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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 425x317, the legend of zelda a link to the past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6274420 No.6274420 [Reply] [Original]

When does it get good?

>> No.6274421

When you see it raining outside

>> No.6274423

When you stop baiting on the internet and start playing the game.

>> No.6274424

When it says "Nintendo Presents".

>> No.6274426

It never does.

>> No.6274429

based, but also bluepilled

>> No.6274430

Your mother should have flushed you down the toilet when shat you out.

>> No.6274431

before you play any of the games that came after it

>> No.6274436

I stopped playing once you beat the first half and enter the alternate dimension. It was probably mind blowing at the time but I prefer the other top down action adventure games released in that era.

>> No.6274439

>beat the first half and enter the alternate dimension
nigga, that's more like the first third

>> No.6274448

That's when it gets better. And after you play Skyward Sword LttP hits it peak

>> No.6274449

If you have played other (modern) Zeldas before ALttP it doesnt feel all that special.

>> No.6274475

When the triforce appears on screen.

>> No.6274481

When Link goes to the past.

>> No.6274483

>all this cope ITT

>> No.6274510

If you don't like this, it's maybe time to quit this hobby alltogether. Maybe cycling is for you? Or playing chess?

>> No.6274561

Fidget spinner is what he's looking for.

>> No.6274565

When >>6274483 gets his hourly dose of cock

>> No.6274568

Right from the start

>> No.6274591

I didn't get into it. I prefered plarformers and shmups, so this wasn't interesting.

>but later Ocorina of Time appeared
very different but much more popular

>> No.6274610

when you get the master sword

>> No.6274660

links awakening is better

>> No.6274731

>"first half"
>dark world

you're barely 30% through the game you retarded zoomer

>> No.6274752

Could never finish this game either op. Yawn

>> No.6274756

Really having to wait to be 30% trough the game before it finally gets good.

>> No.6274828

When you fucking close this shit and start Minish Cap.

>> No.6274873

This game was released in 1992 and you are only playing it now because?

>> No.6274886

dark world dungeons 3 to 7

>> No.6274921

Minish Cap is easily the worst of the 2D games

>> No.6275023

When the 3d triforce comes down on the screen making that blublinblon sound and the orchestra begins

If it don't suck you in, go away

>> No.6275026

Imagine not having played literally every game in the world at the moment they released.

>> No.6275029
File: 25 KB, 600x341, Ocarina-of-Time-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6275058

Stupid title change, the Japanese version is called "Triforce of the Gods" but the US branch was afraid anything with religion could be offensive to someone.

>> No.6275067


>> No.6275138
File: 143 KB, 1500x1000, chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does it get good?

>> No.6275204

>When does it get good?
When it inspires for nintendo to make Link's Awakening and not a second before.

>> No.6275238

ALttP has its charms, but you're 100% right

>> No.6275327


>> No.6275403

why are you on a retro gaming board if you only play games released this year?

>> No.6275429

I read it as the opposite. The game was released in 1992 and he is only playing it now??

>> No.6275453

Despite what mommy says, you're not the center of the universe. Not everyone lives by your experiences as the golden standard.

>> No.6275715

when you take out the cartridge and put super metroid.
In all seriousness I started getting into it after I got the 3 pendants

>> No.6275720

It's better than Super Metroid

>> No.6275726

Either when you step outside and see the rain, or after you get the hammer in the Dark World.

>> No.6275730

Good thing that's not actually the case, then faggot.

>> No.6276459

Can we finally admit ALttP is overrated and really not that good?

>> No.6276479

No because contrarians like you are delusional.

>> No.6276484

WOW man, you are truly delusional.
CD-I Zelda > >>> ALttP

>> No.6277394

It kind of doesn't. I've tried going back to this game and it's just kind of a slog. Too long for its own good, bosses are too same-y, lots of trekking back and forth across a map that's too big for its own good looking for weirdly specific event triggers and NPCs, bad combat, subpar dungeon puzzles... It's not great. I liked it as a kid, but even then I never really finished the game because I would just lose interest after a while any time I tried. And it's not just that I couldn't or can't handle slow-paced or long games, because I also played and loved games like Final Fantasy 6. Was it that I'm too brainlet for exploration? No, I fucking loved Super Metroid and even the original Metroid. I really don't know, all I can say is that LttP just isn't a terribly compelling game despite the fact that some people here will rape your mother's dog for suggesting such blasphemy.

>> No.6277434

>despite the fact that some people here will rape your mother's dog for suggesting such blasphemy.
And you deserve it. Anyone whose taste is as bad as yours deserves his mother's dog to be raped

>> No.6277482 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6277509

Alright well the people saying ALTTP is shit just posted a soijack. Guess that means ALTTP is actually the best game ever made.

>> No.6277569

I'm >>6277394 and unfortunately I'm required by 4chan oldfag law to agree with you.

>> No.6277740

I have to wonder how much of ALttP's original charm was lost with the proliferation of indie titles that all tried desperately get the same feel it had.

>> No.6277761

Maybe the existence of indie games does taint it to some degree, but the fact that they all fail miserably to match (let alone surpass) their inspirations makes me value Link to the Past and other influential classic games more highly, so in the end while the opposing effects aren't equal in type or intensity I think it almost balances out for me

>> No.6277773

It was largely lost when Link's Awakening came out and did the formula better.

>> No.6277778

Which indies are you talking about?

>> No.6278018
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>> No.6278587

Unfortunately it's one of those games that require imagination and some sense of wonder to enjoy.

>> No.6278590

You mean either being a child or a manchild.

>> No.6278618
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False neck urself

>> No.6278636

No I mean having imagination and some sense of wonder. Not being a bitter husk, these kinds of things.

>> No.6278642

>the US branch was afraid anything with religion could be offensive to someone
To be fair they were right to be afraid of that, it was a different time.

>> No.6278659

My mom wouldn't even let me watch Hercules as a kid because it featured non-Christian gods. So yeah, they weren't wrong.

>> No.6278731

Try to shit on Islam and see how different a time it was.

>> No.6278914
File: 311 KB, 496x700, alundra__sybill_by_renuski-d4a3u8p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you go play Alundra instead

>> No.6278925

can't fix shit taste

>> No.6278926

/v/-tier thread

>> No.6279212


>> No.6279567

For me, Alttp is very much connected to nostalgia, sense of wonder, and coming of age. When I was 4-6 years old, I used to watch my parents beat the game whenever I was home sick from day care or whatever. I really loved watching them play and explain the game, and I longed for the day I would be able to beat the game myself. Man was I proud when I finally did it.

I still play the game once every 2 years and even without nostalgia goggles, it's a really good game. Still get an oxycotin boost from the triforce intro. Great combat, great puzzles, and a good balance between linearity and free roaming. Wouldn't call it compelling or "epic" though.

Personally - I think it's pretty good from the start. It hits its peak when you only have 3-4 dungeons left and have access to pretty much everything with the mitts, hookshot etc, and finally can start to upgrade your shield, sword and mail

>> No.6279909

this game is awful. i never could figure out why people like this series so much. link is such a simp. i could never like a main character who does that shit. you are all bots and should find a good game to play like escape from tarkov or modern warfare the trilogy its awesome. mw3 is awesome because the guns are really cool.

>> No.6281420

Try playing the game first

>> No.6281424


>> No.6281445

Learn the language, dummy

>> No.6281456

First 3 Zeldas is easily the worst. But 1 and 2 is extremely shit.

>> No.6281604

>Wouldn't call it compelling or "epic" though.

That's oddly always been my major issue with Zelda, it's a high fantasy game, but never feels epic, instead seeming very "Mario esque" for lack of a better term, it's been hard for me to get sucked into the world of Zelda like one should for a grand adventure since I was a kid

That being said, still a great game. I don't see how anyone says Links Awakening was superior at all.

>> No.6281616

>it's a high fantasy game
Hey, tasteless LARPer D&D geek, maybe Morrowind or Baldur's Gate would be more your speed. Stop wishing that elegant masterpieces were a geek's atrocious wet dream

>> No.6281624

It's a meme, ya dip.

>> No.6281968


>> No.6282048

Oh boy, another cut and paste open ended "contrarian opinion" shitpost. These are the most low effort posts on this whole site, because you could make it for literally any game without having to change it at all other than the image you post.

>> No.6283854

I really didn't like the later dungeons, really put me off the game (though I did beat it). Loved the first and second game more so i'm not being a zoomer

>> No.6283876
File: 143 KB, 640x469, som1sn0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around this part. Anything else from this era is trash