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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6286289 No.6286289 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6286321

Build is overly complex and unsupported, with a drastically small community. On top of that Gearbox owns the Duke rights now and they are known for sabotaging fan projects.
Most of its cool features can be done in modern ZDoom sourceports anyway.

>> No.6286394

BUILD is painful to use, DOOM engine is limited. You might even want to use Unity

>> No.6286409

I remember back in 2001 I accidentally discovered how to alter instructions from the textbook such as health, life of enemies, ammunition. Then edit images with the EDITART program together with the Build engine that came with the CD, but it was always somewhat unstable. With the ZDoom I can not finish adapting, too much information for my boomer head.

>> No.6286423

how predictable that thing is, I mean I don't want to start from 0 with matrix text shit, just copy and paste the interface so I can mold it to my liking separately. Once I almost finished my game KillingTime remastering project with photorealistic sprites but a tormentna screwed up my hard drive and I screwed the whole board up.

>> No.6286442

fuck off with your bloated poorly optimised chinkshit

>> No.6286460

Chinkshit is UE4. But fair, it's bloated.

>> No.6286462
File: 73 KB, 1024x634, Build-Engine-Explosions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In any case, I consider it discarded, let's say someone convinces me which of the two previous ports to use. I see works like Ion Fury or Blood and they blow my head off. Zdoom is very unified for my taste, but still the variety of things is almost endless too.

>> No.6286479

A kid got ahead of me and I did this lovely adaptation. I intend to do the same, but keeping the textures, sprites and real actors using photoralism.

>> No.6286482

Here's how I can tell you're a total retard that will never actually do anything. You haven't once told us what you plan to make with the fucking things.

>> No.6286514

Chill out crybaby
>Once I almost finished my game KillingTime remastering project with photorealistic sprites but a tormentna screwed up my hard drive and I screwed the whole board up.
>I intend to do the same, but keeping the textures, sprites and real actors using photoralism.

>> No.6287107

Then: Build
Now: Doom
Doom ports have come a long way.

>> No.6288869

But if you want to use Carmack's engine, then id Tech 4.

>> No.6290771


>> No.6291098

Depends on the game that you want to build. However, they're both too retro for me to bother with unless I had a really specific game design for them.

Go with a polygon-based engine at the least.

>> No.6291435
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>> No.6291441

>totally free
>much lighter than unity and even blender
>community support
>simple to learn
It's the least bloated modern engine that's perfect for developing indie games. There's a lot of tutorials on youtube you can follow if you want to make a doot/douk clone.

>> No.6292558
File: 147 KB, 740x416, mega-man-9-vs-mega-man-10-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still here and serious about this project, think hard about what your actual goal is. Creating a game is a ton of work.

Do you really want to remaster Killing Time, knowing that you'll never be able to sell it and might get sued by the IP owners?

Do you really want to build a game using a 30-year-old engine, knowing that you could make the same game faster with modern tools?

Or do you want to create a game like Killing Time, with retro graphics? Because that's the most practical choice, and you could easily do it in Godot, Unity or any other engine. Almost nobody cares that Mega Man 9/10 wasn't written in 6502 assembly, and almost nobody will care what game engine you use.

>> No.6292671

The unity version of the anniversary corpse killer release was kino

>> No.6292859
File: 21 KB, 1254x54, 125651665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you call UE4 "chink" ?
sounds like it was mostly programmed by sweeney (the hero who made zzt), an american

>> No.6292996

I dont know about the engines themselves, but the mapping and scripting tools for Doom are much better. Build's map editor is extremely primitive and slow because the community hasn't bothered to improve it much since the 90s.

>> No.6293046

>Yo I swiped some quarters from my mom, man, let's go down to the Quickie Mart and playing some fucking DOOM bro

>> No.6293048


>> No.6293116

Build is fucking witchcraft

>> No.6293420

Make your own engine in C or Rust.

>> No.6293524
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There was a turbo-autist who made his own build/doom-esq engine in C, that also was focused to be compatible with old hardware and OS' like win 95/98.

>> No.6293539

I would rather use modern APIs like Vulkan, it would be a thousand times faster and cleaner than any old engines

>> No.6293991

You can do a lot more with Build engine, but Doom's engine is easier to work with.

>> No.6295247

Any modern polygon-based engine isn't working right on a toaster.

>> No.6295260

Build engine is pretty damn hard, I was going to make a complete game overhaul but shit was frustrating me, DOOM is overly easy, there is no middle ground here so choose wisely

>> No.6295801
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OP HERE, seems pretty good and easy to manipulate it but link of the last version not working.
i know, the hard part is create you owns sprites whit correctly transparency, sizes, resolution. back in the time i use corel photoshop and paint. on the page of ken silverman there are many utilities that he was creating as editor of sounds and alterations in ammunition, life and enemies.
I intend to use some editor under windows xp.
is the most likely thing I will do, right now watching tutorials on youtube shit.

>> No.6295821

It's a shame she got Corona and his hospitalized.

>> No.6295880
