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6281664 No.6281664 [Reply] [Original]


thief 1&2
Deus ex

you can throw in others if you think it's appropriate.

also I'm playing deus ex for the first time since I've seen the intro with bob page so many times and it seemed appropriate with getting lockdown'd from corona. super comfy.

Does it keep getting better after hong kong, or is hong kong pretty much the peak? also, where do I get the key for the apartment that's across from maggie chow? There's all this high-up platforming where you can find a sniper, but there's a locked door that seems to prevent you from getting anywhere useful.

>> No.6282027

TDP > TMA > System Shock > Deus Ex > shit > SS2

>> No.6282090


>> No.6282091

Paris is the peak for me

theres a bunch of stuff after but it's mostly these huge facilities where you gotta run around at sanic speed cause you're already so OP that nothing can threaten you

it helps if you tell yourself that all the mj12 commandos are probably child murderers or are at least literally employed by them what with the gray death and everything so you can just headsnipe them with a maxed out sniper rifle or gep gun them with white phosphorous no remorse

>> No.6282565

>helps if you tell yourself that all the mj12 commandos are probably child murderers
I hadn't consideed this; what could possibly motivate the mj12 guys? thee versalife engineers are at least silo'd real hard to keep em in the dark.

>> No.6282623

money, obviously

>> No.6282627

real talk tho enforcers like this are hand picked from violent criminals in the interrogation room or dirty cops, soldiers who commit war crimes etc.

this happens in real life, these people are protected from consequences and blended back into society so that they can hold your family hostage if you ever have the wealth or influence to resist their demands

>> No.6283284

I don't remember where you get the key/code for that door, but if you decide to take on Maggie directly you can jump through her apartment window and reach to that locked apartmenet. I don't remember if there was anything worthy of getting in that apartment but surely there's some nice loot. Also, I think you should loot Maggies place, lots of cool stuff there. Her servant is hilariously following you around so you have to get creative if you don't want her to trigger the alarm.

>> No.6283289

TDP > DX > SS2 > piss> SS1 > shit > TMA

>> No.6283303

1. Deus Ex, most fun gameplay, best soundtrack and atmosphere
2. Thief 1&2, awesome gameplay mechanics
3. System Shock 1 & 2, best plot

It's hard to think Thief 1 and Thief 2 as separate games because they feel like one big thing. Same with System Shock 1 & 2. All of these games should have shared #1 position, peak PC gaming. Deus Ex is arguably the best PC game ever made and it's the game I'm never getting tired of.

>> No.6283434

I found it, it's in Tong's place. I was hoping I could get there before maggie's apartment, so I could snipe/listen from across the street.

just finished NYC pre-brooklyn shipyard. Had no bio-energy to cloak with, reeeeal glad I was stocked up on WP rockets. the dragon's tooth is useless against x >2 combatants on realistic.

can anyone explain why thermoptic camo seems to not work at all?

also, I'm enjoying the little mistakes, like the image for HK labeling the lucky money as underground club. It's interesting to see stuff like this because it's a reminder that this was put together by a small passionate team under a deadline, rather than a huge team with checklists.

also, for me it's
1. T2
2. Deus Ex
3. T1
4. SS2 (haven't played SS)

>> No.6283445

>Paris is the peak for me
How the fuck is Paris the peak? It's obviously the most rushed part of the game. Think of all the shit you can do in Hong Kong and New York, and then look at Paris.

>> No.6283551

>Does it keep getting better after hong kong, or is hong kong pretty much the peak?

'The peak' = Unatco Escape through to Destroying the Universal Constructor.

There's good stuff after that, but in my mind, that's the most consistently exciting and engaging section of the game, without a doubt.

SS2 is very much the same; Peaking before the Rickenbaker.

It's a recurring problem with immersive sims - they get half way though development and realize they don't have enough money to polish the later levels.

>> No.6283587

The peak IMO is New York 1 & 2. It's obvious that's were all the time went. There's so much shit, like the secret MJ12 base that makes it feel very fleshed out.

>> No.6283656

>playing Deus Ex for real, no cheats
>get through New York
>get to Hong Kong
>time to rock VersaLife
>get in there
>every fucking solder is carrying a GEP gun
>as soon as I upload the data, it's rocket time
>sneak around and disable every alarm
>alarms still go off after I upload data
>GEP gun rockets means every solder can one-hit kill me
>they are fucking everywhere
>grab my own GEP gun
>launch rocket at solder nearly a mile away
>he turns around and launches a rocket at me before my rocket reaches him

>> No.6283739

There's a massive ventalation system through VersaLife that can get you around the whole base. It even have vantage points in that room the intro cutscene happens in so you can take pot shots at the guys with plasma/GEP guns and then cover.

>> No.6283764

Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Thief 1 and 2

I'm saying this as someone who's favorite game is System Shock 2.

>> No.6283794

Why the hate for Thief 2?

>> No.6283823

Not sure if Thief 2 deserves the flack he's giving it, but Thief 2 lost a lot of the atmosphere Thief 1 had. It still is one of the most atmospheric games ever, but Thief 1 sets the bar so high.

>> No.6283964

True, but if you're a fan of Thief 1, there's no reason to hate 2, they're like two sides of the same coin.

>> No.6284059

I couldn't like it despite numerous tries. Everything is off, starting with the "level design precedes story" philosophy and ending with the cringy "Garrett...Victoria...Garrett...Victoria, no!!" dialogues.
There is not a single mission that captivates me in T2 (for comparison, I love each and every mission in the original T1 (not Gold), including the universally bashed Undercover, Escape and The Maw). The world feels like a caricature of itself and I can't take it seriously, i.e. can't "immerse" myself.

>> No.6284067

I dont really like the exciting parts of the game

>> No.6284070

>There is not a single mission that captivates me in T2
While I can't argue with your feelings about it, Life of the Party was an incredible level in my opinion, and that's just the first one that comes to mind

>> No.6284072

What? New York and Hong Kong mostly have you running around talking to people. Paris has MJ12 and giant mechs in the streets.

That's the strongest mission in Thief 2. Only things that come close is the Mechanists Cathedral and Shipping & Receiving.

>> No.6284074

Also police station.

>> No.6284089

I always liked Thief 2 more for having less non-human enemies, levels like The Maw or Escape just felt kind of jarring to me. The Haunted Cathedral was a great level though, even if it was entirely made up of such enemies.
I liked Undercover though, I wasn't aware people tend to dislike it.
That being said, it's been quite a long time since I played the games so my memory of some details might be obscured.

My version of the game had a bug where you couldn't finish that level so I had to skip it with cheats after clearing the objectives, I remember reading some other people having that problem too.

>> No.6284097

Can anyone tell me why i can hardly swing the dragons tooth even though I have advanced melee training? I'll run up on a guy to kill him and mash lmb for literally 10 seconds with no result. Meanwhile, said guy unloads a whole clip in me.

>> No.6284102

My lmb works fine btw, if i switch weapons it's no problem

>> No.6284105

>I always liked Thief 2 more for having less non-human enemies
That's pretty much how most people feel. I felt that way at first to until I really got to adjust to it. Honestly they fit the theme of Thief way more than the machines in Thief 2 do.
Undercover was great, I think people got upset that you couldn't ghost it but honestly ghosting is a fucking meme. The fact you have to sneak out after surveying the layout of the map and seeing just how heavily guarded it is was genius. Craigsleft and Down in the Bonehoard also do an amazing job with non-human enemies. Maw and Escape are fucking terrible levels though. Also that city level is also garbage just because of the loot requirement. Most of the loot is worth 50 gold and is impossible to find. If it wasn't for that it'd also be amazing

>My version of the game had a bug where you couldn't finish that level so I had to skip it with cheats after clearing the objectives, I remember reading some other people having that problem too.
Haven't heard of that but that sucks.

>> No.6284115

>What? New York and Hong Kong mostly have you running around talking to people. Paris has MJ12 and giant mechs in the streets.
I like the large open areas where you can just easily snipe a few guys and then go cat burglering unimpeded

the cat burglering is the part of the game i like the most, just like, chilling out with the weird brutalist architecture and post modern decorations of that low poly world

i also kind of consider versalife to not really have anything to do with hong kong other than that it happens to be there, like it could be anywhere else and still be the same so its more of a part of the main storyline than the setting

I like Mankind divided for that same reason but i dislike the claustrophobia (unlike paris) and lack of extreme verticality (unlike hong kong)

I think I actually like hong kong in human revolution more than in deus ex

>> No.6284119
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>> No.6284125

Human Revolution is honestly a lot better than I first thought, even with the 3 buttons

like maybe the buttons are a post modern commentary on the futility of game design in the economic climate of AAA games

>> No.6284130

I mean those guns do feel really nice and Jensen kind of grew on me

the dialogue boss fights are dumb, but its kind of hilarious that the final boss in arguing with people is a politician who just bullshits you into the ground

also gave us one of the best memes bar none

>> No.6284179

I am yet to play Human Revolution. Right now I'm playing Invisible War and am desperate (your turn) to find any redeeming qualities. The cardbox cities are as bad as I remembered them, however once I stopped trying to play non-lethal and started killing every character I didn't like, the game started to become somewhat fun. I did fuck up some quests though, because I killed the important people. On the bright side, I managed to kill my "buddies" from the starting academy, and to my pleasure the game made a distinction between them being unconscious and dead (I received a shameful infolink commentary only after putting a bullet through the head of an unconscious body). I'm in the third episode (Germany) now. Now that the game got my attention, I think I'm going to play serious again and don't kill without absolute necessity. I wonder if I was supposed to meet those characters here if I hadn't killed them earlier.

>> No.6284198

I played Invisible War until Cairo but eventually had to stop because the loading times were simply not bearable, especially given the fact that the game has to load just about every second room you enter. I doubt I missed anything of value because the game up until that point was horrible.

>> No.6284206

adjusting the damage multiplier in the configuration files until a person would actually die from taking a high caliber sniper rifle bullet to the forehead made the game somewhat more bearable for me personally

>> No.6284224

Doesn't "realistic" difficulty have that by default?
The toughest to kill so far were the Omar, but that makes sense in the game's universe.

>> No.6284232

no not really, even on realistic regular security guards would take several shots

I think you might have had to shoot them in the back of the head to kill actually

>> No.6284690

and that setting is?

>> No.6284696

idfk man i played that shit like 15 years ago

>> No.6284703

well alright I was hoping I wouldn't have to fuck with it and load it and try again, thanks anyway

>> No.6284779

What is the use-case for the plasma rifle? Gep gun seems roundly better

>> No.6285669

you dont have any rifles skill.

>> No.6285914

The Visible Upgrade patch is supposed to make loading faster. I think I did notice a bit of an increase with it. The original game was certainly better but I still enjoyed some of the story and biomods in IW. I liked it more than HR in some ways.

>> No.6285924

>The plasma rifle is far less powerful than it should be in single player mode because the coding for it always uses the multiplayer damage values for the gun, regardless of the game mode the player is in. This bug was introduced in a patch.
>Base Damage
>120 (3x40) (Pre 1.112fm patch)
>24 (3x8) (1.112fm patch)
Not sure if there's a fix for it though

>> No.6286010

If I remember correctly there is an aug canister with the invisibility power at the bottom lab, just grab that before downloading the ROM and kill soldiers with the Dragon's Tooth, ez pz.

>> No.6287183

I ended up just playing jack in the box with a GEP gun and taking them down that way. Noisy and body parts everywhere, but the job was done. Now I'm working on sinking a supertanker.

>> No.6287229

It's funny, I've beaten the game probably 30 times, and I've still never done a playthrough where I returned to VersaLife through the front door rather than the back pipe entrance. Every time I consider it, I open the elevator doors, see multiple commandos and a giant spider bot, and nope the fuck outta there. Next time I'll have to do it.

>> No.6288480

>Dragon's Tooth
for some reason I can't swing the dragon's tooth on an enemy until I've clicked lmb 5 times. works immediately every time on boxes, but not on enemies. I remember everyone raving about how it's game-breaking, but imo it's pretty useless. I am trained in melee and I've tried it with advanced training, same problem.

>> No.6288481

>decide to do Melee build
>get halfway through Liberty Island before I realize what a bad fucking idea this is
>melee hitbox is so funky I hit people standing behind me and miss people in front of me
Deus Ex reminds me of CoC/Anomaly. Almost everything is broken or glitchy, but the sheer amount of stuff to look at and find makes people not care.

>> No.6288532

Both SS2 and DE are my favourite games of all time, so I'd rank them equally high.

SS2 for plot, atmosphere and the best ending in the history of video games (Nah!).

Deus Ex for the sheer amount of possibilities and hidden or quasi-hidden stuff. It took me like two or three playthroughs to find out I can save bro and pilot. Also I really enjoy just exploring every possible entry path before finishing the task.

I'm not really a fan of Thief gameplay though. I think the games are wonderful and I can clearly see why people like them so much, but they're a bit too slow for being so open for me. I'd rather play some Hitman.

>> No.6288657


>> No.6288662

>SS1 that low
babby got filtered by the controls, huh

>> No.6288936
File: 221 KB, 1619x2200, cyborg midwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to replay Deus Ex to make this more accurate, but I'd rank them like this:
>Deus Ex
>slight gap (Prey [2017])

I'd say slight gap because that Shodan reveal and cyborg midwife design is pretty great.

>> No.6289245

OP here, just finished. Went Tong to start but restarted the final area and got the other two as well.

Which one is considered canon? Seems like Everett from the extra length of the ending, but it was my least favorite.

>> No.6289251

I'm playing Deus Ex for the first time. Is this game supposed to be extremely dark visually? Brightness settings don't seems to be doing anything.

>> No.6289304


>> No.6289305

>Which one is considered canon?
All of them. No that's not a joke.

>> No.6289306

>slight gap (Prey [2017])
Kill yourself.
>the best ending in the history of video games (Nah!).
Fuck off Levine.

>> No.6289341

You're ranking a dedicated stealth series against rpgs, which as a genre kind of all have clunky stealth, so that's not even fair.

[Spoiler] Also Vandenberg is my favorite area just because it feels like a thief level. Rooftop entry and multiple entrances and exits really let you do your special forces serial killer thang. The fukken pits for me is the Naval Base Boat BOMB. Also the early parts had great little roleplay moments where I got to give people guns to defend themselves with, I always appreciated those little player choice moments.

>> No.6289346

You get a sword that kills everything in one hit, why even use a melee build?

>> No.6289453

I see there is an anti-SS2 schizo now.

>> No.6289919

Prey is better than SS2 because it features zero g, greater verticality, better space station, G.U.T.S., the gloo gun, and mimics. The only thing SS2 has over Prey is Shodan's voice acting and, maybe, a spookier atmosphere.

>> No.6290012

I think there's some problem with running it on modern PCs that causes it. Get Kentie's Deus Exe, it should fix it.

>> No.6290118

You need kentie's launcher because modern systems don't seem to be fully compatible with Deus Ex graphical processing things. You could also just manually increase the gamma on your videocard settings if you want to go full on PuRiSm, though it's also a good workaround for other old games that don't have fan patches and launchers for fixing gamma settings.

>> No.6290124

>fully capable of sniping every single enemy with my silenced pistol and gunslinger attributes without getting one single alarm triggered, and could handle a wave of soldiers with ease even if every alarm in the level got triggered
>still decide to sneak around

Who else does this? Makes me feel like Batman. I could easily destroy everyone with one hand but I choose not to.

>> No.6290163

>but I choose not to.
That's the awesome part of immersive sims.

>> No.6290172

this game is a beautiful masterpiece.
I love it from the begining until the end.

>> No.6290193

Thief games stick to one thing and do it extremely well; Deus Ex tries to cater to multiple playstyle at once and ends up with unsatisfying gameplay being carried by the level design and the writing. Also the theocratic steampunk setting is more interesting than cyberpunk. Haven't played the Shock games but I'm pretty sure they're like Deus Ex in the same way I described.

>> No.6290212

despite all the love for thief, no one went out and bought a copy. for shame. you made LGS go bankrupt

>> No.6290485

There is no reason to play 2D games after this.

>> No.6290549

please explain. How does this work out in invisible war?

>> No.6290621

JC merged with Helios but there was also a dark age collapse and the Illuminati also regained power. It might sound kind of dumb but I usually don't like it when a game has multiple endings and a sequel forces one as canon.

>> No.6291238

I am using Kenties launcher and the brightness settings do nothing.

>> No.6291286

Is there any way on realistic to not play as a stealth sniper guy? seems like I can run a maxed out ballistics-skin aug, while wearing ballistic armor and it still only takes a few seconds of fire from more than one dude to kill the shit out of me, longer than it takes me to unload a clip in each one of them. Seems like playing as a tank isn't possible on max difficulty.

not that I did, because I prefer being an invisible sniperguy, but just as a matter of principle

I was too young. I played thief for the first time at the age of 19 or 20 in '12. Man those games hold up well.

>might sound kind of dumb
lol actually I think it kind of makes sense. Helios is overestimating its abilities, as are the illuminati.

>> No.6291313

I was not even born when the first game came out.
t. 99fag

>> No.6291345

Try installing the directx10 plugin.

>> No.6291409

That worked thanks. Weird how that isn't included with the kenties launcher.

>> No.6292675

Sheeeeee-it! I think it's time to reinstall. It's been a few years since last time. Have any of the graphical overhauls been completed by now and look halfway decent?

>> No.6292928

hey man, look into downloading Deus ex: revision on steam. It's a free mod pack that is pretty good. just make sure to tinker the options to your own liking.

>> No.6293081

I'm actually playing it right now, but I keep dropping it. I can handle bad controls, I'm autistic you see. The game just feels kinda mundane and boring. It does have cool things, like using severed heads to open doors and shit, but there's nothing really keeping me in the game. I'm just walking around shooting shit and solving puzzles.

>> No.6293114

Last summer I made yet another attempt to play Dues Ex:Invisible War, but nope. I don't care if it's still more open ended and hardcore than other shooters of that era such as Call of Duty. It simply can't follow in the footsteps of the original Deus Ex. It also runs like shit on modern operating systems and there are no custom launchers that I know. I don't think there are any fan made patches or improvement mods either because no one cares about this game. If no performance mods or custom launchers I would at least appreciate if someone managed to mod a proper hud improvement. I fucking HATE the IW hud and how it kinda wraps around the screen. It's so intrusive and ugly.

>> No.6293118

>I don't think there are any fan made patches or improvement mods either

>> No.6293135

Oh my god. Maybe I will finally finish this game. Still looks like shit, but this time in more tolerable levels. The claustrophobia inducing hud was terrible especially with smaller resolutions.

>> No.6293721

>giant spider bot,
they have one of those in versalife? is it in the offices or the labs? I didn't see it, only the one at A51.

Is there anything redeeming about the game? Sure it's way more linear and small/restricted than the original, but surely it had some good ideas here an there?

>> No.6293848

I mean, look at this shit. It has fucking moby dick references. I'm hyped already. How can this be as bad as everyone says? Surely it's just bad compared to what came before. The graphics look as good as escape from butcher bay.

what's the greater quality distance?
thief 1&2 to thi4f
or deus ex to invisible war?

>> No.6293850
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Deus-Ex-Invisible-War-small-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6293928

no anon there is no way to catch bullets on realistic and not die.

if you want to get in a firefight with a bunch of dudes you better be getting headshots and usin cover and consumable items to keep yourself safe

or you could be a real bigbrain and use traps to devastate everyone by predicting their movement patterns after you get noticed since LAMs solve literally all problems

like how do you usually save Paul? you trap the hotel because the game foreshadows your ambush, and they all die without being able to challenge you

>> No.6294524

>Is there anything redeeming about the game?

Well, the early 00s ragdoll physics are kinda fun and makes hiding bodies more creative. I actually managed to stuff one body in a small gun container crate. The body fit right in the crate but the lid wouldn't close all the way and it was hilarious.

>> No.6294545

>usually save Paul?
only been through once (per this thread OP) and didn't know I could save him.

But indeed I agree that traps are the way to go. I was just curious if I somehow missed being a tank

>> No.6294549

>like how do you usually save Paul? you trap the hotel because the game foreshadows your ambush, and they all die without being able to challenge you

Try hiding in the closet and wait till Paul has done all the dirty work for you.

>> No.6294593

You can get really tanky later in the game with damage-reducing augs and regeneration. I always play stealthy while trying to use melee as much as possible, but one time during the last visit to Hell's Kitchen I tried turning on all augmentations and going berserk against the infinitely spawning UNATCO troops. With the speed boost and aggressive defense system you're practically untouchable.

Of course you run out of energy pretty fast so you can't do it all the time, otherwise the game would get boring.

>> No.6295224

Th4f is to Thief 1 & 2 what Duke Nukem Forever is to Duke Nukem 3D, but even worse.
Invisible War is to Deus Ex what Mad Max 3 is to Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. Sure everything is there, kinda, but it's just not the same. Almost everything you like in original Deus Ex is back, but little bit worse. It's not the worst thing ever and if you're super into original Deus Ex you might still enjoy it despite of it scaling everything down, but it has that bittersweet feel to it all through the game that makes you wish you were playing the original instead. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is what Invisible War wishes to be.

>> No.6295250

Deus Ex > SS2 > Thief 2 > Thief 1

>> No.6295264

>aggressive defense system
I thought that was only useful against rockets. I maxed my ballistic rating and I was very much touchable. Were you on realistic?

>> No.6295391

I've only played Deus Ex once with GMDX, because I had read that it was an essential patch that didn't take egregious liberties with changing the base game. I absolutely loved it, but now I see people on this board say not to play with GMDX. When I do a replay, will I be too spoiled to appreciate vanilla, or are the GMDX changes actually detrimental?

For the thread: DX > SS > SS2

>> No.6295414

I played vanilla and then GMDX. The only thing I noticed GMDX adding was a ton of balance changes. Making skills like swimming not useless, adding a stamina meter, etc. GMDX also kinda breaks the game a little, because it adds a climbing ability which in the base game you normally would have to stack boxes or use the jump augmentation. Vanilla is 100% perfectly fine without GMDX.

>> No.6295583

literally the two ways of saving him are to kill everyone or to go down before he does

he dies if you let him fight or if you escape out the window

>> No.6297005

I personally think GMDX should be saved for the second playthrough because it expands on the pre-existing mechanics and by playing vanilla on your second playthrough you're almost like playing less-developed version of the game. Vaulting is one of the many features you'll be missing in vanilla Deus Ex and you'll see why once you realize the only way to reach some places is by stacking boxes and furniture.

>> No.6297009

>get EMP drone augmentation
>level it up to maximum
>game is now too easy because you can disable any security robot, camera, and turret without even leaving your hidey spot

Where does JC even hide that drone? Clamped between his buttocks?

>> No.6297164

read the description

>> No.6297196
File: 65 KB, 360x490, img2014061113321658rss09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deus Ex is my favorite game of all time
>never played any Thief
>never played any System Shock
>had every Thief and SS-game on Steam for years

I really need to cross those off my list, no idea why I have been putting them off

>> No.6297928

TDP = DX > TMA > SS2

>> No.6298478

Thief 1/2 > System Shock 1 > Everything else

Character stats are a plague