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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 233 KB, 600x837, game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6294365 No.6294365 [Reply] [Original]

It's crazy to think there are STILL undumped games for old systems being found.

>> No.6294370

Really happy this got saved!
Imagine not being able to play this educational game for children, thank you preservationists!

>> No.6294396

stuff like this is more interesting than misc variants of popular games or argument bait like saxophone sassy cat desu. it has historical value as a part of 80s Japanese childhood education, even if it doesn't really have much value as a game.

>> No.6294405

>historical value as a part of 80s Japanese childhood education
Does it, though? Was it widely used? I take Omar's word that there's very little info about it, so I'd assume it wasn't some sort of common 80s staple in Japanese traffic safety education.
Regardless, I'm all for this kind of stuff being preserved, and in a "dead things" fandom like old games, stuff like this is the closest you will get to something that is both new and falls strictly into the definition of the hobby.

>> No.6294414

Imagine living in a post covid world and dedicating even a second of your time to the absolute most worthless thing imaginable.

>> No.6294423

>"Lol I watch the news in order to be smug"

>> No.6294425

And yet, here you are posting on 4chan.

>> No.6294429

So long as they're not being paid for it, i'm in favor. It's an honest hobby.
The real monster is that we're only going to accelerate further down the rabbit hole of pointless internet monetization of inanity.

>> No.6294440

>living in a post covid world
Quite to the contrary my friend, I hope we will dedicate more of our time to some of the things that were considered "worthless" pre-covid.

>> No.6294442

I'd say he's right, people will pull their head out of the clouds somewhat due to this.

>> No.6294445
File: 236 KB, 1000x1000, lole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6294496

>imagine being stuck at home and reading about things on the interbutts

>> No.6294650
File: 243 KB, 601x680, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps happening.

>> No.6294656


Nope. No body actually cares.

>> No.6294657

Just saw this one. Has anyone tried it yet? Looks neat

>> No.6294659

Maybe I'm just a weeb but this is cool as fuck despite it being about traffic safety -- would try

>> No.6294667

I think it's cool

>> No.6294669

At least he actually has a hobby that hes passionate about

>> No.6294671

Yeah he was gonna dump a ROM for a PC-FX game with the cure for covid on it but he'll get to it later. What the fuck are you even talking about? I made coffee this morning. Was that a worthless thing to do in a post-covid world?

>> No.6294687

If you have to ask, your life is more devoid of meaning than the “preservationist”

>> No.6294705

What the fuck why didn't the general public get longass cartridges this is bullshit

Thanks a lot Nintendo

>> No.6294749

You clearly do since you posted in the thread.

>> No.6294813
File: 236 KB, 1023x574, coolector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that an undumped game that tells you how to cross the road?


>> No.6294854

This is such a wack fucking take. Tragedies happen every day all over the world. I don't know how or why people are supposed to stop pursuing anything, no matter how trivial or how important, just because "bad things be happening". But yeah, feel free to put your life on the shelf out of some kind of fake unearned low-grade nihilism. In the face of the concept that nothing really matters, the only two possible solutions are to kill yourself or to keep on keepin' on.

>> No.6294862

longcat is long

>> No.6294943

Hello based oldfag!

>> No.6294954

>It's crazy to think
It's not really crazy when it's a shitty educational game no one cares about or would enjoy playing.

>> No.6294965

imagine being such a shithead with no afterthought whatsoever yet thinking it's witty and clever

>> No.6295013

>So long as they're not being paid for it
"Only the things I do for money or the things I arbitrarily deem as being worthy of payment should be paid for!"

>> No.6295046

it's not about whether it's worthwhile, it's about people only doing it for the money.

>> No.6295186

t. 16 year old who is desperately trying to look mature on the internet

>> No.6295376

I'm surprised that no one else has pointed out the fact that not every 64 game is 64MB like the system is promoted. Beta cartridges containing things that were scratched from the final releases. The one thing I hated about getting too excited for "upcoming releases" in old gaming magazines. The fifth generation had more games that haven't seen the day of public life than any other generation of consoles.

>> No.6295386

He says, while posting on 4chan.

>> No.6295572

I dunno. I know a lot of people in my town who could probably use this game, since they don't know how to fucking cross the street.

>> No.6295575
File: 131 KB, 259x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Cat is a dead meme.
So says our god

>> No.6295959

Hoarders losing their inversion make my heart warm every time

>> No.6296069

I know. How do people not see that 9-1... I mean covid changed everything! From now on, I'm going to only do things that the vast majority of people agree are meaningful, because covid has had such an incredible impact on my life and those of the people around me. Hell, we got a stay-at-home order in my state recently, and like a handful of people are not allowed to work. There's like 10% fewer cars on the road! And there's a TP shortage right now too! Things will never be the same again. That fucking covid... What a game changer.

>> No.6296268

go back to /v/eddit

>> No.6296405
File: 89 KB, 530x389, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good.

>> No.6296546

>posting "videogames are inherently worthless" on /v/

nice bait, but real talk im taking all of the emergency neetbux papa justin's gonna give me and spending it on more physical media for the collection ;^)

>> No.6298627

Imagine being a boomer who spent the last 20 years yelling at millennials to die in a desert for Israel, and being unable to get the fucking flu for your country.

>> No.6298634

this one is kinda decent
its a shmup tilted forward

>> No.6298834

I remember this auction, whoever this was spent like 100万円 on this one game.

>> No.6298846

You can join in the army at 10 years old??