK country returns when you had to shake the wiimote to make a long jump. It's the same feeling of: "Yes i get it, you want to try new things"

>> No.6297957

Ape Escape has some of the best controls on PS1 due to being one of the few games to utilize dualshock.

>> No.6297962

>I think I read back in the days that you could softlock the game in the last level...
Nah, I wasn't anywhere near that far in. This was the emulator glitching out I'm pretty sure, although this was a while back (hence shitty emulation) so I don't remember the details.

SSSV meanwhile I think *still* has emulation issues. They're just graphical but it was enough to make me quit after coming back to the game, years after I initially tried to tough it out until reaching a cutscene where half the shit didn't render.

>> No.6298109

>It's fucking unplayable
It's perfectly playable as long as you have a high tolerance for extreme boredom

>> No.6298162

Ape Escape is one of those games that requires abstract thinking, its controls perfectly delivers a way to experience games with more of a oneness with the character you control, and expanding how you interact with a character with the second stick being a primary means of achieving that control is a stroke of genius.

Mario 64 is a game that is at its height when you are being pushed to use your movement techniques, to long jump, wall kick, flip and lunge the way you want to go, and Miyamoto in his brilliance saw the best way to engage the player with this movement was to use a rabbit the player chases around. Unfortunately he forgot to think of anything else that really pushes the player in the game, levels are otherwise bloated with hyper-simplistic objectives that basically equate to get to the correct x-y-z coordinates and then do it again a few more times before the level is 100% complete. It gets to be a real chore.

Ape Escape observed that master stroke and said "what if every level had an objective that good?" expanded on it with the monkeys, made them all unique, full of personality and far more dexterous than any enemy in Mario 64 and gave you the tools to get them. Ape Escape is a correction of Mario 64's failures and is genuinely without flaw. The only problems it has lies with the player who must not be so close minded and rigid with how they're willing to control a game, put aside the knowledge they learned from earlier games and rethink things the same way Mario 64 made them learn what an analog stick does.

It is literally a game too smart for Mario 64 fanatics.

>> No.6298350

I remember playing OoT last year and thinking it was absolute shit. It's fucking unplayable. The controls are fucking retarded.

>having difficulty using intuitive analog controls
No wonder you're a nintendo manchild.

>> No.6298542

>It's fucking unplayable
>The controls are retarded
Actual retard filter. What the fuck are you talking about? It's honestly one of the best uses of the DualShock controller. The controls make sense since how the items are used and literally any other control scheme wouldn't work foe it. The game itself is just okay but unique, it gets the job done with the controls

>> No.6298554

Hijacking this thread to say that Ape Escape 3 is one of the best games of all time.

>> No.6298602

I hated the controls because all i had was some trash 3rd party analog controller, played it again years later and had no issues, 2 and 3 are still much easier to control though. Also the soundtrack is amazing, but that's a given for pretty much every PSX game with a rave-inspired soundtrack.

>> No.6298608

Played this a ton when I was a kid and loved it. Tried going back to use it again a few years ago and the controls felt insanely awkward to me after all this time.
Still love it though and wish they'd make 4 (or at least a remaster)

>> No.6298645
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> A nintendrone shitting on ape escape
It's nice to know that you have crappy taste in video games, OP.
How are those 500 hours in ocarina of time going?

>> No.6300324

My GF who is terrible at videogames just started playing it and had no issues at all except with vehicle segments. You are legitimately bad at videogames if you think this kids game is "unplayable". I'd like to see you try something with tank controls if you think ape escape is hard.

This has almost the exact same tune as "out of phase" from parasite eve. Weird.

>> No.6300820
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>Rented it as a kid
>Couldn't play it due to no Dualshock
>Got a Dualshock a few months later
>Couldn't find it anywhere
I finally picked it up a few years back, fun but I didn't have time to play it. It's just sitting in the backlog.

>> No.6300956

>It's fucking unplayable.
Play it on Xebra/Mednafen or any less than super accurate emulator. Trust me on this one.

>> No.6300971

Game is a total masterpiece. Not only it's the best 3D of the entire generation (with a little edge over Team Buddies), It has responsive and inventive controls, a very funny story and the monkey cards are pure gold. Only Nintards don't agree, out of pure envy.

(Wish this game didn't remember my ex, wich I was a douche to and cucked with a tinderella
:( )

>> No.6300980

Based. It's because of those pearls that I can't leave /vr/. Place is a shithole full of Xenofags and Nintendotards, but once in a bloody moon we have a (You)! Thanks!

>> No.6301206
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A+ Post bro.

>> No.6301315


>> No.6301325

One of a hundred 3D platformer-lite games that ignore Miyamoto's "first make moving the character fun" approach. Boring

>> No.6301331

Ape Escape has better movement because it requires more energy from the player. There is nothing in Mario 64 as satisfying as the super hoop.

>> No.6301338
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>better movement because it requires more energy from the player

>> No.6301428
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five star post

>> No.6301753

Loved the game as a kid still have great memories playing it.

My poor ass didn't have a memory card so I spend one whole Sunday beating it.

I just hate the slowdown in the later levels.

Also the soundtrack is great.

>> No.6301852

Miyamoto isnt the sole author of platform designers

>> No.6302008
File: 67 KB, 320x480, 76-767991_ape-clipart-monke-black-pipo-ape-escape-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck. Tendies on suicide watch

>> No.6302013

Can we just talk about how great Ape Escape's soundtrack is?

>> No.6302018

Nope, this is a console war thread. Either attack the console your parents didn't get you as a kid, or leave.

>> No.6302020

I'm so glad it's on Spotify. I played the hell out of the game as a kid after buying it on a whim, and had forgotten until a few years ago just how GOOD that OST was.

>> No.6302021

>It is literally a game too smart for Mario 64 fanatics.
Call me when Ape Escape fans can skip entire parallel universes, champ.
Seriously though, that post was too long and in the end it didn't really said anything other than "monkey good! mario bad!"

>> No.6302026

It explained why Mario 64 is flawed and maybe undeserving of all the praise and why Ape Escape is a better game. You just don't like that it explained it.

>> No.6302031
File: 377 KB, 400x286, tumblr_lybfq6d6yE1qk7ucko2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW grew up with a SNES and PS1, so don't participate in console wars nonsense

>> No.6302039

I mean, starting from the fact that both games are inherently different kind of games, with Mario having more emphasis on platforming physics, acrobatic action, and Ape Escape more emphasis on item-usage and chasing NPCs.
That post didn't really explain much, it said that Mario had "simplistic objectives", and Ape Escape requires "abstract thinking", but didn't give any example. I think both games can be said to be simplistic actually, and that isn't a bad thing for action games.

>> No.6302041

They are both 3D platformers, Mario doesn't have an emphasis on platforming physics it has an emphasis on star collection which is always extremely simple and never about acrobatic action except for one point in the entire game. Ape Escape also has its share of acrobatic action through the use of items which is functionally not any different from Mario, just reliant on how you input the actions.

>That post didn't really explain much
It actually addressed everything you're saying it didn't. Is this a poor attempt at damage control?

>> No.6302043

It goes beyond just what you had as a kid.
If you happened to have a bad experience with a kid who owned a certain console (let's say, your shcool bully liked this or that game or console), that will leave a scar in your mind forever, and you will likely never be able to enjoy certain games or entire systems because of that condition.
Experiences vary a lot, but for a lot of console warriors, their reason to war goes beyond just having or not having had certain system as a kid.
Maybe they had a certain system, but it was a bad time for them (for example, getting a console at the time your parents divorced). Maybe for some of them, the console was a refuge, for others, it will always remind them of those bad times, even unconsciously.
Lots of variables.

>> No.6302048


I'm pretty sure friendships have ended over which console you had. Say you had a SNES and your friend had a Genesis.

>> No.6302054

>Mario doesn't have an emphasis on platforming physics
Why do you lie?
>t has an emphasis on star collection
Stars can be seen as goalposts. You're not collecting stars as if they were coins.
>except for one point in the entire game
I'd be interested in knowing which one do you think is the only time there's any acrobatic action.
>Ape Escape also has its share of acrobatic action
So Mario 64 only has 1 instance of acrobatic, but Ape Escape has "its share" of it? Hmmm. I'm thinking you're biased.
>It actually addressed everything you're saying it didn't
I actually addressed the things it said: "Mario simplistic, Ape Escape abstract", and no examples were really provided. Both are simple games. Ape Escape is not some abstract avant garde game lol.
>Is this a poor attempt at damage control?
I like both games. For different reasons. Ape Escape has the better OST, though.

>> No.6302058

Nah, it worked EXACTLY the opposite. If wanted your friend to have the console you didn't own, and if you were actually good friends and trust each other, you'd swap consoles over weekends or holidays.
Console wars are more of an internet thing.

>> No.6302061

>Why do you lie?
Mips is the only point in the game there's a focus on platforming physics. Most of the game is simple movement from area to area.
>You're not collecting stars as if they were coins.
Never said you were, they're the objective of the game as they gate content.
>I'd be interested in knowing which one
>I'm thinking you're biased.
How isn't Mario's moveset wasted?
>I actually addressed the things it said
No, you poorly simplified them as a means to pigeonhole the entire post.
>Ape Escape is not some abstract avant garde game lol.
Now you're just being retarded.

>> No.6302081

>Mips is the only point in the game there's a focus on platforming physics.
So an NPC chase is "acrobatic"? You don't even need to wall jump in order to get him. Anon, really... I don't even know if I should keep replying to you since you're most likely baiting me, but OK, I have nothing better to do this rainy morning.
>Never said you were, they're the objective of the game as they gate content.
So you could say that you have to "collect goal posts" in Sonic the hedgehog, or "collect goal posts/keyholes" in SMW.
The stars are just symbolic, the game is about overcoming platforming challenges in order to get there.
>How isn't Mario's moveset wasted?
You were proven wrong about Mips, so I don't think you're in any position to claim Mario's moveset was waster or not.
>you poorly simplified them as a means to pigeonhole the entire post.
No, I really didn't read anything else there. If you do, greentext it, and we can discuss the point.
>Now you're just being retarded.
I'm sorry if I hit some nerve, but at the end of the day Ape Escape is still a simple game for kids, as is Mario 64.

>> No.6302090

obvious samefag

>> No.6302092

>So an NPC chase is "acrobatic"?
Yes, do you have trouble understanding why?
>wall jump
You do know Mario has more moves than that, right?
>So you could say that you have to "collect goal posts" in Sonic the hedgehog
Not quite, because there's only one per stage. Mario 64 has specific requirements on the number of stars you need, gives you choices on which ones to collect. They're very different things.
>You were proven wrong about Mips
How, because you don't need to wall jump and instead need to long jump, dive, and memorize the layout of areas and when it is best to use each maneuver?
>No, I really didn't read anything else
I can tell

>> No.6302096

>Yes, do you have trouble understanding why?
Alright, fair point about the long jumps and dives, but Mips doesn't require any interaction with walls or objects, and also doesn't require many other maneuvers Mario can do.
You claimed that Mips is the _only_ moment in the game where there's acrobatic action. And that is not true.
>Not quite, because there's only one per stage.
In the case of SMW? Not really. Many platformers had alternate paths.
You're taking the stars at face value. You see them as collectibles, I see them as goals. Some of them were more clever than others, though.
>I can tell
Stop being so antagonistic and actually greentext anything I may have missed from that long post. I still only read "monkey good because abstract (whatever that means, ape escape is still very simple and straight to the point), mario bad because simple (as if simple = bad)"

>> No.6302103

>You claimed that Mips is the _only_ moment in the game where there's acrobatic action. And that is not true.
Only meaningful challenge where it's required. Everything else is either hyper simple jump from platform or jump from pole, balance on log for one or two moments in the entire game. It's all these half-implemented, half baked ideas of things you can do, but are rarely ever required to do. Even allows you to skip portions of some stars intended routes as if Nintendo forgot what Mario could do during the development of the game. It's baffling with how all over the place it is. Oh, there is that one part in rainbow ride where you collect blue coins in that vertical platforming maze.
>You see them as collectibles
same thing as goals in this case. Banjo implemented them better because they don't kick you out of the stage in that game.
>monkey good because abstract (whatever that means
look up what abstraction means for game design and how almost all of the time our actions in games are abstractions, then you'll be ready to talk about this.

>> No.6302104


>> No.6302121

>Everything else is either hyper simple jump from platform or jump from pole, balance on log for one or two moments in the entire game
You keep using the word "simple" as if it's bad, for one, but then... what does it have to do with acrobatics? You still need to do acrobatics to go through the levels, you can't just approach levels and say "ok, I'll just walk and jump", no, you need to calculate your jumps, see if you need to do short and long jumps (you're wrong in thinking Mips is the ONLY time you need long jumps or dives), perform backflips to reach certain areas, lower or increase your speed, etc.
>same thing as goals in this case. Banjo implemented them better because they don't kick you out of the stage in that game.
Yeah, Mario 64 should give you the option, but Banjo also has a lot of mini-games to get stars, and while it has many different moves you can do, the gameplay isn't as refined as Mario 64, which is why there's more emphasis in solving puzzles and playing mini-games instead of giving you actual acrobatic action that requires precise controls. That's Mario 64's strong point, even if you claim the levels underused Mario's abilities, which may or may not be true depending on the level of skill you have controlling Mario.
>look up what abstraction means for game design and how almost all of the time our actions in games are abstractions, then you'll be ready to talk about this.
The point is, I don't think Ape Escape requires any more abstract thinking than Mario. Both games are pretty bold about what the player has to do.
Stop being antagonistic and trying to sound smarter than you really are.

>> No.6302128

FPBP. This is a falseflag thread.
Proven time and time again, Sony fans are the worst.

>> No.6302129

Ape Escape is without a doubt my favorite 3D platformer. I just replayed it earlier in the month

>> No.6302145

>You keep using the word "simple" as if it's bad,
It's only bad because it requires no real use of the games mechanics. Ape Escape isn't simple in that same way, it engages you in all of its tools. This whole discussion seems to stem from your misunderstandings and jumping to conclusions. You think abstraction is talking about some stupid art shit like an autist who can't focus.
has a lot of problems on its own, Mario 64 has acrobatic options but not requirements. The game never pushes you to improve and as a result is designed for the lowest common denominator in skill.
> I don't think Ape Escape requires any more abstract thinking than Mario
It objectively does with its dual analog controls.
>Stop being antagonistic and trying to sound smarter than you really are.
learn the basic vocabulary of the discussion and I won't need to be.

>> No.6302159

>It's only bad because it requires no real use of the games mechanics
So you're claiming Mips is the only instance in the game where any acrobatic is required, but not any in levels like the clock one, tall tall mountain, or the bowser stages? to name a few, because all of them require more than just "walk and jump".
>This whole discussion seems to stem from your misunderstandings and jumping to conclusions
I just called you out on making a long post that in the end only said "mario bad because simple, ape escape good because abstract", and now you're failing to sustain such claim because you're claiming stuff like "the only instance the game requires acrobatics is mips".
>You think abstraction is talking about some stupid art shit like an autist who can't focus.
You know "avant-garde" is actually a term that originates from military use, right? It's not an art thing. I didn't meant it in the art sense. I think, in the end, you are the one who jumps into conclusions and misunderstand things.
>Mario 64 has acrobatic options but not requirements.
You know what? I'm interested in this. It'd be a fun experiment to try and beat Mario 64 by only using standard walking speed and standard jump. Let's see how far you can get. I don't have Mario 64 anymore, so I can't try it, though.
>It objectively does with its dual analog controls.
Go on, I'd like yo see you explaining how a second analog makes things "abstract".
>learn the basic vocabulary of the discussion and I won't need to be.
Learn what avant-garde means first, then talk about vocabulary.

>> No.6302161

stop replying to an obvious shitposter

>> No.6302235

>clock one, tall tall mountain, or the bowser stages
Very little? It's the usual basic platforming in all of those. They do a little more with the obstacles in the later stages, more self-moving floors, moving platforms, tracking of oncoming obstacles but that's about it. The one point in the game where they could have had a mandatory challenge that requires wall jumping they just made floor steep and had Mario walk awkwardly on what is angled like a wall.
>I just called you out on making a long post that in the end only said "mario bad because simple, ape escape good because abstract"
I didn't make that post. For the record, neither are bad, one just isn't as good as people say.
>You know "avant-garde" is actually a term that originates from military use, right?
This has to do with control schemes how exactly?
>I'd like yo see you explaining how a second analog makes things "abstract".
instead of pushing a button to do a thing you mimic what the character has to do with motions on a stick, giving you a greater sense of oneness with what you're seeing on screen. Really not hard to grasp this concept, but then again I am talking to a Nintendo fan.

>> No.6302254

>Very little? It's the usual basic platforming in all of those.
Fine then, let's pretend Mario 64 can be beaten by just pressing the jump button and not having to calculate any height or distance. If we pretend, I guess you are correct.
>The one point in the game where they could have had a mandatory challenge that requires wall jumping they just made floor steep and had Mario walk awkwardly on what is angled like a wall.
What point exactly? There's sections on levels like ghost house or hazy maze that require you to use wall jumping.
>I didn't make that post
Doubt. By your reaction, I'd say it was you.
>This has to do with control schemes how exactly?
So you didn't know. Then you are the one who needs to learn basic vocabulary. It isn't related to control schemes, but it's related in discussion, which you are trying to do.
>instead of pushing a button to do a thing you mimic what the character has to do with motions on a stick
So like the kind of movement you do with the analog stick when making Mario do the different acrobatics?
>giving you a greater sense of oneness with what you're seeing on screen
I get that you use the 2nd analog to use items, especially the net, but come on, it isn't motion controls. And even motion controls don't make you feel "oneness" with that you're seeing on screen. What's "abstract" about any of this, anyway?
>Really not hard to grasp this concept
You don't really have any point though, using items with an analog stick isn't abstract at all.
>but then again I am talking to a Nintendo fan.
Not a console/brand warrior myself. I actually got a PS1 before a N64 back in the day.

>> No.6302262

>There's sections on levels like ghost house or hazy maze that require you to use wall jumping.
Oh yeah. Very few and far between unfortunately.
>By your reaction, I'd say it was you.
Whatever you say OP.
>So you didn't know
Because I'm not talking about it, I don't claim to know.
>So like the kind of movement you do with the analog stick when making Mario do the different acrobatics
Yes, but now you can do more beyond just moving a character, but also their actions. Nintendo thought this sort of oneness was such a great idea they paid for the patent behind the wii motion controls and it defined them for an entire generation. Ape Escape is apparently a nightmare for some people because jumping is done with a shoulder button too.
>And even motion controls don't make you feel "oneness" with that you're seeing on screen
They do. How can you say they don't? You're not even making sense.
>using items with an analog stick isn't abstract at all.
It is when the default is pushing a button to do a thing.
>Not a console/brand warrior myself
( ´-`)

>> No.6302263

At least with the shake controls in emulation you can assign to a single button.

Ape Escape is a thumbstick destroyer, I gave up a few levels on and just listened to the soundtrack instead.

>> No.6302268

>Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
>Very few and far between unfortunately.
More than what you claimed, and I haven't played the game in eons, so I'm probably forgetting a lot of other instances.
>Whatever you say OP.
OP is clearly a falseflagger, and a Reddit user.
>Because I'm not talking about it, I don't claim to know.
You did and claimed that I was somewhat referring to Art, because you only know about avant-garde in relation to art. I corrected you.
Anyway, ok, what I get from all of this is that the reason Ape Escape is abstract and for intelligent people is because you use the 2nd analog to use items, and a shoulder button to jump.... okay?
>( ´-`)
Not everyone has the same mindset as you. Some of us actually got to be idorts.

>> No.6302273

>More than what you claimed
glad we found 2 more instances in a 10 hour game.
yes and this is apparently very hard for some people to process. Mario 64 still has very unfortunate objective design which fails to effectively capitalize on its mechanics.

>> No.6302275

It's not even fun to watch, at this point.

>> No.6302280

>yes and this is apparently very hard for some people to process
There's nothing to process. Using a shoulder button isn't abstract. If some people are complaining about it (I am not), is probably because they're used to face buttons, but pushing a shoulder button to jump doesn't require abstract thinking. Neither does using the 2nd analog stick to move the net.
I somewhat agree that Mario 64 could have capitalized even more in its mechanics, maybe add some extra hard levels, kinda like how SMB2J pushed players more after SMB1, but to say it fails, I don't think so. If anything you have an unpopular opinion, and that's fine I can respect unpopular opinions, but can't agree.

>> No.6302296

No, but he and his Mario 64 team are the sole authors of great 3D platformers. The genre peaked there and nothing else even came close

>> No.6302315

>Using a shoulder button isn't abstract
It is a form of abstraction, but the point was about the stick.

>> No.6302364
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>> No.6302529

Post favorite tracks

>> No.6302532


>> No.6302671
File: 1.25 MB, 1440x1080, ape escape-200331-212044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
I just beat the first part of the storyline.

My first post is still relevant, I think I've wasted my time playing this.

For those defending the game, I can see where you come from :

You didn't play Banjo Kazooie back in the days so it's difficult for you to understand what was possible to achieve in the late 90's.

Grab project 64 and bow down... to the great N64.

>> No.6302704

>that awful edit

>> No.6302728


>> No.6302737

Tendie cope

>> No.6302772

This deserves a screenshot.

>> No.6302792

they see me samfaggin', they hatin'

>> No.6302796

Is this the new buzzword the discord SDF came up with? It's kind of cute, not even offensive. /v/ is getting gayer by the day.

>> No.6302801
File: 44 KB, 1063x362, apeescapebtfomario64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6302820

Imagine trying to force your own bad quality pasta that wasn't even funny or said anything meaningful.

>> No.6302827

Any other games from the 6th gen era, or even 5th gen era, that actually used Ape Escape's control schemes?
I dunno, I don't think it was that clever or even fun. It was a nice game and I had fun with it, the music was great, but I don't get the praise the controls are getting ITT.

>> No.6302828

Is it possible to play this game with the keyboard?

>> No.6302840

>but I don't get the praise the controls are getting ITT.
I'd say the controls are clever, but I agree that it's not THAT great. Ape Escape was a game that was fun because of its art direction, level design, and music, not the controls. It was a neat novelty at the time and that's it.
Anyway, don't take this thread seriously, it's full of falseflaggers that just want to instigate nintendo vs sony shitposting.

>> No.6302861

The game has a setting with undeniable charm that keeps me coming back. The idea of a 3d platformer with collectibles that are living entities that you have to chase down and will fight you back is novel. The gadgets and abilities they picked do a good job gating progression and giving the game replayability as you go. The controls are a little clunky though and the different vehicles mostly feel like gimmicks and less fun than moving around with Spike. Also using the slingshot infinite jump glitch makes the game more fun and allows you to sequence break some parts and it's really easy to do.

>> No.6302931

I don't have to imagine that: I've done it dozens of times!

>> No.6303031
File: 15 KB, 214x162, IMG_6681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful post.

>> No.6303276

This whole thread people have been really hurt by this post, going to so many extents to insist it isn't an effective teardown of everyone like the OP. It sounds like it's really effective.

>> No.6303621

Not many people replied to it, only the same poster replying to himself, and then 1 guy whoactually tried to argue with him (which ended in the guy explaining some mumbo jumbo about Ape Escape being abstract because of the control setup)
I mean, I don't think that qualifies as abstract, but I do like Ape Escape. That post could have been better without the gratuitous console war shit, which in the end only makes discussing Ape Escape shittier for everyone if actual Nintendo fanboys actually decide to start shitposting Ape Escape threads, but that didn't seem to happen here anyway. Nobody was hurt, I don't think.

>> No.6303665

>That post could have been better without the gratuitous console war shit
as far as I can tell that was a retort to the OP who has been falseflagging all week. I think if it got under your skin, it worked.

>> No.6303678

>I think if it got under your skin, it worked.
Personally I just feel sad about people not really wanting to discuss games and only focused on trying to find ways to hurt the fee-fee's of other faceless people online. Especially when it's not even funny and you can tell they're actually invested in it.

>> No.6303680

I personally find it great and in good fun.
>only the same poster replying to himself
this part also didn't happen.

>> No.6304005

>It's fucking unplayable.
You have rocks in your brain. It's fantastic and still plays incredibly well.

>> No.6304053


Cap this and include me

>> No.6304054


>> No.6304105

*Coofs.* I agree. The controls are shit.

>> No.6304997
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gundam Build Divers Re-RISE - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.00_[2019.12.11_10.41.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for letting me know thats its on Spotify. Im listening to it right now. It great.

>> No.6306008

I always had a hard time figuring out why 64 isn't as enjoyable as people made it out to be;

its got great controls, and its fun to move around, but there isn't much utilization of the mechanics unless you try speedrunning the game.
Its more enjoyable to dick around in it for about an hour or so because all you're doing is star-hunting
and telling yourself that the levels are well-designed. They're sandboxes with no real purpose. Its like you're running around a childs-play area and hoping for someone to throw a new toy at you. Its not fun. Its drab and infuriating because you dont feel in control of the situation at all.

Ape Escape, while you're not able to move in ways that might be as organic as 64, utilizes this with tonnes of clever equipment and objectives to help you learn about the areas you travel to. The gadgets help you connect to the levels and timelines you're going through, all while searching for friends after an experiment gone wrong.

And the camera isn't terribly fussy either. If you want to focus on the task at hand, its just a single tap and you're back to focusing on important matters. 64 requires constant tinkering with the camera and you're working against it most of the time. It gets infuriating very quickly.

Overall, based post.

>> No.6306025

Both games feel like childs-play area, and that isn't really a bad thing.
Come on, I get that this thread is nothing bu console war stuff, but do we really need to start doing the whole Mature Gamer posture as well? it's overkilling it.

>> No.6306038

Depends on how the creator's of these play-areas treat the people that visit them.

64 always had this rather patronising tone to it as if I was always a dumb kid who didn't know any better, that I was playing pretend and swimming around in a bathtub. It never sat right with me.

Ape Escape had the tone of someone who knew that, while I was a kid, wanted to prepare me for the dangers that lurked outside in the real world. And that its my duty to protect them at the same time.

And mature gamer posture puh-leez.
Why is that even part of the conversation? Both are kids games but its the way they communicate with the player that is far more important. And if you enjoyed 64, thats ok with me. I'm just saying how I felt when I was running around its world. If it kept you happy, then I'll leave you be.

>> No.6306046

>Why is that even part of the conversation?
I think it's an attempt to downplay the comparisons being made. I only ever see it when there's critique leveled at a Nintendo game, especially a big one. Sort of a way to attack the critic instead of the critique. Discredit them.

>> No.6306075

I actually like both Ape Escape and Mario 64 but I don't think either are too stupid, as you imply Mario 64 is, or too smart, like you imply Ape Escape is.
Both are OK games, Ape Escape centers much more on item-usage and chasing objectives, while Mario is more about the movement and the platforming.
Comparing them like this really comes off as a desperate attempt at console warring. If anything, Ape Escape should be compared to the Rare games, or even maybe the Bomberman games on N64.

>> No.6306136

I implied that the tone of Mario 64 almost treats the player as if it were a child, not stupid.
Ape Escape felt like it was treating the player, aka, the child, as if needed to have a sense of an overarching responsibility to the plot and story by handing it gadgets, insight and such because you get thrown into a bad experiment and a messed up timeline.
Mario 64 had this tone where I was running around various areas designed for toddlers in mind. The more acrobatic the toddler was, the better. Its fun to play around in, like one would as a kid, but it feels as if its limited to only playing around and goofing, which isn't a great sense of satisfaction if you're looking for something more or have already mastered the control scheme.

And if you see it as console warring, no. I still like a significant amount of Nintendo games and I play them on and off, but if you see a critique of 64 as ''console-warring'', then I'm sorry to say but that is more on your part more than anything. I only voiced a dislike to one game (one that you very obviously are attached to) and said that the other does a better job at the formula without having to reinvent the wheel.
And I'm not going to compare Ape Escape to Rare or other random games because I've never played them, and shouldn't have to if they aren't part of the discussion. That would imply that 64 is barred from any deconstruction and that you hold it on a pedestal. And if one does, fine. Just let people be allowed to talk about it if they dont like it and leave it at that.

>> No.6306154

>job at the formula
That's the thing, I don't think the formulas are really the same.
And I'm just mentioning console wars because this thread clearly is about that, the OP is clearly inviting console warrign, flaseflag or not.

>> No.6306159

Jumping Flash >>>>>>>>> Ape Escape >>>>>>>> shit >>>>>> Spyro >>>>>>> putrid spyro intestines>>>>> Crash

>> No.6306172

Their foundations are similar, not the same. Ape Escape has abstract overlaps to 64 that involving utilizing platforms and movement as much as possible. They rely on the control mechanism of a 3D environment by expanding on the platforming formula.
Mario 64 succeeds in the acrobatic movement, Ape Escape succeeds in integrating acrobatic movement with learning about the geography and the entire mechanics of the controller for greater immersion.

And OP might just be very passionate about 64. They're entitled to. The thread is just anons telling them that they disagree and stating why with their observations and opinions. There is no real consolewarring. Just people saying what they think isn't good in an effort to see things improve. Its productive, even if light banter might be involved. Just need a bit of skin to brush it off and carry on with the conversations.

>> No.6306191

Are you the same anon that was talking about Ape Escape being abstract before?
>And OP might just be very passionate about 64
Smells like falseflag to me, but yeah, who knows.

>> No.6306205

Miracle world!

>> No.6306206

No, why does that matter? The word abstract isn't exclusive to just art y'know. It has other uses as well.
Possibly, but unlikely.
Either way, its what you make out of the situation it creates that matters.
Good talk btw. Got to learn some new things chatting with you. Happy 2020 to (You).

>> No.6306258

He speaks the truth lads
Based and Ape-pilled

>> No.6306284

>It is literally a game too smart for Mario 64 fanatics
I liked Mario 64 and I had no trouble getting into Ape Escape at all.

>> No.6306297

It's an obvious bait post.

>> No.6306317

Jumping flash isn't fun at all. I wish people would stop pushing this meme

>> No.6306335

Sounds like you aren't a fanatic.

>> No.6306978
File: 110 KB, 800x450, ApeInTheRye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ape Escape had the tone of someone who knew that, while I was a kid, wanted to prepare me for the dangers that lurked outside in the real world. And that its my duty to protect them at the same time.

>> No.6307384


The fucking pretension coming from these ape escape fans.
I played the first one as a kid, really loved it. Tried to play it again but the controls are trash.

>> No.6308427

false flags